What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What do we have to do to get speed force then? do we need chemicals and a lightning bolt to hit us or something?
Is there anyway Lex or Cassandra could join the Court?
Doubtful, and that involves a dip in Gothams corrupted life pool most likely, which is so spiritually unhygienic. Literal cursed existence. Best to pass on such things.
In regards to Cass action teaching Cass Math is not that interesting to me. If anything I think she will benefit more from Raven propaganda action (coop scores and learning how to manipulate her peers better). We can put Cass, Helena and someone third on it, while considering that Raven intrigue would likely subtract from the roll.
Unfortunately, I highly value getting the most out of Cassandra's remaining child actions, so I'm not particularly interested in diverting her to Raven's last special action unnecessarily when we have a perfectly good team for that.
Or finally meet with some of Cass peers. Maybe arranging a meeting with Amethyst will become available. We also have option to try to pry information from Barbara with [ ] [Cass] Have Cassandra practice non-violently gleaning information by confronting Barbara Gordon, even if it is DC ??? action.

Also is there any plans to enroll her in school? Any school? At this point I will even take giving her assignment to infiltrate one of HIVE schools and arrange its eventual takeover as improvement to the situation.
Fair point to argue. I suppose we could have Cass meet one of her acquaintances or take the meet with kid flash action.

No I don't believe we have any. It's a subject brought up at times but ultimately put aside in favor of new traits or interesting skills and coops exploitations. I might be willing to meet you half way and take the visit Charles Mcstrider school action.

Of course, that still runs into the problem of some of us wanting to raise Cassandra's stewardship in preparation to have her take the special action to hire a martial arts teacher. If we were to say, raise her stat artificially with xp, socializing her or visiting the school becomes a much easier sell. In general it satisfies one of our desired improvements to her stats in prep for her one day leading Lexcorp, which would go a long way to removing the incentive to focus on ability development rather than socialization and networking.
Alex Sol
  • Can use: 3000 exp​
Randino Treviani
  • Can use: 2000 exp​
The two of us have enough XP to raise her to 23 stewardship, raising the team of Cassandra Starfire and Jinx to +94, an increase of 11 from where it is now.
What do we have to do to get speed force then? do we need chemicals and a lightning bolt to hit us or something?
There is a speed force storm apparently occuring in canon that lead to meena getting her powers. Much like how we acquired Starfire by having a major presence in Alexandria after purchasing it and noticing her arrival, having a tower in Central City and developing it as well might put us in a position to have meena present and gain speed force abilities during the storm.

As a side perk, it might also create opportunities for us to involve flash in our superhero team.
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What do we have to do to get speed force then? do we need chemicals and a lightning bolt to hit us or something?
There are all kinds of potential ways, like exposure to speed force lightning or mathematical formula or magic, but what it boils down to is getting the Speed Force's attention and it deciding to give you it's power. It's had a few different interpretations over the years but even in past continuity it was generally regarded as sapient. So getting involved with Flash to draw it's attention would be the way, but no matter what we do there's no guarantee. We'd be better off recruiting someone who already has the Speed Force if we can.

Current continuity has it that there's this whole history of the Seven Forces of the Universe, of which the Speed Force is a part, and it's most definitely sapient.


The Seven Forces of the Universe

The Seven Forces of the Universe were born from The Presence, of The Source since the dawn of time. They are cosmic energies in nature connective that links all history, all lives as one history. The Hands, a higher order of beings from beyond the Source Wall, use these energies entr The Seven...
There are all kinds of potential ways, like exposure to speed force lightning or mathematical formula or magic, but what it boils down to is getting the Speed Force's attention and it deciding to give you it's power. It's had a few different interpretations over the years but even in past continuity it was generally regarded as sapient. So getting involved with Flash to draw it's attention would be the way, but no matter what we do there's no guarantee. We'd be better off recruiting someone who already has the Speed Force if we can.

Current continuity has it that there's this whole history of the Seven Forces of the Universe, of which the Speed Force is a part, and it's most definitely sapient.


The Seven Forces of the Universe

The Seven Forces of the Universe were born from The Presence, of The Source since the dawn of time. They are cosmic energies in nature connective that links all history, all lives as one history. The Hands, a higher order of beings from beyond the Source Wall, use these energies entr The Seven...
King Crimson did talk about this.
Oh it gets more messed up than that. Keep in mind that I don't keep up with modern comics so I might not be presenting a fair representation of things. That being said here's a front row seat to how Scott Snyder beat DC's forces to death and made them a nonsensical painful mess and I'm going to be focusing mostly on the speed force.

In the origin of the universe there were two energies, what I will be disingenuously calling "feel good happy joy energy" and "bad time meanness energy" (because that's about all the depth these concepts were given). Feel good happy joy energy has seven distinct forces that make it up, except not really because stuff like Order Magic and the Life Equation are also part of this, and bad time meanness energy also is made up of seven things except not really because stuff like Chaos Magic and the Anti-Life equation are also part of this.

Fell good happy joy energy consists of (but not really), the Speed force (which they try to categorize as motion, but it's also time), the emotional spectrum, life energy, magic (but not Chaos or Order magic, those apparently aren't magic), dimension bullshit, thoughts and faith.

Bad time meanness energy consists of (but not really), the Still force (which is apparently entropy and inertia, which is stupid because inertia can also be negentropy and in fact "stilling" would indicate negentropy not entropy) , bad secret emotions like hatred (which apparently isn't anger and is also secret), death energy, anti-magic (which is a made up thing), other dimensional bullshit, bad thoughts you're not supposed to have and faithlessness.

Meanwhile within the speed force, completely unrelated to everything else, there's the negative speed force AKA evil speed force with poorly defined capabilities, the strength force AKA super-strength rocks and fire powers and the sage force AKA psychic powers (note that this is completely independent of the thought energy they introduced earlier).

There's so many fucking forces each with their own special brand of nonsense and convolution (magic is apparently three different things) that only raise more questions when you look at what the fuck is going on (if you're a villainous psychic are you using a metagene, the Sage force, thought energy or thoughts you're not supposed to know energy because those are all apparently different things). There's so much cosmic nonsense that it all becomes meaningless and once cool and interesting concepts lose all meaning as there's over thirty different cosmic forces that are sometimes the same thing except not really, and which are so poorly defined beyond "big good power" and "big bad power" that your worldbuilding feels completely random arbitrary and meaningless.

Sorry for the rant but to get back to the point, the Speed Force is the Force if there was a dark side of the Force, two arbitrary sides of the Force connected to it, an Anti-force, six other Forces which are sometimes further broken down, six other anti-other Forces, a mega Force and an evil mega Force. And if I said "force" in the sentence above so many times it became meaningless to you, you now have an idea of why I consider Scott Snyder the comic book king of beating horses to death until nothing but a rotten mangled corpse of something you once cared for is left.

TLDR: King crimson yells at cloud because he's old and has opinions.
King Crimson did talk about this.
Very true, I do think current continuity is a bit stupid. I only gave current continuity for the hell of it, but even in past continuity you had Wally West saying the Speed force was sapient and examples thereof such as the Black Racer.

But yes, getting exposed to speed force lightning doesn't always give you speed force powers, nor does reciting the 'speed force' math formula. That is presumably because the speed force does it's own damn thing. We could certainly give it a shot, it just may or may not work and we can't exactly science through it guaranteed because it comes down to the whim of something that's alive.
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Is there anyway Lex or Cassandra could join the Court?
Probably not, the Court of Owls is an old money organisation made up of the elites of Gotham. We'd probably need to have a significant investment in Gotham over an extended period of time before getting an invitation and even then it would probably only be after they finally accepted they weren't getting rid of us.

There's also the question of why would we? The Court's only goal is to enrich themselves by making life worse for everyone in else in Gotham, our Lex wouldn't even entertain such an idea. Not because it's immoral but because it's unfathomably wasteful and unlike the Court he views wealth as a means to an end rather than the end itself.
Or finally meet with some of Cass peers. Maybe arranging a meeting with Amethyst will become available. We also have option to try to pry information from Barbara with [ ] [Cass] Have Cassandra practice non-violently gleaning information by confronting Barbara Gordon, even if it is DC ??? action.
I've been wanting to have Cassandra socialise herself with either Cassie Sandsmark or Antonia Monetti for a while now so I'd definitely be up for that, especially if we boost her Stewardship with exp like Randino suggests.

The only potential issue IMO is we'd probably want Oswald on something like that and we may want him elsewhere next turn but that could easily be worked around.
Also is there any plans to enroll her in school? Any school? At this point I will even take giving her assignment to infiltrate one of HIVE schools and arrange its eventual takeover as improvement to the situation.
Why would we?
What do we have to do to get speed force then? do we need chemicals and a lightning bolt to hit us or something?
As it stands we have a few potential avenues open to us in regards to superspeed if not the speed force itself, ranked in order of approximate difficulty and investment they are:

1) Edward Clariss - Replicated the formula that gave Jay Garrick his superspeed and gained his own in the process, even if only temporarily. He's currently a teacher at the McNider school so we could literally just go meet him and try and pick his brain whenever we want.

2) The Trinity Program - Assuming this is the same as it was in the comics it's a project by the Russian government to create their own speedsters and they very much succeed. A successful investigation would likely at least give us an idea of how to achieve it and at best might nab us one of their subjects who wants to defect.

3) Velocity 9 - A drug that grants superspeed in the comics though it comes with some rather significant downsides that we'd have to spend a lot of time getting rid of in order for it to be even remotely useful. The one benefit we do have is that between Meena, who has a narrative inclination for superspeed, and Caitlin, who is credited with creating Velocity 9 in at least one continuity, we might be able to sway the results table in our favour by having the two of them work on pharmaceuticals or something similar.
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Probably not, the Court of Owls is an old money organisation made up of the elites of Gotham. We'd probably need to have a significant investment in Gotham over an extended period of time before getting an invitation and even then it would probably only be after they finally accepted they weren't getting rid of us.

There's also the question of why would we? The Court's only goal is to enrich themselves by making life worse for everyone in else in Gotham, our Lex wouldn't even entertain such an idea. Not because it's immoral but because it's unfathomably wasteful and unlike the Court he views wealth as a means to an end rather than the end itself.
Because i want to figure out how to make Talons for ourselves
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Of course, that still runs into the problem of some of us wanting to raise Cassandra's stewardship in preparation to have her take the special action to hire a martial arts teacher. If we were to say, raise her stat artificially with xp, socializing her or visiting the school becomes a much easier sell. In general it satisfies one of our desired improvements to her stats in prep for her one day leading Lexcorp, which would go a long way to removing the incentive to focus on ability development rather than socialization and networking.

The two of us have enough XP to raise her to 23 stewardship, raising the team of Cassandra Starfire and Jinx to +94, an increase of 11 from where it is now.

Honestly I am not that interested in stewardship. As for Cass special actions I'd think that coop scores are more important than pure stats (since they multiply those stats).

We even have special action for this on Raven's side:

[ ] [Raven] Socialize Raven with peers about her age at LexCorp
DC ??? (Raven and one other hero unit must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) (DC varies depending on hero units assigned) (Diplomacy) Alternatively, you could attempt to exploit Raven's desire to conform and fit in by warping her perception of a "normal teenage girl". By having raven socialize primarily with the LexCorp peers you have chosen her to, you might be able to forcibly forge bonds between Raven and members of Cassandra's generation and tie Raven closer than ever to your company. You might even be able to alter her behavior if you're successful enough.

Effects look more or less similar to propaganda action, plus there would be less resistance from Raven. And no need to worry about Helena opinion on teaching propoganda to children. I think it is something to consider.

DC is ??? but it said to depend on hero units so perhaps QM will tell us if we ask about specific team.
We'd probably need to have a significant investment in Gotham over an extended period of time before getting an invitation and even then it would probably only be after they finally accepted they weren't getting rid of us.
Technically you could do what Black Mask is doing and kill and replace someone in order to get access to the Court of Owls. That's not out and out "joining" but if you just want an in to the Court of Owls, identity theft is a decent if risky strategy.
Hey everyone I was having a hard time navigating the Learning action tab (and was really bored) so I tried sorting everything and I figured I'd post it here if anyone wanted to use it. Some of the things were a bit hard to sort. But except for some double posts I think it's all there. Including the ones in the new learning tab. If you see any problems like robots being in the biology tab or something let me know. I might do the rest of the action tabs at some point.
[ ] Research how to kill demons
DC ??? Nightshade has indicated at least a little bit that the goal she wishes to pursue involves killing a demon. You're not sure how one would even go about that but you're fairly solidly convinced that with your magical library you can at least begin to make headway in finding a direction to do so.

[ ] Learn about magic
DC 78 Rebecca Carstairs proves that something supernatural does exist. However if you can figure out how magic works despite Rebecca's complete and utter lack of teaching ability then you could crack the code on how magic works. Rebecca has already increased your knowledge of magic by leaps and bounds so you can only wonder what else you can figure out. After all, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science and you excel at science and Rebecca is quite skilled at magic.

[ ] Learn about Demonology
DC 30 (10 if Carstairs is assigned) Rebecca Carstairs has some knowledge on how to summon demons. You'd like to know a little bit more about the subject before dealing with them. Demons are notorious for harming those who summon them in some way and knowledge of something previously unknown to you can only help. The book you purchased from Cassandra Craft will only further aid you in uncovering this branch of occult information

[ ] Learn more about Leylines
DC ??? Rebecca has discovered the existence of Leylines which have a correlation to magical locations. Investigating further into them can only yield better results. With the outdated map of leylines you purchased from Cassandra Craft you are confident that you can at least glean something about the subject.

[ ] Learn about possession
DC 22 Using Rebecca's knowledge of exorcism you can reverse engineer how to possess other beings. This skill could prove immensely useful if used well. LexCorp could always benefit from being able to literally do a hostile takeover.

[ ] Learn about flight
DC 13 Rebecca has learned how to fly using magic. Further investigating the phenomena could teach you how to improve upon it or possibly even replicate it yourself.

[ ] Learn about magical duplication
DC ??? The insight you have gained of Cerise's biology seems to suggest that there is a way to replicate objects, including something as small as DNA using magic. Such a field could change the whole world as it makes all resources near infinite once mastered.

[ ] Learn magic yourself
DC ??? (Lex Luthor must be assigned to this action) Rebecca has begun uncovering how magic works. Perhaps it's time you tried your hand at sorcery. Increasing your personal power will help you even out the playing field when more powered individuals inevitably get in your way

[ ] Learn about mirrors
DC ??? Normally you would dismiss mirrors as a dead end but considering the magical significance of reflections perhaps it is best to look into this and learn how mirrors function on a more metaphysical level.

[ ] Improve wards
DC 92 Wards are an essential part of defending against magic. While your warding capabilities are stronger learning more about it can only further increase your defensive capabilities

[ ] Have someone receive the language learning spell
DC ??? This spell will allow an individual to learn language far faster. While it is to an extent obsolete it is something useful to teach your underlings and the lack of a drawback makes it a very appealing prospect.

[ ] Meditate
DC ??? Some introspection and insight can lead to interesting results and thought processes. Perhaps this is needed for you to break into completely unheard of heights? (a hero must be assigned to this action).

[ ] Learn about magical cell preservation
DC 30 Cerise's body is evidence that Circe was evidently able to keep cells perfectly preserved in some way using magic. This could prove immensely useful as the ability to lock cells in a certain state would revolutionize the field of medicine

[ ] Learn about flesh-crafting
DC ??? The fact that Cerise's body was magically constructed in some way means that magic can be used to potentially create life and immensely complex organisms. This secret could prove revolutionary as you'll be able to tailor individuals and creatures to completing any task you wish.

[ ] Investigate lost civilizations
DC ??? Perhaps there is some element of truth to most myths out there. Sending Nygma out to look for these legends will keep him out of your hair and will keep him occupied while potentially giving you a very valuable resource.

[ ] Study Mythology
DC 16 Normally you'd have dismissed mythology as stories made up by primitive people that got proved as outdated and incorrect but with the existence of magic you have to reconsider that stance. Perhaps there is some small element of truth to these tales. Either way researching mythology certainly can't hurt. With your new knowledge that confirms the existence of the Greek Pantheon finding out what is and isn't true should be easier than ever. Circe's revelation as well as the fact that Ares in some way is interested in you has only made researching these things more important than ever

[ ] Learn about the Sword of Beowulf
DC 100 Despite Rebecca's research into the matter, things about this magical artifact just don't add up. A little more research into the subject certainly wouldn't hurt.

[ ] Learn about the Sword of Fan
DC 67 Ra's story about the sword of Fan was certainly interesting but you'd like to have something a little more conclusive than a legend to understand what the artifact does.

[ ] Examine the Egyptian Book of the Dead
DC ??? When purchasing many things from the remnants of Stagg Enterprises you purchased a complete intact copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead that was in Simon Stagg's possession at one point and whose purchase was written off as a company expense. Clearly something is going on with this object even if it is just corruption on Stagg's part. Furthermore with the revelation that magic is real there is a good chance that the Book of the Dead might contain actual secrets you can make use of. As such looking into it could prove incredibly useful

[ ] Observe the Leyline that is supposedly in Washington DC
DC ??? (there is no penalty for failing this action) According to the map you purchased there is a large leyline in the nations capitol. Observing one may just help you figure out a few more things about leylines in general and potentially give you insight into magic as a whole

[ ] Learn about vampires
DC ??? The existence of vampires is an interesting thing to take note of. That being said vampires might be a threat to the current status quo of LexCorp. It's best to find more information to try and figure out what you can get from them.

[ ] Further experiment with storage mirrors
DC ??? You've already made significant strides forwards in experimenting with Samuel Scudder's magically created mirrors. However whats left is to push the bounds of what is tested even further and potentially even manage to develop something far greater than what any one individual mirror would allow for.

[ ] Experiment with Necromancy
DC ??? With you having learned the basics of necromantic theory from Black Adam, you can potentially have someone push for experimenting with this. Naturally this does come with some risk and would require you make use of an individual capable of magic but you are confident you can make this work

[ ] Learn about Chaos Magic
DC ??? (DC 50 if Jinx is assigned to this action) Apparently Jinx's abilities seem to in some sense derive from Chaos magic. Looking into and learning more about this kind of magic might prove very useful for you in the long run. It would prove very difficult to do this without Jinx's assistance but with her involvement you are confident that you'll be able to at least figure out something

[ ] Learn about Shadow Magic
DC ??? (DC 34 if Jinx is assigned to this action) Jinx has recently gained access to what seems to be a more limited and diminutive version of Karkull's own shadow magic. Delving into the ins and outs of what exactly can be done with these abilities is something you probably ought to get around to checking eventually.

[ ] Attempt to test if Siobhan McDougall is actually undead
DC 320 (DC 72 if Siobhan is assigned to this task) Karkull made mention of Siobhan apparently being some kind of undead. Naturally you have no idea how to test this sort of claim, but if it is true then it means that Siobhan's powerset may in fact be a lot more replicable and controllable than initially suspected. All in all, it's a difficult thing to test but it could prove interesting, though you probably want someone with at least some experience in magic involved in doing this.

[ ] Learn about Hellfire
DC 88 (21 if Rebecca Carstairs is assigned to this task) While you have worked peripherally with hellfire previously this mysterious magical substance still remains an unknown to you. That being said you could look into it and potentially glean some greater insight both about hellfire itself and about hell as a whole. That being said you do need to be careful when working with hellfire.

[ ] Begin locating leylines
DC ??? (DC reduction by 56 if Jinx is assigned to this action) With Jinx's newfound knowledge about how to work with leylines you can begin to start locating where there are leylines in the world so as to subsequently make use of them later on down the line.

[ ] Learn about the Lasso of Truth
DC 431 Diana Prince's Lasso of Truth is an object you have felt the effects of yourself once and the knowledge of its capabilities still sits with you to this day. The object is immensely powerful. That being said, because it is so powerful you don't know where to even begin with analyzing how it works or how best to make use of it. Still if you can figure it out then immense power is your for the taking.

[ ] Make use of Enoch Brown's animal growth formula
DC 10 Enoch Brown already has a working version of the growth formula. Admittedly as is it tends to result in the gigantic animal becoming much more aggressive but you can see plenty of use for it even now.

[ ] Improve Enoch Brown's animal growth formula
DC 88 (48 if Enoch Brown is assigned to this action) Enoch Brown's animal growth formula is absolutely revolutionary but there remain various improvements that could be made on it. It almost certainly won't be easy but it is possible and it could go further than what you're currently working with.

[ ] Attempt to develop Enoch Brown's proposed human enhancement steroids
DC ??? Enoch Brown has suggested that it would be possible to develop a set of steroids that when consumed regularly by an adolescent, would enable them to develop super strength and durability at the cost of some intelligence and higher mental functioning. Enoch hasn't tested it yet and is completely unsure on if there are side effects but he's fairly confident that the drugs could be produced. While it's not an immediate force multiplier, you can think of plenty of people who would be more than happy to pay out the nose for the ability to develop super strong youths with enough mental capacity to follow orders and not enough to question them. There is something to the idea there.

[ ] Learn about more biology
DC 48 Learning about biology would give you a greater understanding of how life works the secrets of our genome and so much more. You will be able to build a better human cure diseases and improve the frailties of flesh.

[ ] Learn about genetics
DC 24 Genetics is a potentially untapped gold mine of information and power right at your fingertips. Understanding how the basic coding of humans works will allow you to improve upon natures design and eventually maybe even grow your own lifeforms from scratch.

[ ] Learn more about the brain
DC 45 The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It is central to how we think and function. If you can unlock the secrets of this organ than you can learn how to control, improve and manipulate the minds of others.

[ ] Learn more about chemistry
DC 113 Chemistry is a practical field. The science of substances will allow you to create new polymers and metals to build your products with. You can also develop chemical weapons with this knowledge although you would have to do so in secret

[ ] Learn about the Gingo fruit
DC 26 The Gingo fruit is a rare plant that is rumored to have unusual properties. Investigating the fruit will yield results on if there is something special or not about it.

[ ] Learn about Venom
DC ??? The mysterious substance whose formula you were given by Bane could prove quite useful for many things down the line. However before you begin working with it you would be best served understanding how the drug actually works.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Silverstone's substance
DC ??? Whatever substance Silverstone had synthesized it allowed him to gain powers and fight toe to toe with Superman. You already know that it involves quixium and so it should be possible for you to reverse engineer the substance to potentially produce it for yourself

[ ] Learn about metahuman abilities
DC ??? Count Vertigo has made a deal with you to begin learning about metahuman abilities. By learning about his power hopefully you can extrapolate that to even more abilities. This is potentially a massive watershed in the development of improvements to the human race

[ ] Improve bone growth formula
DC 87 (DC 27 if Helfern assigned) The current version of the bone growth formula is likely superior to what you have had before. However you still haven't tested it and are unsure of quite how well it will actually work. Perhaps further refinements are necessary before you begin testing it. You've now got a version that should work but you are confident it can be further refined

[ ] Improve poisons
DC 10 You touch based poison is rather useful but you can see a need to alter and experiment with it a bit. The poison is potent but still rather obvious. Improving it will boost your own assassination capabilities. Furthermore your plant based poison that specifically targets humans also has its own problems. Improving upon it will make it easier for you to develop anti-human countermeasures.

[ ] Improve rapid growth formula
DC 44 Your rapid growth formula will vastly increase crop yield and make you rich. However you believe that you can further improve the formula. It might be a bit of a longshot but you can easily see this investment becoming well worth it.

[ ] Improve plant vocalization
DC 24 While you have discovered how to make screaming trees (which is rather odd if a surprisingly decent security measure) improving on plants ability to vocalize could yield valuable results.

[ ] Have someone take the Bone Growth Formula
DC ??? The Bone Growth Formula will allow a person great physical strength and durability at the cost of a hideous visage. It is already immensely useful for you to have employees take even if it does have its drawbacks.

[ ] Design an indoor farm
DC 44 With your knowledge you can easily figure out ways to work around one of the biggest problems of farming which is space. While the problem is relatively complex you have no doubt that your mind can easily find a solution to this problem and completely revolutionize yet another new field

[ ] Improve pheromone spray
DC 59 (DC 19 if Pamela Isley assigned) The pheromone spray is an immensely useful tool. The current version was based off of an incomplete paper Pamela wrote in graduate school. You are sure if Pamela is able to work on the formula she will be able to greatly improve it from its current state.

[ ] Improve toxin designed to target Woodrue
DC 46 (DC 26 if Pamela is assigned to this action) While this toxin is somewhat narrow in scope perhaps it could prove beneficial to have a more effective way of pruning what remains of Woodrue if the need ever arises.

[ ] Research integrating animal and plant biology
DC 300 Your recent success in this field has left you incredibly hopeful for more progress in this field. You have gone far beyond what Woodrue wrote and Pamela has redefined how biologists look at life. A similar success to what you have previously done could give you immense power.

[ ] Research botany
DC 38 (DC 1 if Pamela Isley assigned) Dr. Isley has an in-depth knowledge of plant life and has given numerous suggestions as to how they can be used to create products that will make LexCorp money. Looking into this field may net you numerous bonuses

[ ] Research Hydroponics
DC 35 A new way to farm sounds like an excellent way to support LexCorp's image and make a lot of money in the process. If it truly is successful perhaps you can further expand your synergistic businesses in the food sector.

[ ] Attempt to recreate the experiment that enhanced Slade Wilson
DC ??? You are not sure if the experiment can be properly replicated but if it can be then you have access to a replicable super soldier formula which people would pay exorbitant sums for not to mention it would allow LexCorp far more military might than ever before

[ ] Study Rose Wilson
DC ??? As the offspring of a supersoldier with some unusual capabilities Rose Wilson could be the key to cracking a replicable supersoldier formula. The results you could get from this are absolutely massive

[ ] Research alternative medicine
DC 39 You don't personally put much stock into alternative medicine but you don't see any reason to leave a single stone unturned. If you do find something successful with this then you can laugh at everyone who might mock you for this seemingly ridiculous enterprise.

[ ] Create a hair formula
DC 88 Numerous people have been creating "Hair grow sprays" to scam people out of their money. If you can successfully create an actual hair growth formula then you will outright kill the market and have tons of insecure men lining up to buy your product.

[ ] Develop countermeasures to pheromone spray
DC 60 (DC 20 if Pamela is assigned) the pheromone spray is a useful tool but as it is right now it is too powerful. Developing countermeasures will ensure that it could never be used against you.

[ ] Use the perfected human plant integration serum
DC ??? (It is different for every character who can do so. DC 45 for Karl DC 30 for Roxy, DC 70 for Cassandra, DC 123 for Mercy, DC 221 for Carol. If no hero is assigned then a random employee will become the user and the DC will be 90) The perfected formula is a breakthrough in transhumanism. It will allow you to create powered individuals to serve as the vanguard for the new era. Pamela in particular has expressed a willingness to evolve into something beyond the boundaries of human. While you can't undergo the procedure yourself there are plenty of individuals in LexCorp who could use the boost

[ ] Study Woodrue's remains
DC ??? Woodrue's remains behave absolutely bizarrely as they seem to still retain some semblance of life. Studying the samples Diana Prince sent you could yield interesting results and prevent unfortunate surprises.

[ ] Test Venom compatibility
DC ??? (Human-Plant Integration formula DC ???, Bone growth formula DC ???, conventional steroids DC ???, Animal growth formula DC 23?, Gingo fruit juice DC ???) Venom is an interesting substance that could potentially be combined with other substances to generate interesting effects.

[ ] Experiment on captives
DC 0 (the higher the roll the more useful the result) LexCorp always can make use of a few captives as experimental fodder. A little human testing might prove interesting and a wise investment in the right situation provided you can hide it

[ ] Lung capacity improvement surgery
DC 22 Dr. Moon's latest discover is a bit of a niche thing to go under the knife for but it could result in some moderate improvements for a person. That being said such enhancement is untested extensiely and could lead to some additional complications later on down the line

[ ] Allow Dr. Moon free reign to experiment as he wishes
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the result) (this option requires Dr. Moon to be assigned to it) Sometimes it's best to let people have the freedom to do what they wish. Dr. Moon is a repugnant fellow but giving him free reign to do as he wishes might enable you to discover some interesting things in the long run

[ ] Learn about Sharp
DC 48 You've recently acquired a fairly decent amount of the drug known as Sharp. This drug is known to slow down the processes of the body. Further investigation into how this works and potentially being able to improve on the initial chemical could prove well worth it

[ ] See how Sharp and Venom interact in lab rats
DC ??? (cannot be failed) Both Sharp and Venom are drugs that have interesting effects on biological processes. examinging just how they interact with one another might prove beneficial as it could result in something very useful. And if worst comes to worst all you've lost is some lab rats

[ ] Learn about the metagene
DC ??? Wayne Enterprises has apparently discovered something they've coined the "metagene" which is a genetic sequence that grants metahuman their power. While you haven't done all that much genetics research you are confident that with the aid of the data you and Vertigo have collected you can figure out something. You refuse to be left behind in the metaphorical metahuman arms race.

[ ] Learn more about pharmaceuticals
DC 76 While technically a subsection of chemistry, the development of medicinal drugs is distinct enough that it could be its own field of inquiry. Looking into this will mean that Deux D'Aramis will be able to more effectively market itself to more people and thus make more money for LexCorp at the end of the day.

[ ] Attempt to isolate the unknown element in Gingo fruits
DC ??? The existence of an unknown substance within Gingo fruits means that there may be some merit to the legends of mythical power the fruit can grant. Isolating the unknown substance within the fruit will help you understand just what you are actually working with

[ ] Analyze the Carapace Armor
DC 86 Understanding the basics of Atlantis' defensive biotech should prove easy enough. It's not extraordinarily difficult, though a lack of understanding biology does make it additionally difficult to crack. Still if you can solve it a whole realm of biotech and by extension of Atlantean technology, is now yours to unlock

[ ] Attempt to replicate project Damocles' results with biotech grafts
DC 300 Project Damocles did manage to blindly graft Atlantean biotech onto a human being through magical means they were not overly successful in doing so through technological methods. As such you can attempt to replicate their own successes in grafting technology onto people and see if it is potentially scientifically replicable.

[ ] Begin human experimentation in Alegab
DC 14 Queen Bee has her country locked down so effectively that she is confident you could start conducting experiments on live humans in Alegab and no one would be the wiser. Furthermore due to her level of control over her citizens, Queen Bee is confident that this will cause no unrest in the populace at large. Having this discovered by the world at large would be problematic but this could prove to be quite the opportunity if you make sure to do so carefully.

[ ] Analyze unknown alien poisons
DC 85 Brainiac's alien poisons contain Dhawan's particle but the rest of their composition is unknown to you. What is known is that these poisons could be used to bring down even Superman. As such being able to mass produce or counter these poisons might give you a massive edge in a physical confrontation.

[ ] Analyze Brainiac's alien fungus sample
DC ??? Brainiac's alien fungus sample is interesting but immensely difficult to learn from. Not only do you not know how it will react to any set environment but you also don't know the effects it can have on its surroundings. There might be something worth learning here but it would need to be learned immensely carefully

[ ] Analyze the alien spit sample
DC 744 The alien spit sample you've collected has proven to be immensely difficult to decode. All that being said if you can crack the code on the alien spit sample you have then things like cloning or gene therapy treatments to gain superpowers suddenly become possibilities that you can make use of. It would be an absolutely monumental breakthrough if you could end up doing something like this.

[ ] Improve lifter exosuits
DC 28 Lifter exosuits as they are right now remain fairly simple and reliable but they could be upgraded and improved to be so much more. You're already on the cutting edge of things but you can see the technology being pushed even further so that you completely dominate this market as well.

[ ] Improve quantum computers
DC 667 As you've got things right now, quantum computers are so far advanced beyond anything else that no computer of an equivalent size could compete. Unfortunately you've got a lot of problems making your quantum computers economical for the average person. Sure it's immensely useful for you and your supercomputers but the technology is not yet at a point you know it could be. A bit more research and a stronger push for the technology and you're confident that eventually you can get it there.

[ ] Learn more about cybernetics
DC 37 On the other hand if you want to improve humanity an easier solution would be to replace the hardware altogether. Cybernetics is the field of integrating machinery into living creatures. The avenues this opens up is incredible and you can't wait to see what lies down that road

[ ] Learn about robotics
DC 3 Robotics is the field of constructing automatons to help make tasks easier for humanity. There is a great deal of potential in this field especially in military fields

[ ] Learn more about engineering
DC 80 A general all purpose field of study that can yield results in a variety of different fields. It's always nice to go back to what you know

[ ] Learn more about computers
DC 126 (DC 76 if Felicity assigned) Computers are a relatively new field that tends to have an increasingly large amount of influence in how the world is run. With the internet in its fledgling state it may be worthwhile to learn as much as you can to dominate this relatively young field.

[ ] Learn about nanotech
DC 191 Nanotechnology is an incredibly useful field for you to begin investigating. If you can master it then theoretically you can command and control the fundamental forces of the universe. Such power is utterly impossible to match.

[ ] Attempt to recreate Johnny Sorrow's slipstream device
DC ??? An old enemy of the DEO and the Justice Society acquired an experimental prototype that let him effectively teleport by moving through the space between dimensions. This capability could prove immensely useful although the fact that the main user vanished off the face of the planet is not reassuring at all.

[ ] Improve Robot Doubles
DC 45 The Red Tornado data has given you the knowledge of how to create robots that look remarkably similar to people. While they cannot fool people who know the individual in question all that well and do not seem realistic up close they are good enough to effectively fool people at a distance. Improving upon this could prove very useful

[ ] Develop Venom distributors
DC ??? Venom works best via injection directly into the bloodstream. By developing a distribution system that would allow an individual to use it more effectively than a needle you can improve the usability of the substance

[ ] Attempt to learn from collected Intergang tech
DC ??? The last time you had Intergang's alien technology in your hands Ivo was able to make a massive leap forward and produce all kinds of revolutionary new machines. While you certainly have less then you did back then it is still something. Perhaps having someone else attempt to learn from and reverse engineer the alien technology you do have will lead to similarly impressive benefits.

[ ] Improve Kryptonite batteries
DC 55 Making your Kryptonite batteries more compact and efficient will help you to revolutionize the way energy is used. Already you can begin to take the industry by storm so improving what you have can only help you more ruthlessly crush the competition.

[ ] Improve holograms
DC 24 (DC 8 if Mister Frost is assigned) Hologram technology will be the key for creating illusions in the future. While the tech might seem unassuming at first it can later be used to extremely effective purposes once you've developed it. You look forward to seeing what this branch of tech can really do.

[ ] Improve universal translator
DC 91 The universal translator isn't perfect despite being fairly incredible. Messing around with it is very hard due to the immense and utterly bizarre coding and database but if you can improve upon it you might reap massive rewards.

[ ] Improve tractor and repulsor beams
DC 43 Improving this technology will allow you to essentially effectively mimic telekinesis through the use of machinery. The sheer amount of power this could give you is intensely useful.

[ ] Improve signal jammers
DC 29 Improving the strength and utility of your signal jammers will help ensure that LexCorp remains safe and secure for a long while. It's always good to retain some measure of privacy

[ ] Improve artificial gravity generators
DC 48 What you have now for artificial gravity generators is a very energy intensive device. If you can make it more energy efficient or find an effective power source you could end up creating the future of both space travel and life on earth. You've recently made improvements and soon you'll be capable of effectively using them in space colonies.

[ ] Improve 3-D printers
DC 92 3-D printers right now are incredibly useful for production. Imagine how much more efficient everything could be if you were to make these printers even better. You imagine that this must be somewhat like what Henry Ford felt when he created the assembly line. You are on the verge of changing manufacturing evermore.

[ ] Improve phones
DC 60 If you want to dominate the cell phone market you need your product to blow every competitors' out of the water. You're sure if you devote a little bit of time to this relatively minor task then you can easily revolutionize the whole market and thus dominate the field. Only the best for LexCorp. Wayne has continued to challenge you on this front and you absolutely refuse to back down in any way shape or form. You are the so called cell-phone king and you will not be thwarted by your lessers

[ ] Improve prosthetics
DC 44 Your have been improved even further with the collaboration with Wayne industries but it is still not enough. Going in further on this might allow you to end up making your prosthetics far superior to basic human limbs.

[ ] Improve augmentations
DC 40 You have a few cybernetic augmentations that people could start to take. Improving upon those augmentations could allow you to further advance potential cyborgs in the future. A better humanity is just around the corner

[ ] Have someone get cybernetic implants
DC ??? Cybernetic implants could allow a human to be greater than their flesh and blood bodies would have allowed them. Taking the first steps into the future is an excellent way to get ahead of the curve as humanity evolves into something more than human.

] Improve learning program
DC 23 Your learning program is rather inefficient right now compared to what it could be. Improving upon it would likely allow your AI and computers to become that much more effective.

[ ] Improve weapons
DC 26 LexCorp is at its heart a weapons company. As such it would be remiss of you to ignore the cornerstone with which it was built. Improving your weapons is likely to improve your companies stock as a whole and make your regulars very happy.

[ ] Improve Kryptonite bombs
DC 10 Meena's jury rigged battery bombs weren't a decisive swing factor in the fight against Intergang but there is a lot of potential for improvement there. Making the bombs better means that you might be able to further advance the weapons LexCorp can sell

[ ] Improve missiles
DC 22 Your tracking missiles were a significant achievement. You can now build on that achievement even further to ensure that LexCorp missiles are hands down the best in the world.

[ ] Improve Flight unit
DC 56 Making your flight unit more useful could potentially lead to some big discoveries in fields which require propulsion. The sky is the limit with this kind of technology.

[ ] Improve Tornado flight systems
DC 62 The tornado flight systems are an interesting little piece of technology you now know how to make. While they will never replace actual flight units you could see some benefit to further expanding upon T.O. Morrow's work.

[ ] Improve Lasers
DC 23 Your company has made numerous advancements into laser weaponry. While this is ahead of the world it is not significantly so. Improving upon your lasers could push you forward even farther than before.

[ ] Improve armor
DC 38 Defense is as important as offense in warfare. LexCorp is the leader in weaponry so should also be able to produce the world's greatest armor to completely dominate the military market. On top of that armor would be very useful at stopping further assassination attempts.

[ ] Improve Exosuits
DC 20 Your exosuits can be pushed ever onwards in a rapidly evolving world. While for now you still have the lead in this market you did not get where you are today through complacency. As such upgrading the weapons that seem to be defining the modern age of combat will enable you to retain your position at the top

[ ] Improve the Ravager Suit
DC 60 With Rose's custom exo-suit having been built you've already given her a significant force multiplier. That being said you can take this even further and power up the suits even more.

[ ] Improve AI
DC 74 Your current AI only manages to reach the level of animals. By researching more heavily into AI you can develop all sorts of products that will help LexCorp dominate countless markets and push humanity to the future. It is after all something that may prove more relevant than ever now that Brainiac has demonstrated some of the hypothetical peaks of an artificial intelligence.

[ ] Improve Planes
DC 39 Ferris Aerospace has a history of innovating airplane design. Putting some more research into the matter might help them make a big discovery that will let them revolutionize the industry

[ ] Improve solar panels
DC 33 Right now solar panels are the best source of green energy you have. Improving them even further can help make it easier for you to go green and will likely have a positive impact on the environment

[ ] Improve tracking chips
DC 17 Right now your tracking chips are a little too fragile for your tastes and they can't survive being immersed in water. Improving these chips should make them a little more practical to implement

[ ] Improve Hovercars
DC 52 The hovercars you have right now are a little rudimentary. However with some work you can easily make them into a path worth pursuing

[ ] Improve submarines
DC 21 As of now the submarines you can make don't truly stand out. With that being said though it's a fairly simple field to improve in and could synergize well with other areas of interest

[ ] Develop a Space Station
DC 27 With your advances in spacefaring tech and your knowledge of advanced architecture you could likely set up your own personal space station. It most certainly will be costly but the bragging rights alone make this an option well worth it.

[ ] Improve spacefaring planes
DC 4 Alternatively you could stay a little more grounded and focus on improving what you've already got

[ ] Develop space rovers
DC 8 By developing various remotely manned machines you can explore the cosmos without putting human life at risk.

[ ] Develop better auto-correct
DC 46 Auto-correct is something that is already used across the globe. By improving it you can once again demonstrate the superiority of LexCorp projects. While the project is naturally difficult due to having to understand the many numerous complexities of language it would eventually allow you to develop speech to text program, auto cyphers and advanced decoders.

[ ] Improve combat robots
DC 3 You already have the most basic designs of the combat robots available. However they are not very impressive. As such you can improve upon your initial design and end up creating the next evolution in combat technology.

[ ] Improve service robots
DC 18 You have already created basic service robots. Continuing into this field could see your robots being present in every household and becoming a facet of everyday life all across the world much like the Lex-Phone has.

[ ] Create a different automobile of tomorrow
DC 33 By reinventing the phone LexCorp was able to make a mint and expand in a hitherto unseen way. Perhaps by redefining another machine that everyone uses (the automobile) you will be to replicate the success. Rebecca's first attempt while impractical laid the groundwork for further refinement. Meena has since created another option but that one similarly has significant drawbacks. Perhaps the third time will be the charm?

[ ] Improve Meena's prototype automobile of tomorrow
DC 89 Meena's kryptonite powered car is now perfectly marketable and is a decent car all things considered but it could always stand to be a bit better. As such a little more time in the lab could make it well worth the effort to have it be the best thing on the market

[ ] The A.M.A.Z.O. project
DC 190 This is Dr. Ives personal obsession. The A.M.A.Z.O. project is a project to create the perfect machine body that a human mind can be uploaded to. While not likely to prove useful immediately the side benefits could be significant. If Dr. Ives is not assigned to this he will be displeased. (This option must be successfully cleared 15 times before being completed).

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Emmet Vale's superweapon
DC 15 With your knowledge of the late Emmet Vale's work it is quite likely that you can effortlessly reverse engineer his work and even improve upon it. These superweapons could prove quite useful in the long run if you get them to work properly.

[ ] Develop a laser defense system
DC 41 Lasers can effectively be used to disrupt missile fire. Having this countermeasure in place will make your buildings more secure and will be a major market for the military to buy into

[ ] Develop Melting Weapons
DC 33 Honestly this just seems like an interesting project to get started on. This sort of weaponry would undoubtedly violate the Geneva convention but you are sure the government or even your own forces would appreciate having this in their back pocket.

[ ] Improve Cryo-Bombs
DC 45 The cryo-grenades you've recently created while currently somewhat crude could prove an interesting avenue to go down. Improving them could yield some impressive rewards.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer the Super-Tank captured in Markovia
DC ??? You have captured a tank that seems to be using highly advanced potentially alien technology to improve its offensive capabilities. Reverse engineering it can allow you to take these advancements for yourself.

[ ] Improve Hologram Skeletons
DC 24 Hologram skeletons are an admittedly niche technology that you've created but with a little bit of work you can make something much more impressive and useful. As such investing and improving such technology is excellent if you want to fool people and make better decoy bots.

[ ] Improve Freeze Grenades
DC 45 The basic freeze grenade design that you've developed has been significantly improved by Louise Lincoln but you are fairly confident that you could push the design even further. With the Cold Engine right around the corner, further building upon this might end up being worthwhile

[ ] Develop a better radar tracking system for General Richter
DC ??? (This may require multiple turns to complete) General Richter has shown an interest in potentially contracting LexCorp for the development of a better radar tracking system. Not only is this an opportunity to make some money and improve your reputation but it also gives you the opportunity to potentially leave some backdoors for further schemes and plots

[ ] Develop a new standard laser rifle for General Wells
DC 7 General Wells has shown an interest in increasing the average soldier's firepower. Getting better weapons in the hands of the average US soldier is likely to make you a good deal of money and the contract could prove useful later on down the line

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Alan Morris' invisible man suits
DC ??? You are a firm believer that if one can understand the first principles of a subject than a sufficiently intelligent mind can deduce virtually everything in that relevant field. You do not adhere to that dogma but it is something worth considering. If you can figure out the basic method by which the stealth suit works then you'll have quite an advantage on your hands.

[ ] Attempt to improve the Stingaree robot design
DC 39 With your discovery of Stingaree's traps in his own design you've found areas that can potentially be improved and expanded on. This is an opportunity to further the robot design and make greater use of it before you roll them out to make use of

[ ] Improve out of atmosphere telescopes
DC 16 You have managed to successfully gain the most rudimentary of out of atmosphere technology. However if you want something truly impressive you're probably best off improving the technology first

[ ] Improve necessary tech for the O.D.I.N. system
DC 24 You have agreed to begin constructing the ODIN system for the US government. While you do have the technology necessary for a rudimentary prototype to establish its effectiveness under LexCorp Construction, your current version might prove a bit lacking when scaled up. As such you ought to try your hand at doing so when you can.

[ ] Improve Roxy's custom fighter jet
DC 121 Roxy's custom fighter is currently top of the line but you could potentially push it even further if given the time and inclination. Sure doing so is significantly harder than simply getting the prototype of the ground but the option is available to you

[ ] Improve kryptonite cars
DC 54 The Kryptonite cars you've released have seen some decent success. further refining them and ensuring that you've got yet another new product to sell might enable you to further come to dominate and control the market

[ ] Develop spacefaring exosuits
DC 60 With your spacesuits already on the way you may be able to create a combat capable spacesuit quicker by combining it's design with an exosuit. It's not likely to get you an elegant design and it'll almost certainly be something you need to improve on but it would be enough to deliver on your promise to Eiling

[ ] Improve spacesuits
DC 67 Your spacesuits have already managed to get to a point where they are serviceable. Improving them further can result in you potentially being able to conquer the final frontier and claim it as your own.

[ ] Improve space shuttles
DC 48 You have already developed incredible space shuttles to the point where you can begin to start colonizing the stars themselves soon. That being said interstellar entities may make exploration of space challenging so it may be best to continue improving your space faring capabilities

[ ] Develop a moonbase
DC 346 Making a moon base is liable to prove hideously expensive and difficult but being able to have a LexCorp base on the moon is appealing to you. Beyond just the prestige of such an achievement, being able to leave earth opens up a whole universe of options to what you need to get done

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer the Murder Machine
DC ??? With about a quarter of the Murder Machine you are lacking in understanding of just what it is and isn't capable of. That being said looking into this device and what it can do might enable you to learn something and reverse engineer some principle that you can apply to your own robots

[ ] Improve freeze rays
DC 69 With the technology derived from the Cold Engine you were able to make fairly impressive freeze rays. Now you can potentially push the boundaries of science even further and make better freeze rays if you are willing to invest into the effort

[ ] Improve cryogenic suspension
DC 132 Cryogenic suspension and preservation might potentially enable you to achieve immortality. While what you've currently got is quite good it could still stand to be a lot better. As such you may want to invest in learning about it further

[ ] Analyze Holo-books
DC 56 Holo-Books are an interesting thing to look into. The technology involved, while advanced, is not overly distinct from surface technology and thus easier to analyze, and is something you could potentially make a killing in by selling as some kind of project. Naturally you still have some reverse engineering to do but the rewards could prove well worth it.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer leftover Brainiac technology
DC 18 Brainiac's technology is naturally risky to attempt to reverse engineer and understand as it was inherently linked to a hostile AI but if you can glean secrets from it then the universe is potentially your oyster. You are already sent to recover plenty of material so pushing for as much information as possible may end up landing you in the position to once more completely revolutionize the world.

[ ] Analyze Amok's Armor
DC ??? Amok is a Norwegian supervillain who made the trip all the way to Metropolis in order to stalk and harass Ice. However, he was swiftly taken down once he entered Metropolis. While the armor that gave him his abilities is not intact, enough fragments remain that there is still something to analyze. Learning to reverse engineer Amok's suit shouldn't prove too difficult and could be quite fruitful given its advanced capabilities

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer the life model decoy drones
DC 66 You can freely admit that the life model decoy drones you have received from Queen Bee are well beyond your capabilities to make use of now. However, you are confident that given enough time you'll be able to effectively reverse engineer them and make full use of their capabilities.

[ ] Analyze Brainiac's ship
DC 100 Japan has provided you with a nearly intact Brainiac spaceship. While you're unlikely to be able to recreate it in full particularly quickly, getting to work on analyzing it as efficiently and safely as possible is sure to yield you stupendous results even if it won't necessarily come quickly

[ ] Attempt to further reverse engineer Brainiac drones
DC 20 With the absolutely massive collection of Brainiac drones you have managed to acquire, you are confident that you can reverse engineer them and thus gain notable improvements for your own drones and devices

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Brainiac's artillery weapons
DC 28 Brainiac's artillery weapons proved to be absolutely devastating and were very effective in crippling defenses and bringing down structures from afar. Naturally that's the sort of power you'd like to take hold of yourself and as such analyzing and understanding these weapons is key to furthering your own interests

[ ] Improve laser rifles
DC 2 Brainiac has left behind so many laser rifles and other weaponry that it would be child's play to begin making improvements to your own current weapons based off of what you've gotten

[ ] Analyze orbital bombardment cannon
DC 95 Brainiac's orbital bombardment cannon is a devastating weapon with unknown upper limits. Brainiac notably made relatively use of them which actually suggests that they were too destructive for the alien's tastes. Coming to understand exactly how these weapons work may end up helping you construct and create your own equivalents.

[ ] Study Brainiac computer chips
DC ??? Brainiac's computer chips are unlike anything seen on earth. They are almost literally lightyears ahead of earth's current technological development. However, because of Brainiac's nature as an AI study of these chips needs to be done immensely carefully. Still if you can crack the secrets behind them you may be able to completely transform everything in the world due to how monumental a discovery it would be.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Brainiac's spaceship engine
DC 332 Brainiac's spaceship engine is an immensely powerful piece of machinery that allowed for faster than light space travel. It's going to be exceedingly difficult to get to work on your own terms but if you can figure it out then the whole universe is yours for the traversing.

[ ] Have a unit undergo robotic conversion
DC ??? (a unit must be assigned to undergo treatment for this action to take place. DC varies based on unit selected) The process of robotic conversion is an immensely difficult and complex procedure, to the point where the only individual known to have done so successfully is Fixit. All that being said, it's clear that there are benefits to having someone undergo this process. Freedom from the weaknesses and infirmities of flesh is something people have long since longed for and as such it's something that you're quite confident would be appealing to at least some people. All that being said it is clear that this process would likely be highly controversial but it would be massively beneficial if you can turn around public opinion on the subject.

[ ] Improve Construction machines
DC 28 With your technological prowess you could easily iterate on your already existing knowledge base of drones and robotics to make better and more via modifications to the existing designs. These automated devices are potentially well worth putting in the effort to try and revolutionize this aspect of engineering and push the boundaries of how construction is done.

[ ] Study the damaged tower-like structures
DC ??? It is unclear exactly what these structures are but given how Brainiac regularly placed them around various locations in which he concentrated his forces, it's quite likely that they are something useful. You'll have to be very careful in studying this technology but it could prove very useful for you.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer and repair the navigation technology acquired from Brainiac's ship
DC ??? This is the potential holy grail though if you can crack it. Earth is quite frankly disconnected from the universe at large and managing to reverse engineer and repair Brainiac's navigation technology would allow you to circumvent the issue of not knowing where to find things in space. It is immensely useful if you can manage it but it's also something inherently very difficult and even potentially dangerous.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer Merlino's mind control devices
DC 72 Whoever designed Merlino's mind control devices was clever. The advanced technology is difficult to pick apart and it relies on some principle of biofeedback that you don't fully understand as of right now. You are confident that with enough time and effort though, you can crack the code and both counter and mass produce the device.

[ ] Test the limitations of Merlino's mind control devices
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the results) Alternatively the devices are remarkably easy to operate and make use of. As such it might prove more fruitful in the short term to test the limits of these devices and see what can be done with them as is, before you go further along the line in reverse engineering them.

[ ] Reverse engineer Atlantean rifles
DC 15 (rewards on this action are capped) The Atlantean laser rifles are not incredibly unique but they are distinct from what you typically make. That combined with your deal with Ra's makes reverse engineering them well worth looking into. It shouldn't prove too difficult to reverse engineer things and it would allow you to better improve your own weapons.

[ ] Reverse engineer Atlantean water blades
DC ??? The Atlantean water blades on the other hand are more interesting technology to try and reverse engineer and are significantly more of a challenge. It might prove a bit tricky to crack but you're confident you can do so and Ra's al Ghul would appreciate what you can provide him with.

[ ] Reverse engineer needle pistols
DC 43 The needle pistols are a unique bit of biotechnology you're not exceptionally familiar with. Still if you want to crack the secrets of Atlantean technology you need to delve into this subject matter and so you've got work to put in if you want to provide your end of the deal with Ra's al Ghul.

[ ] Continue reverse engineering laser turrets
DC 28 You've already begun to crack the mysteries of how Brainiac's laser turrets work, now all that's left is for you to finish the job and figure out how to begin properly implementing them into things at large. It might prove a little tricky at first but you're confident that you can nail things and end up properly developing this technology.

[ ] Continue reverse engineering forcefield generators
DC 56 Forcefield generators are a tricky technology to get right but you're confident that you can get something working soon enough. It shouldn't prove too difficult and soon you'll be able to really make use of this technology.

[ ] Continue reverse engineering spaceship steering systems
DC 18 Brainiacs spaceship steering systems pair exceptionally well with the navigation system you already have. If you continue to crack this technology soon you'll be able to crack spaceflight yourself and open up the cosmos to humanity.

[ ] Improve Zeta Beam Systems
DC 543 The Zeta Beam systems that you have are utterly revolutionary as they allow you to effectively teleport things from point a to point b. As of right now the technology is still somewhat unwieldy, requiring large structures to make it work but even still it's absolutely incredible. The world will never be the same now that this technology is out in the world.

[ ] Attempt to further develop hoverpads
DC 13 Hoverpads are ultimately a bit gimmicky but they could prove successful both as a fun toy and as a potential genuine source of more interesting technology later on down the line.

[ ] Create Toy Based Gadgets
DC 12 (requires Oswald Loomis to be assigned to this action) Oswald nominally is the head of the gadgeteers guild that you've created from Krank Co.'s brightest. Considering that the gadgets they came up with were apparently able to keep up with Batman, it might be well worth looking into seeing what they could come up with for you.

[ ] Use your particle collider to observe subatomic interactions
DC 22 While the particle collider has taken a while to get ready, you're certain that being able to fire it up and see various subatomic interactions will greatly assist your researchers in making the game changing discoveries you know LexCorp is capable of.

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer project Atomic Skull
DC 123? While you don't have everything quite yet, you've managed to gather a fair bit of information on Albert Michaels's Atomic Skull program. Looking into the matter further and reverse engineering what he has managed so far would put you on track to properly complete the project. Admittedly that would be difficult considering a good amount of the information remains solely within Albert Michaels's head but you're confident you can at least get something with a concerted effort.

[ ] Study psionic technology
DC 14 Queen Bee has provided you with a wide array of tools and technologies used by HIVE to interface with psychic powers. As such studying them and learning how the technology works will not only allow you to mass produce this technology but it'll also allow you to potentially understand psychics better

[ ] Learn about mind powers
DC ??? Director Prince has confirmed that psychics do exist. Looking into this field could prove quite beneficial in the long run. After all the mind is the most powerful weapon a mortal can have and psychic powers only make that statement a bit more literal.

[ ] Learn about physics
DC 71 (DC 40 if Meena Dhawan is assigned to this action) Physics is the study of the fundamental forces of the universe. By applying the greatest mind in the world (your own) to this particular endeavor you could fundamentally alter the way the world is understood. Pursuing this realm of knowledge would lead to things straight out of a science fiction novel like disintegration rays, teleporters and force fields.

[ ] Learn about Kryptonite
DC 146 Your breakthroughs with Kryptonite have been incredible further research into this material will enable you to truly revolutionize the world. Kryptonite also has been shown to consistently be able to hurt Superman making it even more useful in the long run.

[ ] Learn about Dhawan's Particle
DC 678 Dhawan's Particle is likely the greatest breakthrough regarding both physics and molecular construction that anyone has seen in the past decade. This particle could revolutionize everything that is known about the world. Naturally learning more about it could reap massive rewards

[ ] Learn about psychology
DC 57 While not a hard science like what you normally prefer psychology is still very useful for you to learn. Learning psychology will allow you to pick apart how others think and thus twist them to your own ends.

[ ] Learn about sociology
DC 42 Gives a lot of the same advantages as psychology but instead allows you better understanding of the masses. An individual can be smart but people as a collective are easily lead by someone who knows what they are doing

[ ] Learn about military strategy
DC 39 Business is much like war. You excel at business strategy so it stands to reason that you'll excel at war strategy. The conflict with the League of Shadows has demonstrated that there is a need for you to understand warfare. You refuse to let this hole in your knowledge remain unaddressed.

[ ] Learn more about space
DC 47 Additional research is required before the SpaceLex program can truly get off the ground. Being able to understand how to navigate space and construct things for that harsh environment offers numerous opportunities and benefits for oneself. On top of that you do rather like the idea of being the man who conquered the final frontier. You've been making steady progress forwards but now is not the time to let up if you want to truly take to the stars

[ ] Learn about cold
DC 91 Cold is one half of what makes up thermodynamics. With the aid of Dr. Fries Wayne Enterprises has made some steps forward into this field. However you are sure you can overtake them swiftly and effectively.

[ ] Learn about heat
DC 41 Alternatively you could look into the over end of thermodynamics to try and get a better understanding of how to master thermodynamics. Heat is far easier to work with than cold and could give you some impressive results.

[ ] Learn about Nth Metal
DC 88 Nth Metal is a material with incredibly bizarre properties. Studying it could lead to massive breakthroughs. You don't know quite what to expect since it manages to defy even your understanding of the universe.

[ ] Learn about the ocean
DC 28 Equally as mysterious as space but much more easily accessible is the depths of the ocean. Studying the deep could provide insight into our planet and open up new avenues for technology. Also if you want to get into the shipping industry it might be best to get a leg up on the competition

[ ] Learn about the Tantu Totem
DC 170 (DC 70 if Mari is assigned) Mari McCabe has brought with her a mystical artifact known as the Tantu totem which she claims gives anyone of a specific bloodline the ability to take on the traits of any animal. This seems like an immensely interesting artifact and researching it could lead to some very interesting results

[ ] Learn from the Project Atom data
DC 67 Project Atom is a government attempt to make a nuclear powered super soldier the likes of which the world has never seen. Learning from the Project Atom data General Eiling has sent you could help get you the capability to create this for yourself. You have reached near the end of the capabilities of what you can achieve without access to the alien engine used by General Eiling

[ ] External education reform
DC 45 Begin teaching the youth of Metropolis by building schools and instituting a new educational program. By cultivating the next generation you will be able to begin cultivating more resources for yourself to use later on. Plus it never hurts to slip in a little more propaganda

[ ] Learn about the Green
DC ??? There is some strange force in the universe that seems to facilitate chlorokinesis. You don't know what it is but investigating it further can help you figure out what is going on with that. Discovering a new fundamental force of the universe would shatter traditional understanding of our world. Pamela has proven that humans can interact with this force and confirmed that it exists beyond all reasonable doubt.

[ ] Manned mission to Mars
DC 109 Developing a manned mission to Mars may prove tricky with your current capabilities and resources but you are confident that you can get it done and have a LexCorp employee be the first person to set foot on the red planet

[ ] Attempt to make sense of Ivo's last notes and contingencies
DC ??? You have recently discovered Ivo's last notes and contingencies. While the man was on the brink of death and suffered from numerous personality flaws he was still utterly brilliant. As such it might be worth looking into Ivo's notes and contingencies to see what you can find and make use of.

[ ] Learn about Cailtin's power
DC 64 Caitlin's power is unique and you're not quite sure why she developed it now of all times. Still it might be worth looking into its limitations and origin in order to better grasp how to control it and work around it

[ ] Attempt to access Brainiac's data archives
DC ??? Likewise Brainiac's data archives hold potential to be absolutely world-changing at the risk of once more unleashing the AI upon the world. Still the information contained within could prove to be something that is exceedingly valuable.

[ ] Attempt to decode Brainiac's records of nearby space sectors
DC 517 Brainiac's records of nearby space sectors are kept encoded in an exceedingly difficult manner for any normal human to understand and interpret. Still if you can decode these records then you'll have access to knowledge about your interstellar neighbors. And knowledge is always an advantage.

[ ] Study the sphere made of an unknown metal
DC ??? You don't know what material the metal sphere you have recovered is made of but it's certainly interesting that you're encountering substances that have never been seen before. Attempting to analyze it would need to be done immensely carefully, but you're confident that you can do it.

[ ] Learn about sunlight
DC ??? You know the basics of how solar radiation works but with Avruskin's interest in Project Red Sun as a way to take down Superman, it seems as though this venture might be worth looking into. After all if Avruskin's theories are correct, then a way to shut off Superman's powers would be immensely useful to have.

[ ] Study Carol Ferris's ring
DC ??? With Brainiac's additional knowledge on the subject being able to identify Carol's ring as a "Maltusian Power Ring" of the "Star Sapphire" variety, you might be able to glean some more information from it. It would be tricky as even the AI couldn't fully figure out how they worked but it is at least something you could attempt.
[ ] Learn about magic
DC 78 Rebecca Carstairs proves that something supernatural does exist. However if you can figure out how magic works despite Rebecca's complete and utter lack of teaching ability then you could crack the code on how magic works. Rebecca has already increased your knowledge of magic by leaps and bounds so you can only wonder what else you can figure out. After all, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science and you excel at science and Rebecca is quite skilled at magic.
So after we do
[ ] [Raven] Socialize Raven with peers about her age at LexCorp
DC ??? Or Raven propaganda action She can help Lex knowing about magic.
@King crimson, it's possible to access the emotional Spectrum without a power ring?
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Honestly I am not that interested in stewardship. As for Cass special actions I'd think that coop scores are more important than pure stats (since they multiply those stats).
I get that, but plenty of us are into stewardship and even more into getting Cassandra a competent martial arts teacher. We don''t want to do this turn 33 because Jinx, who we want to use for her high(1.8) coop with Cassandra is needed for a different action. However we are still interested in raising Cass Stewardship in general, and especially in prep for the hire an martial arts teacher Cass special action.

Yes, but there is a limit to how far coops can rise. Our current plan is to put Cassandra, Starfire and Jinx on the Hire Cassandra a Martial Arts Tutor action turn 34. Currently the team would have Starfire and her +22 Stewardship leading, with Cassandra providing her coop of 2 × 18 stewardship = +36 and Jinx coop of 1.5 × 15 Stewardship = +23, for a total of + 81.

Thus, we see some appeal in both getting another trait and raising Cassandra's Stewardship for a better chance at an amazing result, and thus desire to take a special action turn 33 that will raise said stat. This naturally makes taking an action to socialize Cassandra with her peers in Lexcorp less appealing, as her coop with starfire is already max, and unless her stewardship rises, increasing her coop with Jinx will not be relevant to our strategy.

Were xp to be spent raising Cassandra's stewardship to 23 however, she would be leading the action, and it's suddenly Cassandra with +23, Starfire with +44(coop 2 × 22 Stewardship) and Jinx with +27(coop 1.8 × 15 stewardahip) for a total of +94. Cassandra has no peers with better stewardship than Starfire and Jinx. With raising her stewardship handled and thus no longer a priority, raising Cassandra's coops through socialization becomes more appealing as competing priorities wane.

As such, raising Cassandra's stewardship with xp is the best way to increase the odds a cass special action related to her socializing passes.
Effects look more or less similar to propaganda action, plus there would be less resistance from Raven. And no need to worry about Helena opinion on teaching propoganda to children. I think it is something to consider.
I've considered it, and as you have noted, the dc is a mystery, while the dc on propaganda is 7. I have a strong team of people raven likes or respects, while building a hero team that has both the coops and diplomacy stats to make the action work is difficult without pulling Lex and Pamela from ODIN and Ginko fruit, which I'd rather not do.

Helena will be fresh from her action to help with her assassination which will help with her being okay teaching this stuff, and if she isn't, Lex is savvy enough to notice and frame it as teaching Raven about the community she has joined and what motivates them while trusting Jinx and Mercy to pick up the slack and the convincing her of it's merits.
So after we do
[ ] [Raven] Socialize Raven with peers about her age at LexCorp
DC ??? Or Raven propaganda action She can help Lex knowing about magic.
Depending on various factors, including the occultist subvote, lab subvote, and relevant coops, We are likely to be prioritizing either Wards or Demonology over a general learn about magic action. Ideally I think demonology works best do to the reduced dc with Rebecca assigned, followed by wards with Raven so she can learn and possibly assist with them later.
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Hey @King crimson is interrogating the Commander going to be an action next turn or some sort of subvote this turn? And if it's a action would using the "Experiment on captives" action on him need another team, or would they create some sort of synergy?
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Hey @King crimson is interrogating the Commander going to be an action next turn or some sort of subvote this turn? And if it's a action would using the "Experiment on captives" action on him need another team, or would they create some sort of synergy?
I'm currently thinking of having the Commander interrogation happen after the results at the end of this turn rather than dedicating an action to it.

That being said if I were to make it an action, interrogating him and experimenting on him would be two separate actions with no inherent synergy (one would probably be intrigue based and the other would probably be learning based). That being said this is likely hypothetical as I'm thinking of leaving interaction with him to an end of turn type of deal before World News 8
Turn 32 Results Part 2
So I managed to finish this in just under a week. Hopefully people enjoy. I don't feel like there were any huge gamechangers but I enjoyed writing these a lot and there were some that were hopefully fun. There were even a few of these personal actions that I wanted to expand into a proper omake rather than leaving them as just a paragraph or so of text. I also messed around a little bit with stuff as beyond Fixit being in binary there's one other where I tried messing around with things. Hopefully it's enjoyable for people as a fun little easter egg to try and put together (it shouldn't be an impossible to crack code).

I'm not going to ramble on any longer, I hope you guys enjoy this latest update.

Turn 32 Results Part 2

Personal Actions
[ ] [Lex] Oversee the Cold Engine's completion
Roll 10

It's always important to try and stay on top of any innovations LexCorp pumps out. Your company regularly changes the world but when doing so, there is always the risk of something going wrong. As such when you have the free time you like to oversee the project to ensure that nothing goes wrong and everything goes according to plan. The Cold Engine has been something that has been in the works for a while. A theoretical source of near infinite energy that would allow you to change the world. Of course Caitlin's condition shows that there are consequences to if the project is not carefully managed. You don't have the time to see every little minutia of the Cold Engine's construction, too many revolutionary projects are at LexCorp for you to dedicate your time to overseeing any one of them, but you were able to see through the completion of the project and look on in satisfaction as you effectively broke thermodynamics and created a hypothetical source of infinite energy.

[ ] [Mercy] Brief security on known tactics of the Joker
Roll 16

The Joker was a fairly public figure for a criminal and as such Mercy was able to get quite the sense of what his tactics were. For all that the Joker liked to cultivate a reputation for being chaotic, the man had a fairly standard playbook for how he liked to approach things. As such Mercy was able to brief security on the most expected tactics. For all of the Joker's infamous reputation, he rarely directly struck at fortified or defended positions. Instead what was more common was for him to try and pick off an individual from within said position and then subvert them by targeting their family. It was a difficult strategy for individuals to cover since if they didn't live on location, they would be forced to pull away troops integral to defense away from the fortified position making it easier to get at. The Joker could then wait and respond appropriately. If enough forces were pulled away he could attempt to sneak in and launch his assault, and if there was a gap in the coverage he could subvert an individual by going after their loved ones. Of course Mercy could cover this by simply having as many of LexCorp's workers live on site and by instituting regular check-ins to ensure that no one ended up being coerced or subverted. It was a little draconian but it would ensure that he was unable to access things. Another tactic the Joker liked to use was to ready some kind of incident or catastrophe to get people to come to him in order to lure them onto grounds he'd prepared. For Mercy once again the solution was fairly simple as she just needed to brief security forces to stay fixed in place and to not investigate things unnecessarily so as to deny the Joker the ability to prepare the battlefield. The last bit of preparations were fairly simple. The Joker often made use of electrifying joy buzzers and "laughing gas" to take kill people on his own. By instituting a policy against handshakes and providing security with a simple gas mask, Mercy was able to ensure that the average security force member would be much more likely to survive an encounter with the Joker. All in all Mercy doubted the clown would be able to do much to LexCorp with the preparations she'd put into place

[ ] [Pam] Attempt to grow blue sunflowers
Roll 16

It began as a bit of idle curiosity. Pamela wore many hats over the years but she did have a degree in botany and while she often did different things for LexCorp nowadays, she was hired on as a botanist initially. Her babies didn't see too much use in Lex's plans, she appreciated him keeping them out of harms way for the most part, but every so often Pamela got the urge to experiment and see how far she could push things. Blue sunflowers ultimately were a rather small thing in the grand scheme of things and it was an interesting puzzle to see if she could figure out a way to cause a flower to bloom in a color it didn't naturally. It took many generations and a good amount of experimentation but eventually Pamela managed to figure out the secret and make blue sunflowers. It was relaxing all things considered and Pamela enjoyed seeing how far plants could go.

[ ] [Kane] Check in on Raven
Roll 1

Katherine had initially meant to check in on Raven to see how she was holding up. Katherine knew that Raven was new to a whole lot of aspects of being a teenager so she wanted to check in to see if Raven was holding up alright even as she got more involved with some potential superhero stuff. It was well intentioned but then something work related had come up and Katherine had to handle it. She figured she'd check in on Raven some time after training to see if she was holding up alright.

[ ] [Rebecca] Hang out with Roxy and Oswald
Roll 20

Rebecca wasn't sure what to expect when she'd met up with Roxy and Oswald. They were all nominally involved with film and television, though Rebecca was mostly out of that industry now, and they all got along but that didn't necessarily translate to having a good time while getting coffee. Still it was rather nice to be able to catch up with people and see how they were keeping up. Roxy apparently was having a blast in what LexCorp was working on and Oswald was still thinking of ways to integrate Krank Co. Toys into Lightyear Entertainment's television repertoire. It was a nice reprieve all things considered.

[ ] [Roxy] Try fugu pufferfish
Roll 17

Roxy liked to live dangerously. That wasn't news to anyone who knew her but it still bore repeating for those who might not have gotten to know her quite yet. Roxy liked to live dangerously and while her job was necessarily thrill seeking, Roxy liked to try and get thrills in other ways as well. When she heard that there was a place in Metropolis that would serve fugu pufferfish, Roxy was excited to try it. It wasn't her usual sort of thrill seeking but it sounded interesting enough. Roxy went to try it and it was interesting. It tasted fine, not all that different from most other sashimi she'd had over the years, though Roxy hardly had a discerning palette in that matter. The anticipation and the tension before eating it was fun but once she'd finished her first piece a lot of the tension had left. Still it was a decent enough experience and Roxy definitely would bring others to try it. As fun as it was to try it herself, Roxy knew that watching someone else squirm as they tried to work up the nerve to eat the fish could be entertaining in its own right.

[ ] [Carol] Spend time getting to know Tora and Beatriz
Roll 6

Carol was busy all the time now. Being Ultraviolet and running Ferris Aerospace took up a massive amount of her time, especially as her superheroic career got bigger and bigger. Still considering that she was going to potentially be on a team with them soon, Carol wanted to try and get to know Tora and Beatriz a little better. She'd managed to say hello and speak to them a little bit but work had come up and Carol had been forced to cut things short for now. There would be other opportunities to do stuff like this later.

[ ] [Karl] Attempt to write a daily journal
Roll 10

Karl new that objectively journaling might not be the best thing for operational security, and he was quite confident that LexCorp would plunder these journals after he died, but as a way to help him process things, they weren't too bad of an option. Karl didn't put all that much important in his journals but it was a way to get little bits of catharsis, writing out some of the angers and frustrations and fears of his as time moved on. Karl wasn't quite at peace per se but he was getting better and the journal was an engaging way to try and get a sense of how he was doing and self-regulate a little better.

[ ] [Cass] Observe Raven and slowly bend her into being an ideal subordinate
Roll 10

Cassandra knew full well that Raven was a valuable person. She was powerful and intelligent enough and Cassandra could do with another subordinate like that. Cassandra already knew how to get people to do what she wanted and think it was their own idea, she just needed to get a better sense of who Raven was as a person. She could have asked Starfire and Jinx about it, both of them were friends with Raven and would do as Cassandra asked, but Cassandra preferred to do things herself is possible and she knew that Jinx would be made unhappy if Cassandra showed too overt an interest in Raven. It was stupid and Cassandra didn't get why Jinx felt threatened, nobody could replace Jinx, but she also didn't know how to get Jinx to work through said issue so for now Cassandra avoided it. She could still achieve her goals without upsetting Jinx. Cassandra had also learned that overtly staring at someone and observing them often tended to disturb them. That being said people paid a lot less mind as to what the cameras were recording for the most part, and nobody expected Cassandra to have access to the footage. That was stupid though, Cassandra spoke with Mercy pretty regularly as she was Father's second, and Mercy wouldn't prevent Cassandra from doing something harmless. As such Cassandra acquired the footage of Raven and began to study it. She'd figure out what made Raven tick soon enough and once she figured things out, Cassandra would have Raven happy to do whatever Cassandra wanted her to.

[ ] [Mari] Look into getting a degree in architecture
Roll 5

Mari had gotten involved in quite a number of building construction projects over the years. For the most part Mari managed money for these projects but recent endeavors in Alexandria and Metropolis had led to Mari dabbling a little bit in different architectural styles. Not enough that she was doing any real architecture herself but enough to get a sense of aesthetics. Mari knew that there was some overlap between her current skillset and architecture, the drawing skills, the choice of aesthetics and being able to manage budgets were all relevant, and so she looked into potentially getting a degree in architecture. However upon seeing what the time commitment to become an architect was, Mari ended up dropping the idea. She was good as is.

[ ] [Loomis] Speak with Siobhan
Roll 18

Over the years Oswald had gotten plenty of letters from children. It was part and parcel of creating a television show for children, much less a network, and considering the Uncle Ozzy show starred himself as the main character, it was only natural that there'd be some level of interaction between him and the children that watched his television shows. That being said it was certainly unusual to have a young woman explain that watching the Uncle Ozzy show helped her deal with her abusive childhood. That was a bombshell and a half. Oswald had suspected that Siobhan had watched his show and he knew at least in the abstract that Siobhan did not have a great childhood, but he'd never quite put two and two together. It certainly explained why Siobhan was so willing to help whenever he needed it. Speaking to Siobhan as she awkwardly poured her heart out about what the Uncle Ozzy show was both validating and a bit discomfiting. It was all too easy while working on television to get separated from your audience. In a lot of ways Siobhan's raw emotions were uncomfortable but they were also why Oswaldwas doing this kind of stuff in the first place.

Results: Siobhan and Oswald coop score +0.05

[ ] [Jinx] Invent Antichess
Roll 2

Jinx had created a monster. Antichess was initially meant to be a way for Jinx to win at chess. After all if she couldn't win in the normal game, flipping the objective into one where you tried to lose as many pieces as possible should be right up Jinx's ally right? Instead the game turned into a miserable slog where you were repeatedly forced to take pieces. At least in normal chess Jinx could choose how she lost, this was just miserable. Jinx regretted ever having created antichess, it was absolutely awful.

[ ] [Carl] Visit Carla
Roll 17

Carl had previously intended to visit Carla but Carla had managed to talk him into not visiting her. This time around, Carl was determined to visit her during one of her breaks and so when he had the free time he notified the people at LexCorp and drove to visit his daughter. Carla was less than appreciative of his impromptu visit but he manage to see that she kept her skills sharp and she was close to getting her degrees. Carla mentioned that she was probably going to do government work and was looking into working with the DOMA. Carl's government work experience didn't translate onto it the best, the DEO was a very different animal than the DOMA, but there was enough overlap for it to be relevant. Carl would see how much tricks for metahuman containment he could covertly bring to Carla's attention without violating his secrecy agreements with the US government. Overall it was a very solid trip.

[ ] [Smoak] Spend time with Barbara before she leaves
Roll 2

Felicity had intended to spend some time with Barbara before the teenaged girl left LexCorp to pursue working with Wayne Enterprises but there never quite was a good time to do so. Barbara personally didn't want to make a big deal of her leaving and definitely didn't want any other interns to get jealous of her. Felicity didn't quite get it, but she wasn't going to go against Barbara's wishes. It was a shame that Barbara wasn't sticking with LexCorp, the girl certainly could have had a career at the company, but Felicity wouldn't begrudge her the opportunity to explore what she wanted to do and take up a potentially more prestigious position closer to home.

[ ] [Dahl] Try a Chicago style hotdog
Roll 7

Apparently Chicago style hot dogs were a thing. Marie figured if she was already in the Windy City she might as well try one. The vendor had pissed her off when he'd talked down to her like she was a child, but Marie held in her temper for now. Instead she tried to enjoy her hotdog. Apparently "Chicago style" meant slathered in relish and mustard. It wasn't the worst thing Marie had eaten but it wasn't exactly great either. She'd hold off on it for now.

[ ] [Nygma] Code a program to solve word searches
Roll 20

Edward was an ingenious interlocutor ideating and iterating on idealized innovations in intelligent interaction. His puzzles puzzled, his conundrums confounded and at the end of the day he always could adjure an applicable answer to any assignment asked of him. Still the primitive procephalic power present in the proletariat and plebians precipitated a pondering of precisely what program to prescribe as a panacea to their perpetually perplexed perception of presented puzzles. As such Edward coded a rather simple computer program called AlphabetEye to automatically scan strings of letters and detect any words designated in the command prompt as being relevant. Yes it was ultimately petty, word searches were hardly an intellectual game, but it was proof of concept that a computerized edge could be created to give the mundane masses a means of matching minds with a mastermind like himself, even if they ultimately couldn't win.

[ ] [Rose] Ɔouʇǝɯdlɐʇǝ ɥǝɹ ɯᴉssᴉuƃ ǝʎǝ
Roll ?????

ɹosǝ ɥɐp ƃouǝ ʇɥɹonƃɥ ɐ loʇ ɐup lǝɐɹuǝp ɐ loʇ˙ qǝᴉuƃ ʍᴉʇɥ ɥǝɹ pɐp ʍɐs sʇɹɐuƃǝ˙ Hǝ ʍɐs ɯᴉssᴉuƃ ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ ǝʎǝ sɥǝ ʍɐs ɐup uoʍ ɹosǝ ɥɐp ɐ qǝʇʇǝɹ ᴉpǝɐ oɟ ʍɥʎ ʇɥǝʎ ʍǝɹǝ lᴉuʞǝp˙ Hǝɹ qɹoʇɥǝɹ ɥɐp doʍǝɹs ɐup ʇɥǝʎ ɯᴉƃɥʇ uoʇ qǝ ɐs ᴉsolɐʇǝp ɐs ᴉuᴉʇᴉɐllʎ ʇɥonƃɥʇ˙ ɹosǝ ɔonlpu,ʇ ɥǝld qnʇ ʇɥᴉuʞ oʌǝɹ ʍɥɐʇ ɯɐpǝ ɥǝɹ ʍɥo sɥǝ ʍɐs ɐup ɥoʍ sɥǝ,p ǝupǝp nd ʇɥǝ ʍɐʎ sɥǝ ɥɐp˙ Sǝǝᴉuƃ ɯoɯ ɐƃɐᴉu ɥɐp qǝǝu ɹonƃɥ˙ ɹosǝ pᴉpu,ʇ ʍɐuʇ ʇo ƃǝʇ ɥǝɹ ɯoɯ' ɯoɯ ʍɐs ɐ uɐƃ ɐup ɐ ɥɐƃ' qnʇ ᴉʇ ʍɐs ɔlǝɐɹ ʇɥɐʇ sɥǝ ɔɐɹǝp˙ ┴oʍɐɹps ʇɥǝ ǝup ᴉʇ ʍɐs pᴉɟɟᴉɔnlʇ ʇo sǝǝ ɾnsʇ ɥoʍ ɯnɔɥ pɐp pᴉp˙ Mɐs Slɐpǝ Mᴉlsou ɐuʎʇɥᴉuƃ ɯoɹǝ ʇɥɐu ɐ ɯɐsʞ ɟoɹ pǝɐʇɥsʇɹoʞǝ' ɐu ᴉllnsᴉou ɐqɐupouǝp ɐs ɥǝ ɹǝɐlᴉzǝp ɥǝ ɔonlpu,ʇ qǝ uoɹɯɐl¿ ɹosǝ pᴉpu,ʇ ɥɐʌǝ ʇɥǝ ɐusʍǝɹs˙ פɹɐuʇ ʍonlpu,ʇ qǝ sɥoʍᴉuƃ nd ɐʇ ɐuʎ ɟɐɯᴉlʎ ɹǝnuᴉou,s ɐuʎʇᴉɯǝ soou qnʇ ʇɥǝ ʍɐʎ ɥǝ,p ɐɔʇǝp ɥɐp lǝɟʇ ɐu nuɔoɯɟoɹʇɐqlǝ ʍǝll oɟ ɹǝɔoƃuᴉʇᴉou ɹᴉsǝ nd ᴉu ɹosǝ˙ Mɥɐʇǝʌǝɹ ʇɥǝ ɯᴉssᴉuƃ ǝʎǝ ɯǝɐuʇ' ᴉʇ ɯǝɐuʇ ʇɥɐʇ sɥǝ ʍonlpu,ʇ qǝ ǝxɐɔʇlʎ lᴉʞǝ פɹɐuʇ˙ pɐp ʍɐs ɐ ɔoɯdlᴉɔɐʇǝp ƃnʎ ɐup ʇɥǝ ʎǝɐɹ sɥǝ,p sdǝuʇ ʍᴉʇɥ ɥᴉɯ ʍɐs ʍoɹʇɥ ᴉʇ˙ Ǝʌǝuʇnɐllʎ ɹosǝ ʍonlp ɟᴉƃnɹǝ onʇ ʍɥo sɥǝ ʍɐs ɐup ʍɥǝɹǝ sɥǝ sʇoop ʍᴉʇɥ ɥǝɹ ɟɐɯᴉlʎ˙

[ ] [Moon] Contemplate if zeta beams can be used to combine living creatures together
Roll 13

Zeta beams were a naturally intriguing potential bit of science. Dr. Moon was nowhere near an expert but he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you were to transpose two animals on top of one another in such a way that they came out of zeta beam transport a single entity. Dr. Dhawan had jokingly called it "the Seth Brundle conundrum" but it certainly was an interesting little puzzle. Dr. Moon wasn't going to be given the opportunity to test this any time soon and yet his mind kept whirring away at all the things he could do. A genuine rat king created not by the tying of tails but rather by the fusion of them was the barest hint of the potential this technology brought to the table.

[ ] [Lisa] Go ice skating
Roll 19

Lisa enjoyed ice skating. She was good at it and she looked good doing it. As such once the weather permitted, Lisa went to an ice skating rink and enjoyed herself. As she was good enough to do tricks and show off she'd managed to gather a solid crowd of onlookers. It was nice to have people cheering for her and considering she was already a bit of a celebrity, showing off her ice skating skills would likely only make her seem more talented and capable. Maybe Lisa could strike a deal with one of the ice skating rinks as a way to make money and spread her fame while boosting how many people showed up to the rink. It was an idea that might be worth trying.

[ ] [Leonard] Play poker with Mick
Roll 9

Leonard had spent the week working with construction crew types. It was a nice change of pace to be with some normal blue collar workers as opposed to what you regularly dealt with in LexCorp internally. These were Leonard's people at the end of the day. Of course they weren't his people in the same way Mick was, if push came to shove Leonard would help out Mick over any of those yahoos. Say what you will about the viability of bank robbery but a shared shady past was one hell of a thing to keep a bond strong. Leonard enjoyed playing poker against Mick and evidently Mick had been practicing or something because he practically cleaned Leonard out. Leonard folded after a few rounds but it was a good few rounds nonetheless.

[ ] [Sam] Attempt to write newspaper comic strips
Roll 3

The attack in Metropolis had inspired Sam. After all newspaper cartoons weren't exactly some kind of Einstein drawings, they were well within Sam's wheelhouse. Sam technically had access to a newspaper. All he had to do was draw a bunch of strips and as it got popular enough, Sam would get rich off of merchandising. Unfortunately drawing was hard. Sam spent about twenty minutes trying to fit all of the words he wanted said into the stupid word balloons in the panel. Eventually he gave up. Who needed newspaper comics anyways? The real money was in comic books.

[ ] [Mick] Talk to Nathan Warbow
Roll 7

Mick didn't really know all that much about Nathan. He saw the guy every so often and recognized him as "that guy Leonard argues politics with occasionally" but that didn't exactly give him much of a sense of who Nathan was as a person. And so Mick tried his hand at talking to Nathan and getting to know him. It went alright, Nathan was apparently busy mapping stuff so it wasn't like they could really talk all that well but from what Mick did get Nathan seemed nice enough if a little boring. Mick had no idea how Leonard got the guy so angry and argumentative at times but that was a mystery Mick was going to let stay a mystery.

[ ] [Lucy] Try to talk with her sister
Roll 16

Lucy's feelings on Lois were complicated. Lois annoyed her. A lifetime of being second best and watching her sister flout rules and regulations and come out on top had left Lucy with quite a few bugbears related to Lois but at the end of the day, Lois was still her sister and Lucy still cared about her. When Lucy had heard the news that Lois was potentially getting involved with Bruce Wayne, Lucy was understandably concerned. Billionaire playboys didn't exactly make for stable partners and with her sister's headstrong nature, things could get ugly if they took a wrong turn. As such Lucy tried to get in contact with Lois, ostensibly to catch up but more realistically to check in with her. Lois ended up picking up the phone and agreeing to meet Lucy at a restaurant for lunch. Lucy learned that so far Lois was happy with the relationship and that things seemed to be working out so far. Lucy was happy for her sister but still offered her a business card for a good lawyer specializing in domestic violence cases in case things did turn ugly. Lois seemed to take it all in stride. Lois was understandably annoyed when Lucy also brought up that dating Bruce Wayne meant investigating LexCorp could result in corporate espionage charges, especially if Lois tried to press Lucy for the details, but at the end of the day Lois did seem to accept it. Lucy wasn't quite sure what to make of the relationship but at least the talk with Lois hadn't been too bad.

[ ] [Meena] See the effects Gingo fruit extract has on mice
Roll 20

Meena was a scientist at heart. She wanted to learn everything and anything and understand the world. Naturally Meena needed to conduct tests in order to prove her theories. Granted theoretical physics was very much a thing that was more self-contained but the principle of the matter still stood, a scientist ought to test their conclusions and see if they held up. The Gingo fruit extract had interesting effects and while Meena couldn't test it on humans, while it would be interesting it wasn't worth the hassle, she could test it on mice. Meena initially began with micro-doses as the average mouse only had about 78.5 microliters of blood per gram and so she had to keep the dosages low. The mice very quickly began to show effects of being increasingly flexible. Not so much that they were outside of the realms of possibility but enough so that they were approaching the upper tenth percentile of mouse flexibility. Some of the mice did appear to have issues with balance after the does but for the most part they seemed to be adapting. Meena upped the dosage. The mice began to die off but those that survived did seem to be in the top percentile of mouse flexibility. A few even managed to demonstrate feats typically impossible for a mouse, though those often came with the side effects of flesh distending and warping. It was interesting to note. Meena upped the dosage even more, just to the point of lethal. The mice all died and their flesh was unusually rubbery and pliable compared to how it normally was and it appeared that gingo fruit extract had turned toxic as it prevented the lungs from properly picking up oxygen via warping the alveoli such that gas could no longer be exchanged. In a sense it was only technically poisonous, though it would definitely still kill you. Neat. Meena then dosed a mouse with well over the lethal dosage just to see what would happen. The mouse tried to squirm away but it swiftly died. As Meena picked up the mouse's corpse the body practically warped under her grip. It was like grabbing a gelatinous sac of sorts and Meena was curious what would happen if she went and smashed the corpse against a countertop. Would it behave like a typical corpse or would its new rubbery properties result in something unusual? Regardless Meena had a dissection to attend to. She cut open the mouse and saw how almost all of the internal tissues had started warping to the point where it almost seemed like it was in a mesomorphic state. It was fascinating. Meena was going to spend the rest of her evening killing lab mice to see exactly what was going on here.

[ ] [Snow] Check on the Cold Engine
Roll 19

It had taken years but finally the Cold Engine was complete. This was a project that had changed Caitlin's life. She'd initially joined onto the project as Dr. Lincoln's protege and had completed graduate school by the time it had completed. Almost all of her time out in the workforce had in some way revolved around the project. The Cold Engine was the machine that had ended up causing her powers to develop and forever changed her world. It felt surreal to have this years long project finally come to an end. Caitlin wasn't a graduate student anymore, she wasn't on good terms with Dr. Lincoln anymore, and her metahuman nature and abilities had come to light. Caitlin could hardly wrap her head around the fact that it was all over now. She had a career ahead of her and Caitlin had no doubt that she would continue to push things forwards but at the same time it was bizarre to now know that something she'd worked on for so long was finished. Caitlin finished checking over the various components and readings of the Cold Engine to make sure everything was in order. Caitlin had changed and soon the world would change once again. It was a touch nerve-wracking but Caitlin was confident she could deal with whatever came her way.

[ ] [Louise] Attempt to keep her head down in Bialya
Roll 20

Bialya was a frightening country. Louise had done government work in the past and she was more than familiar with the need for secrecy and the subsequent punishment for those who spilled secrets. However bad the US might've been Bialya was worse. Louise had initially suspected that forced trip was a punishment from Lex Luthor, a way to move her out of the picture so that she wouldn't disrupt any claims regarding who was responsible for the Cold Engine's creation. She quickly realized that it actually was a threat. Bialya was discomfiting. She never met with the queen in person, instead being put in touch with various high ranking ministers. Throughout the entire process men and women with guns constantly followed and kept an eye on everyone. Everyone Louise spoke to was inflexible at best, the queen's orders were absolute and couldn't be deviated from. It was eerie but Louise couldn't quite put her finger on why. The entire environment felt artificial and cultivated and Louise knew not to mess around with things. A small country that locked down information this well, that had an absolute monarch who seemed to control everyone's day to day to an insane degree was not something Louise wanted to get on the wrong side of. If she angered and annoyed Lex Luthor or worse still the queen of Bialya, there was a chance that she'd disappear never to be heard from again. And so Louise put up with the ignominy and the sweltering heat and the perpetually hanging sword of Damocles and did her job. She mostly worked on making the farms more efficient and did a bit of work in improving the palace's temperature regulation systems as a bit of piece of mind for herself so she wasn't constantly dying of heat. Louise got her work finished and left without comment. She never wanted to go back to Bialya ever again.

[ ] [Vivian] Read up on pharmaceutical journals
Roll 7

Vivian was upset. She considered herself fairly even tempered but the situation with Wayne Enterprises was upsetting. The idea that she could be too successful for a market had never occurred to her but now the bastards at Wayne Enterprises had done their level best to cut them out of the market and Deux D'Aramis was dead in the water. If she wasn't under the LexCorp aegis, maybe Vivian would have been able to negotiate something but for now all of the budget was being redirected to research and development as LexCorp was going to wait out Wayne Enterprises retaliation for now. It frustrated Vivian to no end. Worse still was that Vivian couldn't even throw herself into her work to get away from what was upsetting her, because every time she was catching up on scientific literature, she kept getting reminded of what Wayne Enterprises had done and getting frustrated and annoyed all over again

[ ] [Constance] Look for a farmer's market
Roll 13

Constance wasn't big on cooking but farmer's markets were a nice way to get fresh ingredients. Sure the supermarkets carried pretty much everything she could have wanted but there was something exciting about getting fresh food straight from the source. Besides looking for a farmer's market was less about succeeding and more about enjoying looking around Metropolis. Constance spent most of the morning wandering around searching but eventually she got wind of a farmer's market and made it right as it was being closed. Admittedly parsnips and pumpkins weren't the most exciting things to buy but at least it was something.

[ ] [Frost] Read up on Japanese customs
Roll 9

As someone on the oversight board for Japan's metahuman endeavors, Mr. Frost attempted to educate himself on what the culture and customs might be like. It wasn't too difficult to find a manual explaining the basics but the problem was that too much of it was contextual for Mr. Frost to truly understand it in its entirety. As such that just meant he had to do a bit more research on the subject matter before he was satisfied with the results.

[ ] [Warbow] Study Roman architecture
Roll 10

Rome was littered with architectural marvels. More than almost any other city in the world, Rome had buildings with history and as such given Nathan was already in Rome to oversee a building being constructed on the outskirts of the city, he might as well take a look around to see what was there. Admittedly the Villa Borghese was probably not what people first thought of when Roman architecture came to mind but it was a beautiful place and Nathan had plenty of time in the early mornings, before construction began, to go and look at them and make note of what had been done. It didn't leave him much time for other things besides his work but it was still something.

[ ] [Paige] Attempt to visit a private spa
Roll 12

Paige wasn't confident about going to visit a private spa. Yes the fact that it was private meant that less people were likely to observe it but at the same time she hesitated to show herself openly. Every time she looked at her features she couldn't help but fixate on how everything had gone wrong and the voice in the back of her head kept whispering that others would see it too. Still she'd managed to make it to the private spa in the end. An out of the way place outside the bounds of either Metropolis or Gotham. The service people didn't comment on anything but Paige's nervousness kept acting up. Eventually Paige's nervousness caught up with her and she cut the trip short but for the most part it had worked out. Maybe Paige would come back again.

[ ] [Lana] Spend some time near Christmas in Centennial Park
Roll 9

Christmas time in Metropolis was always interesting. The big city made a much bigger production out of the holiday than Smallville did but in doing so some of the intimacy of the holiday was lost. It wasn't bad, it was just different. Sometimes Lana liked to wander into Centennial Park to see what people were doing. The park had slowly begun to recover from Brainiac's attack and apparently the city had imported a big Christmas tree as a way to celebrate. With the way the snow had fallen, it was rather picturesque. It wasn't a super productive morning but it was nice to check out regardless.

[ ] [Rene] Go get her yearly eye doctor check in
Roll 14

Rene couldn't help but find it a little funny that she took a serum to give her unique abilities that a normal person could only dream of, and yet she still had to go to the eye doctor to do check ups to see if her vision was going. It was hardly fun but the reality of things was that Rene needed glasses and so it was just good sense to check up every so often to try and make sure that everything was working out alright. And so Rene awkwardly sat in the waiting room till her name was called and she took the necessary tests. Her eyes remained about as solid as they'd been previously and it didn't seem like she needed a new prescription. It was enough for Rene to feel fairly finished with the eye doctor for the year as she headed back home.

[ ] [Vic] Try to buy a genuine ivory gun
Roll 3

Elaine enjoyed the finer things in life. As such when she heard of a bid on a genuine elephant ivory gun, Elaine couldn't help but want to bid on it in an underground auction. The auction itself was conducted through proxies who didn't know what was being bid on but it was entertaining nonetheless. Elaine had plenty of money to spend and acquiring art was well worth the money she was spending on it. It wasn't wasteful at all in her eyes. Unfortunately Elaine was ultimately out bid on the gun and it went to someone else. Elaine ended up leaving the auction empty handed.

[ ] [Banshee] Take final exams
Roll 14

Fuck finals. Whatever sadistic prick decided that more than half of a course should be decided by a single test deserved to burn in Siobhan's opinion. Siobhan really hated them. LexCorp had sprung for academic accommodations for her and thank god for that because if Siobhan was forced to do that in the normal amount of time without someone explaining to her how some of this shit worked, she was dead in the water. Siobhan hadn't ever taken tests like this before she'd enrolled in community college so it was new and it sucked. Siobhan put in the work regardless, she wasn't some kind of super genius which meant she had to put in the time and effort to figure things out, but man did trying to not panic when taking a test suck. Siobhan was a little tempted to tally how often she picked each option for the multiple choice sections but in the end she couldn't afford to waste time doing so. Finals sucked but they were finally over and now Siobhan could rest for a little bit.

[ ] [Helena] Buy a nice wine
Roll 11

Helena hummed to herself as she perused a selection of wines from the nearby winery. She wanted something fancy but not too fancy, Helena wasn't having dinner with a VIP anytime soon. She contemplated things quietly. A red wine would be better than a white wine, the color worked better and it was what people generally thought of when talking about wine. Eventually Helena settled on a nice Barolo wine aged about ten years. It would do for now. Helena was satisfied with her purchase as she put away the wine. The bottle was going to be saved for when Mandragora was dead. Then Helena would toast to a vengeance finally satisfied.

[ ] [Raven] Go biking
Roll 4

Raven had wanted to go biking. Exercise sucked but it was a decent way to see the city and at least keep somewhat in shape. Raven had then gotten distracted by Jinx who ended up chatting with Jinx for a while. Things got derailed and Raven kept on spending time with her friend and before she knew it, it was starting to get dark out. Raven could theoretically take a short bike ride but she didn't want to be out after dark on a bike and so she ended up not going. She could always bike later.

[ ] [Fixit] 01000011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00100000 01001101 01101111 01100100 01100101 01101100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100011 01101111 01111001 00100000 01000100 01110010 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 00001010 00001010
Roll 10

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[ ] [Wire] Shit talk the Survivalists on Air
Roll 11

Leslie enjoyed her job. Getting to air out her thoughts and provide people with an only slightly semi-filtered peek into her thoughts on the state of the world was fun. Naturally slamming some moron and blasting them over the airwaves was a lot of fun as well. Idiots often made headlines so Leslie got to call it like she saw it. Normally the role of "village idiot" was played by Metropolis's favorite alien in blue pajamas but this week Leslie got to report on a special kind of stupid. The people of Metropolis were not especially fond of terrorists. Obviously no one liked terrorists, that's why they were terrorists and not freedom fighters, but people who'd been in Metropolis since the Intergang attack had a particular bone to pick with organized nutjobs who were intent on wrecking the place. The Survivalists were the answer to the question nobody had wanted to ask "what if Intergang didn't have alien tech and was run by suicidal morons who wanted to drag the rest of the planet with them?" Frankly the bar was so low the Atlanteans could probably see it from the bottom of the ocean but the Survivalists managed to underachieve even on that. Apparently the plan was to blow up Metropolis's kryptonite power plant, convince the US government that the Russians did it, and then kickstart World War three. A fucking eight year old could come up with a more consistent plan than that, hell Leslie was tempted to bring an actual eight year old onto the show to poke holes in the joke of a plan, but nobody ever accused the individuals who joined a terrorist organization of being incredibly smart. Leslie didn't think it would be an incredibly popular broadcast, as much fun as she was going to have lambasting the morons, Ultraviolet had captured the Survivalists before they could set their plan in motion, meaning they weren't exactly the most newsworthy. Still Leslie was always happy to kick a terrorist while he's down and so now people could hear her do so on the air.

[ ] [Cory] Attempt to teach Cassandra about Tamaranean culture
Roll 15

Starfire had wanted to teach Cassandra about Tamaranean culture. Her friend was very smart and it would be nice to be able to spend some time with someone who knew what Klorthog was. Starfire had made peace with being on earth but it was still lonely being so far away from her home planet with no other Tamaraneans around her. As such Starfire began to try and pass on information about Tamaran and its people to Cassandra. It wasn't perfect but Cassandra did seem to take an interest in certain aspects of Tamaranean culture. She didn't quite seem to understand the prevalence of emotion and its role in society, it was difficult for Starfire to impart just how important joy was when it was linked to flight and other such phenomena that seeped into a lot of aspects of Tamaranean life. Tamaraneans were meant to feel everything fully and freely. That being said Cassandra did seem quite interested in Tamarans warrior customs and how its culture encouraged people to be capable at fighting off invaders at any given moment. Cassandra didn't seem to get everything but it was fine, Starfire was just happy that Cassandra had inulged her thus far on this venture.

[ ] [Talia] Practice sword skills
Roll 4

Talia had intended to practice her sword skills. Some might believe that martial talent was something static, but the edge constantly needed to be honed and maintained in order to remain in the peak of one's own capabilities. That being said something had come up. Superman had started to move and as such Talia had to cut her practice short. It wasn't ideal but if she wanted to prevent Superman and Batman from meeting, Talia needed to put the work in to ensure that they couldn't. As such her plans were temporarily put on hold as she headed out into Metropolis proper.

[ ] [Costa] Talk to Mari about getting used to living in Metropolis
Roll 5

Beatriz wanted to talk to Mari about moving to Metropolis and getting used to thing but when the publicity kicked in, it really kicked in. Beatriz didn't mind having eyes on her, and it was for the good cause of the world's first and potentially premier superhero organization, but Beatriz barely had time to settle down as she got the campaign ball rolling. Beatriz was a big believer in "work hard, play hard" which meant that now was the time to work hard. She could deal with some of the smaller rigors of being in Metropolis some other time and Mari was at least easy enough to contact.

[ ] [Tora] Hang out with Beatriz
Roll 2

Tora and Beatriz were both so busy as of late that there wasn't all that much time to just hang out as of late. Tora definitely liked spending time with Beatriz and she had fun working with her, there just wasn't as much time to hang out with her "off the clock" as it were. Still Tora couldn't complain too much, this was the big leagues and that meant you had to make some small sacrifices here and there to live up to what was expected of you.

[ ] [Eve] Ask Carl Draper for learning material about traps
Roll 1

When Eve had finally worked up the nerve to ask Carl Draper for learning material about traps, she'd learned that he was out of town and was visiting his daughter for a little bit. Eve could have gone and asked Nygma, but asking Nygma for help with an intellectual matter was going to be like pulling teeth with razor wire, painful and messy. As such Eve had decided to just wait a bit for Carl to get back into town.

[ ] [Villain] Look into buying an antique pocket watch
Roll 4

Arthur did not often take strolls into neighborhoods of ill repute but every so often he stumbled across something that piqued his interest. An antique pocket watch, found in some crumbling old pawn shop certainly had been one such item. Arthur intended to have the item verified to see if it was a genuine 19th century pocket watch but by the time he'd gotten his ducks lined up to buy it, someone else had already purchased it. Irritating. Arthur couldn't hold a grudge against someone who beat him to the punch but it still annoyed him that his own rationality had resulted in someone far less intelligent and with less caution getting the reward.

[ ] [Devereux] Familiarize herself with the LexCorp labs
Roll 6

LexCorp was huge. Catherine wasn't exactly unused to big buildings, any half decent university was going to have a fairly large campus and lab, but at the same time there was a big difference between LexCorp and a university. The labs layout was completely unfamiliar and while there was some degree of mapping out of things, the labs themselves were often specialized and compartmentalized enough that she had to learn each one's layout and materials from scratch. Then as Catherine had continued to learn about the various labs at LexCorp, some kind of plant had started screaming at her and Catherine immediately bolted. She had no idea what was going on but she wasn't sticking around to find out. She could familiarize herself with other labs later, for now she was going to head back to safety.

[ ] [Brown] Ask Lana for assistance in getting used to the big city
Roll 20

Enoch wasn't too used to city living. It came with the job but he'd been born on a farm and he'd lived on a farm for years on end. It wasn't exactly familiar territory for him either. There was also a lot that people took for granted about how to navigate the big city and were to find information. It was difficult to talk to people because they all tended to make assumptions about Enoch once he started talking and his accent came out. That being said Enoch had learned enough to know that Lana was country-folk as well so he'd asked her about a few bits of advice on how to get himself and his daughter situated to living in the big city. Lana's assistance had been immensely helpful. She'd shown him where to go to get the schedules for public transportation, the basics on which areas of the city were less safe for a young girl of Emmylou's age, and more. It was mighty kind of her and it made Enoch's life a whole hell of a lot easier knowing that if he wanted to find something, he could just ask Lana and she'd generally get back to him with an answer within a few hours. Even better, Lana was good at giving ways to find the information himself in the future so he wasn't stuck relying on anyone. Enoch could complain about plenty of things in Metropolis but at the very least his transition to living there had been made about as easy as it ever could be.

[ ] [Meld] Try to covertly help Paige Monroe on a bad day
Roll 3

Brittney wanted to maintain an image of being aloof and unhindered by emotional attachments. It was fairly ridiculous in her opinion but in a lot of large organizations, people high up often saw empathy rather than resource optimization and maximization as a weakness. As such Brittney tried to maintain the image of an unflapped professional who didn't care about anything other than her job. It made things easier and it prevented coworkers from transposing too many problematic assumptions onto her. Of course Brittney had her limits at the end of the day. When she heard Paige let out a high pitched keening wail, Brittney moved to disengage with her current conversation and instead headed to check on the other woman. It was clear that Paige suffered from some fairly intense body image issues, and for all that LexCorp did its best to try and keep its staff functional, if not necessarily healthy, Paige's problems stemming from her time in the modeling industry often went insufficiently addressed. Brittney quietly moved to Paige's side where she could see her quietly crying and struggling to get herself together. Brittney briefly scanned the area to see what might have set her off when she noticed some idiot had left a magazine out and apparently Paige had not reacted well to seeing a model doing what she once did. Paige's own perceived imperfections were likely highlighted by this and that triggered the breakdown. Brittney thought about how to approach this for a moment and then came to a decision. She gently took Paige by the shoulders and moved her towards a private office, so that Paige could let out her emotions in private. It wouldn't solve the root issue, but getting Paige away from the magazine and getting her some space to vent in private would be ideal. Too many people saw Brittney help Paige for the act to be any kind of covert, but Brittney couldn't bring herself to regret helping Paige while she was suffering. If people had a problem with empathy they could go bite her.

[ ] [Crock] Spend time with key employees
Roll 16

Jade had never run a business before but Jade figured the most important thing was people. If the people were good and they supported her, then any incompetence on her end could be covered by others. It wasn't perfect but it was as good as Jade was going to get on short notice. As such she began meeting people in earnest. Jade prioritized key employees who she'd work with day to day. Paying for an expensive meal and an evening of entertainment was a cheap way to buy loyalty and information quickly. Jade knew the general profile of the people she'd hired, young, competent, attractive people, preferably with some kind of history or proficiency in dealing with violence and criminals. The Wonderland Races were meant to be a civilized affair but Jade would rather have her employees be capable of defending themselves if something did go wrong. It took a while but eventually people started warming up and there was a sense of camaraderie forming. It was all Jade could ask for in this short period of time. Jade felt hopeful as she generally liked her staff and from what she could tell, they liked her. Now she just needed to get things off the ground and the Wonderland Races would be ready to go.

[ ] [EB] Try and convince her dad to let her get light-up sneakers
Roll 4

Emmylou wanted light-up sneakers. They were the coolest thing ever! Emmylou was still getting used to being in a big classroom nowadays. She'd previously been homeschooled by her dad, but now she just went to school in a building near where her dad worked. Going to school was new and she so much stuff she hadn't even thought were things before. So when she noticed Claire's new sneakers which lit up whenever she took a step, Emmylou couldn't help but be amazed. She wanted those. She didn't ask her dad for much, she knew he wasn't going to get a TV or let her have an L-Phone or anything like that, but light-up sneakers were way easier to get. As such Emmylou presented her case to her dad. He should totally let her get them since they'd make her cooler and she'd be happier with them, and they were cheap and wouldn't do anything to her brain. Her dad flatly said no. Emmylou begged and begged and begged and begged but her dad continued to refuse to let her get light-up sneakers. Well fine then Emmylou was mad at him then for being no fun. Maybe then he'd let her get the sneakers once he realized how serious she was about them.

[ ] [Cub] Deign to engage in games with the ice person
Roll 17

The Ice Person was not the worst of the new people. She understood the pecking order and would regularly pay tribute to Janus with treats. Oftentimes Janus would demand a bigger largesse as tribute and often the Ice Person would accede to said demand. It was a wonderful system and personally Janus hoped she got more chewy meat sticks for him, those were good. Today Ice Person came with a rope for him to prove his mettle with. Very well then Janus could engage in play for now. It wasn't as good as the giraffe simulacrum but he could make due with the rope. First Janus began demonstrating his prowess by batting the end of the rope, showing off the might of his powerful swiping claws. Every so often the Ice Person would wiggle the rope and Janus would adjust, knocking the rope around. Once she'd been suitably impressed with his skills, Janus decided that he would engage in tug of war. He grabbed the rope with both his left and right mouth and began to pull. Ice Person wised up to what he was doing and began to pull back. Time passed and the Ice Person still hadn't given despite Janus's clear superiority. Such impudence! Just for that when Janus won, he was taking the rope away. It was going to be his rope now. Eventually Ice Person let go and Janus couldn't help but feel happy. He'd won. He dropped the rope to let out a roar of triumph. Once again he'd demonstrated his superiority. Janus was so caught up in celebrating his victory that he didn't notice the Ice Person take the rope away. No, bad Ice Person, that was Janus's rope now! Still as the Ice Person took away the rope she opened up a box and got out a meat stick for Janus. This was an acceptable tribute for now. Janus would allow her impudence for a little longer, both because she was nice and gave food and also because Janus didn't want cold paws.

[ ] [Monkey] Approach the old person and the blonde young human
Roll 2

Snowy didn't like new people. New people were dangerous and frightening. Snowy didn't know what they wanted from him and if Safe Person wasn't around that meant Snowy would be much more at risk. Of course not all new people were bad. One of them gave orange slices if Snowy got close and let the little blonde human touch him for a bit. Snowy didn't mind being touched by the little blonde human, she was generally gentle and Snowy found that if he sat still and let her groom him, the older one would give him orange slices for the duration of that time. Snowy wasn't sure why the little blonde human liked grooming him so much, she wasn't eating any fleas and Snowy kept himself very clean. Today though there were no orange slices so Snowy didn't stick around for long. He was going to go find something else to do for the next few bits. Maybe he'd go and take a swim? That sounded nice.
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[ ] [Loomis] Speak with Siobhan
Roll 18
I love this and not just because of the co-op bonus.

[ ] [Vic] Try to buy a genuine ivory gun
Roll 3
[ ] [Villain] Look into buying an antique pocket watch
Roll 4
I just like to imagine the Penguin marveling at the new addition to his weapons collection while twirling the chain of the pocket watch a kiss ass goon gave him.
[ ] [Rose] Ɔouʇǝɯdlɐʇǝ ɥǝɹ ɯᴉssᴉuƃ ǝʎǝ
Roll ?????

fixed text for anyone who doesn't want to figure it out themselves
contemplate her missing eye

rose had gone through a lot and learned a lot. being with her dad was strange. He was missing the same eye she was and now rose had a better idea of why they were linked. Her brother had powers and they might not be as isolated as initially thought. rose couldn't help but think over what made her who she was and how she'd ended up the way she had. Seeing mom again had been rough. rose didn't want to get her mom, mom was a nag and a hag, but it was clear that she cared. Towards the end it was difficult to see just how much dad did. Was Slade Wilson anything more than a mask for deathstroke, an illusion abandoned as he realized he couldn't be normal? rose didn't have the answers. Grant wouldn't be showing up at any family reunion's anytime soon but the way he'd acted had left an uncomfortable well of recognition rise up in rose. Whatever the missing eye meant, it meant that she wouldn't be exactly like Grant. dad was a complicated guy and the year she'd spent with him was worth it. Eventually rose would figure out who she was and where she stood with her family.

Contemplate Life Model Decoy Drones

Fixit was always curious to see innovations in technology and how they would push things forward. Technology always shaped behavior. The drones were an interesting bit of technology. Human-like machines obviously blurred the line between metal and man and Fixit couldn't help but contemplate what it would lead to. Perhaps more people would end up following in his footsteps if the form was matched. After all the average individual did not appeared to be too concerned with the function or upkeep of their bodies so perhaps form would be ideal. The drones were not suitable as vessels for a human mind as of now but they could be pushed there without too much effort. Fixit was quite intrigued to see where things would go.