Danrothan is also formerly Silver Hand and a lord commander.If the Scarlet Crusade controlled a population center I'd think maybe eventually…
But that also assumes they learn the trick quickly enough to get good. Easier said then done given that doing it wrong could draw some pretty bad PR that might lead to them getting censored relative to the Silver Hand which is diminished but not toast just yet. In which case- the Silver Hand has Problems because they don't draft, they recruit from volunteers, so having the likes of Varian or Magni speaking out against the practice could throw a wrench in their ability to recruit.
…I'm more shakey on this part but I thought Orcs kinda naturally channel magic into their bodies or something which is part of the Lethargy that hit them once they got stuffed into the penal camps after the war. Seems to me that trait might make it easier to do the artificial aging thing more reliably and avoiding some of the problems an equivalent human program to do the same thing might run into.
notDanrothan is also busy with this that his more skeptical associates are disagreeable to but haven't officially sanctioned him for.
So if the idea to start an artificial aging program to get more recruits or settlers to hold more territory is in the cards it can happen.All things are but tools to him, weapons to oppose the Lich King." Fairbanks said, "Though I have no liking for the man, I too can't think of ways to oppose his methods, for how else might we fight the battles we must fight? His leadership has been what was necessary, though I think perhaps at the detriment of our souls…"
"Tell me of these weapons, of these methods." you asked.
"There are many. The Craftsman, Omarion, one of those Brothers who feel any method is acceptable if it destroys the undead, he has broken open the vaults of the Scholomance and read the dread secrets within. Bishop Voss is with them too and carries a Shadow upon his soul, and Dathrohan has set a new magic among his Red Guards. He now calls them the 'Risen', says they have become more than men, that they are closer to the Light. But if you were to see them you'd know it was something else, something evil. The Light is in them, that is true, but their souls are gone, consumed by it, if such a thing is possible." Tirion said, his voice low. "It is they who first came up with the Mightstones, you know? We thought them wonders then," and the Paladin fingered a similar stone to the one that hung about your own neck, "But perhaps we were foolish to be so enthusiastic."
"This is grim news." you replied, settling into an uncomfortable silence. The Light was compassion. It could be used by misguided people, but ultimately it relied upon the righteousness of the cause. This was another point of debate within the Church, whether or not the Light could be personified and understood, whether it had motives and how mortals could understand them, and whether if used for evil, why this was. Some explained it as the Light's compassion extending to he who used it, regardless of use.