Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

[X] Write-In: How does one fight death knights?
[X] Write-In: What is the current status of our fight against the Scourge?
[X] Write-In: What new or relevant information do we have regarding the fight against the Scourge?
[X] Write-In: What other locations can we recruit from?
[X] Write-In: Are the Forsaken willing to take the fight against their former master, if so, can we recruit them?

There. I voted. Do what you guys will.
[X] Write-In: How does one fight death knights?
[X] Write-In: What is the current status of our fight against the Scourge?
[X] Write-In: What new or relevant information do we have regarding the fight against the Scourge?
[X] Write-In: What other locations can we recruit from?
[X] Write-In: Are the Forsaken willing to take the fight against their former master, if so, can we recruit them?

I hope some will join after all the chance to kill kelthurzad doesn't come very often neither does killing Baron Rivendare the two most guilty for the well everything
[x] Flavor text
-[X] It made sense now. Castillian's true allegiances lay with Varimathras. Perhaps even now my father's bargain has led the Forsaken mage into my warband. Loathe am I to naively converse with a thal'kituun, it's plainly obvious Castillian's vague message meant the Banshee Queen's advisor wishes to see me for something. First I will bid him greetings and ask if what my father bade me pass onto him was of use to him before I ask what he wishes to see me for.

Once that is done I will see if I can broach small conversation out of him. As a former member of the Burning Legion and opposition to the Lich King he may have interesting information on his lieutenants that will be of use to me especially the death knights and the application of magic especially of the fel direct from one such as him to understand and defend myself from. If I am to defeat Jubei'Thos it is well to learn it directly from those that orchestrated the scourge's creation and perhaps even a bit of his own motivations cut off from his masters and now serving the Forsaken and the Horde. Lastly is if he has more agents than just Castillian that can help me in my mission or if there's forsaken I can rescue properly unlike Deathknell. Perhaps he knows of it's fate?
The Dread Citadel 4
The Dread Citadel 4

An evil magic rested heavy on the Plaguelands as you run through the trees toward Sorrow Hill.

You're not quite on the level of the Blademasters yet, but as Castillian noted, connection with the Spirit of Earth is excellent, and you can run in pitch blackness under the decrepit branches, your footsteps sure and swift. You can feel each patch of earth, each root below ground and each bush or tree above it, and you avoid them, maintaining a formidable pace, covering the miles with ease.

You'd leapt the walls of Anderhol as the gloom of twilight had swept from the eastern mountains. The weather in Lordaeron had started to improve over time, and you were swift to make use of it. Most undead couldn't see well, they rather sensed life in the living, but you were too swift besides.

Sorrow Hill was close, the centre of a massive graveyard, the ground broken open in many cases where the dead had been pillaged for the Scourge's purposes.

The moons shone, but weakly.

You felt something, a presence, a foulness, a demon, and the Fireblade burned in your hands.

"Impressive!" Varimathras said, emerging at once from the shadows, "Rare is it that a mortal can sense my coming, if I do not desire it, you have grown strong, Grok'mash of the Burning Blade."

"War is a forge for all things." you replied. It was a common saying in your clan.

That Varimathras is still able to travel freely, so far from the Undercity, still covered in its protective shroud of blight, is telling. He has some purpose, clearly, to be so far away.

"Truly." the demon replied, "But your people would know that better than most. It is your kind the Burning Legion has to thank for the final destruction of the Draenei. We forged you, as your ancestors did that blade, and what a weapon you were!"

The genocidal history of the Orcs is well known to you, and you recognise the smirk on Varimathras' hideous face for what it is. You'll answer his gloating with your own.

"We were made for war." you reply smoothly, and for a moment you see the Dreadlord's façade slip. "We took Highmaul before the Legion ever came to Draenor, and we slew our own fathers just as readily as we slew the Draenei. My people knew war long before your interference."

Varimathras remains still for a moment. Despite the elegance of his speech, he remains an enormous demon, standing easily double your height, his armour rich and mighty wings trailing behind him like a cape, he cocks his head at you, "Delightful!" he remarks at last, "I can see why Mannoroth was so enamoured of you!"

"To your purpose, demon." you sneer, "You called me here for a reason."

It was clear to you now that Castillian was an agent of Varimathras. The mage had claimed to be indispensable to the Crusade and immune from their testing of the Forsaken, but no doubt Varimathras had somehow situated his agents within the Crusade to prevent such discovery.

"Indeed." the Dreadlord replied, "Very well, the Forsaken find themselves in a quandary. While currently secure, eventually either the Scourge or the Crusade, whoever wins the present conflict, will be able to overcome the Undercity's defences. It would be impossible to move such a population, and even if done, to where? I have therefore decided to call upon allies, principally, you and your clan. The crystal your father sent, the Demon Seed, is a powerful source of energy, powerful enough to open a portal across the world. What is required now is a target and a sender. I need you to join in thought with your father, far away in Desolace, to open a portal between that land and the Undercity."

It is… elegant. You have to admit that. Firstly, Varimathras is able to evacuate the Forsaken to a friendly territory, one where the desolate nature of well… Desolace, won't be problematic. It's not like the Forsaken actually need to eat after all.

With a wave of his clawed hand the Nathrezeim produces the Demon Seed from some hidden place. "It will require but a moment, a moment for you to seek your father in the fires of the crystal, then the imprint will be strong enough to use in future."

The truly clever part though, you realise, is that you have no reason to refuse, indeed, honour requires that you assist the Dreadlord. You've sworn to assist the Crusade in their war against the Scourge, and you'd thought before about the difficulty of balancing your obligations to the Forsaken and Crusade, given the animosity between the two. Afterall, the Forsaken were yet allies of the Horde, and though you were an exile, you couldn't bring yourself to simply abandon them, it was not within you to do such a thing.

As the demon says, the act itself is swift enough. Your father is evidently informed of the plan, and you find it easy to locate him, receiving only an impression of Thunder Axe Fortress, the stronghold of your clan in the south of Kalimdor. The brush is perfunctory, you feel little of your father's emotions, only a steely concentration, no doubt some ritual he's undertaking.

It saddens you, a little… To not even be acknowledged. But you are beyond such things now. You've not actively sought him out, and you'll not resent him for doing the same, you both have your duties after all.

"Did any aid come from Thrall?" you ask as you recover yourself from the working.

"After the Crusade reasserted themselves?" Varimathras asks, drawing the Demon Seed toward him through the air. "No, but none was expected. The alliance between the Horde and the Forsaken was always one of convenience and utility. The Horde has little interest in Lordaeron, the Forsaken little in Kalimdor, and it only held strong as long as the Forsaken were able to hold to Tirasfel. There was hopes for a naval base, it was one of the Banshee Queen's ambitions, to lead an armada of vengeance against the Lich King, but all such grand plans fail…"

"Fine words, from a demon."

Varimathras smiles at that, you suppose to him the insult is rather a compliment, for the Nathrezeim pride themselves on their abilities as intriguers and betrayers, "Perhaps the relationship will deepen now. The Orcs, or rather, your clan and it's mastery of the Fel-"

"You cannot 'master' the Fel." you interrupt, "I know enough of it from my father to know that."

Again that brief flash of true emotion, then Varimathras' face returns to the assured smirk. "That was Ner'Zuhl's mistake, and Gul'dan's too."

There's something insidious about the Dreadlord, for him to be so candid, to be so obvious in his mannerisms. He cultivated suspicion like a herder does his swine. It's like an enemy approaching you with a sword drawn, clearly hostile, even claiming they'll attack you, yet you feeling that they're lying somehow.

"What I'm more curious about is what stance your Warchief will take on the sudden arrival of thousands of Forsaken. It was well and good to ally with them, but never have your people been truly friendly with them." Varimathras continued, "It is given to us to live in interesting times, perhaps your father will grow more influential because of it, perhaps not. We shall see."

The Demon Seed disappears, back away into whatever shadow-vault Varimathras maintains with his magic, and the Dreadlord moves to leave.

"A moment." you call, "Your kind created the Scourge did you not?"

"The Darkener, Tichondrius, was the chief architect, but yes, many of my kind had a part in it, perfecting that which your own people began. Necromancy is but one tool in our arsenal, but for the Scourging of Lordaeron we needed a more obedient weapon than the Orcs."

"Then you don't know that some enemy is once more creating Death Knights?"

This takes the demon by surprise clearly, and he leans forward with interest.

"An orcish warrior," you are deliberately unspecific as to who, it doesn't seem prudent to give the Dreadlord more information than is necessary, "his spirit bound in the form of a human, the corpse degrading, animated by shadow magic, wielding a blade of shadow. What do you know of this?"

"Little," Varimathras admits after a short while, "though it shames one such as I to admit that. That is not the method of the Scourge, this I know, for they use the corpses of the Knights themselves to create new warriors of their unholy orders. Strange, for though magic spreads among peoples, this would seem to lack a certain pedigree. You turn toward Naxxramas do you not?"

You nod.

"I shall send you an agent, a powerful warrior, and one skilled in the manipulation of shadow magic, Belmont is the commander of my Deathstalkers, he shall aid you, and in return I would have you share whatever you find regarding these new Death Knights. Such magic is complex, and for another party to be utilising such works is concerning, Belmont shall-"

"Belmont shall do nothing." comes a new voice, and from the shadows of midnight steps a figure.

Your sword is up again and burning, and in it's blazing light you see her. Tall, corpse-pale, eyes red with hatred, long ears crowning her over a dark, ragged hood.

"Would you rob me of my vengeance, Varimathras?" asks the figure, her voice melodic and harsh at the same time, speech of beauty and elegance from the elf.

In her hand is a bow of blackened wood, and on her hip a sinister dagger, she stands at a height with you, and her eyes meet yours.

"I am a shield for my people," Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken whispers, "But in this hunt I and no other will claim the kill. Kel'Thuzad first, then Arthas… The destruction of the Scourge is the sole purpose of my existence, and none shall deny me my vengeance."

+ Sylvanas Windrunner
Forsaken moving to Desolace

I think the vote is pretty set on the Military Quater, so that's good. I'll have 2 more interludes before Naxx.
This Sylvanas has yet to end up on the…I'm not even sure what precisely happened to her train, I think.
She's DEFINITELY unhappy about the Forsaken going to Kalimdor.
For me…
I kind of want to write a letter to Thrall. Or perhaps a spiritual communication. Tip the Warchief off, and if he feels hostile, to point out that here is a chance to prove his new brand of Shamanism's advantages, over the history the Burning Blade still holds.
Huh, we just kicked the Horde out of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Wonder if this and the greater success of the Scarlet Crusade might stop the Blood Elves from joining the Horde?
Interesting. We just got ourselves quite a party member.

And as for Feldad we got the Burning Blade new status in buddies while Thrall will be forced to accept for the sake of honor.
Nice, another warrior to our multi-race army.

"Your lightsabers warriors will make a fine addition to my collection!"
-General Grok'mash

Also, the demon is sus like all demons are. When will we get to kill him and the black dragon? Cause I hate that she can manipulate Grok'mash's mind. So, is there any way for us to improve our mental resistance to defend against her and future enemies that can use our mind? We also need better armor for us and our army. There are so many things we need.

One more thing, remember to close the voting @FractiousDay
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@Doomed Wombat any grumbling predictions to make? I'm actually curious about the repercussions of what Feldad did. He did far more to help the Forsaken than Grok. To be fair Grok did badly on the rolls.
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Varimathas wants forsaken to move to Kalimdor... but isn't it disruptive to his plans? Without Forsaken blood elves will be alone. Whatever pacts they do with horde wouldn't matter because Horde is on another Continent and Forsaken are as well now. So blood elves will be presganged into alliance - they've no choice, imo. So - strong Eastern Kingdoms.
Ooh! Balthazar! He's at Stratholme! But if I'm remembering correctly the Light was leaving his men, - they couldn't use it anymore. So if he can survive the questioning, then his rank as bishop will open him a lot of ways to manipulate everyone and everything.
I hope there's no Shadowlands because it all smells iffy. Dreadlords shouldn't strengthen kingdoms, so they want division inside to destroy the factions? Welp, that's interesting
I don't know where his loyalties truly lie. I'm more colored by the perspectives of warcraft 3 where he and his brothers got cut off from the legion. Did he fake Balthazar's death or did Balthazar fake it himself so there's two dreadlords scheming against each other's plans unaware of the other?
This Sylvanas has yet to end up on the…I'm not even sure what precisely happened to her train, I think.
She's DEFINITELY unhappy about the Forsaken going to Kalimdor.

She threw herself off of the spire on ice crown Citadel after Arthas was killed and went to hell, after that she got paranoid about staying "alive" at all costs.
note not all forskan are going to kalindor just a number of I assume vari supporters so maybe the prick who betrays everyone at wraithgate is their so silvanas and her loyalists are still likely to help the blood elves and have even more reason to now they are losing some of their forces to help make up for the numbers moving
note not all forskan are going to kalindor just a number of I assume vari supporters so maybe the prick who betrays everyone at wraithgate is their so silvanas and her loyalists are still likely to help the blood elves and have even more reason to now they are losing some of their forces to help make up for the numbers moving
As presented over the last arc or so, the Forsaken have been pretty handily defeated by the Crusade, pushed back to their strongholds, some of them destroyed (eg in the Brill interlude) or others trying to hide like Deathknell. Sure, there'll be some Forsaken outside in other places like in Arathi, but the vast majority of them hid in the Undercity, set off some Blight bombs to stop the living getting in, and have been sitting there ever since. The intention here is for all the Forsaken in the Undercity, several thousands certainly, to go through the portal, there wouldn't be any staying behind, after all, what would be the point?
And that's why I want to tell Thrall.
It will suck, to have to have the Forsaken taken in as refugees.
But if we don't we leave them to Nerzul to just stuff into some sucky deathswanp because the forsaken are dead enough to not care, and then the Burning Blade under Ner'zul gets a giant secret undead workforce that knows how to make Blight Bombs, so the Cult of the Damned nonsense can keep flaring up over and over and over again.
As presented over the last arc or so, the Forsaken have been pretty handily defeated by the Crusade, pushed back to their strongholds, some of them destroyed (eg in the Brill interlude) or others trying to hide like Deathknell. Sure, there'll be some Forsaken outside in other places like in Arathi, but the vast majority of them hid in the Undercity, set off some Blight bombs to stop the living getting in, and have been sitting there ever since. The intention here is for all the Forsaken in the Undercity, several thousands certainly, to go through the portal, there wouldn't be any staying behind, after all, what would be the point?
okay forgot how beaten they were
@Doomed Wombat any grumbling predictions to make? I'm actually curious about the repercussions of what Feldad did. He did far more to help the Forsaken than Grok. To be fair Grok did badly on the rolls.
Not too many, this is such a drastic change that its hard to make predictions.

I do not want to put the burning blade in contact with the dreadlord of the burning legion Varimathras, and in general I'm worried about having a dreadlord anywhere nearer the centre of power than they have to be, I am also worried what this will do for horde night elf relations.

Ultimately Kalimdor where the horde is located isn't especially hospitable for the Forsaken, being walking corpses and all, so I imagine they might want to try and take more agreeable climates, ones which are probably all held by the night elves. (Although there is that one place which is really cold.)

There's also wider consequences to the horde being confined to a smaller slice of the world in the balance of power between the two factions becoming more lopsided, although lack of consistent contact might also mean that fewer conflicts break out (although given how many of those wars are manufactured by outside actors...well we'll see.)

Its not all bad news, since the Forsaken being forced out of the undercity and not languishing in a literal sewer might help with reducing their general dipshittery, and Sylvanus being closer to her peers/superior might make it easier to reign her in, as well as spot Varimathras.

All in all its a big deal but one so large I can't really grumble, there's opportunities here I expect will be fucked and disasters that will probably be maximised, but this is a refugee crisis and depressingly the undead are some of the best to handle such things, not needing nearly as much food and water etc.
Not too many, this is such a drastic change that its hard to make predictions.

I do not want to put the burning blade in contact with the dreadlord of the burning legion Varimathras, and in general I'm worried about having a dreadlord anywhere nearer the centre of power than they have to be, I am also worried what this will do for horde night elf relations.

Ultimately Kalimdor where the horde is located isn't especially hospitable for the Forsaken, being walking corpses and all, so I imagine they might want to try and take more agreeable climates, ones which are probably all held by the night elves. (Although there is that one place which is really cold.)

There's also wider consequences to the horde being confined to a smaller slice of the world in the balance of power between the two factions becoming more lopsided, although lack of consistent contact might also mean that fewer conflicts break out (although given how many of those wars are manufactured by outside actors...well we'll see.)

Its not all bad news, since the Forsaken being forced out of the undercity and not languishing in a literal sewer might help with reducing their general dipshittery, and Sylvanus being closer to her peers/superior might make it easier to reign her in, as well as spot Varimathras.

All in all its a big deal but one so large I can't really grumble, there's opportunities here I expect will be fucked and disasters that will probably be maximised, but this is a refugee crisis and depressingly the undead are some of the best to handle such things, not needing nearly as much food and water etc.
Thrall might just dump responsibility on Feldad. He brought them in so he looks after them so the Burning Blade gets new Forsaken recruits and an expansion in their holding of Thunderaxe Fortress to makeway for sentient undead.

Desolace might be the place for them. It's bad land undead can make their home to.
Thrall might just dump responsibility on Feldad. He brought them in so he looks after them so the Burning Blade gets new Forsaken recruits and an expansion in their holding of Thunderaxe Fortress to makeway for sentient undead.

Desolace might be the place for them. It's bad land undead can make their home to.
Yeah, which I am afraid of. Since ya know. Burning Legion cultists.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwLQH7NDCfw

Forneus the Duke of the Inner Earth still felt it. Despite the contempt he felt for those corrupted fleshlings claiming lineage from the elements through Grond, their damned demonic heritage still bested him sending him back from whence he came to Deepholm.

He can still feel it ever since. More of their wretched kind attempted to commune and calm his fury. Such ignorance! The children of the Princess Theradras through the Kolkar demanded retribution for their kind's deaths and he accepted to be the instrument of their will to lay waste to the demon spawned wretches homes and drive them to the seas only to be denied that with but a single word of power after kicking the fleshlings doors open.

That damnable word! Once it was uttered all Forneus could feel was agony as he was dragged back to the Earth and to Deepholm. It continued to burn him even as he returned and he screamed a pain that hurt him far more than what he had experienced in his many uncounted years as a highly regarded child of the Earth ever since those from above enslaved them and then another of the outsiders defeated them and banished the elements to these planes.

His brothers and sisters avoided him. The forbidden word left a mark that marred his form and made him ironically no better than what he regarded the children of the Breakers as. Tainted of demons and now he was as tainted as they. Gone was the pristine crystalline formation scattered throughout his body. It was now dull of it's shine and his body of stone and geodes instead glowed from the scars left by the word.

Proudpeak his charge joined him in his bitterness in being ostracised. His was a different pain. When that twisted devourer feasted upon him he sought to end his suffering but his recovery in Deepholm turned out wrong leaving pristine rock and stone twisted with the flesh of the faces of fleshlings in a crude parody of what afflicted their jailers guardians from their masters who then channeled that pain through those faces in a scream that stunned and hurt his enemies before he can move in for the kill to smash them to pieces.

It was humiliating to stand before the throne of his liege Therazane in one of her processions to be singled out and found unworthy of her court's presence reeking of the demonic.

In her mercy, she recognised no fault in choosing to answer the summons of the children of her favored daughter and so his title would not be taken from him. Instead he and Proudpeak would be sent away tantamount to an exile to guard Deepholm against any outsiders and this he did with fury and hatred in his duties with Proudpeak driving away the stone troggs that dared feast on what belonged to his liege while keeping watch on the fleshling cultists that gathered to the side of the corrupted Earth aspect Deathwing until his awakening.

Outsiders....... they always cause trouble whoever they are even if they claim kinship to the Earth. This Deathwing was no different who claimed allegiance to their former masters who forced them into their service and he spared no mercy to his mad followers congregating in Deepholm.

Both their unique natures allowed them to withstand the cursed fungus the stone troggs inflicted on his kin that the spores would instead die in their presence and for Proudpeak's faces they would devour their cursed kin or the trogg pests and put them to rest.

Under orders from Gorsik who despite his contempt for their appearances grew a grudging respect for their abilities to stand guard in the Crimson Expanses as their unique nature allowed them a level of immunity that they themselves did not against the dreaded fungi spores allowing them to drive away the stone troggs and clear the expanse of the fungal infection.

However like a tug of war the troggs would come back and the struggle continued anew. This time he and Proudpeak were now in control and he would be surprised by an encounter from the past that would condemn them to this repugnant form.


"Away you miscreants or face our wrath!"

With but a slam of his infernal foot the stone troggs were scattered and easy prey for Proudpeak to rush in for the kill. Some he would pulverise with his fist, others he would snatch and stuff into the nightmarish faces on his body that would scream for sustenance.

Once again the troggs fled but the same sequence would repeat later. They were if not persistent in tainting his kin with the dreaded fungi. He sensed something coming while Proudpeak feasted on the troggs left for dead among the purple rocks and dead crimson fungi.

"Again you come? Does your kind so enjoy death?"

Proudpeak on the other hand froze completely to briefly stop chewing the remaining morsels. His new form allowed him to be more sensitive towards fleshlings for his faces can smell their presence and Forneus could tell by the change in mood, Proudpeak recognised this new intruder.

"Sire.... he comes the facilitator of our ruin! The mountain demands vengeance! Arrgh!"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DROjqX8jrY

Proudpeak rushed at the intruder before Forneus could get a good look except for the cloak they wore. A pity he thought he would not be able to find out what angered Proudpeak so because what's left will be smashed to a pulp in his elemental rage.

The caverns of the Crimson Expanses boomed with the sounds of battle. At every moment was Proudpeak screaming in a rage in unison with the faces chittering with mad glee to feast on the cloaked intruder who dodged all the blows of Proudpeak's fist to grab or smash the ground they were at leaving devastation behind in their wake. Dead crimson fungi and smashed purple rocks tainted by the mushrooms followed behind them as the intruder silently kept dodging until Proudpeak tired to give an opening to reveal himself to let the cloak go that Proudpeak's ire made sense.

Revealed before the two was a fleshling. Green skin covered in armor and a long swaying cloth headband with a strange symbol along with an odd bracer he vaguely recognised as the fleshling drew forth a crimson sword he sensed to hold a spirit of Ragnaros and yet it wasn't like them.

"You!" Forneus uttered through the crystals once faded now glowing sinisterly with fel light as his fury rose. The fel scars themselves on his body glowed brighter from his shock and rage.

It was that green fleshling who stank of demonic filth. The one he met and explained to him the history of his people claiming relation to the Earth through Grond and Gor-grond the Great. He lived.

Proudpeak interrupted his shock with his own murderous inclinations at his former jailer who thundered after him.

"Enslaver! Jailer! I dev--"

"Ki ki ki ki!"



The faces on Proudpeak for the first time became more animated and started speaking. It shocked Forneus while Proudpeak was too blinded by rage to notice and was ensared in turn when the intruder raised one hand with his bracer that glowed an earthen hue which Forneus finally recognised as Proudpeak with one more step crashed deeper into the Earth immobilised in turn unable to get out while screaming more curses and ancient elemental obscenities in his derangement.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWOUixtQoBo

The green fleshling now turned to Forneus, headband swaying with his body before speaking with an intense expression boring into what stood for Forneus's head embedded with dull crystals. "Grok'mash. This fleshling has a name Forneus. I am no longer that fleshling you can dismiss as any young whelp."

Grok'mash raised his blade at the being boasting ten thousand thousand years his senior whose crystals sung a disharmonious melody that slowly grew to a fury.

"I don't know how and why you have come fleshling. It seems we have both changed since we last met but I have not forgotten the tale you spun before I went to fulfill my master's WISHES!" At his changing temperament the cavern reverberated at his outburst. Proudpeak immediately cowled under the Earth at the presence of his sire's fury but Grok'mash stood upright unaffected having met beings more terrible than Forneus.

The giant gestured to the scars on his body. Fel markings that glowed even brighter as it burned even more at the elemental's anger.


And then his fury abated at a millennia experience of elemental age and wisdom as he focused on Grok'mash's bracer as the crystals sung songs of disgust and outrage.

"I recognise that bracer thief. It belongs to another daughter of the Earth who fell to the curse of flesh but is confined for her safety. Is there no depths to the foul deeds you bring corrupted fleshling?"

The cavern continued to shake at his menacing behavior but Grok'mash simply stared back undaunted.

"I was mislead mighty one. I defeated her jailers at the behest of a warlock claiming a threat just like you waiting to be unleashed but instead to rectify my mistake I defeated her and became her new jailer which brings me to you." The crimson blade glowed in response to his challenge waiting to be unleashed at a rival elemental as dull crystals stared back.

"I have not forgotten at whose hand has led my people devastated and myself into exile." the blademaster walked closer to the giant unafraid of his mighty presence while keeping his sword pointed at him.

"I will have your service Forneus, one way or another to heal the damage you have done and to give the shamans of my people answers." at those words the mountain answered but this time the growing attunement to the Earth and his own skills as a blademaster allowed him to dodge a fistful of rock like he was the wind.

The fel scarred giant was unamused. Rage slowly growing "Even now you still dare to make demands of me! The mountain does not bow least of all to your kind! I acceded to the pleas of Princess Theradras's children but I shall not do the same to your wretched kind fleshling!" With a raised fist he swung.

"Die now and begone from my sight wretched creature!"

The blademaster instead of dodging met the blow with his blade raised in response while muttering an incantation from the bracer glowing in response and the sword hardened to become unbreakable.

The strength of the mountain met the spine of Grond and failed to break it, instead the fist of Forneus pushed the orc who held on to the blade leaving a trail of drag marks behind.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOpzP33_USs

Grok'mash with blade in both hands pushed Forneus's fist back who was still reeling in shock at his strength being repelled so, leaving him vulnerable to an opening as the orc he derided as a mortal jumped at his arm and started running up his arm and onto his body slashing burns and cuts along the way. His blade as if it sensed his wielder's intent immediately burst into flame eager to cut deep into a rival elemental.

Forneus screamed in agony feeling more pain and humiliation than he ever remembered. To fall prey to sorcery was one thing when elementals of lower status have fallen prey to be summoned and bound but to be thoroughly beaten by a fleshling in mortal combat on physical prowess is another.

The attack stopped as the pesky orc jumped off before raising his blade as if he was casting a spell. It was his blade that started glowing and bursting into flame and he roared.

"Taste the spine of Grond and be healed! Roar Aqshy!"

With one swing, a wave of primeval fire emerged from the blade and engulfed Forneus.

Once again he screamed as darkness claimed him but the flames shared secrets of the world the fleshling claimed kin to even as it charred his earthen body and he collapsed onto the Earth.
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oh also our father wasn't the true leader of our clan at the start is that still a thing I wonder or did the "true" leader get killed when the rest of the council did a mystery to find out