Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Step 5: Find everyone that is a civilian that made the cross
Step 6: Give them devices
Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 in various other places across the world
Step 8: Profit!
Step 9: Repeat steps 1-8 across the other Earths
Step 10: More Profit!
Waaay too inefficient time-wise. Remember that we can only feasibly create one device at a time, and that takes several days per event.
Waaay too inefficient time-wise. Remember that we can only feasibly create one device at a time, and that takes several days per event.
Mind you, there's a bloody reason I chose Guardian Beast, I.E. Faraway-R's Everyone Gets a Pet! Anyone with a Device already can safely be excluded from steps 5 and 6.
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For those who think letting Taylor walk was rather OOC as she had a super weapon, there is something that i think we need to consider: IAE was in the room with them. That means if things go sideways the Teena and the other guy were probably within assimilation distance. That kind of gives caution because as far as they knew trying to detain Taylor could make IAE revert to its old behavior to defend its current user.

There is also the fact Taylor has some control and knowledge about the "class one lost logia". Pushing her could just make things much much worse.

The wait and see attitude gives them time to get help from the higher ups, find out more about her, and hive her time to cool off. If Taylor has been as active sense contact with the TSAB she has had it and not had it go rampant for weeks already. They don't risk an apocalypse scenario if they wait another week or so from their perspective.
This is a bit of a rehash, but when a policeman misuses lethal force and nearly executes an innocent civilian, the response is usually not therapy or a 'better luck next time champ'. At least, not if they want to appear to be acting responsibly. Especially for the lead member already assigned despite misgivings over mental trauma, and in a culture so lethality-adverse as the TSAB.

The worst possible mistake deserves the worst consequences, does it not?
but they're not exactly cops are they? they're closer to soldiers who are hunting a very dangerous war criminal in a foreign country and even that analogy isn't quite right ... their screw up is rather understandable all things considered even if it did nearly result in a dead civilian so i get the feeling the ball busting they're going to get will be more about who they attacked rather than it being a civilian ... if that makes any sense
@Silently Watches since a fight hapernd dont we get to choose a new spell?
I've been thinking this from the second I read SW say Taylor wasn't dying. I was just about to post it, once I read all the comments so far... and you beat me by 1/2 an hour... damnit! :D

As far as Tim building the power plant... If we do that, Tim should summon his twin Guardian Beasts. He won't be gaining any points to unlock stuff while building it, so the reduced cost won't matter; and the GB's may (depending on which ones we get, and I'd vote for the auto-assign option, rather than building them, since that one will be more powerful) be able to help Tim build it to shorten the build time. Then again, I think we still have like 6-7 weeks before Tim gets his S-ranked core...

And for the people saying we shouldn't decide Tim's build slots because it's too much like what IAE does? Welcome to the world of quests, that's just how we roll. :p
We avoided getting killed. I think that's worth more than a spell this time. *shrugs*
Eh, I'd almost say "We avoided getting killed. I think that's worth costing us learning a spell this time. *shrugs*":p:p:p*

*note, not my actual belief.
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Oh, and I forgot the most important part of my post.

We just had contact with a doctor capable of healing us from being stabbed through the heart, with no signs the injury ever even happened. One who uses a method of healing completely alien to what we have access to for Danny atm.

Why didn't we just ask them if they were any good with brain damage?!?!
Oh, and I forgot the most important part of my post.

We just had contact with a doctor capable of healing us from being stabbed through the heart, with no signs the injury ever even happened. One who uses a method of healing completely alien to what we have access to for Danny atm.

Why didn't we just ask them if they were any good with brain damage?!?!
As far as I'm aware, they're actually just really good at regeneration and getting in invasively without it actually being invasive. Kind of like... they can put a splint on you. Around your bones. Without cutting you open.

I think.

I don't remember much on this subject.

Basically their magitech let's them be leaps and bounds ahead on mundane treatment, but there isn't actually much in the way of White Mage type, miracle healing.
I know it probably wouldn't win but what do people think of hanging out with us and reassuring them that even if the civilization that made them is gone that still have Taylor and she would never abandon them.
Ahem, forgive my capsing. But this was important.
We missed Tim's build vote earlier, didn't we? Let's correct that. Remember that he currently has 3 build slots to fill up. Inventory is on the first post. Take 24 hours to think things over.

And while you're discussing that, do you like planning out Tim's build schedule for the week? Do you think it's a waste of time? Is it just a means to an end and you'd prefer me to take over all the nitty gritty? Lemme know.
I like making Tim's build plans.
Anyways, for Tim build plan? Its an interesting bit of strategizing and resource-management that I enjoy, only reason I'd currently see to vote to hand over to QM is if we expected better results than picking things ourselves (and that would apply equally to ANY decisions, sooo yeah xD ) .

I think we NEED to have Tim start on the larger power plant option. TSAB is here, hopefully if theres anything we desperately need a rush job on like anti-MS13 armor or a Unison Device we can trade for it xD or get help stalling, but the fact our communicator isn't 24/7 is a huge problem that caused this conflict. Lets fix that. (If we can power the radio by an upgraded solar collector or something, do that instead i guess? Gas to run a power plant isn't likely cheap).
That being said, right now we have two critical goals in the works; power for the radio/IAE, and make Dragon a Device. Both of these goals are something he'd agree with, but not to the point of full dedication on the former.

Oookay, finally got to read the chapter, glad to see that thing are going on a sen...

...Sible manner.

Goddammit SV.

First and foremost, can we cut it with the pointless morality debate? It's going nowhere and simply has nothing to do with the decisions we should be making right now.

Second and more on topic, here's my ideas for Tim's build slots:

[] Build Device Programming Terminal.
[] Build Full Sensorial-Range Prosthetic Arm (Missy sized).
[] Build Communication Station and Array to be linked to Basic Artificial Intelligence.
-[] Have the Privateers acquire headsets and the like.

[] Buy Unison Device Skill.

@Silently Watches, I'm doubtful of the points in red. My thinking was that Danny seems to be out of the game for the foreseeable future the Privateers have lost one of their main advantages on combat. My idea is to set up a Command Center of sorts with a rudimentary AI to help coordinate.
Now, regarding Tim's Build Plan. Two weeks (in-quest time ago) I had an analysis of our possibilities. One week ago, I we had this.
You know, I came here to complain nobody remembered the discussion I had last time - on the possibilities of upgrading THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY TO GET THE 4TH SLOT... Here's the summation of the possibilities discussed.
Guys, I propose:

[] Upgrade Microfoundry
[] Upgrade 3D Fabricator
[] Build Full Sensorial-Range Prosthetic Arm (Missy sized)

And if this is enough for us to get 3 Tech Points:
[] Buy Unison Device Skill

The first two points, taken together, will give us one extra slot for build plans. Let's make it happen. Please.
That's about as blunt as you can make that point without just directly talking to us.
Agreed. It was a suitable comparison.
Official projections are that, activated and left on even a low-magic world like yours, given a month it would have converted five hundred thousand.
Yeah, they really overestimate IAE. He can't do much without magical infrastructure.

They had treated you like a Ziz-bomb. Inherently dangerous, incapable of being negotiated with, and dead set on a course of destruction. They immediately moved to put you down, and much as you dislike being on the receiving end of that, part of you wonders how different their actions were from firing a lethal Solar Wrath at the escaped members of the Empire 88.
I, for one, was against using a lethal spell.
Does this mean I'm nicer than the TSAB? :V

You've got a foothold in the wider Dimensional Sea now, Taylor.
Well, that's not true, actually.
We are still locked in our dozen of worlds, just with the TSAB team now.
They're trapped here with us until we find out a way to dissolve Entities barrier, aren't they?

And if you want to compare IAE's entire runtime to villains' careers? Then it has killed or converted millions.
That would be a little unfair comparison.
As far as I understand, most of IAE's career he was a soldier fighting war.
In my eyes, he deserves a lot more leniency than I ready to give to any villain.

And now, two minutes of paranoia! Read on your own risk.

There is something I really don't get.
"I don't know how much you know about what the Agharti was carrying, but the reason it was traveling through this section of the Dimensional Sea is that it was carrying a dangerous piece of ancient magical technology back to Midchilda. A Lost Logia."
Teana was seriously wounded, but she beated IAE down, and then safely returned to Midchilda for healing.
That means they either managed to teleport her or they had another ship on hands except the Agharti.
So why they didn't teleport them together? Or why they didn't send the Agharti together with that ship? Safety in numbers, right?
Why they sent one ship with a dangerous Lost Logia on board without any escort through poorly-mapped region of space?

Official projections are that, activated and left on even a low-magic world like yours, given a month it would have converted five hundred thousand.
IAE is extremely dangerous, and it was three months between the Agharti disappearance and Taylor's call. What a good Admiral did in this time?
Apparently, he did nothing. At least we didn't see him calling back ships he sent to check the Agharti's supposed route, and he didn't have a team ready to deal with IAE again on stand-by.
Then, after receiving the call, he wasn't in hurry to organise a mission too. They were preparing a ship for several weeks. Apparently Admiral was sure that nothing can possibly go wrong with serial assimilator at the surface of populated world. Unlike Teana and official projections.
And finally there is this inexplicable secrecy. Apparently, only the Admiral and two Enforcers knows that IAE was lost with the Agharti. Also note, the Admiral knew that Taylor already searched the Agharti's wreckage, he knew that Taylor and Dragon were planning to search it again. He even asked them for any personal belongings of the crew. And still he didn't give them any information about Lost Logia's appearance or what it capable of. It's like he didn't think what would have happen if Taylor and Dragon find Lost Logia and accidentally activate it. Or he just didn't care.

All of these led me to the following conclusion:
There is a group that wants to obtain IAE and use it for their insidious goals.
It can be just criminals, or anti-TSAB rebels, or former High Council's black-ops, it doesn't matter.
What matters is that the Admiral knows about them and either works for them, trying to make their job easier, or on the contrary trying to stop them, but for some reason he's doing it secretly and therefore quite inefficiently. Maybe because he knows they have supporters amongst the TSAB leadership.

This or the TSAB has a special regulation to send ships with sealed Lost Logia to the nearest magic-naive world in hope that someone will shoot them down, Lost Logia will fall on the surface and some random local girl with astonishing magical talent will find it, beat it down and then join the TSAB.
What? It worked with Nanoha, why it can't work again?
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While I'm not familiar with all things Nanoha outside of wiki trawling (only made it maybe halfway through the first series and haven't made the time yet to go back to it), the TSAB has always given me the impression that it doesn't truly function as a proper military. In fact, I'd call it at best a paramilitary law enforcement organization, from my perspective as a former military man. As such, thinking of the TSAB in such terms makes the mind-boggling leniency inherent in the commanding officers a little easier to swallow.

With that in mind, well, I wouldn't be surprised if this bunch ends up facing some form of disciplinary action, given that this is still technically a first-contact scenario, and one that isn't painting the TSAB in a very good light already from a purely outside perspective if the particulars of this incident ends up being spread around.

Granted, even if someone had witnessed the attack, they wouldn't know much of what happened, bounded fields being what they are and all. But a possible observer would have seen them shooting first at a known hero before that field went up, and if that potential observer wasn't a gang member then news would've been all over PHO in less than an hour probably.

Hopefully that's not the case. Otherwise the PRT and Protectorate (and of course Cauldron) won't be quite so friendly when the TSAB proper finally shows up. But in the plus side, no one died?

So... Yeah, they're in trouble. How much trouble remains to be seen. But not discharge/magic Fort Leavenworth levels of trouble. After all, they didn't instigate a war... They just instead may have very well cost the TSAB as a whole a very potent, powerful asset in the form of a no-longer-murder-happy Immortal Assimilation Engine, and possibly hampered future diplomatic relations with at least one government.

So, probably demotions, black marks on their records, and almost certainly shit duty for a WHILE. And possibly worse, causing their commanding officer to lose faith in their capability in sensitive situations.
Others have given the history, but one big thing is that the TSAB, while structured like a military, doesn't behave like one. Their historical record was:
-Semi mythological Al Hazard, who conquered everything they could reach, developed tools of immense power and then broke reality so hard their entire dimension vanished into the Gap, leaving behind hazardous objects that could one day activate and exterminatus a planet...or make pretty lights.
-Belkan Warring States, including Galea, who militarized, conquered and then destroyed themselves.

The big thing here is that Al Hazard relics tended to be innocent in intent, but abusing them past tolerances leads to widespread destruction. The Belkan relics on the other hand are 100% war machines, or worse, Al Hazard relics retooled into war machines.

The TSAB thus grew out of a need to contain and manage these artifacts. They were a military who never had an external foe to fight.

Teana was seriously wounded, but she beated IAE down, and then safely returned to Midchilda for healing.
That means they either managed to teleport her or they had another ship on hands except the Agharti.
So why they didn't teleport them together? Or why they didn't send the Agharti together with that ship? Safety in numbers, right?
Why they sent one ship with a dangerous Lost Logia on board without any escort through poorly-mapped region of space?
Teana can teleport on her own. An emergency jump self teleport can be performed when you're extremely trashed...though most of the time you'd be landing on some random world, and then recover enough to worldhop the rest of the way home.
@Silently Watches, I'm doubtful of the points in red. My thinking was that Danny seems to be out of the game for the foreseeable future the Privateers have lost one of their main advantages on combat. My idea is to set up a Command Center of sorts with a rudimentary AI to help coordinate.
It would depend on exactly what you plan for the AI to do. Do you mean keep track of where everybody is and what they're seeing so someone at base can coordinate them? Yes, though Tim would probably need to build headsets to make sure there's enough data coming through for proper analysis. As with fabricating standard guns or body armor or med kits, I would let you build several of them in a single time slot.

Do you mean using the data to build maps of the area where they are and monitor enemy positions or offer tactical advice? …Well, you do have the Advanced Devices skill, so actually you could do that too.
The Joker. Black Adam. Lex Luthor. Cassandra Xavier. Rhonin the Accuser. Most of Marvel and DC's god level toons.
Not a single one of whom are in either of these settings and therefore are not valid answers.
Yeah, they really overestimate IAE. He can't do much without magical infrastructure.
Not as much as you might think…
Protocol (user=undefined, infrastructure=0)…
1. Search: Linker Core.
2. Install: user template (Transcendent Gadgeteer).
3. Construct: production equipment.
4. Construct: mana reactor.
5. Search: Linker Core.
6. Install: user template (Calamity Witch, Extinction Knight, Infinite Enhancement, Transcendent Gadgeteer), ratio 8-5-3-1.
7. Search: Galean communications—​
So next they're either taking her to wherever they planned on taking IAE or... I don't know what else but it wouldn't make sense not to put a watch on her at least. Funny if Cauldron tries to "convince" her to stay while they find the supposedly still missing weapon only to Exposit all over them that both "Perfect Storm" and "Calamity Witch" are the "weapon" and it's completely useless to kill Endbringers but is incredibly useful to Nilbog/Zizbomb the entire Multiverse basically completely derailing their entire "kill the Endbringers with the weapon that we know literally nothing about other then the 'military' currently looking for it are completely terrified of it while also keeping someone away from said 'military' we also know literally nothing about not even if they're an actual military" (somewhere in the infinity there is someone right now shouting "that's called a Suicidally Stupid Plan, Alexandria, if you can even call it a plan" more like the outline for a Hypothetical Scenario which is the outermost point of starting a Plot or Plan).

It probably wouldn't teach Rutabaga not to make Plots entirely around missing Information that you don't have and can't hope to acquire but, hey, I can always Dream...
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Well, yes. A gadgeteer could build an infrastructure (in a month or two) and then IAE could use it to churn out template-devices.
I can see a hundred in a month easily. Maybe more. Maybe one thousand.
But 500 000?
Is he really has such a gigantic production capabilities?

This is a Paperclip Maximizer situation, keep in mind it's not /one/ Gadgeteer, but 1 in 17. So every 17 conversions produces an additional Gadgeteer to produce infrastructure to get more conversions to get more Gadgeteers to get more infrastructure.

Assuming this ratio stays consistent, that means by the time you hit ~500,000, you've got ~29,411 Gadgeteers
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Well, yes. A gadgeteer could build an infrastructure (in a month or two) and then IAE could use it to churn out template-devices.
I can see a hundred in a month easily. Maybe more. Maybe one thousand.
But 500 000?
Is he really has such a gigantic production capabilities?
When IAE is actually converting mages normally rather than handing out devices that perform the template installation, and assuming there is both the infrastructure to supply it the necessary power and a steady influx of victims? Yes.

The two issues with low-magic worlds is that it takes time to find all the Linker cores and that its converted mages have to work without Devices until there are enough Gadgeteers to supply everyone.

As I have said before, if IAE had its memories when Taylor found it, things would have gone very differently.
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When IAE is actually converting mages normally rather than handing out devices that perform the template installation, and assuming there is both the infrastructure to supply it the necessary power and a steady influx of victims? Yes.

The two issues with low-magic worlds is that it takes time to find all the Linker cores and that its converted mages have to work without Devices until there are enough Gadgeteers to supply everyone.

As I have said before, if IAE had its memories when Taylor found it, things would have gone very differently.
Oh so it can convert someone without giving them a Device? They'll just not be combat effective since they're missing a Device?
Oh so it can convert someone without giving them a Device? They'll just not be combat effective since they're missing a Device?
Conversion (normally) does not require giving the victim a Device. Recall that IAE was built on a high-magic world fighting several other high-magic worlds. The original strategy involved converting the captured enemy mages and reprogramming their Devices. It's not an option for you in-game because it comes with a side helping of mental zombification.

The above is not the same as saying that converted Deviceless mages would be ineffective in combat. That's the same as saying that a Deviceless mage in general is incapable, which is not the case. They would simply be limited in which spells they could cast and at what power. That said, a Deviceless Calamity Witch would still be able to fly, use telepathy, cast Flare Shooter, and create shields, and lo and behold, that's 90% of what you guys do anyway and the bread-and-butter for any long-range combat mage.
Conversion (normally) does not require giving the victim a Device. Recall that IAE was built on a high-magic world fighting several other high-magic worlds. The original strategy involved converting the captured enemy mages and reprogramming their Devices. It's not an option for you in-game because it comes with a side helping of mental zombification.

The above is not the same as saying that converted Deviceless mages would be ineffective in combat. That's the same as saying that a Deviceless mage in general is incapable, which is not the case. They would simply be limited in which spells they could cast and at what power. That said, a Deviceless Calamity Witch would still be able to fly, use telepathy, cast Flare Shooter, and create shields, and lo and behold, that's 90% of what you guys do anyway and the bread-and-butter for any long-range combat mage.
Sooo. You mean that any "cross-class" package you assemble is the go-to "good guess" of the spells a given Device-less Template mage will have? And a given Ignition Knight will have Flare Blade, Knight Armor and Blitz Action as his mainstays (not sure about Cartridges since they're more of a device-reliant gimmick)?
Sooo. You mean that any "cross-class" package you assemble is the go-to "good guess" of the spells a given Device-less Template mage will have? And a given Ignition Knight will have Flare Blade, Knight Armor and Blitz Action as his mainstays (not sure about Cartridges since they're more of a device-reliant gimmick)?
Not really. The cross-class packages have whatever skills I think add a new element to your strategy that comes from that skill tree. Take a look at Misteltein; that is most definitely not a basic skill. Also, the only characters you will ever see using Flare Blade are Calamity Witches who have cross-trained in Extinction Knight as they are the only characters who produce Flare mana.
This is a Paperclip Maximizer situation, keep in mind it's not /one/ Gadgeteer, but 1 in 17. So every 17 conversions produces an additional Gadgeteer to produce infrastructure to get more conversions to get more Gadgeteers to get more infrastructure.

Assuming this ratio stays consistent, that means by the time you hit ~500,000, you've got ~29,411 Gadgeteers
Relatedly, there would be approximately 235,294 CWs. So much bombardment....:)