Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

No. The way the physics work in my head, a hardlight weapon is formed from the interaction of multiple forcefields. To change the shape of the weapon, you need to change the shape of the forcefields. The problem is that in order to be portable, the independent forcefield emitters can only create a forcefield of one specific shape, so to change the shape of the forcefield you have to use an entirely different emitter. The number of emitters you would need would grow exponentially the more forms you tried to give a weapon.

And that still doesn't take into account you're talking about putting slender fragile little manipulator arms into a prosthetic that is specifically meant to punch people in the face and keep the wearer from being punched in the face.
Hmm. What about making emitters that can project simple shapes? Cubes of all kinds, pyramids, spheres, stuff like that, and have them be able to realign themselves to combine with each other into more complex shapes? Even if simplistic, it would be quite efficiently useful. Like, you could make a rapier by just making a really long, really thin pyramid. Or is it impossible to change the dimensions of the projected shape dynamically?

I'm not trying to make you give us multi-projectors, just so you know, I'm just honestly curious about the mechanics of how you made them work in your verse, and whether we can come up with a compromise.

Investing time into taming the Privateers is a potential course we can take right? It's unlikely that we will, but theres always a chance. And the less militant faction could use some prezzies I suppose. Also, would be good PR for them when it comes to the Protectorate.

I would say forget about reforming the Privateers until we can get the people we like out, and make sure that the non-militants are safe and sound, while the militants are away.
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Why do you have to ask me something like this as the very first idea? :cry:

I'm looking for any way I could leverage Tim's skills to do this and not coming up with much. A chemical cocktail to slow down the body's functions, like a combination sedation infusion and therapeutic hypothermia? Yes, but that wouldn't do what you're asking for, and it would be short-term use only. A stasis tank filled with liquid in which people can be suspended? Yes, that's actually canon (see Alicia, though an argument could be made that she's just a well-preserved corpse, and the Numbers clones, and even Vivio initially), but Jail created all three of those, and Tim doesn't have his blueprints, knowledge base, or sheer intelligence.

I'm going to have to (very reluctantly) say no to this one.

Building off the point-to-point teleportation, what about, instead, a device that would teleport someone to a predetermined location upon that person taking catastrophic damage?

Edit: I'm thinking something that could be programmed, so that it could be used at, for instance, an Endbringer fight and either handed out alongside Dragon's armbands or at least given to a few people if it's too hard to build very many of them.
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Perhaps some sort of non lethal goo grenade for the Privateers? Give them an option beyond 'shoot 'em and hope they live'.
You're too kind in their regards. They're shooting and very clearly hoping they die. Maybe it could've worked in the past, but all I see in giving the Privateers this tech now is a method to easily execute capes.
Investing time into taming the Privateers is a potential course we can take right? It's unlikely that we will, but theres always a chance. And the less militant faction could use some prezzies I suppose. Also, would be good PR for them when it comes to the Protectorate.
Taming the Privateers as a group? No. The landslide decision last chapter to take Snow White to the PRT and tell them what was going on killed that possibility stone cold dead.

Working with individual Privateers in the future, particularly those from the less militant faction? I'm still toying with that idea.
Hmm. What about making emitters that can project simple shapes? Cubes of all kinds, pyramids, spheres, stuff like that, and have them be able to realign themselves to combine with each other into more complex shapes? Even if simplistic, it would be quite efficiently useful. Like, you could make a rapier by just making a really long, really thin pyramid. Or is it impossible to change the dimensions of the projected shape dynamically?

I'm not trying to make you give us multi-projectors, just so you know, I'm just honestly curious about the mechanics of how you made them work in your verse, and whether we can come up with a compromise.
A projector can make all kinds of shapes. The major limitations are that 1) the shape of the shape is defined by the alignment of forcefields and therefore configuration of the emitters, as previously described, and 2) to maintain a coherent form, the forcefields and trapped photons have to be kept relatively close to the projector. If you projected a cube and then threw it at someone, it would devolve into a regular old laser blast, but it would not be concentrated enough to actually impart any impact.

The second limitation, in addition to keeping you from reenacting a one-woman rain of arrows, is going to be the reason what I think your idea is can't work. If you wanted to make a bunch of shapes and then rearrange them, at least one and more likely several are simply going to get too far out from the projector to maintain integrity.

Now, changing the dimensions of an object is possible. It all has to do with the relative sizes of the individual forcefields, which is an aspect of how much power they're putting out. Making a pyramid and then making the entire thing bigger, i.e. increasing its geometric scale? Child's play. Increasing the height of the pyramid in your rapier example? Yes. Be warned, however, that when you start pushing that to its limit, it's still going to run into the issue of distance from the projector, so the ends of whatever shape you're working with will start to fizzle out when it gets too big. For complex shapes, you'll also wind up distorting them too much to be used for anything but bludgeoning people.
Building off the point-to-point teleportation, what about, instead, a device that would teleport someone to a predetermined location upon that person taking catastrophic damage?

Edit: I'm thinking something that could be programmed, so that it could be used at, for instance, an Endbringer fight and either handed out alongside Dragon's armbands or at least given to a few people if it's too hard to build very many of them.
Absolutely possible.
A projector can make all kinds of shapes. The major limitations are that 1) the shape of the shape is defined by the alignment of forcefields and therefore configuration of the emitters, as previously described, and 2) to maintain a coherent form, the forcefields and trapped photons have to be kept relatively close to the projector. If you projected a cube and then threw it at someone, it would devolve into a regular old laser blast, but it would not be concentrated enough to actually impart any impact.

The second limitation, in addition to keeping you from reenacting a one-woman rain of arrows, is going to be the reason what I think your idea is can't work. If you wanted to make a bunch of shapes and then rearrange them, at least one and more likely several are simply going to get too far out from the projector to maintain integrity.

Now, changing the dimensions of an object is possible. It all has to do with the relative sizes of the individual forcefields, which is an aspect of how much power they're putting out. Making a pyramid and then making the entire thing bigger, i.e. increasing its geometric scale? Child's play. Increasing the height of the pyramid in your rapier example? Yes. Be warned, however, that when you start pushing that to its limit, it's still going to run into the issue of distance from the projector, so the ends of whatever shape you're working with will start to fizzle out when it gets too big. For complex shapes, you'll also wind up distorting them too much to be used for anything but bludgeoning people.
So, at the very least we can expand the possible multi-functionality of a single holo-module by using something like "cube" or "pyramid" instead of "sword", and with the fact that any projection can be turned into a laser blast, that frees up much more possibilities. Good to know.
with the fact that any projection can be turned into a laser blast
…No, not quite. Look at my explanation. A devolved projection doesn't have enough energy packed into a small enough space to do anything practical. It looks like a laser blast because the general principles are the same, but it doesn't act like one. It'd be a distraction, nothing more.
Awesome. It's not wholly game-changing, but it should hopefully substantially reduce casualties in Endbringer encounters and similar disasters.
The issue here is building enough of them. Plus I can imagine you'd need multiple receiving plates, because otherwise in an Endbringer fight people would be teleported out at the same time, and that would end with all sorts of grossness. Imagine mushed-together body parts.
…No, not quite. Look at my explanation. A devolved projection doesn't have enough energy packed into a small enough space to do anything practical. It looks like a laser blast because the general principles are the same, but it doesn't act like one. It'd be a distraction, nothing more.
Ah, got it. Still, could be useful and adds to the functionality.

Another question, would Vista´s power work on the projections to bypass the range limit? I'm not sure whether you WoGged it, or if it was someone else.
The issue here is building enough of them. Plus I can imagine you'd need multiple receiving plates, because otherwise in an Endbringer fight people would be teleported out at the same time, and that would end with all sorts of grossness.

Hmm. If Shipwright and Dragon can't find a way to automate or partially automate their production, they could be handed out to S&R to be applied as needed, and then sent back out to be reused. The receiving plates can have a simple open/blocked sensor and piggyback on Dragon's armband network to say which ones are clear, then use a queue on that network to determine which teleporter has precedence so that there aren't splicing incidents from two of them sending to the same open plate.

Come to think of it, if Shipwright and Dragon could make enough of them, individual teleporters could also be useful in Ziz fights on a countdown timer to keep anyone from staying in her scream too long.
Ah, got it. Still, could be useful and adds to the functionality.

Another question, would Vista´s power work on the projections to bypass the range limit? I'm not sure whether you WoGged it, or if it was someone else.
Yes, Vista's power will work like this.
Hmm. If Shipwright and Dragon can't find a way to automate or partially automate their production, they could be handed out to S&R to be applied as needed, and then sent back out to be reused. The receiving plates can have a simple open/blocked sensor and piggyback on Dragon's armband network to say which ones are clear, then use a queue on that network to determine which teleporter has precedence so that there aren't splicing incidents from two of them sending to the same open plate.

Come to think of it, if Shipwright and Dragon could make enough of them, individual teleporters could also be useful in Ziz fights on a countdown timer to keep anyone from staying in her scream too long.
Both good ideas. Particularly in light of info you don't yet have. :)
Ugh. Bridge with the Privateers are effectively completely burned. No chance for redemption for them now. Way to go all the way on Worm end of the crossover folks.

*Might* be able to salvage a few individuals. But eh. I don't see the voter base deciding to put in the effort and votes to do so.


@Silently Watches

Can Tim create a powerarmor or Power suit that's effectively Iron Man briefcase armor? Basically a compact power armor that can deploy on a person quickly?

I'm thinking basically a armor that a squishy hero or person can get into in a emergency and survive against a low to mid level brute or blaster long enough to get help?

Or say, a shield deploying grenade a la Halo's bubble shield projector?
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*Might* be able to salvage a few individuals. But eh. I don't see the voter base deciding to put in the effort and votes to do so.
Lacey for sure is salvageable. I showed it in the chapter, and I've updated her entry in the collective potential mage character section to reflect that. It's the others I'm debating with myself.
Can Tim create a powerarmor or Power suit that's effectively Iron Man briefcase armor? Basically a compact power armor that can deploy on a person quickly?

I'm thinking basically a armor that a squishy hero or person can get into in a emergency and survive against a low to mid level brute or blaster long enough to get help?
With mechashift mechanics? Yes. :) He flat-out said he could add that functionality to the power suits in the chapter where he, Taylor, and Dragon explored the Dragonslayers' base. Going from suitcase to armor is pretty extreme, and it would have limited weaponry as a result, but if what you're looking for is emergency last-ditch I'm-gonna-die protection, then it's definitely possible. Just don't expect it to last very long against high-level Brutes or avoid constant repairs. Considering how delicate all the mechashift components would be at that point, you're looking at having to be cut out of it after the fight's over.

And for the record, this is the kind of suggestion I've been expecting all quest. Not Iron Man specifically, but "hey I saw this cool thing in a book/movie/TV show, can we build it?".
Hmm, stuff inspired by TV/Movies... Can we build Funnels from Gundam? Aka basically low-charge high-agility drones with a recharge pack on the wielder, each with a laser cannon on them, with enough charge to fly out, shoot several times, and then go back to quickly recharge.

The other problem, of course, is that they'd require an AI to be controlled properly, unless we find a parahuman with multitasking ability and can jack a controller into their thinkpan.
Mass Effect Omni Tools? Because those are just awesomesauce, mang.
Portable computers with holographic screens and advanced hacking capabilities that enhance or allow special techniques? What do you think Devices are? :D But seriously, a lot of the more tech-y functions I've shown Taylor use with Perfect Storm were inspired by omni-tools.
Or motorcycles that turn into power armor!
Yep, doable.
Hmm, stuff inspired by TV/Movies... Can we build Funnels from Gundam? Aka basically low-charge high-agility drones with a recharge pack on the wielder, each with a laser cannon on them, with enough charge to fly out, shoot several times, and then go back to quickly recharge.

The other problem, of course, is that they'd require an AI to be controlled properly, unless we find a parahuman with multitasking ability and can jack a controller into their thinkpan.
This is the kind of thing that would get me punished if I refused, particularly considering Gundam was one of the stylistic inspirations for Nanoha. No, I'm not kidding about that; a magical girl series took cues from a mecha series.

Yes, doable, but like you said, it would take an AI to control them, but otherwise they're very similar in function to the drone Dragon built and Tim modified.
We don't want proper goo grenades, that seems a little too similar to Containment Foam to be fun (and i'm pretty sure we can't do Grenade-forms of Temporal Sludge, which could've been cool).

How about some sort of mechashift-bola, in effect? Throw a sphere at target and it unfolds into some sort of interlocked metal cage about their limbs? A metal version of a 'chinese finger trap' or something, where trying to struggle against one bit just causes it to be levered against another segment so it reinforces itself. Bonus fun if mechashift allows it to adjust its sizing for a closer fit (who needs one-size-fits-all handcuffs, or the biting-tightness of zip ties) or to counteract the usual solution to that trap.

We absolutely need to figure out a weapon for Samantha to be using. I don't know what the relative advantages might be for a pure spear compared to a Partisan or a Lucerne Hammer or somesuch (basically, thrusting point with slashing sidebits) for how she fights, but to make it interesting.... would it be possible to make a weapon that teleports itself back to her after being thrown? Or would it be "easier" to give her something like a curved sword that mechashifts into a chakram? Basically trying to think of ranged weapons that might work with Slashing Claw, as I assume (right, wrong?) that projectiles wouldn't... but if she needs to stay in contact maybe just give her enhanced-range with something like a meteor hammer (and how might that be enhanced by mechashift?)

Relatedly, @Silently Watches , are hard light weapons capable of Non-Lethal? You keep comparing them to "lightsabers" after all, and I can't seem to find a mention on Nanoha wiki (unless its just whatever Bardiche does when used in Scythe Form, and devices like it).

A bit of a shame we never did make our own flying pirate ship.... maybe work with Unity-Dragon on a new mobile home instead of some lame apartment? :p I think a lot of it was focusing on the CapeStory and not being sure how to use empowered mooks without drastically overthrowing the setting (Though I mean, Warlord Taylor could be a fun if very different story :p

I guess all we can do now is....form a new team of capes! (Even if they can't all be mages :cry:)

Actually, speaking of spaceships .... what was it Nanoha used against Quatro, where it seemed like the ship she was on empowered her....Divine Buster seriously, to shoot through Saint's Cradle??? Is that a thing Tim can build for us?!? Or am I just entirely misunderstanding that scene and she just shot through the walls on own-power rather than magnified by something?

In any case, is that a thing? Getting an extra-strong Ragnarok (or Solar Wrath, but I'm meaning Endbringer-killer) by hooking ourselves up to a structure-scale power source (ideally putting the Off-Site-Power thing on an airship, so we don't have to get lucky predicting the attack or waste time like Phir Se, and can't as easily have it get smashed by Simurgh or something)

For Vista, I'd brought it up during the arm/transhumanism vote, but how about some sort of visor or cybereye to enhance both her Space-warping (maybe an integrated AI to help suggest terrains or analyze battlefield, or a thing related to the sniper weapon I want to give her).

Likewise, what sort of nonlethal ranged weaponry can we give her? Is something like Shadowruns "Stick-n-Shock" ammo a possibility, where you're basically launching one use adhesive stunguns at them? For that matter, even a proper Wire-connected Taser would be interesting her with space-warping power to boost its range, moreso if we gave her powerarmor with a built in capacitor just for it.

Thinking of supplementary capacitance, is there any way (more importantly, benefit) to harness mana-collectors to power movement instead of whatever onboard fuel we currently put in flying power armor? I'm thinking Eureka 7 here with how they're basically "surfing" on ambient mana in the air. Whether its just exotic fuel or (more doubtful) a way to try and get the arbitrary-movement of Mage-Flight by 'pushing off' something like a platform of hard light generated where needed, it might be a mobility and convenience upgrade over a suits jetpack based movement.

Going further afield, I'm wondering if theres any way he can leverage a mix of his current chemistry-manufacturing (like he uses with surgery) , the Catridges we produce, and whichever of Digital Blueprints and Exotic Physics from a useful biotinker to try and produce combat-drugs. Maybe an improvement on how Catridges work somehow (more potent, or timed-release so its an all-combat buff instead of a single-spell with burnout) , at least... beyond that not entirely sure what would be useful.

I think medigel was asked and dismissed early on (and don't know if Panacea ever made anything for him to adjust or copy... wasn't there some sort of healing cocoon she used on Glory Girl?) , I don't know if theres any good options for enhanced-reaction-time or slowed-time-perception (would capes like Epoch or anyone have that latter, in a way that Exotic Physics could try and capture the brain chemistry of?) and I don't think we really want to give Samantha anything like Cowboy Bebop's Red-Eye. I don't know if Watchdogs ever bothered trying to explain what pills it is the hacker takes for his bullet-time, but that's gotta be useful in a flare shooter fight.
Actually, speaking of spaceships .... what was it Nanoha used against Quatro, where it seemed like the ship she was on empowered her....Divine Buster seriously, to shoot through Saint's Cradle??? Is that a thing Tim can build for us?!? Or am I just entirely misunderstanding that scene and she just shot through the walls on own-power rather than magnified by something?

That was her own power, her device in siege mode, and liberal cartridge abuse. So great. It did have the advantage of being fired inside rather than having to go through the external armor, though, so there is that.
A list of some ideas for Tim... with a special focus on things that won't kill people, because of - well, you know, the Hostile Privateers.
I'm afraid I don't know what ideas have been presented before, so these are all mostly based on spells we have or fairly common gadgets amongst sci-fi I know of.

1) Forcefield projector which makes a shield, or a gadget that can project a decent Strong Shield spell. Although the idea of an energy shield predates her - yes, like Brigitte's shield from Overwatch, although I think the expanded form. We're talking a shield large enough to replace heavy and unwieldy riot shields with lighter, semitransparent shields that are easier to carry about. Probably rather more expensive, sadly, but the PRT might want a few and they'll help with offering additional protection against bullets other than 'kill them first' to Tim and others without triggering Darth Samantha's Sith side. Also, it might be possible to conceal a shield projector (in a backpack or something? Depends on how large it is,) while it is definitely not possible to conceal a riot shield. This is also a weapon we can give to Vista which the Protectorate is unlikely to mind her actually deploying!

2) 'Recall' teleporters, possibly single-shot. Teleportation is amazing. Teleportation is also rather rare. If Tim can make a two-part system - a beacon which makes teleportation targeting easy, and a recall device that can teleport itself and everything within a few meters to its paired beacon so long as it is in range - then even if it takes a little while to charge and has a range of, say, 'within city limits', that's very useful for...
A) Recovering wounded and ensuring that they don't become corpses. Everyone wants this.
B) With a Stranger, setting up a beacon close to or inside a villain base for Protectorate and/or PRT forces to suddenly appear and blitz the villains. This isn't defensive, but it's a valid use so it bears mentioning.
C) Retreating from a battle that PRT/Protectorate forces are slowly losing (unless it's a running battle, so this one will be most useful for PRT forces that are pinned down and least useful to Movers.)
D) Getting the weapon cache away from the Hostile Privateers suddenly, without letting them halt its removal. Mind you, we can probably just... do this with the normal teleportation options.
E) The first steps towards making a multidimensional teleporter, perhaps. That will certainly make the Triumvirate sit up and take notice.

3) Rust Shot grenades. Toss one into a room, suddenly everyone in the room is unarmed but otherwise unharmed. Also handy for destroying cover. A specialist tool, but its use case is both common and important - guns, knives, crowbars all invite the use of this. Warning: these may lack the careful calibration which enables Calamity Witch to not kill people with pacemakers and other medical devices.

4) Jetpack. Jetpack. We all know what this is, and magical flight seems to be more of the antigravity sort rather than the rockets sort, at least at low speeds. Even if we could, we probably should not hand out supersonic flight, for safety reasons of both the user and everyone nearby. Might need to be a jet-suit for proper flight support, or something that wants to be integrated with a full set of powered armor.
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I'm thinking we put two slots towards the arm, then a third slot towards starting on the teleporters then?
How about some sort of mechashift-bola, in effect? Throw a sphere at target and it unfolds into some sort of interlocked metal cage about their limbs? A metal version of a 'chinese finger trap' or something, where trying to struggle against one bit just causes it to be levered against another segment so it reinforces itself. Bonus fun if mechashift allows it to adjust its sizing for a closer fit (who needs one-size-fits-all handcuffs, or the biting-tightness of zip ties) or to counteract the usual solution to that trap.
No, this wouldn't work. Mechashift requires a power source, and there wouldn't be enough space in a bola ball to hold that or most anything else.
We absolutely need to figure out a weapon for Samantha to be using. I don't know what the relative advantages might be for a pure spear compared to a Partisan or a Lucerne Hammer or somesuch (basically, thrusting point with slashing sidebits) for how she fights, but to make it interesting.... would it be possible to make a weapon that teleports itself back to her after being thrown? Or would it be "easier" to give her something like a curved sword that mechashifts into a chakram? Basically trying to think of ranged weapons that might work with Slashing Claw, as I assume (right, wrong?) that projectiles wouldn't... but if she needs to stay in contact maybe just give her enhanced-range with something like a meteor hammer (and how might that be enhanced by mechashift?)
Samantha already has a harpoon for stabbing (got it in Arc 5), but she needs to carry it with her, so she normally only grabs it when she plans to really bring the pain. Returning weapons would actually do very BADLY for her; not only does Shredding Claw not stay on ranged weapons, her inherent weapon talent is limited to melee weapons. If you throw it, she has no more talent for it than any rando Joe shmoe. Rope-type weapons like chains, rope darts, or meteor hammers are all fair game, though.
Relatedly, @Silently Watches , are hard light weapons capable of Non-Lethal? You keep comparing them to "lightsabers" after all, and I can't seem to find a mention on Nanoha wiki (unless its just whatever Bardiche does when used in Scythe Form, and devices like it).
I use the term lightsaber more as a visual aid. They aren't Nanoha canon, just something I thought would be fun. And yes, they can be non-lethal; it's the difference between a sharp and dull edge. That or a lot of training on how to use them.
Actually, speaking of spaceships .... what was it Nanoha used against Quatro, where it seemed like the ship she was on empowered her....Divine Buster seriously, to shoot through Saint's Cradle??? Is that a thing Tim can build for us?!? Or am I just entirely misunderstanding that scene and she just shot through the walls on own-power rather than magnified by something?

In any case, is that a thing? Getting an extra-strong Ragnarok (or Solar Wrath, but I'm meaning Endbringer-killer) by hooking ourselves up to a structure-scale power source (ideally putting the Off-Site-Power thing on an airship, so we don't have to get lucky predicting the attack or waste time like Phir Se, and can't as easily have it get smashed by Simurgh or something)
As Kinrrush said, that scene was brought to you via rampant cartridge abuse. No, you can't plug Taylor up to a generator or power plant and expect her to become more powerful from it. About all you'd manage to do is electrocute her.
A bit of a shame we never did make our own flying pirate ship.... maybe work with Unity-Dragon on a new mobile home instead of some lame apartment? :p I think a lot of it was focusing on the CapeStory and not being sure how to use empowered mooks without drastically overthrowing the setting (Though I mean, Warlord Taylor could be a fun if very different story :p
Entirely possible.
I guess all we can do now is....form a new team of capes! (Even if they can't all be mages :cry:)
I ain't gonna stop ya.
For Vista, I'd brought it up during the arm/transhumanism vote, but how about some sort of visor or cybereye to enhance both her Space-warping (maybe an integrated AI to help suggest terrains or analyze battlefield, or a thing related to the sniper weapon I want to give her).
Both are options, as is a natural lens implant. The lens and the cybereye would need another generator capable of short-range wireless charging (I guess the cybereye could be wired to her current generator, but it would take away another weapons slot just like her new Brute strength). The visor could have a battery and be charged via a mana collector, but that requires routine visits to Shipwright. The odds of her seeing that as a negative are… low. :D :lol Not to mention, her current costume comes with a full visor, though a halfie like Garrus's is just cooler looking IMHO.
Likewise, what sort of nonlethal ranged weaponry can we give her? Is something like Shadowruns "Stick-n-Shock" ammo a possibility, where you're basically launching one use adhesive stunguns at them? For that matter, even a proper Wire-connected Taser would be interesting her with space-warping power to boost its range, moreso if we gave her powerarmor with a built in capacitor just for it.
How about a projection/wireless taser so Vista gets to use Sith lightning? :D
Thinking of supplementary capacitance, is there any way (more importantly, benefit) to harness mana-collectors to power movement instead of whatever onboard fuel we currently put in flying power armor? I'm thinking Eureka 7 here with how they're basically "surfing" on ambient mana in the air. Whether its just exotic fuel or (more doubtful) a way to try and get the arbitrary-movement of Mage-Flight by 'pushing off' something like a platform of hard light generated where needed, it might be a mobility and convenience upgrade over a suits jetpack based movement.
Unfortunately no. Mana collectors can't suck up enough power to power flight, and you can't surf on free mana any more than you can light.
Going further afield, I'm wondering if theres any way he can leverage a mix of his current chemistry-manufacturing (like he uses with surgery) , the Catridges we produce, and whichever of Digital Blueprints and Exotic Physics from a useful biotinker to try and produce combat-drugs. Maybe an improvement on how Catridges work somehow (more potent, or timed-release so its an all-combat buff instead of a single-spell with burnout) , at least... beyond that not entirely sure what would be useful.
Hmm. Maybe. Dragon would be helpful here. This is also one of the areas where Exotic Physics would help since it would let you analyze Angel Dust's tech (Winter Hill's drug Tinker).
1) Forcefield projector which makes a shield, or a gadget that can project a decent Strong Shield spell. Although the idea of an energy shield predates her - yes, like Brigitte's shield from Overwatch, although I think the expanded form. We're talking a shield large enough to replace heavy and unwieldy riot shields with lighter, semitransparent shields that are easier to carry about. Probably rather more expensive, sadly, but the PRT might want a few and they'll help with offering additional protection against bullets other than 'kill them first' to Tim and others without triggering Darth Samantha's Sith side. Also, it might be possible to conceal a shield projector (in a backpack or something? Depends on how large it is,) while it is definitely not possible to conceal a riot shield. This is also a weapon we can give to Vista which the Protectorate is unlikely to mind her actually deploying!
ABSOLUTELY possible. It can even be built into Vista's arm. The way I see it, there are two options for this kind of shield, both of which have their own benefits. A round shield (think Captain America or Pyrrha) could be both defense and a second melee weapon, or a tower shield (like a riot shield) would offer more protection.
2) 'Recall' teleporters, possibly single-shot. Teleportation is amazing. Teleportation is also rather rare. If Tim can make a two-part system - a beacon which makes teleportation targeting easy, and a recall device that can teleport itself and everything within a few meters to its paired beacon so long as it is in range - then even if it takes a little while to charge and has a range of, say, 'within city limits', that's very useful for...
Probably more useful to have an armory case linked to a beacon that teleports everything within it to the beacon's location. Or in Endbringer armbands to take the wounded to a teleportation pad as I discussed with Kinruush.
3) Rust Shot grenades. Toss one into a room, suddenly everyone in the room is unarmed but otherwise unharmed. Also handy for destroying cover. A specialist tool, but its use case is both common and important - guns, knives, crowbars all invite the use of this. Warning: these may lack the careful calibration which enables Calamity Witch to not kill people with pacemakers and other medical devices.
Ehhhhhh… Maybe. I'm much more likely to allow it if it is an indiscriminate blast like you're describing rather than an aimable shot.
Jetpack. We all know what this is, and magical flight seems to be more of the antigravity sort rather than the rockets sort, at least at low speeds. Even if we could, we probably should not hand out supersonic flight, for safety reasons of both the user and everyone nearby.
…All three of the power armor suits Tim has have jetpacks.
I'm thinking we put two slots towards the arm, then a third slot towards starting on the teleporters then?
I'll need to know what kind of teleporter you're talking about. The rescue-me-I'm-critically-wounded teleporter, the bring-me-all-the-guns teleporter, or just a general point-to-point teleporter plate Star Trek style?
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@Silently Watches
I.. dont think it got directly addressed, but is the plasma canon i mentioned previously possible?
I was watching Pacific Rim earlier and it kinda hit me. Gipsy Danger's Plasma Caster would be mint for a ranged option. High per-shot power but limited clip, recharges over time. Uses EM to shoot discreet bolts of isonized plasma and can probably double as a taser on super low settings (doesn't use 'ammo'). Maybe with a overload setting for emergencies (but fries the coils so need to be repaired after).

Its also stylistically simple since it fit into a robot arm originally (along with ironically, two other weapons) and anyone can visualize how it works with a glance at youtube.
(also why you dont put someone with PTSD in a mecha controlled by her brain)
