Tone down the irritation, Late. This is me giving you guys one absolutely last chance to salvage the Privateers. i.e., me being nice. If you were that interested in keeping them around, you should have chosen to do Part 2, and maybe you wouldn't be in this pickle.
On one hand, fair enough. We had the option.
On the other hand, not
quite fair enough. Previously, time-sensitive options were
highlighted in yellow. Yes, current crisis of Privateers was implied to be time-sensitive, but it was implied in the "needs to be done before the end of this plot arc" manner, as opposed to "
needs to be done before the end of the week" manner.
Look back at 9.5. That's when the militant Privateers outright stated they were opposed to how the heroes have been acting and that they're going to do what they think is necessary, regardless of the PRT/Protectorate's opinion. It was going to take a lot of work to change that, and all of you knew it because I'm pretty damn sure I said so multiple times.
You also knew that things tend to happen with unchosen quest lines. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of you know that.
So yes, this is a kindness. If you want to keep the Privateers afloat, if you are just that dedicated to making them a bigger part of the story, here's your chance. Go ahead and vote to do so.
Otherwise, keep in mind that you had seven arcs in which you did absolutely nothing with them, three of which were these choose-your-own adventure setups. Saying that you don't want to lose them now when you've had no interest in them before smacks heavily of bitching for the sake of bitching.
Again, yes, things tend to happen if we don't involve ourselves. What we usually didn't see happen is the, well, instant consequences in the situations where we didn't choose immediately urgent options. In the situations we did involve ourselves in, we were either the instigators (like when we went fishing for wreckage with Dragon), or were there in the nick of time
while it was a time-sensitive option (like when we went clubbing and were attacked by the Beasts, or the entire gang war Ramirez kicked off).
Additionally, while it may not apply to others, I was previously of the opinion Privateers were
handled by the Captain. That they were supposed to be handled by him, led by him, and that he, personally, was responsible for the Privateers-Calamity Witch coordination - if there were any. And, though we were affliates who tended to go off do our own thing... I don't recall them reaching out to us for those several plot arcs either. Unlike Adepts and Vista, if I might add.
We're guilty of not getting involved with them. But their leader was equally responsible for not trying to involve us as well. And of explicitly asking us to stay away from that weapons deal, IIRC.
Yes, this also happened back with the Snark Hunt quest in Arc 4. It isn't something I do often, but it isn't completely new. Both Long Live the King and Tickets to Gangland are on continuous timers because it doesn't make sense for these high-tension questlines to stop and wait for you.
That said, once again you haven't completely lost the Privateers as a group. This is literally your last chance to say "We want to keep this group and try reforming them". If you don't chose them now, you won't be able to later.
And when you used this method with Snark Hunt, you
also gave us an explicitly time-sensitive option to address it - even if we weren't aware of it at the time. On the other hand, if we take a look at options presented in 9.5:
"Danny would be ashamed."
You don't know who said that, and while you immediately turn your eyes to the left, the direction the voice came from, it is too late. Everyone else heard it too, and now the room has erupted into a vicious argument. Every Privateer has their own opinion and wants it to be heard right now. The volume starts rising, slowly but surely, and any chance of restoring peace is gone unless you want to start blowing up Flare Shooters overhead.
What I said about making them listen?» Samantha projects to you. «
I take it back. Tempers are running way too hot for that to work, thanks to Ramirez stirring everyone up. No one's going to listen to anybody else until they've all had a chance to cool down. We're leaving. Now. Before someone else says something that makes you or me want to break them in half.»
Eeeks, that's not so grand. The fact that your interactions with the team has been minimal to nonexistent in the past means you don't have a lot of influence over them to work with. As for the rest… well, I gave plenty of hints last arc about the rise of a more aggressive and less tolerant faction of the Privateers.
On that pleasant note, show us next week's activities, Vanna.
- Tickets to Gangland, Part 2 – The immigrant gang issues are worse than you first thought, to the point there are rumors that the Protectorate is calling in reinforcements. Lo and behold, they're soon to hold a press conference. Check it out and see if it's anyone you know.
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind – The Enforcers captured you then let you go with an apology, but you have to wonder just what in the world was really going on. Call up your friend the Admiral and grill him for a little more detail.
- Long Live the King, Part 2 – Hooray for internal power struggles! Right? …No? Okay. You don't have the political capital to sway this situation on your own, but everyone says what matters isn't what you know but who you know. Get Kurt, Alexander, and some others behind closed doors and see if that helps.
Tickets to Gangland were
implied time-sensitive by the "hold a press conference" tidbit. Long Live the King... Not so much. Not only did the option lack indications of an external timer - but the very end of update was us witnessing Privateers splintering and arguing each other to the point no constructive developments were possible. Rereading them
now, I get the impression of
it's better to let them cool off for a week - something that would imply that taking LLtK Pt2 immediately would have led to it
backfiring. I'm quite certain that's what my impressions were at the time, as well. It's called sending a mixed message, I believe.