I thought you had to die to transmigrate like he did back when his soul got shoved into another container?

So his alpha system actually lets him create new gamers? I thought they were just supposed to get stat boosts from leveling in his party and not the other benefits too. That's op as hell.
It's the Justice League - its in the hob description.
The problem is that most of the Monsters of the Magical side are really good at Hiding since they have been around since the Age of Gods and Heroes and know all the Tricks,
Batman is a totem for the Bat which does its best to keep most of that stuff away and what does get through (because GOTHAM) he can usally handle or get one of his few friend's like Giovanni to help him handle

The Zataras are Magical so can never avoid it and while they tell the league how bad things are, I'm pretty sure they don't take it seriously because they never really encounter it

Billy deals with this stuff alot in his city because of the Rock of Eternity and the fact that the city is a Nexus, but because of his Power the really Evil stuff Avoids him when possible.

Diana would know because of her education on how the World was during the previous Ages but like Billy because of her Power most of the Smart ones do the best to stay out of her way.

Aquaman deals with this stuff alot it's actually one of his Job as King to deal with them in the Oceans when his Armys and Mages can't. Which means that Aqualad definitely would know about some of the Dark stuff since ID this stuff would have been part of Mage courses at the Conservatory.

I don't have to get into Blood & John

The rest of the Leaguers only encounter the true Dark stuff (sacrifices Babys, Blood Farms, etc.... you know the True Evil stuff that Hellblazer deals with on the monthly) very rarely if at all so 99% of them don't really know or understand how Bad it is.

But if the Sidekicks start using Magic they will start running into this stuff as that is one of the Prices for Using Magic in DC, it's worse for Robin since he lives in Gotham where alot of that stuff happens alot.
He had to die the first time to properly implement the system without it glitching all to hell, like restarting after a Windows update. After that, it's just when someone under his Gamer system reaches their current max level.
Oh, okay. Yeah, I got confused because of what it was called, that sounds more like prestige from call of duty than what it's originally named.
Would Kent Nelson know of the dangers of knowing magic in the DC universe?
Yes he would but for the most part he is searching the world right now for a successor (might even go to Atlantis since they would view it as an honor) if he can convince Nabu that taking sometime to Teach the Next Gen of Heroes the Dangers, Pit falls, and Price of learning Magic is as important as getting a new Host/Partner which as a being of Order he should agree it is important.

Hopefully Alchemist asked him and Diana if they can Spread the Word to their old Friends if they are willing to take some Time to Teach the New Bloods their hard earned Wisdom & Experience. Which from what we know about the Old timers they would be more then willing to do, it also makes it easier on the League to not have to worry about the sidekicks so much.
what's scarier to a villain a rag tag group of heroes or one that has the ability to heal each other and counter poison. Would really make them scream "Why wont you just DIE!"
"Go team Cleric" Order of the Stick

Teams that can heal each other are nasty to take down. Being able to bring someone from injured to combat effective is a major force multiplier especially if done in combat. Tactics that the Light could use such as injuring heroes to keep them out of commission for a while to carry out crimes simple don't work anymore with Alchemist around if heroes start healing and buffing each other then their superior team work will allow them to demolish villains even harder in combat.
If the DC universe is such a bastard to spellcasters, why teach the team healing, and instead just make them at-will healing items that anyone can use? Considering the massive number of magical doohickies that everyone has that don't draw the ire of the magical half of the universe, I don't think this is going to be an issue.

Of course, he could train them all up to Jinx's level so they can just crush anything in their way that isn't a bona fide god or above.
That's the plan he was following, until Robin came out and directly asked to be taught magic. Make healing potions, make water-breathing rings, etc.
Then he really ought to bring in a mid-level magical person* to preface the lessons with, "Okay, here are the dangers that are hiding out there, and the more you learn and the more proficient you become, the more you're likely to catch their attention." And then proceed to insist that they take a few days to think on it, and talk to their mentors. He will, of course, try to ensure that they're prepared, but there are always things that will come out of left-field. Having Robin, at least, join the Game to level up would be a massive help for that, as well.

*Not someone like Wonder Woman or Shazam, who are so powerful that magical things almost never bother them, but instead someone who deals with that kind of thing frequently. Maybe even J'onn, who likely learned about it in a culture filled with spellcasters.
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@Mister Ficser How much does Alchemist have to follow the rules of what he learns? I remember an old playstation game called Saga Frontier that had several types/categories/etc. of magic, but you could only have one of each Tarot<>Runes; Light<>Shadow; Time<>Space.
*Maybe even J'onn, who likely learned about it in a culture filled with spellcasters.
Not exactly filled. The sorceror-priests are their own caste, separate from other Martians. Most likely, they don't share a whole lot of details about how it all works. Not to mention the fact that they're an organization, presumably with a good deal of power as a whole, and quite possibly divine support, meaning most lower-level predators and the like would likely avoid them.
@Mister Ficser How much does Alchemist have to follow the rules of what he learns? I remember an old playstation game called Saga Frontier that had several types/categories/etc. of magic, but you could only have one of each Tarot<>Runes; Light<>Shadow; Time<>Space.

So far, he's been able to learn most things he's tried. Barring a few failures here and there.

Didn't get into the Saga series, but it's up on steam nowadays. I'll try to give it a look over the weekend and see what's what. If it's just a matter of limited in-game choices, he doesn't suffer the same restriction. If there's another reason, such as the magic spells actively opposing each other, he might have problems.
If it's just a matter of limited in-game choices, he doesn't suffer the same restriction. If there's another reason, such as the magic spells actively opposing each other, he might have problems.
Well, it is one of the main characters plot/questline to master magic and overcome that particular barrier.

Edit: Though speaking of in-game limitations, Suikoden's magic system uses implanted rune/crystals to allow magic, generally 1-3, though in one game a character claims to have at least 100 in his body (which kind of dives into the territory of, where do you find the room to add more?)
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Unless you dump-stat int and wis... Looking at Player One for no reason whatsoever at all.
The game should account for players wanting a more physical build instead of only rewarding a magical build. Plenty of stamina based skills that can match magical ones or use universal energy stats with skills having stat or class requirements. Or no requirements and let them do as they please. Crazier builds that way.
I know this out of nowhere but do Alchemist know that Jinx like him or loves him romantically do Alchemist deet Jinx as a daughter or a potential dating partner??
I know this out of nowhere but do Alchemist know that Jinx like him or loves him romantically do Alchemist deet Jinx as a daughter or a potential dating partner??
Alchemist declared Jinx his sister near the end of the fight with the Dragonborn. He might have been a bit concussed, but Jinx heard it, and knows what he thinks of her.