[X] "Well, firstly, I'm going to free you all. What you do from there is technically up to you. That said, I'd be happy to give you a ride home, or to employ you on my farm if you'd prefer, I certainly have work for anyone interested. I would also very much appreciate any information you can provide on Wolin, some things were stolen from a man I know and last seen there, and I've been hired to recover them. I will also hopefully be rescuing some abducted people, and would potentially be willing to pay well for an actual guide. "
-[X] Use Social Tricks to figure out what they want as best we can and our Lie Sense to make sure they're not lying to us about any information (and that Haggar is translating faithfully).
0~0~0 Talking to the Kashubs (Silver-Tongue: 21+1(Friendly)+1(First Impressions)+1(Beautiful)+2(Reward Dice)) 26 Successes, counts as 31 thanks to Speaking Out of Law, a Mastercraft Success
After taking a moment to think over your words, you nod to yourself and turn your word-worker's eyes to your thralls. "Firstly, I'm going to free you all." Haggar blinks at that, but shrugs and translates as faithfully as your senses can make out. The words slipping free of his mouth are harsh and a bit clunky compared to both his normal speech and the words of your thralls. "What you do from there is technically up to you, that said," you lean forward, resting elbows on your knees, "I'd be happy to give you a ride home or employment on my farm."
As the princess gapes and scrambles for something to say, taken completely off-guard by your bluntness, the mother pulls back from where she and Lada work—leaving Lada humming to herself as she pays little attention to her surroundings—and eyes you with a narrowed stare. Her lips mouth as she speaks, her words unclear to your ears but quickly translated by Haggar, "For what price would you ask our freedom?"
"No price," a wave of the hand accompanies the shake of the head, "but I wouldn't refuse gifts of information, specifically towards the Wolinians." A flicker of fury crosses the warrior's face as his ears twitch at that name.
Mscislaw shifts on his bench, facing towards you fully. "Did you say 'Wolinians'?"
"I did, yes," a slight smile threatens as Mscislaw nods.
"We were attacked by Wolinians shortly before your people struck," Mscislaw says as his fingers curl into a fist. With a meaty smack, his knuckles find a home in his off-palm. "If not for them, we would have been able to drive you away."
"Interesting," you mutter as you run thumb and forefinger across chin and jaw. Now then, how to make use of this?
[ ] Write in
(Thanks to your masterwork success, you don't have to roll for whatever you decide to do here. You also can ask me further questions that I'll answer as best I can, regarding things that the Kashubs would know)
AN: Not much to say here other then that I'm still feeling a bit off
No moratorium, but this'll be the last update for today
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask where it is likely that a captive or goods would be taken back to after a raid.
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
Your hosts were fine men indeed and had much to share with you. One, a cheerful man by the name of Banquet-Ronald, even bequeathed a fine silken cloak upon your shoulders while giving a matching set to your husband!
Gee, I wonder what Banquet-Ronald is known for? Surely not banquets!
We want to learn Latin, so maybe try to hire the guy? It would take a few turns to learn, I would think.
"We were attacked by Wolinians shortly before your people struck," Mscislaw says as his fingers curl into a fist. With a meaty smack, his knuckles find a home in his off-palm. "If not for them, we would have been able to drive you away."
I agree with skippy, as he covered the most important ones.
[X] Skippy
Perhaps we could ask for a map or something as well, but that should also be covered under "where do stolen goods get taken to?"
Ask for costumes, traditions and such cultural things, perhaps? We are most likely fighting them, but knowing if there are signs for retreat, true surrender, tread and such could be useful.
If we can swing learning the language that would be nice but not necessary.
The princess-turned-thrall isn't sure how to treat you, that much is certain, so she defaults to her natural attitude of arrogant superiority. She lifts her chin as you drag over a barrel to sit on, her brother having been saddled with watching the mother's children while she and the girl clean the laundry. The once-warrior doesn't seem to have much in the way of an idea of how to handle children—as the brother and sister pair play some manner of tag with your children—but he's clearly trying his best.
Haggar Worm grumbles as he too drags a barrel over, the rocking of the ship under you a pleasant change to the dreary swamp you'd found yourselves sheltering in—though the hosts were kind and generous indeed!
So, I think some minor edits for the part where we talk to the thralls may be needed. We're obviously not taking our children out to danger, so it feels like the options are:
1) Wolinian Adventures 1~2 is happening at Asvir, dropping off at home to unload Thralls/Freed Thralls and magic items and stuff seems reasonable. Our children came over to see us off or something.
2) Our children don't get to play tag. We're already off to Wolin regardless.
I mean, he's on a ship with multiple lower top people, and Halla herself at upper top. so probably not too much of a threat to us, though still a powerful warrior.
actually @Imperial Fister how would Halla classify the three warriors she fought in Skane? just curious.
I mean, he's on a ship with multiple lower top people, and Halla herself at upper top. so probably not too much of a threat to us, though still a powerful warrior.
Oh definitely, but anyone who's hit Lower Top has some tricks up their sleeve and should have an eye kept on them if there's any worry about them being an enemy, and he was still giving us dirty looks when I said that.
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask where it is likely that a captive or goods would be taken back to after a raid.
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
I agree with all three questiond from Skippy, I have thought up a few additional things to ask.
[X] Ask about the physical layout of the Wolinians lands, terrain features, how their community is laid out and so on.
[X] Clarify what the Slavs intentions are going forward...do they all just want a ride home? That's fine if so, as is them needing more time to decide, but knowing their decision would be good.
[X] Use three of our remaining questions from the Estonian Pirates to find out what they knew about the physical layout of Wolinian lands, their known capabilities, and their numbers and force allocations.
That third one is mostly because another perspective is always useful and I dunno what else we'll do with our remaining questions from the Estonians. It might also give us some stuff on Slavic capabilities that the Slavs themselves consider too basic to need to mention. If Mscislaw's info disagrees with theirs we'd likely go with his, but no reason not to have it. Arguably we don't need a vote for that one, but it doesn't hurt.
Your hosts were fine men indeed and had much to share with you. One, a cheerful man by the name of Banquet-Ronald, even bequeathed a fine silken cloak upon your shoulders while giving a matching set to your husband!
Banquet-Ronald is also known famous for the strange but tasty dish of minced beef and bread he invented, the fine meals he gives to youngsters who stay in his hall, each with a small toy just for them, and the fact that his ice cream machines are always fucking broken.
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask where it is likely that a captive or goods would be taken back to after a raid.
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
I agree with all three questiond from Skippy, I have thought up a few additional things to ask.
[X] Ask about the physical layout of the Wolinians lands, terrain features, how their community is laid out and so on.
[X] Clarify what the Slavs intentions are going forward...do they all just want a ride home? That's fine if so, as is them needing more time to decide, but knowing their decision would be good.
[X] Use three of our remaining questions from the Estonian Pirates to find out what they knew about the physical layout of Wolinian lands, their known capabilities, and their numbers and force allocations.
That third one is mostly because another perspective is always useful and I dunno what else we'll do with our remaining questions from the Estonians. It might also give us some stuff on Slavic capabilities that the Slavs themselves consider too basic to need to mention. If Mscislaw's info disagrees with theirs we'd likely go with his, but no reason not to have it. Arguably we don't need a vote for that one, but it doesn't hurt.
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask where it is likely that a captive or goods would be taken back to after a raid.
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
[X] Ask about the physical layout of the Wolinians lands, terrain features, how their community is laid out and so on.
[X] Clarify what the Slavs intentions are going forward...do they all just want a ride home? That's fine if so, as is them needing more time to decide, but knowing their decision would be good.
[X] Use three of our remaining questions from the Estonian Pirates to find out what they knew about the physical layout of Wolinian lands, their known capabilities, and their numbers and force allocations.
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask where it is likely that a captive or goods would be taken back to after a raid.
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
[X] Ask about the physical layout of the Wolinians lands, terrain features, how their community is laid out and so on.
[X] Clarify what the Slavs intentions are going forward...do they all just want a ride home? That's fine if so, as is them needing more time to decide, but knowing their decision would be good.
[X] Use three of our remaining questions from the Estonian Pirates to find out what they knew about the physical layout of Wolinian lands, their known capabilities, and their numbers and force allocations.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Dec 3, 2023 at 6:43 PM, finished with 17 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Any information that Mscislaw or the others would be able to venture on the Wolonians' strengths, weapons, and style of fighting would be useful. How many were the group that attacked him? Is that typical for a Wolonian war party?
[X] Ask Mscislaw (and implicitly, the princess, as she may be calling the shots here) if he would like to accompany us on our mission, as he seems like a strong warrior and we could very much use a guide with knowledge of fighting the Wolonians. We will offer a share of the loot.
[X] Clarify what the Slavs intentions are going forward...do they all just want a ride home? That's fine if so, as is them needing more time to decide, but knowing their decision would be good.
[X] Use three of our remaining questions from the Estonian Pirates to find out what they knew about the physical layout of Wolinian lands, their known capabilities, and their numbers and force allocations.
Okay, and that one is 19 before any bonuses. We probably have +2 successes one way or another, which would make them 5 and 21, respectively...6 and 22 if we have 3 bonus successes. Obviously lots more if Drengskapr applies (which it might?).