What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes "existing labs" includes whatever ones you get this turn. Additionally I have concluded that 100 will not count for rerolls. I think it's already pretty easy for you guys to get rerolls so I'm going to make the barrier a little bit harder to get past.
To be fair, any sizeable organization with a lot of hero units (and by now there should be quite a few) would likely find it easy to get rerolls. This isn't a unique advantage only LexCorp has, though LexCorp's very large stable of heroes does make it easier to find pairings with a combined bonus of +90 or more using only three or ideally two heroes.
Hey @King crimson I know apparently Barbra was taken off the action as a potential security risk but what happened to Emmylou?
Emmylou got taken off because she's a literal preteen and is incapable of contributing to the action. Having what's more or less a literal ten year old work on reverse engineering a pistol would piss Enoch off incredibly so I made the call to cut Emmylou from the action as her bonus was not worth pissing off Enoch.
Emmylou got taken off because she's a literal preteen and is incapable of contributing to the action. Having what's more or less a literal ten year old work on reverse engineering a pistol would piss Enoch off incredibly so I made the call to cut Emmylou from the action as her bonus was not worth pissing off Enoch.
Yeah sounds about right so how old is she again?
Yeah sounds about right so how old is she again?
IIRC she's nine years old and is about to turn 10 on turn 33. I had to make it a point that I could not find a good picture for her that has her look her age.

Edit: For a little bit of context on her mental maturity, her personal action this turn is trying to convince her dad to let her get light up shoes. She's very much a little kid even if she's very smart for her age.
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IIRC she's nine years old and is about to turn 10 on turn 33. I had to make it a point that I could not find a good picture for her that has her look her age.

Edit: For a little bit of context on her mental maturity, her personal action this turn is trying to convince her dad to let her get light up shoes. She's very much a little kid even if she's very smart for her age.
Yeah I honestly didn't realize she was that young. Probably read it somewhere, but yeah when I think of Emmylou I think of the cartoon version. Gonna have to remember that for actions in the future.
Fire and Ice sure. Nightshade is still up for debate and I'm still slightly bitter that we didn't grab Centurion when we could.
Templar and Centurion are both still worth pursuing as well... and I daresay that the success of our new supergroup will make that easier.

Admittedly, I've forgotten what was happening with Centurion when we saw him last. Has he teamed up with someone or something?
Templar and Centurion are both still worth pursuing as well... and I daresay that the success of our new supergroup will make that easier.
True and fingers crossed we can grab them.
Admittedly, I've forgotten what was happening with Centurion when we saw him last. Has he teamed up with someone or something?
We don't know any specifics but KC had this to say on the subject of why he wasn't available to meet with this turn:
So I can say that there's a particular reason why he's been left out but I can't talk too much about it without giving stuff away. Suffice to say the reason is ultimately somewhat beneficial for you (any action spent trying to locate and talk to Centurion could end up being completely redundant and pointless). I can't say too much but I will say that I'll give you the Centurion option as soon as I don't have a chance of the action potentially becoming completely pointless that turn.
Sorry responding to this update a day late.
Total 697
Galactic success
Cassandra is shaping up wonderfully. Wonder where this master strategist and tactician places her in comparison to Deathstroke.
Crush all criminals
Form a new superhero team under LexCorp's aegis
The super side of things in general seems to be going well, the mundane side seems to be far more hit or miss. Just in general a lot of crucial infrastructure has been built this turn.
Recruit more occultists
Very desperately needed thankful for this one. Just due to us still trying to work out this area and the difficulties there in for Lex to learn.

I hope we devote some of the new infrastructure we are getting to weapons development with the oncoming threat and the fact that we probably should make more anti-superman weapons at some point. Overall fantastic update.
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Sorry for taking a while to respond, I believe the number is 28 but I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head.
So I'm guessing that wherever Wayne Enterprises spreads, the DC for a LexCorp tower will go up, especially as their relationship becomes more antagonistic. Any actions to attack/sabotage/infiltrate those locations if we find them? The further from Gotham the better.

Robot Decoy + Combat Robot + Digital Facemask could mean a good infiltrator/sabotage unit for such an action. Then there will be investigations into what happened, but maybe point the blame at HIVE or Brainiac remnants?
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Sorry for taking a while to respond, I believe the number is 28 but I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head.
We have yet to reach the peak of the mountain.

But seriously, damn I vaguely remember you told us that a bunch of Bruce's actions were tied up in dealing with Gotham bullshit and fighting with the corrupt board members but I didn't realize he had that much of a potential action lead on us.
Luthor needs a apron cause he cooked up a storm this round.

Thank God bone formula is almost perfect I hope we take the options that keep them human.

Kinda want Luthor to power up but not sure how it would mix with stuff we might get/figure out later.
Kinda want Luthor to power up but not sure how it would mix with stuff we might get/figure out later.
Yeah I'd rather stick with power armor until we really need to power up. It's not a pressing issue and a first generation bone serum isn't exactly a huge upgrade considering Lex is likely to go up against a Kryptonian level threat. If he actually decides to fight that is.
But seriously, damn I vaguely remember you told us that a bunch of Bruce's actions were tied up in dealing with Gotham bullshit and fighting with the corrupt board members but I didn't realize he had that much of a potential action lead on us.
I imagine part of why Bruce has so many locations is a difference in priority. We have recruited a massive amount of talent, in comparison real estate was probably more of what was achieved for Wayne Enterprises in the same way their priority focus is medicine where as ours is every pie we can get fingers in.
We have yet to reach the peak of the mountain.

But seriously, damn I vaguely remember you told us that a bunch of Bruce's actions were tied up in dealing with Gotham bullshit and fighting with the corrupt board members but I didn't realize he had that much of a potential action lead on us.
I may be wrong but I imagine it's more likely that Wayne Enterprise just started with more locations than us, after all they have been around longer and the Luthor's have historically been very focused on maintaining their control over Metropolis.

Plus I wouldn't be surprised if opening a new tower is Bruce's excuse for visiting these places as Batman.
So I'm guessing that wherever Wayne Enterprises spreads, the DC for a LexCorp tower will go up, especially as their relationship becomes more antagonistic. Any actions to attack/sabotage/infiltrate those locations if we find them? The further from Gotham the better.

Robot Decoy + Combat Robot + Digital Facemask could mean a good infiltrator/sabotage unit for such an action. Then there will be investigations into what happened, but maybe point the blame at HIVE or Brainiac remnants?
I think Wayne Enterprises is mostly in America, with maybe a few European nations with branches, and a large focus on shipping for the rest of their global distribution. The Board since more than half of all Lexcorp cities are also in America, the Wayne Board of directors will probably focus on opposition in the US where there contacts are just as or better developed than Lex in terms of industry as opposed to politics.

That said, I think the best thing to do to limit there efforts to detract from our expansion, is to expand strait into Gotham and keep them glowering at the tower across the city and not thinking about opposing towers we might build elsewhere.
[ ] Complete the Cold Engine
DC 0

It has taken a wild but finally the Cold Engine is up and running. A hypothetical bastion of infinite energy able to reshape the entire globe. There are still some issues of course, the Cold Engine is absolutely massive, has a lot of expensive moving parts, and can only output so much power at any given time but Louise's magnum opus is finally completed and ready to change the world. LexCorp has already begun to be powered by the Cold Engine and with the proof of concept established, you now want to see if you can push things even further.

Results: Cold Engine complete, numerous new options now available.
So, the cold engine is built. Size would be a major be an issue, if we hadn't purchased the entire desert outside Alexandria. The expensive parts, likely complicated maintenance as it scales in size, and complications adjusting the design to allow techs to safely perform said maintenance on even the parts closest to the engines center, are more critical issues to solve, with power limitations being a case of advancing materials and power conversion sciences later on.

Unfortunately, we won't be advancing any of that turn 33, as ODIN improvements are a more immediate priority, and Catelyn is critical to any action to improve the cold engine, but is also the best person to team up with Lex to improve odin tech in prep to start constructing the device. ODIN is both an important project for maintaining a useful alliance and our counter to the incoming Kryptonian invasion, so it needs to be focused on.
Kinda want Luthor to power up but not sure how it would mix with stuff we might get/figure out later.
The best superpower for Lex to get, if we can manage it, and he is compatible, is super speed, via Dhawan particle research. It would let Lex participate in two actions every turn instead of one. Unfortunately, we still have work to do to be able to connect people to lower the dc enough to unlock Dhawan particles secrets. Though there is the option to develop a Dhawan Particle special lab and commit a bunch of points too it.
I may be wrong but I imagine it's more likely that Wayne Enterprise just started with more locations than us, after all they have been around longer and the Luthor's have historically been very focused on maintaining their control over Metropolis.

Plus I wouldn't be surprised if opening a new tower is Bruce's excuse for visiting these places as Batman.
Bruce is using his purchase of the Daily planet and party boy reputation to explain his presence in Gotham. The Board would do that, but Bruce and there agendas are different, and Bruce isn't nearly as serious about the rivalry thus far.

Some other things to state while I'm here.

Carol did some good work this turn. We should smear Hal as a reward.

Joker is still loose, so we'll delay Lexpo another turn.

We should leave Talia Blank next turn, and see where she applies herself. Long-term, involving her on a Lex lead Development action, like Metropolis, Alexandria, or Japan, might be worthwhile.

With a teleporter in Mexico city, hawkwomans DC should go down.

We got a good chunk of workers turn 29 and some trickles since in addition to our massive influx of construction workers(this is lowering the city repair dc's, right?) but overall, 4 tower is pushing us to the edge again. Time to put the D'Amaris twins on recruiting, maybe even double down, or we can meet with Selina and see if another employee migration is possible, and save the former two for another event. Even a third of the people Selina sent last time would hold us over, and that was her rolling a 90 and spending some of the success to smuggle stolen valuables along with them.

I'm leaning towards Dhawan Particle lab rather than space after comparing the learning dcs and significance comparison.
Should we save one of the zeta beam stations for a possible Moon location using Eve's shadow teleportation? @King crimson can I ask what the DC would be for an action like that (putting a functional zeta beam station on the moon for quick access there for construction purposes)?
@King crimson can I ask what the DC would be for an action like that (putting a functional zeta beam station on the moon for quick access to there for construction purposes)?
Yes. I believe it's about 185. The main difficulty is dealing with the fiddly bits of having a room suddenly be in space.

Edit: There's an additional level of difficult when putting stuff in space because you've got to deal with both gravity and radiation complications that you don't have on earth.
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Should we save one of the zeta beam stations for a possible Moon location using Eve's shadow teleportation? @King crimson can I ask what the DC would be for an action like that (putting a functional zeta beam station on the moon for quick access there for construction purposes)?
Yeah, teleporting to the moon is kind of worthless without a functional moonbase to put it in and save trouble using shuttles to supply and maintain. This would do a lot to save on the need to make a moon base self sufficient however.
Joker is still loose, so we'll delay Lexpo another turn.
Unless he get's caught or driven off by a hero like Superman or Batman. Or (less likely) the police.
That said, I think the best thing to do to limit there efforts to detract from our expansion, is to expand strait into Gotham and keep them glowering at the tower across the city and not thinking about opposing towers we might build elsewhere.
I'd like to hold off on any Gotham Tower until after Bane's made his play. I'd rather it didn't get hit in the crossfire.
Unfortunately, we still have work to do to be able to connect people to lower the dc enough to unlock Dhawan particles secrets. Though there is the option to develop a Dhawan Particle special lab and commit a bunch of points too it.
Don't forget learning about the Dhawan's particle is a just a DC 9 Supercomputer action with our new upgrades.
Yeah, teleporting to the moon is kind of worthless without a functional moonbase to put it in and save trouble using shuttles to supply and maintain. This would do a lot to save on the need to make a moon base self sufficient however.
Counterargument, it potentially turns every zeta beam station into a death trap if the person cannot breathe in space. If anybody you don't like and want gone uses one of your zeta beam stations, and you have one on the moon, you could hypothetically send them to the moon and let the conditions of space kill them.

It's not out and out useless, it's just fairly situational.
That said, I think the best thing to do to limit there efforts to detract from our expansion, is to expand strait into Gotham and keep them glowering at the tower across the city and not thinking about opposing towers we might build elsewhere.
Given Wayne Enterprise's recent escalation I definitely think we should take some actions to screw with them next turn though straight up building a tower probably isn't worth it.

I'm thinking stuff like finally releasing the autokitchen to screw with their appliance line and/or buying out the Gotham Gazette.
Unfortunately, we won't be advancing any of that turn 33, as ODIN improvements are a more immediate priority, and Catelyn is critical to any action to improve the cold engine, but is also the best person to team up with Lex to improve odin tech in prep to start constructing the device. ODIN is both an important project for maintaining a useful alliance and our counter to the incoming Kryptonian invasion, so it needs to be focused on.
While I absolutely see your logic given the DC reductions ODIN has gotten its worth at least considering having Lex on so,etching else. Most notably IMO developing a new phone or finally doing that tour of Japan.
The best superpower for Lex to get, if we can manage it, and he is compatible, is super speed, via Dhawan particle research. It would let Lex participate in two actions every turn instead of one. Unfortunately, we still have work to do to be able to connect people to lower the dc enough to unlock Dhawan particles secrets. Though there is the option to develop a Dhawan Particle special lab and commit a bunch of points too it.
I may be misremembering but I don't think the Dhawan Particle is capable of superspeed, it's more the component that can be found in stuff like Kryptonite and Nth Metal that explains their unique properties.

For superspeed our options are either approsching the Flash somehow, outdoing the Ezra Equation from Dr Millions' contacts or setting up a meeting with Edward Clariss and hoping that he's willing to share.
Bruce is using his purchase of the Daily planet and party boy reputation to explain his presence in Gotham. The Board would do that, but Bruce and there agendas are different, and Bruce isn't nearly as serious about the rivalry thus far.
Fair enough though Metropolis is a unique case. Not every city has a Daily Planet that he can justify buying nor do they have a company like LexCorp making the construction of a building more difficult.

Odds are whenever Bruce thinks he might need a proper presence in a city as Batman hed need to build a tower there to support it.
I'm leaning towards Dhawan Particle lab rather than space after comparing the learning dcs and significance comparison.
I definitely think we should lock in space and phones with the particle or wards being a third choice depending on how many points we have.

The Dhawan Particle is useful absolutely but space is… space. It applies to so much stuff most of which already has very high DC's that we need to get down before we do anything with them, which e very much want to.

IMO it's just more bang for our buck than a particle lab.
Yes. I believe it's about 185. The main difficulty is dealing with the fiddly bits of having a room suddenly be in space.

Edit: There's an additional level of difficult when putting stuff in space because you've got to deal with both gravity and radiation complications that you don't have on earth.
To clarify, that's the DC if we don't build a moonbase first? If so then does that mean if we do we could build a Zeta Tube there with the normal action?
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