[X] 1 orthstir to attack. One to defense. Seek to cripple the thiefs leg, before retreating back to your father to avoid repraisal.

Injure his leg so that he cant get far and father can hunt him down.
[X] 1 orthstir to attack. One to defense. Seek to cripple the thiefs leg, before retreating back to your father to avoid repraisal.

Basically what I was thinking.
Shouldn't we go all in on attack? Considering this is a surprise attack and our best shot at actually taking the dude down.
[X] 1 orthstir to attack. One to defense. Seek to cripple the thiefs leg, before retreating back to your father to avoid repraisal.
Guys, according to the rules we invest the orthstirr in Hamr, not specific attack and defenses. It's the dice that we allocated to attack, defense, etc. So we would invest the 2 OR in Hamr, and have 3d6 to work with.
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[X] One Shot to get the fleeing thief
-[X] 1d6 to Attack (This means that you'll make three attacks, each with 1d6)
-[X] 2d6 to Knee-Groin Trick
Guys, according to the rules we invest the orthstirr in Hamr, not specific attack and defenses. It's the dice that we allocated to attack, defense, etc. So we would invest the 2 OR in Hamr, and have 3d6 to work with.
One thing to note, for the future, is that in order to use tricks you need to have orthstirr held in reserve. The reserve orthstirr is how you pay the tricks' cost, so you can use it in the first place. I didn't clarify that it was the orthstirr held in reserve that you used tricks with, that's on me. Just keep that in mind next time.

A basic template, which will be included with every round in combat, is this:
[X] (Plan Name)
-[X] (Dice) Attack
-[X] (Dice) Defense
-[X] (Dice) Intercept
-[X] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)

Obviously, you are not limited to a single trick per round. You can use as many as you have the orthstirr for, even if you don't have any dice to attribute to it.

I'll give it another hour-and-a-half before calling it.
Voting is now closed. Sorry about being a bit late, thought I closed it and got distracted while writing it up, my bad.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 5, 2023 at 9:36 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] One Shot to get the fleeing thief
    [X] 1 orthstir to attack. One to defense. Seek to cripple the thiefs leg, before retreating back to your father to avoid repraisal.
    [X] One Shot to get the fleeing thief
    -[X] 1d6 to Attack (This means that you'll make three attacks, each with 1d6)
    -[X] 2d6 to Knee-Groin Trick
    [X] (Plan Name)
    -[X] (Dice) Attack
    -[X] (Dice) Defense
    -[X] (Dice) Intercept
    -[X] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
My oh my, I only just found this quest yesterday. Seems I logged on too late to vote, but wouldn't have really disagreed with the winning vote either.
Summer 1/Turn 3.4
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: 1, no reroll required, Attacker wins) (Temperament: Auto-Pass, Bloodlust)
No matter how much you boasted within the privacy of your own mind nor how much you reassured yourself that you would fight as well as any man, should it come down to it, there always was that little, sniveling voice whispering sickly doubts in the back of your mind.

Nobody truly knows how they will fare in true combat, when iron is drawn and flesh is split.

Deep down, you feared that you would be nothing more than a quivering coward. That you'd simply stand shaking in place as your enemies carved your head from your shoulders.

But, as you charge across the small battlefield and all eyes land on you, you're thankful to find that pitiful little voice silent in the face of your bravery. Somehow, you know it won't be troubling you again.

You stare the outlaw dead in the eyes, as he looks on in astonishment. He blinks first, the coward. He wants to run, you want him to not be able to run anymore. A simple problem that had a simple solution.

You swing the wood axe with all your might, aiming to cut off or cripple one of his legs. He tries to raise his own axe in defense, but his mind simply cannot comprehend that a woman not only bears arms, but is actively using them.

You punish him dearly for his misstep, by taking away his ability to ever step again.

His mouth slams shut so hard you wonder how his teeth don't shatter. The axe clatters to the ground as he clutches both hands to the bloody mess where his knee used to be. His other leg tries to steady himself and spreads his legs wide in doing so.

This is your moment, you realize with eyes as wide as his legs. You only have one trick, so you'd best use it as best you can. This will be the first time you've used orthstirr in combat! You have no idea how it wo-
(Trick Attack: 4 vs Absent Defense: Auto-Fail, Attacker wins)
Your body moves before you tell it to and you find yourself taking a step forward, like your instincts had taken over the reigns.

A fire ignites in your chest, inside the atrium of your heart. It burns with red-hot fervor. Eyes dilate, teeth chatter, breath quickens. You feel both as sick as the mangiest dog and like you could rule all the Nine Realms.

Orthstirr, stoked into a frenzied crimson wave, swirls around you as you step again, this time planting your foot into the ground. Your arms reach up, orthstirr focusing on your knee as your hands find homes on shaking shoulders.

Your hands press down and your knee swings up, hitting something soft and extremely vulnerable.

Every man within ten miles reflexively winces and crosses their legs, though only two know why.

With your senses as enhanced as they are, you never could have missed the outlaw's heart stopping.

You're not sure what killed him. Maybe it was the blood loss? Maybe he was so wounded that the shock killed him? Maybe, maybe, maybe.

All you know is that you just killed a man by kneeing him in the groin.

His sickly yellow orthstirr literally burns from the shame of it all as it leaks from his cooling corpse.

You hadn't been meaning to kill him, you'd only wanted to wound him enough so that he couldn't run away! And you'd succeeded! So why'd you have to go and do that?

Right before your eyes, the last remnants of the outlaw's identity turns to ash in the wind. You did this, you erased him from existence. What's two or three rabbits compared to tha-

Footsteps rouse you from your inner turmoil and a large hand on your shoulder draws your gaze to the side. Steinarr's gray eyes meet your own. Eric stands off to the side, a look of worry and concern on his face. Just how long were you looking at the outlaw's body, to not notice your brother back on his feet?

"We, as Norsemen, are nothing more than what our actions say about us." Steinarr begins with heavy, carefully chosen words. "As such, we must stand by them, even when they are mistakes. We can acknowledge them as mistakes, yes, but we must never try to take back an act once done. Such things lead to nidheart, and can spell doom."

He wipes the tears from your cheeks. You hadn't realized you'd been crying. Your arms shake as he takes the blood-stained axe from you and passes it to a silent Eric before sending him home. It takes you sometime to gather yourself, but Steinarr stays by your side through it all.

Eventually, you find the strength to speak. "Why am I so weak?" Your words are a harsh whisper as they leave your raw throat. You stare at your blood-soaked hands. "I was so proud of myself, earlier, for vanquishing the little coward. But if its gone, then why do I feel this way now?"

"The hardest part of being a young warrior isn't the fighting." He shakes his head, mind delving deep for the wisdom shared with him by his own father, your namesake. "It's joining the fight. It's working up the courage to put yourself out there, to expose yourself to the enemy, and to promise to gouge out their eyes should they fail to bring you down."

His next words stoke something in your heart. "And make no mistake, Halla, for after this you are a young warrior, let any challenge to that find itself helping Crowfeeder keep its name. Besides, it's the whole 'hitting him with an attack that shames him so hard that it erases his entire identity' thing that bothers you, yes? Not the actual act of killing?"

"I-" You blink, not having expected that specific of a question and a bit unsure how to answer it. After a moment, you find that he's... entirely correct. "Y-you're right," you splutter, trying to recall what it was he said before hitting you with that question. "What was that thing you cal-"

Steinarr's eyes snap wide open, like he hadn't meant to say something out loud. "I was the exact same way!" He tries to hurry the chat along, interrupting you in the process, "It's an awful feeling, isn't it? But don't worry, it gets easier, and besides, not every piece of him is gone, a small portion of it's in you!" He ruffles your hair, but you stand as stiff as a statue, barely swaying in the wind. He winces, hand slowly falling to the side. "I, um, your orthstirr will have converted it into more of your own in a couple of days, so he won't exist for much longer."

"You called me a warrior." You breathe out that final word as if it might disappear at any moment. Frankly, you couldn't care less about the outlaw's fate, not with your father's words bouncing around your skull.

"I..." Steinarr sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat. "I'm so proud of you, Halla. But you aren't ready to face the dangers that lurk in the dark."

"So teach me," You take a step forward, your boldness surprising the both of you, "teach me so that I one day will be ready to face them."

This time, as you look him in the eye, there's no worry undercutting his feelings, only brilliant pride in his daughter.

"Alright, but you can't tell anyone. And no going off on adventures until you're at least sixteen, especially not with any boys!"

You laugh, shaking your head at your beloved father's empty threats. He wouldn't hurt any prospective husband of yours.

Well, very much.


(+2 Orthstirr gained from vanquishing the outlaw)
(Steinarr Hallsson gained as a Teacher)
(Journal Update: Mysterious Hideout removed, Steinarr's Training added)
(+1 to unlocking Boon: Nut-Cracker. Boon: Nut-Cracker added to Incomplete Boons)
(Loot Roll: 10, a blood-stained 1 ounce silver penny, plus a work knife on the body)

Does it want to be friends? (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 5, 3) 2 Super-Successes
This time, when you approach the dog, he begins wagging his tail as he climbs to his feet to meet you.

You crack a grin. Looks like the past few months have finally paid off, after all! Take that, Asva, for ever doubting you!

You pet the dog and he licks your palm. It tickles, making you laugh.

This dog needs a name, you realize as you give him the best belly rubs.

What do you want to call him?
[ ] Flekkr
[ ] Write in

(Hugr Training: 3, 5) 2 Successes
Ah ha!

You grin as you shoot to your feet, mind abuzz with new ideas and concepts you hadn't quite grasped before.

You'd had Stigr recite a line from one of his stupidly complex poems for you and now, after only a week of pondering its meaning, did you finally figure it out!

Your grin widens as your doggy friend joins in your happiness with barks of his own.

It's a good day to be Halla!

(Hugr Ranked Up)
(Fylgja???: 1) 1 Failure )
No matter who you asked, nobody on the farm could answer your questions to your satisfaction.

Not even Randi, story-teller supreme that she is, could sate your desire for specific details.

If nobody in Steinby can help you, then you'll have to go looking outside of it!

[ ] (Seasonal) Top off the firewood supply.
[ ] (Seasonal) The fields need to be harvested and stored in the barn, for the animals to eat once the snow begins to fall.
[ ] (Seasonal) Help prepare the wagon for hauling the yearly tax to the Asvir headsman.
[ ] (Seasonal) Begin moving the animals back to their winter pastures.
[ ] (Steinarr's Teaching) Its time, you feel, that you had a weapon in hand. What weapon do you want to ask for?
-[ ] A sword!
-[ ] A spear!
-[ ] An axe!
-[ ] A sax!
[ ] (Personal) You've heard about the nearby village of Asvir for many years now, but have never been. Lets see if you can't wring a promise out of your father to take you some time.
[ ] (Personal) Ask Randi to tell you some stories
[ ] (Personal) Pick a fight or spar with...
-[ ] Eric, your older brother, for fun
-[ ] Steinarr, as part of your training
-[ ] One of the local boys, for violence! (Optional Write In)
-[ ] Asva (You doubt she'd be willing to fight you, but maybe you can needle her enough?)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The woods!
-[ ] The hills!
-[ ] One of the neighboring farms!
Training: You have 7d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Training) Hamr (4 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill (Write in)
-[ ] (Steinarr's Training) (Optional) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick (Write in the skill you want to try for a trick with)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (4 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill (Write in)
[ ] (Training) What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
Orthstirr Available: 4
How do you want to use your orthstirr?
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
(Random Event: 3, nothing happens)


AN: And so, the first Summer comes to an end. Next turn shall be Winter 1/Turn 1 and travel between locations shall come with some added difficulty.

25-minute moratorium, as is standard.
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Mind telling what the mechanical differences are, if any between these weapons?
Flavor, more than anything. Though swords are more prestigious, if way more expensive than any other weapon as you need specialized smiths to make them. Spears are better at being thrown. Saxes are easily carried on the belt for quick access in an emergency. Axes are all over the place and everybody and their mother knows how to make one of those bad boys. Axes are also pretty good at annihilating shields.
Kneed him in the nuts so hard she destroyed his soul holy shit

[X] Flekkr

Spot's a classic
25-minute moratorium, as is standard.

-[ ] (Steinarr's Training) (Optional) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick (Write in the skill you want to try for a trick with)
Can we ask for a trick based on an idea? Or just a skill and Steinarr/the dice decide the rest?

I was thinking about a feint/an attack not meant to do damage, but to distract the enemy.
(aka: fake an attack with your weapon so your enemy doesn't cover his groin then try for another instance of nutcracker)