Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

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With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.
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Duke William of

I really need to finish my quests. :V
Hollywood isn't a place, it's a way of life.
-Helene Hanff (1916-1997)




With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.

But that is simply one path to fame and fortune in this glamorous hell called the Film Industry. Some good can be done to protect your fellow employees, actors, and cameramen from the vicious studio producers and the powers that be.

This is your story of you... Just one struggling Actor who is trying to make their way into the world, to carve your name into the history of cinema, and beyond.

To become something more. A Legend.

Or just really really rich.

What is your name?:
[]Write in

What is your Gender:

What is your Age when you began your acting Journey:
[]Write in (Can be anywhere between 10, to 21)

What do you look like:
[]Place image.

What Era do you inhabit:

[]The Aftermath: Let the Twenties ROAR to life. Hollywood is on top of the world, it's a dog-eat-dog world in this place, Let's MAKE A MOVIE!! (You begin 1919, The war is over and you have to get off the ground quickly before your studio is destroyed by the sharks in the water of big studios...or go into animation.)

[]The Golden Age of Hollywood: Hays Code, Studio bigwigs wanting a piece of the pie, the Depression and the rise of Stars everywhere, what a time to be alive. (You start in 1934, It's the depression, studio execs are assholes and you are limited...but don't be discouraged, there are ways around the system.)

[]The Studio Collapse: Eventually the Studio's greed caught up to them and things started to break, Animation has entered the dark age. And Things are looking rough.OHH Joe Maccartny got elected into the senate. (The Year is 1952, Hollywood needs a makeover. Don't be a commie. Or don't get caught.)

[]New Hollywood: The Next generation has arrived the Hays code is dead and new horizons are everywhere. (The Year is 1970...New Hollywood and the Era of blockbusters are here.)

[]The Shining Eighties: Anime Craze, Action Films, and Sci-Fi have hit the scene and by golly, we are here to stay. (Its 1980, Synth Music, peppy sounds, and action stars are all the rage.)

[]Nineties Babies: The Eighties have come and gone, with many of the great and over-the-top action movies being thrown to the wayside for more cerebral and... another fare. (It's have SO many choices to go down. Maybe you can make video game movies work this time?)

[]The New Millennium: Ahh a fresh start...a new age is about to begin. Perhaps you can carve out a niche in this great world you are in. (It's 2000, pray that things don't get any worse.)

[]Modern Day: It's been a long time since Edison filmed some people in a warehouse, with Modern cinema, the Giants of industry, and a willing population across the world, let's make something of yourself. (The Year is 2022, Let's make some entertainment.)



Welcome everyone to an Actor Quest, where you're playing as the actor this time, instead of the producer or director. Take control of the MC, and etch your name into Hollywood legend.

There's a lot you can do, everybody, so go wild with this. :)

I, Duke William of, will be your handsome QM this quest, with @Magoose, @Martin Noctis, and @Fluffy_serpent, as my co-conspirators here. If you have any questions, you can @ any one of us.

Fluffy provided the basis of this quest's rules, Magoose is writing these, I'm doing the edits, and Martin is the brainstormer. Also, Magoose Dice may or may not be involved here, so take that any way you will. :V
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Welcome to Hollywood!: Character Creation (January 1970)
-[X]Bruce "The Goose" O'Brian
-[X]New Hollywood: The Next generation has arrived the Hays code is dead and new horizons are everywhere. (The Year is 1970...New Hollywood and the Era of blockbusters are here.)


The payphone rang for a moment, or two, and you took a deep breath, hoping that someone would answer. You admitted that this entire venture was boneheaded, but you were adamant to make the choice and stick to it. Even though there was the very strong possibility that those things were idiotic.

And you did not know precisely what you were planning to do once you got to a city.

The noticeable click of the phone being answered entered your ear. "Honey. Is it really you?" Your mom's voice was quiet as you took a breath, allowing yourself to think through the emotions that you were currently feeling. So much was going on, that you didn't even have a chance to think of what to say to her.

"Yeah mom, it's me." You whispered, and you were unsure that she even heard you. Your heart raced for a moment, as you felt ill, the bile coming up from your stomach, and the tears welling up in your eyes.

"Are you almost there?" She said, as your feet shifted. "Almost to Hollywood?"

"Yeah." You replied, not being able to just say the words. Instead, you only listened to the thump of your heartbeat. "Actually just got into the city."

Starting Situation: 98
Support Roll: 90

"We're proud of you for making the leap, even with running away like that." She said as you felt a great deal of relief wash over your shoulders, and the weight of your lie disappeared just the same. "We could have taken you if you just asked."

"I know." You whispered, feeling unsure how to really say anything else.

Your throat felt dry and parched. Too many moments of feeling alone. "Did they get the message?" You asked.

"Yes, and while they are pissed off that you are coming without warning, you are welcome to stay at their place." Your mother said, with an annoyed tone in her voice.

A smile rose on your face. "You think they might be able to help me?" You asked.

"Of course, they will." Your mother replied. A pause occurred, nothing more than a heartbeat passed before she spoke again. "Bruce. Whatever you do, if you are willing to do this, we'll support you."

"Thank you." You whispered. "I love you. Tell Dad I'm okay."

"Tell him yourself." She said, as you turned, to see the old man waiting for you.

"Come on Bruce." He said as you hung up the phone, knowing it was the end of the conversation… like she always knew when you and your father were going to talk. "We need to talk."


D100 => 98 #Starting Situation

"You're a damn foolish boy, leaving like that, scaring your mother sick with worry, I taught you better than that." He said as the city moved by with the speed. "If I had it my way, I'd ship your arse back to the Isle with your uncle."

"You hate uncle Finn." You replied with a drawl, allowing your accent to slip. "After all, he's a unionist."

"Finn at least won't let you hitchhike over a thousand miles to Hollywood." Your father replied. "You really want to do this, I know some mates of mine in Texas that can give you work. Real work, not chasing a fairy tale in a big city."

"And you found the American dream on a set of a western? That fired you when you threatened that executive who called you a potato fucker." You shot back.

"I have my dignity, your mother, and my pub, that's the dream right there." He laughed as he turned. "I raised you well enough for you to not be a freeloader. And I taught you well enough to not be like me."

"I want to work in Hollywood dad, ever since you first took me to the cinema to watch Flash Gordon." You protested.

"You are lucky that I have so many friends." He said.

"Who are you dumping me at?" You asked.

"Guess?" He replied.

"Who is it? "you guessed.:

[]You Sister's: "Catharine's? I thought you two weren't on speaking terms after you threatened her husband with that shotgun? Did she finally get a job behind the camera?"

[]Your Brother: "Gavin? I thought you said he would never survive being a screenwriter? He finally has some success?"

[]An Old Friend of the Family?: "Uh…Mr. Eastwood, open the door, it's Bruce. My father is calling in that favor you owe him. My name is Bruce, Bruce O'Brian."

[]He drove to a house: "If you're going into Hollywood, you need someone who knows the business, I know the business. I can get you a role if you let me. Now come on, let us get to work."


Gain Trait: Unreasonable Expectations: People seem to think you are destined for greatness. (If you fail on a role, suffer a -5 to all rolls on the following movie, while if you are successful gain a successive +5 for every passed role. This caps at +50 to all rolls if you succeed. Only works for movies, not TV shows or commercials.)

Gain Trait: Connected: Despite everything, you know people that will want you to succeed. (+10 to getting a role)

Have one additional Action when the turns begin.


Choose a Boon:

[]Attractive: You have a face that everyone can love. (+10 to Fan Rolls)

[]Classically Trained Actor: You have always learned how to be a consummate professional, no matter the script, the quality or the movie, or the others. (+5 to all rolls within a job, regardless of quality, budget and costars.)

[]Improve Expert: You have always a way to turn a simple scene on their heads (+5 to Script quality by you improve if you succeed in negotiations. +10 to comedy rolls)

[]Affable: You have always been able to work with people, and get them to listen, or listen to others. (+10 to Chemistry with Actors, Networking or Training Someone.)

[]Comedian: What you love is to make others laugh, and with a jump and a smile. (+10 to Comedic Roles, to playing the relief in other genres.)

[]Romantic: You have always been a romantic. (+10 to Romance or Dramatic Roles)

[]Martial Artist: You know how to fight, and fake a fight convincingly. (+10 to Action Roles and Choreography)

[]Gunslinger: You know how to handle almost all firearms, safely, and professionally. (+10 to Action Roles. Will automatically pass any equipment failure that occurs during production, and not hurt anyone, or yourself)

[]Media Darling: What can I say, the Camera Loves me (+10 to all critic rolls for your performances.)

[]Strong: I can get up from just about anything that you throw at me. (if you fail a choreography roll, you will not suffer an injury roll)

[]Method Actor: You believe that becoming the role is just as important as the acting. (If you succeed in a method acting roll, you will gain a +20 to the acting rolls. If you fail, suffer a -5)


The Banes:

[]Primadona: You are the main attraction, and no one can say otherwise. (-10 to all costar relationship rolls if they are not friends)

[]Stage Fright: You can't stand there and do it in front of the camera, who might be watching. (-5 to all rolls, regardless of a genre unless you are comfortable in a genre.)

[]Poor Timing: You can't tell a joke to save your life. (-10 to comedy rolls)

[]Two left feet: You are clumsy, stupid, and downright terrible at moving. (-10 to choreography rolls)

[]Ugly: You have a face only a mother could love. (-10 to fan rolls)

[]Injury Prone: You have a tendency to get hurt at the worst possible times. (if you fail a choreography roll, you will suffer an injury, and the seriousness is dependent on how low the roll occurs)

[]Hated by the Media: So what, I don't give two shits about what they say about me. (-10 to all critic rolls for your performances.)

[]Blacklisted: You said some things you were not proud of back home, now no one in the Business will give you the time of day. (Rolls become far more limited until you win back the crowd.)

[]Careless: You don't need to care about safety, the crew has done everything right. (If there is an equipment failure, automatically fail)



Duke William of:

A short note, but each turn will take two in-quest months. Also, the Magoose Dice are already doing their magic. :V
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Your First Month Here: (January 1970)
The knock was louder than you thought as you shifted your feet, and was feeling uncomfortable and the feeling of dread kept rising in your stomach. The sick feeling was not going to leave you, as the door finally opened.

The man was tall, though only a little bit more than you were. His face was not scowling as you had come to expect it from so many films and television. He looked a little surprised, with the fact you were standing there at his door.

He looked up and down for a moment, examining your way of dress, and then looked at your face. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, Mr. Eastwood. My name is Bruce… Bruce O'Brian, you knew my father, William back when-"

That made Mr. Eastwood pause, and you saw him shake his head. "Will, I didn't think he was still alive, considering he fell off the face of the earth after he punched that producer in the face."

You frowned. "He owns a pub in New York now. In Hell's Kitchen, Called the Dying Light."

That made Mr. Eastwood, a stern man if you ever thought, crack a smile. "He always had a crap sense of humor, but made up for it with stupid names and jokes." He then turned to you. "So you're the Goose?"

You frowned. "Oh, he told you about that?"

"He told damn near everyone about that." He replied with a smile. "He would never stop talking about the stupid way you herded geese when you were a kid, always talked about you on set, and always had a picture ready to show us."

Mr. Eastwood stepped aside. "Come on in."

"Mr-" you started but the man just put his hand up.

"Call me Clint kid." He replied, and you realized that he was inviting you in. "You need something to drink?"

"I'm fine." You replied, before thinking again. "Do you have orange juice?"

"You're like my kids." There was a chuckle "Yeah, I'll show you."

He led you through the house and into the kitchen. "You live here?" You asked as you sat down at the table, as Clint poured a glass of juice and served it.

"Hell no, I rent this place whenever I'm working in town. I'm actually getting ready to head back to San Francisco for the premie of a new movie I'm in than try to work on a few more projects." Clint replied as you took a drink.

"Then why are you here?" You asked.

"Because a friend of mine from decades ago called a few days ago about his son running away from home, and that if he somehow shows up on my doorstep, I should talk to him about his stupid dream and how it may be a waste of time." Clint replied before you thought back to your father.

"That bastard." You swore as you were hit on the back of the head as you felt your accent slip again.

"I'd be careful about what words you say, this is my house and my rules." He stated as he sat down. "Your father told me the story, you graduated high school at 14 when most kids are freshmen." He frowned. "You had several prestigious universities and acting programs wanting to sign you up, and even the Royal Shakespeare company scouting you to join their ranks. Yet you chose to run away from home, and try your luck at Hollywood, where no one will give a shit about you?"

You looked away from him. "You have brains kid, something a lot of people don't have these days, brains… but not a lot of sense." Clint then forced you to look at him. "Tell me, something kid… Why did you throw it all away?"

"I didn't throw it away. I just wanted to be what I am." You replied.

Clint just frowned. "So you think your the next best thing than, some great kid who's going to waltz into Hollywood and people will eat from the palm of your hands?"

"No." You replied. "I want to earn this. I don't want it handed to me."

"Kid this is Hollywood, it's not what you do, it's who you know. You won't get anywhere when a thousand other people are doing the exact same thing, and want the exact same thing. Do yourself a favor, and go home. Go to college, do something with that brain of yours that will maybe give you some sense."

"Mr. Eastwood." You paused as his eyebrow raised. "Clint. I want to do this. I need to do this."

"For what, your family?" He questioned, as he squinted his eyes just as he did in his films, only this time, it filled you with dread.

And you didn't really have an answer. "I want it for myself." You replied.

Clint smiled. "You're going to need that." He then chuckled. "You're kinda like me kid. Just don't let this place destroy you as it destroyed so many like you."

"I won't."

What do you do:

You have 4 Actions:

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or an extra work in a low budget film)

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC 80 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way then being a gopher. DC 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Ask Clint for advice: Clint has been in the business for a long time, and he knows exactly what to do to get into the good graces of the Hollywood elite. DC 35 (His advice is evergreen, but it worked for him, and it might not work for you.)

[] Exercise: A healthy body is an active body, as your father would say. So you are going to try and get into real shape, so you can do the real stunts. DC 20 (After all, you are a growing boy, and need to work off that energy.)

[] Practice martial arts: You are going to watch and try to improvise how to do such a thing. Or maybe you can find someone who is actually a practitioner who knows what the hell they are doing? DC 40 (Most people who know how to fight are either actors or stunt coordinators. There are very few private dojos in LA. and most boxing clubs are not open to an amateur who is not interested in fighting professional matches)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.

[] Register in a theater: There is quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC 60 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops are going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn. Please note that your script quality will have a roll malus due to never trying something like this before.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)



So, Magoose and Fluffy both rolled for you getting an extra trait, with Fluffy doing it after. Magoose rolled a 98 and Fluffy a 90. Guess what the trait will be by reading the post...

Also, yes, I'm officially banning the both of them from rolling anymore. Bloody Magoose Dice...
Oh Dear...: Turn 1 Results and Turn 2 (January-February 1970)

You had actually considered joining another movie set, working for some low-budget B movie that was filming in Hollywood but found yourself on a tv set on the Warner backlot, for some show that you had never even heard of. Dressing in a suit and tie, everyone must have thought you were important but not so important, as you just ran around the set all day, looking for various items, and otherwise being an absolute nuisance to the director and producer who, after being rather impressed that you actually knew what they wanted...

Quietly fought over who you would be the assistant to during the remainder of the production, and after three days of arguments and fistfighting, there was a clear divide that, for the remainder of the shoot, you would be shared like some common piece of cloth.

They paid well enough, especially when you struck a chord with the producer, one James L. Brooks.

"So kid, what brings you to my lot?" He asked, as he sat you down during lunch break.

"I thought your show was filmed in Minnesota?" You asked as you read the script. "You have it written all over the margins."

"Had to get a last-minute scene in for the season, nothing too critical, but the men in suits wanted it," he replied. "I'm going, to be honest kid, your dodging the questions well, but why are you here, asking to work around as a gopher, you're too well dressed for that."

"I'm trying to make connections, do things like that, see if I can get a role somewhere?" you replied honestly.

"Trying to sneak onto a set and act like your part of the production." He paused, before giving a small laugh. "You remind me of a kid I used to know."

"Who's that?"

"No one you would know," James said. "So tell me kid, who are you?"

"Bruce, Bruce O'Brian." You replied as you held out a hand.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. O'Brian, I hope you have some luck in your adventures here in Hollywood. And a word of advice. Don't sell your soul for fame and power. it only leads you empty. Keep your soul, and yourself, and you'll be fine."

"Thank you Mr. Brooks."

Reward: +5 to Directing.

You have met: James L. Brooks.

+10 to getting a TV Roll for making a good impression on him.



Clint was waiting at his car, sitting on the hood, sunglasses on his face, as you were escorted out of the station. "I'll take it from here officer." He stated as you were let out of the cuffs.

He stood there, gazing into your soul. "What the hell happened?" He was calm, but you knew he was angry... terribly angry at what you did.

You remained quiet, as you instead looked down to your feet. "I think it might be best for the both of us that you tell me before I ship your ass back to new york, and let your father deal with you."

You frowned but did not lookup. "A man touched me-"

That earned a light slap on the head from Clint. it was not a hard slap, but one that wanted to make you look up at him. "Speak up!" He demanded.

"A man touched me-" You stated.

That made Clint's eyes narrow. "So what, that happens sometimes."

"Not on my." You looked down, and that made Clint's face turn very angry.

Clint took a very hard moment to look at you.

"I was auditioning for a TV roll, one of them asked me my age, and then my name. I was truthful to them, and then as I recited the script, he walked over and told me to sound younger. I tried. Then he told me to try harder. Then he grabbed me, and I screamed." You froze and shook your head. "Then he started laughing, as his other producers joined him, but they did not like that."

You balled your fist. "I then kicked him in the balls, and taunted him."

Clint nodded, allowing himself time to process the things he said. "You know who that man was?"

"No. He didn't say his name."

"Do you know what the show was?" He asked.

"No." You replied, wiping the tears from your face.

"it's not your fault. it's okay." Clint replied as he placed a comforting arm around you, as you felt his hand tighten around your shoulder. "We're going home."

"I thought-"

"We're going home." He stated. "We'll talk later."

Critical Failure!

The producer who assaulted you has spread some nasty rumors about you assaulting him during an audition. You don't know who he is, but you know he is a bad man who enjoys the power that he holds over people.

You will suffer a -5 to auditions for the rest of the year.

Your confidence has taken a very nasty hit.


Script writing=>74-10=>64

Without really going out into the streets to find work, you found yourself in front of Clint's Typewriter, writing down your thoughts, and reading old screenplays to get an idea on how to write a screenplay.

You instead took a chance to just practice formating, writing dialogue... and just learning how to write a screenplay.

Clint even gave a few pointers, and reminded you multiple times that, above all else, they were drafts for something.

They were meant to be not only to be change, but must be changed. He'd never seen a script not go through revisions.

Reward: +5 to Script writing stat. You have a feeling that you see your own work in the acting... but with your own script, it would be fare more authentic.


Telephone call=>25

The phone rang again, and you were happy when it answered. "Hey boyo!" Your father cheered. "Make a million yet on your first staring role?"

"Nothing yet dad." you replied with a frown as you felt a great deal of stress fall on you. "i couldn't get a job."

Your father seemed to laugh. "don't be hard on yourself boy, you're going to be fine."

"Dad... were there any scumbags when you worked?" You asked, and almost immediately, his tone changed.

"My god boy, don't tell me you used your real age?" He said.

"I did." You replied.

There was a long sigh. "I've heard stories about some of the boys who work there still, being touched in places that they shouldn't be touched. You okay?"

"I kicked him in the balls." You replied. "Hurt him a lot more than he hurt me."

"Good lad. Just don't make it a habit of kicking producers, otherwise, you might not get work."

"Dad, are you-"

"Sometimes you may be in uncomfortable situations. You're young, but do not compromise who you are for fame and fortune. You should keep your dignity."

"You're the second person who's told me that." You replied.

"Really... then you must have found someone smart. Try to keep that in mind. And if you have to, talk to Clint, he's always good for good advice on the business."

Reward: You talk to your dad. Everything in your head seems to look better.


You have 4 Actions:
[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or an extra work in a low budget film)

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC 80 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way then being a gopher. DC 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Ask Clint for advice: Clint has been in the business for a long time, and he knows exactly what to do to get into the good graces of the Hollywood elite. DC 35 (His advice is evergreen, but it worked for him, and it might not work for you.)

[] Exercise: A healthy body is an active body, as your father would say. So you are going to try and get into real shape, so you can do the real stunts. DC 20 (After all, you are a growing boy, and need to work off that energy.)

[] Practice martial arts: You are going to watch and try to improvise how to do such a thing. Or maybe you can find someone who is actually a practitioner who knows what the hell they are doing? DC 40 (Most people who know how to fight are either actors or stunt coordinators. There are very few private dojos in LA. and most boxing clubs are not open to an amateur who is not interested in fighting professional matches)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.

[] Register in a theater: There is quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC 60 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops are going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn. Please note that your script quality will have a roll malus due to never trying something like this before.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)
[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few quest
ions, like how he met your father? DC 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)


Listen, Magoose Dice, I understand you're upset and all, but did you really have to go that far?
Turn 2 Results (March-April 1970)
Ask Clint for advice: Clint has been in the business for a long time, and he knows exactly what to do to get into the good graces of the Hollywood elite. DC 35 (His advice is evergreen, but it worked for him, and it might not work for you.) Rolled: 53

Clint was sitting down on a chair, his face staring out into the city skyline of the city of Angels, and he was quietly pondering his thoughts. "You alright?"

You sat down next to him. You were not feeling the best right now. How could you, you had just... went through an experience that you did not like, nor want to experience again. "Did I make a mistake?" The question was evergreen, but that did not stop you from asking.

"You thinking of giving up? to go back home and become like everyone else?" Clint replied.

You nodded, without replying.

"I can see the appeal." He stated as he pulled out a picture of his family. "I've met a lot of unsavory folk in my time, and the people who told me I would fail. They were the ones who were like the man whom you dealt with, the man who decided to be controlling and perverse. They have no understanding of the craft, only that it can make them money." He looked to his family, then he shook his head. "Hollywood is a business, but what you need to do, is not be so confrontational when that kind of situation happens again."


"Let me finish." Clint interrupted. "That is not to say that you shouldn't stand up for your own dignity, and for what's right. All You need to do is choose the battles you want to fight, the enemies you wish to make, and of course, what are you willing to do for the next role. And above all else, be professional, polite, and efficient. Don't make enemies when you can make friends."

"That seems like simple advice my father can give me." You snarked, which earned you a tap on the head from Clint. "Hey!"

"There is also one more thing you should know... Stand out a little bit, never become one note... and if you chose to be one-note, be the best one note you can be." He said.

"Like you in Westerns?"

This time, Clint frowned. "I'm not a one-trick pony, you can see that in some of the other works?"

"Yeah, a hard-boiled badass who uses a revolver and stops evildoers with righteous justice... where have I seen that before?" You smiled.

"You're a piece of work kid," Clint stated as you began to chuckle.

"Yeah, but so are you old man." You replied.

"I'm not that old." Clint shot back, joining the chuckle.

Reward: You get some advice from Clint.

+2 to Auditioning in roles.

You had decided to do something quite different


Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or an extra work in a low budget film) Rolled:38

Acting in Commercial: 99

The auditions did not go as well as you like. Sure you actually got a job, but that was beside the point. It was for some TV commercial that was trying to sell toys.

Rockem Sokem Robots was the name.

You did not look like a boxer. At least that was what you thought. But the executives wanted a flyweight to go up against another, heavier opponent and beat him with an uppercut.

You may not have had experience with boxing, but you did, however, have the height... you were shorter than the man who you were faced by a full seven inches, had a wingspan that was much longer than your own

And you looked skinny, despite the exercise you did over the last two months.

So after two hours of practice, you and your opponent went through a sparring match, and the makeup crew bloodied you up. For almost two hours, you did a good job taking and giving a fake beating.

It was even fun at some point when you and the guy you were fighting were just having fun by doing cartoonish movies like jobs with the head as a punching bag.

And finally, when the grand finale was called, you and your opponent decided to make it extra special and cartoony, to really sell the head going off the neck of the robots.

You did an uppercut with a light jump, so it looked like you had to jump right off your feet to even reach the guy's chin, and send him tumbling down.

All acted, seeing as you needed to look smaller by standing several feet away.

Two days later, you learned that the commercial you had been in had aired.

"That was fast." You commented as the commercial came on.

Clint smiled. "This is Hollywood kid, under budget and ahead of schedule will get you more friends than god."

You rolled your eyes. "It looks pretty crappy."

"I know. but count your blessings, some executive kid might see you on screen and say who is this guy?"

"Never going to happen." You replied.

"Glad to see you still have some sense," Clint replied. "Now could you help me move something, heavyweight?"

"Are you really going to do that?" You asked.

"Would I rather call you goose?" He shot back.

"Everyone calls me goose, except for those that don't know me." You rolled your eyes. "So you want a drink?"

"Some water. You need that too, with all the running your doing."

"Not just running," you replied.

"Try swimming, that will really help those muscles work."

You frowned. "I can't swim Clint."

"Well, I can teach you if you want?"

"Fine." You said.

Reward: Your first job has been completed, a commercial for Rockem Sokemrobots.

You did very well acting like the underdog.

+5 to acting skill.

Maybe you might get lucky and get a role.


Exercise: A healthy body is an active body, as your father would say. So you are going to try and get into real shape, so you can do the real stunts. DC 20 (After all, you are a growing boy, and need to work off that energy.) Rolled: 66

Clint threw you in the pool.

"WHAT the hell!" You shouted as you surfaced spitting water out of your mouth. "I got water in my mouth!"

"The first thing you need to know is that the pool is ten feet deep, come towards me, and it will get shallower," Clint ordered. "You are not in any danger, as long as I am watching."

You moved, slowly, towards the shallow end of the pool and soon your tiptoes touched the safety of the tile beneath your feet. "Why did you do that?"

"To see how you would react," Clint replied. "You wanted help, I'm giving it to you."

"But why did you throw me in!"

Cling smiled. "Because you deserve it."

"For what?"

"Living in my house for one thing, without paying."

Okay, he had a point. "So... what now?"

"First I'm going to teach you how to float so that when your body is tired, you can regain your energy," Clint replied. "Then how to properly execute a series of strokes to propel you, and to move you."

You frowned. "And then?"

"Hopefully you can look good for the girls at the beach." He replied. "You just have to keep it up, every day."

"I will." You proclaimed.

"Will you with a pretty girl on your mind?" He asked. His smile said everything when you did not answer. "Thought so."

Reward: You learn how to swim from Clint.

He's very happy that you were able to take it up as quickly as you did, and he thinks it will really help you stay in, and get in, good shape.


Practice martial arts: You are going to watch and try to improvise how to do such a thing. Or maybe you can find someone who is actually a practitioner who knows what the hell they are doing? DC 40 (Most people who know how to fight are either actors or stunt coordinators. There are very few private dojos in LA. and most boxing clubs are not open to an amateur who is not interested in fighting professional matches) Rolled: 96

You awoke outside someone's house.

Or rather on a chair outside of someone's house, with bandages on your face and torso.

And a man standing before you. "Oh shit!" you swore as you flailed around trying to get to your feet.

The man just looked at you, before looking back to the gate. He was an Asian man, but something about him made you feel safe, calm, and you realized that he was extremely focused on you... "Your that kid that's living with Mr. Eastwood? Aren't you?"

"I am." You replied.

"Found you getting beaten up by a bunch of punks... mind telling me what happened?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" You asked.

"You in my chair, at my house, after I tended to you." He stated. "Tell me."

You sat up, feeling the pain in your ribs. "They were beating on a girl. calling her names, pulling at her hair, groping her. I couldn't just stand there."

"So you think your batman? thinking you can stop all the crime in the world with your fists?" the man smiled.

"No, just wanted to help her. Maybe talk things out. Didn't work out as you can see."

The man nodded. "You're right. Your lucky that you were not hurt worse."

You froze and shook your head. "Wish I could have fought them better."

That made the man chuckle. "Would you like to?"


"Then take note and if you want to continue… come back tomorrow."

Critical Success:

You have met Bruce Lee and have become a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do.

Gain trait: Athletic: You are in incredible shape, and can do things that really help you. (+10 to choreography rolls. -10 to all injury roll)


You met Bruce Lee. Because of course you did, this is a quest involving Magoose Dice. :V Guess who rolled for that one.
My Body's Aching, but I Feel Alright: Turn 3 (May 1970)
You groaned as your body ached. "I thought exercise made you feel better, not make your hurt more."

Clint for his part seemed to enjoy you sprawled out on the couch. "Better be careful kid, Family is coming over and I need you on the best behavior. I don't want to give my wife any ideas?"

"What, that you owed my dad a favor and am now freeloading on your couch trying to make it big in Hollywood?" You shot back, then you took it back, which caused Clint to squint at you.

But after almost six months of living together, you were immune to such a mainly stare. and it only annoyed you. "You sure you don't need glasses, Clint?" You asked as you sat up.

"No, do you?" He shot back.

"No, but with the way Bruce's training is going I might need a new back." You stated.

Clint shook his head. "The fact you managed to pass through multiple belts and get Bruce's approval to rank up says more about your skill as a martial artist and your body's toughness than it does about the pain you suffer."

"I was foolish enough to challenge him to a spar, and he just... walked up to me, and held out his hand an inch away from my chest, and punched me."

"A good lesson in humility," Clint replied with a chuckle.

"A painful one." You groaned. "He said that I was too ridged like wood, and needed to flow more, like water. Whatever the hell that means?"

Clint for his part only chuckled. "Oh by the time your my age, you'll wish to be water."

You frowned. "Not you too."

"Come on, get up and get dressed, time to introduce you to the family."


New Actions:

[]Brooks Booking: James Brooks gave you a call, and told you he needed help. A guest star of his he hired bailed at the last second and he needed a replacement. He thought of you. DC: 70 Reward: You join whatever project that he needed a guest star for?

[]To Become Like Water: Bruce said that if you wanted to get a gig from one of his agents, a gig that involved fighting, you had to build up credentials as a legitimate fighter. So he signed you up for a youth martial arts tournament without your permission and made a bet. Win, and he'll do everything in his power to help you get a starring role. DC: 60 Reward: You fight for your life, and a role.

[]Met the Family: Clint has his family in town, for the Premiere of Dirty Harry. He wishes you to meet them, and join them. DC: 20 Reward: You mee the Eastwood family.

[]A Reputation: You are going to battle that fucking producer that molested you, and you are going to raise all the hell you need. Even if it's just the press. DC:??? Reward: You raise hell and try your best to reclaim your dignity.

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low budget film)

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC 80 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC 60 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn. Please note that your script quality will have a roll malus due to never trying something like this before.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Family's a Bitch: So your brother and sister have learned you are in town. Oh shit, this is going to end badly. Hopefully, this will not be like the awkward thanksgiving where Dad pulled out a shotgun and threatened bodily harm to his son-in-law. All you can remember is the witty line that was said by your brother-in-law. "All I see is a cautionary tale about guns." DC: 15 Reward: You meet your brother and sister after so long. and try to keep them from killing each other.


Let's keep the discussion civil as it is now, alright? Don't force the mods here, please. :V
Family, Friends, and Fighting: Turn 3 Results (May-June 1970)
Brooks Booking: 10

Mr. Brooks shut the door to his office, and sighed. "I tried kid."

"Tried what?" You asked, as you felt a feeling of dread.

"Getting you a job, but according to my bosses, your tainted goods kid." He stated. "Listen I know the man who you auditioned for, I know him personally and belive me, he has a vendetta against you because you did someone no one else in this town can do."

"What's that?" You asked.

"Stand up to his ass." He replied as he sat down and handed over a glass. "Drink?"

"I'm underage." You stated.

"Suit yourself." He replied. "I'm going to tell you straight... my bosses think you're a loose cannon that will hurt people and are trying their damndest to get you out of town and blacklist you here in America?"

"I made that much or an impression by kicking him in the balls." You asked.

"You kicked Darryl Zanuck in the balls." He stated. "And while that name might not have the power as it used to, it's got pull."

"He touched me, and I refused to let my dignity be taken away from me." You stated.

"Believe me, kid, he went too far, but he really does not like you, and that means, unless you prove him wrong, or make him look the fool. And as much as I'd like to see you succeed kid, I can't risk my career without assurances."

"Like what, a more chipper submissive attitude." You replied.

"No, start by becoming one of the most successful kids in Hollywood." He replied. "I can't help you right now, but know that I will, when I get the chance."

You nodded. "Thanks."

"To your health Bruce." Brooks replied.

Failure: Brooks cannot help you until you have a few roles under your belt.

But when he can help, expect some big help.


To Become Like Water: 62

Your hand was raised but you could not feel jubilation as your hand was still shaking.

Clint and his family were clapping, congratulating you as you continued shaking.

Bruce was smiling on the sideline, as he carried his son Brandon in his arms, and his daughter Sharon on his shoulders holding onto his head. Linda's gaze was clearly into Clint's, as you knew all to well that, while Clint was a nice man, he was not very... happy with you becoming a friend with your instructor's family.

A half-hour later, you were sitting on a sidewalk, eating some ice cream as Bruce joined you. "Goose." He said, calling you the nickname that was what he called you now. "You did well."

"I'm surprised that you didn't want to congratulate me earlier." You asked, as you finished it.

"Your... guardian was not very kind to me, and I believed that it may have turned into a spectacle that would take away from your victory. It was your moment, not mine, nor his."

"Clint's not good seeing things from another perspective, for all his kindness for me, he's never really been one to try and see it from another-" You stopped to find another word.

"Point of view?" Bruce replied though the fact he looked to his hands made you realize what he meant.

"I don't think he'd get very far." You stated. "I'm an Irishman, I was born in New York, but I was raised in Dublin until I was six then I moved back to the states when my father relocated permanently, as much as I wish to be an American, I know my heart belongs to the Isle. But the problem is, someday, people may see me as an American. I may even see myself as an American." you frowned. "Do you think you can become an American?"

Bruce shook his head. "I believe what I am, and know what I am. What I am to you, is what you decide."

You did not want to deal with this. "Really, riddles right now?"

"You're smart, you can figure it out." He said. "Oh and I might need some help babysitting Brandon and Sharon next week, is it possible you can take some time."

"I'll do my best." You replied.

"Do more than that, be better than your best and you will be rewarded with excellence that will last forever." He stated.

"I won the bet. So, you gonna help me get a job?" You asked.

"Yes, of course, I'm a man of my word. But know this, you may not like the... way I may do it."

"If you're going to kick my ass on film, there are worse ways to get started." You replied.

Bruce smiled. "Funny... Now tell me, is your Chinese any good?"

"Why?" You asked.

"We're going to Hong Kong in a few months. To discuss a film that I'm starring in. You best start learning." He said.

Reward: You have gained a Role in the Hong Kong Action Film: The Big Boss (Fist of Fury). Turns out, Bruce is starring in it and has some sway with the screenwriter and director, to give you a minor role in the project.

You will leave for Hong Kong in 1971. Prepare accordingly.


Met the Family: 36

It was awkward, to say the least, not only because of the situation you find yourself in, but for... the Rest of the Eastwood Family, it was not.

Sure you were a youngster living with Clint as an understudy, though you don't like being called that, you were sure that they at least weren't mad at you.

The problem was that, they were mad at Clint for not telling them about your situation, and the fact you were struggling to get work.

But at the end of it all, you were pretty sure you had the Eastwoods' family blessing to continue living in their Hollywood home.

Reward: You made a good impression to the Eastwood family, and they accept that you are now part of their lives.


Family's a Bitch: 97

Cat looked great when she squeezed you into her pregnant belly. "It's good to see you brother!" She said with a happy smile, her hands scrubbing against your head. "And you got so big, why didn't you tell us you were in the city, we could have prepared something special!"

Oh god. "Good to see you too Cat... Please let go." You groaned as she let you go.

Her husband, Joseph was right behind her, as your sister let go and you stretched back. "Joe, good to see you again." You said as you stretched your back.

The Irishman smiled. "Good to see you lad. Why the hell are you in Hollywood, I heard that the Royal Shakespeare company wanted a piece of you?"

"Well, I didn't want to work for the Queen?" You replied.

That made Joe frown. "I thought you said you were keeping your nose clean of politics? Tell me the real reason rather than the one you tell everyone else to save your pride."

You joined him with a frown on your face. "I wanted to work in Hollywood instead of in Britain. I thought I was talented enough to make my name on my own. Turns out I needed a lot of help."

"I think you made a mistake for your career, you love Shakespeare." He said.

"What are you, my father Joseph?" You scowled as you walked outside, pushing past him. "I've made my bloody choice, could you accept that."

"I am going to accept that you idiot, only because your too stubborn to listen to anyone else." He stated.

"Alright you two, calm down." Cat placed a hand on both your shoulders before pushing you both away to prevent any difficulties. "Come on, let's be supportive, Bruce came here on his own volition, the least we can do is try and help him."

"Yeah, but what the hell does-" Joseph tried to argue, but then he just glared, before he turned around in surprise. "Oh hi, Gav."

Then you saw your brother Gavin, walk out of his car, his smile adorning his face. Your grimaced, as you remembered the last time those two were together. "Gavin."

Then Gavin walked up and hugged Cat, then held out his hand. "Joe, good to see you mate, how is the nephew growing?"

Wait, they were nice to each other? They were not angry at eachother. "Who the hell are you and where have you put Gavin?" You asked.

"Oh nice to see you too Goose." Gavin replied with a scowl before hitting you in the head with a soft slap. "Threw away a perfectly good chance to play in the Royal Shakespeare company and goes to Hollywood like a fool, and doesn't even visit the family when he gets here? For shame."

You frowned. "I thought you two still hated each other?"

"Oh me and joe, that's all in the past now. Good news is, Cat has a short film that she's directing soon, and I wrote it, apparently the studio needs something to pad out the runtime for some film and needed something great. She got a job as assistant director... or whatever the fuck its called."

Cat frowned. "And you've only written TV scripts for the last few years."

"I see you both have had some success." You stated. "But not insane amounts."

"Well we wanted to help you. I have a strong feeling that you might have the best chance out of all of us, so we'll do what we can to help you."

"Why me?" You asked.

Cat smiled. "Because your the only one who took acting seriously. and in this town, that's where the money is."


Gain a Bonus of +5 to learn screenwriting and directing for the next two years. Gain a +10 to all your rolls for your first two roles.




Scheduled vote count started by Duke William of on Feb 15, 2022 at 3:52 PM, finished with 38 posts and 18 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Family and Training
    -[x]Brooks Booking: James Brooks gave you a call, and told you he needed help. A guest star of his he hired bailed at the last second and he needed a replacement. He thought of you. DC: 70 Reward: You join whatever project that he needed a guest star for?
    -[x]To Become Like Water: Bruce said that if you wanted to get a gig from one of his agents, a gig that involved fighting, you had to build up credentials as a legitimate fighter. So he signed you up for a youth martial arts tournament without your permission and made a bet. Win, and he'll do everything in his power to help you get a starring role. DC: 60 Reward: You fight for your life, and a role.
    -[x]Met the Family: Clint has his family in town, for the Premiere of Dirty Harry. He wishes you to meet them, and join them. DC: 20 Reward: You mee the Eastwood family.
    -[x]Family's a Bitch: So your brother and sister have learned you are in town. Oh shit, this is going to end badly. Hopefully, this will not be like the awkward thanksgiving where Dad pulled out a shotgun and threatened bodily harm to his son-in-law. All you can remember is the witty line that was said by your brother-in-law. "All I see is a cautionary tale about guns." DC: 15 Reward: You meet your brother and sister after so long. and try to keep them from killing each other.
    [X] Plan: Work, Work
    -[x]Brooks Booking: James Brooks gave you a call, and told you he needed help. A guest star of his he hired bailed at the last second and he needed a replacement. He thought of you. DC: 70 Reward: You join whatever project that he needed a guest star for?
    -[x]To Become Like Water: Bruce said that if you wanted to get a gig from one of his agents, a gig that involved fighting, you had to build up credentials as a legitimate fighter. So he signed you up for a youth martial arts tournament without your permission and made a bet. Win, and he'll do everything in his power to help you get a starring role. DC: 60 Reward: You fight for your life, and a role.
    -[x]Met the Family: Clint has his family in town, for the Premiere of Dirty Harry. He wishes you to meet them, and join them. DC: 20 Reward: You mee the Eastwood family.
    -[X] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low budget film)
High-Riding to Hong Kong: Turn 4 (July 1970)
You felt very excited as you got prepared for the day, something that was far and away one of the strangest sights you were sure that Clint Eastwood had ever seen.

And you happy without a care in the world was not one of them. "You are in a good mood." He stated.

"I am. Wanna know why?" You asked.

Clint raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his coffee. "Be quick kid, I've got a shoot today."

"I got a job."

That made Clint nearly spit his coffee out. "You did, that's great!" He set his mug down before giving you a good clasp on the shoulder. "You on your way to getting out of my house."

"I thought you liked me here, your kids certainly do," you replied.

"Just because my kids like you does not mean you get to stay any longer than necessary. So where is the job at? New York? England?" He was excited, a rare thing for you to really see on his face and in his voice.

"China, Hong Kong." You stated without hesitation.

Clint then seemed less excited, less thrilled than he was just seconds ago. "China?"

"yes." You repeated.

Clint took a seat, drumming his fingers on the table with his coffee long forgotten. minutes of awkward and sullen silence passed, before he finally spoke again. "I don't think that's a good idea?"

That surprised you. "Really? But you worked in Italy?"

"That was different." He replied, a low growl in his voice. "Italy was safe?"

"And so is Hong Kong." You replied. "It's not like I'm going to Russia or something like that."

"I've heard rumors that the Triads are involved with Hong Kong Films... lots of illegal money." He said.

"I'll be careful." You replied.

"Be more then careful." He stated.

"I promise." You replied.

You had never seen Clint that scared before.

And that worried you.

Choose 4 actions:

[]Prepare for The Fury (Script): You are going to look at the translated draft of the Script, and try your best to get something resembling practice in. The Problem is, most of the script is action-based with pictures, and that is not the best language to read a screenplay. DC: 65 Reward: You read the script and get familiar with a screen presence.

[]Prepare for the Fury (Training): While Bruce's Exercise regime was certainly intense, he asked that you do something far more demanding, both to keep up with him in the event that you may fight, and not get your ass kicked, but also to get you prepared for Hong Kong's demanding action cinema stunt work. DC: 60 Reward: You get into shape for the film.

[]Negotiate Fee: You know there is no price for exposure... but you are also needing to repay the kindness of Clint and his family. DC:??? Reward: You learn how much you are getting paid and if you can squeeze a little more.

[]Prepare for the Fury (Role Change): You want to see if Bruce is willing to give you a larger role, or failing that, just something badass to do? DC: 70 Reward: you get a larger role, and maybe something more.

[]Learn Chinese: You are going to make a movie in China. You are going to need to be a gracious guest, and try and learn the language. To not be an asshole like the Brits are. DC: 40 Reward: You learn Chinese.

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low budget film)

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC 80 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC 60 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn. Please note that your script quality will have a roll malus due to never trying something like this before.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)
How Does This Keep Happening: Turn 4 Results (July-August 1970)
-[X]Prepare for The Fury (Script): You are going to look at the translated draft of the Script, and try your best to get something resembling practice in. The Problem is, most of the script is action-based with pictures, and that is not the best language to read a screenplay. DC: 65 Reward: You read the script and get familiar with a screen presence. Rolled: 65

When you first looked at the script you had thought it was going to be impossible to understand considering the very real possibility of... interpreting the script's contents. What dialogue that was there was written in Cantonese, but it was only short phrases and the passable Cantonese you did know was enough for you to get by.

But that still left you with the problem of understanding some of the more difficult action parts that were being prepared, not only for Bruce himself but for his entire stunt team he was working with.

After a few hours of just, not being able to read it, you decided to look for something to inspire you and get the boredom off of your mind, and the frustration that you have been seeing.

It led you to a comic book store. And then to a Superman comic, and an old one where he was boxing. Flipping through the pages, following your eyes to fight, then to the cover itself.

And then it hit you. When you looked back from back to front, going through the pages twice, you knew what to do.

Read the script as a comic book, but backward.

Everything was entirely backward. When you ran home, and then it made sense.

Everything from Bruce's action scenes, to even... you in the potential role. It was amazing. You had wondered how such motion could be conveyed through just pictures, even crudely drawn pictures, but that was just following the eye to the detail.

It was amazing, and you understood everything.

All you had to do was just keep it up.

Reward: You have read through the "Script" and are prepared for its very action-heavy setpieces, and movements.

Will suffer no malus to filming.


-[X]Prepare for the Fury (Training): While Bruce's Exercise regime was certainly intense, he asked that you do something far more demanding, both to keep up with him in the event that you may fight, and not get your ass kicked, but also to get you prepared for Hong Kong's demanding action cinema stunt work. DC: 60 Reward: You get into shape for the film. Rolled: 93

You began training with Bruce and a few of his other students on a more frequent basis a few days after you fully understood the script and what he and his production crew were going to put you through. Even if you didn't get more than a minute of screentime, he wanted you to be prepared for the very demanding work.

He put you through a very intense training regime. One that he had informed you was based on his own, both to prepare you, and to make you stronger.

It was... needless to say, the hardest you had ever worked out in your life. Ten miles run every day, with very strict dietary restrictions to build muscle.

And then there was the weight lifting. Something that confused you greatly.

"Uh, Bruce? I thought weightlifting was something that martial artists avoided doing to prevent their muscles from growing too large?" You asked as he showed you both the pullup bar, the weightlifting bench, and the dumbbells he had prepared. "And why are you letting me use them?"

"First, the weightlifting program you are doing is lighter than mine, and one that will help you with one thing, power, and mind-muscle connection. you build the muscles in the body and the connection to it. This helps with that." Bruce stated.

"Yeah, but why the Weights?" You asked.

"Simple, Power!" Bruce cheerfully said with a smile. "And there is a simple fact that you are focusing far too hard on seeing this role as just a job." There was a pause. "This is far more than that. It is becoming one's self, as you are doing right now."

"Why are you so worried about what I want?" You asked.

"Simple, I was young once, and foolish, making many mistakes that I regretted once I grew up to not see the world only through my own arrogance and self. I became a better person. I merely wish to help others strive to become better." He was focused now. "Yet you did very well in training, but you just want to be an actor? Or something more?"

You frowned. "I want to be an actor, not just for the fame and fortune, but because in the end, I'll be something more. Hopefully a legend."

Bruce, for all his humbleness, seemed to smile at that. "At least your arrogance is far less self-destructive than others."

"I hope that's a compliment?" You asked.

"it is." He said. "I'm just happy you aren't going around beating up kids."

You and Bruce then laughed, before Bruce finally stopped. "Very well... Tell me, are you ready?"

You smiled and got into your stance. "Oh hell yeah!"

And you both went all out.

Bruce won. But he was very impressed that you lasted longer than three minutes.

Reward: You are fully ready for the role and its very physical demands. You can now write in your own stunts during production and it will have only a dc of 30.

Changing the Script now has a lower DC.

Chemistry Roll with Bruce increases by 15.

Please note that Bruce has not given you permission to beat him on film and will not accept such a proposal.


-[X]Learn Chinese: You are going to make a movie in China. You are going to need to be a gracious guest, and try and learn the language. To not be an asshole like the Brits are. DC: 40 Reward: You learn Chinese. Rolled: 53

It took a few weeks, but you managed to get very conversationally fluent with Cantonese.

It was quite funny that when you spoke to Bruce, he was completely surprised by you speaking it.

Then criticized you for butchering a few words, and sought to assist you with handling the proper pronunciation.

Reward: You are now conversationally fluent in Cantonese. There will be a far less hostile atmosphere on set when filming begins.


-[X] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said. Rolled: 88

You took a deep breath as you continued walking down the street, wondering what the hell you were doing. You were just trying to clear your head but now you were just walking.

Trying to sort your sorry head out.

Instead, you found yourself walking into another part of town where another person was walking. And you just sat down on a park bench.

Soon you found yourself joined by the same person, sitting down and sighing. "You in town for business or family?" He asked.

"Come again?" You asked, as you looked at the man, and scooted away, feeling unsafe and uncomfortable as the man relaxed on the bench.

"Am I scaring you kid?" He asked as you felt concern in his voice. "I don't look like a scary guy?"

"Yeah well, so was the last guy." You frowned, before looking to stand up.

The man relaxed, he had confidence and was cool as a cat, and obviously knew that he was making you uncomfortable. "Robert." He said, offering a handshake. "Names Robert."

You returned it. "Bruce."

"Well kid, I'm here for work, and you're all dressed up, meaning you either ran away from home to sweet on a girl or your working in the city? And I don't think you're a businessman. So what are you working for the bright lights in the big city?" He asked.

"Maybe not in Hollywood, but soon, I'm going to carve my name into this city." You replied.

"Good luck kid." He said. "I'm sure you'll make it." he then stood up.

You took a good look at his face. "Do I know you from somewhere?" You asked.

The man smiled. "God, I hope not. Not yet at least."

Reward: You met a man named Robert, who really likes the gumption you have.



...Magoose Dice are very much in effect here, since of course, you get the 88 roll on a 10 DC action. :V
Fistful of Choices: Turn 5 (September 1970)
It was a quiet morning, as you could not sleep. You were at your sister's house, and you were feeling like hell. "What happened last night?" You groaned as you felt ice get placed on your feet. And it was not a comfortable feeling.

"Well, do you want the before or the after the beating you took when you were protecting that girl?" Your sister said as you sat up.

"There was a girl?" You asked.

"Yeah, you and Bruce were walking home when a couple of thugs were harassing a girl. You stepped in and you kicked ass, and got your ass kicked in return." She replied.

"Now hold still, I need to get some more ice."

"Bruce just watched me?" You asked as your head throbbed.

"He tried to stop you. But he made sure you got home after you led the girl home." Your sister said.

"At least there won't be any more surprises." You replied.

That was when you noticed the water leaking down your sister's leg.

"Oh." There was a small pause as you processed what was going on. "Please tell me you know a midwife?" You asked.

Your sister screamed, and you moved to get her to her bed. And call people, lots of people, most importantly, the midwife, and then your father.


"She's beautiful." You cooed as your little niece moved and cooed in the wrapped blanket she was in.

Bruce, his family, Clint, and his own family, and damn near everyone in the family that knew you or lived near here had arrived to give their good wishes and congratulations.
You were waiting outside as you sat down. "Well, I didn't expect that to happen when I woke up this morning." You quipped as you shook your head.

"Life is like that kid, you always got to learn to roll with the punches, and work things out." Clint said as he handed over a glass of water. "Nervous?" He asked.

"About what, the role. No." You stated. "I'm more worried about what I'll miss when I'm gone." You replied. "I thought you were in San Francisco filming?"

"Was, but we have to get some permits that the city is stalling for, but it should be smooth sailing after that, and I'm working on a script that you might like if I ever finish." He stated.

"What is it?" You asked. "A Western?"

Clint gazed out to the sky. "I don't know just yet. Maybe, but that's just the thing, I don't know. It's just an idea."

"Can't be any worse than whatever some hack is writing?" You asked. "Tell me?"

Clint smiled. "Fine you little shit, I'll tell ya. It's about some kid who's got a dream that is impossible. And this old man who's trying to teach him to use that thing between his ears."

You frowned. "Really Clint, just using me as a punching bag?"

Clint chuckled. "You asked."

"Yeah, I deserve it." You stated. "But I never got a chance to thank you."

"You already do kid." He stated. "Don't thank me till your at the top." He then put a hand on your shoulder. "Come on, let's play the dotting spoilers to your sister's baby."



Do you time skip to the beginning of Production of The Big Boss (Fists of Fury)?:

[]Yes: Will automatically negotiate fee and script changes, and it will be January of 1971, in Hong Kong, for storyboarding and scripting. You will also be celebrating a birthday.

[]No: You aren't ready for production just yet.


If you choose no,

You have 4 actions:

[]Negotiate Fee: You know there is no price for exposure... but you are also needing to repay the kindness of Clint and his family. DC:??? Reward: You learn how much you are getting paid and if you can squeeze a little more.

[]Prepare for the Fury (Role Change): You want to see if Bruce is willing to give you a larger role, or failing that, just something badass to do? DC: 45 Reward: you get a larger role, and maybe something more.

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low budget film)

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC 80 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC 60 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn. Please note that your script quality will have a roll malus due to never trying something like this before.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)


You have a choice here, folks.


That's it, that's all I could come up with. :V
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