With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.
Clint saw you at the typewriter you were using, with his usual stare of indifference as he examined the mess of papers that were sprawled out and scattered out on the script. "I see you have been productive." His sarcasm was evident as you looked back, rage in your face.
"I hate you." You stated, the anger boiling in your veins. "You said it would be easy."
Clint smiled and placed himself on the kitchen table, sitting down as he examined the entire process of your destructive paper pattering of the typewriter. He picked up a page and read it, being silent. "I think you are trying too hard with this."
"You don't say!" You exclaimed as you felt a great deal of stress release as you laid down. "How do you do it?"
Clint shook his head. "Well, for one thing, I don't try to write the entire history of the character in the pages at a time, where nothing of substance is being produced, save for the character's backstory."
"That's important?" You asked.
"Briefly yes, but this is not a novel. You are trying to convey something for a producer or an actor to understand, both to get in character and to convey what you may want to that end. You're being far too rigid, by not giving the actor, say me, time to grow into the role. You are trying to force them to be something with a far too rigid cast. The key to good screenplay writing is by giving the actor and director enough wiggle room to… create something."
"Isn't the idea of a screenplay to you know, give the actors something to act too?" You asked. "It's just like acting in Shakespeare?"
"A guideline yes. Do not mistake my view on the matter as gospel, I am very much experienced in film. Shakespeare is not much different than any other screenplay. You know all about interpreting the lines differently to make something memorable. Like, say, Hamlet being totally aware?"
"Clint." You tried to stop him, but instead, CLint raised a hand.
"Let me tell you what kid. Maybe let me have a look at one of the pages, let me pick up a line from the entire stack of pages, and say it was good." Clint said as he picked up one of the pages to read it.
Ten minutes later.
"Clint… Clint." You said.
Clint Eastwood broke from his trance and shook his head. "This is terrible. Like I've seen some bad scripts, but you might have a future in B-movie schlop that will never get made."
"I know. I like acting more, to give that a try."
"But, I did find one line that I think was by far the best thing you ever wrote. In this trash heap of a stack of paper." He stated.
"What is it?" You asked.
"It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got... and all he's ever gonna have" Clint said. "What made you come up with that?"
"Michael Collins." You said, letting your accent slip. "Appropriate, to be honest. Describes a hero and a villain all at once."
Clint took a moment to think. "Well, mind if I steal it?"
"What for, it's not really anything, why would I care?" You asked. "At least something came out of this. So could you help me burn it?"
"I'll get the Kerosene." Clint offered as you both went to burn the hellish papers that was a blight upon the earth.
For you, you felt a pressing need to get above this. Well, that was not true, you just knew your talent lay elsewhere when things get very interesting.
Ever since Fist of Fury was released, something had been troubling you, there was fear. A fear that everyone felt when they finally made it big, in an industry that would maybe never see them as anything more than one role. One performance and there was a constant need too one up, to show that they were better and not the same role that made them.
The cruelest fate that an actor could face.
Being typecast, especially when they had talent, truly brilliant talent.
And that was why you were sitting in your Hotel room, looking at newspapers of crimes committed in Hong Kong.
You were looking for inspiration, to write a story, or come up with something that you can develop. As a back up plan of course. if you managed to get something written to leverage your way into Hollywood, or anywhere if you so choose.
One thing about all these stories struck your eye.
How are the stories linked to one thing and one thing only.
The Triads. China's organized crime lords. The ones who controlled the underworld. Who did all the illegality within Hong Kong? It made you wonder how they could have much control that the criminal underworld had over the world.
You took a moment to look at the table you were sitting on, the barstool was wobbling as you kept on moving around to read your place.
High Chair?
No that was stupid.
But you instead looked at the phone and decided to give the one person you trusted a call.
"Hello. who is this?" Cat's voice spoke, groggy and confused.
"Cat, It's me, Goose?" You replied, letting the nickname slip.
"GOOSE!" She raised her voice and you could feel her smile beaming. "I thought you were coming home soon? What have you been doing?"
You frowned. "Been a bit busy in Hong Kong." You replied. "I've just... been working on something."
"Oh, pray tell you aren't trying to become a screenwriter for the guild as well as an actor, it's a very tough gig." She replied.
"No it's not that, I just have a story. that you might want to hear." You replied.
"Okay, tell me?" She asked.
"Promise me you won't send it to your bosses?" You replied.
"Oh come on Goose, have a little faith, I hate them too." She stated.
Alright. That was brilliant. "Okay, so this is the story of an assassin, and how he delved into a life of crime, to get his revenge."
You then took a deep breath. "This is the Story, of a man who is a world like our own, but run by criminals that are high above. This is the story, of a man name John Wick."
AN: enjoy, and thank you @overmind for assisting me for coming up with a lot of details off-screen for a future pitch.
Here is Omake I wrote, I think no bonus rolls are needed as reward, the contacts we make in this are bonus enoughe
This isn't totally historically-accurate, but it is close enough I feel comfortable fudging a few things.
Bruce visited Vegas in July-August of 1971, "The Relatives" with Lynda Carter and Gary Burghoff appeared in Vegas in 1969, later Lynda Carter did her own thing in 1970-1972 in Vegas with another band.
I justify fudging things because Gary decided to quit the band because he got a role on MASH (the movie in 1970), and he liked it so much he wanted to continue doing that role in the show, which of course didn't happen in our AU, so it makes sense that after the movie he returned to the band.
Meeting in Vegas:
In the downtime after your quite successful show (you always thought your comedy was bad, but apprenty people liked it), you decided to play a few rounds of poker before going to bed.
At your age you are not technically supposed to go into a casino, and it's a bit risky and illegal, but you became very good at faking your age… you are an actor after all. Anyway, while the first round had gone horribly, you did manage to almost recover in the following one. You were about to quit and call it a night when a warm-up band named "The Relatives" started to play in the casino lounge.
What caught your eyes, or more correctly who, was the singer. She was just beautiful, mesmerizing even.
You stayed for the whole show, itching and anxiously debating with yourself whether or not you should approach her. You mean, the date with Alison went okay-ish, but she was kind of boring, which is perhaps a bit unkind and rude of you to think that but you couldn't exactly lie to yourself.
At the end of the show as you cheered, the band quickly split up with some going to their rooms (including her) and a few stayed behind. It was a shame she left before you had a chance to talk to her, but you thought you could at least try to make friends with the other members of the band, and maybe get her name that way.
Anyway, that's how you got into a discussion with the drummer and leader of the band, Gary Burghoff, and you striked an easy conversation about the difference between performing comedy to performing music in Vegas.
"Yeah, I am actually terrified that none of my jokes will land during the comedy bits, it's partly because I am alone there on the stage," you say "it must be nice being in a band as a group."
Gary (as we already got to first name basis) replied, "Yeah, it does remove a lot of the pressure when you are with your buddies, but I have watched your show and you really seem calm when you are performing, that's some good acting Bruce!"
"Thanks, but I do have some experience in acting. I am actually here to try improving my comedy a bit."
"That's cool, you know I just did a comedy film myself, It's called MASH, it was fun and all, but I really just prefer to do music, You know? I feel like I would have kept doing that role I would burnout, so I just decided to follow my passion."
We continued to talk and drink, and eventually I did get the singer's name, Lynda. She apparently was getting tired of being a "starving artist" and start having some thoughts about making it big in hollywood. Gary agreed to introduce me to her and I told her a bit about what I knew about the industry. The story about the producer did put her off a bit but she remained convinced that she wants to act.
At the end, I wished her luck in her endeavors and she did the same.
You kept in touch with Gary and Lynda about managing to get Gary's old role in M*A*S*H and he gave you his blessing. The last you heard of them Gary is still the drummer and leader behind of the band and Lynda began taking acting classes and started participating in a beauty contest, which is one of the ways actresses use to start building reputation.
Cyberphilosopher: Foundations of an Empire of Dreams
"Hmm, Hmm, I love the night life idea…crusing, talking about life 1962?" You said looking at the title. "American Graffiti, last day of school and they are preparing for the next stage in life." The idea was there, and shopping it around to get funding for it was always going to be difficult. Francis said that things weren't looking good for American Zooatrope. THX wasn't the smash hit that you were all hoping it was going ot be, and despite making money, it wasn't enough to give the studios any second pause. The independent film company was slowly loosing steam and if you wanted to make movies, you would either have to shelve your ambitions, or lose it all.
You looked at Joseph Campbell's Hero's with a Thousand Faces, and sighed. "If only it were as easy as you wrote it." You found yourself again, thinking to the space story that had been eating you up with fervor. Every night you seemed to come back with, like some force of your imagination was drawing you back into the stars.
"Its always space with you?" You said. "Maybe you should have taken a job as a astronomer George…maybe then you can get your head in the clouds again."
Maybe it was nothing. But you were feeling deflated and disheartened by the last few days, and it wasn't going to get any better.
Heh…maybe you should have buddied up with Steve and started in TV with him.
But no one was really doing it for the art any more. For the passion of film making, just a check in the mail.
Maybe you were just thinking about it wrong.
"Heh…alright…maybe I have some mail." You said trying to force your mind to at the very least calm down and move away from your feeling of inadequacy.
And than you saw a letter.
A letter addressed to you.
Dear Mr. Lucas,
Apologize in advance if this letter sounds, pretentious, but I have a great love of cinema, and THX is one of the most fantastic works of Sci-Fi I have seen in my short time here on this earth. I feel that people, soon, will appreciate the artistry that was on display here, but there was so much more that will be lost.
But I am getting off on myself and saying nothing in return, My name is Bruce O'Brian, and I'm an actor. It's a strange thing to say, but after a few weeks, it really is something that I am proud of. I really like your work, and I will try my best to keep my wish brief.
I want to work with you in the future. I truly believe that you are more talented than any other of the hack directors I have worked with, both here in America, and in Hong Kong, when it comes to the language of cinema.
I also think you are perhaps the only person who can see a dream of mine come true. I want to star in a Flash Gordon adaptation. It seems in the wayside of history, and other places
And that is something I believe will serve better than anything. If ever you need help, just give me a call, or come visit. I left my address on the letters Envelope.
Thank you for your time. And I hope that you continue to make films George. You have talent.
And that shook you. He… liked it? You didn't really get any fan mail but, he liked it?
A feeling of hope welled up in him and he began to furiously get back to his office and prepare something.
You needed to write back.
Maybe he could be the help you need to get this idea of yours off the ground.
If you couldn't make a Flash Gordon film, you might as well create one.
Dear Bruce,
I want to tell you about an idea, Flash Gordon is unfortunately out of our grasps, they do not see the potential in reviving a serial.
But what about something else… something special.
I call it Star Wars.
AN: Our Fan Mail has given hope to a young film maker, and he may (or may not) give us a shot to the best film of the Generation.
Idea that's been rattling in my brain for a while is that we do another take on the Seven Samurai, but more modern and with more kung fu.
The backdrop is [whatever city] in the 1960's. The tenants of a seven story apartment complex are constantly getting screwed over by the landlord in multiple way whether it be higher rent, forcing them to pay for repairs, or just being forced to hold drugs in their homes for the land lord's drug empire. One of the tenants finds the deed to the land that the apartment is on. Realizing this could be their only chance to take back their homes from the landlord's iron fist, the tenants now have to wait over the weekend for their local government offices to open back up after civil unrest and riots caused a lockdown.
A group of tenants head out in search of some men who will help protect them until the morning of Monday from the landlord, who catches word of the deed and plans to storm the apartment complex with his enforcers(having to resort to baseball bats, brass knuckles, and other such martial weapons instead of guns because of the police's heavy crackdown as of late)
thanks to @Magoose for talking me into writing this.
"How did it feel to win?" It was a weird first choice of words that came out of your friend/mentor's mouth, just as the two of you entered the gym you usually trained at. It was late, practically the only source of light came from one single overhanging bright bulb, and even that's only because you managed to convince the owner of the place to let you and Bruce have the building for a late night spar with the promise of getting him a picture with Bruce.
"It felt good." You answer, bending down and doing some stretches as Bruce did the same in front of you, if not making the act look vastly better than you. "Went thirteen matches and didn't lose a single one, didn't even get scratched."
Bruce gives you that one look that's neither disappointed nor angry, but still carries the same feeling. "Truly?" One little word and yet it carries so much weight.
You sigh, shaking your head as you sit down to stretch. "No. None of the guys there really felt like opponents, just...obstacles you know? I'm not saying they didn't have some talent, but none of them ever felt like a threat. Like they were just there to have fun." It was true, when you'd gotten to the end of the tournament and finally claimed victory it had felt good at first, until you kept playing back all the matches in your mind. You wouldn't claim it was a hollow victory, but it didn't ring true. "I was worried the way I was feeling was me getting cocky and prideful."
At that Bruce smirks. "Those are two feelings that can go hand in hand," He says, moving his own hands to hold one another. "But it is better to keep them separate so you can do more with them." He finishes, moving his hands to his sides as he cracks his knuckles.
"How long do you spend on those little nuggets of wisdom anyways?" You ask jokingly, standing back up and feeling refreshed.
"Not as long as you'd think." Bruce answers, cracking his neck in a way that sound very satisfying. "My master used to say that a teacher does not start to offer wisdom until a truly troublesome or talented student comes before him." He pauses then, smiling fondly at an old memory. "I was both."
You and Bruce stand before one another, and you take note that even if you've got two inches of height on the man he still feels larger than life before you. You both bow and you take up a boxing stance while he moves into his preferred mishmash style. "So aside from talking about the tournament, any other reason you wanted us to come out here?" You asked, more to keep your nerves down with talking rather than actual curiosity.
You move forward, throwing out a quick jab that Bruce dodges like it was moving in slow motion. The follow up jab you send he actually deflects before sending a lightning fast kick your way. You know you aren't dodging that so you bend and take it with your guard, already knowing you're going to feel sore in the morning from this whole thing.
"I heard that your sister is living with you." Bruce answers casually, causing you to falter for a brief second which he capitalizes on by flicking his hand out. Your guard stays true and the worst you get is some sore feeling in your hands. "I also heard she was fired from her job because of your current actions with CBS."
You frown, throwing out a one-two combo that Bruce weaves through before stepping in closer for an uppercut. He blocks it with both hands but to your amazement he uses the momentum of the attack to then leap backwards and create some distance between the two of you. If it weren't so dang cool you'd be mad right now.
"CBS has a lot of pull," You huff out, readjusting your footing. "Even though practically everyone can see they're in the wrong, they don't want to mess with someone that important. So because of something I did," You duck as Bruce sends out a kick, pushing into his guard before going for a blow to his side which he blocks with his elbow and causing you to wince and retreat. "My sister's the one having to pay for it. It's bullshit."
"Life isn't fair, especially to those who try to live a righteous path." Bruce says, bouncing on his feet in the same spot. "Up until now you've been rigid in your belief's like a mighty glacier, it's the reason you were able to handle all those opponents in that tournament." He moves forward and you block the kick that never actually comes, instead he readjusts and slams his fist into your sternum so hard it knocks you back a few feet. "But now you're dealing with something bigger than you and you're melting under the pressure. However a mighty glacier that melts becomes something just as powerful, and vastly more flexible." You throw out a jab and are shocked to see that Bruce just grabs it and keeps it there in his grasp. "You are becoming water, and water can flow or can crash Bruce. It can be still as a pond or a raging as the ocean. You can try grasping it with your hands and it will slip right through, but pour it in a glass and suddenly it IS the glass." He lets go of your hand and you relax as the room just seems to be silent except for your heavy breathing. Bruce stares at you for a few seconds before gesturing at your feet. "Why do you try to remain so rooted to the ground in this fight? You learned how to move from me, so move."
You frown. "I've been boxing more than anything lately, it's the style of fighting I'm used to right now-"
"There is no one style Bruce." He cuts you off. "You take everything you've learned until now and you use it. If the footwork of boxing isn't working for you then use something else. Your punches are quick and powerful, but they're useless if all you do is stand still."
"But I've never tried something like that." You answer. The idea that Bruce is throwing at you is sound, and it makes sense, but implementing that in the middle of a fight? It's dangerous.
"You will never know if it works unless you try. You're walking down a path towards a glorious destination and the road you walk on is hard, but all you're doing is focusing on the destination and not the journey. You ignore the chance to experience things as they come." He smirks then, and you look down to notice that his fist it only an inch away from your unguarded sternum. "Don't focus on one thing, is what I'm saying."
You're of course sent backwards from the punch that hits you like a dump truck, falling to your back before sliding a bit across the floor. Even with the pain though you can't help but go over Bruce's words, and how they apply to both the fight and your current woes with CBS. So, like with almost everything else you've been dealing with lately, you do the one thing you're supposed to do in a situation like this.
Personally, I would like to see something like this:
Borrowed from @Ambit you are gonna be a star, his star wars producer quest on SB.
If only because everything about it is perfect, and I am far to lazy to come up with one.
TITLE: Self-explanatory. The final title of the eventual idea will be voted on by the questers, however--consider this space for a sort of temporary title or project title if need be. GENRE: Also self-explanatory. SUBGENRE: This space represents the "niche" under the genre. It can be how the fantasy genre has "dark fantasy" or "high fantasy" under it, etc. FORMAT: Episode/ Film Length BASIC PROMPT: Summarize the general story of your show, Movie, or episode idea here. Try to keep it short and digestible.
TITLE: The Fenian Raids
GENRE: Action, Adventure
SUBGENRE: Historical Action
BASIC PROMPT: In the late 1800s, a group of Irish-American soldiers forms a secret society known as the Fenians. Determined to end British rule in Ireland, the Fenians carry out daring raids across the British Empire, becoming embroiled in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with the authorities.
The film follows the story of Michael O'Brien, a former Union soldier who joins the Fenians after being inspired by the cause of Irish independence. Along with his comrades, O'Brien participates in a series of daring raids, from stealing weapons from British armories to freeing political prisoners from prison ships.
As the Fenians become more successful and begin to pose a real threat to British rule, the authorities ramp up their efforts to stop the group, leading to a series of intense battles and close calls. Despite the danger, O'Brien remains committed to the cause and becomes a charismatic leader within the Fenians.
However, as the stakes get higher, O'Brien begins to question the methods of the group and whether their violent tactics are truly the best way to achieve their goal. As the conflict comes to a head, O'Brien must decide whether to stay the course or to find a new, nonviolent path to freedom.
So, what are the Fenian raids? basicly a group of Irish rebels, who wanted their country to be independent from British rule, decided to launch some attacks on British targets in Canada. They believed that by causing trouble across the pond, they would force the British government to divert their military resources away from Ireland and toward Canada. This would create an opportunity for the rebels to make their move in Ireland and achieve their goal of independence.
Although the attacks were not very well-organized and the rebels were not very well-equipped, they still managed to capture people's imagination and sparked a wave of Irish nationalism. Despite the fact that the raids were not successful in achieving their objective, they are still remembered today as a symbol of the struggle for Irish independence...
*Coughs after this was created a few hours before the post*
You look at the piece of paper in front of you with trepidation, remembering the last times you tried writing something with it ending terribly. However, looking at "The Prince'' beside you, you smirked as you imagined a world of your own making with a singular character.
You begin writing out the background information, the Renaissance. A great mentor figure you will have for your protagonist..Leonardo Da Vinci is tempting, but he had too much showtime in the world..
You look back at the book and have a spark of inspiration! Machiavelli isn't as well known globally compared to Da Vinci, but with the right luck could be one of the greatest greats of History! You then place down the mentor of the protagonist as "Niccolo Machiavelli".
Additionally, you began utilising multiple dice to reflect about the idea of luck and being able to forge a story out from those high and low possibilities for the character and the world around him.
Having the essentials of a proper story, you begin to write a story that you hope will change the world, to finally get Machiavelli the proper respect and what he could do if having enough luck..
TITLE: Renaissance GENRE: Alternate History, Action, Politics, Military/Navy SUBGENRE: Alternate History of the Renaissance, Early Risorgimento, Military and Navy Battles FORMAT: 2 Seasons (Episodes per season varies from 10 up to 20, 25 at max) BASIC PROMPT: These two seasons follow one Luciano Graziani during the Renaissance Era. How he started off as a simple child of Italy's greatest gunsmith, to becoming the King of Italy under the guidance of his mentor Niccolo Machiavelli.
Plot (May Change in favour of story flow, etc.):
This essentially follows the Luciano Renaissance Quest Up to its last chapter. (Book one ends with "All Hail King Luciano!" (Or something that sounds better), Book two ends with the aftermath of the Ottoman-Italian War).
However, the plot may change to fit in more details from the time of Italy to give an illusion that it is actually historically accurate (for the clothing, machinery, etc.), interlude episodes (optional), and definitely showing the Military Battles (Example: Battle of Rome) and Navy Battles (Example: The Pillage of the Mediterranean Coast), and other character development and expansion the quest didn't go into.
"Bruce!" Cat called out from the opened door. "Why are you sleeping on the desk? Making love letters with someone?" She smirked an infuriating smile at you before you groggily looked back at her.
"Just trying to write something!" You grumbled before looking back at the stack of paper that was sitting innocently in front of you. You look at it with narrowed eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if this story becomes a book series from start to end."
"You haven't come down for days..though." She speaks behind you, startling you and awaking your stomach, she deadpans while gesturing to your stomach while you blush in embarrassment.
"Fine." You sigh before walking out to the dining table with your sister, closing the door as the story still repeats itself to your head, in anticipation of what would happen after the entire war.
N/A: When thinking about the pitches, the first one I thought of is this one as I could see it fitting some kind of TV show that will hopefully have less hate than GoT. Additionally, also thought this could actually work in terms of book series if we ever go that route, and this would introduce historical characters unknown to the world (Machiavelli is less well-known compared to Da Vinci).
TITLE: The Gentleman's Club GENRE: Alternate History, Action, Politics, Espionage SUBGENRE: Post-Victorian Era, Spies, Global Conspiracy, Political Themes, Camaraderie FORMAT: TV Show (Episodes per season varies from 10 up to 20, 25 at max) BASIC PROMPT: The show follows the Gentleman's Club on their many international.
Plot (May Change in favour of story flow, etc.):
The first season will follow the Gentleman's Club, an international group of assorted individuals, who've taken it upon themselves to fight the various criminal organizations around the world. Gunrunners in Africa to kidnappers in China, there's never a lack of criminals to take in for our plucky heroes. Along the way, they may or may not run into some important historical figures
Main Cast:
Major Grant Hawkins: A former Rough Rider and formal leader of the Gentleman's Club. Brave, caring for those under his command, excellent fighter, snappy, slightly airheaded. (Actor requirements: needs to be able to do a Southern accent, physically fit, mid-40s to early-50s)
Jacob Pratt: Hawkins's friend and a former shipyard worker, a dapper hand when it comes to explosives. Resourceful, loyal, patient, stubborn, self-esteem issues.
(Actor Requirements: Black, can do a Southern accent)
Malcolm O'Grady: A young Irish reporter who came looking for adventure and a great story. Hard-working, charming, sneaky, womanizer, arrogant.
(Actor requirements: Someone like Bruce, basically)
Kong Zhou: A former Chinese Triad member seeking redemption for the wrongs he has done. Street-smart, brawler, philosophical, pessimistic, impertinent.
(Actor Requirements: Chinese, knows how to fight, in his 30s)
Simone Chalamet: A young French inventor who's been ignored and overshadowed by her male colleagues.
Brilliant inventor, compassionate, humorous, aloof, eccentric.
(Actor Requirements: Teens to mid-20s, can do convincing French accent)
Darwin "Crossbones" Little: Recurring antagonist, an infamous smuggler who takes pride in what he does and has a strict moral code. Criminal mastermind, moral code, brave, arrogant, greedy. (Actor Requirements: nothing in mind rn)
A/N: Wanted to contribute to the quest a little, so I came up with this idea fo a tv show. Basically Mission Impossible but Alternate History.
I am so glad this quest isn't dead, anyway I felt inspired and this is a continuation of "A meeting in Vegas"
With a yawn, you walked to the door, still holding a cup of steaming coffee in your hand. You took the letters and returned to the apartment, idly checking their contents while drinking your coffee.
You've been getting a lot more mail lately, most of it was very boring though. Let's see, some rent money from the building you own (yeah, only 15% of it, but you love to say you own the building), other financial crap, insurance stuff, a legal letter about CBS, a letter from Lynda, fees... Wait, a letter from Lynda? You put the rest of the mail aside and sit down to read.
Dear Bruce,
I hope this letter finds you well! It's been a while since we last spoke, and I've been meaning to catch up with you. I'm so excited to share some big news with you - I've finally gotten the opportunity to participate in a beauty contest! As you know, my dream is to become an actress, and I saw this as a great stepping stone towards that goal.
I entered the "Miss Phoenix" beauty pageant and won! Can you believe it? From there, I went on to win "Miss Arizona-World," and then went on to represent the state in the "Miss World-USA" Contest. To my surprise, I won that too!
I'm thrilled to say that I won three beauty titles in just 20 days!
I would love to hear about how you're doing, and I'm sure that you have some exciting news to share with me as well. I hope your acting career is still thriving and that your family is doing well. I did hear some rumors about a fire and that you were involved. Is there any truth to that?
Anyway, I wanted to extend an invitation to you. I'll be representing the United States in the Miss World contest in London on December 1st, and I would be thrilled if you could be there to support me. It would mean the world to have a familiar face in the crowd, especially one who has always been so supportive of my dreams.
Let me know if you're able to make it, and if you have any exciting news to share with me. I can't wait to catch up and hear all about what you've been up to.
Take care,
Good for her, you think. She won three bloody contests in just 20 days, and now she is representing the USA. You notice she also added a picture.
You write her back, telling her all about the disaster that M*A*S*H became, about CBS, and the tale of how you were almost burned to ash. You did assure her that most Hollywood productions are much much safer (although you did question yourself about that internally), and you also told her about your recent hobby of boxing.
Lastly, you replied to her request [insert here a future decision if we want to go to London] and finished it off by wishing her well.
Well, now for the boring stuff. You began reading the almost eternal paperwork you got because, apparently, owning things and getting $10 million through a lawsuit against a huge company is tied to tons of paperwork.
God, you want to punch someone. And people wonder why you started boxing.