Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

[X] The Frostwolf remnants will join you in your campaign against the Syndicate

Escalate the narrative with Thrall.. I really want an intrelude where he catches wind of all this haha.
[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.
We cannot be seen to be making the Horde 3.0.

We fucked up the Frostwolves after they acted treacherously, maybe that'll stick in some people's jaw some more if we exile them from what is seen as a rightful home, but if we rally them to our banner we really look like we're as Thrall fears, or perhaps currently believes.

I'd accept offers from individual Frostwolves of note who might be interested in joining us, but I would not seek to bring a great number under our banner.
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[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.

Thrall is already gonna go absolutely insane at what happened here, but conscripting the frost wolves would take it to the point we should be expecting a de facto war declaration at best.
[x] The Frostwolf remnants will join you in your campaign against the Syndicate

I'm changing the votes we need green meatshields.
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It's a lose-lose choice.

1) Conscript them into the war vs Syndicate: possible treason, more conflict against Thrall for stealing his clan.
2) Send them to Hammerfall: we get more whining from Stromgarde and the Alliance will try to hire us to handle Hammerfall AGAIN.

Well, we ALREADY had our relations with Thrall ruined (by him), and we ALREADY signed onto the Alliance's "Constable of Alterac" scheme. If we get rid of the Frostwolves, who will we be the Constable OF?

Plus, there is the possibility of Drek'Thar rejoining them to have us Hunted again, now by the Frostwolves.

[x] The Frostwolf remnants will join you in your campaign against the Syndicate
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[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.

Nope. We came in peace and got jumped, but we can't actually take them with us this time. Not with all the hooks in us.
With Drek'Thar still alive and at large the Horde ship has sunk for us at this point, I think, might as well throw in with the Alliance.
Can't we let them go later? Reinforcements kinda help when fighting entrenched enemies. Any enemies actually.

Not really, doing it at all sends a message and besides the quest tends to be about commitment. If we do something then it pretty much always has permanent consequences.
Yea there's a few points here. Firstly in terms of mechanics it is indeed a binary choice. I'm fine offering some changes in decision, if you wanted to go Fel again then you could for example, but in this case events will continue after your decision.

Say you take them with you, once you conquer Alterac, where would they go? The Alliance aren't going to let a gang of bandits traipse around their territory. Therefore they sort of be stuck with you, so even if you wanted to let them go, events might require that you keep them. Dathrohan certainly benefits from such a scenario for example.

and we ALREADY signed onto the Alliance's "Constable of Alterac" scheme
Not yet. You've agreed to fight the Syndicate, but the choice of the Constable thing will happen at the end of the arc basically.
[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.

I don't want angry, mourning heavily armed orcs in our war party while we fight the bloody guerilla specialists.

Send them to Hammerfall and be done with it.
I don't want angry, mourning heavily armed orcs in our war party while we fight the bloody guerilla specialists.

Send them to Hammerfall and be done with it.

See you're on a good track but you're forgetting one thing: Orcs.

The best way to get them to stop hating us is to lead them into successful battles.

[x] The Frostwolf remnants will join you in your campaign against the Syndicate
See you're on a good track but you're forgetting one thing: Orcs.

The best way to get them to stop hating us is to lead them into successful battles.

[x] The Frostwolf remnants will join you in your campaign against the Syndicate
See the other thing you're forgetting is orcs.

They will not see this as glory and they're petty bastards about a lot of shit.
[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.
[X] The remains of the clan will be banished, commanded to leave Alterac and likely travel to Hammerfall instead.

Guys FFS sake.

Do you realise the impression it sends if we decide to essentially conscript Thrall's fucking clan?!

When we're already dealing with the paranoia that we're trying to become war chiefs.

This is pretty obvious as traps go.

It doesn't matter if it's "his" clan, they're a gaggle of traitors and the fact that they are alive at all is something he can be thankful for.
We needed manpower to fight the syndicate before "the worthless kaiju battle of Alterac" and after it our need for numbers has only grown greater.

I'm especially against letting them go now since theres nothing stopping them from just going back to Drek'thar. They've already disgraced themselves, at this point he couldnt lead them to worse if he decided to lead a suicide charge.
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Well, if the recruit vote does win, I say we own it and after finishing our local objectives take a jaunt down to BlackRock Spire and challenge Rend Blackhand for control of the Dark Horde.

Might as well fill that bingo card. It will also give us the forces we need to be a large contributor to the Northrend invasion and remove a chaotic and neutral evil faction from the board. Converting them to our preferred form of neutral/chaotic demon and undead hunting forces.

Why do I say Chaotic? Because Grok is chaos, he brings it with him wherever he goes. Might as well keep pointing him at troublesome groups so he can ruin their day and pull the survivors into his orbit.
thats what I am saying thrall and rend are both unworthy of the title will choose garrosh as warhcief the other is a cowardly puppet we must claim the title for ourselves/s
thats what I am saying thrall and rend are both unworthy of the title will choose garrosh as warhcief the other is a cowardly puppet we must claim the title for ourselves/s

Indeed instead of a cowardly puppet Grok would be a brave and foolhardy puppet.

We have been over this, Grok sucks at spotting manipulations in the background and until he gets better at that, having him in charge of the entire horde is just asking for one of the many evil factions to prompt him to do something self-destructive and devastating to the world.
Indeed instead of a cowardly puppet Grok would be a brave and foolhardy puppet.

We have been over this, Grok sucks at spotting manipulations in the background and until he gets better at that, having him in charge of the entire horde is just asking for one of the many evil factions to prompt him to do something self-destructive and devastating to the world.

One doesn't get better at something by avoiding practice, skill will come naturally with time and our deficiency can be overcome by having trustworthy advisors.

Yes, people are manipulating us. Yes, not all of their manipulating works in our favor.
But constantly being afraid to do things because "the dreadlord might want this" or "Thrall is going to be scared" is the road to seeing ten updates of nothing happening because any move you make is going to move a piece in someone else's game.
We have been over this, Grok sucks at spotting manipulations in the background and until he gets better at that, having him in charge of the entire horde is just asking for one of the many evil factions to prompt him to do something self-destructive and devastating to the world.
Keep in mind that Grok is also going up against some masterful manipulators. The Black Dragons consistenty managed to fool the entirety of Alliance leadership, while the Dreadlords also managed to canonically control the Scarlet Crusade twice through Balnazzar and Mal'ganis.

Grok can indeed realise that people are manipulating him, he just can't necessarily do anything about it. For example, it wasn't surprising to him that Feldad gave Sesk secret instructions, it wasn't surprising that Varimathras capitalised on that to evac the Forsaken, but what's Grok going to do? Just not let the Forsaken go? Both Dathrohan and Feldad, indeed, even Thrall, are all very good at making stuff seem desirable. They're not forcing Grok. Even look at Kalran. He's trying to salvage the Black position, concel that Prestor is a dragon too etc, and he sells that as being for Grok's benefit because he knows Grok doesn't want to expose them either because it might lead to war.