Huh, I guess rank 7 traits are a Big Deal?

Gosh, I hope we can pick up some Seidr soon, before the Plot really kicks in.
Huh, I guess rank 7 traits are a Big Deal?

Apparently. Good to know.

Gosh, I hope we can pick up some Seidr soon, before the Plot really kicks in.

A vote for Plan Wedding, Travel, and Hugr hopefully gets us a meeting with the seeress to pursue this option this very turn...

Though honestly, I think we have a few more years, as I doubt things kick into high gear until we hit official adulthood at 16.
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Huh, I guess rank 7 traits are a Big Deal?
Yes. Rank 7 is typically regarded as the 'thresher'. If you can make it through the slog of Rank 6 to Rank 7, then you'll probably be able to make it through to Rank 8, 9, and so on.

Rank 7 Hamr gets a minor form of shapeshifting (more modifications rather than full on wacky shenanigans, those come at higher ranks)
Rank 7 Hugr gets to combine hugareida to form new hugareida (though only one combo-hugareida can be created at a time, additional slots are given at higher ranks)

Though honestly, I think we have a few more years, as I doubt things kick into high gear until we hit official adulthood at 16.
You are correct, for the most part. 16 is when things can start to happen, but there's no guarantee that they will
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That tracks well with the mechanics. Going from rank 4 (around average) to 7 is 112 successes for most people (16+32+64), significantly more than mastering a trick and only slightly less than going from 7 to 8. If you're dedicated enough to do it (or have some serious trick or advantage to help), you're probably dedicated enough to continue on from there.

I presume there's something special at Fylgja 7 as well, but we don't know what it is.

We're obviously aiming for the peak of power in the long run (because of course we are), but honestly Hugr 7 is pretty well within reach due to our 'phantom point' and thus all specific levels being effectively half cost. We're only 54 successes away from it, unlike the 110 someone else at our Hugr level would be. If we really focused and trained nothing else we could hit that in 8 turns. That's definitely not worth it at this stage of things, but as soon as we have a second hugareida we can start aiming for it pretty quick, especially if we're already at Hugr 6 at that point (which is definitely something I think we should pursue in a slow but steady way once we've hit Hugr 5).
So Abjorn's going to get to (if he hasn't already) Rank 7 Hamr first right?

I'm curious what traits he would take after for shape-shifting.
Because there's obvious Boar/Bear traits, which would make him a berserker, but that doesn't seem to fit him?
Unless Halla just hasn't seen the Berserker side.

Also, I suspect Fylgja 7 would involve casting our senses into our companion?
So Abjorn's going to get to (if he hasn't already) Rank 7 Hamr first right?

I think he has a 6 already. So yes.

I'm curious what traits he would take after for shape-shifting.
Because there's obvious Boar/Bear traits, which would make him a berserker, but that doesn't seem to fit him?
Unless Halla just hasn't seen the Berserker side.

I think the ones you get for free from Hamr 7 are subtler than that. Like, being able to heal quickly or squeeze through holes that shouldn't fit you, maybe claws if you want 'em.

Also, I suspect Fylgja 7 would involve casting our senses into our companion?

We can already do that, it's part of their basic abilities. Aki uses his as a seeing-eye-raven because he's blind, for example.
Can someone tell me what the benefit of storing hugareida and muna in fylga. Like I can deduce that hugareida storing may let us cast through our spirit owl, though I dont know if I am right, but whats the practical use of muna? I thought it was just a powerful memeory that unlocked hugareida. Does Muna actually have active uses?
[X] Plan Talking and Talking

Am fine with both, but this one has composure

Getting Hugr to 5 is actually better than getting Composure to 1 in terms of what Composure dice pool we'll usually have (for example, if Hugr goes up to 5 this turn, my plan winds up having better Composure at the wedding than the plan that trains Composure, and the same even if it doesn't go up). I agree we want Composure of at least 2 before we're done, but think we need to prioritize Hugr until it hits 5.

Can someone tell me what the benefit of storing hugareida and muna in fylga. Like I can deduce that hugareida storing may let us cast through our spirit owl, though I dont know if I am right, but whats the practical use of muna? I thought it was just a powerful memeory that unlocked hugareida. Does Muna actually have active uses?

Well, there's the issue of space. Most people, with Hugr 4 and Poetry 2 have a total personal Capacity of 5. If they wind up with three Muna and 2 Hugareida, well, they're already full and don't have space for any tricks. Putting the muna into the fylgja frees up space. We don't need to worry about that...yet. Maybe ever given our doubled capacity, but I can see even our capacity getting stretched once we're sporting multiple hugareida.
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To be honest, getting hugareida or muna never seemed to be particularly easy to me, so the fact that we can store it doesn't seem too appealing. I don't really see us needing to put muna or hugareida into an owl because we have too many.
To be honest, getting hugareida or muna never seemed to be particularly easy to me, so the fact that we can store it doesn't seem too appealing. I don't really see us needing to put muna or hugareida into an owl because we have too many.

I think tricks take up a capacity slot rather than the hugareida themselves, as do seidr spells. And you need additional muna to raise the level of a hugareida, so they can't be too rare, at least not among the truly powerful. Per the rules post, some muna also just give a cool ability directly rather than hugareida, so again, I think they aren't as rare as all that once we start doing big important stuff...most kids aren't gonna get too many, but that's because they're kids and not doing meaningful stuff, more than anything.

So, say someone's got two hugareida, one at level 2 (which makes for 3 muna), plus another muna that does something else, and three tricks for one hugareida and two for the other. That's not a crazy scenario and it's 9 capacity already even ignoring any seidr spells they may have. Now, for us, that's probably still well within our capacity by the time we have it (we likely have something like an 18 capacity by then), but for someone without an Owl fylgja? That's already pushing it even at Hugr 6 or 7 and some Poetry to increase it. Fylgja giving 3-4 extra slots is a godsend for that guy.

For us, as I said, I don't see us needing to do that for capacity reasons any time soon. Having our owl rather than us be the one who needs to touch someone for Stabilizing Palm might be handy once it's a bit more durable, though.
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@Imperial Fister, maybe I am being too greedy, but do we get any orthstirr for soundly beating our older, better trained brother, who has better stats to boot?

Orthstirr is about fame and it was a friendly spar, so I doubt it. If it was a serious fight people saw then probably, but it might well cost him face as well in some way and we don't want that, so we're not gonna be going around bragging about it.
Orthstirr is about fame and it was a friendly spar, so I doubt it. If it was a serious fight people saw then probably, but it might well cost him face as well in some way and we don't want that, so we're not gonna be going around bragging about it.
Ok, but on that note, I am not sure of the difference between the 3 parts of orthstirr, like how are renown, fame and prestige so different from each other.
Also, @Imperial Fister, can powerful and famous Norse cultivators live a long life like conventional Xianxia cultivators, or do they just have the normal lifespan?
Ok, but on that note, I am not sure of the difference between the 3 parts of orthstirr, like how are renown, fame and prestige so different from each other.
Also, @Imperial Fister, can powerful and famous Norse cultivators live a long life like conventional Xianxia cultivators, or do they just have the normal lifespan?
In norsequest, your lifespan is chosen for you at the moment of your birth, to the day and the hour, and nothing can change it. All sorts of other stuff can be changed, but not that.

So... no extra lifespan, because if someone was fated to live for 5000 years and then decided to not really get serious about cultivation, that wouldn't make any sense.
In norsequest, your lifespan is chosen for you at the moment of your birth, and nothing can change it. All sorts of other stuff can be changed, but not that.

So... no extra lifespan, because if someone was fated to live for 5000 years and then decided to not really get serious about cultivation, that wouldn't make any sense.

Your lifespan isn't chosen. It's the moment of your death. When you die. Whether that's five thousand years after you're born or five years we don't really know since Imperial left it intentionally vague.
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if you stow a hugareida trick in your fylgja, then, when you use it, it comes from the spirit rather than your hand. This means that you can use hugareida without having a hand free, should you store it in your fylgja

You can also store back-up weapons in them, or medical things, or whatever you want. They're essentially a magical bag of holding

Normal tricks, like Shatter-Wrist trick and Knee-Groin trick, do not take up capacity, only magical tricks do.
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Same thing? I mean, lifespan is pretty much exactly "time from birth to death", isn't it?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say. In this case, since they don't decide your life span, and only when you die, someone could theoretically live thousands of years before the moment of their death arrives.

In a world where there are people that can actually live for centuries, and someone can supposedly survive being dust as long as its not their time to die, the Norse being able to live longer isn't outside the realm of possibility.
if you stow a hugareida trick in your fylgja, then, when you use it, it comes from the spirit rather than your hand. This means that you can use hugareida without having a hand free, should you store it in your fylgja

You can also store back-up weapons in them, or medical things, or whatever you want. They're essentially a magical bag of holding

Normal tricks, like Shatter-Wrist trick and Knee-Groin trick, do not take up capacity, only magical tricks do.

Good information to have. I'm assuming that only works when the fylgja is material and embodied. Speaking of which, how quickly can the fylgja transition between corporeal and incorporeal? Because that seems very relevant to combat uses.