Truth be told this is probably what happens 40-50% percent of the time. Don't underestimate how powerful Ciaran's unpredictability is or how she's been managing to hide the full extent of her organization and abilities.
i think i would not mind a POV from the outside looking at something we did and maybe doing commentary on it?

just how much do ppl know or think they know that Ciaran does or could somehow be responsible for?
Plus I feel like the whole "oh by the way, one of the Separatists' best admirals has gone MIA with a large fleet and is probably going to bomb some CNS planet into submission" hasn't really sunk in yet - or more accurately people are writing it off because of the Thrawn roll. That uh...well you'll see how that's going to play out.
[X] Re-roll Unravelling The Spider's Web
I'll be honest, I don't want Vos on our team. The guy is a 90s frickin' superhero. Boo-ring!

Now Celeste Moure? She's interesting!

[X] Reroll Jebble Box

Truth be told this is probably what happens 40-50% percent of the time. Don't underestimate how powerful Ciaran's unpredictability is or how she's been managing to hide the full extent of her organization and abilities.
You know everyone, this would be excellent Omake Matirial here. Palatines reaction to so many of his plots failing and fizzling out through seemingly random chance.
@Dr. Snark you forgot to roll for Padme trolling
Never mind apparently I need to go see my doctor for an eye exam.:oops:
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Alas, Talzin gets just enough votes to get my hopes up, even though it's increasingly unlikely to make a turn-around.

Still don't really get why people want to reroll Vos though. It was still a success, just not a supercrit. We didn't screw up so we should have further chances to meet and interact with him, while stuff like Thrawn's genemod is now or never.

And, uh, it's kinda sounding like Thrawn could use the help. He did well, but not exceptionally well and we could use some forewarning for when shit hits the fan.
Still don't really get why people want to reroll Vos though. It was still a success, just not a supercrit. We didn't screw up so we should have further chances to meet and interact with him, while stuff like Thrawn's genemod is now or never.
All of our actions succeeded. What we're deciding on the reroll is precisely that: which one deserve another shot at a super-crit. The advantage of Vos is that, a supercrit would accelerate our efforts to bring him onboard as a Hero Unit (saving us actions in future turns). The advantage of Thrawn's genemod is that Thrawn would be able to offer much more effective hero support (akin to Asajj Ventress now). As much as I would love to see a Force-capable Thrawn, I'm not sure it's worth the opportunity cost of gaining an entirely new Hero that much faster.

All the same: I'd be happy either way.
As much as I would love to see a Force-capable Thrawn, I'm not sure it's worth the opportunity cost of gaining an entirely new Hero that much faster.
There's an opportunity cost in missing out on Force Sensitive Thrawn, too. We should be able to get Vos later through further actions, but we won't get another shot at making Thrawn a Force User.
All of our actions succeeded. What we're deciding on the reroll is precisely that: which one deserve another shot at a super-crit. The advantage of Vos is that, a supercrit would accelerate our efforts to bring him onboard as a Hero Unit (saving us actions in future turns). The advantage of Thrawn's genemod is that Thrawn would be able to offer much more effective hero support (akin to Asajj Ventress now). As much as I would love to see a Force-capable Thrawn, I'm not sure it's worth the opportunity cost of gaining an entirely new Hero that much faster.

All the same: I'd be happy either way.

Honestly, considering we're about to draw Obi-Wan in, I figure worst comes to worst we just have him and Vos work together. Obi-Wan probably wouldn't be very happy about deliberately poaching Jedi anyway, or pushing them to Fall, if in a less insane way.

In fact that seems like a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Since we've probably convinced Obi-Wan of the necessity of the conspiracy, have him handle the Jedi wrangling and management. He'll be happy because he's helping keep the Order and others together, we're happy because Obi-Wan is helping and keeping Vos in track.

It's not like Anakin's around, so Obi-Wan probably has more time and attention than he's used. So this should serve to pull Vos in via Obi-Wan, we'll have more interaction or missions with Vos that way.
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I think I know what it means..."

You know, I've heard the opening riff quite a few times (thanks Deadpool), but listening to the whole thing... I'm kinda in awe at how perfectly Music and Lyrics mimicked the sound and wordplay for their parody 80's band 'PoP!' (...And I'm just now realizing that the name 'PoP!' was a reference to 'Wham!')

And they all called me crazy for smashing my Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady Ciaran action figures together!

If Ciaran is in the mix along with Siri Tachi and Duchess Satine, would that make it a love quadrilateral or a love tetrahedron?
You know, I've heard the opening riff quite a few times
So way back when, I wrote an omake where Ciaran tricks Anakin and Padme into a romantic dinner. In it, I make passing reference to "some of the least appropriate ambient music", a phrase which I fully intended to link to Careless Whisper. The only problem being that while I knew exactly what it sounded like by heart, I had no earthly idea what the song was actually called. So it went unlinked.