Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat
[X] Swarm Summon
[X] Champion Summon (-2XP)

Bleagh xp that's my vote and I'll stand by it... but I'm honestly half convinced any choice will lead to buyers remorse here. Level up quick as you can Missy. You need more bells and whistles for your build.
This actually means we shouldn't give Missy TK, since it's Laura who has stupid levels of synchronisation with Cassiel.
You know, that other mage we're going to be doing votes for. Just in case anyone forgot we're doing two rounds of this madness.
Hrmm.... I suppose thats true. And it fits with
The don't try to pick an Endbringer up. :rolleyes: Throw something at it. Wrap it up with something to hold it down, which we saw worked against Leviathan in canon. FFS, put it on top of something else that you lift, since thanks to being present in multiple dimensions Endbringers don't weigh as much as their mass should dictate.
giving the platform to wrap around the EB or otherwise pick it up with. Vista's used to spacial manipulations though, which is pretty conceptually similar to TK so you got that thematic synergy. Missy moving her focus from support to offense without totally becoming something different.
Just as a heads up, to buy flight later on will be 6 XP.
Eeesh, yeah nvm changing plans

Your plan is quite nice, but not using summon when we explicitely choose this device to allow summon is kinda... pointless. Also, being the only one unable to fly in the group can't be nice. So in other words... would you please consider switching to my plan? ☺
I left summoning out because it was basic tier and could be picked up later cheaply.
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Actually I'll go for that with Laura. It just doesn't seem to fit the style Missy is going for at all, nor the build we've already voted on.
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[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat
[X] swarm summon
[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)

Might as well change if the Style shift can only be attained at chargen. The enhancement spell can be obtained later.
[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat
[X] swarm summon
[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)

[X] Plan Speed & Summon
-[X] Blitz Action
-[X] Aerial Combat
-[X] swarm summon
-[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)

Of course, unless Missy goes around calling it a lightsabre or we try to sell them to the public, copyright and trademark infringement are going to be far harder to prove sufficiently to sway a judge and jury.
Say it with me "It's not a light saber, it's a Hard Light Construct"

"But it looks just like one"
By that reasoning every car is identical and they should all be sued by Ford for making knockoff Model Ts.
[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat
[X] swarm summon
[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)

Maybe Missy will surprise us all and summon blue hedgehogs!
[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat
[X] swarm summon
[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)

Also, I feel good that the name I proposed got chosen ^_^
This was one that was simultaneously really easy and really hard to pick.
Missy go fast spells are mandatory. Get our first summon, and something to use with that khopesh you all wanted. :p
But this summs it up quite well! Just throw in the summons, because they're kick ass.

[X] switch Barrier Jacket to and from haste mode (+2 XP)
[X] swarm summon
[X] Blitz Action
[X] Aerial Combat