Well, in EU, Sidious convinced Thrawn that destroying the Outbound Flight was imperative to the safety of the galaxy via stopping them from running into the Vong and leading them back to the rest of the galaxy (and Thrawn believed him about the Vong because a Chiss fleet had battled what sounded like them recently with heavy losses). Thrawn tried diplomacy before it failed and he destroyed/crippled it. In this Quest, diplo worked and the Outbound Flight was successfully diverted somewhere else. And Thrawn confirmed when he met with us that he talked to Sidious.
Granted, we don't really know how that conversation went in here, but it still somewhat followed the rails of EU until we found him, implying that Sidious at least managed to convince him that stopping the Outbound Flight's course was important.
Yeah, uh, didn't the Outbound Flight avoid Thrawn this time? Or am I misremembering how it went? 'Cause I could've sworn our guys and the Jedi on the
Outbound Flight managed to take over from the original leader and managed to make it to the Unknown Regions... Still, the convo with Sidious
did happen, which is how we learned of Sidious IIRC.
There are still several races in the Unknown Region that are pretty dangerous even if the Vong no longer exist. The Chiss are apparently having a hard enough time as it is. Also remember that the Chiss didn't know about either the Force or droids prior to the Outbound Flight in canon.
Thrawn probably believes that he could find things that could help solve the various problems back on his homeworld. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to gain access to droids as a potential force multiplier along with other options. We just need to make sure that Sidious does not try to get his hands on one of the greatest strategists in the series. If we could expose the Chancellor as the Sith Lord that he is, there will be no way that he would follow a madman that destabilized the galaxy in the first place. But that is easier said than done.
Mmm, I knew that. I'm not totally ignorant on Thrawn's story thankfully, but right now, it says that "He understands what the Force is after the encounter with the Outbound Flight but doesn't really care about it otherwise". That implies that he doesn't care about/for the Force, even though he does know about it
now. I dunno why, but it could be because of all the enemies in the Unknown regions are more scary/sufficiently bullshit enough to not matter. And as for everything in the 2nd paragraph, I fully agree with you. However, I think convincing him is easier thank you think, because didn't we get Sidious's name from Thrawn or at least knowledge of some Sith controlling things behind the scenes IIRC?
First off, I meant to say Intrigue was Ciaran's closest stat at 28. So there's that.
Second, I was planning on doing it later, but yeah I gave him Strategist to nerf him a bit. I know the man's fought on the ground before, but that trait's more to keep him somewhat balanced. Even though he is that OP because...well...he's Thrawn. Go read the material about him, and you'll see that he is honestly that good.
Anyway, mini-update coming shortly.
Teron was pretty adamant about the Vong not showing up, though to be honest I will be fucking amazed if we get to that point anyway. If we somehow reach that point in time we'll see.
True, her Intrigue is her biggest stat, but Thrawn could easily make up for that with everything else which was my point(Not complaining here, Thrawn is sufficiently bullshit as he should be. Just saying that it would be
pretty easy for him to take over. Of course Ciaran's Intrigue might be able to suss out any plans of betrayal, but that doesn't matter if she cannot be able to beat Thrawn and whatever plans he may have.).
And the Strategist Trait does help, but Thrawn wouldn't really be one to fight in the first place unless there's no other option IMHO. Plus, even if he
did fight, I've no doubt that he'd have some plan to level the playing field or some backup plan(or three) to help him out should things go wrong/get hairy(Also, I have already read some of the material on Thrawn. Not as much as I probably should, but some.)
As for the Vong, I mainly wanted to know in case we actually manage to off dear ol' Sid and thus, do away with the whole Anakin->Darth Vader, Republic becomes Empire thing. That and I haven't actually read anything that may have come between the Death Star exploding and the arrival of the Vong so I have no clue of anything that may come before that.
Looking forward to the mini update by the way.