Why? In the grand scheme of things it options more options. It's not like it was at the start of the story where she'd be totally at their mercy about things.

I'm gonna be honest; normally I'm fine with Wards stories, but I feel like this was a really bad move from an authorial standpoint, for this story, that is.

That's the case for several reasons.

1. Powers Testing
Wards have to go through powers testing. The idea that the PRT, and Piggot especially, wouldn't require this would simply put be completely immersion breaking. Admittedly, alone might not throw up any flags... yet, but as soon as her specialty undergoes some massive shift between architectural styles, she's gonna be doing more rounds of this, and the broad strokes of the nature of her power is going to quickly become apparent.

Simply put, Addy cannot conceal the nature of her ever-changing powerset. It's basically impossible for her to avoid. She might get away with it for a few weeks, but it'll become pretty clear pretty fast, and from there once you realize she's a Tinker-Trump, it doesn't take many brain cells to guess that maybe the little girl who was totally unfazed by killing a whole mess of Empire & Dragonslayer capes might just be the same Tinker who decided it was fine to attack a hospital and a school with biotinker monsters.

Worse, they found her old lab, and that could equate to an assumption that she didn't make more because she'd lost the facility and that's why she doesn't have any of that stuff at home. In addition, Armsmaster already has samples of her neural interface stuff. He may well be able to identify it from any X-Rays or MRIs they perform on her. (More about that later)

2. Tinkertech Certification
This is honestly the big one. Wasn't one of her biggest problems at the very start the recognition that by the time she ever got anything approved, her specialization was liable to up and change?

That's a pretty damning limitation, and there's no way the PRT is going to agree to let her build first then seek permission. Especially not with a wildly fluctuating specialty that could turn up who knows what. The whole point of the certification processes like that is to make sure that Protectorate Tinkers aren't making things that are going to spin wildly out of control or wreak incredible havoc if something breaks.

I mean really, it's ludicrous to think their approval process would include a loophole by which Tinker might create some kind of nanotech that then escapes before it can be properly studied, all because the Tinker built it ahead of time.

(I will, however, admit that this goes against canon. Piggot's dressing-down of Kid Win did fairly strongly suggest, even if it didn't outright say, that Built First, Review Second, Deploy Third was the norm. However, I find that kind of mindboggling given the vague (and justified) paranoia regarding cape abilities that's so prevalent among the PRT. I mean, imagine Leet as a Ward and how they'd have to treat his tech)

3. Tinker Fugues
Addy fugues constantly. Worse, she fugues in such a way that she typically manages to finish entire projects in one go. That's an incredible risk of disaster for her, because what if she does get something like say Starcraft or Warframe and ends up accidentally biotinkering up something because for whatever reason she was forced to hold off on that specialty at her lair lab?

4. PRT Duplicity
A corollary to both #1 and #3, the PRT might actually try and trip her up deliberately during powers testing, putting her in a room with XYZ biological materials or computer electronics to see what she can do, or to see if she'll go into a fugue and make something unintentionally.

5. Cauldron
Let's not forget that Alexandria is after her thanks to Dragon reporting Codi's existence & maker. Personally, I find it kind of immersion-breaking that Alexandria didn't already have some kind of 'proof' in place to force compliance, especially as it was her idea to bring federal law into things. She, of all people, would have known what would be required to actually use that, and for that matter I doubt Contessa would have a hard time planting evidence as needed. Hell, with the laptop out of Addy's hands, and the PRT knowing things were stolen from her house by the Dragonslayers, Contessa should have been able to retrieve it and anonymously turn it in or something. Maybe fake it having been 'retrieved' from the warehouse fight.

6. Medical Scans
Once again, Wards procedures. There's zero chance that the PRT doesn't give Wards regular medical checkups. At a bare
minimum, I'm sure the Youth Guard insists on the occasional physical for simple health reasons, and I can't imagine that Master/Stranger protocols (or powers testing for that mattet) don't involve getting things like baseline vitals, bloodwork, X-Rays, etc as part of measures to physically confirm someone's identity in the case of a security breach.

Not to mention health records are kinda a wee bit important for any profession that's gonna see combat, to make sure there aren't any serious medical complications that they need to know about beforehand, like that thing where all your internal organs are swapped around. And that stuff is probably even more critical to know about when you're talking about capes who have regenerative powers — they'll want to know how your body responds to injury & medication irrespective of the fact that you regenerate. After all, Trumps are a thing and Addy can't heal herself if she's unconscious.

7. Mental Health Issues
Addy is seriously unstable. There's pretty much no way that people in both the Wards and the PRT aren't going to notice, and I suspect that that would either lead to her quickly being forcefully remanded into psychiatric care, forced to speak to a therapist on a regular basis, or simply declared dangerously unstable/deranged and sent to the Birdcage on the grounds of her maybe being able to tinker up super-plagues or nanotech. Possibly even not so much a 'maybe', depending in some of the above points.

Of those scenarios, the only one that might work for her is #2, forced therapy, but even there it needs to be noted that therapists are required by law to notify authorities if they she's a serious danger to herself or others... which is liable to lead to the other two scenarios anyway.

8. The ADAM Problem.
Here, Addy mentioned it herself: If she doesn't get to her lab to deal with her dialysis regularly, she starts going through physical changes. What if she gets injured, or trapped in a fugue for too long, or simply puts it off for a day for some reason and then ends up injured or unconscious under PRT care for another day or two? What if M/S lockdown occurs, or she has to spend a couple of days under observation, and she hasn't done the dialysis that week?


These are all just things that came to me off the top of my head, and that doesn't even include simpler things like her accidentally getting caught out as being Splice. There's just too many ways that the PRT ought to instantly figure out that something is seriously off with the girl, and should by all rights mean she basically has to go villain.

I'm not saying her going villain/vigilante is a bad thing. After all, she herself seems to expect it to happen eventually anyway. But it seems like a really poor writing decision to me to put her in this situation, because from here it looks like either she should get caught out basically immediately, in which case what was the point of having her agree, or else you'd have to stretch credulity far past the breaking point with respect to the PRT's level of competence.
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I am still going to read the story? Its been good so far. Just didn't agree with what was going on.

Same. Don't wanna give the impression that I'm not. Just 'cause I'm not happy the way a single chapter concluded doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying myself immensely as a whole.

I'm just super concerned that things are going to end up stretching credulity far beyond the limits of suspension of disbelief by either outright ignoring things the PRT should be legally bound to do or by make them appear artificially idiotic to he extreme in order to justify however the plot proceeds.

Which would probably ruin my enjoyment. Not a guarantee, but I typically dislike stories that feature a heavily fanonized degree of severe PRT incompetence.
These are all just things that came to me off the top of my head, and that doesn't even include simpler things like her accidentally getting caught out as being Splice. There's just too many ways that the PRT ought to instantly figure out that something is seriously off with the girl, and should by all rights mean she basically has to go villain.

The major one that you forgot is that Armsmaster has tinkertech to detect splice's creations, and as Addy has no problem using that tinkertech well within in range of the PRT it should be a day at most before they figure out that she is Splice and immediately birdcage or kill her (probably caged as I doubt they want to risk a plague). Honestly her getting birdcaged would be interesting and give her a chance to interact with some very interesting characters so I am not against it, but that does not seem to be where the story is going.

This whole thing is a bit of an odd case to me because I actually like Wards fics normally, but I think Addy managing to last more than a couple of days would kind of break my suspension of disbelief with what we have been showed so far. Additionally while I suppose she could have forgot, this
I'd been hoping I could spam out blueprints and make the items later when I have the resources (like with the aforementioned stimpaks) but that looks like a no go now.

It also means I'll be fucked in the future if my design library gets destroyed. I'll need to make plenty of backups.

As well as document everything I do make religiously, which is what I was doing at the moment.
indicates that losing the laptop should not have been a problem for her blueprint wise.
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I'm gonna be honest; normally I'm fine with Wards stories, but I feel like this was a really bad move from an authorial standpoint, for this story, that is.

That's the case for several reasons.

1. Powers Testing
Wards have to go through powers testing. The idea that the PRT, and Piggot especially, wouldn't require this would simply put be completely immersion breaking. This alone might not throw up any flags... yet. But as soon as her specialty undergoes some massive shift between architectural styles, she's gonna be doing more rounds of this, and the broad strokes of the nature of her power is going to quickly become apparent.

Simply put, Addy cannot conceal the nature of her ever-changing powerset. It's basically impossible for her to avoid. She might get away with it for a few weeks, but it'll become pretty clear pretty fast, and from there once you realize she's a Tinker-Trump, it doesn't take many brain cells to guess that maybe the little girl who was totally unfazed by killing a whole mess of Empire & Dragonslayer capes might just be the same Tinker who decided it was fine to attack a hospital and a school with biotinker monsters.

2. Tinkertech Certification
This is honestly the big one. Wasn't one of her biggest problems at the very start the recognition that by the time she ever got anything approved, her specialization was liable to up and gone?

That's a pretty damning limitation, and there's no way the PRT is going to agree to let her build first then seek permission. Especially not with a wildly fluctuating specialty that could turn up who knows what. The whole point of the certification processes like that is to make sure that Protectorate Tinkers aren't making things that are going to spin wildly out of control.

I mean really, it's ludicrous to thing their process would include a loophole by which Tinker might create some kind of nanotech that then escapes before it can be properly studied, all because the Tinker built it ahead of time.

3. Tinker Fugues
Addy fugues constantly. Worse, she fugues in such a way that she typically manages to finish entire projects in one go. That's an incredible risk of disaster for her, because what if she does get something like say Starcraft or Warframe and ends up accidentally biotinkering up something because for whatever reason she was forced to hold off on that specialty at her lair lab?

4. PRT Duplicity
A corollary to both #1 and #3, the PRT might actually try and trip her up deliberately during powers testing, putting her in a room with XYZ biological materials or computer electronics to see what she can do, or to see if she'll go into a fugue and make something unintentionally.

5. Cauldron
Let's not forget that Alexandria is after her thanks to Dragon reporting Codi's existence & maker. Personally, I find it kind of immersion-breaking that Alexandria didn't already have some kind of 'proof' in place to force compliance, especially as it was her idea to bring federal law into things. She, of all people, would have known what would be required to actually use that, and for that matter I doubt Contessa would have a hard time planting evidence as needed. Hell, with the laptop out of Addy's hands, and the PRT knowing things were stolen from her house by the Dragonslayers, Contessa should have been able to retrieve it and anonymously turn it in or something. Maybe fake it having been 'retrieved' from the warehouse fight.

6. Medical Scans
Once again, Wards procedures. There's zero chance that the PRT doesn't give Wards regular medical checkups. At a bare
minimum, I'm sure the Youth Guard insists on the occasional physical for simple health reasons, and I can't imagine that Master/Stranger protocols (or powers testing for that mattet) don't involve getting things like baseline vitals, bloodwork, X-Rays, etc as part of measures to physically confirm someone's identity in the case of a security breach.

Not to mention health records are kinda a wee bit important for any profession that's gonna see combat, to make sure there aren't any serious medical complications that they need to know about beforehand, like that thing where all your internal organs are swapped around. And that stuff is probably even more critical to know about when you're talking about capes who have regenerative powers — they'll want to know how your body responds to injury & medication irrespective of the fact that you regenerate. After all, Trumps are a thing and Addy can't heal herself if she's unconscious.

7. Mental Health Issues
Addy is seriously unstable. There's pretty much no way that people in both the Wards and the PRT aren't going to notice, and I suspect that that would either lead to her quickly being forcefully remanded into psychiatric care, forced to speak to a therapist on a regular basis, or simply declared dangerously unstable/deranged and sent to the Birdcage on the grounds of her maybe being able to tinker up super-plagues or nanotech. Possibly even not so much a 'maybe', depending in some of the above points.

Of those scenarios, the only one that might work for her is #2, forced therapy, but even there it needs to be noted that therapists are required by law to notify authorities if they she's a serious danger to herself or others... which is liable to lead to the other two scenarios anyway.

8. The ADAM Problem.
Here, Addy mentioned it herself: If she doesn't get to her lab to deal with her dialysis regularly, she starts going through physical changes. What if she gets injured, or trapped in a fugue for too long, or simply puts it off for a day for some reason and then ends up injured or unconscious under PRT care for another day or two? What if M/S lockdown occurs, or she has to spend a couple of days under observation, and she hasn't done the dialysis that week?


These are all just things that came to me off the top of my head, and that doesn't even include simpler things like her accidentally getting caught out as being Splice. There's just too many ways that the PRT out to instantly figure out that something is seriously off with the girl, and should by all rights mean she basically has to go villain.

I'm not saying her going villain/vigilante is a bad thing. After all, she herself seems to expect it to happen eventually anyway. But it seems like a really poor writing decision to me to put her in this situation, because from here it looks like either she should get caught out basically immediately, in which case what was the point of having her agree, or else you'd have to stretch credulity to the breaking point with respect to the PRT's level of competence.
I think it will last a week or two before she 'dies' and does something else but the prt are gonna be on some major thin ice dealing with a literal girl they kidnapped after she fought off the e88 and got shot in the chest several times by dragonslayers because they found her identity and she can tell them that saint had backdoors to all of dragons stuff and its probably why they came for her and e88 as well because of all the moles they have and their resident supervillians (plural cuz ss) right before she actually signs anything cuz she's a precog who was treated like shit after having been fighting for her life.

Basically throw out so much chaos that they CAN'T force her to do anything she doesn't want and she can be snippy and mention she's not delaying the whitemage dresspheres she's insuring a quality product just like she obviously wasnt kidnapped after fighting for her life against villains after her because of them and she totally wasn't almost killed with velocity standing next to her.

Addy has all the leverage at this moment plus mothri just went biblical looking for addy and if both her and addy went villain (they totally know about ss causing her trigger btw) then the prt is fucked!

Addy fought the entire empire by herself and won then killed the dragon slayers the prt will kiss all the ass in existence for her right now (not even mentioning the whole nude unconcious child thing where they robbed her and dropped her in a cell)

The scandal alone is gonna be legit nightmare levels of pure public outrage and incompetence.

And i had a brilliant thought about addy being stuck with the prt TIME TO SCHMOOZE PR AND YOUTHGAURD HARD

What's this a half white and asian hero in BB home of two major racist gains coincidently asian and white who's adorable precocious and super powerful and seems to have won the hearts of the youth guard and corrupted missy in the use of the soft power overbearing karens have wielded for your own goals?

Once missy tells addy about her scars shes gonna have an evil laugh and bring her kohai under her manipulative wing and explain that she can do and get so much more because of her treatment (minor with boobplate armor and skirt? What no weapons but scars from hookwolf adorn your flesh? Listen here minion those are days of the past!)

Honestly the prt don't realize that they've invited a being of pure chaos into the heart of their power and the shenanigans will be epic and hilarious from addys perspective and downright scary depressing and fucked up for the prt. (The knowledge bombs she can drop alone will shatter the organisation)

Addy: "Oooh!, nice, nice, so who made your powers those look pretty solid?"
Battery: "..............."
Addy: "Not as awesome as Rorys' though"
Everyone else: "!?!?..........!?!?"

And you got to remember the ptv is a monkeys paw and if your not specific it won't work right so if contessa paths to kill Addy she'll die but come back cuz she didn't specify wanting her to stay dead (never had to before and most faults occur due to human error) ie: some asshole jammed the printer cuz he had sticky hands (from lunch) when he put the new paper in the tray and now it's fucked, the report due in 5 min is scrapped by the machine and this is the only printer DAM YOU ROBERT!!

Or alexandria rips her head off after addy freaks out and fangirls at RBC for being such an awesome hero
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The major one that you forgot is that Armsmaster has tinkertech to detect splice's creations,

Haha, once again I was a little too slow ;P I was actually editing that very point in as you typed that.

Honestly her getting birdcaged would be interesting and give her a chance to interact with some very interesting characters so I am not against it, but that does not seem to be where the story is going.

I wouldn't mind seeing this either, tbh. There's very few Birdcage fics out there, but the few I have read were quite excellent reads. Though my one reservation for this fic would probably be that I have no idea how you'd keep Danny, Annette, & Taylor involved if things went that way.

There is a reason why people call Cauldron and the PRT "Stupid Evil", and this is a big part of why. Their job is to keep a lid on things. When they cannot control or contain something, they pick a bigger fight because it's the only thing people like Piggot and Costa-Brown know how to do.

I'd like to point out though that this is basically fanon. There is pretty much zero evidence to suggest that they actually do this beyond the fact that if they have legal leverage, they'll use it. Not that they just keep doubling down while ignoring the consequences. Tagg was an outlier in that respect. In fact, Brockton Bay's seeming dedication to Status Quo Is King before Taylor (and Coil) kicked over the anthill is evidence that Piggot really hates upsetting the applecart.
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Though my one reservation for this fic would probably be that I have no idea how you'd keep Danny, Annette, & Taylor involved if things went that way.
Could just have them mostly focused on in the interludes. They would have less screentime, but given that everyone beyond Taylor are only are a thing because of dice rolls I doubt that OP would have much of a problem with that.
I just wanna laugh and read as addy drives all the adults insane and co opts most of the wards as her own cabal of minions

so yeah I'm a little shocked she agreed but honestly it doesnt change much cuz of her critters and once she's found out as splyce and piggot panics and kills her (no hesitation gets the info from armmaster and walks to the wards room and just shoots her in the head)

Well now we have some serious


It'll be the moment warlord rose rises to power in the bay and years later oldtimers will look around and tell the younguns that that shot was The Shot that changed everything.

You guys gotta remember that annette was a lustrumite and is a more pragmatic and less idealistic version of taylor who is older and more experienced with stuff like this.

And canon taylor did some shit, now imagine a more decisive and colder mama bear esque version with acess to addys gear
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Built First, Review Second, Deploy Third was the norm. However, I find that kind of mindboggling given the vague (and justified) paranoia regarding cape abilities that's so prevalent among the PRT. I mean, imagine Leet as a Ward and how they'd have to treat his tech
Two words, "TINKER FUGUE"

you cant aprove something even the tinker doesnt know they're building.

(Addy is an exception and everything else is maintenance plus even if a tinker goes into it with an idea they don't know what the product is gonna look like unless they're adding to previous work.)
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Bit of a downer with Addy being railroaded into the Wards, but that's mostly due to Piggot being Piggot and RCB/Alexandria basically running them for Cauldron. I'm not sure how well this will work for them though, Mags' is still free and has a hate on for Addy, would look really bad if she killed Addy after the PRT claimed Addy joined for the protection. Now, Purity may be dancing about now and willing to kiss Addy for getting her free of Kiaser/Max. Then there is the S9 that will have Mannequin wanting to kill her for being a tinker making positive impact on the world. I also don't think that they will be getting their wish about Taylor joining the Wards too. She will not be happy about the way Addy was forced into the Wards. Looking forward to the pain Addy will be causing Piggot, it will be richly rewarding.
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Two words, "TINKER FUGUE"

you cant aprove something even the tinker doesnt know they're building.

Problem is, canonically Tinker Fugues are actually pretty rare. It's only one of the many, many ways that tinkertech gets black-boxed, and to happening at all is specific to an individual's power quirks.

And the PRT can just order you to take it apart anyway, as that's what Piggot threatened Kid Win with.

Not to mention that in Addy's case, she typically does know ahead of time what she's fugueing on. The only times she doesn't is when she's gone for too long without tinkering, and the people around her have kind of learned their lesson about trying to punishing her via preventing that.
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Even though Addy's thought process is annoying, I can't believe committing suicide and coming out of the vita chamber to fake her death hasn't come up once. It's morbid, but it would've gone through my head in this situation.
Addy also has her secret lab. If she can (somehow) keep it and her connection signal secret, then she can go full tinker fugue all she wants...via telepresence. As long as she regularly "gets it out of her system" that way, she should hopefully be able to reign it in while working her minimum required hours at the PRT, and giving them nothing but the finger after she makes the 4 White Mage dresspheres (and some Wall Rings) for them. Full malicious compliance, Addy. Give them nothing but what was spelled out in your contract, and go by the strict letter of the agreement, hopefully perverting the hell out of the spirit of the agreement in the process.
Non-Canon: Such a scamp
I would also like to point out I am big fan of malicious compliance against people that annoy me IRL and Addy has that trait as well :p
Magpie's Wards Introduction:

Magpie (on stage): "Hey everybody, I'm Magpie, Brockton Bay's newest ward! Woo! And, uh..." shuffles with notecards "I totally wrote down my speech so I wouldn't forget it because I kind of space out at big events like these."

Audience Laughs

Lisa (in audience): "Oh god, she wouldn't..."

Taylor (beside her): "What's wrong?"

Lisa (slow horror of realization settling in): "They put Addy on stage in front of other people. She's going to be allowed to say things, Taylor. Words, from her mouth."

Taylor (hating the fact she's too young to drink): "Well shit."

Magpie: Reading off cards. "Oh, and there's a note here... 'Absolutely under no circumstances mention or confirm rumors that an Empire 88 hit squad kidnapped you off the street out of costume and tried to torture and kill you on video to send a message that they're cowards who break the unwritten rules.'" Addy blinks and looks up, then grins awkwardly. "A-heheh, let's just forget about that! Instead lets talk about, uhhh..." rapidly shuffles cards "Ah! Don't talk about turning Kaiser to stone or possibly killing Othala and definitely killing two of the Dragonslayers."

Crickets chirp in the background and Lisa glares at Taylor.

Magpie: Bonks herself upside the head. "Ooops! Ain't I such a scamp? Tee-hee!"
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For all people who speaking about Arm(s)master detector - please remember, that Addy (and her guardians) don't know about it. And, presumably, don't know about ADAM samples that PRT have, too.
So, for them that situation looks different.

Does the PRT really think that any intelligence, artificial or otherwise, is just going to meekly accept its death on the grounds
If they thought she's restricted and forced to obey her creator? Yes.

Actually, it was brought up just one chapter ago.
Not really. She spend all she had during a fight.

But it seems like a really poor writing decision to me to put her in this situation,
The problem here, that Addy, on regular basic, does things on her own.

because from here it looks like either she should get caught out basically immediately, in which case what was the point of having her agree
Why not? That can make a really interesting plot twists.

Problem is, canonically Tinker Fugues are actually pretty rare.
Because tinkers, most of the time, can tinkering regularly. If they stop Addie from tinkering, as a punishment or just because they can't reviev her projects quick enough, she may start to feign "seizures" of fugue.

And the PRT can just order you to take it apart anyway, as that's what Piggot threatened Kid Win with
Yes. But they can't force her to restore things she gutted for parts. Like Arm(s)master tinkertech, or part of the Rig's shield system. :p
As in, adorably-horrifying Kid Win x Addy shipping?

No shipping allowed. This is a no shipping forum. As we all know all beings below 18 years old are pure. They are only allowed the knowledge of relationships after they clear the legal definition of adulthood.

A Tinker of Fiction joining the Wards is a death sentence for a fic, unless you plan to replace Piggot with Calvert as PRT Director.

Wasn't the original Tinker of Fiction a ward?
that Addy (and her guardians) don't know about it.
Addy has already mentioned it previously so she knows.
If they thought she's restricted and forced to obey her creator? Yes.
Codi's conversation with dragon already revealed she can ignore her creator's instructions.
Wasn't the original Tinker of Fiction a ward?
Yes and the reasoning was bad there too. Gallant and Kid Win outed the SI so he panicked and set off a small flashbang that hurts no one so he can get away. According to Danny that was so irresponsible with his powers he needed to join the wards.
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If they thought she's restricted and forced to obey her creator? Yes.

If she's restricted and forced to obey her creator, then she's not a clear and present danger, and thus, should not be destroyed without first considering other options.

If Codi is bound, that makes her a very powerful and useful tool, and rather than immediately going to 'destroy the advanced computer program' they should at least explore the possibility of using her to further their goals - like, say, going after the E88, as Codi was already doing. Thus, trying to destroy her is stupid.

If Codi is not bound, then she's going to fight back. Thus, trying to destroy her is stupid.

Either way, having the standard operating procedure set to 'attack the A.I.' is absolutely idiotic.
I recommend anyone still on the fence about Addy being a ward check out Bloody Tinkers.

Granted Addy's not as completly unstoppable, but there's a lot of parallels and holy shit is that a good example of a story about a ward who just DOES NOT CARE what the PRT wants.
I read the start. Good story and I can see the parallels. But Addy would need to
Addy has already mentioned it previously so she knows.
Really? I don't remember it. Can you give a quote?

Codi's conversation with dragon already revealed she can ignore her creator's instructions.
Yes. But that doesn't mean that Dragon shared all her conversations with PRT.

@lrllak, I agree with your points, but I'll try to explain the train of thought of the PRT guys, as I see it.
If she's restricted and forced to obey her creator, then she's not a clear and present danger, and thus, should
... be destroyed before she inevitable becomes such.

If Codi is bound, that makes her a very powerful and useful tool
... for her creator, who they just alienate by forcing to join, and so, cannot trust.

If Codi is not bound, then she's going to fight back
... and better to find it now, to deny her additional time to prepare.
can just see addy getting say RWBY tech and accidentally unleashing a virus that means people will start being born as animal people. also having a look through the information segment is there a list of tech trees addy will definitely not be getting?
Really? I don't remember it. Can you give a quote?
I'm glad I'm dealing with Miss Militia, since Armsmaster probably would've spotted the lie about the phone with his hax lie detector

Yes. But that doesn't mean that Dragon shared all her conversations with PRT.
That just makes them even worse for going in without a clear picture or more complete information.