By learning the higher levels of it. Just like how Taylor went from Flare Shooter to Ragnarök. 😑
Here, fresh from the spell list that I knew no one was going to look at before asking questions:
Maybe they had it left open on a tab and hadn't refreshed it? I know it wasn't on mine, or when I looked at it I just didn't see it, until I refreshed my tab. it's also possible they saw that description and were wondering how it could be applied as a Ragnarok equivalent, having missed your earlier post about the ways to use TK scaled up to that level.
I don't know how much extra effort would be involved, but a note of which spells require what kind of Device to cast them would be nice, unless that is something you changed in the Device Mage reformat, even if that only applies to B ranked mages, since they can't cross Device disciplines. Rereading the chargen Mage rules says that, yes, it mostly applies to B ranked mages as they can't cross specialize. Where this matters is in getting a number of lesser mages(such as through the PRT) who can joint cast hideously difficult spells like forced translocation to get an Endbringer into orbit, which you've previously stated is Boost Device only. It's up to you if you feel like putting in that effort.
That said, I do want to express gratitude for giving us a spell list to give us better ideas what can be done. I expect I'll come up with a number of new ideas, forget most of them, suggest some, get them denied, appealed, lost, found, lost again, then fed to a bugblatter beast of Traal, digested into fertilizer, and finally used to nurture a tree for the true fruit of knowledge and wisdom.
We really should up our connections to Epoch and Maclibuin. I'm sure Epoch would be quite willing to test people for magic potential by pinging them with telepathy. Even telling him that he can do this would buy us some goodwill, as I'm unsure whether Standstill has heard about how we checked the local PRT for mages, and even if he wants to share what he knows about magic, without a Device of some sort, they're not going to be a major risk of abusing their knowledge. Eh, it's something to consider, though I find myself doubting the wisdom of the idea already.