[X] Plan A Good Clean Fight

Let's not break our bro's arm lol

I wanna impress him with our new magic too
And voting is now closed. That was a close vote!
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 21, 2023 at 5:53 PM, finished with 57 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Disarming Aggression
    -[X] Tap frami, virthing, and saemd (+17 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Assign 2 orthstirr to Defend (-2 Orthstirr)
    -[X] 6 Attack
    -[X] 6 Defense
    -[X] Use Hone Trick on the last 5 attacks, and first two defenses (-7 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Use Shatter-Wrist Trick to break his shield arm before making the Honed attacks (-2 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Tactics
    --[X] Get in close, make one attack, and then use Inertia-Arresting-Throw (-6 Orthstirr) to trap his spear when he attacks back with it
    --[X] Break his wrist with Shatter-Wrist Trick to make his two shields less useful, trying twice if necessary
    --[X] Stay close to keep his Wind hugareida less useful and go to town with our Honed axe
    [X] Plan A Good Clean Fight
    -[X] Tap frami, virthing, and saemd (+17 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Assign 3 orthstirr to Defend (-3 Orthstirr)
    -[X] 7 Attack
    -[X] 6 Defense
    -[X] Use Hone Trick on the last 6 attacks, and first two defenses (-8 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Tactics
    --[X] Get in close, make one attack, and then use Inertia-Arresting-Throw (-6 Orthstirr) to trap his spear when he attacks back with it
    --[X] Stay close to keep his Wind hugareida less useful and go to town with our Honed axe
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Ah crap, fell asleep. I was gonna suggest adding 2 orthstirr to Silver-Tongue and a bit where, if we win, we flatter him saying that we used Shatter-Wrist Trick because otherwise he'd have beaten us and we respect him too much not to give it our all.

It's largely true (at least in terms of motivations) and might lower tensions. Could we still do that? It doesn't actually change the plan (there's a bit of orthstirr left over).
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Sure, though I wouldn't be so certain that you're ending this in a single round.

Yeah, that's in large part what I was leaving it for...but I think that either way if we don't inflict at least most of our damage in the first round we probably lose anyway. Like, the whole strategy is extreme aggression trying to knock him down...if he weathers it we run out of gas and wind up in trouble quick. A second round doesn't mean we lose, but a third probably does.

And I mean, if we lose, we lose. This is sparring with our four-years older brother who was a trained (if not wildly impressive) warrior with his own hugareida when we had not a single armed combat skill to our name. We've improved rapidly since then, but us losing is still the expected outcome. We went with the plan with the best odds...if we lose anyway, we have nothing to be ashamed of. We'd certainly much rather win, but it's not a tragedy to lose here.
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Summer 3/Eric Spar 1.1
[X] Plan Disarming Aggression
-[X] Tap frami, virthing, and saemd (+17 Orthstirr)
-[X] Assign 2 orthstirr to Defend (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] 6 Attack
-[X] 6 Defense
-[X] Use Hone Trick on the last 5 attacks, and first two defenses (-7 Orthstirr)
-[X] Use Shatter-Wrist Trick to break his shield arm before making the Honed attacks (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] Tactics
--[X] Get in close, make one attack, and then use Inertia-Arresting-Throw (-6 Orthstirr) to trap his spear when he attacks back with it
--[X] Break his wrist with Shatter-Wrist Trick to make his two shields less useful, trying twice if necessary
--[X] Stay close to keep his Wind hugareida less useful and go to town with our Honed axe
Orthstirr rolls across your body in waves as you stoke your power. A fiery crown sits atop your head while a crimson cloak falls across your shoulders. A blazing inferno surrounds you, the work of your frami.

Eric's eyes sharpen behind his shield and he changes his stance ever so slightly. Orthstirr, a near perfect copy of your own, paints his shield with protective power as you launch into a charge.
(Attack: 3 vs Reinforced Defense: 2, Attacker Wins)
Axe flows like water as it crashes against the ready shield. The first layer of red power splinters into ever-further-shrinking shards of orthstirr, but the second bounces your axe away.

As you bounce away from his shield, Eric throws himself into a spear thrust and unknowingly falls into your trap. A trap, you belatedly realize, you can't quite spring with both hands occupied.

But no matter, even without a free hand to use Standstill with, you can still proceed with the rest of your plan. Besides, you're curious to see how Reinforce-Shield fares against Shatter-Wrist.
(Attack: 2 vs Honed Defense: 3, Defender Wins)
Jerking back from the probing stab with a half-step on grassy footing, orthstirr rings and coats your axe in power. Shatter-Wrist active, you twist and push from the ground, adding momentum and force to your strike.

Eric's eyes flash as recognition further sharpens his gaze. He swings foreword, shield blazing with crimson power as it races to meet your blow head-on.
(Trick Attack: 8 vs Defense: 2, Attacker Wins)
Sparks fall in heavy showers as trick grinds against trick. Just as the layer of orthstirr fails, Eric twists out of the way and lets your own momentum carry you towards the ground. Your axe slams against the grass and orthstirr injects into nothing.

Light flashes, reflecting off Eric's Honed spearhead as it races towards you. Orthstirr surges as you twist, bringing your own Honed shield to bear.
(Honed Attack: 5 vs Honed Defense: 4, Attacker Wins, -1 Shield Health)
His spear carves deep into your shield, but you twist past the clash and let your axe sing. The cutting edge of your training axe glows with Honed might as it races towards your brother.
(Honed Attack: 7 vs Defense: 2, Attacker Wins, -2 Shield Health)
Your single blow nearly reduces Eric's shield to splinters. He jostles, the ringing impact leaving him unsteady on his feet.

But not unsteady enough to fail to respond to your follow-up. Honed weapons fly, each racing to meet the opponent first.
(Honed Attack: 7 vs Defense: 3, Attacker Wins, -2 Shield Health)
Eric's spear meets your shield first, carving more wood from the surface. It's a good thing you kept your shield Honed for that first blow, else his next would've torn the shield from your arm.
(Honed Attack: 9 vs Defense: 3, Attacker Wins, -2 Shield Health)
But your axe crashes against his shield, breaking it apart and leaving it little more than a pile of kindling on the floor.

As you draw back to deliver the follow-up, Eric's eyes burn with an unfamiliar fire. He moves first, stepping into and throwing his spear with all his might.
(Thrown Attack: 3 vs Defense: 5, Defender Wins)
You duck down and stomp, throwing yourself into a leap and dodging the spear all in one motion.

Your axe falls as Eric stumbles back.
(Honed Attack: 4 vs Defense: 4, Defender Wins Ties)
He rolls from your axe's path, leaping to his feet with his sax and back-up shield already in hand and grass stains on his clothes.

You pull your axe from the ground just in time to receive his next attack.
(Attack: 2 vs Defense: 1, Attacker Wins, -1 Shield Health)
The sax carves through your shield, leaving you holding nothing more than splinters. You grit your teeth and try to return the favor.
(Honed Attack: 5 vs Defense: 5, Defender Wins Ties)
Only for him to side-step your axe!

A smirk graces Eric's face as your eyes boggle. The Hel?! Is he better with the sax than he is with the spear?!
(Attack: 2 vs Defense: 5, Defender Wins)
So shocked are you that you only just barely manage to dodge the sax strike.

You stumble back several steps, putting distance between you and Eric, who waits patiently for your next move.
(Tactics: 6, 3, 6, 1) 4 Successes

You and Eric stand across each other in a lightly battle-scarred grassy field. You're down your shield, as is Eric, though he's got his replacement in hand while you've got nothing. His sax gleams in the sun while his spear lays a few paces behind you, lodged in the ground.

There's something about his stance that tells you that he's going to go on the offensive, likely unleashing some of his Gale hugareida. He's definitely majorly improved in the years since the thief. Despite your situation, you can't help but feel happy by this turn of events.

Eric is undamaged, as are you. He's not looking like he's running dry of orthstirr just yet, though he's certainly starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. After experiencing his blows, you know for a fact that he's physically stronger than you are by what feels like one rank.

You have 4/4 Endurance.
Your shield is broken. You have no back-up shields.
You have 10 orthstirr held in reserve and you have tapped frami, virthing, and saemd.
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your hamr and 0 more into your hugr.
-1 to Chop
-1 to Defense
-3 to Dodge
-2 to Glima
You have a combat pool of 11d6.

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Inertia-Arresting-Throw wasn't used, so it's orthstirr has been refunded.

I also just realized that I haven't updated the Mechanics page in forever. Sorry about that.

No moratorium as I'm going to be rather distracted with updating the mechanics page so I'd likely be late with opening the vote.
Is there anything we can pick up as an improvised shield, like a tree branch or something?

Edit: Just caught we're fighting on a grassy field, so probably not.
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Huh. Okay, us needing a free hand for Inertia-Arresting Throw is...inconvenient. Not unviable, but inconvenient (though it makes our choice to get Reinforce-Shield even better). We do now have a free hand and could use it, but I don't think that's a good tactic to use defensively at this point given the situation.

Actually... @Imperial Fister could we effectively disarm his shield with Inertia-Arresting Throw? Like, if we freeze it in the air and then circle around him it's not gonna be much use.

If we do that and throw in two Honed attacks (plus several more attacks) we might be able to pull this off. That'd leave 2 orthstirr for the Silver-Tongue enhancement to praise him afterward, too. Defensively, we lack an item to Hone so, uh, we're gonna get hit if we try to rely on defense, so something offensively focused seems like our only hope to me at this point.

Yeah, that seems workable, as I think on it, plus allowing us to still show off our hugareida. Does anyone else have an idea for how to win?

EDIT: Also, go Eric for getting his Hamr all the way from 3 to 5. That'll serve him well both in battle as needed, and as a shipbuilder (I have to imagine some strength is good there). It's nice that he's been working out.
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There's a spear behind us, right? Could we sneakily freeze it in place a few inches off the ground and try to trip him on it?

We can freeze exactly one thing...I've gotta think taking his shield out of commission is better than this if that's viable. If we could freeze multiple things that'd be another matter, and it's obviously a different situation if we can't freeze his shield.
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Okay, in that case here's a tentative version of what the plan I proposed would look like:

[X] Plan Frozen Shield
-[X] Assign 2 Orthstirr to Silver-Tongue (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] 6 Attack
-[X] 5 Defense
-[X] Use Hone Trick on the first two attacks (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] Tactics
--[X] Charge up and use our newly freed hand to use Inertia-Arresting Trick (-6 Orthstirr) to freeze his shield, then circle around and attack him on his unshielded side.
--[X] After the fight, win or lose, explain that we had to give it our all to even have a chance against our big brother, hence why we fought as we did.

This plan is dicey, but it's dicey because we can't increase our defense in any meaningful way (aside from Inertia-Arresting Throw itself, which would work all of once and probably not work at all on the wind blades). Like, I'm more worried about getting taken out by blades of wind before we can make this work than I am about not having spent enough orthstirr on offense, so I think the Silver-Tongue is a good call.
[X] Plan Frozen Shield

It was interesting how he didn't expected us to go all out right from the start.

But i applaud his thinking, making people believe he is a spear man when in truth he is a knife fighter.
If only there wasn't this "noble warrior" bullshit to adhere to....
It was interesting how he didn't expected us to go all out right from the start.

But i applaud his thinking, making people believe he is a spear man when in truth he is a knife fighter.
If only there wasn't this "noble warrior" bullshit to adhere to....

He's both. We know for a fact that when he was 16 Spear was his highest combat skill...with the skill change, that would be Piercing, which he can also use for his knife, but it's still entirely viable with spears.

We can actually do the same thing with switching weapons once we get a seax since they can be used with Chopping just like our axe, we'd just need to pick up some Throwing (which isn't a bad idea at all, now that I think about it...hatchet throwing is a viable combat tactic, after all).
He's both. We know for a fact that when he was 16 Spear was his highest combat skill...with the skill change, that would be Piercing, which he can also use for his knife, but it's still entirely viable with spears.

We can actually do the same thing with switching weapons once we get a seax since they can be used with Chopping just like our axe, we'd just need to pick up some Throwing (which isn't a bad idea at all, now that I think about it...hatchet throwing is a viable combat tactic, after all).
right, forgot about that...
And if we are at throwing, don't forget recall.
Shit, he is gonna recall his spear, isn't he?
right, forgot about that...

It's technically OOC information, but it's still good to know.

And if we are at throwing, don't forget recall.

We have no Throwing skill at the moment...but getting it to, like, 2 or so would not be wildly difficult in the long term, which is where I was talking about having it. We have more important priorities in the short term, I think.

Shit, he is gonna recall his spear, isn't he?

Honestly, if he's using the same skill for both his knife and spear (and I think he is), it almost doesn't matter. It'd give him an extra die or two, but this fight is, in all likelihood, gonna be over before we run out of dice this turn anyway. I'd actually much rather he spent orthstirr on that than just chucking wind-blades at us or several other potential uses.
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