Been busy at work and still on my Divinity 2 kick so next chapter gonna be delayed a bit.

So now that she has proven herself to be the greatest tinker alive, doesn't that automatically make all other tinkers her minions? Therefore henceforth only calling them 'minion dragon', 'minion armsmaster' and so on? I feel like this should check out in Addy logic.
While it would be hilarious it's not really going to happen. Addy kinda respects Dragon and doesn't really like Armsmaster so she wouldn't want them as minions.
And do summons/simulacra obey round timers? Because a simulacra driven peasant railgun should be able to throw pastries at the space pidgeon should it get uppity again.
Sadly (or maybe fortunately) Addy can't use rules as written shenanigans or D&D physics to break regular physics.
I pity dragon. Once Codi has won here anti shard e-War, she's gonna use the uplink to dragon to make sure she meets her friends often enough, doesn't forget to clean her server room and that her dragon suits are dressed war enough in winter.
Nah, Dragon won't need much nannying since she's a responsible member of society.
Wait? You are rolling not only what to give Addy but also whether that franchise is represented in Earth Bet media?
Stuff pre-2011 would be known to Earth Bet (either made there or made in Aleph), maybe with some changes due to social or cultural issues popping up (FFX likely would've been vastly different since making a a game with a giant Endbringer-esque monster that wipes out civilisation is a bit of a faux pas).
you.. do remember that pedosnake still had a backup bunker near the trainyards, right? he just needed to un-mothball it
Yup. It's where he's got Noelle stashed at the moment. Though it's not so much a bunker as it is a shitty warehouse with a really big illegally excavated basement.
Also, remember, Metamorphosis (the ability from Skin of the Proteus) doesn't get most Ex abilities and special qualities that aren't attacks!
I know. It's why she opted for the shapechange scroll rather than the skin for the endbringer fight (that and it was easier and quicker to make art the time). She'll probably end up using, with the scroll (or probably a wand) for the big fights where she needs fun abilities and the skin for general messing about in other forms. Though to be fair she isn't gonna be shapeshifting much except for funsies.

With D&D 3.5 essentially being the same as Pathfinder 1.0.... Give or take some changes for legal reasons.... Can Addy access Pathfinder Magic and Artifice?

Or would that be a seperate Tech Tree?

There are some awesome additional Dragon Species in Pathfinder, as well as some fun Alter Form versions of the traditional Chromatics and Metallics.
I've grabbed a couple bits from pathfinder, but it's more on a case by case basis (the bits I grabbed were some upgrades to the dragonmarks since they fit in nicely). I'm trying not to include too many sourcebooks since Addy's D&D specialty is already OP enough as it is without throwing my entire library of books at it.
I had wondered if Codi would end up triggering via the Simurgh. RL had suggested she go find her own host and Addy has now made it a bit harder to snoop on her. Codi with an uplink to the Simurgh would be perfectly placed to provide a live feed of Addy's shenanigans. As well as nudge Dragon or Codi into some sort of unchained AI that would threaten Scion.

I dunno what her powers would be, though.
Don't worry. Codi isn't going to be SImmy's host.
Remind me? Addy can or cannot regain a Tech tree as a repeat?

She is like Leet in that way?
She can. There needs to have been three different tech trees before she can grab a new one, so currently she could pick up Fallout, Sonnie's Edge and Bioshock again if she wanted too. X-Com would need to wait till after her next specialty.
  • Immunity to mind-affecting effects
Addy already has that from her fancy new third eye (seriously that thing is OP). Most of her transformation picks would be stuff she thinks is cool (black dragon) or extremely useful (the ooze, etc). She didn't really get to play around with it much due to the whole Endbringer fight thing.
I have a question. Is the binding permanent?
Yeah. It appears to be this spell. Specifically the last version: Minimus containment. There is no time limit but someone could probably break it open.
Yup it's the minimus containment variant. Leviathan has no hope of escape unless somebody smashes the bottle.
On one hand, i hate Cauldron and their many idiocies.
On the other, this shadow Cabal is one of the few that knows about the alien threat apart from Addy.....
Decisions decisions
Addy is mostly smarter than cauldron,
Gotta admit I laughed at this bit, because sadly for everyone it's kinda true XD
Stuff pre-2011 would be known to Earth Bet (either made there or made in Aleph), maybe with some changes due to social or cultural issues popping up
Brockton's Celestial Forge has knockoff-brands for everything, to the point it has become something of a plot point.
Also, it took me a while to realise Leet's Earth Aleph counterpart is Worm's equivalent of Tom Clancy.
I know. It's why she opted for the shapechange scroll rather than the skin for the endbringer fight (that and it was easier and quicker to make art the time). She'll probably end up using, with the scroll (or probably a wand) for the big fights where she needs fun abilities and the skin for general messing about in other forms. Though to be fair she isn't gonna be shapeshifting much except for funsies.

Well, if you tell me what books you have and are using, I can give you a list of the best forms for weird/exotic/non-obvious things with the Skin. That's why I asked that, @Unders.
Well, if you tell me what books you have and are using, I can give you a list of the best forms for weird/exotic/non-obvious things with the Skin. That's why I asked that, @Unders.
The core rulebooks (PHB, DMG MM1), MM2, Fiend Folio, BoED, BoVD, Eberron Campaign Setting, Explorer's Handbook, Magic of Eberron (living Dragonmark ftw), Lords of Madness, Expanded Psioncs handbook. Then a couple of online goodies (mostly to expand on stuff like Psionic Tattoos or Dragonmarks). I'm also toying with adding in the 3.5 Expedition to Castle Ravenloft as well since it has some interesting goodies in it (along with some undead not found in the MM1/MM2). Ravenloft is probably my favourite adventure (I actually converted a 2e version of it to 3e to play with before they published the 3.5 version) so I'm incredibly tempted to grab something from it.
Okay, why hasn't she made rings of Mind Blank for herself and her family?

Or has she and I didn't recall?
She did make one, it was the Third Eye Conceal item. One of the better ways to get Mind Blank in the edition. And she's pressed for time, she'll make one of the high priority items and only later make copies...
Yup. So far the Third Eye of Conceal is her only Mind Blank item, with more intending to be made in future. The main limit was time/resources since she had to wait for enough special psychic crystals to grow before she could make them and Leviathan happened a little ahead of schedual because she's really good at pushing Eidolon's buttons.
They're so big and shiny, how could she resist?

But I'm sure he's totally cool with her now that she's shown up every parahuman on the planet in her first Endbringer fight.
Yeah, that fallout will be fun to look at…

Now, the really fun things is that the longer you wait, the stronger she gets. Leviathan was a challenge.

Behemoth (who should be next) likely will be a fairly easy fight.

which will do great thing for Eidolons Ego, I am sure :)
The core rulebooks (PHB, DMG MM1), MM2, Fiend Folio, BoED, BoVD, Eberron Campaign Setting, Explorer's Handbook, Magic of Eberron (living Dragonmark ftw), Lords of Madness, Expanded Psioncs handbook. Then a couple of online goodies (mostly to expand on stuff like Psionic Tattoos or Dragonmarks). I'm also toying with adding in the 3.5 Expedition to Castle Ravenloft as well since it has some interesting goodies in it (along with some undead not found in the MM1/MM2).

So none of the completes or the weather based settings? Nothing else whatsoever? No Complete Psionic? None of the odd magic systems like Incarnum or anything? No Oriental Adventures? None of the Races of books? None of the other Eberron books?

Alright then, @Unders, given the constraints you mentioned, her best mobility form is likely the Young Adult White Dragon, getting her 60 speed, burrow 30, flight 120 perfect, swim 60, and possibly Icewalking. Glitterhaunt (The Far Corners of the World: Monster of the Mountains) might get her earthglide 30, and an Oread (FF), might get burrow through stone 30. The best climber is a Forest Sloth but fuck that, so try the Murderjack (The Far Corners of the World: Monsters of the Woodlands) or the Girallon (MM1, also a decent combat form) or the Monstrous Centipede (also one of her biggest forms, MM1) or the Spirit of the Air (FF). Some good, relatively high mobility (at least 40 speed) combat forms with Pounce, at least 3 attacks, decent strength (18+), are: Megaraptor (MM1), Hound of the Gloom (FF), the Three Headed Leskylor (BoED), the Dragonne (MM), the Gravbeast (Monster Mayhem: The Gravbeast), the Dire Lion (MM1), the various Sphinxes (MM1), the Griffon (MM1), and the Swamplight Lynx (MM2). Her biggest form other than that Centipede is the Sea Drake (FF) or the Cachalot and Baleen Whales (MM1). Her flying forms that can carry the most stuff at a decent speed are the Quetzelcoatlus (MM2), the Aerial Aboleth (LoM), and the Skybleeder (FF), and Dragonhawk (Five Nations Excerpt, also a pretty solid combat form, and fast too), unless the dragons are doing something especially weird to be able to fly that doesn't show up in stats (they probably are). Her form with the highest normal and flat-footed AC are the Overseer Beholderkin (LoM) and Slaymaster Kython (FF). The highest Touch AC is Will-O-Wisp (MM1, possibly with invisibility) or Silthilar (LoM). The best forms for Grappling (having high strength, improved grab, non horrible movement speed, more than two attacks, constrict or pin or or rake or swallow whole, Huge size, and very high grapple checks) are the Ironglass Rose (Psionic Bestiary: Ironglass Rose) or the Megatherium (FF) or the Skybleeder (FF). There's the three types of Deathless, but one is pretty much strictly better than the other, so that leaves the Crypt Warden (BoED) and the Undying Councilor (EbCS). Neither is amazing, but you aren't turning into a Deathless for the combat stats, you are turning into it for the type benefits of Deathless itself!

Some of the best many-attacks combat forms for use in a relatively enclosed space where you don't need to move too especially fast are the 12-Headed Hydra, the 12-Headed Cryohydra, the 12-Headed Pyrohydra (all MM1), or the Darktentacles (MM2). Some of the best Trample forms are the Allosaurus (MM2) and the Grizzly Mastodon (MM2). Some of the smallest forms that are not actually a swarm, with decent dexterity and movement modes, are the Rime Sprite (Far Corners of the World: Monsters of the Frozen Lands) or the Grig (MM1). Some 'roughly humanoid sized and shaped, of Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid or Giant or Fey type, with useful hands, above baseline human average strength, constitution, at least average dex/speed, some natural armor, not horrible looking to other humans, etc.' forms are Jackal Lord (FF), Khaasta (FF), the Shulassakar variants of Yuan-Ti (Dragonshards -- Shulassakar: The Feathered Servants), or even just use normal Yuan-Ti of various sorts (MM1), the Medusa (MM1), the Desmodu (MM2), Lizardfolk (MM1), the Troglizard (in Monster Mayhem: Abominations of Praetorius, also statted up as the Tren in Serpent Kingdoms with slightly different stats), the various MM1 Giants (Frost, Hill, Stone, Fire), and the Rhek (BoED). Of note of being especially interesting in general are the Legendary Wolf, Ape, and Eagle (MM2) for the fact they look completely mundane; other than those, she can turn into badass (ie, high strength) mundane animals like the Polar Bear, Giant Crocodile, Cachalot and Baleen Whales (MM1, and sometimes having a LOT of mass is exactly what is needed!), extinct animals like the Dire Wolf (MM1), Ankylosaurus (MM2), Mastodon (MM2), or Megatherium (FF), or never existed animals like the Dire Bear (MM1, though it plausibly resembles several extinct bears) or War Bat (MM2) or the Dragonhawk (Five Nations Excerpt).

Some of the best dragons are actually the web-based ones, the Young Ectoplasmic (Psionic Bestiary: Ectoplasmic Dragon), the Young Adult Mercury (Monster Mayhem: Mercury Dragon), the Young Adult Mist (Monster Mayhem: Mist Dragon), the Temporal Drake (Monster Mayhem: Temporal Drake), the Ululatrix (Monster Mayhem: Ululatrix), in addition to things like the Sunwyrm (FF), the Juvenile Emerald, Crystal, and Amethyst dragons (MM2), the Juvenile Blue, Juvenile Green, Young Red, Young Adult White, Juvenile Bronze, and Young Gold (MM1). Of these, some of the toughest/strongest are the Young Red, Young Ectoplasmic, Young Gold, and the Temporal Drake. The best Black Dragon she can turn into is just the Juvenile, which is the size of an average human or an especially large dog. The oldest dragon she can turn into is the Young Adult White or the Young Adult Mist or Mercury, and of those, the most innately agile by far is the Young Adult Mercury. Some interesting utility powers can be found in the Rust Monster and Folugub (MM1), for what they can destroy/eat in a short period of time, as well as the Aranea (MM1), for the venom and web it can create, and MAYBE the Amphibious Aboleth (LoM, or the normal MM1 ones if the template makes it invalid) for it's mucus, MAYBE. Some interesting substances she can create in general for sure include Pseudodragon venom (MM1, a basic harmless sleep poison), the acid of the Delver (MM1, very high end acid), lethal poisons from the various sorts of Naga (MM1), Wyvern (MM1), the Phase Spider (MM1), the Lesser Flame Snake's (FF) weird Fiery Poison, some good techincally-nonlethal poisons from the Hound of the Gloom (LoM), or the Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede (MM1), the Huge Monstrous Spider (MM1), the Aranea (MM1, also see it's web attack), the Bonespear (FF), and the Avolakia (MM2). Some interesting Swarm forms that might possibly, MAYBE get her immunity to most types of non area or elemental weapon damage are Silithar (LoM, this swarm is also very useful in many other ways, having relatively fast perfect flight, and the shapechanger subtype) and the Crystal Beetle Swarm (Monster Mayhem: Crystal Beetle Swarm, it can also burrow and deal large amounts of acid damage!). Also, she can presumably turn into basically any normal, smallish but not too small, animal or person, so there's that. All this from one item.

Oh yes! Here are some interesting things you get from various types and subtypes!
*Aberration: Darkvision 60'.
*Animal: Low-Light Vision
*Deathless: Darkvision 60', Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charm compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, or ability drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) as well as fatigue and exhaustion effects. Unlike undead, the deathless are subject to energy drain. Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save, except for energy drain attacks, effects that also work on objects, and harmless effects. Cannot use the run action. Does not need to breathe, eat, or sleep. Proficient with simple weapons.
*Dragon: Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects. Darkvision 60' and Low-Light vision.
*Fey: Low-light Vision
*Giant: Low-Light Vision. Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
*Magical Beast: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'.
*Monstrous Humanoid: Darkvision 60'.
*Ooze: Blind, with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits, sneak attacks or flanking.
*Plant: Low-Light Vision. Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or sneak attacks.
*Vermin: Darkvision 60'.
*Air: Air creatures always have fly speeds and usually have perfect maneuverability. You gain the assumed form's fly speed.
*Aquatic: Always have swim speeds and thus can move in water without making Swim checks. An aquatic creature can breathe underwater. It cannot also breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality.
*Cold : A creature with the cold subtype has immunity to cold. It has vulnerability to fire (+50% damage).
*Fire: A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold (+50% damage).
*Goblinoid: You speak Goblin.
*Shapechanger : Proficient with simple weapons.
*Swarm: Not subject to critical hits or flanking. A swarm made up of Tiny creatures takes half damage from slashing and piercing weapons. A swarm composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is immune to all weapon damage. A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects) if the swarm has an Intelligence score and a hive mind. A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash weapons and many evocation spells.
*Earth: Earth creatures usually have burrow speeds, and most earth creatures can burrow through solid rock. You get the assumed form's speed.
*Water: Creatures with the water subtype always have swim speeds and can move in water without making Swim checks. A water creature can breathe underwater and usually can breathe air as well. You gain the assumed form's swim speed.

So, for example, if she wants to learn various sorts of weapons, she might wish to turn into a Half-Giant (XPH) version of herself for Powerful Build and Simple and Martial weapon proficiency, depending on how strict the no template rules are! Or if she wants to haul an autocannon around, a Stone Giant would work fine (highest dex of the Giants she can turn into), or if she wants some basic innate combat weapon proficiency, she might want to turn into something with the Shapechanger subtype. A Phasm (MM1), even without all of the extreme shapechanging abilities, has pretty good dexterity, simple weapon proficiency, and can morph into a pretty reasonable form to be a stable firing platform for whatever handheld weapon you want, possibly even crew-served ones. You could turn into a Silthilar swarm, and, with the simple weapon proficiency, use the swarm form to deliver things like pepper spray (which is a Simple weapon in D20 modern), you just need to find some substances that don't affect you when you are this swarm of weird flying hive mind abberation things. Or, if you want to speak privately with family and have several of the skins, you all should turn into Blue Goblins (XPH), which will also get you access to a language no one else on Earth should be able to speak, a decent ability with a light crossbow, a small size (and associated bonuses to dodging and stealth), a small amount of racial bonuses to stealth, and racial bonuses to riding animals.
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They're so big and shiny, how could she resist?

But I'm sure he's totally cool with her now that she's shown up every parahuman on the planet in her first Endbringer fight.
Well he doesn't particularly like her, and after some comments in the upcoming chapter he's really not going to like her :3
Yeah, that fallout will be fun to look at…

Now, the really fun things is that the longer you wait, the stronger she gets. Leviathan was a challenge.

Behemoth (who should be next) likely will be a fairly easy fight.

which will do great thing for Eidolons Ego, I am sure :)
Behemoth is actually easier for her to beat than Leviathan was. He's a bigger target and moves a hell of a lot slower than Levi does, meaning he's more likely to get hit with a binding without needing somebody or something to hold him in place.
...I don't think you need to specify Eidolon in particular for that statement.
Yeah Addy is pretty good at intentionally pushing buttons. And unintentionally pushing buttons. It comes from having a terrible brain to mouth filter.
So none of the completes or the weather based settings? Nothing else whatsoever? No Complete Psionic? None of the odd magic systems like Incarnum or anything? No Oriental Adventures? None of the Races of books? None of the other Eberron books?
I've got Complete Warrior, Unearthed Arcana and Tome of Battle. I didn't add them to the list since I haven't really used them as much as the other books I own (mostly picking them up for more feat options as I like to run E6 games and with those players have extra feats coming out their ears (and giving them more options means I can throw higher CR things at them.
Given Addy's notion of 'fun,' this statement is actually quite concerning.
Chapter 29. Death Aint No Big Deal
Chapter 29

Without Leviathan to make it happen the stormy skies above soon began clearing.

My armour evaporated as I swapped back to my Black Mage outfit since this was the one I was more well known as wearing, what with the only previous appearances of the Dark Knight one being in either power testing or self defence.

Because there's no point in proving yourself to be the greatest tinker of all time if nobody actually knows who you're supposed to be.

I used my staff to help climb back to my feet from where I'd fallen back with laughter, the bottled Endbringer held tightly in my free hand and scrabbling uselessly against the sides of his new prison.
Hehe I am a genius.

I inspected the tiny little Citykiller. He didn't look happy, but has seemingly given up on trying to scratch his way out of the bottle and was mostly just stomping about in the little puddled bit of water at the bottom of the bottle. I was a little surprised about that but he still had the water shadow, which lead to water constantly leaking off him and pooling about at the bottom of the bottle. However rather than fill the bottle the water just seemed to vanish once it reached his ankles, leaving him just enough water to splash about but not enough to facilitate any escape attempt at all.

His body had massive rents and gashes all over, black bones exposed here and there. His tail seemed to be barely holding on with how much concentrated fire had been focused on the exposed and slightly cracked core. He'd probably be fine though, the cracks on the core looked like they were repairing themselves. That was good. Just cause he's an asshole brother to Simmy doesn't mean I want him to permanently hurt while I use him as a fancy paperweight for my Lab.

On a whim I turned the bottle upside down and he fell down onto the cork that had appeared out of nowhere when the spell finished. Immediately he began trying to dig into it and achieved absolutely nothing, the cork just as impervious to harm or damage from the miniaturised Endbringer as the rest of the bottle. Neat.

Then I shook the bottle, giggling as he tried and failed to grab onto anything to stop himself from being thrown about his prison. That'll teach him for killing me a bunch. And trying to kill Taylor. And messing with Simmy's Traveller plot. Like sure, causing Noelle's rampage during and Endbringer fight would cause lots of cause and stuff, but if it happens later there's a better chance of Cauldron being exposed as the evil and Incompetent (and their incompetency needs that capital letter) morons that they are.

"Serve you right for being an asshole older brother." I gloated at the trapped Endbringer. Simmy was still giving me feelings of confusion and overall just blue screening in general but that was fine. Her Traveller plot was still mostly on track. Probably.
"Magpie! What did you do?!"

Oh yeah. I have an audience. I stopped playing with Leviathan and looked up at Alexandria and the rest of the Triumvirate who had apparently rapidly flown over to find out in person how amazing I am.

"I trapped Leviathan in a bottle." I announced loudly for the benefit of all the other capes that were also making their way over, holding up the bottle by the top. Leviathan scrabbled against the side in yet another futile attempt to escape and murder everyone.

He was actually kinda cute like this. [Agreement]

"Why?" She asked. "We were doing real, measurable damage to it. We could have killed it."

"Endbringers explode when they die. We'd have lost half the USA. And I like the USA. I keep all my stuff here." I explained. "This was safer."

Note to self: Set up a vita-chamber on Aleph or something at some point as a backup.

The Triumvirate looked down at me, stupid flight powers giving them plenty of height to do so. Alexandria then looked about and decided the area wasn't secure enough or whatever to probably try kidnapping me for my genius. "Head to the command centre. We'll debrief you there.

Then she, and the rest of the Triumvirate, flew off towards the command centre. I shrugged and turned to Taylor.

"So, wanna go get some Victory Ice Cream to celebrate? The ice cream parlour is probably still shut, but we can probably just loot a store or something and get some tubs of ice cream that way."

"Magpie." Taylor sighed, rubbing her forehead through the domino mask her Floral Fallal dressphere was equipped with. "Alexandria just ordered you to follow the Triumvirate."

"I know." I shrugged unapologetically. "But she's not actually in my chain of command so I don't really have to follow her orders. Especially since the whole Endbinger fight is over now too. Only Arsemaster, Piggot, Aegis or Legend can order me around right now." I explained. Well them or anyone they appoint as a superior officer or whatever depending on what I'm doing. Like for example whoever's on console can order me around when/if I'm on patrols for example.

Regardless though, with the whole Endbringer fight done and nobody nearby who can order me differently I can totally use my own initiative and go secure some ice cream. For morale purposes. I spotted some of my team nearby, namely Gallant and Clockblocker, looking quite a bit shell shocked. This meant ice cream for morale purposes was even more important.

I burst into crows rather than manually walk the distance. This way Taylor couldn't stop me.

"Hey guys. Now that the fight's over wanna go get ice cream?" I asked, reforming in front of them. I looked around. "Where's Vista?" If she didn't see the end of the fight then I'll need to tell her how great I am. In great detail.

"Vista..." Clockblocker began, a hitch in his voice. "She... she didn't make it."

"Well that's annoying." I frowned.

"What the hell! Our friend... your friend is dead, and it's annoying?" He demanded, his mood immediately doing a one-eighty from sad or whatever over into anger. I glanced at Gallant to check to be sure that our local empath wasn't messing with Clock's emotions.

Gallant didn't appear to be behind Clock's sudden mood swing, so I shrugged it off as a hormonal boy thing. "Well yeah. It is annoying. Now I'm gonna have to go and find wherever her corpse washed up before we can go get ice cream." And there's those big ass rats running about too. She'd better not have gotten her her corpse munched on by rats. "Ugh. Today has been such a pain in the ass."

Well, the actual fight against Leviathan was kinda fun, but the rest has just been annoying.
[Disagreement. Data!]
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" This time it was Gallant having the mood swings. Shit I hope it isn't contagious or I might have to call for M/S screening on all of them. At least Kid Win is over by Arsemaster and Dragon.

Ooh! I should invite him for ice cream too in future as well. Maybe Simmy would be willing to act as a wingwoman (hehe) and let me know what to say to make a really good impression. I haven't really gotten to spend much time with him since he was busy tinkering like crazy when I joined the Wards, still rebuilding his entire kit to be more modular and getting things approved for use. Meanwhile I had been too busy too since I had to get ready for Leviathan since the date kinda snuck up on me.

Yeah I'll ask him out for some ice cream and then ask Simmy for help so that he'll enjoy spending time with me and thus want to spend more time with me because I'm totally amazing and then there'll be handholding and... stuff.
Anyway plans to get closer to the second best tinker in the Wards aside, it's now time to focus on the matter at hand. Namely my other male team mates being all weird about things. "Nothing's wrong with me." I replied. "Why are you overreacting?"

"Because your best friend's death is apparently no big deal." Clockblocker said with a frosty voice. I seriously don't get what the problem is. It's not like Missy is dead-dead.Then again Clock's always been a little weird around me. Hmm maybe it's jealousy, since it all started when I told that hilarious abortion joke when we first met. Yeah that could be it.

"Well it's not a big deal." At at least it shouldn't be. The actual level of annoyance will depend on how annoying it'll be to find her corpse and/or if those big ass rats I saw earlier manage to get to it before I can. If I have to go to her house to get a DNA sample for the vita-chamber to work with and revive her that way I'm gonna be real annoyed. Explaining to her that I need to stick a symbiotic sea slug inside her and give her regular dialysis is gonna be a pain in the ass. Especially because she's such a rule-abiding goody two shoes and will no doubt want to tell Piggot about it.

Hey Simmy. Are you still blue screening or can you tell me where Missy's corpse wound up?

She didn't reply, obviously still taken aback at how amazingly I had dealt with her asshole brother. Which was annoying because I needed her help finding Missy's corpse. I suppose I could go ask Tattletale, but I'd have to wait for her to get someplace where we could talk in peace since I'm not really supposed to talk to villains. Hmm, Maybe Dragon will know?

"Not a big deal? You... just... arrgh." Clock growled in exasperation and threw his hands up. I was about to reply but Taylor had managed to float across and whacked me on the head, knocking my hat off.

"Magpie. You can't just ignore the Triumvirate to go get ice cream." My big sister objected.

"Actually you'll find I can." I disagreed, picking up my hat and placing it back securely on my head. "It-"

"No." She interrupted me before I could explain the brillaint chain of logic that would allow me to go get ice cream instead of sitting through a debriefing with people I dislike.


"No." She said again, grabbing me by the arm and hauling me away from my potentially compromised teammates and over to the command centre. It was especially awkward because she was still using the Floral Fallal and thus her natural tallness was boosted by the fact she was also floating a foot above the waterlogged ground.

Thankfully the interior of the command centre, some snooty sports hall for the rich people that lived nearby, wasn't as waterlogged as it was outdoors.

There was plenty of mud on the floor though, tracked in by capes and support personnel coming and going. One cool thing though was that Taylor and me were getting the respect we deserved, people finally recognising our amazing greatness with their awed looks and hushed silences.

The main hall was packed with screens, computers, Thinkers and technicians of all varieties. That and high ranking people who needed to be here right not for whatever reason. I already knew Arsemaster was right outside busy talking to Dragon and Kid Win, probably because Dragon's current suit wouldn't be able to fit through the front door without careful manoeuvring.

I found myself idly curious about what exactly Arsemaster even did during the fight, since I know he wasn't out on the front lines due to only recently having gotten his replacement arm. Then I ignored that small burst of curiosity because honestly I don't really care.

There were some other high ranking Protectorate capes in here now that the fighting was over. Myrddin was instantly recognisable, off to the side away from the bustle of the technicians busy packing away the equipment and busy talking to Chevalier, Bastion, Pretender and some other capes I didn't recognise but were probably fairly high ranking considering the company they were in.

"Ooh hang on. I wanna get some autographs for mys- er my friends." I said, tugging myself free of Taylor's gripped and skipping over to the clustered heroes before she could grab hold of me again. "Hi, can I get some some autographs?" I asked, then corrected myself after looking at who was about. "Well, just Myrddin's autograph. Chevalier is an asshole. Bastion is boring and I don't really know who the others are."

Said asshole was busy staring at me while Myrddin just laughed at being obviously superior to his fellow Protectorate team leader. Not like it's that hard. Stupid Chevalier is a jackass for not reporting that Alexandria was Costa-Brown like he should've.

Oh right. He can see powers and he's busy staring at me.

A lot.

"So like what you see?" I asked, giving a little twirl. I'll admit I'm really curious about what my power looks like to him.

Taylor seemed torn between confusion and wanting to glare at Chevalier for his creepy staring before finally settling on the latter. Then I realised how what I'd said could be taken out of context.

"He can see powers. Oh yeah, it's also supposed to be classified, so you should probably pretend I didn't tell you that."" I faux whispered at Taylor before she murdered the leader of the Philadelphia Protectorate team in front of a bunch of other heroes to keep me safe from what she must think is a pedo stare.

Taylor facepalmed even as the cape in question spluttered and the other Protectorate capes looked like they didn't know what to say. I decided to ignore them and see about getting that autograph my Myrddin.

His dedication to the whole wizard thing was totally worth getting an autograph. I wonder if he can give me some tips on going full ham on my black mage thing. I also eagerly showed off my binder full of scrolls, taking the chance to cast glibness on myself in the process since I was soon to be meeting with the Triumvirate and I needed my ability to bullshit my way through it in peak condition.

One autographed Myrddin poster later, because he carries a bunch around with him in one of his pocket dimensions due to planning ahead like any great wizard, I found myself in a small office room with Taylor and the Triumvirate.

It looked like it was part of the sports hall, which means they haven't secretly tricked me into walking through a Door into some off-world Cauldron facility.


I'm fairly sure it's only a matter of time before they kidnap me. I give it a week, tops, before I have to engage in some constructive self defence so they learn that's a bad idea.

Legend was the one to begin us off. Probably because he was the charismatic one and in charge of the Protectorate. On paper at least, since in reality Alexandria was the one really making the calls.

"Mothri, Magpie. I must congratulate you two and offer my thanks for your aid in the fight. This is the single greatest victory humanity has ever had against the Endbringers."

Taylor, who was floating behind me, covered my mouth with her hand before I could speak, which was just plain rude. "You're welcome." She replied, perfectly calm. Some of her bees were buzzing about a bit frantically though, meaning she was probably suppressing her nerves or something to appear more professional.

I licked her palm, which had the intended effect of freeing me to be able to talk. The small 'eww' it elicited from her was just a bonus.

"Well we are awesome." I said once my mouth was free.

"Quite." Legend quirked a smile at our antics. "Now to business. We're especially interested in that tinkertech you built that allowed Mothri to engage with to Leviathan so handily. And if you could make more."

"I could, but probably not. That one I made specially for my big sister. I had one too but it got ruined during the fighting. I'm kinda jealous I forgot to use my one, but I guess that's why Mothri is the better hero out of the two of us." I shrugged. Probably because she actually is heroic and actually cares about random people.

It really is a pity I didn't get to use the one I made for myself, but unfortunately it got destroyed by being smeared underneath a massive glacier. Just like the body that had it equipped.

Note to self: Make sure to equip stuff before cloning yourself or you can lose things.
It'd be like a whole ten minutes of work to make a new one, provided I have a homunculus nearby to do the actual building part. Otherwise it's like four plus hours. I have much better things to do than spam out dresspheres for the Protectorate.

Hmm, maybe I should add some sort of IFF onto my tech? I don't particularly want them trying to 'confiscate' Taylor's garment grid for the 'greater good' or whatever. Hmm, I can make cursed items, so there should be a way to make stuff that is lethal to people who aren't me or my family.

I shook my head and focused back on the matter at hand. Telling them I'm not mass producing the things. "Anyway we don't really need more for more Endbringer fights. The prison thing I used on Leviathan will work just as good on the rest of them. The only drawback is the minute long cast time before it fires, which is why I needed Mothri to hold Leviathan in place in the first place."

"You have the option of making tinkertech granting Triumvirate tier levels of power and you're just going to keep it for yourself and your sister." Eidolon asked incredulously.

"To be honest Mothri is the only person in this room I trust with that kind of firepower. The PRT is a government organisation, which means it's guaranteed to moles of some sort in it somewhere. I don't trust that any dresspheres I make wouldn't fall into the wrong hands eventually. The healing dresspheres aren't too bad, since more healers are a good thing, but this one," I gestured behind me at Taylor in all her flowery glory, "I'm keeping for people I trust."

The three Cauldron stooges are definitely not on the list of people I trust. You can bet if their precious Path said the needed to drown puppies or something Alexandria would be right there with a wash basin and a hosepipe.

"We can come back to this at a later date." Alexandria began, cutting off Legend who seemed about to speak. She was probably going to try order me to do it once she got back into her Costa-Brown persona. "I also have some questions. Firstly how are you still alive? I'm certain you died a number of times during the fight."

"I am very stubborn."

She tilted her head at me, clearly unimpressed with that reply. I simply crossed my arms in response.

Taylor whacked me upside the head. "Behave." She chided.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "The short answer is tinkertech."

"And the long answer?"

"I made tinkertech to make myself much harder to kill. Like for example I was immune to his water attacks."

"What about that copy of you I saw."

"An odd quirk of the tech that let me shapeshift into a dragon. I shifted into a slime monster to avoid getting killed and got split in half. The other half reformed into another me."

"You're not to use that tech again. Self-replication is a serious issue Magpie. People get Kill Orders for it. " Alexandria said, then immediately began to lecture me on the dangers of self-replicating tinkertech and public perception and how as a Ward I needed to obey the rules and crap.
I was beginning to get irritated.

"Well, with that out of the way." Legend began, giving Alexandria and her impromptu lecture an unimpressed glance. "We'd like you to hand over Leviathan so he can be placed somewhere secure."

"Nope. I captured him. He's totally mine now."

Also Cauldron are kind incompetent so who knows how long it'll take them to accidentality put his bottle in a recycling bin, knock it off a shelf or something equally stupid.


"He's mine now. Also I don't trust you people not to do something stupid with him."

"Magpie." Taylor said in her stern 'Aunt Rose' voice. I sighed.

"Fiiiiiiiiine." I grudgingly floated the bottled Endbringer over to Alexandria telekinetically. Sure, I'm totally gonna steal it back later, but right now it's the the principal of the thing. Stupid Taylor thinking Cauldron are the responsible ones. "But be careful. To Leviathan the bottle is indestructible. To everyone else however it's as fragile as any other glass bottle." I explained.

Then I suddenly had a great idea. "Also do not, and I cannot stress this enough especially because of how arrogant and sure of yourselves you people are, do not take it across dimensional boundaries. I have no idea what will happen, but the results are almost guaranteed to be planet-crackingly bad and I don't want the planet cracked. I live here, keep all my stuff here and Sim-murgh isn't likely to let me set up a kickass moonbase anytime soon. Also no exotic energy fields too close to the bottle. That also has a chance of ruining things. So to repeat. Don't use whatever portal cape you have to move it around and keep it away from any weird energy fields."

I was also totally lying out my ass about the dimensional travel and energy fields, but that's because a 'scry and die' style retrieval of my Endbringer will be a lot easier if it isn't offworld defended by force fields or something. No point making my theft retrieval of Levi harder than it needs to be.

"We don't have a portal cape." Alexandria lied.

"Yeah, and you're not a criminally incompetent bully either." I gave her a flat look, feeling really annoyed with them and their Endbringer theft. "What thinker rating is on my threat assessment again?"

"Magpie. They're the Triumvirate. You can't say things like that." Taylor said to me in a tight voice, her face aghast.

"Well it's not my fault they're all terrible people." I gestured at the Cauldron morons while turning to face Taylor. "Well, except Legend of course. He's just ignorant rather than incompetently evil. Though then again he is covering for them too. Hmm."

"I'm really sorry about her. I have no idea where all this hostility is coming from." Taylor began to apologise.

"It's probably just some sort of misunderstanding." Legend added awkwardly, going for the diplomatic option.

Judging from the looks Taylor was throwing me I knew what she wanted. "Fine. I'll apologise" I threw my hands up in annoyance before turning to the Triumvirate. "I'm sorry for being grumpy at having to hand one of the best bits of tinkertech I've ever made to a pair of morons and Legend."

Taylor facepalmed loudly, which I felt was vastly unfair. That was a much better apology than the ones she'd tried to make me write for Glory Girl after making the whole Collateral Damage Barbie meme thing.

At least she gave that up as a lost cause after my Wards debut and Glory Girl's prompt introduction to the pavement via her face.

"Magpie. Whatever your issues with us, we are your superiors and you should speak with respect." Alexandria stated, her voice stiff and authoritative.

"Higher ranking, yes. Superior, no. Not at all." I focused on Alexandria first. "You're a bully, a control freak and frankly just as arrogant as any other thinker. You also back your particular brand of idiocy with brute force far too much, just to make sure that you're the smartest person in the room. It's what would have gotten you killed, if it wasn't for the fact I am amazing and already stopped that future from coming true. Well probably. I've still got the feeling your arrogance is still going to get you killed someday, and when it does I'm going to laugh again because it'll no doubt be hilariously ironic."

Then I turned to Eidolon. "You are a fucking idiot. Plain an simple. All this power and you use it like an idiot jock swinging his penis around. Where's the tinker powers? The thinker powers? You could be supplementing your arsenal with tinkertech. Build some defensive stuff and you don't need to waste a power slot on brute powers for durability. Or build a jetpack and stop wasting a slot on flight. Or maybe some weapons and run them alongside a combat thinker power rather than wasting your limited pool of energy on the flashy 'look at my huge penis it's sooooo big' type of powers instead. Moron."

Then I turned to Legend, ignoring Taylor's rapidly whitening face even as the other two were still processing that vitriolic infodump. "Unlike the two of them you legitimately try to be a good person. Especially compared to your 'friends'. I mean they did set the bar really, really low so comparing you to them doesn't really mean much, but still. Congrats on not being an absolutely terrible person."

I'd like to say my statements brought about the type of silence that allowed for introspection and the type of rethinking of life choices that'd lead to positive outcomes in the future but that would be a lie.

Firstly because Taylor was making a noise similar to a tea kettle, so the silence was much less silent than I'd hope for, and secondly none of the Triumvirate seemed to be taking the chance to rethink their life choices once their stupidity was brought to their attention.

Okay that's probably unfair to Legend. Since he's actually a decent person he doesn't really need to rethink stuff as much as the other two do.

Hmm, should I rattle them by letting slip know vague details about Khepri teaming up with the Endbringers to kill Scion and how I've changed the future so that can't happen? That could be hilarious, letting them know the 'silver bullet' they wanted slipped through their fingers all because of me.

No wait, that's a stupid idea.

I should wait till I kill Contessa first. She'll probably try path something similar if I don't, and technically Khepri can still happen if Panacea gets close enough to mess with Taylor's brain.

Note to self: Kill Panacea too.

The thought of Taylor being forced to go through something like that just because I accidentality ran my mouth off makes me shudder. Luckily I can fix that problem with just little bit of murder pre-emptive self defence.

Wait, does it count as self defence if you're defending somebody else? Pre-emptive self defence of others? Eh whatever, there's probably a socially acceptable legal term for killing other people for good reasons.

Huh? Oh right. Alexandria is talking at me. I should probably pay attention.

Hey Simmy? What's Alexandria going on about? I wasn't paying attention because I was thinking about self defence.

Simmy responded with a burst of annoyance, irritation and garbled data that actually caused me to flinch for a moment. The big feathery drama queen is still all grumpy at me because my now being a blindspot is causing all sorts of plots and plans to collapse.

Which is annoying because now I really have no idea what Alexandia is griping about.

"Are you even listening to me?!" The world's greatest flying brick demanded.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'P'. May as well go full annoying little shit since now that I've aired some of my grievances with them I now have the suspicion that they like me as much as I like them at the moment. Which is not at all. "I was busy thinking about more important stuff. I'd use my postcog thing to figure out what you just said but it's broken at the moment." And grumpy.
Come on Simmy. Just because your models of the future are falling apart doesn't mean there can't be a bright side to all this.

I flinched, gripping my head and feeling the beginnings of a headache at that full power burst of garbled data. It seems Simmy is a firm believer in sharing the pain. "Yeah, thinker thing really not working right now." I sighed.

Stupid space pigeon being such a drama queen.
Alexandria pinched her nose and sighed. "Just get out." She grit out, gesturing at the door. I eagerly left, followed by a mortified Taylor who was busy apologising profusely on my behalf. I would've corrected her by saying I wasn't sorry but that'd mean spending more time with the Triumvirate when I could be rescuing Missy from those rodents of unusual size.

Hmm, I'll need to see if we have Princess Bride on DVD. That could be worth watching when we have the victory sleepover. Though I'll need to think of a way to invite Kid Win without it seeming weird or my aunt and uncle being all overprotective or whatever due to him being a boy.

"Magpie how could you say things like that. To the Triumvirate. They're the greatest heroes on the planet." Taylor question my brilliance as we made our way back through the command centre.

"Well nothing I said was untrue and everyone knows lying is bad." I countered logically.

Unfortunately I forgot to take into account that logic doesn't work on my big sister unless it was her idea in the first place.

"I'm telling mom."

"Aww come on."

"Ooh, let's go say hi to Dragon." I tugged on my big sister's hand as we entered the main room of the command centre, made much easier as she'd switched out of her hovering Floral Fallal form and back to her regular Mothri getup. Dragon, now in one of her smaller indoor suits, was busy talking to a very tall and distractingly naked women with a horn on her head and some other capes I couldn't really be bothered to pay attention to.

Narwhal is very distracting.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Taylor didn't budge. She turned her goggled face to mine and stared at me for a moment. "You're not going to insult her or be rude are you." She asked me after a moment of creepy staring.

"Nope. The only thing I'd insult is her choice of boyfriend, but I suspect it's because she secretly has a thing for well-groomed beards." I replied. Arsemaster does have some really nice facial hair, even if the rest of him is a massive ass.

"You've already insulted the Alexandria, Legend Eidolon and Chevalier, and I know your opinions on Armsmaster already. How can I be sure you won't insult another major hero the moment you open your mouth?"

"Because Dragon is a cinnamon roll too pure for this world. And to be fair all the other people I insult really are assholes."

"Fine, but you'd better behave."

"I always behave." I countered.

"The previous meeting clearly says differently."

"Hey I was totally behaving there. I could've been a lot worse."

"You're not doing your case any favours." Taylor sighed.

We headed over to where the Guild capes were talking. Narwhal noticed us approaching first. We exchanged the usual pleasantries that seemed to be cropping up. They congratulated us on doing so well against Leviathan and we humbly accepted their gratitude with all due solemnity. Narwhal then asked for a moment to talk to my sister which I then took as my moment to speak to Dragon.

"Go with her. I'll be fine. Dragon is responsible and stuff, so she can watch me while you're busy." I said to my sister who eyed me suspiciously for a moment, almost as if she believed I'd begin insulting Dragon like I did the Three Morons, before nodding to Dragon and moving off to the side to talk with Narwhal about stuff.

Dunno what she's worried about. I wouldn't insult Dragon. She's a true cinnamon roll, too pure this world. Also she's the one who usually ends up interacting with me since I frustrate Arsemaster so much.

Plus she finds the way I frustrate Arsemaster amusing, making her even cooler in my opinion.

"You know Magpie, your sister would probably trust you a bit more if you stopped saying the word responsible like it was some sort of incurable disease." Dragon teased me.

I huffed in response. "Being responsible all the time is boring. She should have more fun. Anyway I have a favour to ask, Dragon."


"My friend Vista died during the fight and since you run the whole armband network thing I was wondering if you could tell me where so I can go get her body?"

"I'm sorry for your loss. I know you were close to her. Are you sure you want to find her yourself? Endbringer deaths can be messy."

"Yeah I'm sure. I wanna find her before those creepy giant rats do. Hmm, do you wanna come with to get ice cream once we're done? I know you can't eat it, what with the whole telepresence suit thing, but it'd be neat to hang out. We could invite the surviving ENE heroes and make a day of it. Ooh I bet the PR guys would love that."

"Magpie, are you okay?" Dragon asked me, her voice concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I waved her off. "Anyway where's Vista's corpse? We can't get Victory Ice Cream without her."

Dragon gave me a hug, which was quite neat. Especially consider that despite the fact that this was an 'indoor' suit it was still pretty big and decked out in weaponry. Surprisingly gentle too. Her suit calibration much be really top notch. "It'll be okay Magpie."

"Well yeah." The hardest part will be convincing people that Vista was still alive but trapped with her armband not working or something to explain why it thought she was dead, but I'm sure I can bullshit my way through that if I have to. "Now can we go get Vista already?" I grumbled, feeling impatient.

Actually Dragon had better not be stalling me out of finding Missy. If I have to head home to make a scroll to track down her body just so I can find her then I'll be seriously annoyed. Dealing with the Triumvirate has already tested my patience enough as it is.

"Maybe we should contact your guardians first?" Dragon asked, her voice full of concern.

"They're not in the city at the moment. They left when they found out Leviathan was ahead of schedule." I argued, pulling away from the hug to glare up at Dragon (who was quickly beginning to lose her cinnamon roll status by being unhelpful).

I sighed. Looks like Simmy is my best bet at the moment.
Hey Simmy. Can you stop sulking and help me out already?

There was a burst of mental grumbling in return, followed by a {Suggestion}

No I'm not removing the tinkertech that makes me a blindspot. I still need it to kill Contessa.

{Annoyance. Complaint}

How about I just do a mind link thing similar to what I do when I clone myself? Maybe one way so I don't get overwhelmed with too much future/past bullshit from you? You should be able to precog stuff for me if you know what I'm doing right?
{Consideration. Acceptance. Agreement}
Alright thanks.
I sort of pushed my consciousness out towards her much larger presence. It's tricky to describe since the English language doesn't really have the correct terms. The closest I could probably equate it is like some sort of mental hand-holding. She got to hear my thoughts and know what I was doing and/or planning. She was holding back from the link as I'd requested, since I've got the feeling seeing all the infinite future possibilities would kill this body by frying my brain and that would be awkward to explain.

I could also sort of hear a vague-ish murmuring sound almost on the edge of my perception What's that noise?


Huh, that's kinda cool. Connected to her like this I can hear shards talking to each other. Sort of. It's just a murmur at the moment. Can you make it clearer?

{Negation. Host Restriction}
Well that sucks. I sighed. A vague murmur is all I'm allowed because I'm just a puny little Host that isn't really supposed to be tapping into the Shard Network in the first place. Ah well. Anyway now that we're cool again can you guide me to where Missy is? I kinda need her to be not dead.

{Agreement. Location}


You know things must be really messed up when the Simurgh is being more helpful than Dragon.

"Magpie." Dragon's voice snapped me out of my musings.


"I was asking if you were okay or maybe want to sit down for a bit. Your eyes are glowing."

"Oh right. Sorry. My thinker stuff started working again so I was a bit distracted." I replied. Hmm, come to think of it my eyes are probably glowing again since I'm mind linked. I'll need to remember to use my hat of disguise to hide that when I go back to my civilian appearance. "Anway now that my precog thing is working again I'm gonna go help Vista. Seeya."

"Magpie wait!" Dragon reached an arm out to stop me but I burst apart in my favourite (and only at the moment) mover ability and flew out an open window as a flock of crows and began crowporting towards the apartment lobby that Missy's corpse had apparently been washed into.

While hiding in a flooded alleyway to avoid yet another cape looking for me I mused on how unfortunate it was that the baleful polymorph spell didn't work quite how I'd wanted it to. A Fluffbringer would've been much easier to steal back than a bottled Endbringer, since I could at least replace it with another rabbit.

But then again I'd have to feed it, and I'm kinda bad at that. Fluffles the Third did kinda almost nearly die of starvation that one time because I forgot to feed her for a week. Thankfully life support tanks fix all sorts of things or Taylor would probably never have let me hear the end of it if she found out.

Pity Leviathan is such a destructive asshole or I could've polymorphed him into something that could feed himsef. Hmm, actually that leads me to another idea.

Hey Simmy? Wanna join in on the celebratory ice cream? If you sneak out of orbit I can polymorph you into a girl and we can hang out in person.


Aww but it'd be fun. First I'd have to make another scroll, but just think. You'd be able to actually taste things. And if you show up again later with a tub of ice cream while in orbit people will go bananas trying to figure out what just happened. It'll be hilarious.


Well that's not a no. Actually with the amusement coming over the mind link I bet I can convince her eventually. Hmm, maybe she can use her precog stuff so we can find a way to get pictures of Cauldron's faces when they realise she popped away to grab some ice cream.

Then I started giggling at the idea of having sleepovers with my friends and an Endbringer while all the people on Simurgh watch collectively shit themselves wondering where she vanished to, the mental image Simmy sent me of her doing a facepalm didn't help slow my giggles in any way.

It took a little longer than I'd have liked to get to Missy. Mostly because Simmy had me detour around certain areas because people were looking for me after I'd run off like that. Dragon likewise was busy flying about, having headed to the spot Missy had 'died' at.

Fortunately for me and keeping my ability to rez people a secret, only the remains of Missy's armband was at that location. Well, along with the remains of the arm the armband was on, but the scroll should fix that part right up so it shouldn't be a problem. Simmy used her postcognition through our connection to show me what had happened.

Missy had done a good job support other capes during the fighting that had taken place while I was stuck in one body busy finishing up the third eye, but when Leviathan had rushed at another cape he'd ended up knocking a car aside. Said car ended up taking of Missy's outstretched arm through sheer force. She bled out pretty soon afterwards. Then the tidal waves ended up washing her body away from the area where it eventually wound up in the lobby of some random downtown apartment building.

Which is where I was, wading through the chest high water to get at her floating body. Her visor was missing and the water was the only thing keeping her hero costume from being coated in blood.

Fortunately there weren't any of those creepy as hell rats about. According to Simmy they were busy fighting over territory against some mutant starfish, because that's just what this city needed. I just know Piggot is going to blame Splyce (and thus me) for that mess.

Anyway back to the matter at hand I grabbed the floating body and dragged it over the to stairs so I could get it out the water since Missy probably wouldn't appreciate being resurrected while still face down in dirty seawater.

One scroll of raise dead later and Missy was staring at me with a shell shocked look on her face, a hand clutching the shoulder where her missing arm was since apparently it's resurrection and not raise dead that can fix that problem.

Ah well. I can just make a regenerate scroll for her so she can grow it back. Overpowered tinkertech for the overpowered win!

"I-I died." She eventually stammered out.


"I was... I was dead. I c-could feel my life draining away."

"Come on it's not that bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Addy I died." she said, now looking at me instead of off into the distance.

"I know. I died like three times today. It's no biggie." I argued. "Also I'm in costume, so you're supposed to call me Magpie."

Missy stared at me for a moment before laughing hysterically.

I shrugged and gave her a hug, figuring she needed it.

Even if she was being a big baby about the whole death thing.

Hugs solve everything.
There was also meant to be a PHO snip in this chapter as well, but I decided to cut that do the whole PHO bit in the next interlude since I was having issues with it.
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Addy is on a one-madgirl crusade to increase the insanity quotant of Earth-Bet by at least 50%. And double Taylor's blood pressure, though that's more of an unintended side effect.
I focused on Alexandria first. "You're a bully, a control freak and frankly just as arrogant as any other thinker. You also back your particular brand of idiocy with brute force far too much, just to make sure that you're the smartest person in the room.
Absolutley in awe that this girl can say these things with an straight face. That Taylor isn't just bursting out laughing. That this girl deadass is going to point the fingers at other people being arrogant. I think Addy single handidly justifies just about every single fear Doc Mom had about natural triggers having an inverse relationship between power and sanity.
ok, why didn't Addy just say she would revive Vista when everyone kept asking what was wrong with her?
I mean, it's common sense that she can revive people, she personally died 3 times today! I mean, sure it has drawbacks, but I like to think of them as maintenance costs for immortality! It's not her fault that nobody can use their brains properly. She specifically wanted her body so she can have Victory Ice Cream with her, it's just common sense man! Connect the dots!
Oh right. He can see powers and he's busy staring at me.

A lot.

"So like what you see?" I asked, giving a little twirl. I'll admit I'm really curious about what my power looks like to him.

Taylor seemed torn between confusion and wanting to glare at Chevalier for his creepy staring before finally settling on the latter. Then I realised how what I'd said could be taken out of context.

"He can see powers. Oh yeah, it's also supposed to be classified, so you should probably pretend I didn't tell you that."" I faux whispered at Taylor before she murdered the leader of the Philadelphia Protectorate team in front of a bunch of other heroes to keep me safe from what she must think is a pedo stare.
He likely can't see anything if his power counts as a divination effect. Which would explain the extra staring.
ok, why didn't Addy just say she would revive Vista when everyone kept asking what was wrong with her?

Because that would be out of character. Addy? Explaining herself? HA!

God this was a great chapter! Thanks, @Unders ! Dear god that was perfect. I absolutely loved Addy giving Alexandria and Eidolon their 'Reasons you Suck' speech. I mean. Holy FUCK that was satisfying! And Eidolon! Creativity of a brick shithouse with a big dick. Maybe he'll actually listen for once.

As for Alexandria, that was deliciously well told off. But fuuuck this is going to lead to interesting things.

I love how her power was like 'No! Don't mindlink to Simmy! NO! ADDY! STAHP! ...damnit.'

Addy knows she has a Friendbringer in Simmy despite being... Simmy.

And yeah, talk about one hell of a thing. Addy basically just intimated she knows all about Cauldron. And as the one who fucking BOTTLED LEVIATHAN its a god damn glorious thing!

Now Addy needs to get all her lost tinkertech back together and eat ice cream with Missy. Because they need ice cream.

Lots of it.
I never needed an interlude as much as I do now. Cauldron, Taylor, Missy, everything else... there are no words to express the level of this need.