Why would using the Gurlanin genemod on the Silencer mean we can't use it on Celeste?
You're right that we can reuse genemods for multiple heroes.

But a) I prefer to give each Hero a unique genemod trait, and b) the Gand traits of regeneration & 'sleep storage' fit the Silencer much better than the Gurlanin traits of longevity and shapeshifting (how much use would shapeshifting be, given that Silencer lives in a suit of armor?) As awesome as the Gurlanin genemod is, it's a much better fit for another hero like Celeste.

@Dr. Snark : if we did assign HK to assassinations, would these be 'overt' ("Chancellor's aides shot in broad daylight! News at 11!") or covert (Palpatine assigns Greejatus to some secret mission; HK makes him disappear so he never returns...)
@Dr. Snark, could you clarify this?

I'll hedge that it's possible, but doing so would invariably reveal the backdoor to the Treasury. Which would be just a tiny bit of a red flag no matter what. Feel like I should point that out.
What do people think? This makes me much less inclined to use the Baobabs for Treasury Copypasta, given the clear warning to not tell others about our Treasury backdoor.
b) the Gand traits of regeneration & 'sleep storage' fit the Silencer much better than the Gurlanin traits of longevity and shapeshifting (how much use would shapeshifting be, given that Silencer lives in a suit of armor?) As awesome as the Gurlanin genemod is, it's a much better fit for another hero like Celeste.
True, but Gand doesn't have a chance of making the Silencer Force-Sensitive, while Gurlanin does, which is what I'm aiming for.

What do people think? This makes me much less inclined to use the Baobabs for Treasury Copypasta, given the clear warning to not tell others about our Treasury backdoor.
I'd say it's not worth the risks.
[X] Plan Back In The Saddle
[X] Plan Risk-Averse Audacity

Myself, I think we'd be better off having HK get some assassinations in while the getting's good (and cover for his absence with Watcher teams if they're really needed) but everything else about this plan I agree with, so.
What do people think? This makes me much less inclined to use the Baobabs for Treasury Copypasta, given the clear warning to not tell others about our Treasury backdoor.
What I got from that is that we can use him for that, but that it's a "do this only if we're guaranteed hitting the Big Red Button this or next turn" sort of thing. Best to wait on it, I think.
You're going to want to have this edited out or taken down, the link lead to a malware/porn site for me. Could have just been a bad redirect, but I wouldn't take chances.
Looks like it was an image from an online catalog -- presumably the site went bust. I might recommend removing the link from your own quote, just so other people don't click through to the malware site as well. Also, it was @Barondoctor 's post, so he's the one who will need to edit it.
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@Dr. Snark You're going to want to have this edited out or taken down, the link lead to a malware/porn site for me. Could have just been a bad redirect, but I wouldn't take chances.
Removed the link. Probably just a bad redirect or the site went down; it used to be "build your own lightsaber" but oh well.
[X] Plan Thermos

Keeping cold wars cold while stealing pieces and marches is the order of the day.


Pick 2
[] Hunting Malevolence (100% CoS)
[] Reigniting the Chains (100% CoS)

Thoughts: Malevolence is a big deal. Blazing Chains kinda touch all the dots--Force, space, capable of handling a lot of things. Yes, the 412th is running out of time, but unless someone can persuade me they're worth our free action, I don't see that happening this turn.

Pick 1 Regular, 1 CNS, 1 Force

[] Call to Order (CNS) (100% COS)
[] Jedi, Leader, General, Spy 100% (100% COS)
[] Between the Light and Dark (100% COS)
-[] Jal Shey

Thoughts: Call to Order stabilizes civilization and establishes the CNS as a proper polity and not just a wartime handshake agreement. The Jedi in charge of the clone group most likely to punch above their weight who happens to be very susceptible to getting turned is a high priority target. The Jal Shey are anti-war and anti-warrior, but they're also scholars and diplomats, exactly the sort of subtle arts we always need more of.

Pick 2 Regular, 1 Free Sienar and 1 Optional Sienar
[] Sienar Custom Vessel (100% COS)
-[] Modernized Fury-Class Interceptor/Transports
-[] "Archaeology" Ships
[] Treasury Auditing (100% COS)
[] Relocating The Foundry (40% COS + 30 default bonuses and omakes + 15 PR1 + 9 Silas + 6 Watchers = 100% COS)
-[] Priam
-[] Silas
-[] 6 Watchers

Thoughts: I'm curious what Sienar Customs is going to do with a ship that's bigger than my house. The original feels like either an undergunned corvette or an oversized transport. Not everything has to be wild dogs of war but being able to fight is important. Archaeology ships because we do a lot of that. Treasury Audit lets us use the treasury backdoor for intel gathering, and if someone Palpatine-aligned found the Foundry he would no longer need EITHER SIDE. It's a little paranoid but it's also something to do now while we're still setting up pieces instead of having to do in a panic.

Pick 3 + 1 "Autonomous"
[] The Hunt for "Truth" (??? COS +40 default and omakes + 14 Thrawn + 49 Personal +1 Watcher = +105 to the roll)
-[] Thrawn
-[] 1 Watcher
-[] Personal Attention
[] Hyper-Communications Hot Potato: (30% COS + 40 default and omakes + 15 Jango + 11 Qymaen+ 14 Silencer = 99% COS)
-[] Jango
-[] Silencer
-[] Qymaen
[] The COMPOR Affair: (50% COS + 40 default and omakes + 8 Mungo Baobab + 2 Watchers = 100% COS)
-[] Mungo
-[] 2 Watchers
[] Definitely Not Available For Hiring (Autonomous): (>100% COS)

Finding Our Lady of Untruth is a job for Thrawn (and Ahsoka) and is an all-hands on deck situation. Which leaves Hypercomm Hot Potato. This is all intelligence work, very delicate, which is why the crew is full of deadly killers. COMPOR is a chance for Mungo to impress us looking into disappearances, but even if he doesn't we'll still figure out what's going on. Orson Krennic is an irredeemable asshole who serves the galaxy best as a corpse, and that's roughly what I expect will come of autonomous-actioning him, or some form of "we can go after you any time we like. Leave Galen Erso alone and we won't have to make the next one of these explosive" note that gets left in his underwear or something.

Pick 1 + 2 Archaeology + 1 Force Study + 1 FREE ACTION GOES HERE
[] Research Alternative Force Schools
-[] Voss Mystics (>100% COS)
[] Archaeology (>100% COS)
-[] Ossus
-[] Kathol Outback
-[] Prakith
[] The Secrets of the Corellian Jedi: (30% COS + 40 default and omakes +30 Anakin Skywalker = 100% COS)
-[] Anakin Skywalker
[] The Mysteries of Cularin: (??? + 40 default and omakes + 58 Personal + 2 Watchers = +100 to the roll)
-[] Personal Attention
-[] 2 Watchers

Diplomatically reaching out to the Jal Shey lets us pick up the Voss Mystics here. Ossus is free, the Kathol Outback is delightfully weird. Prakith because Dooku has Darth Andeddu's holocron in OTL, which was retrieved by Quinlan Vos at an earlier point. Anakin learning about the Corellian Jedi right as Obi-Wan gets named a Jedi Lord is poetic. Personal attention on Cularin is cracking open that mystery box (and also guaranteeing that the Almas Jedi get some help right when they're getting threatened with extinction)

Pick 2
[] Karada Medical Innovations (>100% COS)
[] Svivreni-Shard Engineering Inc. (>100% COS)

When you can buy more actions you do it. And you say thank you. Thank you!

Pick 3
[] Personal Attention
-[] Mysteries of Cularin
[] Personal Attention
-[] The Hunt for "Truth"
[] Exorcising Exar Kun (??? + 40 default + omake + 23 Asajj + 15 Bond +5 Sight + 8 HK-47 = +91 to roll)
-[] Asajj Ventress
-[] HK-47
[] Bachelorette Party (Free)
[] The "Secrets" of Sair (Free)

Cularin's getting attention.
Our Lady of Untruth is getting attention.
Exar Kun, the Force Phantom (aka the Violent Version of Vectivus) needs to go. So we apply one Little Sister and one Force-User-Killing-Droid to find out if it's possible for a droid to kill a ghost. Also the combination of Asajj who takes herself a little too seriously and HK-47 who is Comically Serious about killing and generally irreverent about most other things is entertaining to me.

[] Under The Knife
-[] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[] Silencer:
-[] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[] Gand: (Martial, Intrigue)
[] Galen Erso - Heart Of Kyber (40% COS + 50 default plus omake + 36 Galen + 15 Cheriss = >100% COS)
-[] Cheriss Sair
[] Quinlan Vos - Temples of Infinity (50% COS + 40 default plus omake + 36 Quinlan = >100% COS)
[] Talesan Fry - You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die: (60% COS + 40 default plus omake + Talesan = > 100% COS)

Silencer becoming really durable and able to store sleep is great.
The Galen / Cheriss synergy is just too good to pass up.
Quinlan Vos having access to instant teleport gates is fantastic. One is on Tython.
I did a little more shuffling and getting Talesan his revenge should put him in a better place for therapy. Plus it's a little bit more groundwork to putting the CIS under control of the CNS.

Free Action: Lore

Hero Support: Yes I used everybody and they're all listed above.

Watchers: 6+2+1+2=11
9 remaining. Expecting roughly 6 to return and 2-5 recruitment means that we should be around 18 or so next turn.

Only the Exar Kun action has less than 100% odds of success and we have 3 rerolls. We're getting big assets (sorry 412th), solidifying and securing what's ours (including putting the Foundry somewhere safe), and reaching out to gather more allies.
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A Difficult Trial

She was going to die.

"You know I can sense your emotions." The terror says to her.

Completely doomed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, sir." says Alicia Olie, failed pilot, former member of the Royal Naboo Security Force, current member of the Senatorial Solutions private security organization Abysswalker, and most relevantly when possible the personal bodyguard to Padme Amidala.

"Of course you don't." Her utter doom, Anakin Skywalker, says dryly as he fiddles with his lightsaber.

She glances away, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Dear, aren't you being a bit much?" An angel, a vision of mercy says.

The three of them make an odd pair, meeting in the sparring room of one of the Abyss Walker's less important bases. An annex really, far from any important operations and merely a stopover as a former Jedi, a Senator and her bodyguard travel the stars.

"I don't think I'm being unreasonable at all." Anakin Skywalker says, crossing his arms mulishly. "Its just a spar."

"Just a spar." The angel repeats skeptically. "And why do you want just a spar?"

"To make sure she's good enough to be your bodyguard. I don't think she has what it takes." Anakin says, giving Alicia Olie a dangerous look.

"Anakin, she's been my primary bodyguard for months." Padme says with a roll of her eyes.

"And I didn't know that she was a force user. If she's intending to stand in for me or Snips I expect her to meet my standards." Anakin points out stubbornly, clearly in no mood to yield on this point.

For a moment, Alicia Olie considers pointing out that it's a bit rude to talk about her like she isn't here, before her good sense rears its head and shuts her trap. Her job description may include stepping between Padme and an irate force user, but she has absolutely no interest in stepping between these two. Even bodyguards have self preservation instincts after all.

"And she's my bodyguard, not yours. You don't get to decide this for me, Anakin." Padme snaps back, glaring at her fiance in a reminder that even angels have wrath.

"I- I wasn't saying that." Anakin says, flinching at the accusation. "I was just worried, okay?"

"I know you were." Padme says, stepping forward, gently cupping his cheek and causing Alicia to feel rather uncomfortable. "And if it makes you feel better you can have a friendly spar, but she's still my bodyguard."

And now Alicia's uncomfortable for an entirely different reason.

"Alright, that's fine. So Alicia, up for a friendly spar?" Anakin asks, giving her a dangerous grin even as Padme steps back and rolls her eyes at her fiance's antics.

"If you wish, sir." Alicia says, throttling her nervousness under her mask of professionalism.

The two opponents stand at opposite ends of one a sparring arena in one of the countless Abyss Watcher's bases throughout the galaxy. One is a prodigy of unmatched talent, the focus of prophecy, a legendary general and a master of the blade. The other is a veteran security officer, set grimly as she prepares to face a foe far beyond her.

Anakin Skywalker makes the first move, blurring forward and lashing out with his training saber. His blow is telegraphed but still delivered with impeccable skill and impressive speed. Alicia Olee shifts her feet slightly as two snap hisses signal her response, one the classic sound of an igniting lightsaber and the other subtly different.

Anakin's eyes widen as his strike is parried by an energy buckler, his skill and speed allowing him to twist out of the way of Alicia's blade, which is the buckler left free to counter attack.

"Well, that's a new one." Anakin admits with a raised eyebrow. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone wield a lightsaber and shield like that before."

"I'm not sure why, really. It's a fairly common armament in societies with metal armaments." Alicia Olie responds, her blade flickering in and out, probing Anakin's defenses.

"Probably there aren't many shields that can stand up to a lightsaber." Anakin says, his initial ire with Alicia forgotten in the face of his curiosity for her unusual fighting style.

"Not long term, but this is a custom job." Alicia admits, deflecting a flurry of attacks by Anakin.
Anakin presses the offensive, his superior physique, talent and skill on full display as one of the greatest duelists in the Galaxy advances forward. But Alicia Olie endures, her unusual defense focused style allowing her to endure Anakin's offensive far longer than someone of her skill level should be able to. She is losing, but slowly, as Anakin's more agile style slowly pushes her back and hems in her options. Her attacks become less and less frequent, as she is pushed fully onto the defensive. Yet, even despite that she perseveres, her shield is always in just the right location to parry Anakin's lightsaber.

Until suddenly she isn't.
Anakin thrusts his hand forward and the world ripples. Alicia braces, her much more meager force powers rooting her to the spot as she attempts to endure the coming blow. This proves to be the wrong decision.

Her stance breaks and she stumbles backwards even as the wall behind her dents from the sheer force of Anakin's attack. Given a moment she will recover, but that is a moment she does not have.

Anakin strikes forward, bringing his blade to rest at the base of Alicia's throat. Alicia freezes, as Padme looks on with a mild frown on her face.

"I suppose your bladework is acceptable." Anakin says reluctantly, withdrawing his blade and signaling the end of the spar.

"Don't listen to him, your performance was excellent Alicia." Padme says, ignoring Anakin's mutinous grumble.

"Thank you ma'am." Alicia says, her professional composure undermined by her very visible sigh of relief.

Anakin's eyes flicker briefly, and the feeling of impending doom suddenly returns to her, far more powerful than it was before.

"But while your bladework is passable, I have some concerns about your piloting." Anakin says leadingly, even as Padme rolls her eyes in the background.

Alicia Olie whimpers.

A/N: Fight on Alicia, I believe in you!
Sure, Anakin/Darth Vader may have a bit of an issue regarding his fiancée's safety, and hence have absurdly high standards for your job, but I'm sure that won't be a problem, right? Right?

@Dr. Snark have a thing