Lex Sedet In Vertice: A Supervillain in the DCU CK2 quest

What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[ ] Construct servers
DC 26 (DC 6 if Felicity is assigned) Constructing additional servers will allow you to better optimize your phones and will possibly open up other fields like being an internet service provider. More servers means you can handle a larger load of data rushing in all at once

[ ] Offer LexCorp's services as an ISP
DC 53 (DC 23 if Felicity is assigned) While you haven't been able to dominate the computer industry the same way you have the phone industry perhaps you have been looking at this all wrong. By offering the service of an internet service provider you can still retain many of the benefits of making computers without engaging in the production of hardware at all.

[ ] Develop a social media platform
DC 54 (DC 34 if Felicity is assigned) The internet is still rather new in its current state and isn't thoroughly organized. By creating a revolutionary new type of site in which people would interact with each other and use it to manage interpersonal relationships would allow you to gain a lot of metrics on a lot of people and possibly make a ton of money in advertising.

[ ] Develop a search engine
DC 66 (46 if Felicity is assigned) The success of Buggle makes launching your own search engine incredibly tempting. You are sure that with the right incentives you can easily surpass your rivals in this department even with their headstart

[ ] Develop an online encyclopedia
DC 35 (DC 15 if Felicity is assigned) Alternatively using your online databases you can create an online repository of information for others to browse. While you likely won't make incredible profits off of this, the ability to control the flow of information is incredibly valuable.
We really need to hit these once we hire more programmers. Seriously.
I will get back to you once I have a solid hard declaration on how it could or couldn't work.
I have a solid declaration. While it is unrealistic I cannot allow a recruiting office to be an option. Some hero units will sometimes seek you out without you having committed an action to guarantee it (Cerise is an example of this). Anything that would allow you to regularly recruit hero units with no investment is too powerful as it would allow you to snowball incredibly hard with zero risk attached to it. Any option completely free of risk is bad game design in my opinion since that then immediately becomes the best choice.
I picture a hiring agency having effects like "+10 LexCorp workers per turn, +3 LexCorp security guards per turn, +1 each of scientists, lawyers, and programmers per turn." So the manpower trickle isn't actually all that significant if we're not going on active recruitment drives, but it lets us gradually fill in losses to things like random terror attacks.

Again, this is kind of realistic- a company the size of LexCorp already has employee turnover and hires people constantly to fill in as workers resign, retire, or move away.

And such a bonus is not strongly overpowered compared to many of the other things we can do with an action. Such as setting up a production line for a new product (constant income trickle) or recruiting a new hero (bonus to an action every turn, possible +1 AP/turn trickle).

[EDIT: the size of the employee trickle would probably depend on the degree of success]
There are problems with this as well. If you can do this multiple times then you can build up to getting 50+ every turn which would swiftly become gamebreaking and if the degree of success determines how much you get you could easily make it so you never have to recruit ever since you have ways of breaking 300+ if you want to commit to it and you have gotten lucky before.

Furthermore there is a point where having too many employees without the infastructure to deal with them penalizes you. If the auto recruitment is a thing do I keep it up until you hit the limit or let you suffer the penalties due to it occuring automatically and not stopping.

There are solutions to these problems but they involve crippling the action until it is incredibly weak with anything but the highest rolls which makes the action worthless which is still bad design.

Basically anything that repeatedly gives you something with no investment is too difficult to balance when accounting for the variance of dice rolls. It either ends up game breaking or worthless and as such I will not implement such a mechanic.

It would also generate a lot more work on my end when keeping character pages up to date.

As such while it is unrealistic I will not allow such an option as I do not believe it would be healthy in the quest I have designed.
I have a solid declaration. While it is unrealistic I cannot allow a recruiting office to be an option. Some hero units will sometimes seek you out without you having committed an action to guarantee it (Cerise is an example of this). Anything that would allow you to regularly recruit hero units with no investment is too powerful as it would allow you to snowball incredibly hard with zero risk attached to it. Any option completely free of risk is bad game design in my opinion since that then immediately becomes the best choice.

There are problems with this as well. If you can do this multiple times then you can build up to getting 50+ every turn which would swiftly become gamebreaking and if the degree of success determines how much you get you could easily make it so you never have to recruit ever since you have ways of breaking 300+ if you want to commit to it and you have gotten lucky before.

Furthermore there is a point where having too many employees without the infastructure to deal with them penalizes you. If the auto recruitment is a thing do I keep it up until you hit the limit or let you suffer the penalties due to it occuring automatically and not stopping.

There are solutions to these problems but they involve crippling the action until it is incredibly weak with anything but the highest rolls which makes the action worthless which is still bad design.

Basically anything that repeatedly gives you something with no investment is too difficult to balance when accounting for the variance of dice rolls. It either ends up game breaking or worthless and as such I will not implement such a mechanic.
One issue I've noticed is that we don't have a good sense for the mechanical consequences of actions like "hire more minions" actions, so we don't take them very often.

Like, I know what will happen if we build a new LexCorp tower in a foreign city. I know what will happen if we recruit a hero unit. What happens, mechanically, if LexCorp gains +1000 more workers, or +250 more programmers?

Could you maybe break that down for us? Would we get something tiny like a -1 to the DC of a handful of actions? Something big like a -5 or -10 to the DC of a lot of actions?

It would be really helpful to understand how that would impact the company, or at least have a rough estimate. In-game, Lex Luthor probably has a pretty good idea of what he'd be able to do if he had 500 more workers. Out-of-game we have almost no idea. We've set up a huge number of new businesses and operations, done all kinds of things, but our workforce grows very slowly. It's hard to tell to what extent that's bottlenecking us.

I mean, Google employs about a hundred thousand people full-time. Facebook employs about thirty-five thousand. Amazon has about three hundred thousand employees, a lot of whom are warehouse workers and delivery drivers. Lockheed Martin, a major defense contractor, employs about a hundred thousand, again.

Even a relatively small 'big company' like Electronic Arts, the game manufacturer, has nine thousand employees- comparable in size to LexCorp.

Would it be fair to say that a lot of our actions are being made significantly more difficult by our limited workforce? Lex would probably know if that's a problem. My gut instinct is that it is, but I don't know how things are working behind the scenes.
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The vote is now closed
One issue I've noticed is that we don't have a good sense for the mechanical consequences of actions like "hire more minions" actions, so we don't take them very often.

Like, I know what will happen if we build a new LexCorp tower in a foreign city. I know what will happen if we recruit a hero unit. What happens, mechanically, if LexCorp gains +1000 more workers, or +250 more programmers?

Could you maybe break that down for us? Would we get something tiny like a -1 to the DC of a handful of actions? Something big like a -5 or -10 to the DC of a lot of actions?

It would be really helpful to understand how that would impact the company, or at least have a rough estimate. In-game, Lex Luthor probably has a pretty good idea of what he'd be able to do if he had 500 more workers. Out-of-game we have almost no idea. We've set up a huge number of new businesses and operations, done all kinds of things, but our workforce grows very slowly. It's hard to tell to what extent that's bottlenecking us.

I mean, Google employs about a hundred thousand people full-time. Facebook employs about thirty-five thousand. Amazon has about three hundred thousand employees, a lot of whom are warehouse workers and delivery drivers. Lockheed Martin, a major defense contractor, employs about a hundred thousand, again.

Even a relatively small 'big company' like Electronic Arts, the game manufacturer, has nine thousand employees- comparable in size to LexCorp.

Would it be fair to say that a lot of our actions are being made significantly more difficult by our limited workforce? Lex would probably know if that's a problem. My gut instinct is that it is, but I don't know how things are working behind the scenes.
I'll elaborate on it in a second once I'm done working on some other stuff (irl things and the update)
[X] Donate to the Police
[X] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws

[X] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee
[X] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx
[X] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently

[X] Sell your service robots

[X] Begin production of kryptonite batteries
[X] Improve Kryptonite mining
[X] Create the automobile of tomorrow

[X] Create commercial airplanes
[X] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto
[X] Begin producing children's television

[X] Improve your PMC
[X] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca

[X] Create Shell Companies

[X] The A.M.A.Z.O. project

[X] [Comp] Have your supercomputer map out the most efficient route to patrol a given area
[X] Donate to the Police
[X] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws

[X] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee
[X] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx
[X] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently

[X] Sell your service robots

[X] Begin production of kryptonite batteries
[X] Improve Kryptonite mining
[X] Create the automobile of tomorrow

[X] Create commercial airplanes
[X] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto
[X] Begin producing children's television

[X] Improve your PMC
[X] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca

[X] Create Shell Companies

[X] The A.M.A.Z.O. project

[X] [Comp] Have your supercomputer map out the most efficient route to patrol a given area
Turn 16 Hero Vote
And the update is here. Damn this is one of the most stewardship heavy rounds you've had. I'm quite interested to see how things play out. Sorry that this took a while but I still got it out today. I hope to keep up this pace going forward now. I don't have much else to say and I'm excited for the future.

Turn 16 Hero Vote
Please select the heroes you would like to assign to an action. Remember that all votes in non-plan format will be rejected and that there is a 1 hour moratorium on voting. If a hero unit is not assigned to a task then they act independently of all the available actions. You can also attempt to assign Jarret and Emily to an action (although it isn't guaranteed they will do it). Also if you want to use the pheromone spray please indicate on who and how in your plan. You can assign any one hero to the supercomputer special action on top of assigning them to a normal action. The supercomputer special action is the action marked [Comp].

[ ] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca
DC 20

[ ] Improve your PMC
DC 22

[ ] Donate to the police
DC 4

[ ] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee
DC ??? (A hero unit must be assigned to this action. Taking this action also means that Jarret Parker must be assigned to this action. The DC is different for all hero units assigned but remains unknown for all of them)

[ ] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently
DC 21

[ ] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto
DC 19

[ ] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx
DC 30

[ ] Improve Kryptonite mining
DC 35

[ ] Create commercial airplanes
DC 2

[ ] Begin producing children's television
DC 15

[ ] Sell your Service Robots
DC 18 (DC 9 if Marie Louise Dahl is assigned to the task)

[ ] Begin production of Kryptonite batteries
DC 23

[ ] Create shell companies
DC 50

[ ] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws
DC 2

[ ] Create the automobile of tomorrow
DC 22

[ ] The A.M.A.Z.O. project
DC 180 (DC 105 if Ivo assigned)

[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin to predict when Ivo will need a transplant
DC 34

Important notes
Edward Nygma can be assigned to any job that involves investigation, hiding things or acquiring a material

Emily Rice can be involved in any action that involves teaching Jinx and will attempt to take them of her own accord whenever possible

Jarret Parker can be involved in any action that involves mental health

Cassandra Unique actions subvote
One of these actions can be undertaken during this turn but it doesn't have to be taken. Most of these options require assigning Cassandra to the option. These actions do not have to be taken but they will provide Cassandra with improvements as she grows. In order for any of these actions to be taken a hero must be assigned to it. Please include the Cassandra unique option in your plan if you want to use it. Certain actions can be overlapped with Jinx Unique actions. If an action is overlapped then it counts as one action rather than two.

[ ] [Cass] Hire a martial arts instructor for Cassandra
DC 50 (Stewardship) Cassandra Luthor is a martial arts prodigy. Hiring an instructor to teach her might be difficult due to how skilled Cassandra already is but could prove to be well worth it to get Cassandra to the next level and get a skilled fighter on your payroll.

[ ] [Cass] Hire a scholastic tutor for Cassandra
DC 13 (Stewardship) You have no intention of allowing your adopted daughters education to suffer. Hiring tutors will make it easier to ensure Cassandra has the intelligence expected from a member of your family.

[ ] [Cass] Hire an art tutor for the Cassandra
DC 10 (Stewardship) Drawing could prove an excellent non-violent action for Cassandra and could serve as a viable alternate means for her to communicate with others while she still doesn't understand language. You aren't an artist yourself but you are sure you could hire someone to teach Cassandra the necessary skills (Can be overlapped and apply to both children)

[ ] [Cass] Hire a caretaker
DC 166 (Stewardship) You are a busy man there is no shame in admitting that. Still someone needs to take care of Cassandra's day to day needs. You'll have to find a thoroughly vetted expert (nothing but the best for your child) but it could prove a decent investment

[ ] [Cass] Buy Cassandra a pet
DC 4 (Stewardship) A pet of some kind might help Cassandra learn to become less dependent on human body language and will help socialize her to an extent.

[ ] [Cain] Teach Cassandra how to handle weaponry
DC 2 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Martial) Cassandra Cain is a skilled fighter but doesn't have much training in the use of weaponry like guns. Teaching her could prove very useful for rounding out her skills as an assassin (Can be overlapped with teaching Jinx to handle weaponry. If overlapped Jinx must be assigned to either this or her equivalent).

[ ] [Cass] Desensitize Cassandra to death
DC 44 (Cassandra Cain must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Intrigue) David Cain did not take the final step in teaching his daughter to become a weapon by teaching her how to deal with death. Death is a natural part of life and you have no intention of letting the child in your care be traumatized by something as meaningless as it. Finishing her training as an assassin and removing a weakness seems like a good idea to you but it must be handled carefully

[ ] [Cass] Educate Cassandra on science
DC 68 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) You have no intention of allowing Cassandra Cain to remain ignorant as to science. While you don't expect her to be as smart as you as your daughter there are standards she must reach

[ ] [Cass] Have Cassandra learn to invent
DC 80 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Cassandra has a basic grasp of the fundamentals of most things in science. Now all that is left is to teach her how to do these things in the real world in a practical setting.

[ ] [Cass] Educate Cassandra more on Mathematics
DC 42 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Cassandra has already learned the basics of math. You hope that by further expanding her abilities to do math you will set her up nicely in the future. After all the language of math is nearly universal

[ ] [Cass] Educate Cassandra on behavior and diplomacy
DC 13 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken (Learning)) As your adopted daughter Cassandra Cain will be thrust into the spotlight when the media learns of her. You have no intention of leaving her to be exploited by those vultures. Teaching Cassandra how to act in set situations will increase her ability to deal with others and will teach her the ever important trait of manipulation. Being able to twist others to your own ends is something you excel at and it will open up doors for Cassandra later in life.

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra language
DC ??? (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Cassandra is currently mute and unable to talk to others or read letters. You aren't sure what it'll take to fix the damage David Cain has done to her but attempting to fix it will leave Cassandra so much more well adjusted

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra to draw
DC 26 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Alternatively if you cannot solve the language problem teaching Cassandra how to draw could prove useful. She can recognize images so being able to draw while slow will allow her to communicate with others without speaking.

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra basic biology
DC 5 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Assassination and surgery have a lot of overlap in the knowledge needed and the skills that are valuable. Cassandra could prove to be quite the talented surgeon in the future. Teaching her some basic biology should ensure that you cover any gaps in her knowledge of anatomy before you can set her on the path of becoming a world renowned surgeon.

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra ballet
DC 34 (Cassandra Luthor must be assign to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Ballet is an excellent way to help teach Cassandra coordination and would give her a positive social outlet and would allow her to refine her skillset. Teaching her how to go through the forms might be a bit tricky but you are sure she can handle it.

[ ] [Cass] Socialize Cassandra with children
DC ??? (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Diplomacy) Isolation has not been good for Cassandra's mental health. Allowing her to interact with peers her age might give her a bit more of a normal childhood and help her adjust from thinking of herself as nothing but a weapon to thinking of herself as a person.

[ ] [Cass] Socialize Cassandra with adults
DC ??? (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Diplomacy) Children are beneath both you and your daughter. You intend for her to learn amongst adults how to behave and interact. While it will be more difficult for her it will get her to understand the position she is in and hopefully teach her to start thinking like a Luthor

[ ] [Cass] Debut Cassandra to the public
DC 0 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Diplomacy) Debuting Cassandra Cain to the public will allow you to take control of whatever narrative forms around her. It will keep her firmly in the spotlight and ensure she never gets to experience a "normal" childhood but if she can withstand the pressure she will grow stronger for it and her introduction to the world will be marked free of scandal

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra to fly a plane
DC 48 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) (Learning) Teaching your daughter some kind of talent might be useful in the short term and something like flying a plane would give her a highly versatile skill to use later on in life.

[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra more about chess
DC 18 (Cassandra must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) (Learning) Cassandra Luthor has proven to be quite a talented chess player in your games to teach her the weight of obligations. Perhaps there is the spark of a potential grandmaster in your daughter. Nurturing this talent could earn her more prestige in certain circles and it would help develop her strategic thinking

[ ] [Cass] Learn to read a cat's body language
DC ??? (Cassandra must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) (Learning) Cassandra has spent a lot of time playing with Janus. As time passes she has grown better and better at reading Janus' body language. Perhaps given enough time she can apply her knowledge of body language to non-human creatures eventually concluding in her being able to read all animals body language. For now you'll stick to cats but this could be the first step to a very interesting development

Jinx Unique actions
One of these actions can be undertaken during this turn but doesn't require it to be taken. Jinx must be assigned to some of these actions. A hero unit must be assigned to the action for it to be undertaken. Please include the Jinx unique action in your plan if you want to take it. Some actions can be overlapped with Cassandra Cain's unique actions. If this occurs it will be counted as a single action rather than two different ones.

[ ] [Jinx] Hire a martial arts instructor for Jinx
DC 24 (Stewardship) Jinx lacks much in the way of physical development. She can run decently fast but relies on her power too much for combat. If you wish to cultivate her as an asset it may be best to shore up that gap in the girls knowledge

[ ] [Jinx] Enroll Jinx in a school
DC 0 (Stewardship) Alternatively you could enroll Jinx in a school of some kind. Not only will this ensure that Jinx gets taught but it will also help Jinx learn to socialize with peers in her age group.

[ ] [Jinx] Train Jinx on more effectively utilizing her powers
DC ??? (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Jinx originally caught your eye because of her powers. Having her learn to more effectively utilize them will make her into a more valuable asset later on down the line.

[ ] [Jinx] Buy Jinx a pet
DC 2 (Stewardship) While you aren't overly fond of Jinx buying her a pet of some kind could cause her to become more closely endeared to you. And a loyal minion is far more useful than a resentful minion

[ ] [Jinx] Teach Jinx how to handle weaponry
DC 2 (Martial) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Teaching Jinx how to use weaponry could improve her combat capabilities to make her even more dangerous (This action can be overlapped with teaching Cassandra how to handle weaponry.)

[ ] [Jinx] Desensitize Jinx to death
DC 32 (Intrigue) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Teaching Jinx to overcome death could prove a valuable lesson for her. Making her resistant to phycological trauma will make her so much more useful as a weapon later on down the line

[ ] [Jinx] Teach Jinx LexCorp propaganda
DC 25 (Intrigue) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Children are easily molded and for all of Jinx's differences from the norm she is still a child. Using this critical period of development to mold the girl to your liking is an excellent long term investment.

[ ] [Jinx] Educate Jinx about science
DC 30 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Jinx is still a child and can still learn a thing or two about science. The more you teach her the more useful she will become.

[ ] [Jinx] Educate Jinx about writing and literature
DC 18 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Jinx has enjoyed learning about writing and literature and is actively attempting to expand her mind on such subjects. As such you may want to foster this trait in her.

[ ] [Jinx] Educate Jinx on acting
DC 23 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this action) Teaching Jinx how to act and by extension how to lie effectively will give her a creative outlet and will make her a more useful tool later on down the line

[ ] [Jinx] Educate Jinx on etiquette
DC 79 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this action) Jinx is stubborn and likes to flout social norms but given that she is a LexCorp ward a certain level of decorum is necessary. Ensuring that she knows how not to embarrass your company in public could prove necessary

[ ] [Jinx] Teach Jinx magic
DC ??? (DC 13 if Rebecca is assigned, DC 10 if Cerise is assigned) (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this action) Rebecca is a more mature and powerful magic user than Jinx. Perhaps Jinx could learn a thing or two from Rebecca. More powerful people indebted to you seems like it can only be beneficial

[ ] [Jinx] Teach Jinx leadership
DC 46 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this action) Jinx has shown some basic talent for leadership. Expanding upon this could prove beneficial in the long run even if you are unsure of how the girl will take to instruction

[ ] [Jinx] Influence Jinx to become Cassandra's right hand woman
DC 53 (Diplomacy) (Jinx must be assigned to this action) Mercy has proven an absolute godsend for you throughout your life as your one true confidante for most of your life. Raising an equivalent right hand for your daughter might enable her to succeed very well. Jinx has all the makings of a very useful second in command. Perhaps you ought to start guiding her down the path that will best ensure Cassandra's success

Restructuring LexCorp
This is a subvote on if you want to move around and/or change some of your hero units official titles and positions. Some hero units will react highly aversely to having their position and title changed. This vote will then trigger yet another subvote if you do want to mess with things. The current positions and titles are as follows
  • Lex Luthor: Head of LexCorp, CEO of LexCorp, CFO of LexCorp, Chief PR Rep for LexCorp
  • Mercy Graves: Head of LexCorp Security, Lex Luthor's Personal Bodyguard, Lex Luthor's Personal Assistant
  • Cassandra Luthor: Holds no official title or position
  • Pamela Isley: Head of Botanical Research at LexCorp, Head of LexCorp's Green Initiative
  • Professor Ivo: Senior Scientist, Head of the A.M.A.Z.O. project
  • Katherine Kane: Head of an elite squad of LexCorp security forces
  • Rebecca Carstairs: Head of Extranormal research, LexCorp Representative
  • Roxanne Sutton: Official Ferris Aerospace Test Pilot, LexCorp Representative
  • Carol Ferris: Head of Ferris Aerospace
  • Mari McCabe: Head of McCabe Fashion
  • Karl Helfern: Head of Medical Research
  • Oswald Loomis: Head of television programming at Lightspeed Entertainment
  • Jinx: No official title, is a LexCorp ward
  • Carl Draper: Construction Specialist
  • Felicity Smoak: Computer Specialist
  • Marie Louise Dahl: PR Representative
  • Edward Nygma: Freelance Investigator and Acquisitions Expert
  • Rose Wilson: Assistant to the Head of LexCorp Security
  • Cerise Orielle: Consultant on supernatural and historical matters
  • Dr. Moon: LexCorp Medical Researcher
  • Janus the two-headed lion cub: Mascot
[ ] [Jobs] Keep titles and positions the same
[ ] [Jobs] Change some titles and positions
[ ] [Cass] Teach Cassandra basic biology
DC 5 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this option for it to be taken) (Learning) Assassination and surgery have a lot of overlap in the knowledge needed and the skills that are valuable. Cassandra could prove to be quite the talented surgeon in the future. Teaching her some basic biology should ensure that you cover any gaps in her knowledge of anatomy before you can set her on the path of becoming a world renowned surgeon.
[ ] [Jinx] Educate Jinx about writing and literature
DC 18 (Learning) (Jinx must be assigned to this option) Jinx has enjoyed learning about writing and literature and is actively attempting to expand her mind on such subjects. As such you may want to foster this trait in her.
I favour this 2, what about you guys?
[] Plan Simon's First Plan
-[] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca (Martial, DC 20) - Katherine
-[] Improve your PMC (Martial, DC 22) - Mercy, Rose
-[] Donate to the Police (Diplomacy, DC 4) - Cerise
-[] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee (Diplomacy, DC ???) - Dr. Parker, Dr. Isley, Dr. Helfern
-[] Create commercial airplanes (Stewardship, DC 2, DC -13 with Carol Ferris) - Carol
-[] Begin producing children's television (Stewardship, DC 15) - Oswald
-[] Sell your service robots (Stewardship, DC 18) - NO HERO
-[] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto (Stewardship, DC 19) - NO HERO
-[] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently (Stewardship, DC 21) - Mari McCabe
-[] Begin production of kryptonite batteries (Stewardship, DC 23) - NO HERO
-[] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx (Stewardship, DC 30) - Roxanne, Jinx
-[] Improve Kryptonite mining (Stewardship, DC 35) - Felicity
-[] Create Shell Companies (Stewardship, DC 50) - Carl Draper, Edward Nygma, Dr. Moon
-[] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws (Intrigue, DC 2) - NO HERO
-[] Create the automobile of tomorrow (Learning, DC 22) - Rebecca
-[] The A.M.A.Z.O. project (Learning, DC 105 with Dr. Ivo) - Lex, Cassandra, Dr. Ivo, Marie Dahl
-[] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin to predict when Ivo will need a transplant - Lex
-[] [Jobs] Keep titles and positions the same

This is as outlined in my post here.

There are some odd choices here, admittedly. I'm using this mainly as a launchpad for discussion.

1) I'm putting Rebecca on the car of tomorrow. Why? Well, high Learning and we don't have any magic for her to do. Let's see what she's like given a relatively mundane but important and interesting task.

2) I'm putting Roxy in charge of a Stewardship task. This is normally a terrible idea. However, in this case, I'm not actually doing it because of Roxanne Sutton's (nonexistent) management skills. I'm doing it because her good relationship with Jinx will augment Jinx's Stewardship 11 into +15, effectively allowing Jinx to do most of the heavy lifting in designing her own living quarters.

Since this turn doesn't have a lot of high-impact Martial, Diplomacy, or Intrigue actions going on, and since the big-deal Learning project is the megacollaboration on the A.M.A.Z.O. project, I have a few hero units who are just not super-helpful... and that's OK. In this case, Roxy is bringing out the best in Jinx and letting her contribute on a project that would affect her but that she's not normally able to handle on her own.

Also it would make a hilarious DCAU episode, would it not?

I favour this 2, what about you guys?
I love them IF you can free up Cassandra and Jinx. Cassandra is currently providing a +20 on the die roll to the A.M.A.Z.O. project, and Jinx is currently providing a +15 to the die roll on the "build Jinx living quarters" project. If you're comfortable pulling Jinx OFF that and putting her ON a 'child' action, go right ahead; I suggest you then team her up with Dr. Rice on that task.

Moreover, having Jinx not working on her living quarters makes Roxy about as useful as a screen door on a submarine for that action, so she can be reassigned. Given her stat line and co-op scores, she doesn't work well with Rose or Katherine, so about the only useful things to put her on are "Car of tomorrow" where she applies a +8 and assures success, or the "point out Mayor Sackett screwed up" action where her Intrigue 13 on a DC 2 task assures us of a decent success.

Freeing up Cassandra is rather harder. It's important to the success of the action that we have a teamup as close to +100 on the die roll as possible without actually tipping over the line. Maybe we could pull Mercy off the "improve the PMC" action. Her bonus would be +19 (1.85 times her Learning, rounded up) plus 10 for being 'perfect subordinate.' That means that we can pull Marie Dahl (and put her on selling the service robots) AND Cassandra, and have...

Lex+Mercy+Ivo = 36 + 10 + 19 + 10 + 15 = +90. Our chance of an exploding crit is still pretty good.

Lex+Mercy+Ivo+Marie would give us a combined +101 on the die roll, which is too high for us to get exploding crits (the real point of stacking the bonuses this high). So we might as well pull Marie. Then Cass can go learn some science, and Marie goes and sells service robots, and hopefully everything's fine. We just don't get that extra +19 on the "improve the PMC" roll.

So, hmmm. Plan would look like...


[] Plan Kids be Kids, PR Lady be PR Lady
-[] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca (Martial, DC 20) - Katherine
-[] Improve your PMC (Martial, DC 22) - Rose
-[] Donate to the Police (Diplomacy, DC 4) - Cerise
-[] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee (Diplomacy, DC ???) - Dr. Parker, Dr. Isley, Dr. Helfern
-[] Create commercial airplanes (Stewardship, DC 2, DC -13 with Carol Ferris) - Carol
-[] Begin producing children's television (Stewardship, DC 15) - Oswald
-[] Sell your service robots (Stewardship, DC 9) - Marie Dahl
-[] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto (Stewardship, DC 19) - NO HERO
-[] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently (Stewardship, DC 21) - Mari McCabe
-[] Begin production of kryptonite batteries (Stewardship, DC 23) - NO HERO
-[] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx (Stewardship, DC 30) - NO HERO
-[] Improve Kryptonite mining (Stewardship, DC 35) - Felicity
-[] Create Shell Companies (Stewardship, DC 50) - Carl Draper, Edward Nygma, Dr. Moon
-[] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws (Intrigue, DC 2) - Roxanne
-[] Create the automobile of tomorrow (Learning, DC 22) - Rebecca
-[] The A.M.A.Z.O. project (Learning, DC 105 with Dr. Ivo) - Lex, Mercy, Dr. Ivo
-[] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin to predict when Ivo will need a transplant - Lex
-[] [Jobs] Keep titles and positions the same
-[] [Cass] Teach Cassandra basic biology - Cassandra
-[] [Jinx] Educate Jinx about writing and literature - Dr. Rice, Jinx

This plan has the following differences compared to my first one:

1) No bonus instead of +16 bonus on the "Jinx's quarters" roll.

2) +17 instead of +43 on the "improve the PMC" roll.

3) Only +90 instead of +97 on the "A.M.A.Z.O" roll. This makes a failure significantly more likely, 10% chance instead of 3% (or 9% instead of 2%, not sure which). But we may get a third round of exploding crit roll this way and get some absurd number like 400+ this way on the other hand, so it's not necessarily a bad thing.

4) Effective +16 bonus on the "Service robots" roll, making it nearly certain to succeed and more likely to succeed well.

5) +14 on the DC 2 "Mayor Sackett fucked up" roll, making it certain to succeed and more likely to succeed well.

6) Jinx gets to study English with her tutor, and Cassandra gets to self-study biology.
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@Simon_Jester - in your Kids be Kids, you still have Roxy and Jinx assigned to her living quarters. I, personally, like that plan, since I hope that Marie will roll supremely and gain a modicum of self-worth.
[X] Plan Kids be Kids, PR Lady be PR Lady repaired
-[X] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca (Martial, DC 20) - Katherine
-[X] Improve your PMC (Martial, DC 22) - Rose
-[X] Donate to the Police (Diplomacy, DC 4) - Cerise
-[X] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee (Diplomacy, DC ???) - Dr. Parker, Dr. Isley, Dr. Helfern
-[X] Create commercial airplanes (Stewardship, DC 2, DC -13 with Carol Ferris) - Carol
-[X] Begin producing children's television (Stewardship, DC 15) - Oswald
-[X] Sell your service robots (Stewardship, DC 9) - Marie Dahl
-[X] Build a new LexCorp building- Kyoto (Stewardship, DC 19)
-[X] Hire on Lisa Snart permanently (Stewardship, DC 21) - Mari McCabe
-[X] Begin production of kryptonite batteries (Stewardship, DC 23)
-[X] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx (Stewardship, DC 30)
-[X] Improve Kryptonite mining (Stewardship, DC 35) - Felicity
-[X] Create Shell Companies (Stewardship, DC 50) - Carl Draper, Edward Nygma, Dr. Moon
-[X] Bring it to light that Bradford Sackett has violated his position with his anti-gun laws (Intrigue, DC 2) - Roxanne
-[X] Create the automobile of tomorrow (Learning, DC 22) - Rebecca
-[X] The A.M.A.Z.O. project (Learning, DC 105 with Dr. Ivo) - Lex, Mercy, Dr. Ivo
-[X] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin to predict when Ivo will need a transplant - Lex
-[X] [Jobs] Keep titles and positions the same
-[X] [Cass] Teach Cassandra basic biology - Cassandra
-[x] [Jinx] Educate Jinx about writing and literature - Dr. Rice, Jinx
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