Announcement of Break
Alright, folks, we've recently reached 500k words. Half a million damn words. Wow-fuckin'-wee.

With that in mind, I'm going to start taking breaks every few hundred thousand words, to allow myself to rest without worrying about writing NorseQuest. During these breaks, I will be working on other projects that I really want to do but just haven't had the time to start. These are short, significantly more streamlined projects than NorseQuest that won't take me more than a few weeks to a month to complete.

With that out of the way, may I introduce you to Space Ship Quest (A Pre-Dreadnought Cultivation Story)?
A Proposition
As I'm sure you are all well aware, I am getting extremely fatigued and burnt out with this story. Because you and I both don't want this story to just die, I have something of a proposition for you.

We complete this turn, skip winter (while still giving you all the XP you would have gotten), and then start the final arc (Begins with Vestfold, moves on to Dorri, then ends with Drysalt).

What are your thoughts on the matter? Does this sound agreeable?
Notice of Spin-Off

NorseQuest: Collective Edition (Group-Based Xianxia Settlement-Builder) Original

NorseQuest: Collective Edition (NQCE) is an experimental riot-like quest heavily inspired by quests like Magna Graecia. In NQCE, a small fleet of Gutes fleeing the destruction of Gotland find themselves thrown significantly off-course by a freak, once-in-a-lifetime storm. Landing on the shores...

NorseQuest: Collective Edition (NQCE) is an experimental riot-like quest heavily inspired by quests like Magna Graecia. In NQCE, a small fleet of Gutes fleeing the destruction of Gotland find themselves thrown significantly off-course by a freak, once-in-a-lifetime storm. Landing on the shores of a strange, foreign land, Grimfari Jarl (as played by me, I.F. Ister) leads his people (you, the playerbase) to build a new home in a far-off place.

Who will ascend to legend, their feats engraved in glory forever? Who will flounder and flail, failing to manage even the slaying of a single foe on the field of battle? Who will live simple lives, surrounded by the fruits of their labor?

Only time will tell, time and participation in NorseQuest: Collective Edition.


I'm still picking away at NQ proper, but it's slow going. Sorry for the wait.
Spiritual Successor to NorseQuest

Outlaw (A Norse Xianxia) Original

You have been outlawed for a crime you did not commit. Clear your name or die trying. (Summerfest '24 Storytelling Showdown Finalist)

I know it's not what you want to see and I'm sorry about that, but this is the spiritual successor to NorseQuest in a more traditional format.

You are an outlaw, try to survive. Good luck.