"What revelation do you have for me today that will force me to completely reevaluate everything I know about the world?"
Well actually.... I was planning to wipe out the Fallen sometime this week.
Yes, all of them. Do you wanna come?
"They did. Cauldron may have kept more information about her in their base. I do not know one way or another, but I cannot rule it out."
.....FFS seriously Alexandria? At this stage of things you're still playing coverup and lying to our face on something like this? Shame you won't ever be seeing a drop of Mutagen vials...
Theres a bare thread of room to think she intended "I can't say for sure I was shown everything that Doctor Mother and Contessa planned or knew, soooo I'm totally not lying despite my photographic memory and central role and established dossiers on all cauldron vials ever sold."
"With Mistress's permission, can download directly from servers," Perfect Storm volunteers.
Not, you know, Legends permission. Just permission from the pro tempore Dark Empress.
"That must be a big file," you say when it looks like Legend does not know how to respond to that. "Normally he doesn't take that long to download stuff."
... Miss wants to study Computer Science actually factually said that to his face... and didn't see anything odd. She must've deleted from her memory the horrors of her family dial-up (or really, even file transfer between folders on Windows >_>).
It is technically an unofficial position, which means she would not be getting paid for this work"
Last but not least, this is not intended to be a permanent position. She is still a member of the Protectorate, and depending on what happens in the future, she could well be recalled."
So this is an unpaid "position". Where she is still being treated as a
contracted soldier Employee, with her whereabouts and activities controlled and the ability to ship her off somehwere on his whim. Unpaid.
And you had Taylor agree to this arrangement automatically, not vote on whether we wanted to say screw it and poach Standstill for realzies?
Is standstill on special shady parole like Shadow Stalker was, or uhh.... what in hell man. Think between Perfect Storm and Dragon we could impersonate a Lawyer well enough to make headlines?????
Its already a little wobbly-gray that the Protectorate gets so antsy about their No-Compete-Contracts and Cartels, given they're a government organization and aren't super thrilled about permitting Vigilantism. But I'm still a little fuzzy on why we don't just yoink her anyways with the raw deal shes getting.
And in this scenario, at /best/ I'd vote for Infinite Enhancement, theres no way I want to gift wrap Extinction Knight for the Duumvirate to keep locked in their toybox. Then again, I'm not yet sold on adopting Paul into the crew just because he showed his face once..... hey, when are we scanning Myrddin anyways?
That'd be quite the steal.