Roughly how many organizations would we have to contact? Because half the reason I suggested that as a CNS option was so that we'd hijack the state apperatus to do it for us so that we wouldn't have to basically spend several turns worth of diplomacy actions to do it. Since despite how much I like the minor force orders I realize my odds of convincing people to spend several turns doing so is... poor.

You do have the ability to resurrect a massive praxeum ship right now. Just pointing that out.

As for the "voting trend..." folks, I'd like to encourage you to take a look at the Personal Actions. I understand.
A bit too much. I do like it, but let's be real here; Ciaran is waaay too selfish for a Tsil to hang around her for long.

Would it be possible in the future if Ciaran develops along the right lines?

And thinking about it, I actually am kind of questioning just how selfish Ciaran is. While she very much started self-centered and purely concerned with her own prosperity, she has grown a whole lot. Her time on Malachor pointed out the biggest flaws in Ciaran's selfishness, and the scope of Ciaran's actions have gone far beyond herself at this point. Even if a Tsil would not want to be her companion, I am curious as to what the Tsils would say about Ciaran, a woman who is selfishly motivated, but whose actions do try to protect the galaxy at large.

I'm gonna pitch an Omake idea, and I hope someone is willing to take it on:
Ciaran, whilst building her lightsaber, gets the idea to try to convince a Tsil to be her crystal. She journeys to Nam Chorios, and talks with the Tsils there. While the Tsils ultimately reject her offer, they do point out the inconsistency between Ciaran's motivations and her actions, and question why someone who is so selfish tries to influence the galaxy at large, and that Ciaran could simply just act to protect her friends, but instead chooses to protect entire people. Ciaran replies by saying that she does so because it brings herself much greater prosperity, but the Tsils then question if that really is all that motivates her.

The key topic of the Omake would be a questioning of just how deep Ciaran's selfishness is, and whether or not she has some higher purpose or motivation behind her actions, beyond just getting rich and powerful.

Maybe I'm reading Ciaran's character wrong, but I think that Ciaran's Light Side is the more subtle aspect of her character, one she isn't fully aware of. She thinks she is ultimately selfish, but with her recent revelation concerning the Force, she has started to value things beyond just functions and tools. While she may not admit it, she is starting to see the world in a more broader context, beyond just costs and benefits, as she learned from Vectivus. Kreia has taught her to see the echoes of her own actions, in both herself, and in the Force, and now Ciaran wonders if all she cares about now is herself, or something more.

But I have a sneaking suspicion I'm just placing my own narrative here though, so feel free to correct me on this.
Gosh, this turned a lot more rant-like than I thought it would be.
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Well there is the other major factor of Ciaran not going back to Nam Chorios and that's more paranoia than anything else. She really does not want Palpatine to figure out that Seti was taken off the planet.

But that's the much less interesting answer.
Well there is the other major factor of Ciaran not going back to Nam Chorios and that's more paranoia than anything else. She really does not want Palpatine to figure out that Seti was taken off the planet.

But that's the much less interesting answer.

Fair point. I don't know why, but I've had Tsils on the brain ever since Echoes of the Force was concluded. I'm kinda worried at this point.
Personal wants:
[] Militia Standardization
[] Heroes With No Fear
[] Corellian Jedi Order
[] Northern Outer Rim
[] Chu'unthor Repairs
[] Legacy Of Damask
[] The Thyferra Dilemma
[] Operation Ultra
[] No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side
[] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: Jenessari or Blackguard
[] HK-47 - Revan's Final Legacy
Alright, so, working on my priority mockup for this Turn and... and goddamn. There's just so much. Like, just in Martial alone, False Flag + CNS Militia Standardization + Increase in CNS Defense Taskforce is a deadly Interlude demanding combo that revamps the CNS military into a fearsome damned force. Hell, attach Thrawn to one of those actions (of course), and just let him build his own playset. And watch the best laid plans of mice and Sith go awry.

But man can we not spare the actions for it. Like, even if we saw fit to throw the Free Action into the category to make this combo work, that'd be giving up securing the 501st. And to hell with that.

Also, every mention of the Tsils just reminds me how underused Ciaran's Force Telepathy is.
1st: Oh thank god. I was really starting to feel withdrawal symptoms after a month without writing up a new Plan.

2nd: Err... @Dr. Snark, the threadmark is in the wrong spot.

3rd: Yikes that's a lot of text.

4th: Responses forthcoming...
Oh Jesus Christ, what in the hell.

Anybody else feel like they are going to drown under all of these actions?

It's been like this since Dr. Snark started accepting write-ins. I actually think it's one of the better points of the quest because it forces us to choose and prioritize.

It also shows just how hectic our organization is.
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I don't know about you guys, but I think now is a very good time to get some Ysalamiri for our side. Palpatine is on to us and we need anything that can make it more difficult for him to use the Force on us. Plus Thrawn used them as a security measure against the Jedi, why not the Sith for a change? It would be a lot harder for any Force Sensitives to find a "Disturbance in the Force" that often leads them to rather sensitive locations.

Most importantly, we need a mascot character. How are we supposed to sell merchandise otherwise?
You did saw that video about Kreia's philosophy, right? And she sacrificed herself for Ciaran. Now don't get me wrong she did some things........ sub-optimally .... but in the end she did try to make a better future, and she died to ensure Ciaran, someone she sees as her direct successor, to live.

Her core belief, if you squint alittle, revolves around personal options, of making oneself better through trials, something Ciaran has went through, and is still going through.

BUT I'm not a certified philosopher so don't take my word for it.
Current Treasury: 442
Current Income: 4375
Current Upkeep: 1734
Money! Lots of it, though 1000 less than we'd anticipated.

I'll be going through the available Actions here; Bases (purchases and upgrades) will be a separate post.
Okay, so as much as I like the idea of working with pirates, we really don't have the actions to spare. Likewise for 'black ops', against either side, or mercenary work (not that we need the money).

The problem with the 'CNS Defense Taskforce' idea is, as Dr. Snark mentioned earlier....
CNS Defense: Legit, though currently it might provoke accusations of separatism unless there's an incentive to do so. Palpatine Is Watching.
So we need to treat 'False Flag' as a pre-requisite, basically.

'Militia Standarization' is interesting, but kinda 'meh' at the moment considering 1) it's basically redundant with the Taskforce and 2) our goal is to avoid open warfare, so it should be considered a fall-back option.

'Paramilitary Support' and 'Preying Mantises' are useful as well, but not urgent.

'Heroes With No Fear'... yeah, that one is basically locked in. Between it and 'False Flag', I think that covers our Martial category, unless we're willing to spare the Free Action for this category (given the sort of turn this is... nope).

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:
The Wookie Maps are a free action, so at least we have that going for us.

First, the CNS action. I really want to recruit the Iron Knights and/or Shard engineers. Except... @Dr. Snark kinda hinted that we should pick 'Northern Outer Rim' unless we want to see our key worlds like Muunilist and Mandalore come under threat, so... yeah. We'll probably do that.

As for the rest: if we want a 'Council of the Grey', we need to contact some of the other Force organizations. And while this would be the role of our new Chu'unthor, that's going to be in the shop getting fixed, and we might want to get started on that now -- presumably by contacting the Corellian Jedi, or the Blackguard (for extra contact & techniques), the Ysanna (for access to Ossus), or the Zeison Sha (for the best darn telekinesis in the galaxy).

Yeah, there are a lot of goodies here.

OTOH, there are so many other necessary options here, that we may need to spend our Free Action in this category.

'Pull at the Strings' is basically locked in -- we need leverage in the Senate to reduce the Palpatine Tax, and this is how it happens. Then we have the option of contacting Ferrus Olin (which @Dr. Snark has been not-so-subtly encouraging us for a few months now), 'Roaming Jedi' (some really impressive ones at that), and the Jedi Sentinels (which we should already have contact with grumble grumble). I'd be inclined to pick 'Jedi Sentinels' for their help with our Intrigue issues (and to help with Maul...), but Ferrus Olin might be very helpful in his own way (and I kinda want to see what Dr. Snark has in mind for him).

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:
The Sienar action is going to be 'Chu'unthor Repairs' -- no ifs, ands, or buts about it. OTOH, 'repairs started' indicates that it may be a multi-turn action (...dammit), so we might want to add hero support to ensure it's a crit.

As for the rest, 'Contact Ship-builders' (especially Hoersch-Kessel or Sub-Pro) would be a fantastic way of boosting our income and our military strength. 'Buy Out Fry Industries' would further our efforts to recruit Talesan as a stewardship-specialized hero unit, along with 'Contact the Baobab Merchant Fleet'

'Galactic Sushi' and 'PR Blitz' are meh, while 'Oust Shu Mai' and both 'Tax' actions are too much of a longshot at the moment. 'Treasury Auditing' is also a longshot, but those 40% odds might be worth chancing given the reward description: "find leads on other projects" -- this might be a way to jumpstart a number of other Intrigue actions....

My instinct is to stick with Fry and Baobab, but I'm willing to be persuaded to swap out one or to move our Free Action here.

Three actions; count 'em, three!

Okay, 'Wrenches' is less than urgent, as is 'Bad Moon' and 'Rumblings' (clone project is Palpatine's fallback, and the Death Star won't be a thing for a long time.) 'Legacy of Damask', 'Ball Busting', 'Mechanical Heist' and 'Assassinate Shu Mai' would be awesome, but fall in the same category of 'not urgent'.

'Grassroots' is kinda meh, but it might be necessary given our current situation with the 'tax'. 'Black Information' is likewise important, though quite difficult to pull off.

'Helping Old Friends' is related to the cortosis battledroid assault on the Jedi Temple. If we want in on that, we need to act now. Unfortunately, there are a lot of other good options...

'Thyferra Dilemma' seems to be @Dr. Snark's way of helping us out of the mess -- while I'd love to just steal the stuff, it might be best to let our QM direct our next move.

'Operation Ultra' is hugely importantly for all kinds of reasons, and I consider it a major priority. Not sure yet it we can afford it this turn; not sure if we can afford to wait.

We need to keep tabs on Maul, so 'Watchers of the Dark' is basically locked in.

'Jailbreak Ovolot' and 'Return to Tipoca City' also give us lots of bonuses, but I'm not sure if we can afford them this turn, so they may need to wait.

Given just how many options we have here, I'm inclined to again spend our Free Action in this category. Despite the fact that we start out with three.

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:
For Archaeology... yeah. Yavin IV has the most stuff (by a frickin' mile), but @Dr. Snark has dropped none-too-subtle hints that he'd like us to explore Rakata Prime, so it'll probably come down to a choice between those two. Not sure yet which I favor (Yavin IV is packed with goodies...)

As for the other... yeah, it's not even in doubt. As much as I want Matukai, and as much as I'd like to explore those other techniques, we need lightsabers.

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
So this is interesting. 'Ysalamiri Investigation' seems like a really important avenue of research. If we pick it, though, we would need to double-up, because four turns is just too long to let it keep working.

OTOH, both 'Personal Shield' and 'Sair Frame Integration' are almost as important, and would let us start researching Ysalamiri next turn.... I'm willing to be persuaded here...

Okay, so we should definitely build a lightsaber, that's a given. I really don't know if we should integrate the Lava Crystal -- I'm inclined to wait on that until we can integrate it into a specialty blaster (for splash damage...)

We may well need to spend a Personal Attention this turn; if so, that covers our Personal Actions for the turn. If not... I'lll probably pick up Force Training > Matukai for the raw physical boost to Martial & Lore. OTOH, we might 'Accelerate Research' in order to open up a second Learning Action above...

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 3, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
Okay, so as useful as PR-1 would be this turn, "Sair Upgrade Package" seems like it should be locked in.

As for the rest... Silas, The Silencer, Thrawn, and Grievous are all fairly 'meh' (the only reason I'd pick Grievous is if this really were the last time the action were available, but I doubt it). Likewise, as much as I'd love to see what our Agents would get up to with mechu-daru or what Cheriss could do to her own frame, neither of those strike me as essential to the same degree.

OTOH, Asajj's actions seem a lot more important. Reclaiming Rattatak (bonus base + giving Asajj some political experience), contacting Bec Lawise (undermining CIS politics...), and contacting other Force sects (for our 'Council of the Grey') are all high-importance. I'm not yet sure which one to pick this turn, though.

Same with HK-47. Given his current Learning stats, trying to direct recover the Foundry strikes me as a bad idea, but checking out Nar Shaddaa might boost his Learning stat, so that might be a useful pre-req. 'Write the Book' would be awesome in all kinds of ways as well.

...Same with Jango Fett. Reuniting the Cuy'val Dar is useful for all kinds of reasons, but I'm much more interested in 'Doubling Up' and the possibility that a body double would give us an extra Personal Action. Frankly, given the "???", I'm willing to chance it, no matter how much I want some of those others...
[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
oh hey......... isnt that a great thing
All right, the name of the game is diversify. My immediate inclination is to grab Arkania (best geneticists, at a discount) and Corellia (all the things) this turn. Bothawui might be a future option (the description text cracks me up, btw), as well as Pantora and maybe Outland Transit Station (despite the expense).

The one thing to remember with base upgrades is that the 'Investment Income' penalty means most of the items here won't pay for themselves in two turns -- so the actions that give non-Investment income should be prioritized. And also Taris, because that planetary bonus is killer.

...A general question for @Dr. Snark: is "Trade Income" different than "Investment Income"? (Would the penalty not apply? If so, there are a number of other assets providing 'trade' income that could be recategorized next turn...)
<takes a deep breath>

@Dr. Snark -- I don't see cost/reward for the two Karada Expansion upgrades.

I'm definitely incomed to pick 'History Museum' and 'SSS Training' -- the latter pays for itself in three turns, but is important enough to buy now.

'Presidium' should boost Intrigue actions against Palpatine, which would be a huge help, despite the cost.

Kalee Military Base:
Okay, I really like the idea of "income increases over time." The Industrial District would take eight turns to pay for itself... but if it increases to 100 per turn or even 200 per turn, we should buy it now. Same story with the Farming Complex.

The 'Security Agency' pays for itself in <2 turns, and isn't Investment income. Easy pick.

'Megafauna Museum' sounds awesome; even if it is Investment income, should still be worthwhile for the future research bonus (ysalamiri?)

"Fine, we'll let Raith Sienar take a look at the Oracle."

<fist pump>

Mandalorian Mansion:
Beskar iron mine should be taken care of this turn.

...I make no promises for the Personal Retreat. I thought last turn would be the one, but nope.

OTOH, with the Military upkeep discount, we should be able to afford a number of droid factories this turn if we want them. I'm especially in favor of 'Commando Droids', but ymmv.

@Dr. Snark: is there something we can do with the Kiln Shipyards this turn?

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
The upgraded Material Research Facilities seem well worth the cost, but 225 credits per turn is quite costly...

Nar Shaddaa Property:
Smugglers Den is a lock, and I suspect the 'Undercity Investment' should pay for itself in short order as well...

If we want to boost the odds for dealing with Shu Mai, we should pay for the Gossam Commandos. Not sure if that's a priority for our money right now.

...We bought everything last turn. Well, except for the Phlut Design Systems, but still. (Any other write-ins for this planet?)

Security through obscurity; I don't think the defense grid is important atm.

Lots of investment opportunities here. Pity about the penalty, though; I'm not sure how many of those we'll be purchasing this turn.

Orbital Shipyards are go.
Reward: +100 investment income, massive Incom support for CNS
'Nuff said.

Pretty much all the big-ticket items are locked-in. Ecological Renewal takes 2 turns (le gasp) to pay for itself, but that 'quality of life increase' is a good idea for narrative reasons. Jedi Tower also gives artifacts, so yes please.

Integrating the nekghouls ('Promised Land Skyway Lanes') would be interesting, but costly. OTOH, nekghouls are basically like Gurlanin, in that they're an entire race of Force-sensitives brutes (rather than Force-sensitive spies). It depends on whether we'll be able to afford them this turn, though.

Space Curling is a Thing!

Both of Borvo's Black Markets are probably locked-in (two turns to repay, not subject to 'Investment' penalty... yeah). Same with wiretaps. I'm not sure about the tradeport ('trade' or investment?), and mining guild would be good PR but less effective as money-maker.

Cato Nemodia Mansion:
[] Defense Grid: Blah blah blah safety and stuff. Cost: 50 Reward: Hidden defenses set up
:rofl: Nice to know you care.

All of the 'Baktoid Production Line' upgrades are expensive as heck. OTOH, that military upkeep discount will really kick in this turn, so we have that going for us. Most of them should be useful. The 'Baktoid Shipping Center' is basically a given to make everything else worthwhile.

I'm not yet sure about the Clovis Factory -- I suspect that will double/dramatically increase the rewards from the 'Baktoid' upgrades, but I'm not sure. Still, if only for the sake of a laugh, I'm sorely tempted...

Ord Mantell Compound:
No defense grid needed, nice.

I'm really curious to see the 'Fort Garnik Depot' upgrade tree, so I'll probably go for that.

'Gurlanin Recruitment' is an absolute must-have. Everything else is negotiable.

Dantooine Facilities:
Given how many artifacts are on Dantooine, the AgriCorps Outpost seems worthwhile (despite the minimal income we'd get as a reward).

And now I'm curious if 'Tourism Income' and/or 'Mining Income' count as a separate category than investment. @Dr. Snark? (If you want, I can radically reorganize our end-of-turn Balance Sheet to move 'investments' to categories of their own... :whistle:)

'Archaeology Teams' are another must-have.

And that covers it.
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