Have we ever tried


As opposed to like, eating the item?
I'd be curious if the owl can pick something up, stow it, and if we can pull it out of ourselves. Way to translate objects across distance.

Also curious if the owl could have escaped the sanctum dicktorum by going spirit form, but I assume it might have been warded? Or does the owl have to touch us to turn spirit?
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Also curious if the owl could have escaped the sanctum dicktorum by going spirit form, but I assume it might have been warded? Or does the owl have to touch us to turn spirit?
First, amazing name

Second, fylgjur can't cross thresholds very easily. They require the way to be 'made' for them, like by someone crossing before them or if the door is left opened for them.
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Okay, so it's not just prayers that fuel Christian cultivation. It's martyrdom. Knights who can martyr themselves likely help out Christian cultivation as a whole. If they're good enough, they can probably become Saints, but I bet there's more to it.
That might put a different spin on that priest we fought during the raid. He may have been driving the villagers towards martyrdom to increase his power. Perhaps he figured that the sacrifices of the few were worth it if they could spare the many. Or, less charitably, he might have simply wanted to move to the next Bead, and was willing to sacrifice the townsfolk to do so.

Of course I'm just spitballing here. It's quite plausible that Christian Cultivation doesn't work like that. I just thought that the possibility was interesting enough to be worth mentioning.
Oh yeah we need to see about using odr to fuel our stats too. Maybe next turn since people seem concerned about running out?

I'm down for this next turn, yeah. Seeing how that works seems...interesting. This is also probably what we do to feed it to our fylgja, since that's a stat.

Actually, I'm down for trying this on this turn if it doesn't cost us a Research Die. @Imperial Fister would this cost a research die or would we just spend the odr or what?

Can we draw Odr out of our Soulscape, and, idk, use it to water regular plants?

This seems hugely wasteful even if possible. Like, I'm disinclined to even experiment because of the waste. The other stuff proposed is all useful enough that I think we'll actually do it under the right circumstances and we thus need to see how it works...this isn't, IMO.
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Spend it like orthstirr

Alright, going back to put spending 1 point of Odr on...probably Hamr, into my plan. I could be convinced to do a different stat but if it supercharges something that seems the one to supercharge this turn, I think?

I still think this is how we get permanent stat-ups, which would make it not matter which we did (as it wouldn't change anything this turn...though we'd want to get at least all our stats enhanced that way eventually), but it's good to plan for other eventualities as well.

Also edited the Kindle Spinner research action to only spend 1 Odr since 5 would be a lot and even Alectai's plan has only like, a bit over a 50/50 shot of us having Mastered it. This also tests if we can combine Odr and Orthstirr on one Trick which seems worthwhile...or if 1 Odr can power even something big like Kindle Spinner all by itself.
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Odr as Orthsirr speculation (I expect to be very wrong by the next update lol)

1) Simply not possible. We are sad.
2) As Orthsirr. Effectively putting Odr onto stats gives extra Orthsirr.
3) As Orthsirr+. Variants below:
a) You can spend Odr and Orthsirr as 'separate' tracks for the same stats. Effectively: Doubled stats (with enough Odr).
b) Odr counts as Orthsirr but at (some ratio).
4) Something else.

Currently I sort of suspect 3a) to be the likely outcome.

I also had the macabre thought that, Halla died, people are harvesting her Fylgja for loot, and it's just bigass boulders. Boulders all the way down.
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Odr as Orthsirr speculation (I expect to be very wrong by the next update lol)

1) Simply not possible. We are sad.
2) As Orthsirr. Effectively putting Odr onto stats gives extra Orthsirr.
3) As Orthsirr+. Variants below:
a) You can spend Odr and Orthsirr as 'separate' tracks for the same stats. Effectively: Doubled stats (with enough Odr).
b) Odr counts as Orthsirr but at (some ratio).
4) Something else.

Currently I sort of suspect 3a) to be the likely outcome.

I also had the macabre thought that, Halla died, people are harvesting her Fylgja for loot, and it's just bigass boulders. Boulders all the way down.

3a would be really powerful. Like, +6d to almost all our rolls within the next couple of years kind of really powerful (we'd invest 6 each into Hamr and Hugr within the next two years...because yeah). Which may happen and be intended, but is worth bearing in mind when analyzing that option...I more suspect Option 2 for that reason, but maybe I'm being too conservative. Or maybe it's 3a with a twist where you can only invest Odr equal to your current Realm into any stat (or Realm x2 or something), in which case it's only +1d (or +2d) to everything for us right now until we figure out how to progress our cultivation.

We'll hopefully see...I'm pretty sure it has to do something when invested in stats, we just need to find out what.
3a would be really powerful. Like, +6d to almost all our rolls within the next couple of years kind of really powerful (we'd invest 6 each into Hamr and Hugr within the next two years...because yeah). Which may happen and be intended, but is worth bearing in mind when analyzing that option...I more suspect Option 2 for that reason, but maybe I'm being too conservative. Or maybe it's 3a with a twist where you can only invest Odr equal to your current Realm into any stat (or Realm x2 or something), in which case it's only +1d (or +2d) to everything for us right now until we figure out how to progress our cultivation.

We'll hopefully see...I'm pretty sure it has to do something when invested in stats, we just need to find out what.
3a would be funny, we becomes the smartest and strongest almost immediately.

Option 2 is a little weak, if it's Option 2 we probably would rather spend all out Odr watering plants. Though of course, Odr is rather suited to watering plants. Entirely possible for it to just be less efficient at what Orthsirr is used for.
With the whole permanent idea, it may also be that odr in stats acts like bonus training dice?
That's also possible, but on a meta basis it seems like Imp would be like 'oh god no' after the first few turns of Odr investment.
With the whole permanent idea, it may also be that odr in stats acts like bonus training dice?

This would also be ludicrously powerful. But possible. I think there being a Realm based cap on how much of that you can do is likely if it works like this, but we'll see.

3a would be funny, we becomes the smartest and strongest almost immediately.

Funny, but perhaps a bit too powerful for the first stage. Again, Realm-based caps may be a thing here.

Option 2 is a little weak, if it's Option 2 we probably would rather spend all out Odr watering plants. Though of course, Odr is rather suited to watering plants. Entirely possible for it to just be less efficient at what Orthsirr is used for.

I don't think it's that weak given that the plant effects are relatively minor thus far...but it's not wildly impressive on its own, it's true.

That's also possible, but on a meta basis it seems like Imp would be like 'oh god no' after the first few turns of Odr investment.

There'd presumably be a cap if it did this (likely based on either the stats themselves or, as mentioned, our Realm).
3a would be funny, we becomes the smartest and strongest almost immediately.

Option 2 is a little weak, if it's Option 2 we probably would rather spend all out Odr watering plants. Though of course, Odr is rather suited to watering plants. Entirely possible for it to just be less efficient at what Orthsirr is used for.

That's also possible, but on a meta basis it seems like Imp would be like 'oh god no' after the first few turns of Odr investment.
Uncapped/capped like Orthstirr investment?
Capped with some different function?
Depending on the function it could be anywhere from "neat" to "omg that is so busted".
A sliding scale from "neat" to "omg that is so busted" feels plausible for cultivation nonsense, if the point on the scale changes with realm.
Oh, also, it could be that spending Odr increases the maximum Orthsirr spend on an attribute. That would be an interesting option, IMO.
Oh, also, it could be that spending Odr increases the maximum Orthsirr spend on an attribute. That would be an interesting option, IMO.

Honestly, this is basically the same as your original option 3a but with extra steps (and maybe a tad more bookkeeping), at least in the long run. Like, as our Orthstirr pool rises the Orthstirr expenditure to do this would rapidly verge on meaningless.
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Honestly, this is basically the same as your original option 3a but with extra steps (and maybe a tad more bookkeeping), at least in the long run. Like, as our Orthstirr pool rises the Orthstirr expenditure to do this would rapidly verge on meaningless.
It would make a difference at lower Orthsirr levels, especially for people who aren't at Halla 'basically 30 yr old Norseman' levels of Orthsirr.
--[X] The Neighboring Dwarves, make sure you've got a solid greeting gift ready for them though.
---[X] The Superior Forged Iron Wood-Axe We Made
---[X] 3 Meat-Keeping Sticks
---[X] A Significant Amount of Food and Mead (Equivalent of 12 Food in the old system, plus the Mead)
Should we like, go to the extent of cooking them something (read: Housecraft check)?

I think the dwarves would definitely appreciate animal meat. I think we should specify that our food includes Milk, Eggs, Cheese, and maybe even have one Meat-Keeping Stick, attached to a slaughtered basic cow/sheep or something. They can't have good access to animals, especially surface bound animals. We could also give them cloth, which would also be tough for them to get.

I'm not sure if the Dwarves would appreciate the Superior Wood Axe. Because, like, uh, they don't exactly chop trees down, they're dwarves?
I'm not sure if the Dwarves would appreciate the Superior Wood Axe. Because, like, uh, they don't exactly chop trees down, they're dwarves?
We have explicit confirmation that quality crafts of fine+ quality would be appreciated just for the fact of being quality crafting
(Suprerior is the tier above Fine)
Dwarfs appreciate quality crafts, though trying to pass human craft off as dwarfwork is a way to earn a speedy death, even if you claim it belongs to a rival clan.
I guess Superior Quality would be enough that even they'd recognize it as a respectable gift?

Huh, I realize Dwarfs like Gold, I wonder if a hand-crafted golden arm-ring would be considered a princely greeting gift. We do have some gold lying around after all, and picking up the Jewelry-Trick shouldn't be that hard if we focus on it.

Good beer probably wouldn't hurt either. I don't think they can grow hops.
Yes to all, though Fine is quality enough.