A little later with this than I'd like. Had some scenes fighting me that had to be completely abandoned which delayed things
![Frown :( :(]()
Anyways here's a brand new chapter fresh off the press
Chapter 8:
(14th March 2011)
I moved carefully through the Docks on my route back. I didn't want a repeat performance of Friday. Hiding inside a dumpster half-filled with trash is not my idea of fun. It'll be so nice once Fluffles the Second finishes incubating on Thursday. Then I can just use her to scout ahead like normal.
I passed a bunch of vagrants but we were all content to just ignore each other. I did have to duck down an alley and go invisible at one point when I spotted a group of ABB thugs coming down the street. Luckily they didn't seem to be interested in me as nobody tried to follow me so I continued on my way.
It's pretty sad how swift the transition is from derelict and worn streets to the more normal-looking streets one would expect anywhere else. It's like chunks of Brockton Bay had just decided to imitate a third world country and everyone was okay with that. Hell one street I'd passed had a crater with a sapling growing out of it.
At least it meant I could relax a little.
I peered suspiciously down an alley before ducking inside. I looked a little distinct and don't really want to attract attention when I go to the more populated parts of the Bay.
Case in point, from an outsider's view I did look pretty suspicious. I was wearing one of Taylor's hoodies again, a black one which like the previous one I borrowed also hid the pretty yellow dress I was wearing (I'd been feeling rather girly again today). The hoodie, combined with the black boots, the way the hood hid both my hat and hair, a scarf covering my face and the top of a baseball bat sticking out the top of my backpack wound up giving me a sort of homeless, juvenile delinquent look.
And while that look may work in the more decayed and derelict portions of the city it stood out like a sore thumb this much closer to the Boardwalk. There was an easy fix though. I pulled off the hoodie and scarf and shoved them into my bag. My stealth boy now on display looked out of place so I reluctantly put it away as well. With my new powers I didn't actually need it as much, but it was reassuring to have. I sadly couldn't do much to disguise the bat, but now at least it looked like I wasn't about to rob a liquor store or something.
I shuffled about awkwardly for a moment. While I may have started to enjoy dressing up nice in private I didn't really feel comfortable wearing such a girly dress in public.
Maybe I should just head home instead?
Then again I really want to go try out Possession.
But it is kinda cold out here without the hoodie and I don't like being cold.
Though I could always buy some hot chocolate or something with cash I get from the ATM.
Plan decided I stepped back out the alleyway and continued making my way closer to the Boardwalk. I found the ATM I was looking for soon enough, but there were a pair of large and rather rough looking men standing nearby smoking cigarettes but keeping an eye on anyone who went near it.
They spotted me shortly after I spotted them. I looked over at the ATM and then back at them. The one on the left let out an amused huff I could hear from where I stood and gave me a smirk.
Yeah, not getting anything out this ATM. There goes that plan. They were obviously planning on mugging anyone who used the thing, knew that I knew that they knew that I knew that was their plan. The one on the right with a crooked nose looked like he was trying to decide whether I'd be worth mugging.
Yeah this was a bust. I turned around and walked back to the alley I'd gotten changed in, making sure to glance back often to make sure I wasn't followed. Once safely back, or at least as safe as a smelly alley in a crime-ridden city could be, I put the hoodie, stealth boy and scarf back on.
"May as well practice moving." I sighed to myself as I burst into crows and reformed on a fire escape above me. I messed up the landing, stumbling a bit on the metal grating and quickly reaching out to steady myself on the railing. I hope I'll be able to avoid feeling so disoriented when doing this eventually.
I got home with plenty of time to spare. Travelling along rooftops was fun as hell once I'd gotten the hang of things. I had one mishap when I tried to pop across to a rooftop across the street and reformed a couple feet from my target. My startled yelp of alarm did draw a few looks from the people walking below me and I have no clue what they might have been thinking as I suddenly burst apart into crows again before hitting the ground, reforming nearby with my heart practically beating out my chest. I swiftly crow-ported away back to the rooftop I'd been aiming at moments before people began pulling out phones to take pictures.
I am so glad I opted for the hoodie plus scarf combo.
Aside from that little bit of excitement my trip home was fun and enjoyable. I so have to do this again sometime.
Once I actually got home I opted to test out possession on the TV, happily surprised when it worked the way I wanted. I'm not planning on using it on people unless I absolutely have to though. A master effect that causes suicidal depression when it wears off is probably something the PRT would frown upon.
I'll save it for Coil or something. Hmm, if he gets mastered I wonder if I could get him to drop the unmastered timeline? That'd solve my snake problem. Hopefully I'll never find out since if I'm in position to use Possession on him then I'm probably in a situation I don't want to be in.
I checked my email, after waiting for our dinosaur internet to finish up, and then caught up on schoolwork. I also sent off a text to my
friends minions letting them know I'll be at school tomorrow.
Finally Taylor got home. She looked a bit down but brightened up when she saw me.
"I need to show you something." I dragged her straight through the house and into the back yard. "Can you use your bugs to make sure nobody is watching us?"
"Um okay. Give me a sec." She stood stock still for a moment. "Okay we're clear."
"Right, watch this." I turned around and summoned my minions, the angry-looking birds landing on the tree.
I say angry-looking because they only merely looked angry, instead of showing the full depth of the sheer murderous fury they possessed as they glared hatefully over wickedly sharp beaks at the world with their blood-red eyes.
One of them fluffed it's feathers up in irritation as Taylor stared at it. On of the lashed out with it's beak to snap up a fly that flew too close.
They're so grumpy they wrap back round into being cute!
"I...what...how?" Her voice was full of confusion as she turned back to me.
"Well the chemical my implanted symbiote makes doesn't just give kickass overpowered regeneration powers. I can further refine and tinker with it to make potions that grant powers, like crow summoning and stuff. It's the same way I was going to give my critters powers. I did it so I won't be defenceless if somebody tries to hurt me." I explained. "It's limited by body mass, so I only have three abilities but you should be able to hold five I think?" She's tall for her age which helps, but she's also pretty slender which doesn't help.
"Uh, what?"
"Since you don't want to let me give you a critter control implant," for whatever crazy reason, "We'll need to give you something defensive to help. I'd recommend the barrier and a regen power because they'd work really well to keep you safe and it leaves you with space for two more powers since you'll definitely need the bee power an-" Taylor placed a finger over my lips to stop my enthusiastic rambling.
"Okay I think I get it. Can we talk about this inside where those..." She waved her hand at the crows sitting there, just
watching, "...birds can't stare at us like that. Is there a reason they're staring at me like they want to kill me and use my rib cage as a nest?"
"That's cause they do. They're kinda angry. Like all the time. It's pretty funny."
"Yeah no, we're talking about this inside away from the murder birds."
"The collective noun for a group of crows is a murder." I added helpfully.
"I know Addy. I just find myself unsurprised at exactly how fitting that is right now."
I was bouncing in excitement at the thought of being able to make powers for Taylor. I wonder if I could bump her up to S-Class? Nobody would mess with her then.
She slumped down onto the couch and gave me a look, clearly unimpressed with my enthusiasm. "Give me some time to think about it. I'm not saying no, because more powers would be cool and make me better at heroing, but I do want to think about it." She said.
"Aww okay. But please think about it a lot. I have so many ideas to make your power even more useful and versatile." I answered, settling down a bit. I'm not sure how much push her power has, since I think it's really rare to have powers actively screw with your head, but I'm hoping Queen Administrator will at least nudge her into thinking seriously about it.
Taylor is going to be so damn OP.
"Right okay." My big sister said, gathering her thoughts. "So you said you have three new powers? And why those murder crows?"
"You say it murder
of crows."
"I know what I said. Now explain please."
"Well okay. So powers tend to run in families. It's why most of New Wave has forcefields and lasers. I decided to that since you control bugs I should get cute-but-angry birds. Since I could still handle some more abilities I gave myself the power to create a ghost that controls machines." I demonstrated by using Possession on the TV. A beautiful, pale, ghostly woman appeared and swirled about the TV which suddenly turned itself on and switched to the news. I left out the human mastering aspect, since Taylor would probably find some reason to complain about it.
"The last ability I gave myself was to let my body naturally create a chemical that can fuel the new powers, otherwise I'd tire myself up too much if I use them for too long. I'll need to eat a bit more at meal times." I shrugged.
Taylor sat and digested that for a while. I had my Ghost change channels to check if there were any good cartoons on. Sadly there weren't. Taylor spoke up once she'd finished thinking about things. "You can't let people know you can make powers."
"Yup. That's part of the reason I picked the crows. Powers tend to run in families and since you have bugs it doesn't look out of place with me having birds. It's far safer for me since now it's even more important people don't figure out I'm a tinker. Imagine if the gangs knew I could manufacture powers? Lung would kidnap and enslave me in a heartbeat. Kaiser would have me assassinated. The Merchants would probably do something stupid."
At least I'm not like other parahumans that want to rush out and fight use their powers. I guess it's because I'm a tinker and making stuff fulfils that urge. It means I'm even less likely to get discovered as a tinker since I'm going to do all my hero stuff pretending to be a Case 53.
Which I still need to design. Stupid no tentacles rule ruining all my ideas...
Pity I couldn't get Taylor to agree with me about making a critter for her (or let me practice cloning her brain so I can toy about with coronas).
[Disappointment. Intrigue]
Maybe once she's gone out a bit and sees how cool my Case 53 critter (Critter 53?) is then she'll want one. Hmm maybe I should design one for her anyway. If I make it bug-like enough and then leave the bioware processors out so that the brain can grow properly she might even be able to control it with her power. That way she can't complain about brain surgery.
"Well I'm gonna go get started on my homework." I told my big sister before bursting into crows and reforming in the kitchen, still stumbling a little because I hadn't gotten quite used to the disorienting effects of travelling that way yet.
"Addy what the hell!" Taylor yelled from the room I just left.
Oh yeah. I forgot to tell her I can do that.
(16th March 2011)
Wednesday lunchtime saw me in the cafeteria and I was still sitting quietly doodling a sketch of the late Fluffles the First in the front of my new tinker notebook as I thought to myself. My previous notebook had finally been filled up with Critter 53 concepts and so I'd left it at home safely tucked under my mattress next to a magazine I stole back from Taylor (for the anatomy references honest).
My friends were busy chatting about their weekends. Thankfully they seemed to get that I was preoccupied.
I have such thoughtful
friends minions.
At the moment I'm trying to think of what plasmids I should make first for Taylor. Since she's so tall she should be able to handle at least five which gives us lots of options.
I'll get Insect Swarm synthesising for her first. Being able to just spam BEEEEEEEEES!! at people will be brokenly OP with her power. Pity she didn't pick the bee theme. That would've been much better. I might be able to modify too so she can split apart into bees like I can into crows. That'll up her survivability loads.
No asshole villains are gonna hurt my big sister.
The Barrier from Bioshock: Infinite is also a definite must. Bulletproof, regenerating forcefield? Yes please. I'm probably going to grab that one for myself once I get a bit bigger. Speedy Recovery would be cool for Taylor since it'll give her some low level regeneration. Or she could go with Armoured Shell for general damage resistance.
Or all three, which when combined with the bee power would leave her with one more slot. Aargh so many options. A stealth power? A blaster power? Metabolic Eve like I have?
I frowned. So many choices and not enough Taylor to put them in.
Maybe I should try push her towards some of the electricity based stuff, because fuck Shadow Stalker.
Note to Self: Give Fluffles the Second the Shock Jockey power and use her to hunt down Sophia when she goes on a solo patrol. A little electricity and the entirety of Fluffle's venom sacs should get that bitch off Taylor's case.
Wait no that's a bad idea. The PRT will find the corpse and have a hissy fit. They might even believe Glory Girl's online rantings that there's biotinkered monsters running around. I'm a little surprised Piggot hasn't gone on a massive witch hunt already but I guess it means they think the amazing and perfect Collateral Damage Barbie is full of hot air.
I'll need wait for Khanivore to be ready first and then use it to dispose of Stalker's corpse once Fluffles offs her. Less fallout if she just 'mysteriously vanishes'. Or I could design a custom critter specifically for the purpose of hunting her down. A Shadow Stalker Stalker, if you will. Should probably give it thumbs so I can use her phone to lure Emma out as well.
My only regret is I'd only be able to kill the bitches once.
Or not. I stopped filling in my drawing because apparently my power knows how to make vita-chambers and holy fuck I can bring people back to life! I could bring Taylor's mom back. I could bring my own moms back.
I had this sudden and deep wave of longing and hope at the idea. It was weird. I didn't know them but I just wanted it so bad. Am I projecting past-me's longing onto new-me's parents? Regardless this is something I
need to make. I was thinking of maybe dropping Bioshock in a couple days but that's gone out the window.
Because my power just supplied me with the blueprints for vita-chambers, aka the in-game respawn points aka I can bring people back from the dead!
It's pretty simple too. The vita-chamber uses ADAM and combine it with some some of quantum entanglement bullshit, and bullshit is the only word that truly fits, to resurrect the person. It won't work on deaths caused by sickness or natural causes. I can even use the tinkertech quantum bullshit to revive people that have been for years. I just need a decent enough DNA sample to attune the target to the vita-chamber and...
And I don't have any DNA samples from my moms or know how to get any...
All the longing and hope I was feeling but a moment ago vanished, swallowed down into a pit of sorrow and grief. It's not fair!
"Adeline! Adeline are you okay?" "What's wrong?"
I felt
Tall Girl Karen put a comforting arm around my shoulder while the others crowded around me. I was crying.
"I...just...I miss my p-parents." I sobbed, wiping away at the tears on my face.
"It's okay Adeline. Come on. Lets go to the bathroom and get you freshened up." Black Girl suggested, helping me up. "Missy and Clara can look after your stuff."
"'Kay." I sniffed distractedly, not really hearing the answer as I let myself be led off, focusing on trying to keep from crying again. It's embarrassing being caught crying at school and I still don't understand my feelings at all.
I ended up being comforted by my friends for the rest of lunch break and was feeling more like myself by the end. They didn't judge me for it either. I have such nice friends.
I should definitely give my friends some plasmids. And Addy-privileges.
Except Blondie. She kept giving me weird looks after we got back from the bathroom when she thought I wasn't looking. Nah maybe I'm being a bit harsh. I suppose she can call me Addy too. She was looking at her phone a lot so maybe she was asking her family for advice or something. I know I'd probably ask for advice to when people get emotional.
And no I'm totally not distracting myself from my weird breakdown earlier by focusing on other stuff while I'm walking home. I'm just a perfectly ordinary girl walking home from school and definitely not hoping her power will distract her from weird emotional problems.
Thoughts about the vita-chamber filled my head, not entirely helping.
Well thanks for trying Power. It's the thought that counts.
I took a deep breath and sighed, pushing away at the sadness that was coming back and focusing on what I could do. I might not be able to bring my parents back but there's still a chance I can at least help Taylor. If I can stop her feeling even a fraction of the sadness and hurt I have to do it.
Looking both ways before crossing the street I carried on walking and pondered what I needed to do. First up I should probably start stockpile ADAM.
Because seriously the vita-chamber uses up a
lot of ADAM. Like a a
lot. Like twice the bodyweight of the average person. Per use. I might need to make a dedicated slug-host critter just for ADAM farming if I want to make regular use of it.
want is probably the wrong word.
Need is better. Nobody should
want to make regular use of a machine that brings you back to life.
I'm also going to need way more materials before I can build it. The design is complicated and will take a lot more resources, including a bunch of rare metals and some rather delicate electronics. None of which I have at the moment and stand almost no chance of scavenging from the Scrapyard or Boat Graveyard before my Bioshock specialisation swaps out.
Well there's only one thing for it.
I'm going to have to rob Medhall.
They'll definitely have what I need and the place is run by villains as a front for the Empire so I don't even have to feel bad afterwards. I'll need to figure out a way around their capes though.
After finishing my homework I worked diligently on the the computer designing my Critter 53 that will be Taylor's partner in
crime heroism.
I started with designing the pepper spray bugs which went through a bunch of concepts before I settled on something I liked.
My original thought was basing them off dragonflies. Good vision and strong flight. Then I considered something more beetle-like to give them better armour. Then I considered that Taylor's going for the whole moth theme and will be essentially be using moths fluttering about her as part of her costume so I scrapped my idea of original ideas and basically designed them to be really big and fluffy moths.
Like so fluffy. So, so fluffy. We could probably make plushies and rake in cash with merchandising once we're famous and popular heroes.
Once the general design was done the internals were easy to work through since I'd spent so much time thinking about them before. No reproductive system for obvious reasons. I'm a firm follower of Taylor's no getting a 'Kill Order' rule and having a bunch of fast breeding and difficult to contain bio-engineered insects would probably push Piggot from 'Instant Kill Order' to 'Exterminatus Now' the moment they were discovered.
I'll be skimping on a digestive system too. I'd thought of maybe leaving it in and going for a swarm of flesh-eating piranha-esque bugs with nasty jaws but then I remembered we're meant to be the good guys and terrifying your enemies with flesh eating bugs that could theoretically strip a body down to bone in minutes is bad for PR. My power seemed to share my disappointment too.
So I scrapped that idea and the considered payloads. Acids and venoms were out for similar reasons but replacing the insides with some sort of capsaicin gland would work fine. Pepper spray bugs for the win. Non-lethal but definitely not to be fucked with. I fiddled with the program and saw I didn't have the right DNA to allow for capsaicin generation in my Library so I popped downstairs to grab a couple chilli peppers to put through the scanner.
Ooh I can kill two birds with one stone and use the chilli peppers to cook something Mexican tonight too.
I added in a couple small sacs full of digestive enzymes too which will quickly degrade the pepper-moths down once they die.
Once those were done and the genetic sequence saved I started work on my Critter 53 which hit some snags because Taylor had vetoed tentacles.
It'll need actual hands since Taylor has vetoed tentacles for grasping things. I'll also want it to be pretty big since it'll let me fit for bioshock powers, but I can't be too big.
I worked away at different design ideas until I finally settled on something I thought would be cool with an air of beauty and grace to it. It used a hell of a lot of spider DNA, some DNA from that super fluffy Persian cat down the street so I can harness the power of it's fluffiness, and maybe just a tiny little bit of my own so I could give it hands with opposable thumbs. No tentacles either so Taylor can't complain about me creating Lovecraftian horrors. I even managed to add an organ to it that'll produce ADAM as it was one of my special sea slugs.
Estimated incubation period of about two weeks which should put
it her ready right when Taylor's suit gets finished.
I was watching the news with Taylor after dinner when when a story about Medhall reminded me that I'd need her help with robbing the place to get my vita-chamber built. I decided to broach the subject of illegally requisitioning goods from them to her diplomatically.
She wasn't a fan of the idea.
"Addy I am not helping you steal medical equipment from a hospital. What happens if you get caught? They'll totally throw you in prison if they find out it was you."
"They'll won't find out. They'll think it was some new Case 53."
"Please don't tell me your plan is what I think it is."
"Well if you think my plan is to use Khanivore to raid the hospital for stuff to cannibalise for tinkertech then you'd be right."
"Addy." Taylor began, tone of voice shifting like she was talking to a small child which was just plain insulting. "What do you think the PRT will think when a 10 foot tall, tentacled monster attacks a hospital and steals equipment after Glory Girl has been saying to all and sundry, correctly I might add, that there are biotinkered tentacle cats running about the city."
I tried to answer but she put a finger to my lips and carried on without letting me speak.
"They're not going to think oh no a new villainous monster cape. They're going to think oh shit a biotinker is on the loose. Call in the army! Which will be followed by actually calling in the army! Especially because this biotinker creation, which just so happens to be created by you by the way, decided to raid a Goddamn hospital! And not just any hospital! Medhall is one of the largest employers in the city!" Taylor ranted and I was quite glad Uncle Danny would be home late tonight because she was being unreasonably loud in addition to unreasonable.
Taylor continued ranting, really getting into it as she paced back and forth. "Addy I've seen the 3D render of that Khanivore thing. A five year-old could look between that thing, then your Catsquid and spot the connection. All you're going to end up doing is make the PRT think there's a crazy biotinker running around, who is you by the way, and attacking hospitals with oversized and more importantly terrifying creatures which will further fuel whatever fears they have that this biotinker,
who is still you by the way, is a danger to the city!"
My big sister stopped and took a moment to calm down, possibly even dumping some of her emotions into her bugs judging by the way a nearby fly was buzzing about angrily. "Just why Addy? Why do you need to steal from a hospital? Why would you even ask me to help to begin with."
"There's a tinkertech device I
need to make. It's really important. I'm limited by time and Medhall will have exactly what I need. Khanivore will only finish incubating on the 23
rd and I'll lose this specialisation on the 25
th. You're smarter than I am and I need your help planning this so I can maximise the limited amount of time to build the machine."
"Okay no."
"I'm not helping you. In fact I'm telling Dad when he gets home."
"What?! Why?!"
"You need help Addy. Your power is obviously messing with you. You see nothing wrong with doing God knows what to your body and now you want to rob a hospital."
"That's not true. I'd definitely know if my power was messing with my head. Anyway you can't tell Uncle Danny! He'll make me join the Wards and I'll never get to build this machine. Or they'd make me build it but we'd never get to use it unless they say so."
"That sounds like even more of a reason to tell Dad so you can't make whatever this machine is."
"It can bring people back to life."
"The machine I want to make. It can bring people back to life."
"What? Thats...you..." Her expression shifted to one of longing and hope. I knew what she was feeling. I'd felt the same thing earlier today.
I pushed back the unwanted sadness that welled up when I thought of earlier.
"Yes," I answered Taylor's unspoken question, "I can bring your mom back. But I can't do it alone. I need your help."
She was silent for a moment before she let of a long, deep sigh and told me her answer. "Alright fine. I'm in. I'll help with this crazy plan, but do we really need to target a hospital. Isn't there another way to do this?"
"It's run by the Empire Taylor. Kaizer is the CEO. He uses Medhall to fund his Nazi buddies."
"That's why I picked it. We could probably get the stuff I need from a smaller clinic or from a vet or something but that seemed kinda like a dick move to steal from innocent people when there's Nazis we could take stuff from."
"How did you even find that out?"
"Fluffles the First." I lied.
"We need to have a long talk about what you get up to when you're playing with your creatures."
Things were looking up. With Taylor on my side we'd have no problem pulling this off. I can even use my Catsquids as an excuse for letting Taylor know the stuff I know about the empire. Even better I'll soon be able to prove I'm the greatest tinker alive by ripping the afterlife a new one.
And we now finally have definite confirmation that Blondie is actually the civilian identity of the Ward Vista! What a sudden plot twist! naturally Addy hasn't noticed.