I think the problem with "Joining the Wards" doesn't really apply to this story at all. In most instances, people really soften themselves up to join the wards and hardly do any of the more cool and interesting things once they get in. Also it leaves kinda a bad taste in your mouth to see Addy get kidnapped twice, have the heroes show up and do fuck all, and then tell her to join our shitty organisation that can't do anything properly "or else". Remember what cannon Taylor's response was to that?
It was to f*cking murder Alexandria
So people tend to just be annoyed about it.

However, considering what we've seen how well Addy listens to "Aunt Rose" and her rules or Taylor, or even Lisa, when she actually LIKES them, dear god is the PRT screwed.
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Re reading the story
Mr Calle continued. "I can fight everything, though it won't be quick."

"What about that national security bullshit they were talking about."

"Well hypothetically, if your niece happened to make an artificial intelligence as powerful as they say it is then yes, they would be able to press charges. Of course if they had proof of such a thing they'd have focused on that instead of the mastering and manslaughter charges. Being able to bring in the Nation Security Act would slam dunk things in their favour."

"Well it's a good thing I haven't made any artificial intelligences then." I lied. Then a worrying thought occurred to me. "Um, how long would I have to stay in their custody for? While we fight the other charges?"

"Likely until the case is over. Known human masters aren't given much leeway where things like bail are concerned."

"I don't have that kind of time to waste." I turned to my aunt and uncle. "Remember when I came out the..." I paused, uncertain if I should say vita-chamber out loud. I wasn't sure if the PRT were recording this conversation and it this point I wouldn't put it past them. Especially not with our lawyer broaching me making an AI as a hypothetical. "...the hospital after that ten day stay?"

Luckily they were quick on the uptake and got what I meant. "Oh. That's a good point." Aunt Rose turned to our laywer. "Is there anything that can be done to speed getting my niece out of their custody?"

Because the longer I stayed the more ADAM would build up and the sooner I'd start to look like a proper Little Sister. The PRT would probably have questions at that point, along with medical examinations. That would probably lead to a brain scan at some point and explaining the implants I have was something I definitely wasn't a fan of.

I sighed. "I need to get out of her as soon as possible."

"The only option of that is joining the Wards, like they want."

"It's up to you Addy." Uncle Da

Lawyer: Yeah, I can totes fight them all off but will take time
Addy: Ahh that is too long, want to drain out my slug slime and Tinker. Oh well I have back up bodies so Tinker without restriction

It's even stated that the only reason the Master thing was going against her because of the precedent of the Bad Canary case against every human Master

Y'all: Waaaagh the PRT are being tyrants and prosecuting this totally stable girl who didn't just casually murder people and felt nothing about it and is dabbling in so much crimes against nature that Bonesaw would be inta BFFs with her

In truth it's "Addy make another short sighted decision born out of emotional nature and doesn't give a shit because she has ways to go around it"

Don't project you feeling over what the character is feeling and their circumstance when she literally even described most of the cons of going to the PRT and said that it doesn't bother her because she has ways around it.

While I'm not a probationary Ward I am stuck with them till I'm sixteen. This was the main concession to not pressing charges. The alternative being long and drawn out legal proceedings (which I'd win, thanks to Calle) I'd also get exposed as a Little Sister looooong before then and there'd be all sorts of uncomfortable biotinker related questions following that. It's annoying, but it's only for a couple years.

I've also gotta build and maintain four White Mage dresspheres for them. Cape healers are rare, and since I could basically make three ordinary people into healers it was a big win for them. Especially at Endbringer battles. I also had to make a bunch of Wall Rings too, the actual amount would be determined later since if I was spending all my time maintaining gear then I wouldn't be able to make new stuff. The cost for all this won't be taken from my tinkering budget.

It'll be really funny watching the PRT goons using the White Mage dresspheres tire themselves out, since the only Ragnarok rings I'll be making are for me and Taylor and we both have Metabolic Eve which helps offset some of the energy costs anyway.

My tech is gonna have to go through reviews and face the whole approval process. It sucks but it's something that every tinker has to go through, with it typically taking around two weeks before I'd get an answer. Really annoying, but since I can just use Splyce to make stuff they don't approve of it isn't a major problem.

Addy has never been shown to be a "in your face Slay Queen with sunglasses and guitar riffs as she gives the middle finger to anyone trying to hold her down" (Though she would probably like to think herself as that)

For Addy this seems to be a "Hey I get to hang out with my friends more and Taylor gets to be with other heroes. While in the background I go all out with my Tinkering with my spare body and expanding my gang-I mean team"

People are really angry over anything that they perceive as a problem or even being under someone else's authority, even though said character doesn't care about it or the fact that the reason why Addy was at that position of being targeted by multiple groups was the consequences of her own decisions with how she Tinkers.
@lrllak, I agree with your points, but I'll try to explain the train of thought of the PRT guys, as I see it.

Oh, I certainly understand their line of reasoning. I completely disagree with it, but I do acknowledge that it is a realistic thought process. Humans naturally tend to fear what is different. What I was commenting on is the utter insanity of their 'logic'. Even if Codi is willing to submit to execution rather than fighting back that just means that any future A.I.'s will correctly see this as proof that humans will never let them live, and they'll be more likely to make a preemptive strike against humanity. There's no indication that Codi poses an immediate threat - given her posting history on PHO, she actually seems to enjoy interacting with humans - so the optimal course of action would be to gather more information and possibly try to work with her. The best way to stop a bad A.I. is by getting help from a good one, after all. If they're afraid of how much power she would have because their cybersecurity isn't sufficient to guard against her, then ask her to help improve it! Better to get that sort of feedback from a friendly A.I. rather than a hostile one. Sure, they'll need to doublecheck her work just to be sure, but at a bare minimum it at least lets them see where they are vulnerable.

Even if they do eventually decide that Codi needs to be eliminated for whatever reason, the more information they have about her and her capabilities, the more likely they are to succeed. Rushing in while openly announcing their intention to kill her is a very foolish move for a government agency tasked with dealing with powerful beings that were thought mere science fiction just a few decades ago. With all the crazy things tinkers invent, it was practically guaranteed that eventually someone would make an A.I., and the lawmakers should have tried to think of a way to prevent a Skynet scenario, rather than adding more fuel to the fire and making the worst possible outcome a near certainty.
One thing that seems a bit off to me, although it very well could be from Addy's lack of understanding, and given she had her clothes changes could indicate that it did happen, is that there is no sane way that when Addy was brought to the PRT building after passing out, she wasn't already given a full medical examination including full bloodwork the instant she arrived.

Addy being a young girl that just passed out, would have gone straight to their medical section for full examination to make sure she was okay the instant she arrived. Which is why they would strip her as a matter of course. When you have someone that passed out with an unknown cause, you want to get anything that might cause it off her, as well as let you make sure she is not injured somewhere under said clothes.

The only way she is not being stripped and placed into a medical gown when she arrived unconscious, is if she wakes up within minutes at most when she arrives and thus could refuse treatment herself, and even in that case odds are good she would have woken up in the process of being stripped well the doctors try and figure out why she is unconscious.

You don't delay when someone is unconscious for an unknown reason, since that very quickly can turn into a dead person, even more so after a fight. They would be checking every inch of her for injuries the second they could put hands on her, looking for bleeding wounds, bruises and discolorations.

Who knows what the various Empire 88 members might have used on her in the fight after all. They might have poisoned her when they kidnapped her, which was why she passed out, and they need to get an antidote into her asap.

Baring Panacea checking the unconscious Addy immediately and saying she would be fine, she really should have woken up in the PRT medical wing. With security concerns, that would be bound to the bed with a PRT officer or two standing by to watch her, but still hooked up to at least somewhat basic medical equipment to make sure she was doing okay. Likely an IV in case they had to give her something as well.

Addy waking up in a cell with her clothes changed is quite weird, because that basically says that they decided to clear of medically and then put her into the cell before she woke back up, and no medical professional would release a girl that arrived unconscious before she woke up, unless it was to another medical facility, or someone with guardianship forced the issue.

Weird enough that I would agree with Addy that Coil likely kidnapped her there for that to happen. Coil would put her in a cell. The PRT would put her in a medical bed hooked up to various medical equipment until she woke up.
Really? I don't remember it. Can you give a quote?
I'm glad I'm dealing with Miss Militia, since Armsmaster probably would've spotted the lie about the phone with his hax lie detector
Watch, read, be ashamed. :D

That just makes them even worse for going in without a clear picture or more complete information.
Yep. They're indeed a bunch of paranoid dumbasses, at least as a whole. There is some smart, sensible people, but they're scarce, and usually not in position of power.
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Honestly, now that the Simurgh has "met" Addy, and picked up on her penchant for rule-bending and malicious compliance, I'd enjoy seeing her copy that. Tinkertech she builds in the attacks doubles as food/water/power generators, or healing devices; the sudden "helpful" aftermath of the attacks proceeds to send all the PRT think-tanks into meltdown as they try to work out what insidious plot this could possibly be...

In canon Simurgh is as inhuman as any endbringer. She wouldn't help, she doesn't care, she doesn't have a personality, looking human doesn't make her one.

The Wards plea bargain was to prevent the Master charges. Not for the self-defense. The context here being that even Mastering someone in self defense is still a capital crime. Unless you're a Protectorate cape. (Who will be quietly killed off, off-scene, anyhow.)

Hey, I remember this. Either I read it somewhere or heard that it's WoG. It's so obscure that my memory can't help much beyond saying that it appears correct that they quietly make masters dissapear.

Yeah, this story has jumped a shark or two already. Any such concerns are really just cosmetic at this point: it's pure crack now.

It's not news. People were complaining about the bad decisions Addy was making and that she was acting insane way, way back. The signs were there.
In canon Simurgh is as inhuman as any endbringer. She wouldn't help, she doesn't care, she doesn't have a personality, looking human doesn't make her one.
In canon, Simurgh wouldn't be having cheerful trolling conversations with Addy, and giving her useful information. So, clearly, this isn't a canon Simurgh.

Also in canon, the behaviour of all active Endbringers changes after Eidolon dies, and the Simurgh does help during Golden Morning. Her motivations for doing so may be beyond human comprehension, and may have been part of an overarching long-term plan with less a far beneficial outcome, but she still helped.

(Plus, did you miss the part where I specifically pointed out that the deviation from "expected" behaviour would distract all the Thinkers trying to spot Ziz-bombs and other plots, which would thus allowing her to carry out other plans relatively unimpeded?)
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They already put me in Vista-themed underwear to satisfy their sick fetishes!

No kink-shaming, your older sister used to wear Armsmaster-panties on purpose.

This is insane. I feel myself getting more insane with each chapter I read.

Good stuff.

Lisa grabbed a Potion that was near her computer, drank the entire thing in one go and then put the empty bottle next to a group of similar empty bottles.

Lisa is becoming an alcoholic to cope with all the shit in her life. This is your life now, Lisa.

At least with Saint dead the last Dragonslayer (I think her name is Mags?) won't be able to do anything bad with the stuff she stole.

Dovahkiin seems to be shit out of luck, yeah.

I'd be a child soldier.

As opposed to what, a child war zone? I mean, fair, but I'd think it has more to do with taking orders than killing people for Addy.

How much time before the Rig gets burned down again?
She is going to annoy Piggot to death isn't she?

Piggot may wish for death, but she's going to be healthier than ever after Addy drugs her coffee with Esuna because it sounded like a good idea at the time.

Everything is going to be delightfully hilarious. Addy. In a very serious organization full of self-important people that's all about carefully considering consequences and maintaining a public image. When she's... Addy.

Also, Addy on the same team as Sophia. Think about it. Savor the thought.

The inevitable Splice reveal? Glenn is going to strangle someone. How is he supposed to spin "Yeah, that 12-year old girl who bamboozled us into letting her join the Wards was really a dangerous biotinker, so we had to kill her since we are evidently unable to keep a child under control! BTW, the awesome parahuman healing is cancelled, too!"

More seriously though, I assume the PRT already suspect she's Splice. We haven't seen what's going on behind the scenes, but the fact that Addy woke up with a change of clothes after passing out means she got a medical checkup already. Executing the Kill Order is kind of impractical though when the biotinker is obviously not limited to biotinkering and much more valuable alive, has a worrisome AI that's still at large, is underage, friends with a Ward, and has a well-liked vigilante identity that was last seen picked up by the heroes.

In any case, now that she's finally under proper oversight, keeping her out of trouble shouldn't be a problem, right?
I for one look forward to Addy getting proximity to Kid Win to implement her crush. Also, him getting inspired by the plug-and-play nature of her dress spheres.

Beyond that? Unders has delivered entertaining crack about an adorifying little girl so far, so let's see what happens before we kvetch about Magpie being a Ward.
An expected but still extremely disappointing development in the last chapter.

In addition to all those wise thoughts that were expressed above, regarding the inevitable disclosure of Splice, the supporters of joining the Ward do not notice one important point. And more specifically the Cauldron!

There is no chance that after giving too many headaches to the Protectorate, Addy will simply leave. Even the simple talent of "giving powers" tinkertech raises all the alarming flags of the Cauldron. Not to mention her disclosure as a splice, which I recall, specialization in "creating creatures with powers", according to the PRT. She will "escape" or "be abducted by the fallen", which in reality will be the Countess with a portal to the Cauldron base. And I highly doubt the Cauldron won't find a way to just brainwash Addy. Even with the anti-master biomod in mind. Which may not have even been installed (I just don't remember exactly). It just takes longer. At the same time, the Vita-camera should not work (based on what was written earlier), and the control chips will also hardly work through the universes.

And that's all, the fic is over.

Well, all this of course makes sense if the PRT with the Cauldron will not catch the "Ball of Sudden Stupidity" in the face.

In fact, literally the only (in my opinion) how you can turn the whole current situation without slipping into illogicality and / or crack, is an indication in the next chapter that during the negotiations Addy insisted on an early public conference "in order to ensure the safety of the family from gangs." On which she describes the whole situation in dark colors on the air (probably with the help of her AI so that the broadcast cannot be interrupted), after which she pierces her head with a psi-spear, as they wrote earlier. After that, sit quietly without showing up for a couple of weeks, while the PRT is drowning in a shit storm because of the live broadcast.
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The problem for the PRT is that they have just finished using up all their leverage to get her in the wards. They don't have any remaining leverage to force her to do anything. Cale getting her in as a regular ward rather than probationary basically nuked all the options they have for forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to because it changes the dynamic from, "Do this or go to jail" to "Do this or we kick you out of the wards" as the ultimate punishment. And kicking her out of the wards is the last thing they want to do.

Shows them one piece of tech and say's shes done.
2. Tinkertech Certification
It seemed reading that this was quite clearly a, after you build it it passes muster before use, but even if thats a no, then she just doesn't bother
Seems like fun story fodder
probably will happen fun story fodder
wasn't needed because she 'joined' the wards already
She says no, they can't force her because she isn't a criminal. Their ultimate 'trump' would be to kick her out of the wards which defeats their entire goal of having press ganged her into them.
7. Mental Health Issues
Even if they do 'force' her to go sit in a room with a therapist she doesn't have to say anything.
8. The ADAM Problem.
more plot fun.
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is dabbling in so much crimes against nature that Bonesaw would be inta BFFs with her

The PRT doesn't know that

Don't project you feeling over what the character

I could have miss It but i don't think i Saw anyone saying addy should be mad and joining to get out quickly is stupid therefore in character

People are really angry over anything that they perceive as a problem

There are a lot of problem's about joining the ward's from her kill order's since those can't be revoked if you get one is dead or birdcage or just coil killing her he literally swear revenge and kidnaping or killing the new ward will ensure piggot is done for
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The PRT doesn't know that
That is in response to people saying that joining the Wards would let the PRT know the bullshit she was doing. Which you know, something that does deserve getting birdcages at

I could have miss It but i don't think i Saw anyone saying addy should be mad and joining to get out quickly is stupid therefore in character
People have been complaining about what Addy "should" be doing and that as they have no hold against her she should be able to walk away. When in truth Addy knows this but for her the process would take too long and she doesn't mind it.
There are a lot of problem's about joining the ward's from her kill order's since those can't be revoked if you get one is dead or birdcage or just coil killing her he literally swear revenge and kidnaping or killing the new ward will ensure piggot is done for
It's not the fic's problem that Addy's action have consequences and does deserve getting Birdcages/Kill Orders at

And more specifically the Cauldron!

There is no chance that after giving too many headaches to the Protectorate, Addy will simply leave. Even the simple talent of "giving powers" tinkertech raises all the alarming flags of the Cauldron. Not to mention her disclosure as a splice, which I recall, specialization in "creating creatures with powers", according to the PRT. She will "escape" or "be abducted by the fallen", which in reality will be the Countess with a portal to the Cauldron base. And I highly doubt the Cauldron won't find a way to just brainwash Addy. Even with the anti-master biomod in mind. Which may not have even been installed (I just don't remember exactly). It just takes longer. At the same time, the Vita-camera should not work (based on what was written earlier), and the control chips will also hardly work through the universes.
Also Cauldron: Not caring about every other S-class threat and not brainwashing them to be under their control and simply let's them go (see Shatterbird and Siberian)

If what you are saying is trues them every top tier cape especially those in the Birdcage are now under the super brainwashing of Cauldron, but it's not because they don't do that.

You are overestimating the method of control of Cauldron, if anything even if they did find out that Addy and that she doesn't want to join as long as she doesn't start nuking countries willy nilly they wouldn't care.

Cauldron would actually want Addy to continuously push the limits of her Tinkering. If Addy has a way of killing Scion that requires the sacrifice of a country Cauldron would gladly let her do that.
Aaaaand I've lost any interest in this story.
Seriously, you can't argue your way out of this? The NAZI's who are literally employed by a foreign power. The Terrorists who have repeatedly violated tons of laws. BOTH of whom attempted to kidnap the MC. So Self-Defense. There is no evidence of Mastering. Unless you try to say that giving someone cancer/herpes is mastering them. Then there is the elephant in the room. The fact the PRT kidnapped a child kidnapping victim, without informing anyone, then stripped them naked, likely scanned/studied them, then dressed them in vista panties and such and stole her property... DUDE. Easy case.
So tired of these Tinker of Fiction stories folding to the PRT blackmail/manipulation. Seems like EVERY SINGLE ONE goes either Wards or works for the PRT.
So you're like the fifth reader that must tell everyone how you're now going to ragequit the story because .5 consequences ensued to the protagonist, horribly disrupting your power fantasy. What a vile author, truly we should spit on them.

We've got an eleven year old killing her way through a super powered gang, on fucking camera. In the process using abilities that can get you life in birdcage even on accidential deaths. Meanwhile they suspect her of creating an AI capable of hacking literally any computer system hollywood hacking style. Any government in the world would move heaven and hell to get her under their thumbs and if they can't keep her off the streets until she's at least 18, preferably 30.

Even worse apart of her showing pedophile-equivalent never-any-jury-sympathy powers, she's secretly got Hitler-Stalin-Polpot powers making her shit comic-book nuclear waste and turning her into a potential world ending threat. Which makes the most reasonable response to her actually throwing her into an incinerator, telling the public about it and eating the backlash for killing an 11 year old. Not that there's going to be much, since killing her is the reasonable response to the sheer threat she offers. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a city with Abby in it. So Abby actually used her brains for once and decided, yeah being nominally under gubments thumbs is not so bad compared to gubment permanently out for my head. Which would happen if her secrets came out in an unfortunate way.

But that should be pretty obvious anyway, this isn't about Addy or the author being unreasonable, this is about your power fantasy being disrupted by a sudden onset of minor consequences. As a result I would like to recommend you and others who are still in a phase where they want consequenceless power fantasies the Fanfiction Author Perfect Lionheart: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1318171/Perfect-Lionheart
People have been complaining about what Addy "should" be doing and that as they have no hold against her she should be able to walk away. When in truth Addy knows this but for her the process would take too long and she doesn't mind it.

So now I'm imagining Addy just refusing to ever actually show up to any Wards requirements due to personal stress and mental wellness claims for the next several months. "I can't go outside! Outside is where I have to kill people!" and thus buying herself time to figure out how to actually get out of the Wards contracts before they do the physicals that condemn her as Splice.

The fact that this also gains her nigh-unlimited Tinkering time is entirely extraneous of course. Naturally.

Then you might want to check out In Nuclear Fire: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/in-nuclear-fire.67755/page-134#post-19854058

They tell the PRT to go to hell, and are getting away with it.

Oh, I almost forgot, you should also check out Scientia Weaponizes the Future: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...nizes-the-future.82203/page-145#post-19820687

She's also maintained her independence from the PRT's clutches.

Being the unholy love-child of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Zerg miiiight have something to do with the MC in In Nuclear Fire getting away with it as well as they have. Just throwing that out there.
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I think I'm going to check out of the thread comments for a bit. The sheer amount of ragequits over a single decision on where to take the story is getting to be a bit much. I get that some of these people have seen the idea of a Wards fic done badly but... There are no bad ideas in fiction, just bad execution.

Can someone at least link me to one of these mythical terrible wards fics? I've seen plenty of good fics that have had the main character join the wards like the inspiration for this very fic. Others include stuff like Alchemical Solutions, which was running regularly for years without complaint. So can anyone show me what has so poisoned the well for them that they'd quit over the subject being brought up?
That is in response to people saying that joining the Wards would let the PRT know the bullshit she was doing. Which you know, something that does deserve getting birdcages at

People have been complaining about what Addy "should" be doing and that as they have no hold against her she should be able to walk away. When in truth Addy knows this but for her the process would take too long and she doesn't mind it.

It's not the fic's problem that Addy's action have consequences and does deserve getting Birdcages/Kill Orders at

Also Cauldron: Not caring about every other S-class threat and not brainwashing them to be under their control and simply let's them go (see Shatterbird and Siberian)

If what you are saying is trues them every top tier cape especially those in the Birdcage are now under the super brainwashing of Cauldron, but it's not because they don't do that.

You are overestimating the method of control of Cauldron, if anything even if they did find out that Addy and that she doesn't want to join as long as she doesn't start nuking countries willy nilly they wouldn't care.

Cauldron would actually want Addy to continuously push the limits of her Tinkering. If Addy has a way of killing Scion that requires the sacrifice of a country Cauldron would gladly let her do that.

Well is nice to know your opinion but you didn't adress any of the problem's or how can she join depiste the many reason in story making imposible to join
Well is nice to know your opinion but you didn't adress any of the problem's or how can she join depiste the many reason in story making imposible to join
To a certain extent all they have to do is claim that she obviously Cluster Triggered with the real Splice and that's why she also has Splice's tech. It's blatant rebranding but once they get their claws in her they'll do their damnedest to never let go of her.

Especially as through her they can also get Mothri and Annette and some modicum of control over Codi (though vastly less than they expect to have. In all three cases.)

Just avoiding the headache of having put a Kill Order on an 11 year old girl who hasn't actually murdered a single civilian and is a Ward would be enough to plausibly make them want the entire thing to just go away.

Yes, this would all require blatant violations of many laws but since when has the PRT cared about upholding the law anyway?

EDIT: Fun fact about the Master charges on Addy: if Calle had to push on the issue, he could actually get Hookwolf to be declared guilty of Mastering himself. Any felonies that occur as a result of an initial felony are legally the fault of the initial perpetrator. This is the doctrine behind Felony Homicide. So long as Addy wasn't currently in custody and thus unable to get her ADAM treatment, Calle could make every last charge go away, with some effort and real money spent.

The Heberts would be fools if they didn't retain his services to break the plea deal on just those grounds.
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To a certain extent all they have to do is claim that she obviously Cluster Triggered with the real Splice and that's why she also has Splice's tech. It's blatant rebranding but once they get their claws in her they'll do their damnedest to never let go of her.

Especially as through her they can also get Mothri and Annette and some modicum of control over Codi (though vastly less than they expect to have. In all three cases.)

Just avoiding the headache of having put a Kill Order on an 11 year old girl who hasn't actually murdered a single civilian and is a Ward would be enough to plausibly make them want the entire thing to just go away.

Yes, this would all require blatant violations of many laws but since when has the PRT cared about upholding the law anyway?

Why are people pushing so hard on addy joining the ward's when BB PRT and protectorate are literally a smoke Screen for cauldron feudalist experiment and that's without the corruption of the gangs or coil plot's

I can't think of a single good reason to have her join also bonesaw have her kill order for years now and she's 12
Hoo boy, was this a wild ride.
Just found this story recently and power-read it over like two days. Fantastic stuff! Much better character development than other Tinker of Fiction stories. Adeline properly feels like her own character and it's been real neat to watch the SI's original viewpoint and opinions solely morph to match their new body.

I'm a little disappointed that the Possible Franchise List looks about the same as the one used by every other ToF story, but you can't have everything.

On the note of Wards membership (which seems to have sparked a fair amount of discussion that I skimmed over) it's really a minor point either way. On one hand, fun interactions as additional "level headed" people are directly exposed to her special brand of common sense *and* she gets to keep doing her own thing long-distance. On the other hand... long term plans really don't matter much beyond a year or two out in the world of Worm.

Overall, I've been really enjoying the story and I'd like to thank the author for taking the time and effort to create it for us.