I would like to state that none of these challenges are personal. I would like to get down to 9, and someone needs to go is all.

I'll suggest the removal of Fernweh Enginweiss.
A new rule has been added for generating new characters; every full year since game start, new characters will begin with an additional PT to spend so characters made this winter Thing started with 4.

These characters have 1 additional PT to spend retroactively;

Skuli Draugrhater of Clan Jarngrima (@Abyssius Katla Hrafndottir (@Aria the Mage )
I'd say we work together and clear both plots. That way if anything comes up, there's two of us (or, I suppose, three, if Gefjosa herself joins in.).

I'll certainly help.

Lass... you're having troubles enough as it is. I'll not be the one to make your story worse.

That said, for the moment it looks like we're sharing back and forth pretty readily in farmable land and I don't see a need for that to change any time too soon.

"I didn't think anyone noticed…"

(I'll write more about this when I get time today or tomorrow but those couple words will be very important to Gefjosa.)
Ragnarr stands up and clears his throart and speaks in a clear voice:

"We Norse are a proud and warlike people. If we are not allowed to respond to court cases with a challenge, and if refusal is always permitted and cannot be pushed then that is the case in fact if not in technicality, then people will simply not bring cases to court, but challenge each other directly, and much unnecessary blood seems likely to be spilled. It also goes against long-held custom, and generally serves little purpose since, as I say, people who wish to avoid this law will simply not bring their cases to court but directly take them to the dueling field...that defends nobody. So the law serves no purpose but to encourage people to avoid the Thing and Courts, and I do not wish to see us become more lawless than needed. The laws of our forefathers have served us well, let us not abandon them entirely.

Contrariwise, the idea of backing down from a challenge is already penalized by custom as doing so is not good for one's ordstirr, after all, so enshrining some penalty in law will make little change in the way these things are resolved in practice. Which is generally a good and reasonable system."
Grid stands elegantly in front of the judges and speaks to them in a clear voice:

"When I first proposed this law, I was under the impression the the challengee would have to essentially accept the challenge even if they won the court case. I can see how this can be easily abused by individuals that have the strength or connection to a strong individual to crush the weaker of our Norsemen and take their land or other valuables. But Eirny got a law passed that made it clear that the challenger cannot use a proxy but the challengee can, which makes much of my argument moot. But for the sake of argument, I will talk about the one scenario that I believe still holds some weight. If a challengee is far weaker than the challenger even if they win a legal battle, if they don't have the connections to bring a proxy, whether it be their a social recluse, a troublemaker with an ill reputation, or simply nobody wishes to fight the challenger for their own reasons, then the challengee will be forced into a fight that they will surely lose and suffer everything that comes with that even if they have won the legal dispute."
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Might as well toss my PT expenses where they'll be seen... I'd like to buy Bones Kunna 2 once my Omake has been rewarded.
On another subject entirely, while we wait for a ruling on all that, @Randomnerd, @wabbitking, @DiscordOxymoron, your characters all have sufficient Ordstirr to buy some additional PT, do you guys want to spend it and buy anything? Because this is your chance before the end of next season.

@I.F. Ister could my guy use his PT to come up with some sort of Martial style that uses his medical knowledge to know where and how to hit someone to mess them up. Hit here to cause debilitating pain, here to cripple, here to kill and that sort of thing?