What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
@King crimson I'm just wondering what effect the life model decoy drone action has had on the robotic conversion action Fixit has. Does it have a lower DC or better results for passing as human, and can a unit that has undergone robotic conversion have the various cybernetic upgrades LexCorp developed, be installed into the frame immediately?
As of now the life model decoy drone has had no real shift for the robotic conversion action. All its done is helped to skew things so that you have more "human-like" robot forms to place people into.

Additionally a unit that has undergone robotic conversion can have cybernetic upgrades preinstalled into the frame, but some of them are pointless and wouldn't be installed. That being said don't expect every single cybernetic augmentation to be given to you on an automatic success. Fixit will mostly focus on quality of life stuff first so if you want a robot body that can generate forcefields and has laser eyes, you've got upgrading work to do.
Though that does remind me @King crimson I've been meaning to ask, can Turgo be put on actions to improve LMD's or is he useless now that we've finished reverse engineering them?
He can be put on improving LMD's but he's less useful then he was at straight up reverse engineering them. Alternatively when meeting with Queen Bee you can send him back with a request for different programming.
Here we have the results of the Cass Special action to educate her on mathematics. I think the results speak for themselves. We haven't actually gotten that second science trait yet. Mathematics is technically a scientific field.

With a good team, and double down, we could see spectacular results that would benefit more than one stat. This is something I'd want to take before Cassandra turns 16 anyway, so getting it out of the way now works best for killing two birds with one stone.
That sounds like a good plan to me, especially assuming that advanced mathematics counts as a scientific field. Could we get confirmation on that @King crimson

As for potential teams, Cassandra and Emily Rice alone provide +63/+73 if it does count as a scientific field. We could either take a gamble with that and maybe a double down or try and find another hero we can afford to assign to it to bump it up a bit.

Some potential combinations would be:

Cassandra, Rice and Rose = +84/+94

Cassandra, Rice and Meena = +95/+105 (Keep in mind the +10 is at the end of calculation so wouldn't effect rerolls)

Cassandra, Rice and Frost = +81/+91

Cassandra, Rice and Tora = +84/+94 (With the potential added benefit that Tora herself is stated to actually be very clever and pick up on stuff quickly, she's just lacking an education)

Of course a lot of these characters will probably be tied up elsewhere.
He can be put on improving LMD's but he's less useful then he was at straight up reverse engineering them. Alternatively when meeting with Queen Bee you can send him back with a request for different programming.
Fair enough, depending on what the DC is it might be worth paying a visit to Queen Bee next turn then. We could share what we've learned about HIVE as well, especially if we unearth something about the other branch next turn.
Yeah I'm all for screwing with Wayne Enterprises now that they've escalated but actively building a tower there would make us a target for various Gotham shenanigans and directly draw the eye of the Court of Owls.
It's a little tricky, though. The faces that we are reacting to are... not simple.

- The Court of Owls is the one who actually tried to screw us over, wielding Wayne Enterprises to do it.
- Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne has recently been... somewhat obnoxious with a few of his moves. At the same time, there's a certain level of politeness between us right now, and we don't really want to breach that.
- Batman hasn't done anything to upset us.

- Our actual adversary is Wayne Enterprises. That's the one we gain benefits directly from diminishing.
- We don't actually want to draw Batman's attention any more than we have to. On the other hand, making Batman busy is good, because time and attention he spends on Batman business is time and attention not spent on Wayne Enterprises business.
- We kind of like the Court of Owls because they're constantly draining the vitality of Wayne Enterprises for their own ends and also they make Batman's life busier.

- Currently, Bruce Wayne is dating Lois Lane. There's clearly also something going on between Lois Lane and Batman. She... probably hasn't figured out the connection? Regardless, we like this and wish them well, especially as far as this helps convince Lois Lane to go pay more attention to Gotham. We want to encourage things in that direction as much as we possibly can.
- Part of that would be doing things that are obviously beneficial for the world and not doing things that make Lois Lane's thing about LexCorp flare up.
- We can't not act. Wayne Enterprises has wronged us, and Lex's reputation for vindictiveness is widespread and valuable. We've gotta do something to respond to this affront. Ideally, it'll be something where those who know about the affront in question will be able to draw a direct line from that to our response. Having it be a somewhat over-the-top demonstration of prowess would be good.

So... thinking about it, whatever it is that we do, it should be targeted towards Wayne Enterprises. We want to maintain our current civility with Bruce as much as we can. Ideally, his reaction to finding out about it will be to grit his teeth bitterly, grumble that he knew this was coming, and blame the Court of Owls for having offended us. It shouldn't target him at all. It also shouldn't be something that would cause Lois Lane to break out in hives. Ideally it would be something of meaningful benefit to the world at large that just happens to laser-target the Wayne Enterprises bottom line in a significant way.

So... what are the primary sources of income for Wayne Enterprises? What can we target? I mean, yeah, the Bone Growth Formula is great... but even if it is technically a pharmaceutical, it's specific enough that it itself isn't going to do all that much damage. What else is there?

We could do another lab/research/production cycle on pharmaceuticals with the twins, I suppose, with the "lab" part being covered by a small but meaningful disbursal from this turn's lab success. They'd certainly like that. Might be a bit overkill at this point, though.

Iirc a major reason for potentially grabbing Giganta is that Guy continuously pissed her off and kinda tanked his reputation by dragging out the fight due to constantly sexually harassing her. Carol is a big fan of the idea and it would potentially give us both another hero and a way to hurt the Green Lantern's as a whole so it might be worth doing as a way to reward Carol while also benefitting us.
I'd be a fan of that one... especially if done all legal and aboveboard and in a way that we could PR-spin effectively.

I'm not really worried about the Court of Owls since if we find out about them, we can always tell Ra's, and he really make sure they get exterminated.
I continue to assert that we like the Court of Owls and want them to thrive. There's a pretty clear cycle going.
Court of Owls thrives -> Court of Owls does something evil and self-destructive with Wayne Enterprises -> Wayne Enterprises takes a major PR hit, and Bruce Wayne has to put a bunch of effort into cleaning house... again. (...a which point the Court of Owls isn't really thriving as much, and they have to take time to recover). Given that this both damages Wayne Enterprises and distracts Batman with something that has absolutely nothing to do with us, this is a Good Thing, and we like it.
So... what are the primary sources of income for Wayne Enterprises? What can we target? I mean, yeah, the Bone Growth Formula is great... but even if it is technically a pharmaceutical, it's specific enough that it itself isn't going to do all that much damage. What else is there?

We could do another lab/research/production cycle on pharmaceuticals with the twins, I suppose, with the "lab" part being covered by a small but meaningful disbursal from this turn's lab success. They'd certainly like that. Might be a bit overkill at this point, though.
Pursuing pharmaceuticals is probably off the table for the foreseeable future but I can think of four possible ways we can screw with Wayne Enterprises without pissing off Bruce directly.

1) They began expanding into the appliance market last turn, our autokitchen has the potential to destroy ant attempt by them to corner the market with a good enough success.

2) They control a decent share of the video game market but we have two separate low DC actions that relate to it, developing our own games/console and a handheld console, a good success on either or preferably both of those could really chip away at them.

3) They also have a presence in the personal computer market and while it would be a new industry for us, in fact I don't think we even have an action to expand into it yet, it is one we are uniquely suited to dominate with enough effort.

4) A bit of tit for tat, buy out the Gotham Gazette and potentially have it run a few stories about the shitty things Wayne Enterpises has done. This would synergises well with a general push to expand our news department such as improving our 24/7 channel and giving Leslie her own show.

If we want to do something that pushes the situation a bit more we could try to poach someone like Helga Jace and/or put some serious resources into outstripping them on metagene research.
I'd be a fan of that one... especially if done all legal and aboveboard and in a way that we could PR-spin effectively.
We'd probably need to at least meet with Giganta to figure out how best to spin her situation but her fight having been with Guy helps because… well, nobody likes Guy so it'd be pretty easy to paint him as the bad guy.

And if this just so happens to establish a pattern of Green Lanterns being antagonistic rent-a-cops whose villains aren't that bad, well I'll certainly take that.
And if this just so happens to establish a pattern of Green Lanterns being antagonistic rent-a-cops whose villains aren't that bad, well I'll certainly take that.
...and, of course, they're also illegal unregistered vigilantes, beholden to an alien power. Let's not forget that one.

4) A bit of tit for tat, buy out the Gotham Gazette and potentially have it run a few stories about the shitty things Wayne Enterpises has done. This would synergises well with a general push to expand our news department such as improving our 24/7 channel and giving Leslie her own show.
I'm almost tempted, but I don't want to turn Lois Lane from her current path. I'd love to see a "Mrs Lois Wayne" some day. That would be great. If I could think of any way to encourage it, I would.

Setting up a rival news organization to smear her boyfriend's name for things his company actually did? That really wouldn't help the cause.
Pursuing pharmaceuticals is probably off the table for the foreseeable future but I can think of four possible ways we can screw with Wayne Enterprises without pissing off Bruce directly.

1) They began expanding into the appliance market last turn, our autokitchen has the potential to destroy ant attempt by them to corner the market with a good enough success.

2) They control a decent share of the video game market but we have two separate low DC actions that relate to it, developing our own games/console and a handheld console, a good success on either or preferably both of those could really chip away at them.

3) They also have a presence in the personal computer market and while it would be a new industry for us, in fact I don't think we even have an action to expand into it yet, it is one we are uniquely suited to dominate with enough effort.
They also have cybernetics which have been said to be better then ours and apparently the military want to weaponize them but with Bruce at the helm it's unlikely to happen. So we can probably invest into that.

And to add to that they have a extremely dominant in the medical equipment market, which allowed them to pull an embargo on our pharmaceuticals in the first place. But we should probably ignore that due to being a heavy investment.

4) A bit of tit for tat, buy out the Gotham Gazette and potentially have it run a few stories about the shitty things Wayne Enterpises has done. This would synergises well with a general push to expand our news department such as improving our 24/7 channel and giving Leslie her own show.
We already have our own news network. Sure it's only on the east coast but we just need to expand it. And we can get Vicki Vale by upgrading it. Buying out the Gazette would be nice but it's a superfluous action.
If we want to do something that pushes the situation a bit more we could try to poach someone like Helga Jace and/or put some serious resources into outstripping them on metagene research.
Yeah this seems like an ideal "screw Wayne" action add in actions to make human experiment labs and we might reach or surpass their knowledge quickly.
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They also have cybernetics which have been said to be better then ours and apparently the military want to weaponize them but with Bruce at the helm it's unlikely to happen. So we can probably invest into that.

And to add to that they have a extremely dominant in the medical equipment market, which allowed them to pull an embargo on our pharmaceuticals in the first place. But we should probably ignore that due to being a heavy investment.
A sabotage action using Livewire to hack their files and steal all the data, a reverse engineer or improve action to make a model we can sell, screw over Wayne Enterprises. If we can corrupt their files enough that they lose all their data, we may be able to avoid a copyright lawsuit from them long enough that it's too late to do anything about it.

Wayne Enterprises may have a lot of money and actions per turn, but to my knowledge they don't have any (public) Metahumans to aid their activities.
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I'll give you advanced mathematics as a scientific field but be aware in advance that I'll be deliberately skewing it away from financial types mathematics and more towards scientific applications of mathematics
That's fair though I imagine that with a high enough success there would still be some spillover into Stewardship, after all a better understanding of mathematics almost inevitably leads to a better understanding of finance whether it's intentional or not.
...and, of course, they're also illegal unregistered vigilantes, beholden to an alien power. Let's not forget that one.
Truly just the worst of the worst, their rings are probably fuelled by the tears of orphans!
I'm almost tempted, but I don't want to turn Lois Lane from her current path. I'd love to see a "Mrs Lois Wayne" some day. That would be great. If I could think of any way to encourage it, I would.

Setting up a rival news organization to smear her boyfriend's name for things his company actually did? That really wouldn't help the cause.
I actually don't think it would impact their situation that much.

Some minor spoilers in case you want to wait for it to come up in quest but Lois already knows all about Wayne Enterprises' board breaking the law in regards to the pharmaceutical situation and is fully intending to dedicate most of her time over the next few turns investigating and writing an expose on it, with Bruce acting as an inside source.
They also have cybernetics which have been said to be better then ours and apparently the military want to weaponize them but with Bruce at the helm it's unlikely to happen. So we can probably invest into that.
True that is another area where we could contest them, it would probably be best to put Fixit on something like that though and he'll probably be taken up by LMD for at least another turn or two.
We already have our own news network. Sure it's only on the east coast but we just need to expand it. And we can get Vicki Vale by upgrading it. Buying out the Gazette would be nice but it's a superfluous action.
I wouldn't say superfluous so much as synergistic. Acquiring the Gazette would give us control over a trusted voice within Gotham, remove a competitor and let us grab Vale on a decent success.

It and expanding our own news can exist in equilibrium.
Yeah this seems like an ideal "screw Wayne" action add in actions to make human experiment labs and we might reach or surpass their knowledge quickly.
Hopefully yes though actively poaching Wayne Enterprises staff is pro more likely to draw his ire than some of the other options.

Btw @King crimson would it be possible for us to have a "Poach X's Staff" action?
True that is another area where we could contest them, it would probably be best to put Fixit on something like that though and he'll probably be taken up by LMD for at least another turn or two.
Personally I'd like to recruit more scientists in the next turn or two. Engineers and robotics experts this time. We have a load of robotics and Brainiac stuff and some extra hands would be nice to have. Buying out S.T.A.R. is also a personal priority though, especially considering we might hit two birds with one stone.
I actually don't think it would impact their situation that much.

Some minor spoilers in case you want to wait for it to come up in quest but Lois already knows all about Wayne Enterprises' board breaking the law in regards to the pharmaceutical situation and is fully intending to dedicate most of her time over the next few turns investigating and writing an expose on it, with Bruce acting as an inside source.
Yeah... but don't we want her to do that? Like, that's exactly the kind of thing that I want her to spend the next few turns doing. I mean... ideally, they even roll really well at it, and gain a bit more coop with one another. This is one story that we don't want to scoop her on.

Btw @King crimson would it be possible for us to have a "Poach X's Staff" action?
Worth noting that this would almost certainly have to deal with at least some heroic interference.
Personally I'd like to recruit more scientists in the next turn or two. Engineers and robotics experts this time. We have a load of robotics and Brainiac stuff and some extra hands would be nice to have. Buying out S.T.A.R. is also a personal priority though, especially considering we might hit two birds with one stone.
I think it might be a bit too soon to do that plus hiring more roboticists is kinda superfluous when we have Fixit and Ivo is waiting to be resurrected. Another would be nice of course but they'd need to be very good to be worth it.
Yeah... but don't we want her to do that? Like, that's exactly the kind of thing that I want her to spend the next few turns doing. I mean... ideally, they even roll really well at it, and gain a bit more coop with one another. This is one story that we don't want to scoop her on.
Oh absolutely but having the Gazette report on something doesn't mean Lois wouldn't also do so. After all the GG is basically just a step above a gossip rag and any story we have them write in the topic would be more along the lines of an opinion piece than Lois' well researched expose with insider sources.
Worth noting that this would almost certainly have to deal with at least some heroic interference.
Almost certainly yes.
Is this the word of the day? :lol2:
I think it might be a bit too soon to do that plus hiring more roboticists is kinda superfluous when we have Fixit and Ivo is waiting to be resurrected. Another would be nice of course but they'd need to be very good to be worth it.
Eh, Fixit's likely going to be doing LMDs for a bit and Ivo (whenever we can get to him) is almost certainly going to be put back on AMAZO. So someone else who can do general engineering actions would still be useful. I'm not saying it should take precedent over our Lexpo or buying out S.T.A.R. or anything but to put a team on it but It would be useful. Besides the recruit scientist action is different then the recruit doctors action we just took. it's only dc 31.
Oh absolutely but having the Gazette report on something doesn't mean Lois wouldn't also do so. After all the GG is basically just a step above a gossip rag and any story we have them write in the topic would be more along the lines of an opinion piece than Lois' well researched expose with insider sources.
Huh. We could... actually juice it up a little for her. Like, pick one or two of the worst offenders and run a personal expose on their horrible behaviors to crank up the heat for when she come down with a nice, juicy hit on their professional misbehaviors. People always like reading new, horrible things about folks they already hate.

Is "external hero interference in your favor" a thing in this quest? It seems like maybe it should be.

It would also do nicely as a tasty bit of revenge, and one that even Bruce might appreciate... for all that it would take two solid actions to do properly. First we buy out the Gazette and possibly take another swing at Vicki Vale. Then we build a fairly strong team for "write at least somewhat accurate scandalous stories about members of the Wayne Enterprises Board of Directors (not Bruce Wayne)"

...though it would be damaging the Court of Owls... and we kind of don't want to do that, for reasons mentioned earlier.

Ehhh... there are lots of conflicting incentives, I suppose. Being obviously courteous to Bruce Wayne has its own value.
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I think it would simply be sufficient to have our doctors on improve pharmaceuticals while the twins do some stewardship action to get us more workers after burning through the fifteen hundred or so we have collected since the start of turn 29. We can push pharmaceuticals turn 34 instead.
So currently making a list for personal benefit regarding what people want currently. What are opinions on how hard we should go on Dhawans Particle. Because we could put our supercomputer on some of the work and putting Dhawan on Physics could probably help lower the difficulty about the full action. Since the full action is 678 DC. I know its been talked about a bit but not sure to what degree people mostly feel like doing. Physics probably also has some other benefits if we do that since it probably to some degree also helps space travel.
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So currently making a list for personal benefit regarding what people want currently. What are opinions on how hard we should go on Dhawans Particle. Because we could put our supercomputer on some of the work and putting Dhawan on Physics could probably help lower the difficulty about the full action. Since the full action is 678 DC. I know its been talked about a bit but not sure to what degree people mostly feel like doing. Physics probably also has some other benefits if we do that since it probably to some degree also helps space travel.
The hardest we could go would be to assign Meena Dhawan to both the comp action to analyze DP and the regular action to use her particle accelerator to observer subatomic reactions.
So currently making a list for personal benefit regarding what people want currently. What are opinions on how hard we should go on Dhawans Particle. Because we could put our supercomputer on some of the work and putting Dhawan on Physics could probably help lower the difficulty about the full action. Since the full action is 678 DC. I know its been talked about a bit but not sure to what degree people mostly feel like doing. Physics probably also has some other benefits if we do that since it probably to some degree also helps space travel.
I'm not... amazingly into Dhawan's particle?

Now that Bone Growth is matured... well, let's see.
- We have various obligations. Of course we need to do those.
- Tuning up the Cold Engine so that it can take over more and more of humanity's power generation needs. Shrinking it down far enough that you can use it to power container ships would be fantastic. Talk about a death knell for Big Oil.
- More/better Kryptonite. We had some nice successes with kryptonite proliferation, and they're doing pretty, pretty things... but I really want better market penetration for the LexCar. Another research/produce cycle on that thing would be very nice. Improving efficiency and effectiveness on kryptonite lasers would also be nice.
- Reverse-engineering Brainiac tech. Of course.
- Gingko Fruit. Elastic man is useful. Elastic man comboed with our current version of Bone Growth is going to be amazing.
- Research on comboing augmentations and doing so more effectively with fewer drawbacks... like bone/plant and bone/rubber.
- Various efforts to claw for economic advantage. Bring out another grand iteration of the LexPhone, advance our psychopharmaceuticals, release the autokitchen... things like that.
- Going for speed force? It's kind of a reach, but I admit that the idea of Lex at double-speed is awfully tempting.
- Oh, and Space. I'm fully aware that we need to put at least some investments in space.

Given that fat stack.... Dhawan's particle just doesn't seem amazingly high-priority? Well.. okay. It would probably help with figuring out how to manufacture kryptonite efficiently. Still.
Is "external hero interference in your favor" a thing in this quest? It seems like maybe it should be.
It is sometimes a thing in this quest. It doesn't always happen nor is it super common, but there have been instances of character's like Eiling or Diana Prince adding something to your roll or you adding something to theirs. It's not something I'd say occurs all that consistently but it does happen and there is precedent for it happening.
It is sometimes a thing in this quest. It doesn't always happen nor is it super common, but there have been instances of character's like Eiling or Diana Prince adding something to your roll or you adding something to theirs. It's not something I'd say occurs all that consistently but it does happen and there is precedent for it happening.
Ah, that's right. I do recall that happening now. Cool.
- More/better Kryptonite. We had some nice successes with kryptonite proliferation, and they're doing pretty, pretty things... but I really want better market penetration for the LexCar. Another research/produce cycle on that thing would be very nice. Improving efficiency and effectiveness on kryptonite lasers would also be nice.
- Reverse-engineering Brainiac tech. Of course.
These two can be handled two bird one stone style by getting Meena, Felicity, and Frost back on it and purchasing brainiacs kryptonite notes. It wouldn't even need to be crit success.
- Gingko Fruit. Elastic man is useful. Elastic man comboed with our current version of Bone Growth is going to be amazing.
Given our many political successes and recruitments these last three turns, I think we can spare Pamela from diplomacy for a turn to tackle this with someone.
Research on comboing augmentations and doing so more effectively with fewer drawbacks... like bone/plant and bone/rubber.
Needs to wait a turn until we have a successful bone conversion to serve as a baseline for comparison.
- Going for speed force? It's kind of a reach, but I admit that the idea of Lex at double-speed is awfully tempting.
I'd say first step to accomplishing this is putting a tower in central city.
- We have various obligations. Of course we need to do those.
The most critical of which is ODIN do to it being a favor for both Damocles and our buddy Eiling. Improving Odin related technologies turn 33 with Lex and Caitlin could give us a real game changer of a satellite network, and then we just have to mass produce them.
- Tuning up the Cold Engine so that it can take over more and more of humanity's power generation needs. Shrinking it down far enough that you can use it to power container ships would be fantastic. Talk about a death knell for Big Oil.
Unfortunately, Caitlin is sort of critical to efforts to develop the cold engine further. We'll have to wait to develop it a bit longer.
- Various efforts to claw for economic advantage. Bring out another grand iteration of the LexPhone, advance our psychopharmaceuticals, release the autokitchen... things like that.
Fortunately, we have a very simple one of these to push in the short term in "Sell close to home", and pharmaceutical and be the real game changer long-term.

Lexphone may have to wait if we are going after everything several of the things already mentioned, unless we are comfortable putting aside Brainiac tech/kryptonite notes.
Given that fat stack.... Dhawan's particle just doesn't seem amazingly high-priority? Well.. okay. It would probably help with figuring out how to manufacture kryptonite efficiently. Still.
Fair. We could just take the comp action for analyzing it.
Eh, Fixit's likely going to be doing LMDs for a bit and Ivo (whenever we can get to him) is almost certainly going to be put back on AMAZO. So someone else who can do general engineering actions would still be useful. I'm not saying it should take precedent over our Lexpo or buying out S.T.A.R. or anything but to put a team on it but It would be useful. Besides the recruit scientist action is different then the recruit doctors action we just took. it's only dc 31.
Fair enough plus if we decide that we really want a roboticist Gizmo probably lives in Alexandria somewhere.
...though it would be damaging the Court of Owls... and we kind of don't want to do that, for reasons mentioned earlier.
Alternatively it might make it clear to them that screwing with LexCorp isn't worth it, as useful as the Court is as a distraction e can't have them thinking they can get away with stuff like this when it impacts us.
I think it would simply be sufficient to have our doctors on improve pharmaceuticals while the twins do some stewardship action to get us more workers after burning through the fifteen hundred or so we have collected since the start of turn 29. We can push pharmaceuticals turn 34 instead.
I'm not sure if you're reading the spoilers but working on pharmaceuticals probably isn't going to be feasible for a while.
So currently making a list for personal benefit regarding what people want currently. What are opinions on how hard we should go on Dhawans Particle. Because we could put our supercomputer on some of the work and putting Dhawan on Physics could probably help lower the difficulty about the full action. Since the full action is 678 DC. I know its been talked about a bit but not sure to what degree people mostly feel like doing. Physics probably also has some other benefits if we do that since it probably to some degree also helps space travel.
I'm personally not that bothered.

I'd like to get around to it eventually and I'm happy to spend a computer action or two on it but for right now it lacks a solid enough payoff for me to be happy dedicating significant time to it rather than other projects.
- More/better Kryptonite. We had some nice successes with kryptonite proliferation, and they're doing pretty, pretty things... but I really want better market penetration for the LexCar. Another research/produce cycle on that thing would be very nice. Improving efficiency and effectiveness on kryptonite lasers would also be nice.
There's a myriad of ways that we can pursue this but one that comes to mind is that when we design those new laser rifles for General swells next turn ensuring that they are Kryptonite lasers, meanin every soldier in America has a Kryptonite weapon.
These two can be handled two bird one stone style by getting Meena, Felicity, and Frost back on it and purchasing brainiacs kryptonite notes. It wouldn't even need to be crit success.
Side note: I still want those flight rings damnit, even just outfitting our own people with them would potentially make so many situations easier.
Given our many political successes and recruitments these last three turns, I think we can spare Pamela from diplomacy for a turn to tackle this with someone.
Pretty much any of our new geneticists or a team of them would make good partners for this depending on the DC.

Especially Brown considering studying how Gingo Fruit effects the body would arguably trigger both of his traits.
I'd say first step to accomplishing this is putting a tower in central city.
While that would certainly help we do have a couple of other avenues we could pursue.

Most simply is just setting up a meeting with Edward Clariss, more difficultly is investigating the Trinity Program over in Russia.

There's also the Gill Formula but that seems to have stopped dead in it's tracks years ago.
In regards to Cass action teaching Cass Math is not that interesting to me. If anything I think she will benefit more from Raven propaganda action (coop scores and learning how to manipulate her peers better). We can put Cass, Helena and someone third on it, while considering that Raven intrigue would likely subtract from the roll.

Or finally meet with some of Cass peers. Maybe arranging a meeting with Amethyst will become available. We also have option to try to pry information from Barbara with [ ] [Cass] Have Cassandra practice non-violently gleaning information by confronting Barbara Gordon, even if it is DC ??? action.

Also is there any plans to enroll her in school? Any school? At this point I will even take giving her assignment to infiltrate one of HIVE schools and arrange its eventual takeover as improvement to the situation.