We saved how much Orthstirr by just reserving 10 dice worth of basic defenses?

Either way, the situation so far is good. We've taken a significant amount of Armor damage, but we've limited its mobility and gotten a grasp on how it works.
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no trick attacks, eh? so 30 orthstirr on reinforce shield should keep us totally safe, but we need high damage attacks to cut through its passive.
no trick attacks, eh? so 30 orthstirr on reinforce shield should keep us totally safe, but we need high damage attacks to cut through its passive.

No Trick Attacks that we know of. Remember, it was trying to do exactly what my gut was worried about and swarm us with basic attacks to fish for auto-hits.

I wouldn't count it out of having some. But as my gut suspected, it has insane damage reduction, -2 is probably on par with a solid mail hauberk.

Never put all of your eggs in one basket when it's a life-or-death battle.

Notably though? It looks like it primarily is attracted to sound and doesn't really have a great sense of object permanence. That might be something we can use for a really good feint to open it up for a killer move. @Imperial Fister , I asked a question while you were working on the post, and I'll repeat it in case you missed it. "Does Firebomb Strike stack with more conventional attack Tricks? Or is it one-or-the other?"
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AN: Not much to say here other than that I'm pretty sure that the plan miscounted the amount of orthstirr that the 3 Honed Power-Chops would take, which is 6 rather than 3 (1 for the power-chop, 1 for the hone)

That's my bad, I went back and forth on whether to make them Honed or not and it looks like the word got left but not the mechanics. If you rolled 4 dice per attack, the cost should be 3 Orthstirr since we had enough dice for that even without Honed. If you rolled 5 dice, the cost should be 6 as you suggest.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure that the math is right but feel free to double check.

Seems about right to me, yeah.

Also, it was a very, very good thing that you swapped to a higher defense plan. It had 10 basic attacks ready to go and you encountered almost all of them.

Fair enough. The alternative would've been to re-write things so as to use some Halting Vortexes even on non-Trick attacks, but this probably did work out better.

no trick attacks, eh? so 30 orthstirr on reinforce shield should keep us totally safe, but we need high damage attacks to cut through its passive.

That seems...excessive, just in case it does have a Trick. We definitely want to put some in there, but maybe not quite that much.
looks like it only has a combat pool of 12, so sspending like 10 or so in basic attacks should leave it wide open for big trick attacks afterwards..
looks like it only has a combat pool of 12, so sspending like 10 or so in basic attacks should leave it wide open for big trick attacks afterwards..

Yeah, I'm thinking we launch a series of relatively weak attacks while retaining our defenses, feint into a blind spot, and then try to trick it with a Kindle-Spinner off in a direction we're not attacking from. It definitely seems to be attracted to sound and has a poor sense of object permanence, so if we can break eye contact and then create a noise, chances are good we can open it up for another sneak attack.

EDIT: No, wait, that's not a great idea, because the DR as such that anything less than a Power Chop is literally no threat to it. Hrm...
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@Imperial Fister , I asked a question while you were working on the post, and I'll repeat it in case you missed it. "Does Firebomb Strike stack with more conventional attack Tricks? Or is it one-or-the other?"
Tricks don't really stack very well. Like, you can but it comes at a cost of resulting power.
That's my bad, I went back and forth on whether to make them Honed or not and it looks like the word got left but not the mechanics. If you rolled 4 dice per attack, the cost should be 3 Orthstirr since we had enough dice for that even without Honed. If you rolled 5 dice, the cost should be 6 as you suggest.
I rolled 4 dice so I'll refund the 3 orthstirr
Tricks don't really stack very well. Like, you can but it comes at a cost of resulting power.

I rolled 4 dice so I'll refund the 3 orthstirr

Hrm, what would do more damage in this circumstance then? Leaping Chop or Firebomb?

I Mean, logically, detonating a bomb inside a monster should do extra damage compare to just chopping it, but I still don't quite grasp how combat works here.
looks like it only has a combat pool of 12, so sspending like 10 or so in basic attacks should leave it wide open for big trick attacks afterwards..

Nah, it just won't bother to defend. It reduces all damage by 2 and the damage of basic attacks is, in fact, generally 1-2. It can ignore them.

On the bright side, without tricks it seems to max out at about 2 dice on its attacks and defenses, so even low die attacks can hit pretty readily.
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Does Firebomb have any good secondary effects then? I'm trying to figure out what our best source of telling damage will be in this fight.

Notably, we've done 9 Damage so far and we've only lamed it and it's otherwise 'Not very hurt'. This thing is beefy.
Well, it's a bomb. It explodes when you hit stuff. Does lots of damage to surroundings.

But for Leaping-Cleave like secondary effects? Not really.

The vast majority of its health isn't coming from its hamr, for the record.

Just effectively a stupidly stacked Armor Bonus?

I had a theory a while back that Mail is Damage Reduction, is this effectively confirmation of that?

EDIT: Okay, given that. If we can create a significant wound in the monster and follow up with a Firebomb-Strike, it should probably do extra damage, or at least further cripple the beast. Have we actually made any significant holes in the beast yet or is it just too chonky to care?
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I mean, we could theoretically do five 6d6 Honed Leaping-Cleave attacks in the upcoming turn and still have defenses, if we wanted. That may be a little too one-note, but it's definitely an option to do a lot of damage real fast.
Voting is now open.

Just effectively a stupidly stacked Armor Bonus?
Not really. Sort of, but not really
I had a theory a while back that Mail is Damage Reduction, is this effectively confirmation of that?
Until you get mail/have an opportunity to use it, I'm not gonna reveal the specifics
I Mean, logically, detonating a bomb inside a monster should do extra damage compare to just chopping it, but I still don't quite grasp how combat works here.
And it would, if it detonated deep enough inside. It's a bit too chonky for you to have made significant holes in it at the moment.
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I mean, we could theoretically do five 6d6 Honed Leaping-Cleave attacks in the upcoming turn and still have defenses, if we wanted. That may be a little too one-note, but it's definitely an option to do a lot of damage real fast.

I feel we might regret that. It does explicitly call it out as a 'Risky' move. We don't want to be too predictable. It's good to exploit an opening, but I wouldn't want to rely on it as our main source of damage--we already know this thing can be clever from time to time, like how it was going to cheese us with thrown attacks that each hit like Power Chops at a trivial expense in attack dice and zero resource cost.

And it would, if it detonated deep enough inside.

Well then, I think we've got a destination to aim for. Hew a large enough opening in it and hit it with a Firebomb-Strike and see what happens.

It'd at least be a super exciting finishing strike.
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let's see here, the odds of successfully defending a basic attack is 21/36, or 7/12. so if we put in 9 defense dice and each one is hit by an attack, on average 5.25. so to be okay in the average case with defense dice, we would need at least 18 orthstirr on reinforce shield, preferably more in case this thing gets lucky.
Oooh, idea--we bait it into a swipe by exploiting its lamed leg, use Inertia-Arresting Throw to capture its arm, and then use that opening to carve a path for a Firebomb Attack? If it's got a barely-functioning leg, and we can pin the other arm with Standstill, it should have difficulty reacting effectively.

It should take a little time for it to break loose even with its strength, given how it doesn't seem to have much--if any--gas in the tank for Tricks.
let's see here, the odds of successfully defending a basic attack is 21/36, or 7/12. so if we put in 9 defense dice and each one is hit by an attack, on average 5.25. so to be okay in the average case with defense dice, we would need at least 18 orthstirr on reinforce shield, preferably more in case this thing gets lucky.

I'd be inclined to use Halting Vortex for 'if the thing gets lucky' situations, but putting in 18 seems reasonable enough.
Oooh, idea--we bait it into a swipe by exploiting its lamed leg, use Inertia-Arresting Throw to capture its arm, and then use that opening to carve a path for a Firebomb Attack? If it's got a barely-functioning leg, and we can pin the other arm with Standstill, it should have difficulty reacting effectively.

It should take a little time for it to break loose even with its strength, given how it doesn't seem to have much--if any--gas in the tank for Tricks.

Hmmm. Trapping it for a bit seems plausible, yeah. One moment and I'll see what I can do.
I'd be inclined to use Halting Vortex for 'if the thing gets lucky' situations, but putting in 18 seems reasonable enough.
that's a good idea, since in the average case we would only spend 18. I'm really concerned that we will simply not have enough orthstirr to dps this thing to death. I think Leaping Cleaves are our best return on damage/Orthstirr, but we should use the firebomb if we haven't already, as it is free damage.
Anyone have any idea what's going on with it's psychology that we can exploit?

It has poor object permanence and is attracted to sound, or possibly just prioritizes chasing screams. It literally turned its back on Halla the first time she took a hit because someone screamed, and started going after them instead, and that's what gave us our first actually telling blow on it.

But yeah, a dedicated turn to carve an opening in it, to line it up for Firebomb-Strike to take advantage of that 'Collateral Damage' effect to deal ruinous damage to its mass. That should be our approach.

This thing's a terror weapon, not something intended to defeat a proper warrior. It exists to dunk on dabblers and kill the helpless. Those murder throws we just largely handled? A single one of those probably would one-shot anyone else on this farm at the moment except Halla.
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