Project: Gamer Ver. 2 (Young Justice/Gamer/Multicross OC)

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We've all seen gamer stories. The main character hops in, instantly gets his super powered epic skill and a harem of hotties. Goes on to hop into the main plot and become the best of friends with everyone important and everything ends up going their way.
Unfortunately, Leslie doesn't want to be here. And all of that sounds like way too much work.
Interlude: Lex Luthor 01
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build ~Interlude: Lex Luthor~

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Lex Luthor didn't think of himself as a successful businessman.

He -knew- he was a successful businessman.

The part most people didn't really consider was just how much work went into that, though. Sleepless nights, work, compromises.

So many compromises.

And sacrifice.

Preferably at the expense of other people, but Lex had put no small amount of blood and tears into his work.

Again, most of it belonging to other people, but they'd been paid for it.

However the part that most people really overlooked was the sabotage. The backstabbing. The constant one-upmanship and politics that kept even his own success in check and hobbled.

He was the best at the game he played, but there were always others trying to claw their way up to take his place.

Lex hadn't been able to dedicate enough time to it, but he was beginning to suspect there was someone new to the game. Or at least that one of his many, many detractors had learned some new tricks.

At the moment, Lex Luthor was sitting at a computer in his private apartment at his corporate headquarters. A plate of half-eaten cake next to his keyboard. On his monitor?


Lots of porn.

Too much porn.

Someone had gotten their hands on his private email address. And his company address.

More worrying, though, was that someone had also gotten their hands on the email address he used when communicating with the other members of The Light.

The individual messages were all still safely encrypted, but the issue now was finding them! They were constantly being buried under an ever-growing mountain of garbage from websites like 'Midget Stripper Magazine' and 'Superman foot fetish pics', or, even worse, 'Innocent teens hold hands'!

He'd been to Human Resources twice in as many weeks, and he'd had to have two decent personal assistants reassigned after they tried to file a complaint over the endless reams of spam.

Currently, he had an intern getting trained to take over for them. But trusting some college brat to do a job correctly with no oversight or double-checking was a recipe for disaster.

Lex had already missed two important meetings this week because the emails for them had been buried!

Pushing the cake further aside, Lex leaned back in his chair and tried to massage his temples.

The cake had been a birthday present of sorts, delivered last week by a local bakery. Forty of them. Apparently the customer had ordered two of everything the company offered on their website.

Super Scrumptious Sweets.

Every single cake had the emblem for the House of El on them. Every. Single. One.

Between that and the lovely little card wishing him a happy birthday from someone calling themselves 'L', the day had been nearly ruined.

It had been completely ruined when a stripper showed up in the main lobby wearing a Superman costume.

A male stripper.

It wasn't much of a costume.

Lex was pulled out of his spiraling rage when he heard a noise just outside his door.

Clop. Clop. Clop.

It almost sounded like someone was stomping down the hall wearing heels.

The knock on his door wasn't surprising.

Hearing Mercy on the other side of the door saying "Mister Luthor. It's me." was.

The woman had a key for a reason.

Grumbling, Lex got up to open the door.

He dearly wished he hadn't.

Mercy Graves was on the other side of the door, yes.

Dressed up as... As...

Lex knew what she was dressed up as. He just didn't want to acknowledge it.

A skin-tight, light purple spandex uniform. Specially made shoes that had to be a nightmare to balance in, as they were almost like heels, minus the heel. Her hair had been tied back in a pony-tail and she was wearing... Were those blinders?

That her prosthetic arm above the elbow had been removed was almost unnoticed with the sheer -wrongness- Lex was looking at.

"Mercy? What, exactly, are you wearing?" The cake had to have gone bad, or been baked with bad flour!

Something to explain this!

"The outfit that you sent to me. Sir." She managed to fit more loathing in that one word than Lex had ever heard directed at him before.

Which was actually rather impressive, a distant part of his mind pushed to him.

His bodyguard, his confidante of many, many years got down on all three's, on her hand and knees, and looked up at him with baleful rage.

"Please, sir." She sounded like she was spitting out each and every word through clenched teeth. "I know it's expensive to keep a lame horse. But I promise, if you give me a chance, I'm worth it."

Lex Luthor had one of the most brilliant minds on Earth. He could think of solutions and problems in moments that others would struggle with for the entirety of their meaningless lives.

For this, however, he was coming up blank.

Instead he took one step back. And slammed the door.

AN/ You don't challenge a grandmaster of 4D chess to their own game. Leslie might have a lot of out of context information, but he's not going to outsmart Lex, so he's not bothering to try.
Distracting him, however...
Billing problems
Is alchemist certified for biohazard cleanup? Because billing the justice league for this would be hilarious. Imagine how Alfred would respond!

At the moment he's not even a certified citizen!

"Sir." Alfred got Bruce's attention from the door of his study. "We've received a bill for your 'country club' activities in a most unusual manner."

Bruce slid a pen knife through the side of the envelope and pulled out the trifold sheet of paper.

"Unusual how?" Non-invasive mold removal?

"It was found on your pillow, sir." Bruce froze for a moment before rushing through the entirety of the letter.

Mold removal, vent repairs, cleaning?

One hundred and fifty thousand dollars?!

He... Actually wasn't sure if that was a lot for this service or not.

He flipped the envelope back over...

Alchemic Solutions.

Of course.

"Call Alchemist and tell him to either call me or contact me while I'm on base. And I'll pay him... If this isn't some joke on his part."

Though... Thinking about it, the Mountain -had- stopped smelling like an attic recently...
Test Results
I admit I am curious about 4 years of History cram, Will it be the Right History?

The test, for the most part, wasn't really too bad. It only tested basic algebra, reading comprehension, science and history slash government know-how.

That said, he still nearly failed the last part. There were a whole slew of differences between DC realities and the real world. Like the pro-vigilante laws that had been put on the books in the nineties, Alchemist knew nearly nothing about those.

He did remember some of the differences between the histories for world war two though!

He hadn't gotten a breakdown of which parts in specific he got right or wrong, but he was pretty sure he scored some extra credit.

After all, the spirit of Adolf Hitler possessing the Spear of Destiny was a critical role in how the second world war ended, wasn't it?
Interlude: Christmas 01
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build X-Mas

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Penny stretched, raising her arms well above her head and grinning.

It was getting colder, snow was piling high and she loved this time of year!

Even her system agreed with her!

~~ Special Quest! ~~
~~ The most wonderful I.D. of the year! ~~
~~ Defeat the evil Krampus in the zombie I.D. for special Christmas rewards! ~~​

Which had not gone well for her, sadly. He was super strong, but she'd escaped the fight and the I.D. every time she'd taken him on so far!

So maybe it was time to ask for some help?

And she knew just the gamer to ask.

Which was convenient, since he was in the mountain base today!

...Which was actually kind of sad. Christmas was tomorrow, didn't he have anyone to visit? If she wasn't here looking for him specifically she'd be at home with her family.

"Hey Alchemist!" She finally found him, on his way to the Zeta terminal. "I need some help in an I.D., do you mind giving me a hand? There'll be loot! You like loot, right?"

"...Sorry Patty. I've got something going on today. Maybe later?" He... Had something going on?

She had noticed he was wearing a new, oversized white hoodie with red triangles around the hem, the sleeves and the hood. But she'd thought it was literally just a new piece of clothing.

"Oh... Okay. I'll see you later, I guess." He gave her a short wave before the terminal activated.

Leaving her alone and dejected. Maybe feeling a little rejected.

What did he even have to do? He never talked about a family, she'd seen his hobbies... He was a total nerd!

"You alright there, Penny?" She jumped in a full body flinch at the sound of Robin's voice. "Woah, hey chill!"

"Geeze, sorry. Kinda confused, I guess. I invited Alchemist to go do something for Christmas and he said he was busy!" Now who was she going to get to help her fight Krampus and save Christmas?

"Well it's just Christmas Eve, right? Maybe he'll be free tomorrow." Penny nodded glumly at Robin's attempt at helping before going home herself.

She'd just spend the holiday with her mom and dad and brother and sisters.


Christmas morning rolled in, bright and early and filled with excitement! Penny could barely control herself, she wanted to run into the living room and see what her parents had put under the tree for her and everyone else!

Instead she found her parents and half of her siblings staring at the television, utterly entranced.

"What's going on?" She had to push one of her sisters over a bit to get a seat where she could see.

"Some metahuman turned up at all of the hospitals in Gotham yesterday." Her mom sounded worried. "He wasn't caught until he was leaving St.Judes."

"What was he doing?" And why hadn't Robin or anyone else told her about it?

"We don't know. We're just hoping your cousin Stacy is okay." Oh. That's why her mom was worried.

Stacy was a patient in St.Judes. They, her family was supposed to visit tomorrow.

Her dad turned up the volume as the news began to play an interview.

"-and this elf just walked right into our sons room. He was, had to be about six feet tall with long red hair, pointy ears. We thought, well, might just be some cosplayer or someone dressing up as Santa's elf. And he- he asked my son what he wanted most for Christmas." The woman on screen was crying, but she didn't seem as distraught as Penny expected.

"My son, my wonderful son. He told him he didn't want mommy to cry anymore. And he-he just- the elf clapped twice and said granted with this big, dopey grin on his face. He left a small box for [Censored] with a little hand-held game in it and waved and left. He walked right down the hall, did that in every room." She reached her hands up into the blur where her face would've been, probably to wipe away at her tears.

"When we went back this morning, [Censored] looked healthier than we'd seen him in months. He was sitting up on his own and smiling! He told me 'Mommy, can we get pancakes? I'm so hungry!' but he-he had a feeding tube in. He'd had it there since the chemo made it too hard for him to keep down food. My husband practically ran out the room to get a doctor since we- since we'd been told..." The woman on screen hiccupped before continuing her story.

"It-it has to be a miracle. It has to be! The doctors can't explain it, my little [Censored] has-had leukemia. This... This would have been our last Christmas with him but now... Most of the tests aren't back yet. But-but the ones that are, my boy, my little boy is healthy for the first time in his life. Ni'klas, if you're out there? Watching this? You gave my son back his life. You gave me back my child. I- my family and I can never repay you. Thank you. Thank you so much!" The screen soon cut off to show other families with their children, all excited and eager to run and play in their hospital rooms.

"Christmas miracle or mass hallucination?" The news anchors voice came in over the picture. "We asked more families as well as adult patients all throughout Gotham and got nearly the same story. Someone claiming to be Ni'klas the Christmas elf visited all of the long term patients across Gotham's various hospitals and did something, experts have yet to determine what, and seemingly cured the various and very different illnesses overnight. Everything from cancer to burns to even Smilex inhalation. All before being arrested outside of St.Judes where he went with the police willingly to the tune of several hundred possible charges of assault with a metahuman power. When asked about the status of the supposed Christmas elf, the Gotham City Police Department declined to respond."

"Hey mom?" Penny finally asked, feeling somewhat faint. "Maybe you should call Stacy's mom."

While her mom went to do that, Penny finally sat down in her now unoccupied seat on the couch.

She could hear the news anchor saying something about breaking news and the elf going missing, with only a bag of candy canes being left behind, but it was washing over her.

This... She got the strangest feeling that this was Alchemist's fault and she didn't know why.


Batman had been furiously searching through Gotham for hours with no luck. Two-Face was lying low, Cobblepot was too 'legitimate', The Riddler had been drunk and the Hatter was just looking at a book and crying when Batman found him in an old-fashioned haberdashery.

Everyone else was still in Arkham.

Where they'd gotten Christmas gifts. That had completely gotten around the guards and didn't appear on camera.

Mostly books. Like Poison Ivy getting a new book on modern plant discoveries.

Scarecrow got a lump of coal in a red stocking taped to the outside of his door.

The Joker, much to the clowns ire, had received a book. 'Timing: The Secret to the Perfect Punchline'.

Though there was one odd outlier, The Joker's doctor, Harleen Quinzel had been gifted a book about cults and cult leaders called 'Who's Making it and Why? The Kool-Aid Kronicles'.

The closest thing to a breakthrough had been Player One calling him about Alchemist acting weird the day before and her suspicions as to his connection to the Christmas Elf.

It was a stretch and utterly absurd.

Which meant she was probably right.

The magician either didn't have his communicator with him, or he'd let the battery run out. Either way, Batman hadn't been able to contact him and he was nowhere to be found in Gotham.

In the mountain though?

The irksome wizard was sitting in the lounge, leaning back in the couch between Superboy and Power Girl half-asleep while Megan was telling a story.

He'd probably been here the entire time.

"-and then? And then my brother got a psychic skirlik to run under the priests robes! We got in so much trouble but for the next year Priest M'der couldn't go anywhere without hearing someone talk about him and the skirlik in his pants!" Neither of the two clones were laughing at her story, but Alchemist was at least chuckling.

Instead Connor was chugging his steaming brew, likely cocoa, while Karen seemed to be trying to get each of the marshmallows floating in her beverage.

"Alchemist!" The Dark Knight growled, immediately grabbing the attention of the rooms occupants.

"Present." And the one in question refused to be serious, choosing instead to remain perpetually flippant.

Bruce took a slow, deep breath and calmed down. Being hostile when dealing with Alchemist tended to have negative results. He would be perfectly reasonable and pliant, even doing exactly as demanded of him.

Exactly as demanded. However he chose to interpret that.

"Alchemist. Did you magically transform yourself into a tall, redheaded elf to go to the various hospitals throughout Gotham and heal people without their permission? And then, once arrested, escape from police custody while leaving behind a bag of custom made candy canes?" The last part had seemed to be insult to injury. The elf, according to Gordon, had literally disappeared between eyeblinks.

It had left behind a bag of handmade candy canes on top of a present addressed to Harvey Bullock.

It was coal.

"Batman?" Alchemist grabbed a mug from in front of him and sat forward, taking a long draw of his own cocoa while the various aliens were looking between them. "No offense intended, but that sounds like a lot of effort."

He offered no further answers, nor explanations.

A deflection, rather than a serious answer one way or the other.

With a growl, Batman turned to stalk off... Only to meet with J'onn just outside the room.

"Were you able to get anything?" He asked the taller, greener man.

It wasn't that Bruce disagreed with what had been done. If this worked, it would probably do as much good as Batman himself had done on the ground in Gotham all in one night.

But the problem was precedent, and copycats going out and deciding to 'help' when they were only making things worse instead.

"Yes." The male Martian answered. "Though I doubt you'll like it."

"Well, hit me."

J'onn J'onnz cleared his throat and then, in his usual monotone, began. "I want a dakimakura for Christmas."

Bruce raised one eyebrow in confusion before the Martian Manhunter continued, singing in a drab tone.

"Only a waifu Rainbow Dash one will do."

...He should have known better than to ask him to try and check Alchemist mentally. If this was intentional...

Batman would have preferred the coal.
Stop- Hammertime!


Alchemist was standing on the back of the Demon Prince.

In his hands, he held the Onyx Blade. It hadn't been upgraded at all yet but it still drew strength from a balanced breakfast made up of Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom.

He'd been using it to slowly hack his way through the neck of the demon beneath him.

It wasn't resisting, no, it was still as a statue instead!

Stop was handy like that after all.

"I-Swear-To-Izalith!" Alchemist panted as he continued chopping. It was going slowly, almost like chipping away at stone! "If-This-Doesn't-"

He let the blade rest against the demon's forehead.

"If this doesn't work out, I'm going to be really pissed at myself."

With a reasonable amount of grumbling, Alchemist got back to work.
The Interview
Clark Kent and Alchemist Interview


Lois Lane was not a fan of waking up. It often took her forty-five minutes, at least, before she could form coherent sentences instead of monosyllabic threats.

She shuffled to the door, mug full of espresso in her hands, and stared down at the newspaper that had been delivered.

Part of her morning ritual involved looking at the butchery her Editor had put the Planet's articles through.

Sitting down after putting two slices of bread into her toaster (She'd not depressed the switch, however, and would not do so for another twenty minutes. As usual) she opened the newspaper and skimmed the articles.

International uproar? Nothing actually new, that was a pass.

The Count of Vladava getting scheduled to go home instead of facing trial? Shocker.

The more awake part of her mind noted that the murderous supervillain was using his connection to a country of dirt farmers to avoid the consequences of his actions. Again.

An interview with Alchemist by Clark Kent? Smallville's moving up in the wor... ld...

The rest of her mind jolted awake, shock and anger bubbling like a pressure cooker as she began to read the article in earnest-

Alchemist, the magician and healer that was instrumental in aiding civilians after the disasters in Salem, Massachusetts and Metropolis, Delaware has agreed to an interview to shed some light on his activities and personality. Catching up with him, our first question was the same question many of our readers have: Why did you choose healing magic and, if it's possible, could other people learn to do it as well?

Mister Kent, we live in a dangerous world. Super Villains, Evil Geniuses and Alien Invasions have been picking up in recent years. They're a fact of life now, and one we all have to deal with. With the proper magic, maybe venerating the proper gods, it would be possible to be flying high in the sky alongside the likes of Wonder Woman or Green Lantern. Punching things or shooting lasers from my nostrils... But what about afterwards? I'm not suggesting that our heroes aren't doing enough, absolutely not! But I mean that, for the regular people, when we get hurt we can't just hop into some alien healing pod or take a dip in the molten core of the sun.

I chose healing because it would let me make a difference in peoples lives in a way that I'm comfortable with. I trust the heroes to do their best to stop the problems coming to hurt our world but I also know that nobody is perfect, that even their best may not be enough. So I chose to develop my skills and magic in a way that would let me help where things got through. Help people be able to put their lives back together after tragedy struck.

As to the magic, Mister Kent? Anyone can do it. Or almost anyone. I've had to put a lot of effort into mastering my spells but nearly everyone has got a little spark of magic in them. There's a few outliers of incredible power such as the member of the Justice League, Giovanni Zatara, but he's the equivalent of a sports star while most people might be Little League.

That's fascinating, Alchemist. From what little I'd managed to find, I'd always thought someone had to be born to a specific bloodline to have access to magic?

It's the equivalent to having good genes. Not everyone has the natural ability to be a bodybuilder, but that doesn't mean most of you can't stay in shape.

An interesting analogy. I understand that, while you may be associated with the Justice League, you're nor actually a member. Could you expand on that?

Absolutely! Early on, I made an attempt to offer my services to the Justice League, actually. I was politely rejected. Batman, however, reached out to me to discuss what I was offering and how to secure my services instead.

You work for Batman? What kind of boss is he? Considering rumors surrounding the most mysterious League member, I can't imagine that's easy.

Well, I wouldn't say easy, but it's rather simple. For the most part I'm tasked with making myself available for disaster relief. Other than that? I tend to work on various tasks on an as-needed basis.

I suppose that explain the 'Gopher' comment. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love to continue I believe we're running out of space. So, this may be somewhat rude but many of the Daily Planet's readers voted on our online poll and really do want to know: How do you feel about taking work away from doctors and nurses during the Plant Disaster in Metropolis?

Well, Mister Kent, I feel like that's a very shortsighted view on a very long-term problem.

Could you expand on that?

Of course. The majority of the injuries sustained during the Plant Disaster were crush injuries. Those aren't as simple as a cleanly broken bone, these involve bones being shattered and various internal organs and tissues being pulped and destroyed. Healing from such injuries, naturally, tends to be extremely slow and painful with long-term repercussions. From limited mobility, loss of sensation to even loss of limb or potential death depending on various factors.

At a minimum, most of the people that I'd healed with serious injuries would have been out of work for six weeks. Many of them would have likely ended up with permanent disabilities.

Every individual on disability restrictions ends up eating a lot of taxpayer dollars every year. Medications, therapy, disability payouts and an inability to work...

Yes, I prevented a lot of money from going to the hospitals and doctors. Instead I ensured that people could continue to work, get paid, pay taxes and contribute to society as a net positive rather than a net loss. None of this is even considering the kinds of impact such injuries would have on peoples relationships or mentality.

I see. That does sound like a long-term view as compared to an immediate one.

Alchemist, this has been a surprisingly enlightening conversation and I'd like to thank you for your time! Is there anything you'd like to say before we finish up?

You're very welcome, Mister Kent. It's been a pleasure.

As to some finishing words? Try to do good unto each other and the efforts will reach farther than the results. For each and every person out there, this world is your world and it's up to you to decide what kind of place you want it to be.

Lois Lane looked at the words, black ink smudging her fingers where she was gripping the paper so hard it had wrinkled and torn.

She set it down on the table and stood up, walking in to her bathroom. She turned on the shower, the faucet and looked at the mirror. Her face had turned blotchy and purple, rage in her eyes so strong she could outglare Superman.

With the ambient white noise hopefully blocking the sound, she began to-


Clark Kent casually sipped at his coffee, more milk and sugar than coffee, and happily read through today's paper.

"-no good spandex covered ass stole my interview!" And just as casually ignored Lois Lane screaming and cussing him out from several blocks away.

He turned past his interview with Alchemist and opened up the comics.

Clark Kent loved reading about Dilbert and how he dealt with his boss.

"-Shove his head so far up his ass he'll taste his breakfast twice!"

Clark took another sip of his coffee...

Today looked like it was going to be a good day.
Catching up with: Lex Luthor
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build Sidestory - Catching Up: Lex Luthor

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Alchemist was not typically the vindictive sort.

It took too much energy and honestly just wasted his time.

With that being said? With power came options and he was making use of a few.

He'd Scryed his way through the Lexcorp building a handful of times, written down every P.I.N. and password he'd spied Luthor using to get around his building. Alchemist wouldn't make any kind of idiotic claim to being better able to navigate the building than someone that had been there for years, but... He could at least get into a lot of places he wasn't supposed to be.

If he was willing to use Knock on I.D. badge protected doors, he'd be able to get everywhere in the building.

That, unfortunately, would give the game away.

Underneath of everything, Luthor was an arrogant coward. He believed that his concepts of strength and power were absolute, that all others were pretenders and fools. Idiots to one degree or another.

Klarion and Wotan had likely done wonders to reinforce that.

Lex had no respect for the mystic arts. It was not that the man doubted the existence of such things, instead he doubted the reliability of anyone foolish enough to engage in them. To trust the indecipherable and often contrary artistry of the arcane.

Technology. Science. Those were reliable, solid foundations by which to manipulate the world. They wouldn't suddenly fail because whatever deity loaned their power to it had simply been forgotten by the world at large. They were consistent, repeatable forces that suffered no such nonsense.

Alchemist understood the man's position. He even appreciated it, to some degree.

Not enough to give the man a pass for plotting Alchemist's murder. Not nearly enough to overlook Luthor's hand in the ever-downward spiral the Earth was set in.

Not nearly enough to overlook the countless deaths the brilliant fool had helped orchestrate. The graves full of bodies that were far, far too small...

The Justice League had their hands tied in dealing with men like Luthor. And while Alchemist didn't have the same restrictions he still knew that if he overstepped, the League would take the ropes binding their hands and wrap them around his own neck.

Metaphorically. Except for Wonder Woman who had the fetish gear on-hand to do so literally.

Alchemist broke from his thoughts as he stepped into the elevator in Luthercorp headquarter, in Metropolis. He adjusted the tie on his disguise and ran a hand over his bald scalp.

Adjustable Disguise was the one illusion spell he actually made use of regularly.

There was no special password or any other such nonsense that prevented the elevator from taking him up to the top floor. It did stop briefly on other floors as it ascended but the would-be passengers tended to go rather pale at seeing him looking their way with general antipathy.

Oddly enough, they chose to wait instead of joining him.

Well, they were working in an office. If he recalled correctly, somewhere between one-third and one-half of the work they did was so the mindless middle management felt like the actual employees were making them look good.

The top floor was actually a nice location. Sparsely decorated with a few still-life paintings of innocuous things like fruit bowls or a landscape here or there, it shifted a little too much in the wind for Alchemist's comfort but to each their own. The elevator was at one end of a hallway. To the left was a set of doors, marked as Men and Women. On the right was one door, sealed tight with an identification scanner.

That would be Luthor's on-site apartment. Basically a small studio set-up where he had a bed, microwave and mini-fridge with an equally cramped bathroom. So far as Alchemist knew, it didn't see much use.

Mercy spent more time there than Lex did.

No, Alchemist's destination was on the opposite end of the hall. Lex Luthor's office. He didn't have a badge to scan in with...

But Luthor had a special little contingency for that. One that Alchemist had caught the man using a few different times, each one preceding a meeting with his fun little group of Freemasons.

Digging a fingernail into the seam between the bottom of the scanner and the wall, Alchemist popped a hidden panel loose, revealing a keypad. Punching in the eight-digit code, 97136842 had the lock disengage and the door swung open freely.

It swung open to... An empty room?

A confused look spread across the face of a much older, much wrinklier looking Lex Luthor as he surveyed the space he knew Lex had been occupying just an hour past. He pursed his lips, looking around the room for some clue.

Alchemist was... Irked. He'd had a rough idea for an encounter that would have filled Lex Luthor with doubt and existential dread. Acting as though Alchemist were the real Lex Luthor whilst the man in question was just a clone. An obese fool that had hyper-fixated to the point of stupidity, proving clearly that the project that made him was obviously and fatally flawed.

Inhaling deeply, the wizard sighed explosively and glared around the room.

"Well..." Luthor's voice came from Alchemist's lips as he extracted a diamond from his pocket. "I suppose I can still salvage something from this."

Exiting and closing the door behind him, Alchemist put the the gemstone back in his pocket and focused on the door itself.

Limited Wish not only gave access to the complete library of spells beneath it, with some caveats of course, but it could even be used to create new effects wholesale. Provided they were within the general range of power for a sixth tier spell or lower.

Illusions and enchantment spells were not among his specialties. In this particular case, Jinx would be far more effective.

There were spells made to hide doors, making them blend in seamlessly with the surrounding surfaces. Others that would put a literal barrier around them. Alchemist could, if he so chose to, simply lock the door beyond the capabilities of anyone to unlock.

None of those quite matched his desires. An Enchantment effect could be passed off as psionics, one of the few powers that Lex Luthor respected as much as he feared it. It would also further obfuscate the origin of the effect.

More potential leads led to more branches of research and thus more time wasted pursuing dead ends.

Alchemist focused on his Limited Wish, testing the parameters to make the spell fit within the given structure.

~~ Fakery ~~
~~ Target: Object ~~
~~ Duration: 30 Minutes/Level ~~
~~ Saving Throw: Will negates ~~
~~ Effect: Those looking at an affected object are convinced that it is not real. They may believe it to be a painting, a trick of the light, a forgery or some other such thing that will fail to work if used. ~~

Still disguised as Lex Luthor, Alchemist nodded and turned to walk away, the diamond in his pocket now a pile of black ashes. It was hardly what he'd initially intended and was far, far from perfect but...

It should keep Luthor out of his office for a week or so while sending him off on a wild goose chase for whatever psychic would dare tamper with his brilliant mind.


Stepping out of his private washroom, Lex Luthor shook his hands to dry them as he sat down at his desk.

He worried he was starting to get old. Using the toilet was taking longer and longer these days.

With that thought in mind, Lex began composing another email. Project Phoenix may well be able to help with that...

Looking up from his computer, something was bothering him. Something he couldn't quite place.

Nothing looked to be tampered with. A quick glance out the windows behind him showed a lack of flying men in blue suits.


Hours later, Lex began the process for leaving. He shut down his computer, double checked the papers... A suspiciously small amount, he hadn't received any deliveries throughout the day.

Perhaps his managers were finally figuring out how to handle the basics?

...Probably not. The incompetents that he'd had to uplift to improve productivity of the rank and file had likely just called in and left the paperwork piling up on their own desks. Again.

Putting his suit jacket on, Lex Luthor froze. He looked around the room, his dark eyes blinking in confusion.

How was he supposed to leave?

"How... Did I get in?" He asked after a long moment, his mind jumping, glitching over that particular moment in the morning.


By the second day of Luthor's absence, Mercy Graves was becoming concerned.

It wasn't unheard of for him to disappear, to devote days at a time to a project... But usually there were a few indicators.

This time? This time there hadn't been any sleepless nights pouring over blueprints. No hours spent analyzing the contours of Superman's butt in flight-

She was interrupted by her phone ringing. Her boss, according to the caller I.D.

"Mercy!" The man shouted in her ear as soon as she clicked accept. "Help! I'm stuck and I can't get out!"

"Sir?" Luthor was panicking. Luthor never did that! "Where are you?"

"My office! I can't get out!" That... How?

"I'm on my way, sir." How was he stuck in his office?

Power walking to the elevator, she picked the top floor and swiped her badge across the access panel, activating the express mode. The speed as it accelerated up left her feeling queasy, her ears hurting, but it sounded like her boss was having an emergency!

Stepping out of the elevator, Mercy blinked in confusion as she realized there was something wrong. Everything was right where it was supposed to be... The bathrooms, the apartment, the various paintings and decorative door... She pulled her phone back out of her pocket.

"Sir?" She started as soon as her call went through. "Where's your office door?"

"I don't know!"


Patrolling was mostly unnecessary in Metropolis, at least for threats that actually required aid by Superman.

Still, it helped people to see him in the sky, it made them feel safe knowing that he was nearby.

With that being said? Superman was often witness to some of the absolutely strangest things imaginable.

"Help me!" Like Lex Luthor, banging on his very expensive, very bullet proof windows and shouting in Clark's general direction. "Superman! Help me!"

Rather than go for what may well be the most obvious trick he'd ever seen, Clark chose to pretend he hadn't noticed the mogul.

"Superman! You blue alien prick! I know you can hear me!" And that plan went up in smoke. "I'm trapped! I need your help!"

Floating over, Clark could more clearly see that Luthor was looking rather haggard. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he'd been wearing the same outfit for several days.

"Luthor!" Clark shouted, loud enough to be heard through the roaring winds and bulletproof glass... Which, judging by the equipment nearby, Lex's own workers hadn't been able to cut through. "What do you mean you're trapped?!"

"My office door is missing! My maintenance team doesn't have the equipment to get through the meta-human proof shielding on my windows!" That... Was a bit more paranoid than Clark had been expecting. "I've been in here for days!"

"Well..." Clark tried to find something to say, struggling to speak at a normal volume that he knew Luthor couldn't hear. "Huh."

How Luthor was missing the door set right into the wall opposite the window? And he'd somehow not seen it for several days?

Clark couldn't even begin to guess.

"Days, Superman!" Luthor continued, his fists slamming against the glass. "Days!"

"I'm so... Hungry."
Catching Up: Ra's Al Ghul
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build Sidestory - Catching Up: Ra's Al Ghul

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Alchemist may not have enjoyed the effects of what basically felt like an impromptu retcon back when it happened during the fight with the Copyright Infringement Team but he did get something out of it.

Pain. Lots of discomfort. Proof readily handed over to the Batman's little group of baby psychos that he had some pocket nukes...

And he had, in fact, memorized the small labyrinth under the volcano on Infinity Island.

Well, he'd done that months ago. Putting that into practice after he'd had a significant amount of time to deal with other matters often left him staring at a junction and trying to decide if he needed to go left or right.

Or, in one case, up or down.

Still, after hours spent wandering around semi-aimlessly in null-time, he did manage to find his way to the Lazarus Pit.

The hellish red hue still bothered him. His memories from Batman: The Animated Series insisted that it was supposed to be a ghastly, ghoulish green.

"...This is gonna be so tedious." Alchemist whined as he began the process of getting everything set up and ready for this specific bout of sabotage.

The grated tray, viewing stand, corpse shelf... He had no idea what Ra's called the platform that was supposed to be lowered into the pit. In the end, he supposed it really didn't matter. He deactivated the shard stopping time and lowered the platform until it was hovering just over the crimson liquid down below.

He had anywhere between twelve and fourteen hours until Ra's returned to the island, which meant he had eleven hours to get his job taken care of. And he couldn't do most of what he needed whilst under the aegis of Standstill.

Extracting a high-capacity sump pump from his inventory, he tied it to the platform and hooked up a thirteen meter length of hose to it and an extension cord before dropping it into the crimson liquid bubbling just beneath his feet.

The extension cord was then connected to a power inverter. The inverter was hooked up to a car battery. The battery was set on the lap of a second Alchemist, hands crackling with Sparks.

"Alright." The first Alchemist said to his duplicate as he grabbed the end of the hose and held it up and over the lip of a two-hundred liter drum he'd extracted from the Game Shop. "Light her up."

"Hold up a second." The duplicate said, setting aside the car battery for a moment as he began to root around the inventory. After a few moments he came up with a CD player and a jeweled CD case. "I was thinking Xanadu."

"Good thinking!" The first Alchemist exclaimed. "Maybe some Tom Sawyer afterwards."

"Finally." The duplicate said as he plugged the radio into the inverter. "I swear, nobody here has any taste."

"Sure they do." Alchemist said as his duplicate began the tedious process of charging the battery with Sparks. Moments later, crimson liquid was being pumped into the drum. "It just sucks."

"Well, I can't argue with that."


There were some days where Ra's lamented the isolation of his home.

Getting from it to the nearest port was a boat ride that took several hours. The deep, verdant forests that covered his island kept any large-scale aerial deliveries from being feasible. Similarly, the rough and rocky outcroppings that filled the shallows around most of the island ensured that there were only a few safe locations to land upon.

Infinity Island was a natural fortress, the terrain doing wonders to help safeguard the treasure hidden deep within.

However, like the warlords of old, Ra's was forced to recognize that the difficulty in assailing his home also worked to the opposite effect. A siege would easily lock him down and his ability to escape would be limited.

"We're home, my son." Ra's cupped the cheek of his darling boy as his manservant, Ubu, pushed the decrepit old man along in his wheelchair and off the deck of the small yacht reserved for Ra's personal use. "Soon, soon you may even recognize me again."

Ra's did not know who had sent him a letter with pictures of his son. It had been typed rather than written and detailed the actual name and history of a John Doe in one of Gotham's many nursing facilities.

Arkady Duvall. One of his many, many failed children. A senseless brute, but he did have a trait that Ra's consistently struggled to breed into his spawn.

The man had been loyal. He'd followed his father's commands and enacted his will.

Ra's had thought the boy dead at the hands of Jonah Hex, a hell-marked bounty hunter. A man that even Ra's was unwilling to challenge head-on.

He did not doubt his own skill, no. Creatures like Jonah simply did not have the decency to properly die. Even to this day, after nearly a century without word of what the man had gone and none claiming his defeat? Ra's would be unsurprised to discover the cowboy was simply stuck in some kind of infernal trap and would one day resume his activities as a thorn in the side of the Light.

"Things here have greatly changed, you see." Ra's continued to talk to his son as the trio continued deeper into the island. "With the ease of travel available in this day and age, our children can go so much further, do so much more."

They stopped briefly as they were passing the training field, as Sensei was brutalizing one particularly fat and talentless child.

"We've begun training so many more apprentices than we used to." Ra's raised his hand and Ubu resumed pushing his boy towards a cave, hidden on the side of the volcano at the center of the island. "Sadly, we have been forced to make use of resources that we would have disregarded in the past. Our... Allies demand numbers from us that simply cannot be met."

Ra's breathed just a touch easier as they entered the caverns leading to the Lazarus Pit. The heavy metals in the rock and the perpetual charge coming from the seismic activity played havoc on any recording or transmitting technology.

Both well favored by the man Ra's was still determined to make into a personal apprentice.

Provided they could temper his more... Animalistic proclivities.

"At least, not if we wished to ensure the quality of their training." The Demon's Head continued as they followed the well-trod path below. "Every time I hear that one of our children has been exposed to the public... It wounds me, Arkady. I despise seeing such failures and knowing that we could have- Should have done better."

Ubu remained silent, as he should.

Coming in to the viewing chamber, Ra's felt a chill settle upon him.

The Pit was silent today.

"Stand aside, Ubu." Ra's shook off the sense of wrongness and pushed forward with his plan.

He wrapped his arms around his boy and awkwardly extracted the ancient man from the chair he'd been seated in for the entire duration of the trip.

"Soon, my child, you will stand at my side once more." Ra's cradled Arkady's head against his chest as he carried the light, far too light, body to the ledge overlooking the Lazarus Pit. "It may take some time, it may take many treatments, but I will see you restored to the strong, loyal man you once were!"

Ra's lifted Arkady into the air, balanced precariously in his arms.

A normal Lazarus Pit couldn't undo the ravages of advanced age. It would restore vigor and vitality, yes, but the older someone was when they entered the pit? The lesser the results would be.

The one under Infinity Island was different. Stronger. Ra's didn't know why, exactly, but he was certain that its placement next to an active volcano was a contributing factor.

"Return to me, Arkady!" Ra's tilted his hands and let his son fall to the pit below. "Return to me and- What?!"

Ra's looked down to watch as his son fell to the smooth, empty floor far below. The pit bereft of the crimson liquid that had sustained his life for the last few centuries.

He fell to his knees, hands gripping the ledge in a white-knuckled grip as his boy, broken by age, landed far below.

"No..." Ra's growled, venom in his voice. "No! Ubu!"

The giant, silent manservant jumped to his side in an instant. His stoic expression broken as he, too, saw the pool below was empty but for the fresh corpse that had been thrown into it.

"Get Sensei." Ra's tempered himself, burying the fear and violation at having his sanctuary so thoroughly penetrated during his absence. "Someone has stolen from me. I will have answers..."

"And I will have their head!"


Item Get! (1,960,000) Liters of Enhanced Lazarus Water divided into (9801) 200-liter drums.
Spell leveled up- Create or Destroy Water has reached level 200!
Sparks has reached level 200!
Catching Up With: Lois Lane
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build Sidestory - Catching Up: Lois Lane

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Getting used to not having a car was inconvenient but, really, it could have been much worse. At the very least, Metropolis had a very thorough and functional mass transit system.

Mostly buses and a few subway stations.

Pretty much just buses. The subways existed, technically, but they were perpetually out of commission due to someone thinking it would be a great idea to drag a fight down there with Superman.

So, that meant that Lois Lane didn't have to adjust her schedule too much to get to work. Getting home took an extra hour but she usually just spent that time browsing the internet on her phone.

The real problems came from trying to catch breaking news as it was happening. Now, normally she just drove her own car. Zooming through yellow lights, rolling stops at every stop sign!

A good story waited for no man! Or woman! Or anything in between!

Without her car she was stuck riding with... Jimmy Olson.

Now, being absolutely fair, there was nothing wrong with how he drove. Provided he was being compared against an eighty year old woman with bad eyesight.

Clark Kent? Didn't even own a car! The story there went that Smallville got caught cheating at the driving exam. He'd apparently memorized the vision chart for the eye test...

In the next room over.

According to his license? He was legally blind, not allowed behind the wheel at all if he didn't have his spectacles on.

Lois still brought that up from time to time.

Though the worst part of being stuck with mass transit? The absolute most miserable thing that came from being unable to afford to replace her car?

Lunch time.

Normally she would drive herself into the city proper, spend more time parking than driving and then hit up a nice little bistro that offered a good selection of sandwiches. She'd get something, grab a coffee and enjoy fifteen minutes of bliss and freedom from the drudgery of her day.

She'd managed the trip twice since her car was destroyed because the man of steel felt like punching it instead going around.

Today would mark the third.

She was sitting down with a paper cup of the blackest coffee available and a pastrami on rye when something caught her eye across the street. A person with a white hoodie, red triangles covering the hems and hood.

That... Wasn't an uncommon sight, recently. A lot of people, especially people who'd either ended up at the hospital or knew someone there? They'd been buying those things up in droves.

The dog, though. A gangly black wolfhound on a bright red leash. That part caught her attention.

Phyllis, the building greeter and person in charge of directing visitors to the appropriate floor for their business, had described Alchemist as having a dog just like that, with a leash just like that.

Lois took off like a shot, hustling as fast as she could in her heels. If she nearly caused an accident when she crossed through active traffic?

Well, a good story doesn't wait for anyone!

"Excuse me!" She shouted, power walking behind the man that seemed to be looking down at his phone and then back up at the street signs. "Excuse me! Alchemist!"

The man stopped, visibly confused, and turned around.

Lois had been expecting him to stop when he saw her. Recognition to light up in his strangely glowing eyes. Maybe a smile to pass over his somewhat rustic looking face.

Instead he kept turning, missing her completely.

"Alchemist!" She wasn't as loud this time when she called his name, drawing his head back to look directly at her. "Alchemist, it's- I'm Lois Lane, of the Daily Planet. Could I have a moment of your time?"

"Sure." The man shrugged, looking down at his phone again and then over to the dog. "You mind if we walk and talk?"

"I promise, this'll only take a- You said... Okay. I, uh, honestly wasn't expecting you to agree to an interview." Lois stumbled for a moment, her brain catching back up with the present instead of the dozens of questions she wanted to ask him. "Of course, yes. Where are you heading?"

"The, uh... Batman sent me to deliver some documents to the law offices of Lou Pohl and Mel Prektiss." The man answered her, sounding uncertain. "I'm kind of having a hard time finding the place, though. The navigation app keeps getting turned around."

"Oh." Lois blinked in confusion for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and taking charge. "Well, follow me. I've been there a few times."

"Thank you." The man responded, earnest gratitude in his voice.

That was... Odd. She wasn't used to hearing someone that appreciated what she was doing.

"So?" He asked once they'd stopped at a crosswalk. "What can I do for Lois Lane today?"

"Ah, well, a few things." Lois had gotten distracted, something she mentally chided herself for. "I wanted to apologize for our last meeting. I'd had something of a rough day and I was prepared to throw a few curveballs at one of the more... Recalcitrant individuals whose opinion we regularly request. Unfortunately he cancelled at the very last minute before I made my way over to you."

"Ah." He nodded in understanding as they continued on their way. "It was Luthor, wasn't it?"

"I can neither confirm or deny that." She flashed him a sly grin and got a short nod in response. "So, what has you going to the lawyers that represent Superman?"

"Like I said, Batman sent me." The man reached into his hoodie pocket with the hand that held his phone and pulled out a slightly bent manila envelope. "I've got some sort of paperwork I need to hand 'em from the hospital here."

"Do you know what it is?" She asked, suddenly incredibly curious as to the contents of the envelope.

What connection did the Justice League have with the Metropolis Hospitals? How were Superman's lawyers, on retainer courtesy of said Justice League, involved?

Was it a packet of NDA's? Test results? Requests for tests to be performed on Superman?

No, the last one wouldn't make sense. The Justice League did their own labwork last she'd heard.

"I didn't ask." The healer admitted, placing the envelope back in his hoodie pocket. "For all I know, I'm hand-delivering a check."

"You're not at all curious?" Lois couldn't understand how someone -wouldn't- be tempted to discover what dirty secrets might be waiting to be revealed! It was part of why she became a reporter, the thrill of exposing the truth...

"Not especially." He answered, tugging on his dog's leash when she tried to pull too hard. "I spend my free time teasing out the secrets of the universe. I just handle the paperwork because I'm paid to."

"That- Are you seriously telling me that you're professionally un-curious?!" Lois almost felt personally offended at the very idea of it!

"The last time I was professionally curious, I crawled through a few miles of moldy ventilation ductwork that was riddled with dead animals." He shrugged as Lois goggled at him before continuing on. "I got paid for it. Paid great for it. Still don't want to do it again."

"What did- Why would you do that?!" Lois suddenly understood his lackadaisical attitude much, much better.

"I wondered why there was no ventilation in a room. Didn't quite factor in how long a the building the room was in had been abandoned, though." He shrugged again, a soft smile on his face. "Well, I found out. Needed to get some black mold out of my lungs afterwards, but we got a pretty big safety hazard figured out."

"That's disgusting." Lois thought on the pastrami sandwich in a bag in her purse. She was probably going to be throwing that away, now.

"Yep." He agreed, stopping at another crosswalk. "Not the worst thing I've ever dealt with. I'd take it over half of my past bosses, too."

"Oh?" Lois pulled a pen and notepad out of her purse as they waited. The heroes never talked about their actual lives! "What did you do before you got into healing?"

"Manufacturing, mostly. Some construction before that." And his answer was incredibly... Uninteresting. "I could probably moonlight as a general contractor. I've got the spells to fix anything from a radiator leak to a radiation leak."

"Radiation?" And it went straight into incredibly interesting again! "What could you possibly need to worry about that for?"

"It's come up more often than you might think." He said as they continued to walk down the sidewalk. "The Justice League likes to go off to space with minimal or non-existent shielding, which is a no-no. Then back during the whole plant thing, their apprentices got into a fight with some Radioactive Skull guy. Literally fired concentrated radiation at things."

"I see." Lois wrote that down, her handwriting practically a scribble. "Are those the only cases where it's been an issue?"

"So far, yeah. It's part of why I avoid Metropolis, though." She sent him a curious look at his latest statement, prompting him to continue. "You guys have a problem with radioactive space rocks turning up in every lunatics pockets. Like that chatbot running an engram of that hedonist, Corben? That thing keeps turning up with a pretty big chunk in its chest."

"Metallo." Lois corrected as they turned a corner. "And it's incredibly insulting to androids to call him a chatbot."

"He's a walking source of cancer." Alchemist deadpanned. "I wouldn't be surprised if half the people I cured in the oncology ward of the hospital were his fault."

"Wait..." Lois came to a full stop, something the healer imitated a moment later as his dog stopped to stare at her. "You can cure cancer?!"

"...Yeah?" How did he not realize how big of a deal that was?! "We needed the beds for more emergency space."

He just... Lois was struggling at the moment to comprehend just how unimportant he felt that was.

"I think we're here." He said, looking down at his phone and then back to her, a soft smile on his face. "Thank you so much, Lois. I think I literally spent an hour and a half going in circles."

"Uh, yeah..." Lois couldn't tell if she wanted to yell at him...

Or coerce him into breaking his contract with Batman and then market his abilities!

"Alright Ash. Say thank you to the lady before we go in." He crouched down in front of his dog, rubbing the side of her head before he pointed to Lois.

"Okay!" The dog shouted into his face before turning around, her bright red eyes locking on Lois's own. "Thank you pretty lady!"

"Aww... Who's my good girl!" He cooed to the dog, rubbing her ears some more before he looked up to Lois, an actual smile on his face. "Do you want me to send you back to the Daily Planet before I go in?"

Lois, however, was a little preoccupied with the fact that the dog was talking.

"Yes? Wait-" He snapped his fingers and Lois found herself inside the lobby on the bottom floor of the office building housing the Daily Planet. Phyllis was sitting at the front desk, glaring imperiously at the door opposite of where Lois had ended up. "-What?!"

"What?!" Phyllis shrieked, turning to glare at Lois in confusion. "How in tarnation did you get past the door?!"

"I..." Lois looked at the door, down to her feet and then over to her purse.

Everything was with her, not a hair out of place.

"I don't know."
Scholar's Touch
Kid Flash dropped his school books on the table in the mountain with a groan. His homework had been piling up, left to the last minute.

Mostly because he didn't care for the subject. Social studies and history were his weakest classes, by far.

"You okay in there?" Alchemist called from the kitchen, his frilly pink apron stained with something red and questionable.

"...Don't want to read this book. And then write a report on it." Wally admitted, holding up the book in question. 'The Diary of a Young Girl'

"Well, I could maybe help with half of that?" Alchemist stepped out of the kitchen and sat on the seat adjacent to Kid Flash's own. He rooted through his inventory for a moment before coming up with a small, crystalline lens.

Wally sat up and watched, his curiosity at its peak, as Alchemist focused on the crystal for a moment before bringing his other hand up to poke the book with one finger.

"Okay... Now I don't feel bad about not reading this before." Alchemist huffed, putting his crystal thing-a-ma-jig back into his inventory. "Give it a read through, then you can talk with me about it and I can help with your report."

"Did... You just read the book?" Wally asked, his gaze shifting from the wizard, to the book and then back.

"Mmhmm." Alchemist hummed, standing back up to head to the kitchen. "Some parts in there you might like. They didn't censor the parts where she talks about her urges or fantasies."

"Uh... Thanks." Wally picked the book up, a bit less hesitant to read it now. "Can you, like, do that with any book?"

"Well, yeah." Alchemist admitted from the kitchen as he got back to work on something. "Scholar's Touch is about as good as reading a book through once. Good for comprehension but the details get kinda hazy."

"Huh..." Wally could do something a little similar. Superspeed meant he could review a book in seconds... But that he had to actually spend -his- time to read it. "Why don't you use it more often?"

"I like actually reading. It gives me time to think about the content and review stuff." That was a fair response. Wally knew there were parts of books he'd re-read a few times before continuing because he'd enjoyed them. "And Scholar's Touch reads through the entire thing all at once."

"...Is there something wrong with that?" Wally asked, flipping open the book to the first page.

"It is when the author decides to add some creepy corpse smut, yeah." Wally froze, slowly turning around to look at the wizard. "Or you get this creepy rape fantasy that's okay because the neurotic control freak is rich. If Fifty Shades of Gray happened in a trailer park, it'd end up on an episode of Law and Order."

"O...Kay. Y'know what, that's fair." Wally turned back to his own book with a small shudder.

At least his superspeed didn't force him to complete an action. He'd take whatever little mercies he could find.

AN/ Lycanthromancer over on CaerAzkaban brought up this spell. It's a very good one, too.