Do you think halla might be able to spectate a mass or something while she is here in nominally friendly lands, just so she can have an even clearer idea on the mechanics

Priest: Lord, please bless our noble Knights, those who would keep us safe from the depredations of the vile Vikings, God's Punishment for the Sinful.
Halla: Oh, oh, that's us! What other cool titles do you have for us?
@Imperial Fister
Could we get a goal-tell trick read on the king?
How are the other situation relevant tricks handled?
(X) Facial Schooling (No cost, higher levels of refinement would increase the malus applied to hostile rolls): A passive trick that makes it progressively harder to get a read on you after initial reading. (Refined: 3/6)

(X) First-Impressions Trick (Cost: 1 Orthstirr/1 Odr): A passive Silver-Tongue trick that improves first impressions. (Mastered: 0/36)
(X) Goal-Tell Trick (Cost 3 Orthstirr/1 Odr): An active trick that gives you a good idea of what someone is angling for, if they have one and if you manage to slip past their Composure. (Mastered: 0/36)
(X) Lowest-Limit Trick (No cost, gives you more precise information the higher the refinement): Through careful analysis of your opponent's words, attitude, stance, and many other things, you can now determine how low someone is willing to go in bartering with but a glance. (Mastered: 4/36)

(X) Talent Tell (No cost, higher levels of refinement increase the depth of knowledge): A passive tactics trick that allows the user to identify what their opponent is best at whether it be melee combat, hugareida usage, or whatever it is. (Refined: 3/6)

Or, you know.

[ ] Plan: Lay the Cards Out but as concise as possible.
-[ ] Trade Offer: You Receive: 100+ Water Wolf Pelts, 2,000 Whetstones, Potentially a component for Top Class Gear and an Artisan who can work it.
-[ ] Trade Offer: We Receive: Food (Priority One), And of course, once we've got the food sorted out--Interesting Bits and Bobs for Halla's Cultivation and crafting (Interesting Metals, Plants/Vegetation, silver and gold for the crew for their trouble never hurt. If he bites on the commission and wants Plate though, we're going to need some to examine in preparation for the project.
-[ ] Also: We do Mercenary Work.
-[ ] Don't be afraid to give examples of the offer, though if we're pulling them out of birb, make sure we give them warning before we call it.
Maybe stress how much money he could make if he has skilled artisans and traders work with it and how much he could do with that money. (If he asks why we don't do it ourselves: we don't want to stay as long as distributing our tons of wares without reducing the price would take)

Maybe he gets the idea to trade cheap surplus food for expensive goods and use those to make the money to buy another decade of peace with the danelaw.
Helping our enemies to make mistakes.
Could we get a goal-tell trick read on the king?
How are the other situation relevant tricks handled?

It seems to me like we use these once we establish the possibility space (ie: in the negotiation itself). Like, right now before we list stuff his goal is probably 'Make my kingdom better' or 'Get as much out of this as possible' and neither is useful. Once he hears our listed goods he can start being like 'Ooh, I want that one.' and the Trick can kick in.

Helping our enemies to make mistakes.

I'm unclear exactly what mistake you're aiming to help him make here, unconvinced King Alfred is precisely our enemy, and deeply unconvinced we can persuade him to make any mistakes at all. I'm also very convinced that trying would be bad. He knows his kingdom very well indeed, and is much more adept socially than we are, I will guarantee you.
I'm unclear exactly what mistake you're aiming to help him make here, unconvinced King Alfred is precisely our enemy, and deeply unconvinced we can persuade him to make any mistakes at all. I'm also very convinced that trying would be bad. He knows his kingdom very well indeed, and is much more adept socially than we are, I will guarantee you.
Not precisely, but he is a leader of a country and looking for christian approval. Conversion inherent part of christianity, conversion bad, conflict between his kingdom and the danelaw, you know the drill.

I'm convinced that a subtle mention of how much good he could do with the money might nudge him towards accepting and using the money to buy peace from the danelaw and wouldn't have any additional risk.
(With the paying for peace being the error)

Full agreement if it was about anything more overt than that.
Not precisely, but he is a leader of a country and looking for christian approval. Conversion inherent part of christianity, conversion bad, conflict between his kingdom and the danelaw, you know the drill.

If all Christians are the enemy, we lose. It's not viable to fight them all and not really a good idea. Avoiding conversion is useful and necessary, and King Alfred would certainly love to convert him some Vikings, but we need strategies for avoiding conversion that are not trying to screw over or kill the people attempting it. We need a route to relatively peaceful coexistence here and viewing all Christians as the enemy is in no way helpful.

I'm convinced that a subtle mention of how much good he could do with the money might nudge him towards accepting and using the money to buy peace from the danelaw and wouldn't have any additional risk.
(With the paying for peace being the error)

Yeah, we're talking someone with likely around double our social dice pool and the Tricks/Prayers/Whatever to back it up. Absolutely nothing we attempt will get by him and if we try and screw with him he will know and probably not take it well. By this point in time Alfred is likely a 500 year old dedicated social cultivator...our odds of succeeding at this are 0% and our odds of pissing him off are high. And that's if we even wanted to do it in the first place.

Trying to beat him in social stuff is like trying to beat Steinarr in a straight's a terrible idea and will get you hurt. We can negotiate with him because trying for mutual benefit absolutely can work, but trying to screw him over in any way? No chance.
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WTF he has multiple cultivations!?!!?!? I thought that wasn't possible?
you can't have more then one internal power ie believe(ie Odr or Zeal) but we have seen nothing to suggest you can't have, say, Orthstirr and fervor
in fact Sten has both Norse Cultivation and Finnish. he can't have Odr though since he has Finnish internal power

can we perhaps get something from this that will help us with the Norse plate project?
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Hey, we're not vikings! We took the dragon-prow down and everything.
I mean, we are actually doing exactly viking right now. Viking translates as "inlet or bay". It literally just means to leave via boat to go elsewhere. Viking is not a nationality. Viking is a action. When you leave for foreign shores to raid or trade you are going a viking. You are vikings in the same way someone who plays football is a footballer.
Happy birthday.
A prayer for good fortune for halla's expedition:

kauas lähti kaunis lapsi
suuri sisko, vankka akka
ota tuuli, väinön äiti
ilmatar, kaunein kaikista
ota omaksi sisko suuri
sisko suuri, vankka akka
viepi maille merten taakse
ristin kannon palvojille

vie viesti vaka vanha
vaka vanha väinemöinen
tietäjä iän ikuinen
siskoholle suurehelle
akalle vankimmalle
jotta löytyis suuri saalis
suuri saalis, jätti saalis
kauraa vanhan juomingeiksi
rukii nuoren ruokinnoiksi
jottei kuole akka vanha
akka vanha, väki ukko
jottei kuole nuori poika
nuori poika, nöyräs neito

väki anna tursas tuima
tursas tuima, kalma julma
väkeä siskon kaikkiin kolkkiin
kaikkiin kolkkiin, joka kulmaan
jotta liitää kirves käes
kirves käes rauta rantees
kunnol lähtee rauta rantees
voimalla vahvalla, väellä vankalla
ettei tulo kuolo kotiin
kankea karmeist kanneta

far went the fire's daughter
great sister, hardy hag
take O wind, Väinö's mother
Ilmatar, most beautifull
take her as you would your child
take her to lands beyond the sea
to cross laden lands

give thy message O oldest
O oldest, Väinämöinen
bard of ages past
take thy message far
to fire's daughter
the hardiest of hags
so she may find her great bounty
great bounty and plentifull plunder
barley for the elder's cup
rye for the younger's plate
so that hunger won't take our elders
oldest hag and eldest man
so that the young won't starve
so that neither daughter nor son know Hel's grasp

Every time i translate Kalevala metre into english my hatred for the tongue of the Angles grows fivefold.
I believe the relevant saying here is: skill issue. ;) Here's a rewrite at eight syllables per line, trying to keep the meter:
(I don't actually know Finnish, so I've mostly been working on your English text, which may have garbled some synonyms.)

Far abroad went fire's daughter
shining sister, hardiest hag
Bear away, wind, Väinö's mother
Ilmatar, the flawless beauty
hold her like a child in cradle
bring her far across the water
to the cross-bedecked lands

Give thy message, noble elder
Oldest hero, Väinämöinen
bard of ages long forgotten
take thy message far and quickly
to the daughter of the fire
to the most hardy of hags
so she may find her great bounty
bring home baskets full of plunder
barley for the elder's chalice
rye to fill the younger's plate
so that hunger spares our elders
our oldest hag, our eldest man
so that children forget famine
Hel shall not have son nor daughter.
I mean, we are actually doing exactly viking right now. Viking translates as "inlet or bay". It literally just means to leave via boat to go elsewhere. Viking is not a nationality. Viking is a action. When you leave for foreign shores to raid or trade you are going a viking. You are vikings in the same way someone who plays football is a footballer.

I trought the term was iviking. Not just viking.

Anglo-Saxons have their own cultivation? I wonder what that is and what it is based on.

I suppose it must be a composite cultivation system. Since the Anglo-Saxons were a union of different tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes and some Frisians.

Maybe if we study it we can discover something more abaout ancient Germanic cultivation?
I trought the term was iviking. Not just viking.

I suppose it must be a composite cultivation system. Since the Anglo-Saxons were a union of different tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes and some Frisians.

Maybe if we study it we can discover something more abaout ancient Germanic cultivation?
Vikings used their own alphabet. Any specific spelling we use is purely modern convention. We can't even be 100% sure about the pronunciation or if it was exactly consistent or varied based on time or region.

We have translations written down by Christian monks that serve as a sort of Rosetta stone that let us translate the texts, but the nuance is going to be forever just assumptions on our end.
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If all Christians are the enemy, we lose. It's not viable to fight them all and not really a good idea. Avoiding conversion is useful and necessary, and King Alfred would certainly love to convert him some Vikings, but we need strategies for avoiding conversion that are not trying to screw over or kill the people attempting it. We need a route to relatively peaceful coexistence here and viewing all Christians as the enemy is in no way helpful.
So resist conversion without fighting back or even being as hostile as considering "the other side spending money bribing a faction that doesn't want to convert us (because they share our culture)" a good thing.

If "maybe we can drop a few words to make him more likely to bribe people that don't want to convert us" is too close to "screw over or kill" for you, then I think we reached an impasse where its best to agree to disagree.

By this point in time Alfred is likely a 500 year old dedicated social cultivator...our odds of succeeding at this are 0% and our odds of pissing him off are high.
How is mentioning the good he could do for his kingdom with the profits from what we delivered gonna piss him off?
Seriously. How?
So resist conversion without fighting back or even being as hostile as considering "the other side spending money bribing a faction that doesn't want to convert us (because they share our culture)" a good thing.

If "maybe we can drop a few words to make him more likely to bribe people that don't want to convert us" is too close to "screw over or kill" for you, then I think we reached an impasse where its best to agree to disagree.

Trying to convince people to make bad foreign policy decisions that will result in them being extorted and attacked is absolutely screwing them over and being hostile. I'm not saying we need to be absolutely friendly to everyone, but calling every single Christian an enemy is not productive and attempting to manipulate those Christians actually willing to deal with us into bad situations is not the way to achieve peaceful coexistence.

How is mentioning the good he could do for his kingdom with the profits from what we delivered gonna piss him off?
Seriously. How?

Because we know that's an objectively bad idea and he'd know we knew that because he can read us like a book.
I believe the relevant saying here is: skill issue. ;) Here's a rewrite at eight syllables per line, trying to keep the meter:
(I don't actually know Finnish, so I've mostly been working on your English text, which may have garbled some synonyms.)
HEY. It's not my fault that your inflexible tongue doesnt even have basic things, like adding syllables to words without changing the words meaning.
Very cool and much better than my own version. I struggled with translating that one and even gave up on doing the third part. Now i want to try to actually write in proper kalevala metre in english. gods help me.
"that" contains literally 0 mentions of what he should do with it, the idea is that he might have an ineffective idea of what he may do with it (keeping status quo). No direct telling of "do this" which is bad for him.

Again, if we do something with the intent of screwing him over he will know, because he can read people well (or at least that's the assumption we should operate under). That's the issue: Intending to screw him over.
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