Darra slowly opened her eyes to see the Sentinel standing over her, a blue lightsaber blocking Barriss' own. It almost seemed...familiar...
Without a word, the Sentinel quickly twisted their aim, trying to disarm Barriss. Quickly realizing she was now badly outmatched Barriss disengaged and started to make a break for it only for her pursuer to dart in front of her and block her escape.
In what seemed like only a matter of seconds, Barriss was swiftly disarmed and knocked unconscious by a punch to the face, her body slamming on the ground. The area seemed to go silent for a moment before the Sentinel crouched down in front of Darra, gently offering a hand to help her up.
"...Master Antana...is that really you?" Darra said quietly, not yet reaching out. The Sentinel was still for a moment before taking her hand back, throwing off her hood to reveal a mask over her face. Without a word she took it off as Darra's eyes visibly lit up for a moment as she recognized her one-time Master...before her face fell.
"I...I-I'm sorry, I tried-"
Soara brought Darra into a gentle hug as the sound of footsteps came closer. "It's alright. You did more than anyone would have ever asked of you."