Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

The punchline was amazing. I'm giggling at the thought of the Crusade's faces when we come side by side with the Banshee Queen herself. Although, after Garithos, humans would be right not to trust her.

I don't know where his loyalties truly lie. I'm more colored by the perspectives of warcraft 3 where he and his brothers got cut off from the legion. Did he fake Balthazar's death or did Balthazar fake it himself so there's two dreadlords scheming against each other's plans unaware of the other?
In the original WoW and the comics for it they were fully aware and cooperating to drain the Crusade and the Forsaken all along. I think it was implied that even Kel'Thuzad war partially in on some of their plots (related to the Ashbringer at least).

And that's why I want to tell Thrall.
It will suck, to have to have the Forsaken taken in as refugees.
But if we don't we leave them to Nerzul to just stuff into some sucky deathswanp because the forsaken are dead enough to not care, and then the Burning Blade under Ner'zul gets a giant secret undead workforce that knows how to make Blight Bombs, so the Cult of the Damned nonsense can keep flaring up over and over and over again.
The Burning Blade are not working for Ner'zhul, they are working for Varimathras, it seems.
Ner'zhul will has less access to Forsaken in Desolace. His closest reach in Kalimdor is Razorfen Downs, and that's a warzone on its own.
The punchline was amazing. I'm giggling at the thought of the Crusade's faces when we come side by side with the Banshee Queen herself. Although, after Garithos, humans would be right not to trust her.
I think with some help she'll get in and out of Naxxrammas on her own unless she actually joins Grok which can happen because Sylvanas can bluff the crusaders.
In the original WoW and the comics for it they were fully aware and cooperating to drain the Crusade and the Forsaken all along. I think it was implied that even Kel'Thuzad war partially in on some of their plots (related to the Ashbringer at least).
I figured so when the betrayal happened. Kel'Thuzad too makes sense in a case of enemy mine because it strengthens Balnazzar's position when more of the original founders are gone especially with a lethal weapon now corrupted.
[ ] Monk

It had been a strange creature who'd introduced you to the ways of the Monk. He had told you to put down your weapons and shown you that flesh and spirit are far stronger than any steel. The creature had been half drunk during the time you'd spoken to him, so you hadn't learnt much, but he'd shown you a few exercises to follow if you wanted to walk the Jade Path.
Just been on a bit of a dragon ball watch and just wondering if you can add in an orc monk someday.

However if it's possible to learn it, is it from this guy?

Brother Korloff

Brother Korloff is an elite human boss of the Scarlet Crusade that can be found at the Chapel Gardens in the Scarlet Monastery.
We are already multiclassing, that ship has sailed IMO. Unless you want to forsake all spirits, or all swordsmanship, forever.
A former Death Knight turned Forsaken may choose such a radically different path, but I'd rather not go there
We are already multiclassing, that ship has sailed IMO. Unless you want to forsake all spirits, or all swordsmanship, forever.
A former Death Knight turned Forsaken may choose such a radically different path, but I'd rather not go there
I think it can help towards the blademaster's combat repertoire when his fireblade impedes him or finds himself without a blade he has his fists and legs to do the fighting.
In theory I'd say not the greatest idea since that draws away from a Blademaster tradition Grok is having issues with in terms of compatibility, thanks to his frail physique.
But on the flipside, There IS a reason relevant to Grok's interests in Pandaria, and that would be the way the Pandas have managed to get their elementals to chill out and be civil. I could see Grok being interested in that.
The Dread Citadel 5
The Dread Citadel 5

The preparations for the attack on Naxxramas continue. Exercises and drills occupy the army, still squatting in Anderhol, and daily companies are marshalled, brigades marching east toward the Dread Citadel.

The strategy at present is to seem occupied, to seem like the army will march in force, but then to swiftly strike with a prepared force at the necropolis itself. You have a part to play there, but for the moment no information is to be given to the Scourge regarding the plan, and so you drill and train as well.

Swords flash, armour is checked over, and in time you sit at rest, overlooking your warband.

Though it's a strange thing to say, it's peaceful here. Even while the city buzzes with anticipated violence, you sit in contemplation.

Occasionally an orc will approach you to make some request, a blessing usually, or advice on a dream. You are known to be a powerful shaman, a firecaller following the traditions of your people, and a blademaster besides, and the respect you've earnt is clear. One supplicant though is not like the others.

Through the throng he comes, walking slowly, unconcerned with worldly things, though the chains on his arms and chest jangle quietly in the wind. The orcs show their respect to him too, as they would any shaman, but the response among the humans is more mixed, from adoration to disgust.

"Light's blessings upon you." Inquisitor Fairbanks says, making the gesture of his faith and bowing, and you gesture for him to join you.

"I know of what is to come." the Undead says, drawing close enough that you can smell the dry bandages of his embalming. "I have come to offer a benediction, and any advice that I can."

He's a strange one, a man who died and rose again, full of fervour. One who became something he once hated, but at his heart is the same man he was. You thank him for it, and as he makes the gestures of his rites over you, you do feel something, a warmth perhaps, like a north wind out of the canyons at home that carried song and chime.

"You are prepared?" Fairbanks asks, looking out to the warriors below.

You nod, "Myself and ten others, all attuned by the mages' works, we are ready."

"I was to be posted with Dawnbringer and the Brotherhood, but Dathrohan has ordered differently. The Brotherhood will be using some gnomish toxin to destroy the undead as they go and there was concern this would affect me too. Perhaps it would, but it is no less disappointing. Nevertheless, my order taught, teaches I suppose, obedience, and I know I'm no strategist."

"You do what you can." you assure him, "Your presence will be a balm to others, know that at least."

Fairbanks smiles. You can't see it, he wears bandages over his form to hide his condition, and a veil of thick cloth over his lower face, but you see the way he moves, "Thank you." he replies, and you smile in turn, seduced by the simple courtesy.

"Who will you call on in battle?"

The question is a strange one, for in truth you're likely to call on no one. Your sword, your power, the rage inside you to smite the death knights of Naxxramas, the spirit bound in your bracer, but no others, and you say so.

"Are you then alone?" Fairbanks continues.

"What do you mean?"

"Though I might wish to join the battle and do what I can against the foe, I don't envy you your mission. You will face a time when you're lost in the dark, against foes beyond you, foes you have no hope of escaping."

Again the wind whistles through the new thatch and again you hear the call of hearth and home, the windchimes on the eves of your father's tent.

"When you face that time, when hope is lost, call on the Light, and it will answer." Fairbanks continues. "That's the best advice I can offer you."

"I am no paladin, the Light is not my religion, even if it is worthy enough." you reply.

"Perhaps." Fairbanks acknowledges, "The Light hates the Undead. You know this no doubt, it burns them, as it does me each day. I feel the warmth of my faith within me, it sears me, and through pain I know righteousness. The Light hates the Undead not because of some cosmic opposition upon an arcane chart as the Kirin Tor claim, but rather because of what the Undead are."

Fairbanks paused there, looking at you, his golden eyes somehow a comfort despite his crown of chains and mask of dead flesh.

"'For there are many treasures that others desire, and I give freely.'" you quoted, remembering the story from one Mirador had told you.

The golden eyes smiled. "Yes!" The Apostle to the Forsaken said, clapping his hands excitedly, chains rattling, "Truly, I hadn't thought you'd grasp it, you have a talent for scripture, one rarely matched by even some knights of the host!"

"I had a good teacher." you replied.

Often you had spoken with Mirador, often he had preached to you or others of the Light, and this was but one story.

"Once," Fairbanks recites, "a pious man went out into the wilderness, he walked among the hills and shore, and as he walked he gave what he could."

The story goes on, familiar save for minor variations in the telling. The man received gifts, yet gave away as much as he received, even when those gifts were his own just reward for defending others from trolls, or healing the sick. It was a parable upon the virtue of compassion, one of the Three Virtues of the Light, and you fell into meditation as Fairbanks spoke, letting those faith chimes lull your mind.

"And then lo, a spirit!" said Fairbanks, drawing up one hand before him, "And it held evil in its heart, and power too, and said: 'Give of yourself what I desire, I thirst and hunger, as those have before, give of yourself, flesh and blood, that I might sup', and truly, the pious man held out his hands and embraced the spirit, and together they ascended into the Light."

Mirador had told him competing interpretations of the parable. Once, the paladin had said, the Church of the Holy Light had interpreted the story as one of compassion, of a selfless individual willing to sacrifice themselves to save another, but more recently the interpretation had turned to darkness, now, Mirador said, the parable was used by the Scarlet Crusaders to preach of the foolishness of compassion, of the need for resolution against the Undead.

Mirador had turned sorrowful then, spoken of how the war had strained even the human religion, of how it represented but one of the schisms between the old Knights of the Silver Hand and Dathrohan's new Red Guards.

"The Undead lust for life, they are essentially selfish. They have no respect, for they cannot, they have no tenacity, for they constantly hunger, they have no compassion, for they can only consider themselves. It is only through our action that their souls might be saved. That is why the Light hates them, for Undeath is a blight upon the very essence of a person."

But where others might have hung their heads in shame or sadness, Fairbanks was unmoved. The Light burned within him, his faith, his trust in his convictions, was as strong as any you'd seen.

"Among my people," you began, "We care for the Spirits, we respect them, some worship them in other clans, but we do not do so selflessly. I know the Light is not akin to the Spirits of my people, but neither are the Three Virtues." Your sword lies before you and you gesture to it, "Among my clan strength is prized. You may respect a warrior, a blade, but not a concept itself, or so I think. You asked if I'd been alone, I have and truly I've been surrounded by enemies and fought alone in darkness, but it is not our custom to call for help, even the custom of shamans. In my clan, strength is the strength of the warrior alone, their own skill, their strength… The very concept of calling upon another force is strange to me, especially without exchange."

You were rambling somewhat, you had none of the skill in philosophy that Akinos had once demonstrated, but you felt you'd gotten it across. It was just so alien, the idea of calling on a force without the associated sacrifices. When a shaman called on the Elementals they'd contracted with it was through a web of previously agreed contracts and relationships, not simply a plea hurled into the Void.

"And yet, the Light loves us without constraint." Fairbanks replies. "We all face a tribulation, but once in man's life a Trial comes. For me, I thought I'd passed it many years ago, I fought in the Second War you know, so I thought I had passed my test. But I was wrong, I saw my friend fall to treachery, I was unable to move, trapped under fetid corpses, I called out to the Light to give me the strength to move, to save him, but it did not answer. I almost lost my faith then, but soon after my Trial came. You've heard my story, I fell to Undeath and bid my brothers seal me away for their own safety, and in that hour I was truly tested, I fell and rose again, like the spirit in the parable, into the Light."

Fairbanks looks into the middle distance, golden eyes unfocused. "You too will face a trial, a time when evil closes in around you, and in that moment, Grok'mash Fireblade, if you call, you will know the Light's Grace."
This was beautifully written. I have already contemplated out encounters with the Light, and, I must say, even for someone as unscupulous about magic in Warcraft as me, Fairbanks's words moved me. Well done.
I love how faith, belief and philosophy is being covered in this quest it's so great.
This was beautifully written. I have already contemplated out encounters with the Light, and, I must say, even for someone as unscupulous about magic in Warcraft as me, Fairbanks's words moved me. Well done.

Thanks both, glad to hear it. I do think it's very important to present that sort of thing given the work is focused on a particular character. The whole point of the story is to develop the character, their activities and beliefs, and to ensure there's conflict between things like philosophies. I'd previously explored these in the shaman conflict between the traditional and 'dark' shamanism beliefs, but now you're in Lordaeron the Light is also of note.

However, I also think the presentation of religion in fantasy tends to be pretty terrible. I don't want the Light people to just be wizards of another flavour, I did want them to have a rational philosophy for why they can use the specific things they can in terms of magic etc. I referenced the cosmology chart for example, this is something Blizzard pushed in their metanarrative materials, which I thought were rather lacking. It kind of invalidates the religious practices of people in the world if its just 'oh we just use one of the various fundamental forces'.
I mean the way you pretayed it made both make sense in a way like the mages who researching are putting it scientifically while those in the light see it a different way cause its their religion
The Dread Citadel 6
The Dread Citadel 6

The sky was slowly clearing, the oppressive orange haze which the Scourge had conjured from their Plague Cauldrons was being blown away, a dozen druids of the Cenarion Circle working hard each moonrise to conjure pure winds from the sea.

You felt the buzz of magic as you ran, crushing fetid mushrooms underfoot, occasionally sliding through the decaying mulch as the ground gave way, but you always sprang back up, Myzrael giving strength and surety to your step.

All around you were allies and warriors, the Crusaders had sent their best and the Horde had matched them. The Grand Crusader, Saiden Dathrohan marched at the head of the column, pounding a punishing pace that saw the mages of the force occasionally reaching for their belts and potions of fortitude and stamina.

You felt as if part of a tale, a heroic epic from a later age. Blessings and wards coursed through your body, the auras of holiness from paladins, enchantments of intellect from the Kirin Tor's arcanists, pack-bound wildness of Broll Bearmantle, who flew above in the shape of a horned eagle. Your banner flew proudly on your back, and fire yearned to leap from the blades of your fellows.

Dathrohan was a cunning leader. He had challenged the disparate elements of the Alliance to battle, and to battle they'd come, competing for valour and honour.

The Grand Crusader himself led his elite Red Guards, and with him went the heroes of the Scarlet Onslaught. Barean Westwind strode alongside him, the once-lost admiral bearing a sinister sword, carrion birds all about him waiting for the feast, while on the other side Tirion Fordring went, Dathrohan and Fordring alike, yet not alike, both Knights of the Silver Hand, but now bearing different sigils. They would stand in readiness to exploit any breach, to be a fresh reserve, and if the assault was successful, to immediately assault Kel'Thuzad himself in the Arch-Lich's sanctum.

Eligor Dawnbringer and his Brotherhood of the Light came next, champions bearing baleful enchantments upon their weapons, yet also the poisoners, assassins and saboteurs of the Crusade. They would make for the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas, using gnomish bombs and poisons strained from long years' work on the Scourge's Blight.

Next was the Argent Dawn. Once they were paladins and priests who had scorned the Scarlet Crusade, yet now they found themselves amidst changed circumstances, and to prevent their entire destruction by absorption into the larger Crusade, Lord Maxwell Tyrosus had offered to lead his warriors against the Construct Quarter to battle the abominations and patchwork men within.

Lastly, Bolvar Fordragon himself had claimed a place. He had rallied the knights and mages of Stormwind and would attack the Spider Quarter, pitting himself against the finest arachnids of the Scourge, drawn from the wastes of Northrend and Azjol'Nerub.

And then there was you. Sesk and Ishi were at your sides as ever. Whitemane, Castillian and Kalaran Windblade made up the Alliance's contingent, though Darian had begged to accompany you to try and liberate his father's soul. Vark too came along, having sent his Ogres off on one of the Crusade's attacks, taking a quiver of his bomb-spears as well as one of the more powerful Ogre mages with him. Lastly came Dak'mal and the tauren Umber, their runes glowing with power.

Fifty heroes, attuned with the bones of Scholomance to the runic portal that would allow you entrance to the Dread Citadel. It had taken significant effort to gather the arcane reagents necessary to create the binding that would allow the force's attack. Indeed, almost the entire continent's supply of certain arcane crystals and mystical orbs had been used up, and would take many years to renew.

Through the Plaguewood under boughs with peeling bark, over barren ground. Occasionally the advance scouts leave a corpse cooling on the road, but soon enough you come to the fortified site of the rune portal. It's small, Naxxramas is secured partly by its teleportation network, but it's this same network that'll deliver you directly into the citadel.

The trees thin and you leap forward, the earth rising up to propel each step as you and the Blademasters race ahead of the main force, bolts of spellfire all about you. You cut down the defenders, running up a dead tree and leaping clear over the wall, landing amidst the undead, slashing all about you, Fireblade cutting through decrepit flesh. Your blademaster guardians see to your defence as you call upon the spirit in your bracer and Myzrael rages. The earth heaves and walls fall, gate crashing down in ruin as the rest of the Crusade piles in.

"Well fought, Orc." Westwind congratulates you, his crows resting on the eaves of buildings and his eyes glowing with power. "But now the portal, let us go."

The experience is strange indeed, the feeling of teleportation, the first time you've felt such a thing. At once you seem to be in two places, your body and soul transported up into a dingy chamber where even as you recover yourself, the Crusaders are setting to their work, slaughtering the undead mages who'd maintained the teleporter.

"Who dares?" a fell voice rang through the chamber and the crystals glowed on the walls. "My domain is sanctified by the Lord of Undeath, know this, all you will accomplish here is to grow his armies!"

"Kel'Thuzad." Fordragon grimaced.

"We are discovered." Tirion said, hand tightening around the half of his weapon.

"No matter." Dathrohan replied, "Move out, and trust in the Light."

With nods the teams split and you lead your warriors down one corridor. Only Dathrohan's force remains in place, but soon enough you've left him, without any sight of a living warrior save for those who accompany you.

You step through the corridors, the crystals around you shimmering as you pass. Your sword burns in the darkness, and the others wield magelights behind you, but none come to oppose you.

The earth is far away, the spirits too, and here in the gloom the warmth of your ancestors can barely be felt, but you feel others things, a presence in the chamber and turn, "Windrunner."

From the darkness she drops, lithe and deadly. "Swiftly," the Banshee Queen says, "Even now Kel'Thuzad prepares his spells, and makes to summon portals for aid from his master. We must made for the upper chambers."

"First the Quarters." you reply, "The commanders of the Citadel hold the runic keys to access Kel'Thuzad's chambers."

With a moment's hesitation the Forsaken nods, taking up her station with the mages behind you.

More empty corridors. Does Kel'Thuzad mean to lure you into a trap? No doubt, but there's little you can do about it, and finally you come to a larger chamber and a great door. Vark's ogre mage goes forward pressing mighty arms against it and beyond you see a great host of death knights wielding their runeblades. Beyond on a high platform stands an enormous man in ice-blue armour.

"Students of the Cold Dark!" Instructor Razuvious roars, casting a hand forward in salute with his mighty blade, "Show me what you've learned!"
Rolls for your first raid

Wider crusade actions, demonstrations to distract Scourge forces? 48, less effective than wanted, moderate distractio.

Scourge cohesion after Crusade ops, are they surpised and the Crusade's stuff effective? Are they missing any reinforcemnets? 45, insufficiently effective demonstration means minor surprise but no bosses redeployed, Naxx at basically full strength.

Brotherhood vs Plague Quater, 59, 41, break through some bosses, not strong enough to clear the Quater though. Plague stuff stays in Quater.

Argent Dawn vs Constructs 28, extremely poorly, retreat? 49, retreat in poor order. Constructs? 94, advance out of quater in counter offensive.

Bolvar vs Spiders, 21, also extremely poorly, retreat? 19? No, all dead. Ironically Bolvar still gets captured by the Lich King as per canon. Funny that. 42, Spiders do not advance.

Grok Warband vs Death Knights 13, slow, stalemated.

Breaking the stalemate 8, losses. Dakmal dies, Umber enrages.

Vs Razuvious 25, ineffective, try again 70, blademasters win.

Reviving Dakmal? 10 no, superdead.

Umber running ahead, trapped? 4, superdead too, indeed raised by Gothik.

Warband vs Undead Umber and Gothik 21, poorly still, roll for death, Vark's ogre dies. Umber breaking free? 84. Gothik dies. Umber also dead.

Adds before Four Horsemen 91, trivial.

Four Horsemen battle, Horsemen Charge, 20, extremely poorly, dismounted and wounded, counterattack, 21, equally poorly, roll for death, dead Kalaran, Dragon activation?, 98, extremely well, Kalaran back up in dragon form and 1 horseman down. Next phase 23, poorly, death again, Whitemane, heroic intervention by renault 13, he's dead too.

Wounded dragon, Grok and Vark, Castillian, and blademasters vs 3 remaining Horsemen 16, wow you're really rolling poorly, death roll, ishi dead, desperate defence, 47, stalled them, horsemen consolidation, 10, another down, 2 horsemen left, 58, stalemate, resolving? 20, poorly, death roll, grok. Finally that narrative Light activation, victory.

So as I mentioned previously, I wanted to do a cool narative thing here, which I think's gone really well. You did lose a few people, but that's ok. basically for rolls lower than 25, representing a lower bound of possibility, I rolled a death dice, and whichever number it landed on it killed, for example if a 3, that was the 3rd person on my list.

Losses: Dak'mal and Umber, Whitemane, Renault, Ishi, Grok (temporarily anyway).

Kalaran revealed as a dragon

Meanwhile: Red Guards vs Constructs, 93, fairly trivial for Dreadlords.

Dreadlords breaking enchantments on Kel'Thuzad's sanctum, 89, they're in, vs Saph, 43, second phase, 89, through, vs KT, 63 effective, second phase 47, KT not going down but has decided to retreat, 65 final, KT retreats, Naxx significantly damaged, but crusade retreats is decent order.

Significant Crusade losses in Champions and manpower. Higher losses among the Scourge though, with KT's retreat and deaths of significant commanders doing a lot to diminsh Lordaeron scourge forces.
FractiousDay threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 467
48 48 45 45 59 59 41 41 28 28 49 49 94 94 21 21 19 19 42 42 13 13 8 8
FractiousDay threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: deaths Total: 24
6 6 10 10 5 5 3 3
FractiousDay threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 480
25 25 70 70 10 10 4 4 21 21 84 84 91 91 20 20 21 21 98 98 23 23 13 13
FractiousDay threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 640
16 16 47 47 10 10 58 58 20 20 93 93 89 89 43 43 89 89 63 63 47 47 65 65
FractiousDay threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 8
2 2 6 6
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Rolls for your first raid

Wider crusade actions, demonstrations to distract Scourge forces? 48, less effective than wanted, moderate distractio.

Scourge cohesion after Crusade ops, are they surpised and the Crusade's stuff effective? Are they missing any reinforcemnets? 45, insufficiently effective demonstration means minor surprise but no bosses redeployed, Naxx at basically full strength.

Brotherhood vs Plague Quater, 59, 41, break through some bosses, not strong enough to clear the Quater though. Plague stuff stays in Quater.

Argent Dawn vs Constructs 28, extremely poorly, retreat? 49, retreat in poor order. Constructs? 94, advance out of quater in counter offensive.

Bolvar vs Spiders, 21, also extremely poorly, retreat? 19? No, all dead. Ironically Bolvar still gets captured by the Lich King as per canon. Funny that. 42, Spiders do not advance.
Well.... eh.....
ok so we basically need to hard blend this whole run now or we gonna get furked, Not just win but style on people if we wanna get out.
I feel relieved the narrative vote won in the off chance it means Grok and co don't make it.

Dreadlords breaking enchantments on Kel'Thuzad's sanctum, 89, they're in, vs Saph, 43, second phase, 89, through, vs KT, 63 effective, second phase 47, KT not going down but has decided to retreat, 65 final, KT retreats, Naxx significantly damaged, but crusade retreats is decent order.

Significant Crusade losses in Champions and manpower. Higher losses among the Scourge though, with KT's retreat and deaths of significant commanders doing a lot to diminsh Lordaeron scourge forces.
Overall the plan is accomplished albeit not the heroic victory one. Pyrrhic even but does it account for even the Scourge when they can raise up more to absorb the losses despite the loss of possible heavy hitters?
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Pyrrhic even but does it account for even the Scourge when they can raise up more to absorb the losses despite the loss of possible heavy hitters?
I wouldn't say its pyrrhic, costly certainly, the Crusade lost about 2/3rds of their champions, who were obviously some of the more able individuals, and there are some serious losses like Bolvar, but aims were acheived, KT was forced to retreat, many of the Scourge's commanders were slain, and positions were taken outside Naxx too in teh distraction efforts. Naxx can't be used to bring in reinforcements anymore. It's not the victory the Crusade wanted perhaps, but it's a significant one nevertheless.
The Dread Citadel 7
The Dread Citadel 7

Death Knights were warriors of power, raised into undeath to serve as champions of the Scourge. The first of them had been Orcs like Teron Gorefiend or Gaz Soulripper, warlocks' souls bound to the corpses of human knights, but now the Scourge simply raised the dead in their own bodies. They wielded runeblades, and you saw their worth when you crossed swords with the first of Razuvious' students.

The Instructor himself stood atop his podium, shouting advice down at his knights. He sent them at you in groups, apparently heedless of the deaths caused with each attack. Perhaps he meant to raise them again, you knew not, but you cut through them all the same. They were the trainees of the Scourge, the next generation of Death Knights, and Instructor Razuvious was known as one of the finest swordsmen in the world, previously the Master-at-Arms of Stromgarde and now the chief trainer of the Scourge's warriors.

Vark was throwing his bomb-spears, he caught one knight in the face, their head exploding as the improved gnomish impact mechanism blew their face apart. Sylvannus Windrunner's arrows followed, striking through helms at throat and eye, while Castillian and Dak'mal hurled spellfire.

You, Sesk, Ishi and Umber stood at the frontline. As you and the Blademasters danced amidst the unholy swordsmen, Umber swung a great glowing chain which smote any he struck.

Behind you was Whitemane and she roared the catechisms of her faith, a barrier of Holy Light issuing from her staff which burned the undead.

"Blackflame Knights, forward!" Razuvious roared, and bolts of dark fire shot out from a company of knights. You ducked, not waiting to see whether Whitemane's barrier would resist them, but as the Death Knights came on they cast again, drawing back their free hands and throwing more fire.

Your party frantically dodged, you saw Dak'mal pulling up the corpse of another Death Knight to intercept one bolt, but it just blasted the body apart and the old wizard had to dive to the side.

Then the Blackflame Knights were on you and you were down to the cut and thrust. They were skilled, but you were faster and better, three fell swiftly, their formation betraying them as one stumbled into another after you cut off his arm, runeblade spinning away across the chamber.

"We must break this stalemate!" cried Sesk, and then shouted an oath as he commanded the Spirits, throwing a fireball at one clump of the Knights.

"Over then, Falling Heaven!" Ishi replied.

"Agreed." you grunted. It was a risky tactic, but necessary you thought.

With a mighty leap you struck one Knight in the face with your foot, sailing up over him. You weren't as graceful as the other Blademasters, but you were good enough, you ran atop your foe's, steps on their shoulders and helms, ignoring their cries of alarm as the three of you ran over the top of their ranks.

You were on Razuvious in an instant, sword blazing. He had only a moment to bring his own massive blade up, and he raise it, seeming to parry the strikes of Sesk and Ishi at the same time.

What terrible strength! For he threw them off contemptuously, then thrust forward so quickly you had to leap again clear over his sword to avoid being spitted.

You landed awkwardly, pursuing Razuvious across the floor as he shouted for his students to retreat, to leave the orcs to him.

He was incredibly skilled, but also incredibly powerful, like facing an Ogre master swordsman. Razuvious used his hands and feet as much as his sword, especially when you and the Blademasters tried to close on him and get within his guard. Even if you had perhaps a slight advantage of speed, he was just too strong, his armour too thick, and even when you scored a hit the fire of your blade seemed to die when it reached the Instructor's icy plate.

Falling Heaven was an aerial technique, but it seemed Razuvious was wise to it. When Sesk tried to leap over him in a decapitating stroke the Instructor took one hand off a bind with your blade, drew a jagged knife and plunged it into Sesk's leg, grounding him for the moment. The Blademaster wasn't completely disabled and immediately put fire to the wound even as he ripped the dagger free, spraying fel-tainted flood across the floor.

You heard a bellow from behind them like a wounded animal and saw Death Knights flying across the room in a great stroke, Umber swinging about him with his massive fists, but you had no time for that. You closed, you needed to bring this to an end, only then could you go on through the Citadel.

"Two Fires!" you yelled, summoning your rage, summoning the knowledge that not all of your party would make it out alive. The Fireblade burned as Sesk and Ishi leapt to your command, unleashing a flurry of blows that forced Razuvious back on the defensive.

The Instructor would not realise you had charged your sword, wouldn't realise this stroke would be fatal, but as you stalked around him waiting for an opening it came, you leapt forward as Sesk and Ishi tackled Razuvious, the Rage of the Firelands cutting deep into the Instructors' thigh.

With a strangled cry he fell to one knee, dropping his sword as thick dark blood coursed from the wound.

"You-" he struggled with a choke, and then your blade took his disbelieving head.

The Death Knights broke, some immediately fled, racing out across the necropolis, others charged forward with a cry and you cut them down, their spirits broken by the Lich King already, now shattered by their commander's death.

It was bloody work, and you took more than one wound as you fought your way back to Whitemane's radiance, but you managed it. When you cut down the last of the aspirants you looked back, seeing Umber weeping over Dak'mal's cold corpse, the old Orc lying broken with a sword through his heart.

You looked to Whitemane, you knew she had the power of resurrection but she shook her head sadly, "He was killed by a Runeblade, I cannot reach his soul, I am sorry."

"It is the practice of the Scourge." Windrunner sneered, "They robbed the Church of their tools one by one." and you nodded, you suppose she would know that well enough, a victim of the Scourge herself.

You looked about you. Most had taken wounds, but Whitemane was going from person to person healing them. "We must go." she said to you quietly, "Turn the tauren's grief to rage, we can't let them reground around the Harvester."

You'd been briefed on the commanders of Naxxramas extensively, you'd known you'd face Razuvious at first, and you knew she was right, even if it grated at you, and you went to Umber and laid a hand on his massive shoulder.

"Come, nothing is left for him but vengeance." you said, looking ahead.

"Vengeance." the tauren huffed, "Very well." and his crimson eyes glowed.

With a delicate movement of the runeblade Umber tore the heart from Dak'mal's chest and consumed it, letting out a roar in the ritual of his people. Blood ran down his muzzle over the scales under his scabby skin. Another roar and the Felsworn charged forward, striking the far door with a shoulder, shattering the portal and running on, your warband chasing behind.
The Dread Citadel 8
The Dread Citadel 8

"So quickly!" boomed a voice from ahead, "You face the Harvester of Souls, yet you send yourselves to me so easily! I barely need act, so much do you brazenly disregard powers beyond your understanding!"

Gothik the Harvester was one of the most skilled Necromancers of the Scourge, he taught the Death Knights of Naxxramas to wield that unholy power just as Razuvious had taught bladeplay.

You came to another shattered door and saw a great chamber before you. More Death Knights milled about within, and innumerable undead within began to pick themselves up off the floor from piles of bones.

At the end of the chamber you saw Umber, bleeding green from a dozen wounds, bound in chains of shadowsteel. You grimaced, his rage had driven him deep into the enemy formation, but there was nothing you could do and you simply set your blade in a guarding stance.

These Death Knights at least were poorly armed, many only with jewelled truncheons rather than runeblades, and they sent bolts of shadow at you as you stood in the breach, only for Whitemane's radiance to sunder their attacks.

Gothik himself surveyed the field from a high gallery, his robes rich, sinister spirits swooping about him amidst the horns of his headress or through the dead hair of his beard.

"Come now!" he called, and his voice was almost friendly, an academic examining a particularly interesting insect, "You have triumphed over Razuvious, but that is hardly surprising for that brute, now face my students in the same contest!"

"He will watch, it amuses them to watch…" Windrunner said, though she risked a single arrow which merely bounced off a magical barrier as Gothik laughed.

"Hold here?" asked Vark, hefting one of his spears.

You looked over the chamber quickly, "No, they'll pin us down, use their worst magics and Whitemane can't resist that. At them, get inside their formation, don't give them time to concentrate like sharks amidst a shoal."

And once again you ran forward. You didn't know whether it was the most sensible plan, but at least this way your enemies would only be able to manage minor magics, for fear of hitting their own compatriots. There would be no marshalling of more powerful spellwork, not with the warband in their formation, forcing them back, these were students of necromancy after all, not masters of it.

You slew and slew again. Not all of the aspirants were actually undead, some were merely the acolytes of Gothik and his necromancers and you went among them with burning blade. First the Blademasters were with you, then they jumped away, striking wherever the enemy was thickest and you found yourself fighting side by side with Vark instead, your brother wielding a great scimitar in wide strokes that sent limbs and heads flying.

Windrunner shot arrows through multiple necromancers at point blank range, striking with her bow and a long knife, diving in and between the enemy, a dread energy making her eyes glow as the banshee took her own vengeance.

You spared a glace up as Whitemane beat a Death Knight to death with her staff, her foe unwisely attempting to close on her and push through her holy aura, it heartened you, for in truth your strategy was working. Each time you closed on a clump of Death Knights they couldn't respond, ineffectually hurling minor magics. You said minor, but due to your bloodstone amulet you were almost immune to the attacks, and you saw Kor'gesh Coldrage, Vark's Ogre mage, was having to defend himself while limping after a bolt of shadow had eaten away the flesh on his leg.

There was something going on up ahead, you could feel your hair stand on end as a power grew, then cold spread across the flood, ice forming on your boots so each step stuck just a little in the frost.

A mighty figure rose across the chamber and Gothik laughed, "A mighty champion! I've not worked with this sort of specimen before, but fine work my students, now though, see that you control it!"

You stood before Umber, his eyes now burning ice blue with the taint of undead as the tauren charged toward you, bowling you out of the way as you dodged aside.

Whitemane tried to stand, raising her voice in prayer but with a runeshock blast she was thrown aside too and the tauren closed on Coldrage, with a single blow doubling him so that he spat blood, then seizing the ogre by his hair Umber tore out his throat with his other hand, bellowing once more.

You could see necromancers manipulating the newly raised undead's bindings as you gathered yourself, all had stopped to see the contest as Umber now stalked toward Vark. You had to leave your brother, he could handle himself, instead you went after the controllers.

Windrunner abruptly landed in front of you, thrusting her dagger into the chest of a Death Knight. She looked back at you, eyes red and bleeding, "Slay them, then enrage the monster, he may yet break the binding." and with that she was away again, arrows spent, cutting her way through the throng.

The Mightstone gave strength to your limbs and forward you went, batting aside bolts of magic and burning through shadow-wards with your sword. The necromancers were amateurs, it took a dozen of them to control one tauren, and even as you heard heavy footsteps behind you and Umber charged back toward you the last necromancer died.

A hundred bodies lay around you, and with the death of that clump of shadowmancers Umber halted, eyes unfocused, the dark veins across his skin still showing the corruption in his body.

"Take your revenge, slay the Necromancer!" you called to him, "Remember Dak'mal, remember who killed him!"

Black eyes focused on you this time, then in an instant Umber leapt, a huge body passing over you as he jumped for the high gantry, crashing through the stonework, shattering an arm but grasping Gothik the Harvester's leg with his other hand. The wizard cried out as they fell together, then he screamed as they struck the floor and started to burn. Fel-green flames licked across Umber's form as he clenched the Necromancer close. He spoke not a word, nothing as the fire grew and his soul burned out, as his runes glowed painfully bright, nothing as the flesh sloughed off him and skin melted, nothing as finally his blackened skeleton collapsed onto Gothik's own burned corpse, crushing the Necromancer's skill beneath Umber's horns.

There were strangled screams as the Blademasters went among the wounded, but for your part you regrouped in the centre. Three down, Dak'mal, Umber and Kor'gesh, and yet the most terrible foes yet still to come.

Vark held his side as he came up, leaning heavily on the last of his bomb-spears. "Brother." he greets you, wincing.

Sylvannus looked to the wound on his side, going to him and peeling away his hand, hissing as she did, "There is corruption here, priest, can you heal him?"

Whiteman is pale, eyes drawn, clearly exhausted, "I haven't the power, I must conserve my strength, or else we must retreat."

Vark looks down at you. The Breaker will not accept defeat. "Burn it out, brother."

You look at him, then to the wound, and finally nod.

Vark breaks his spear, clenching the wooden haft in his mouth.

You set the burning Fireblade to his flesh as he winces, fingers digging into your shoulder.

Dead flesh burning smells different to that of living flesh. You hadn't quite realised that, and when you withdraw Vark retrieves a slender vial from his belt, drinking half, then pouring the rest into the wound where it hissed and steamed.

The way beyond is trivial compared with what you've faced so far. There are a few warriors left, but you find yourself beset by enchanted weapons and spectres, each easily banished. The last dregs of the Death Knights are fleeing, and you cut one undead elf down who's been trying to crawl along with one leg. You must have slain most of the trainees by now, a hundred, perhaps two hundred, and you find yourself tired. Despite the Mightstone your limbs are like lead, but on you go.

You touch the great door that leads to the finest warriors of the Scourge, the door to the Sanctum of the Horsemen.

You feel a blade slash through your chest, you feel your lifeblood spray, feel unholy energies clenching around your heard and a darklight avenger above you. You see your friends fall as your sword falls from lifeless fingers and the world grows dark.

Then you're there again, hand on the door.

"What is it? What do you sense?" Windrunner asks at your side.

"I think here I die." you reply, chest tight, heart burning.

The Banshee Queen just grins, "Then die well."
Was there any quest lines we could've done with the duo if they hadn't died? It was always a risk but that's how it should be.