Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

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With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Name: Bruce "The Goose" O'Brian
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Birthdate: September 15th, 1954
Nationality: Irish/American Citizen (Born in New York, Hell Kitchen, Raised in Ireland until you were 6)
Reputation: Unknown (No one knows who you are)

Acting: 20 (You are a green actor, with experience, but otherwise completely new at the craft professionally.)

Screenwriting: 10 (You have talent, and by talent, you mean you can write in the English language proficiently.)

Directing: 5 (Your ability to direct is absolutely shit. You have no training)

Classically Trained Actor: You have always learned how to be a consummate professional, no matter the script, the quality or the movie, or the others. (+5 to all rolls within a job, regardless of quality, budget and costars.)

Connected: Despite everything, you know people that will want you to succeed. (+10 to getting a role)

Irish: You are a son of the Emerald Isle and a child of Britiania. (Certain rolls are open to you which may be restricted to you otherwise if you were an American)

Athletic: You are in incredible shape, and can do things that really help you. (+10 to choreography rolls. -10 to all injury roll)
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Shil-I mean, Promoting Others.
Also, go check out Overmind's new MCU Producer Quest, it's great, the ideas are wild, the VFX crew aren't screwing up this time but the composers are, and I promised to shill promote for him. :V

On a Dream and a Prayer: A Marvel Producer Quest

A new Universe, a new Producer, a new MCU.
Bruce the Goose (Updated Sheet.)
I can't update the front page, so I instead, place one to update.

Name: Bruce "The Goose" O'Brian
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Birthdate: September 15th, 1954
Nationality: Irish/American Citizen (Born in New York, Hell Kitchen, Raised in Ireland until you were 6)
Reputation: A-Lister

Martial Arts known: Tai chi, Jeet Kun Doo, Boxing.

Acting: 100 (You are an actor, one of the best in Hollywood.)

Screenwriting: 19 (You have talent, and by talent, you mean you can write in the English language proficiently.)

Directing: 75 (Your ability to direct is more competent now.)

Classically Trained Actor: You have always learned how to be a consummate professional, no matter the script, the quality or the movie, or the others. (+5 to all rolls within a job, regardless of quality, budget, and costars.)

Fire Arms Expert: You have been trained in the handling and care of firearms. It was an incredible feat of athleticism, and training from you. (+20 to choreography rolls in any role that features guns. -20 to production accidents when you are on set, as you can help and not screw around)

Connected: Despite everything, you know people that will want you to succeed. (+10 to getting a role)

Irish: You are a son of the Emerald Isle and a child of Britannia. (Certain rolls are open to you which may be restricted to you otherwise if you were an American)

Distrustful of Media: You despise the Media and those that seek to violate your privacy (-10 to all rolls involving the Media)

Action director: When it comes to action, you are among the best in the world. (+30 to all action scenes. When directing Action films, you have the ability to reroll any failed action.)

Athletic: You are in incredible shape, and can do things that really help you. (+30 to choreography rolls. -30 to all injury roll)
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Your Reputation (Major Players):
Your Reputation (Major Players):

American Movie Industry (1): You are an unknown Actor that has a reputation for causing trouble, but your unbridled professionalism, and your willingness to work for cheap, have made you somewhat of a person of interest to the Studios.

George Lucas (+5) You saved his bacon with the angel donation for THX-1138. For that he wants you to be part of the next project he's working on. Something he will tell you about soon.

Francis Ford Coppola (+5) George's Friend, and another producer wants you to be part of one of his next projects, Though he said that it would "Be a good one"

Bruce Lee (+10) You are the student. He is the master, it's that simple.

Clint Eastwood (+7) Thankfully, you no longer sleep on his couch. But hey. He's a fun guy to be around, though a bit serious.

(Not known by Any other Major Studio's)
American TV Industry (-4) You are an upstart that destroyed one of the big TV channels. They are… needless to say, very wary of you. The fact you were so professional, however, made many think the stories around you are lies… Or better yet, all true.

James L Brooks (+4) A guy who helped you with a job. He's also been silently rooting for you every step of the way.

-CBS Remnants (-10) They despise you, above all else, and they want to see you destroyed for not only destroying their company, but making them lose their jobs.

(Not Known By any other TV Studios)
Omake Reward (Kept by Kaiser Chris by volenterring)
I'm actually going to ask one of you all to start gathering them again, just so I can make a post for current omake rewards!

Here is the current list of active Omake rewards:

A Letter from Vegas: []Wait, She's What? (Lynda gains a positive but unknown Trait.)

Guitar Songs and Drunken Sailors: []Im not sad. I'm good.(Are going to be much stronger when the times get tough)

A French Tragedy: [] Sometimes the Best Way to Move Back, is Forward. (It seems there will be a change for the better)

Some Nights: Part One: []There is Truth in Song (Carrie gains a unknown positive trait)

The Emerald Pimpernel: []Choosing My Religion (Bruce begins to go back to Church, and maybe find his faith again)

Roads Not Taken: []Wait... We have... Ideas (Unknown Effect)

The Playground: []And Trust and Forgiveness (Marcia and George Lucas have a talk. One that should have been had long before the stresses of their careers whittled them down, for a simple question was asked. "Do you still love me?")

Fallen Kingdom: []Hail to the King (Elvis is back. And he's going to do his best for his daughter and his wife. And for himself. Elvis will get a single d100 for a positive trait and action)

Teen Magazine: A Hidden Love Life: []Privacy is golden (You found a way to make sure you and Carrie are left alone from the paparazzi.)

Return of the Queen: []The Queen Picks up some Skills (Bruce taught Debbie how to Avoid the Media. something she is eternally grateful for.)

Ragnar: []A Truly Bizzare Adventure (Can now begin to interweave Historical fiction into a single universe)

Moonlight Diner: []Creatures are frightening (Unknown Effect)

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter: []So, Wait, it's About Slavery? (The Lost Cause movement takes a serious blow)

Warriors of the Four Corners: []The Brave Irish Lads(Unknown effect)

Visiting George: []Um George, We can have people do that? (Unknown Effect)

Some Terrible Nights: []I always Care (Unknown Effect for Carrie)

Sand Batteries: [] So, It's real? (Lucasfilms submits a patent for a sand battery)

Airsoft: [] And Now, American Guncultre can Be safe for kids... Kinda (Unknown Effect on Airsoft popularity... and how certain organizations view it)

Feet are Barking: Bruce knows French

Children of the Night: []So, he's just the screen writer we turn to now? (All Lucasfilm script rolls will have a +20 to all their quality for the remainder of Dave's time with Lucasfilms)

Prince of Persia: Completed script with +90 quality

I Know: []A Simple Gesture that Speaks Everything (Unknown Effect)

Solomon Kane: []The Unending Journey of Soloman Kane (The Howard Estate Grants Lucasfilms and Bruce O'Brian permission to create original stories with the Character)

Seven Samurai: []Who the hell is the Goose (Japan and Korea inexplicably fall in love with the Goose due to MASH.)

What's in a Brand: []I think Mike is on to something! (Unknown Positive Effect on Mikes Loyalty to Lucasfilms)

Inbetween Lines: [] Just Because I'm here, doesn't mean George will...wait he did (Unknown Effect)

Visit to Hell's Kitchen: [] A Rich History for us all (Unknown Effect)

Weapons Hot: []I belive that the only protection is what we can bring ourselves (Carrie learns Karate)

Served in the Clone Wars: []Captian, or Sir (Rex has been created.)

Allistarian Apocrypha 1-3: [] Staying Power...that's what all good franchises have (Audience and Critic Rolls now have a single reroll For Star Wars)

Allistarian Apocrypha 7: []And Now The Mandalorians (George has procrastinated from editing, and producing, to write a TV show episode... in a month. George, we need to talk about this)

Fast Car: [] Script from Hell (Unknown Effect)

Into the Woods: [] The Family Tree gets...Stranger (Bruce's Family Tree is now very long, and very...interesting)

Warm Welcome: []I Believe that Half the People here are insane? (Rumors abound about Lucasfilms working conditions... and people really want to work there)

Journey to Imagination: []Don Bluth and his quest to save Animation (Unknown effect)

Their Empty Graves: []Putting our A Game in (+30 to the Screenplay rolls for the quality from the Writer's room.)

The Slenderman: 86 Quality Script

On Stranger Tides: []Sometimes, That is Going to be A Good Time (Dave and company begin writing a pirate movie in their spare time, nothing will come of it right now)

I Get By: Polygloth. Everyone in Hollywood knows you a master of languages. And they may come to you for something.

Shopping for a Home: [] Beginning of the Strangeness of Lucasfilm Animation (Unknown Effect)

Shadows of Films that May Only Be: []Mike Eisner and the Quest for More Money (Unknown effect)

A Dream of a Dream: 80 quality script. []This is a Personal Project (Debbie was brought to tears when she read the script)

Partition of Warner Bros: []The Unknown Variable (Unknown Effect)

The Iron Giant: []What if a Gun was Alive? What if it didn't want to kill?(Unknown Effect)

Dune Part 1: []Making multiple films for one book? It will never catch up (Your enemies begin to try and cram more in their adaptations)

Knight Owl: Night City Court of Law (a R. Talsorian Cyberpunk Story): []Trying to Be A Beacon in a World of Darkness (Mike decides to focus a little bit more on a few certain aspects of nobility in the setting. Good people. Even unambiguous heroes)

Legends of the Hidden Temple: +60 to all TV rolls of Lucasfilms TV Studio:

Atlantis: The Lost Empire: 176 Script Quality

An American Saga: Rise of the Rebellion: []THe American Experiment is flawed, but it always becomes better. (Unknown Effect.)

Maiden of Orleans: []The Maid is Remembered (Unkonwn Effect in France, but expect it to be a positive one)

Mort: []The Man Loves The Work (Terry loves the works of Lucasfilms... and is watching them with great interest)

Mr. Peabody and Sherman: []There is no such thing as a good Movie like this (Unknown Effect)

Prince of Egypt: Believe in Miracles: When you grow up, there will be a gift from the Lord above, and you will do His work... and show true beauty in his Word. (Unknown Effect when Production finally begins on this film.

On the Path Again: []I have some great times (Unknown Positive effect for Carrie)

An American Saga: The Times that Try Men's Souls: []And there was something great about it. (The American Saga. A Truly legendary piece of film yet to be made)

In the Mind of Tomino: The Earth Federation: []The Federation is not stupid (George, and several writers decided to change the federation a little bit, making it a little less stupid and more realistic)

Spider-Man Noir Series Pitch: []Jack Kirby, Artist of Spiderman (Jack Kirby has become an artist to Spiderman again)

Red Alert: The Steel Tide: []KANE LIVES! (Unknown Effect, but clearly it can only be good!)

Dune Part 2: []Bless the Maker (Meanwhile with ILM, they too, look at an impossible challenge. "So... wait, we can use computers and models at the same time?)

Spider-Man Noir Issue 2: []Jack Kirby Begins His Battles (Jack Kirby wrote the first story. Everyone is frightened by just how violent, and good it is)

Vision of a City Upon a Hill: []There Is a Light in the Darkness (Unknown Effect)

An American Saga: The World Turned Upside Down: []The American Experiment Begins (Mike Eisner smells money and will start to plan to make money.)

Tale of Two Geese: []A Happy ending Awaits (Gavin gets a roll bonus)

Spider-Noir Season 1: Issue 3: []Jack Kirby's Beautiful Art (Jack Kirby has made some damn good art)

Distant Marvelous Ripples: []Getting an in with Conan (You get an additional comic going from Conan the Barbarian)

Spider-Noir Issue 5: []The Great Game of Comics (Comics are seeing an uptick in sales. meaning that new ideas are starting to come far more... acceptable.)

Red Riding Hood: []And THus, There Be Fairy Tales with a Twist. (You may have created a new genre... maybe?)

Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster: 197 Script Quality

John Henry: Man of Steel: []Bad People don't understand good. (Bad people who do stupid things are really... getting screwed over by the forces of good)

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: []I enjoy this far to much. (Unknown Effect on the Writer's Room)

Mad Father: []Just for the record, the idea is brilliant (Unknown Effect)

The Hobbit: []The Technology is there Dammit!

Elder Goose Finally Takes Flight: []The Elder Goose Gets Big (Gavin gets a roll for his future)

War for the Crystal: +164 SQ

Stop the Presses: []My House is now my Fortress (No one can now enter the O'Brian Manor due to Bruce's... Security focus.)

I Get By: []Thanks Bruce for Everything (Unknown Effect)

...With a little help from my friends: []Bruce gets... Wiser (He helps Joe Fraizer and pays for a new home, and helps him... because he is working hard at the gym)

Storytelling 101: []Kathleen gets a little more confidence (Kathleen gets a little bit better at storytelling)

Good Judgement: []Being Better (Ali retires with some dignity.)

Mary and the Singing Box: Mary gains the future trait Attractive

Spider-Noir 8: []Oh no (Unknown Effect on DC comics)

Spy and Family: [] So wait, someone is writing a book about me without my permission. (Bruce learns that some spy novel writer... is using him as a base for a story.)

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies: Christopher Tolkien will be a little more... flexible to certain changes to the story.

Messiah of Dune: 182 Script Quality

Brandon Thirteen and Hating It: []Brandon Begins to Understand (Brandon begins to understand that Bruce is not being a father, because he knows that things will be better)

Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: []Toho has done Goofed (Unknown effect)

Sherlock Holmes: The Conspiracy of Fear: []I Belive that We can do something cool? (Unknown Effect)

Mary Takes up Dancing: []Brandon takes and unwitting apprentice. (Mary is learning martial arts from Brandon and Bruce… kinda)

When Mary met Wally: Mary and Wally become best friends for the rest of their lives.

The Shadows of Salem: []Greg Wiseman Has some better luck. (The Wiseman Curse has been broken, without him even knowing that it existed)

The Resistance Banker: []Wait what? (Unknown Effect)

National Geographic Presents the Writings of Claudia Nerva: [] Untold Stories through the Generations (Unknown Effect)

Mary, Kermit and Wally: []Being a Good Dad is Hard (Unknown positive Effect)

The Mandalorian: []Star Wars is not a Franchise, its a universe, big difference (George finally realizes that he can do lots of things with his universe.)

Mary and the Doppleganger: []Mary is a Genius (You come home to see Mary solving a math problem. A Calculus math problem)

Mary and the Potato: []Mary is Creative (Mary is far more creative then a child her age)

Through the Mouths of Babes: []Mary knows Sign (Mary knows ASL)

The Art of War, Blade and Sorcery: []Bruce Popurlaizes HEMA... somehow? (The video gets out, and many people take an interest in Europe)

Everyone You Meet Has an Original Point of View: []Oh Boy Bruce, Here he comes, offering money. (Bruce continues to find ways to popularize HEMA, but funding the last twenty or so blacksmiths alive with this knowledge in Europe... to craft weapons and take on apprentices)

Cars: Sunrise can make it.

Narc: []So... We can do both? (Lucasfilms will do both)

A-Jay the Linguistic Squirel: []I belive people should learn how to speak a different language. (If the show is made, expect the average person to be bilingual fluently, or even trilingual fluently in America)

Ironheart Instructional Video: []So Wait, we're getting really into fitness? (Bruce's Bootleg videos get out into Hollywood)

Director's Cut: []Give to the Best Documentarian We know! (George sees the idea and wants to do it, with Bruce as the Host)

Snow White and the Huntsmen: []Public domain is a real bitch you know (Disney has a realization. Someone can just do the stroy of any fairy tale like the brothers gimm... and they can't stop it because everything is public domain.)

The Animated Adventures of Captain Atom: []Oh shit (So they failed to get something... but it was a blessing in disguise?)

Throne of Skulls: []Could it work? (no one knows how to write it)

Yae no Sakura: []At The Gate of the North (The young Animator smiles... they put it on the list)

Death Troopers: []George, Don't you dare (George kicked open the door to your office. "We're making a short film, right now!")

Forgotten Reams; Born, [] The GM Carrie (Carrie will play GM every time... and it will do wonders)

A proposal from the old country: []I think we can work something out. (Unknown Effect)

Pacific Rim: Red, White and Romeo Blue: []Giant Robots are Awesome (So what is it called? Real Robot?)

The Rise of Chain Breaker: 198 Script Quality

Inter-Office Memo: []John quit stealing the computers (Every Man and Woman in Lucasfilms will have a computer!)

A Father's Word: Storytime: []I think its going to be great (Unknown Effect)

Fallen Angel: []It's Scary as fuck (Carrie wrote a masterpiece)

The Debriefing: +10 to Critic and Audience rolls for Star Wars

The Album: []Carrie's Got Metal in her Veins (Carrie begins producing a metal Album after she gives birth, and its good. very good)

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: 192 Script Quality

Jewel's are a Girl's Best Friend: Debbie Reynolds owns the Crown Jewel of Ireland.

Chronicles of Valor: Stand Her Ground: Carrie's rock album gets a nat 100 in performance.

Release the Pressure with Music: Carrie is thinking of building a recording studio. Mary wants to sing with her Mom.

An Old Friend Calls: [X] Trying to Fix What is Broken (Unknown Effect)

Spellbound Season 1: Can be made

The Princess Bride: Owned by Lucasfilms

Mary Watches Star Wars: []A Simple Moment of Happiness (Unknown Effect for Mary)

Creepshow: Stephen King only works with Lucasfilms

The Uncanny X-Men: Great increase in X-Men quality

The Last Trains of Siberia: []The Last Train Home: The Legion story has increased in popularity in the last few years. And now its is being told again... in an anti-soviet fashion.

Night Mind: Increase in Marval Comic Sales (merch rolls)

Big Sister Mary: The O'Brian siblings will love each other deeply.

Dreaming of the Morphing Grid: Power Rangers can start production in 1987

The Immortal Iron Fist: []The King of CAmeos... And Jack (Stan Lee, wants to cameo in Marvel films with his best friend)

Inspector Spacetime: Can make it

How to Make Friends: []I have a little help from my Friends (Bruce finally has some more friends)

We Happy Few: []Bubblegum Acid Effect man (So, it seems you have something that the British will love)

Spider-Man Noir Issue 9: []Marval Has some Fun Times (Stan Lee is... Happy)

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: Hanna Barbara will see a huge increase in quality, now that they have money, talent, and a free hand.

1980 United States Elections: The election results are canon, and things will happen that will affect, positively, to the American people. Hopefully, a little more hope that will see good things.

Around the World in 80 Days: []Around the World in 80... Wait What? (Christopher Lee has heard about a project for Verne from one of the TV writers, and he's in whenever it starts production with one exception. He wants to star with Bruce)

Doomsday Clock: []Charlton gains hope (The new ideas are quite cool and the readers love it)

Mr. Bean's Holiday: +20 to Mr. Bean's rolls

Bad Start: []Start Something (Something has been started.)

The Existentialist: []Carrie Starts Writing Again (Carrie begins writing a script)

The Nguyens: []Smile for it has happened (Unknown Effect)

The American Bullmoose: []A Bullet Can't stop the Bullmoose (TR's Rugged life has become a more popular thing)

Batman Post Credits: []The Post Credit Boom (I hope this dosen't get out of hand)

Meisters of Magic: Can be Produced

Beautiful Night: Carrie can write

Here Today: can be produced

Being Big: []Parenting made saner (Carrie and Bruce, for the most part, think they are doing a good job as parents.)

A Timeline Divided: [X] Unknown (Unknown effect)

Zeta Project: +20 to Marvel rolls

Barbie: Matel can start making some fun ideas

My little Pony: Hasbro does an MLP tabletop with Talsorian

Real Steel: Can be produced

Drafting Marvel: GI Joe can be done by Marvel []GI Joe will be happy (GI Joe will be seen well-loved... eventually)

American Flagg: []Charlton Strikes Back (Charlton has gotten a few coming into the top 10... and there are more coming)

Detention: 200+ quality script

Jester Meets Queen Weird Outcome: Wierd Al is now a friend of Bruce and company.

The Pirates of Dark Water: Can be made

Might Max: Can be Made

Starslayer: The Log of the Jolly Roger: More bonuses to Charlton comics

Nixonverse: More bonuses to Marvel comics

Faith, the Unholy Trinity Part 2: Faith trilogy gets its own action

Geese and Sparrows: The Native wildlife of the Americas are being preserved by huge donations from many major corperations

Psych: Can be produced

Mary's Riddle: [X]And So Is NASA (Unknown Effect)

Watchmen: Will be made by DC Comics and Charlton

Saw: Made by Charlton and will be popular

Off: Can be made

Ballblazer: Lucasarts gets bonuses post Crash of 82

261: 293 Quality Script

Bubblegum Crisis: Will be produced by Marvel

Earnest Pups: Jeet Kune Do will not splinter

Taking a Leap of Faith: []Take a Leap of Faith (He took a leap of faith and was rewarded)

Sandland: Toriyama will have a massive increase in his rolls.

Gamera: Evolution of Jiger: Unknown positive effect

El Cantar de Mio Cid: []Spanish Nationals will be promising more. (The Spanish government might beg to have a part in it)

Woodrow Wilson: America's Shame: Will be produced, have a special role.

Rogue One: []I don't think this is a very good idea. (Mike is unsure of making the rebels less... well heroic.)

I Am the Anvil Upon Which War is Forged: Unknown Effect

Phantom 2040: Can be Made

Magic Treehouse: Can be made

Wonderpets: Can be made

Two (Exoskeleton) Hands: []Meanwhile with ILM (ILM has decided to try something fun.)

Chaser: Can be made

Sin City: New Action Available

Discovering HEMA: Can be Produced

The invisible hand of Bruce almighty: []Live Together or Die Alone (Unknown Effect)

The Golden Age: DC gets a bonus

Mighty Avengers: MCAU gets a bonus

Red Dead Redemption: []A New Age For Westerns (Clint Eastwood has gotten ideas)

Zade Charlton: 3x bonuses to Charlton Comics

Mary and Milly: []Mary and Milly are the Bestest Friends (They really are)

Undertale: 364 Script

Space Cases: Bonuses will come

Sony Nega-verse: Unknown Effect

American Girls: Felicity Merriman: PBS may produce

Golden Moments: []Communication is the Key (The final obstacles to an happy marriage will come to an end)

Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog: Marvel may create

Doomsday Clock Part 6: Charlton roll bonus

My Life as a Teenage Robot: Can be produced.

The Frog Prince: Can be Produced

20,000 Leagues under the Sea: Can be produced, 1983 or after

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Christopher will be a little bit more willing to accept the changes for the film, as long as he understands what is going on and why.

The Squadron: [] The Ships of the Sea (Someone at ILM is making an actual ship of the line.)

Big Brother Wally: []Big Family Lucas (The Lucas Family has some great times planned ahead when things get done)

A Crashed Dream: []I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship (James meets a young intern at Japans Lucasarts office who chose to come here instead of Capcom. His name is Kenji Inafune. And he has a similar idea)

Yi Ti: The Admiralty: LucasArts gets a bonus

The Autopsy of Jane Doe: Can be Made

Knives Out: []Agitha Christie Called, she wants her detective back (Some of Agatha christie fans saw the script, and think that its bad... and that means that people want it made)

All We Marsmen: Can be Made

Dredd: 2000 AD: []Oh boy (Fun things are about to happen)

The Walking Dead: []I have so many god damn questions (This story might be the best of zombie fiction if the right man is there to direct)

The Charlton Crusaders: []There Are the Big Three, not Two (Charlton's numbers have come out, and they are the third largest comic book publisher in the US.)

Nature Abhors a Vaccum: Robocop will only be pitched to Lucasfilms

Any Port in a Storm: []I think that This is going to be Great (More games are going to be made.)

Tetris: []Oh no (Soviet agents are hunting him? Why? What would he have to create that makes him so important?)

Late Night with the Devil: Can be Produced

The Final Opponent: []A Manga in the West (A chapter prototype gets onto Stan Lee's Desk, and he has another wonderful idea)

Limitation of Harm: 349 Script Quality, Can be Produced

Stephen Kings The Long Walk: []The King Has Come (Stephen has basically wrote a few things... he calls "Lucasfilms only")

A Brand...A New Brand: []Heart of Fire (A Young Programer begins working in secret)

Game Over: []RICO This motherfucker (Unknown Effect)

Faith the Unholy Trinity Part 3: []I think that This will scare the shit out of everyone (Give a bonus to the action for this next turn)

Overwatch Crisis: LucasArts gets a big bonus

Jobs n Opportunities: []Another Director Comes (Another director joins him, a friend that was looking for work... a guy named Hideo)

Killing the Curse of Tippacanoe: []Well, that might be okay (Without the assasination attempt on the President, things begin to change)

Commencing Virtuous Mission: []The Spies are getting thrown out into the cold (Thanks to Kojima, all the spies that Fox has in the building were fired.)

"Nihil aliud est nisi ludus. Cur irasci debes?": Bonus to a roll in 1984

Excerpt from a pastors sermon circa 1983: Tide will turn and bonus will occur to a roll

The Unforseen Shock: []Oh (Unknown Effect)

News Broadcast from CNN Media Co., 1983: Grant a bonus to something that will occur

You play to win the game: []A Story no longer cut short (Len Bias does not die in his fateful car crash, and he will be drafted by Boston. Mike gets a rival as competative and driven to win as he is)

The Balled of Rain and Fire (Ua a me ke ahi): []Oh sweat lord (I think this is going to be... wonderful)

Cult of the Preacher: []The Revenge Script gets More love (A Script for next turn will be made, and produced next action turn)

Pacific Rim Manga: Akira Toriyama joins Marvel

Nostalgia Critic Dreamworksuary: []I think we underestimated Gundam (Bandi has... started to finally understand the golden goose they have)

The Descent: []I think this is fucking terrifying (The Script quality and final quality are increase significantly if produced)

Scripts, Camera, Time: Bonus to Prince of Persia

The Illusion of Babylon: Iraq has a space program

Tokyo Mew Mew: []Who reads this Garbage, and can we make more of it? (Mike is a huge fan, and he wants to expand the title with his own money.)

Doomsday Clock Part 7: Charlton comics again gets another huge boost in marketshare, and the big three are now in a happy equilibrium... for now.

A Touch of Home: []So We have ideas (Lucasarts Japan sees ideas and wants them made, now)

Van Helsing: Gothic Moonlight: []So We have ideas (Lucasarts Japan sees ideas and wants them made, now)

To Catch Lightning in a Bottle, Twice!: []The City of Brotherly Love sees something incredible (In Chicago, it is going to see something that will change the city for the better)

LucasArts Undertale: []Hopes and Dreams Save the World (Unknown Effect)

Sugar Rush: []I think we can make this work (Lucasarts thinks they can get it done.

The Incredibles: Positive effect on all animation films for next year.

Lord of the Rings: The War for Rohan: []Lord of the Rings is something that requires only Professor Tolkiens's Work, nothing more (As long as you continue to hold true to Tolkien work, you will not earn Christopher's ire.)

Red Dead Redemption 2: []Who the fuck would watch this (You will be surprised)

Sunrise SP//Dr: []Great Power, Great Responsibility (So, How the hell will they animate this)

From the Heart of Ireland to You: []The Great Emerald Way (Something will happen)

Climbing the Mountain: []Over the Hill (Meanwhile in Lucasfilms, THere is finally someone who can make something happen)

Tabaxi in Space: DND sees more popularity

Dragons, Droids and Dockyard Drama: []Rockets at Shipyards you crazy bastards! (Success of the sea Dragon will be set to 100% because it seems some drunk ship builders fixed something that even Mary could see)

Grimjack: Charlton breaks records

Drafting a Flock: []There is something that we need to do first. (THe USFL will not suffer some... setbacks)

The Once and Future Swashbuckler: []A Boom no one saw coming. (So pulp fiction is back? and the people want more than just superheroes?)

Hunchback of Notre Dame/Oliver and Company: Can be Produced by Disney

The Bone Wars: Can be Produced

Shao Pai Long: []Great Lord, who the hell listens to this (Import of City Pop from Japan finds lots of listeners)

Ever After: A Cinderella Story: []The Next Level (Unknown Effect)

I Hate Fairyland: Can be made as a comic

Curbifornia: []The Beatings will continue until the Cartels are Stopped (Meanwhile at the Border, Local police are getting help from a DEA special task force, who have one mission. Stop the drugs.)

Atlas' Nod: Marvel Atlas can be made in 1984

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker: Star Wars Games Post Jedi will get a bonus.

It's just a giant Turtle: []The Monsters Are Here (Oh my god, They finally did it. They made a good monster film)

The Name of the Rose: Can be Made

The SCP Files: Season 3: []THis is a Horror Show (Meanwhile with many of the TV producers at Lucasfilms... they see an idea)

Por Que no Los Dos: I accept what you want with Jean-Jacques Annaud directing the film.

Rocky Fighting an Alien: Predator can potentially become a Lucasfilms movie

The BFG: []Dahl is very impressed (He is interested in many things that Lucasfilms is offering)

Daily Variety: Big bonuses to Wakes the Deep.

Halo Legends Multimedia Project: Bonus to future Halo content

A Business Dahl-iance: Lucasfilms owns adaptation rights to all Dahl books

Twists of Fate: []Oda San gets good (Oda has an idea, but first, he might need a plane ticket to Tokyo. Marvel is hiring, and he might be able to get a job at the Japan office.)

Disney Anime: []I can't belive this is not insaneity (Disney Board members toe the line of this new regimes massive changes)

Nickelodeon Proof of Concept: Ted Turner acquires Nickelodeon

Montage!: +15 to SP

The Case of the Case: Videogames profits increase by x2 until 1985

Immunity: +15 SP

Samurai Pizza Cats: []I say... this is... stupid? (Meanwhile, someone has an idea... and it causes someone to lose their job and work for us)

I Have No Leader and I Must Delegate: Can produce I have No Mouth and Must Scream for Lucasarts

Interoffice Memo: []Meanwhile in Sunset Toys (Merch profits will increase by X4 for the remainder of the year)

Kitchen Nightmares: []MAry will learn from her mistakes (Mary learns from her mistakes)

Big Siblings Joseph and Sarah: []I think the kids are going to do that (Unknown Effect)

Carcer Treasure Planet: +500 to Audience, +300 to critics, profit bonus of a x2 on the gross and merchandise.

A Small Detour: Koji Kondo produced the Undertale Soundtrack...

Darth Puppet: []David sees that script that George made for him (David sees the script George made for him, and it drove him to tears)

Battlehawks 1942: Bonus to video games

Hanna-Barbera Pentathlon: Bonus to video games

Bruce O'Brian Punch Out: Bruce has been challenged for several titles. Bruce will have multiple actions now showing people wanting him to get back into the ring.

Samhain: []John Gets Control (John has complete control)

The Sequel to the Terror: []The Scariest Movie Ever made (Rupert tries to get it made)

A Moment to Prepare: +15 SP

Jarhead: Can be Produced

Lone Ranger: Disney will get a roll

1983 USFL Playoffs: []The TV Deals (The League has gotten a perfect set of TV deals from LucasTV, ABC, and CBS, which will make sure there are no blackouts for TV broadcasts in relation to ticket sales. All games will be on TV from the Start)
[]A Better Commissioner (A more forward-thinking commissioner will replace Pete Rozelle, a hand-picked one... who will make the league better)

Pacific Rim: Shatterdome: +15 SP

Gettsburg: The Killer Angels: +15 SP

The Last Voyage of the Demeter: Can be produced by Ardmore

.....and starring Mickey Mouse as himself: [ ] oh boy!

Busting Makes me Feel Good: []Ghost Busters the flow crushers (Unknown Effect)

A Series of Fortunate Events: []It Blew up bigger than anyone could think of (Kurt Cobain's music career began in earnest in the final days of his senior year... and his first album for his band Nirvana, would go double platinum. With his finances secured, he would offer his services to Nintendo again, and he would make an amazing soundtrack for a game that would define the 8 bit era... and turn him into a video game icon: Metroid. He would become the only composer that Nintendo would go to for Metroid. And that was before he decided to continue on with Nirvana)

Undertale: []Oh this... this is amazing (Mavis Kingsley will be automatically nominated for an Oscar... when undertale releases)

The King of Dragons: +15 Sp

Frozen Flame: +15 SP

Arcane: Marvel: Eclipse will get a bonus for the first run

Princess and the Author: []An Awesome Story (Carrie reads the draft and loves it)

Rescue Heroes: +15 SP

Skyblazer: +15 SP

Overlord 12: Mike Eisner will have an interesting action next turn.

Undertale Chapter 1: Significant increase in audience and critic reception

Video Game Bundle: +100 to all Video Game rolls for the rest of the year

What If...? Vol 1. #43: What If Iron Man's Suit Worked Differently?: Marvel gets a roll bonus

Put me in Coach: Steve Hulett added as writer

Steamboy: Sunrise will have a quality bonus of +200 for their next project.

Video Game Bundle: +45 SP

Law abiding Citizen: +15 SP

Alien Syndrome: []The Master of Madness and the greater force of TEchnology John Carmack (We have given John Carmack an idea. maybe that will lead to something)

Inter-Office Memo: []Undertale goes Platinum (THe music of the movie will go big)

Ghostbusters: Who you gonna call now?: Can be made

Dungeons and Dragons Animated Series: +15 SP

Roy's Christmas Carol: A bonus to Disney rolls coming soon.

Call to Arms: Will Release in 1985. Also Video Games are art: The Critics will actually take it seriously, meaning... expect some good press.

A New Phantasy: []I see some Star wars (Mike sees money and wants to make that game_

A Bard's Tale: +15 SP

Graven Image: +15 SP

Sight Beyond Sight: Thundercats can be made

Prime Time: []Oh God: (Unknown effect)

Incredible and Amazing: []Ah, I think we have a problem or two (Stan and Jack deal with a problem. And it won't be coming back to bite them.)
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The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of 1973)
The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of 1973)
1 Black Ford Falcon
1 California Driver's License
8,722,542 Dollars in US Currency
30% Ownership stake in 10 Story California apartment building. (with one room being owned and used by Bruce himself)
Bruce's Fighting skills
Bruce's Sex Appeal (Subjective) :V
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The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of August 1973)
The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of August 1973)
1 Black Ford Falcon
1 California Driver's License
127,091,314.25 Dollars in US Currency
First Draft of Marathon Misadventures
30% Ownership stake in 10 Story California apartment building. (with one room being owned and used by Bruce himself)
Bruce's Fighting skills
Bruce's Sex Appeal (Subjective) :V
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You're Reputation (1973)
Your Reputation (Major Players):

American Movie Industry (2): You are an Emmy award-winning actor that is making a wave through TV, and through film thanks to American Graffiti. There are some that think you are hard to work with, but anyone who has worked with you knows you are professional and very dedicated to the Craft… and Cheap.

Warner Brothers (-1) Despite making a very poor first impression, and making THX complete and them having to pay George. They really do not mind the fact you saved that movie. They mind that you don't work for them.

Universal (+1) You made them a lot of money, despite them really not seeing a lot of it due to you financing the entire thing, and not being part of the company. Really, they think you are wasting your talents as an actor and should become a Producer.

20th Century Fox (0) They know your name… that's something. You think?

Disney (+1) So the House that Walt Built seems to like you. Or rather, they like the idea of you, being young, passionate, willing to fight but also extremely loyal to your friends, but never going too far.

George Lucas (+8) You helped him make a film in less than six months, something that seems unheard of in Hollywood. You have also helped him through the production process in a way that saw him take care of himself. He also trusts you enough to follow you with this crazy idea of yours… without question. Well, besides getting a few things he wants.

Francis Ford Coppola (+5) George's Friend, and another producer want you to be part of one of his next projects, Though he said that it would "Be a good one"

Brian Depalma (+2) He's one of George's Friends, and someone who has interesting tastes in making films, and how to make them.

Gary Kurtz (+5) A Producer who works primarily with George, and the man who is as ride or die as you are with George. He respects you.

George A Romero (+4) You saw his movies and you were impressed by them. He just saw a kid who understood the whole damn industry, and then… just decided to burn it down, in mutual respect. He likes that

Steven Spielberg (+2) is Another one of George's Friends, though he is a director through and through. He is really creative, and frankly… you think he is better than George Technically based on what you have watched of his work.

Bruce Lee (+10) You are the student. He is the master, it's that simple. You still miss him every day.

Clint Eastwood (+7) Thankfully, you no longer sleep on his couch. But hey. He's a fun guy to be around, though a bit serious.

American TV Industry (-2) They are… needless to say, very wary of you. But you've become part of the Hollywood system, and are now… mostly, playing by the rules. So they will allow some… friction to remain.

James L Brooks (+4) A guy who helped you with a job. He's also been silently rooting for you every step of the way.

Lucille Ball (+4) She views you as one of her new Cash Cows, and if she can, she will try her best to ruthlessly keep you under contract, and happy. Seeing as you are one of the reasons CBS is still floating.

-CBS (0) With new Leadership, comes new opportunities. They are also scared of you.

ABC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.

NBC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.

PBS (+3) Apparently, Fred Rogers is a Huge fan of yours, a lot of the people working at PBS love your work.
The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of June 1974)
The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (as of June 1974)
1 Black Ford Falcon
1 California Driver's License
103,544,980.26 Dollars in US Currency
First Draft of Marathon Misadventures
First Draft of Kung Fu Kid
100% Ownership stake in 10 Story California apartment building. (with one room being owned and used by Bruce himself)
49% Ownership Stake in Lucas Films Unlimited
Bruce's Fighting skills
Bruce's Sex Appeal (Subjective)

Also I think the Front page is all correct now.

Also, I have most of CArrie's Sheet done. Anyone want to see it?

Current Income:
6% Residuals from MASH (One Million Dollars Per Year, currently)
Other Income gains through acting, as well as... End of the Year Money Dividend from Lucas FIlm Unlimited.

Lol, in all seriousness though with Star Wars money, MASH money and our other future hopeful successes, both Bruce and Carrie can keep separate bank accounts and still be super rich. Although even if they have a shared account and Carrie completely trusted Bruce with her earnings, I don't think Bruce would ever use her money for personal projects after watching Harry Karl nearly drive Debbie into deep debt, and even if Bruce isn't gambling with the mafia he wouldn't want to do spree spending off of Carrie's hard work.
Well the thing is, Carrie would not have a shared acount for two reasons.

One her mother would never allow her to do that.

Two: Bruce dosen't belive he's earned that level of trust from Carrie yet, and would refuse out of principle.
If Carrie gets an eight digit check, I imagine she's going to follow Bruce's example and start funding her own films, make some local investments, or do her own charity activism. For the latter I could definitely see Carrie putting a lot of work in as OTL she was dedicated to activism and philanthropy after her acting career stalled. Around this time she would probably support feminist causes, animal rights and mental health, hopefully an emphasis on mental health so she can be one of the standard bearers for reform and help kickstart the conversation with Bruce contributing his part for PTSD awareness.
Well, I am going to say this: Carrie is most certainly going to get at least 8 figures.

And that is all before... Debbie pulled her weight and raised all sorts of hell.

As well as Universal realized that they might have fucked with Bruce the Goose and worked to cover their asses to prevent the Goose from looking for ways to fuck them over.

As for What Carrie will do for Charitable causes... Mental Health.

It is going to be mental health, and maybe something akin to anti-drugs, considering her history with it. And how it almost ruined her.
Although considering her traumas with making Some Nights, I could definitely see Carrie pulling a Marcia and attempting to become a co-owner of Lucasfilms with a major investment because there's no better guarantee that her movies will be treated right than having them be made by a company she and her hopeful husband share co-ownership in. Don't know if George would be willing, but it'd be a fun sight to have Lucasfilms have a quartet in ownership consisting of the Lucas and O'Brian families.
Well, there is a simple fact she will have money to invest into Lucasfilm Unlimited, though that would take a lot of convincing towards George to let that happen.

Then again, if there is one person who won't say no to more money in Lucasfilms War Chest, its Mike.

So, there will be friction there.
The real kicker for Carrie's Some Nights earnings is that it's going to be released before her 18th birthday, so that eight digit box office and album revenue is all going to be 100% tax free for Carrie thanks to her Coogan account.
... Oh the POOR IRS Agent who was hoping for some good times, finds out that, unfortunately... Carrie was still a minor, and they weep in a corner.
Title: The Taxman Cometh
I laughed harder then I should have for this...

+10 to SP.
Carrie Fisher
Name: Carrie Fisher
Age: 19
Height: 5'1"
Birthdate: October 21, 1956
Nationality: American Citizen
Reputation: Daughter of Hollywood Royalty

Acting: 45 (You are a green actor but with knowledge of the business)

Screenwriting: 60 (You have talent, and that talent will be cultivated over a lifetime.)

Directing: 0 (You do not know how to direct)


Daughter of Hollywood Royalty: You are the daughter of Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, and you have been decreed by Hollywood for Greatness (+20 to getting a role within the Hollywood System)

Singer: You have the voice of an angel. (+30 to all singing rolls.)

Bipolar: You suffer from Bipolar Disorder. Thankfully, with the help of your family, and boyfriend, you have managed to keep it under control (in the event you had an episode, suffer a -20 to all rolls until she recovers.)

Impossible Expectations: All people see is your parents, and they wonder if you will be like them, or a failure. (If she has a role that underperforms, she suffers a -30 to all rolls, until she gets back to her groove.)

Attractive: You are widely considered by Hollywood and the world to be a very beautiful woman. (+20 to Modeling Rolls. +10 to getting a role)

Bibliophilia: You love a good book, and writing. Hiding in books was all you did when you were young. (+20 to learning rolls and writing rolls)

Athletic: You are in incredible shape and can do things that really help you. (+30 to choreography rolls. -30 to all injury roll)
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