Hope will never die : a Fire Emblem Awakening quest

Omake - With Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends
*Fearful Lucina Intensifies*

And people thought that was a joke :V

Also, invisitext in this one. Just a bit.

She'd been sucker punched before.

She was training to fight, of course she had been sucker punched before. Caught off guard in a way that leaves you in a breathless shock knowing that their very well might be a knife or sword coming for you and you couldn't do anything.

They had only knocked her out, but the lesson had stuck.

This felt like that, but many times worse.


War with an insane King leading a nation howling for their blood. A King who had threatened her family personally. Had threatened her mother with something she only vaguely understood, but knew was horrible. Had threatened her sister. She wasn't too worried about Dad, beyond him being angrier than she was and his injury anyway. He could take care of himself very easily.

She wasn't really worried about herself either. She'd be ready for the next assassin with sword and spell in hand. And if she wasn't she would have Marth nearby. Hopefully.

But that wasn't the worst of it.

She was tired.

Sleeping brought nightmares. It wasn't a sword hanging over her neck, it was a claw. No, A Claw. A Claw that wrapped around her neck so gently and still bit into her skin.
Cloying, black fog in her lungs carrying HATE, and RAGE, and DEATH for everything. But especially her.
Warm air on the back of her neck, a breath of HATERAGEDEATH in her lungs.
It was laughing at her. Whatever it was, it hated. Old, Deep, Black Hatred that burned at her. But it was laughing at her. At her struggles. At her fear.
"Run," HATERAGEDEATH, "Run and let me take all of that which you love from you. One. By. One."
It was too big.
It looked at her.
How do you fight something like that?
She was smaller than it's blazing, red eye
And a pulse of Light always answered.

Sometimes from her pocket where Marth resided.
With Faith
Other times it was a a calming Light from the back of her mind.
With Hope
Most often though, it was from her sister sleeping with her.

And Lucina would chant her mantra to herself, "With Faith, and Hope, and Friends and Family beside you."

It took some time, but she made progress.

Fear, real fear, was an old friend of her's. Shock and anger had let it turn into something that wasn't her friend, another knife in the back to be aimed at her.

But she made progress. Shock faded in time, although most of it just became more anger and fear.

That was okay though. She knew how to handle the latter. How to focus it and in turn let it focus her, not let it rule her.

The anger was new though, and that was more difficult.

They played off of each other as well, one feeding into the other in the worst way.

But she made progress.

Anger was a lot like fear. It blinded her in different ways than her old friend, but it focused her in different ways as well.

It was hard though. Holding both in check like she was, and keeping her fear from feeding her anger or the opposite.

And it was far too easy to fall into tunnel vision as well. So easy to focus too hard on one thing an miss the world around her.

Sometimes she just stopped, breathed in, and let the world fade out of focus for a moment. It was all still there, and it would rush back after a that single heart-beat of a moment, but it centered her, brought everything into focus for one moment after.

And she was needing it less and less.

She was making progress. Fear, an old friend, and now anger, a new one maybe.

And as she swung her sword with the a sharp finality to it, anger and fear guiding her strike more true than before on the dummy before her, as she felt the encroaching tunnel vision, she knew they would.

And then she pushed it back, keeping all her senses open to the world around her, it just needed some effort.

And, as she laid in bed, wrapped around her sleeping sister, and smiling at her, she knew she would succeed in controlling them. And keeping them controlled.

Afterall, she had Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside her. And she would not lose to herself for them.

And as anger and fear tried to crawl into her mind then, she shushed them and shooed them away. There was a time for fear and anger, but it was not here. Not with her sister sleeping so soundly beside her. Not with the love she held for her sister laying warm in her heart.

Lucina slept well that night and many after it.
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Chapter 2-2: Cry for justice? (autumn 2621-winter 2622)
-[X] Final lesson
-[X] Wartime plans
-[X] To be king
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
-[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons

Very well, war was coming. Your parents were going to fight, leaving you behind. So be it. You managed to endure it once, and now you were older, and stronger. You'll wait for them to come back, and won't let anything happen to Cynthia while they were away. But before that... well, you might as well enjoy the time you have left together.

[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Special - slack off: Diplomacy lessons
[X] Diplomacy lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

And in order to do that, you decide for the first time to skip some of your lessons. Not all of them, of course! But considering the circumstances, some of them begin to appear as rather futile. After all, diplomacy didn't seem to help a lot with Plegia this time around. Though you have to admit, you can't help but feel dread the first time you have to face Lady Maribelle after missing one of her lessons. After all, prophecies of dark futures and potential assassins in the dark are scary, but the noblewoman's wrath is a lot more concrete right now. Surprisingly enough, though, she doesn't comment on it, in an uncharacteristic display of leniency. You suppose she must be worried too. Nonetheless, she makes sure you make up for it by working you to the bone during your other studies. In fact, at this point, you're beginning to wonder if having to study Ylisse's code of law in-depth shouldn't count as torture. When done under Maribelle's supervision, it certainly feels that way.

Skill: Law raised to C
Skill: Politics raised to C-
Skill: History raised to C-
+1 action this turn

[X] Sword training (Ylissean royal style) (LOCKED)

You decide to make the most out of your last training sessions with your father. Now that your are back at full strength, you can finally engage in proper sparring, and while you get the distinct impression that Father is still holding back somewhat, you also get the feeling he now has to work up a sweat to fend you off, a fact that fills you with pride. He definitely feels pleased with your progress, at the very least. It also seems that your lessons together last longer, with him staying up with you while you recuperate; you guess you're not the only one fearing the upcoming separation. Those moments of the two of you sitting together, finding comfort in each other's presence, are something you know you'll carry on with you for the rest of your days.

"Excellent work today, Lucina, as always." he says to you one day, as both of you are simply sitting on a bench, with you trying to find your breath. "It seems I'll have to be careful, at this rate. Can you imagine what people would say if they saw their Exalt beaten up by his little girl during practice?"

You can't help but giggle at the suggested image. "I still have a long way to go, Father. And also, I'm not that little anymore." you finish with a fake pout, which earns you a great laugh from Chrom.

"That's true, isn't it? Gods, you're growing up so fast. You and Cynthia. As for your training... Heh, not that long a way to go, if I'm any judge. You really have improved tremendously."

You only answer with a shy nod, feeling his warm hand on your shoulder. This sensation that nothing bad can happen when he's around... It is something you wish would never end. As he watches you, his expression becomes sightly concerned.

"But I admit, sometimes I wonder... Why are you pushing yourself so hard? I know you enjoy learning to fight, but is it just that? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

[] How do you respond?

Skill: Ylissean royal style raised to C+

[X] Final lesson

Father is not the only one you wish to train with before the beginning of the campaign. Lon'qu also will be gone, and with him maybe the only master of Chon'sin swordsmanship of this country. So this might be your last chance to learn before you all go on your separate ways. With that in mind, you go find the Feroxi swordmaster, who only let out an approving grunt at your sight. Once again, the two of you settle in your usual training routine. While the lack of sparring is a bit annoying - the two of you have tried a few times, but the experience was just frustrating for both parties - you make progress nonetheless. It isn't easy to express the full range of motions the style possess with a straight blade, but Lon'qu seems pleased with your progress nonetheless.

His last lesson is about what he calls the "quick-draw sword technique". In his experience, a battle can often be won or lost the second the blade is drawn. By training yourself to make lightning quick attacks from an unassuming position, you can end a confrontation in one strike, if you're fast and precise enough. This training is rather fastidious, with the same movement repeated over and over and over, yet just as strenuous as your usual practice, if not more. Making the same muscles work again and again makes you rather stiff, and your hand is all sore when this is all over. Yet the end result is "adequate", in your teacher's words. Given his silent nature, you choose to take that as a noteworthy praise.

Skill: Chon'sin style raised to C-

[X] Wartime plans

You decide to take the tactician upon his offer to attend to the preliminary strategy meetings. By now, your presence in official reunions has become a familiar sight, and even earns you a few approving nods from the gathered nobles. Seeing the heir to the Exalted Throne so diligent in her duties is probably a reassuring sight for many. From there on, the discussions begin on the upcoming campaign, led by Robin under the supervision of your father. From what you can tell, the plan is pretty straightforward. A general offensive when spring comes, with the army crossing the Isen and splitting up in a two-prongued attack, a push through Dagmar's Valley to disrupt the enemies' reserves... All in all, the Grandmaster believes that reaching the Dragon's Table, where Validar is apparently holed in, should only take a couple of months. Yet you can't help but think there's something wrong with that picture... One of the senior noblemen - Themis, you believe his name to be - is the one to voice your uneasiness.

"Lord Robin, if I may ask a question?"

Your godsfather exchange a wary look with Chrom, before nodding.

"For several meetings, you have devised a general strategy that has our common approval. We have every reason to put our trust in your tactics. The reports concerning the enemy army are unanimous: we outnumber them greatly, their morale is poor and their organization deficient. Even without the support of Regna Ferox, the outcome of this war seems already written. Yet I can't help but notice your uneasiness. Is there something you're not telling us?"

The whole room seems to wait for the tactician's answer, as he considers his next words.

"No, everything you said is perfectly correct, lord Themis. I have no more information than you on the enemy's forces. By all account, this campaign can only end in Ylisse's complete victory. That's why I'm worried."
"I'm afraid I don't follow."
"Think about this." By now, Robin is drumming his fingers on the displayed map, clearly agitated. "Ylisse might have been weakened by the two last wars, but Plegia was mauled. Even the Valmese campaign didn't give them enough time to rebuild their army. The most generous estimations give them little more than eight thousand soldiers, when we can field twice that number and still protect our borders effectively. Most of the officers serving under Gangrel are dead, and have yet to be replaced, while their rank and file are for the most part green recruits when the core of our forces are veterans from Valm."

Everyone is nodding in assent to the Grandmaster's words. Those facts had been established early, and gave them every reason to believe in a positive outcome.

"Yet Validar deliberately provoked us. Even better, instead of attempting a surprise attack to try to get the better of us, he sends us a letter that could only lead to war, at a time where offensive actions are about to be restrained by the coming of winter, giving us ample time to muster and prepare our army. This... this is stupid. Even a third rate amateur could see that Plegia's position is untenable, and yet he seems intent on wasting what little advantage he could have hold."

A hand on his mouth, Robin couldn't help but shake his head.

"He must know something we don't. But for the love of Naga, I have no idea what it might be."

Lord Themis looked rather dubious.

"Are you sure you're not overthinking this? The man is a fanatic, I'm sure he believes his god will give him victory on a silver platter."

Strangely enough, those words made Robin stiffen, though you had no idea why. It is Chrom who eventually breaks the silence.

"Whatever the truth is, we have to act. And if your intuition is right, Robin, well it's a good thing we have you with us. You proved you could think on your feet rather well time and again, I'd say. The Shepherds will pick up the slack if needs be."

As usual, his smile seems enough to lift his friend's spirit, who manage to return a weak grin.

"Heh. You're giving me far too much credit, Chrom, as usual. It might really get you killed, one of these days."

Your father only answers with a laugh, as the atmosphere in the room brightens. And yet you can't help but wonder...

Skill: tactics raised to C-
Skill: logistics raised to C-
Skill: geography raised to D

Random event: for... great justice?

On the way to yet another sword training session, you hear a loud and familiar voice calling for you.


Sure enough, you find yourself facing Owain, closely followed by Cynthia. As you wait for them to come closer, you can't help but notice your cousin's grin, which you know too well. It usually spells trouble for you. Yet you can't help but be curious; exhausting as he might be, Owain is, at the very least, never boring.

"Once again, the winds of destiny call, and we must answer! Today a once in a lifetime opportunity is offered to you, Lucina, if you are bold enough to seize it!"
"Ah, so you want to ask me something?"

Your satisfaction at having correctly interpreted his words is contrasted by the way your words seem to have deflated him.

"Lucinaaaa! Did you really have to put it like that?"
"Um, sorry?"
"I told you, just tell her normally!"

Your cousin glowers at your sister's admonishment, before clearing his throat and straightening up once more.

"Ahem. Okay. Lucina! Me and Cynthia want to formally invite you to be a member of the Justice Cabal!"

There is only one word that can answer that.

"Awww come on! Sure, you're a bit stiff, but you're certainly heroic enough! I'm sure you'd make a great addition!"
"Yeah sis! Well, maybe we'll have to work on your sense of drama, but you're a natural, I just know it!"

You hold up a hand to ward off the oncoming tirades. This was definitely not something you expected this day.

"Okay, what IS that justice cabal you're talking about? Who's in it?"

Owain and Cynthia exchange a glance before your cousin answer.

"Well, me and Cynthia, obviously. We also have Gerome."
"Wait, Gerome? But how..."
"Oh, we wrote to him, he accepted. Right now, he's our official representative in Valm, tasked to bring Justice to the entire continent."

You're still trying to make sense of that information (wait, they wrote to him? Why did you never think of that?) when Cynthia continues.

"We also enrolled Morgan!"
"... How?"
"Well, we didn't exactly, you know, ask her. We just figured, Nah was rather like Robin, all serious and stuff, yes? So Morgan should be like Nowi when growing up! That'd make perfect sense! So of course she'll accept when we ask! We just... anticipated a bit."

The way she says that, it almost makes sense. Which you find worrying, because you're pretty sure it shouldn't. And they still haven't told what that 'cabal' was exactly.

"Anyway! What says you, Lucina?"

[] What do you tell Owain?
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Chapter 2-3: Family matters (winter 2622)
[X] [Chrom] ... I'm afraid. Not about the war. Well, yes, about that to, but that's a new fear. ...I've been afraid for a long time. Something's coming, something worse than than this war by far. I'll be alright though, fear can't control you if you don't let it. And most importantly I have Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside me.
[X] [Owain] "... Sure? Can't say I'm against the idea really, and I would rather like some excuse to spar more often. Maybe we could make it a regular habit for who's interested, Owain?"

[X] [Chrom] ... I'm afraid. Not about the war. Well, yes, about that to, but that's a new fear. ...I've been afraid for a long time. Something's coming, something worse than than this war by far. I'll be alright though, fear can't control you if you don't let it. And most importantly I have Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside me.

Your father listen in silence as you try to explain the feelings that you've been struggling with for quite some time now. Though you have to pause to find the right words several times, he doesn't interrupt, letting you go at your pace. Finally, as you conclude on a note of hope, echoing the mantra that keeps you going in dark days, he seems almost wistful.

"So that's why... You really have grown."

He stares at the sky, as if looking for answers here.

"I'd say there's no shame in being afraid, but you already know that. And I won't tell you not to worry, because I worry all the time. That's what we're supposed to do about those we love, after all. Or so your mother tells me."

This... actually comes as a surprise to you. Though maybe it shouldn't have? Of course he'd be worried! Yet in your eyes, your father always was this unflappable fighter, untouched by fear and doubt. Seeing him express his worries is strange... but a little comforting, too. Knowing that you're not the only one struggling... it's a selfish thought, but you're happy nonetheless.

"And yes, I've been told that things might become pretty bad for us in the future. It's all rather vague, though. I've kept quiet, no need to scare people off with ghost stories, am I right? I had hoped you wouldn't have to worry about that, but I should have known better."

His tone seems almost melancholic, but there's a smile on his face nonetheless. His arm finds his way around your shoulders, and you nuzzle against him, finding comfort in those moments of physical contact.

"You're going to be a great Exalt, Lucina. Far better than your bumbling oaf of a father, that's for sure." The words of protest that immediately come to you are cut short by a raised hand. "It's true. You know I never was supposed to become Exalt, right? I was happy simply leading the Shepherds, waving Falchion around and let Em' take care of the actual difficult bits. And then she died and I had to continue her work even though I never prepared for it, not really."

You can hear the sadness in his voice, always present when he speaks of your late aunt. You never knew her, but you think she must have been an amazing woman, given how everyone around you talk about her. You know her death still haunts him even to this day, though it never prevented him from speaking about her, as if he could preserve her memory with words.

"You're already readying yourself. And doing an admirable job at it. Just... don't burn yourself out, okay? At the very least, you can leave that war to your old man."

You can't help but giggle at that.

"You're not old!"
"I'm not? Ah, I suppose there's a few good years left in me. Speaking of which... Ready for another round, young lady?"

[X] [Owain] "... Sure? Can't say I'm against the idea really, and I would rather like some excuse to spar more often. Maybe we could make it a regular habit for who's interested, Owain?"

You're a bit hesitant. Owain and Cynthia can be quite a handful individually, and together they tend to be rather overwhelming. Still... despite being quite out your element, you have to admit, it is tempting. As you consider your answer, your eyes catch your sister's hopeful smile and bright eyes.

Damn it.

"... Sure? I suppose it could be a good idea?"

Maybe you'll regret it later, but right now, seeing Cynthia and Owain's faces lit up mean you can't feel bad about your decision. Though you still wonder what it is that this justice cabal do. Wait, one has to be trained to fight for justice, right? Does that mean...

"Maybe it would be an occasion to spar from time to time, for those who're willing?"

The remark is directly aimed at Owain, who blinks before displaying his usual confidence.

"Ahah! I knew that behind your aloof appearance beat the heart of a champion of Justice! But we can't call it a spar. It would be 'Heroic Avenger Training'."
"... Okay?"
"Oh, and Cynthia can participate by throwing random things at us from the air! It is well known that heroes are often struck by the sky, this should prove adequate preparation for that! I think. Hmm, and maybe... no, that won't work. Although..."

Your gaze move from him to your sister, who seems delighted at the prospect of performing aerial bombardment. You can't help but wonder if you didn't make a terrible mistake, after all.

Option unlocked: To be a Justice cabalist

[X] Two hearts beating as one

After so much time spent flying, your bond with Cu is stronger than ever, to the point where it's becoming quite rare to see one of you without the other. The sight of the Exalted Princess walking around outside the palace with a wyvern in tow has become quite common among the guards and servants, and the cooks had to learn how to fend off an overgrown lizard smelling a meal - though you did your best to prevent such incidents, and made sure to apologize profusely when they did happen. All in all, you barely stop short of taking her to your room - and it's only the lack of space that prevents you from doing just that, really.

You also make a point of formally introducing her to most of your entourage. Mother welcomes her as a member of the family - and it seems her gift with animals extend to wyverns, seeing how Cu quickly warm up to her, and Father, while a bit more cautious, still manage physical contact, his experience with Cherche and Minerva probably helping. Cynthia being already well-acquainted with your comapnion, that leaves most of your friends.

Owain is, as expected, enthusiastic, promptly declaring Cu an honorary member of the Justice Cabal. Among the others, Kjelle seems appreciative, while Laurent has his scientific interest picked by the sight of your wyvern, asking for the authorization to study her. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Yarne pretty much runs for the hills, and Noire barely fares better, clearly intimidated by the creature. Well, you suppose most children would be at least a bit scared by a small dragon. You wonder what Nah would say. Gods, you miss her. You miss all of them, really.

Skill: aerial combat raised to D-
Skill: ride (wyverns) raised to D+
Skill: animal care (wyverns) raised to C+
Option unlocked: Draconic Warfare

[X] Magical princess Lucina!

If there is one person who seems entirely undisturbed by the coming war, it's Henry. You'd have expected him to be a bit wary of the prospect of fighting his own countrymen, but he is as cheerful as ever, and, the few times you breach the subject with him, seems almost eager to be on the battlefield, something you can't help but find a bit disturbing. In fact, you can't help but think his usual laid back smile is replaced by a far more sinister one each time battle is mentioned, and his gaze seems to contain a dangerous glint that makes you shudder. Well, at least he's on your side?

Nonetheless, he keeps guiding you through your magical lessons, appraising your progress with his usual enthusiasm, though he is also brutally honest when it comes to point out a mistake - despite never losing his smile. You continue to learn about lightning magic at a fast pace, with you now being able to conjure decent electricity bolts with your tome, enough to severely stun an eventual opponent, should the need arise - and given the fact that your life was threatened, the need will probably arise sooner or later. Your progress with dark magic are a little slower; to be honest, you're not entirely comfortable with it, but you know this is something you cannot afford to ignore, given the nature of the enemy.

You're afraid your progress might be hampered by Henry's departure, though. The dark mage leaves you with a few notes for you to keep practising while he's away, but his writings are like the man himself: rather disorganized and hard to read. Nonetheless, this will have to do for the time being.

Skill: tomes raised to D+
Skill: lightning magic raised to D+
Skill: dark magic raised to D-
Skill: magical theory raised to C-
Option unlocked: Study Henry's notes

[X] Magic of the card

With your previous success and your new magical education, you feel ready to take a look at the card again. It is truly complicated magic, far above anything you're familiar with, and you can't help but wonder who created this, or if any mage alive could replicate the process. Fortunately, that is not what you need to do, all you need is a better understanding of it. The process takes hours of studies, but by the end of it, you feel more in-tune with the Einherjar. You managed to drastically improve...

[] The time needed to summon Marth. When it took you fifteen minutes of intense concentration before, you can now manage to do the same in less than one. If you work on it a bit more, you're sure you'll eventually be able to do it instantly.
[] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.
[] The spirit's materialization. Marth's presence is rather faint, only loosely tied to the material realm. While you don't think it'd impede on his reflexes and skills, you suspect that makes him considerably less durable than he ought to be. With those studies, this problem should be lessened. He might not regain the toughness of the Hero King straight away, but he won't be in danger of vanishing at the slightest injury.

[X] To be king

As your father prepares for his tour, you take the decision to accompany him. This is important, you feel, enough to spend the whole month it would take doing that. And it's also a good occasion to see Ylisse, instead of the now familiar capital city. The only thing you're unsure off is how you'll travel.

[] Ride alongside your father
[] Fly with Cu
[] Walk with the men
Chapter 2-4: A royal tour
[X] The time needed to summon Marth.
[X] Ride alongside your father

[X] The time needed to summon Marth.

For the next weeks, you focus on trying to summon the einherjar faster, thinking it to be handy should you find yourself in a pinch. Each summoning help you become more proficient at it, and by the end of winter, you are able to perform it under a minute, provided no outside distraction to interfere with your focus. This still is not quite fast enough for your taste, but you are sure practice will eventually make perfect. It was also a good way for you to learn more about magic, those constant exercises being good training alongside your learning of tomes.

During those moments, you also realize a peculiarity of the einherjar: he seems to have the utmost trouble to create long term memories. While he does recognize you upon summon, he seems mostly ignorant of the things you may have done or talked about together during the previous summons. It isn't really a problem, per see... But you can't help but find this disheartening, a reminder that this being, which while distinct from the real Hero King, seems nonetheless to possess consciousness and reasoning abilities, is simply left with memories of a past life that was never really his, while unable to create his own. You don't know if every einherjar would be like this, if this was done on purpose or is simply an unavoidable limitation of this kind of magic, or if you could ever do something about it. Still, this is definitely something that's bothering you.

Skill: magical theory raised to C
You now only need one minute to summon Marth

Option unlocked: Hero King Marth, I choose thee!
Option unlocked: Misty Memories

[X] Ride alongside your father

You end up choosing to ride to the side of your father for this tour of Ylisse. For the time being, being seen near him was probably the best image you could give, you figure. Though it's been a while since you mounted a horse -as opposed to more exotic mounts- you remember doing so when you were younger, not to mention you were used to pegasi. Those were essentially horses with wings, so there should be no trouble, right?

As it turns out, you are both right and wrong on that account. While you have no problem staying on your saddle and leading your horse - for the most part - it turns out there is a difference between a one hour ride through the sky and half a day of walking the road. It isn't long before you start to get uncomfortable, and by the end of the first day, you're left sore in a way that reminiscent of Frederick's training, minus the sensation of having worked for it. Despite that, you do your best to bear it with all the grace you can muster - though your father notice your discomfort, giving you a few tips along the way. It helps... but just a bit.

Nonetheless, you do not regret the time spent touring the various fiefs of Ylisse. The occasions to leave Ylisstol have been few and far between, and with the strategy meetings you attended to, you've become acutely aware that it is not all that there is to Ylisse. From the occidental marches under the rule of house Themis to the northern domains of house Maechen, your father rides to meet the nobles and gather the men, with most of the troops walking straight to Ylisstol while your father continues his tour, usually in the company of a few vassals and their personal escorts. And all this time, you stay at his side, silent but observant, watching him interact with nobles and soldiers alike. From what you can see, if many are often surprised by his natural friendliness and direct nature, it usually isn't long before they warm up to him, Chrom doing his utmost to remove the barrier that his title of Exalt could create.

You find yourself wondering if you would be able to do the same, earn loyalty through personal interactions and sheer charisma like he does. Should you even try to mimic it? You admire your father greatly, but do you have to follow his example in all things? That is something you will have to decide for yourself. And watching him exchange an accolade with an officer he fought side-by-side years ago, sharing drinks with men at arms, or relating anecdotes to a nobleman's heir about his father - to the great embarrassment of the later - it is easy to see how Chrom's personal style of leadership earned him the loyalty of his subjects.

As for you, you find yourself the subject of many glances and hushed conversations. Your presence clearly has been noticed, though most seem hesitant to approach you; you wonder if it because of your martial attire or the rather severe face you've shown during most of the ride, but you really can't help it on both accounts. You're not about to be caught defenseless again, even in the middle of an army, and as for your expression, well... Horse-riding is simply that uncomfortable. Nonetheless, though surprise is a recurrent emotion you feel directed your way, you can't help but think there's also approval and respect there.

Skill: riding (horses) raised to D-
Skill: politics raised to C
Skill: authority raised to C+
Skill: geography raised to C-

Random travel event

As the road takes you closer to the western borders, the column is treated to a worrying sight: columns of smoke rising from the horizon. It isn't long before scouts report that a party of bandits are currently raiding the village of Eresme up ahead and the farms around it. More worryingly, they seem to be several hundred strong, and well-equiped at that, from what the first reports say. Nonetheless, your father does not hesitate to form up the ranks and order the men to move forward. With four hundred knights, all from the various honour guard of the various noblemen around him, he is well-decided to stop this incursion at once. The three hundred men at arms currently accompanying the cortege are to stay put in their current location, as infantry would only slow their ride. He is also leaving a small contingent of his own personal guard, for your benefit you suspect.

[] Ask to accompany him
-[] You suspect your father might have objections. What do you tell him?
[] Stay behind and wait
-[] What will you do during that halt?

Sorry for the wait. The good news is, most of my notes have been written back!
Chapter 2-5: A taste of combat
[X] Stay behind and wait
-[X] Bandits are undisciplined and notoriously greedy. Tell the remaining soldiers (the men at arms) to be on the lookout for small group of the bandits sneaking around and trying to attack/steal supplies.
--[X] File in with the ranks of the men at arms, in such a way that you are not exposed to potential arrowfire.

Your first instinct is to ask to accompany your father, but you know he would never agree to that. Instead, maybe you can be useful by making sure everything goes smoothly while he's away. After all, that's kind of what you'll have to do in a few weeks anyway. When he tells twenty knights of his guard to stay with you, you don't protest, simply wishing him the best of luck. Though you're not particularly worried: if your father survived the wars against Plegia and Valm, a simple skirmish with bandits won't bring him down.

"Don't worry Lucina. This shouldn't take too long."

With those words, he and his escort are off. But you're determined to not remain entirely passive in his absence. What did uncle Robin tell you, again? Ah, yes, 'always be mindful of the enemy you cannot see, more than the one you can'. As you observe the forest that lies south of your position, you realize that it would be quite possible for a bandit group to have split from the main group and move under cover of the trees. Of course, usually, being attacked by bandits was not a big preoccupation in Ylisse, but given what was happening... Yes, better safe than sorry, definitely. Now, in those situation, what you should do is... Hm. Walking to one of the knight who seems to be the eldest at first sight, you ask.

"Would you happen to be the one in charge of the guards?"
"I am, my lady. How can I be of service?" If he's surprised by you speaking to him, he does an admirable job hiding it.
"Excuse me, I don't think I know your name."
"Lieutenant Kardin, princess."

You observe the grizzled veteran's face before nodding. He would do.

"We need to set up watch turns and patrols along the forest. A few bandits might escape the main force and attempt to raid our supplies."

Your gaze went to the baggage convoy. While everyone travelled rather lightly, Ylisse's nobility still had brought several items of worth with them, that could indeed attract a brigand's attention. The knight looks more skeptical, however.

"I'm not certain this really is necessary, my lady. The men could use a rest, and I doubt bandits would attack an armed column..."
You cut him short. "I'd rather not take any chance."

In other circumstances, you might have felt bad at interrupting your elders, but everything you learned about strategy tells you that these moments were your forces are separated are the ones when you are the most vulnerable, and with a war in progress, you have no intention of becoming complacent. His eyes met yours, and you can see his hesitation.

Charisma C+/Authority C+ (B+ with Princess of the People)/Mark of the Exalt = It will be done!

It leaves as soon as it appears, though, as he stands a little straighter, before turning to his men.

"Miles, Duncan, Feron! Take four men each and prepare for a reconnaissance in those woods. The rest of you, organize a perimeter. Come on, soldiers, move on!"

Soon enough, the small encampment is abuzz with activity, with you at the center of it, making sure that everything is running smoothly. Your presence earns you a few glances, but no-one questions your orders. You suppose that the sight of a ten year old ordering grown soldiers around could have been comical to some, but you were raised for this; you know what you're doing, and those you talk to can see that. That alone is enough for them to listen to you, despite your age.

For an hour, the road remains quiet, soldiers standing at the ready for a potential peril that might not exist. As you begin to allow yourself to believe that nothing might happen, after all, you see one patrol exiting the southern woods with haste, running back to the camp. As you go meet them, their leader delivers his report, breath short.

"Bandits in the woods, my lady. At least one hundred and fifty, probably more. As the scouts said, they seem well-equiped. They're moving straight toward us. They should reach us in a few minutes."

Beside you, the elder knight let out a curse, clearly distressed by the news. So you were right to be careful, then. Pushing back the sudden wave of anxiety that threatens to overwhelm you, you try to think of your options. Ylissean forces are probably more numerous than the enemy, but you're worried about their quality. Besides the twenty knights your father left, most of the men here are levies, with little in the way of training and equipment. Against regular bandits, it probably wouldn't be a problem, but such a major force, well-equiped, and so close to the borders? It was hard not to see the hand of Plegia here. In that case...

You have 200 spearmen, 100 bowmen and 20 knights with you.

Direct your forces...
[] To stay there, and prepare to receive the charge in the best possible conditions
[] To move south toward the woods, and engage the enemy there
[] To move west, up the road, trying to get closer from your father's forces, should they come back
[] To move east, down the road, preventing the bandits to push deeper into Ylisse should they choose to.
[] To move north, through the fields, to delay the battle by a few minutes and with luck to find a better defensive position

Where will you stand?
[] On horse
[] On foot

[] On the frontline, to support the soldiers during the first clash
[] At the rear, to keep a good view of the battle and direct troops where they're needed
[] With the reserves, to reinforce the line where there will be danger

Any specific strategy?
[] Write-in
Chapter 2-6: Prepare for battle
[X] To stay there, and prepare to receive the charge in the best possible conditions
[X] On foot
[X] At the rear, to keep a good view of the battle and direct troops where they're needed
[x] Use the baggage convoy as a barricade to break up any charges and stop spells
-[X] put the valuables and as many supplies as possible in 1 or 2 wagons at the center
[X] Arrange the majority of the spearmen and some wagons in a light arc around the center wagons. Leave the rest to guard the rear and/or shore up the front line.
[X]Have the archers stand behind the arc, facing the forest. Tell one to fire a single arrow towards the woods, and tell the rest to not fire again until bandits have reached that arrow.
[X] Defer to the knights' commander for how the mounted soldiers will place themselves.
[X] Tell the soldiers that they must hold the bandits here, or they will trap your father and his men in the city and go on to ravage the country. You will stand with them and fight for Ylisse and your Father.

As you look around you, you know you have little time for hesitation. "A bad plan is better than no plan at all", taught you Robin. Well, you still hope you may come up with something decent. You consider changing your position, before discarding the idea; it is probably too late to find a better ground, and the remaining time would be better employed to prepare your defenses. And though the current location doesn't offer much in terms of cover, you might be able to use what you have on hand. You take a deep breath, before starting issuing orders.

"We have little time. We need to use the wagons as a barricade to break their charge. Keep the valuables at the center of the convoy, use the rest to give us cover!"

Your words are enough to send the men into a frenzy. There is little time to offload the wagons, but a rudimentary barricade is quickly assembled, while the archers, under your instructions, mark their range. You can feel that having someone taking charge and projecting an impression of confidence is enough to calm the nerves of many young recruits, even if said confidence comes from a child - and is largely faked. Nonetheless, you know what is expected of you. As a princess of House Ylisse, you cannot simply issue orders from afar, you must provide them with inspiration. You don't know how your father would do it, but you intend to do your best nonetheless. Still atop your horse with your sword drawn, you address the men before you, a mask of determination on your face.

"Soldiers of Ylisse! We cannot allow those men to continue their advance in our lands, spreading death and terror among our people. Should we fail here, they will be free to threaten our friends and families with impunity, leaving only ruins behind. I do not intend to let that happen. I ask of you, stand with me and fight, for the Exalt and the Halidom!"

An approving clamour rises from the troops, and you can feel your own inner turmoil being washed away by their vote of confidence. As you prepare to continue directing the defensive preparations, you hear the voice of sir Kardin near you.

"Well said, princess. Your father would be proud."

As you turn toward him, you hesitate. Giving instructions to raw soldiers is one thing, but those are trained knights, some of them having taken part in Ylisse's previous campaign. In the end, you defer to their officer to choose their position.

"My lady, your father left us behind to ensure your safety. We will remain at your side."

You can't help but frown a little. You don't intend to fight on horseback, meaning they'll have to dismount too in order to fulfil their job. Moreover, you planned on following Robin's advices and stay back during the first stage of the battle to observe and direct reinforcements where they are needed - you even have located a small elevated position to get a better view on the field. That means they won't support the recruits right away. On the other hand, you suppose having them in reserve could come up handy depending on how the battle proceeds. Nonetheless, you can feel a wave of last minute anxiety threatening to overcome you. Are you making a mistake right now?

[] Continue as planned
[] Make a last minute adjustment (what?)

Sorry, a rather short update this time around.
Chapter 2-7: Battle on the western road
[X] Continue as planned

You push back against that sudden wave of anxiety. Now is not the time to doubt yourself. Nodding to the officer, you move away to take your position near the back lines in close proximity to the bowmen, with the dismounted knights keeping a tight formation around you. Before you, the barricade is almost finished, when the bandit's vanguard finally appears. You cannot help but notice that the rumours about the quality of their equipment seem to be true; from what you can see their weaponry seems plain, but you can recognize good iron when you see it, and many of them are sporting chainmails or boiled leathers. As you watch them gather you also realize their numbers seem closer to two hundred; your forces are still more numerous, but it's an unpleasant discovery nonetheless.

For a moment, the two forces simply observe each other. You can tell that seeing an armed convoy having already taken a defensive position is enough to make some of the enemies hesitate, before several barked orders make them rally - for now. From this distance, you cannot see who was the one in command, or even what he said, but you wouldn't be surprised if Plegia had put one of their own officers to direct this party - this was what they did during last war after all, and it proved to be quite effective, to Ylisse's dismay. As for you, you're surprised to find yourself utterly calm, only focused on the battle to come. Seeing the enemy before you is actually reassuring, in a way: you know what you have to do, and your tutors made sure to give you the means to do it. As you hear the bandit army cheering, in what probably was a prelude to their charge, there is no doubt in your heart, only determination.

Finally, the bandit force begins to move. There's no complicated maneuver or fancy tactics, you simply watch as the masses pick up speed in order to execute a frontal charge. Still, you notice their lines are somewhat dispersed, which would reduce the losses they'd suffer from your bowmen - and without cavalry, there's no easy way to exploit their loose formation before the melee starts in earnest. It doesn't matter. You watch as the enemy finally reaches the mark signaling your effective bow range, and give the order to fire, the sound of released bowstrings echoing all around you. It's not a perfectly executed volley, and the general precision leaves something to be desired, but a hundred archers firing at an enemy army are bound to hit something - and while the bandits are wearing decent armours, there is a distinctive lack of shields to protect them. Several arrows find their mark, and you can see a dozen enemy combatants falling to the ground - injured or dead, you couldn't tell.

The opposing archers make an attempt at returning fire, with close to fifty bandits pulling out their bows, but the wagons prove to be an effective cover, most of the arrows hitting the wood harmlessly. One lucky shot manages to hit a spearman in the neck, the first casualty on your side, but you force your gaze to remain on the enemy. Things complicate themselves when the bandits finally reach your lines. Your levies do their best to take advantage of their defensive positions and longer reach, spearing several assailants as soon as they come close, but the bandit axes prove to be rather effective at chopping wood, slowly grinding the cover to pieces and severing spear shafts all the same. It isn't long before the melee begins in earnest, blood being spilt from both sides, with your own archers having trouble finding targets, their lines of sight hampered by your own wooden barricade, and not relishing the prospect of firing into their own comrades. They finally opt to fire against the enemy bowmen, who are quick to return the favour.

As for you, you do your best to keep track of the ongoing battle. Tome in hand, you take aim at a bandit trying to climb above the wagons, stunning him with a lightning bolt, long enough for one of your men to run him through. Still, it is not easy to pick up targets in this chaos, and the enemy bowmen are outside your range. So far, you can tell your lines are holding, but several positions on the barricade are hard pressed. You also manage to catch a glimpse of several bandits attempting to turn around the wagons, probing for a weak spot in your lines. As you're about to order them stopped, you realize they are not your only problem: in the center, you finally see the enemy officer, whose breastplate and steel axe make stand out. As you watch him cut down two of your soldiers in quick succession, invigorating his men with his presence, you can't but fear for the morale of your troops. So far, they have performed admirably despite their losses, the sense of purpose you managed to instill them still pushing them forward, but that would last only so long.

A last unpleasant surprise befalls you when a strange shiver runs down your spine. You feel the presence of dark magic just before you hear a scream near your position. An archer is on the ground, his body shaken by spasms, and you can feel his life being drained out of him. This morbid scene is enough to give his nearby companions pause, shaken by a threat they cannot defend against. It isn't long before you notice a cloaked figure standing among the archer bandits, dark energy crackling around him. So the enemy has a dark mage, and from the looks of it, he was able to reach further than you could with his magic. An arrow threatens to hit him, but is batted away in a gust of wind. So he's a wind mage too. Great.

Your forces:
82 spearmen holding the center, 13 dead. Morale: steady, but decreasing (for Ylisse!, superior numbers, inferior quality, enemy officer threat)
30 spearmen holding the left flank, 0 dead. Morale: good (for Ylisse!, superior numbers, safe from missile fire, no losses)
25 spearmen holding the right flank, 5 dead. Morale: good (for Ylisse!, superior numbers, safe from missile fire)
40 spearmen in reserve, 0 dead. Morale: good (for Ylisse!, safe from missile fire, no losses)

94 bowmen, firing at enemy archers, 6 dead. Morale: wavering (for Ylisse!, under archer fire, targeted by dark magic)

20 dismounted knights, guarding Lucina, 0 dead. Morale: excellent (for Ylisse!, elite troops, no losses)

Enemy forces:
73 bandits charging the center, 12 dead. Enemy leader spotted among them.
38 bandits trying to turn your right flank, 7 dead.
16 bandits testing your left flank, 4 dead.

40 archers firing at your bowmen, 10 dead. Enemy mage spotted among them.

[] What will you do?
Last edited:
Chapter 2-8: The demon of Ylisse
Ties ties ties, ties everywhere!

If it is okay with you people, I am going to be the tie-breaker this time by picking the option I'd like to write more. And as luck has it, it's also the one that has the more favourable outcome for you, so that should help making my gross abuse of power more palatable. :oops:

[X] Split off half of the Knights to go around the left flank and take out the Dark Mage. He's the greatest danger on the battlefield right now.
-[X] After the Mage is dead, it's up to their judgement on where they can do the most damage from behind the enemy lines or to retreat if they're injured.
[X] Split off two more Knights to get all but a token force from the reserves to shore up the right flank
-[X] If the token reserves see anyone coming, they should flee to the left flank to get more troops to bring back with them
[X] We and the best three Knights at fighting off of their horses will hit the enemy commander in the melee in the center

You only take an instant before coming to a decision, turning toward the knight officer.

"Lieutenant Kardin! I need you to take out that mage before it's too late. The right flank also needs help, so we're going to have to split up your men."
"But then what about you, my lady?"

Even with his face concealed by his helmet, you can hear his anxiety. Still, you know you need to do your part, too. As your gaze fall upon the melee raging on at the center, eyes narrowed at the sight of yet another soldier falling to the enemy leader, the knight manages to guess your intent.

"Princess, this is too reckless! Your safety is paramount! Your father..."
"Is not here." you interrupt, still looking at the battle. "And I do not believe he would stand and do nothing as his countrymen dies."

For a moment, he just stands there, trying to come a decision, before letting out a resigned sight.

"At least keep a few of my men with you. We cannot completely forsake our duty."

You nod, unwilling to argue any more that particular point, and Kardin begins to order his men.

"Half of you, with me! You three, guard the princess with your lives! As for you, take the reserve force and relieve the right flank! Onward!"
"We end this battle now" you add, steel in your voice. "For Ylisse!"

The exclamation is echoed through twenty throats, giving you strength as you turn to join the battle in earnest.


Markus let out a triumphant roar as yet another Ylissean scum fell to his axe, making his two nearest companions take a step back. Now this was more like it! The last months had been really frustrating, to tell the truth. When he had joined Plegia's army, it had been with the hope of taking revenge against their hated neighbours. His parents had been killed by this accursed Crusade that ravaged Plegia for years, when the Naga worshipers came to burn down their village, and his brother died during the final stand of King Gangrel, leaving him with nothing but vengeance in his heart. Yet instead of finding himself joining the reborn army gathered by King Validar, he was put a the head of mere bandits and mercenaries down on their luck, with the expectation of making them into a reasonably effective fighting force. Dealing with those scums had been a daily frustration, not helped by the presence of that haughty Grimleal, whose superiors airs made Markus seethe with contempt. He prayed Grima as much as the next good Plegian, but those cultists could seriously be disturbing.

Nonetheless, after months of inaction, he was finally free to strike at Ylisse, and visit upon them the terror they brought to his country. The first raid against defenseless farmers had been cathartic enough, but now, fighting against their soldiers and slowly, but surely pushing them back, he did nt think this day could get any better. Parrying a hasty spear thrust, he neatly sliced its shaft, a savage grin forming on his face at the sight of the horrified expression of his opponent. He was young, Markus noted distractedly, probably no more than twenty summers. Possibly a farmer called under arms to fight for his lord. Unfortunately, he'd find no pity from the Plegian. That feeling had been beaten out of him long ago. As he moved to finish the Ylissean off, the Plegian officer momentarily stopped at an unusual sight amidst the chaos of the battlefield. Three knights were moving in to support the Ylissean forces, led by... a child?

Could it be... is that the royal brat? Blue hair, noble tunic, golden diadem... Grima be praised, it is!

This day kept getting better. The King had promised a wealthy reward to any who could bring him the head of one from the Exalted family, and here the heir of the accursed Exalt was willingly offering her own! Even better, she apparently was coming straight to him! The knights with her could be a problem, though. Fortunately it was an easily solved one, as he turned toward his nearest subordinates.

"You there! Take care of those knights. Don't let them through."

To tell the truth, he did not expect them to survive that long against what probably were Ylisse's elite guard, but they only needed to buy him time. It also meant they wouldn't be able to claim the princess's life for themselves - he'd be damned if he let one of those lowlife the glory of such an action. With a grunt, he shoved aside another attempt from a soldier to run him through. Now that their princess had joined the fray, the Ylisseans looked like they had found their second wind. How amusing. Well, he would put an end to that soon enough. Truly, if they put their faith in children playing soldiers, this war was as good as won.

His men met the knights head on, stalling their advance, and he prepared his axe, intent on slicing the girl in two as soon as she'd be within his reach. Then one of the mercenary in the melee, having just finished off his opponent, picked her as his next target, and Markus cursed his ill luck, knowing it was too late to order him to stop. Damn this undisciplined rabble! Yet things did not quite turn out as he expected - the girl ducked under the blow intended for her head, and before the man's swing was over, her sword flashed through the air, leaving him looking incredulously at his now cut open stomach, before slumping to the ground. The Ylissean princess was already moving toward Markus again, who couldn't help but hesitate. Watching her downing a grown soldier in one strike had been a sobering sight, and for the first time he wondered if killing her might actually be a challenge after all.

This was not the time for doubts, however, as the girl was nearly upon him, here eyes alight with determination. with a grunt, the Plegian soldier stepped in the meet her advance, swinging his weapon in a downward arc while taking care of not overcommitting, unwilling to repeat his subordinate's mistake. The edge of his axe was caught by her blade, and his eyes widened when his attempt at forcing his way through her guard was met with equal force. He could see her grit her teeth under the pressure of his weight, but her face remained a mask of determination, glaring at him directly without a trace of fear, the accursed brand of Naga shining in her eye.

The deadlock was broken when she pirouetted around his weapon, trying to slice him in one fluid motion. Markus was fast enough to avoid the worst of it, but couldn't prevent his left arm to suffer a small scratch as the point of her sword grazed him. This injury was insignificant - truth be told, he barely felt it - but to be hit by a kid in a duel was nothing short of humiliating. With a scream of rage, he launched himself at the Ylissean princess, raining down blows upon her. To his rising frustration, she managed to dance through them, though without finding the opportunity to counterattack. Fueled by anger, the Plegian kept up his assault, knowing that one god strike was all he needed to end this.

"Will you... stand... still!"

To his great surprise, she ended up complying. Instead of dodging, she once again opted for a parry, shoving his weapon aside with a strength that no kid should have. The sudden switch made him stumble, and suddenly he was on the defensive, her next blow sending him one step back. Their eyes crossed once again, and he felt a shiver running down his spine. There was no way a normal child would have such a glare. And what was up with those strikes? Each of his parries sent painful tremors through his arms, as the girl landed heavy blow after heavy blow. He was not familiar with the style, but the thought of being physically wear down by a ten-year old girl was mortifying. He was too slow to entirely avoid her follow-up thrust, only owing his life to his breastplate who deflected the blade. Even then, the force of the impact was enough to force him one step back.

She's a demon.

As absurd as it was, this thought was prominent in his mind. Was that why King Validar wanted her dead? It had to be! Trying to drown out his rising fear with rage, he attempted to strike her back before her next attack, putting every ounce of strength in his next swing. Too slow. Already she had dodged to a side, and this time, he had no time to raise his weapon up or step aside. Her next thrust caught him dead in the throat, and as Markus felt life leave him, all he could see was the Mark of the Exalt burning in her eye.


Drenched in sweat, you watch the enemy officer fall. For the first time in your life, you just killed a man - two men, in fact, as you remember the bandit who tried to block your path earlier. You had expected for it to feel wrong somehow, but right now, still high on adrenaline, you only feel satisfaction at having stopped their rampage. All around you, you see the bandit forces giving ground, disheartened by the spectacle of you slaying their leader, as Ylissean forces press forward once more, invigorated by your victory. Things take yet another turn for the better when you see your forces on the right wing crashing on the bandit flanks, the reinforcement you sent them apparently enough to defeat the enemy assault before turning the tables on them. Before long, the remaining bandits begin to flee, realizing the battle is lost.

Further ahead, you can see the knights dispatched to kill the mage are closing in on him, with their raised shields protecting them from the frantic fire the enemy bowmen are directing at them. The sorcerer, however, is not quite done. With horror, you see him seizes two of his own men, and you can feel him draining them of every ounce of their lives, before directing that accumulated power at the incoming knights. You can only watch helplessly as he turns two of them into dry husks, their armour unable to protect them against dark magic. But doesn't have tie to make a third attempt, however, as the next knight rams into him before running him through, while his comrades are cutting the archers down with ease. The later pretty much immediately begin to flee toward the cover of the forest, unable to withstand this confrontation, leaving Ylisse's forces victorious.

Battle results:
174 spearmen remaining (12 critically injured), 26 dead
91 bowmen remaining (2 critically injured), 9 dead
18 knights remaining, 2 dead

60 bandits killed, including both leaders, 50 too injured or unable to flee, the rest are running away

[] Pursue them. You have to make sure they do not threaten Ylissean lives ever again.
[] Leave them be. Your priority is to tend to the wounded and secure the prisoners you made.
Chapter 2-9: Separation (spring 2622)
[X] Leave them be. Your priority is to tend to the wounded and secure the prisoners you made.

You quell down your first impulse to begin a pursuit. There are injured soldiers in need of immediate attention, and with more than half their men dead or captured and their leader slain, you doubt those bandits would turn around before crossing the border. Given the circumstances, you think you have done well enough, and the victory cheers that resound all around the battlefield show that most of the men under your command agree. For the next hours, you help with the wounded while others round up the prisoners; the healing staff you carry, and the training from Libra are both invaluable in that task, and to your relief, it isn't long before the most critically injured men are out of immediate danger.

There is one last task that needs to be taken care off before you can allow yourself to rest, however: paying homage to the dead. A funeral pyre is erected for the fallen bandits - enemies or not, anyone deserves better than being left to rot on the grass - while simple graves are dug for the Ylissean soldiers who perished. Maybe their families will ask for them to be moved later, but for now, this is the best you can do. Only the bodies of the two dead knights are preserved, to be brought back to Ylisstol. Robin had warned you. One of the worst parts of war is to know that even when you are victorious, you are bound t suffer losses. And that a commander has to carry the burden of knowing he gave the orders that led to that outcome. And yet... as you watch the soldiers being laid out, as you pronounce the last rites for them, you think this is something you'll be able to carry.

Your father and his riders came back at dusk, after having easily defeated the outlaws standing against them. The scene they return to is far more shocking - in fact, the expression on your father's face could have been comical had the circumstances been different. As it stands, you're relieved he's back safe and sound, and that you no longer have to assume command here. As you let all the tension of the day bleed out, you let yourself collapse in his arms without a word, while one of the knights gives him a summary of the events after his departure. With each words, you can easily guess the emotions that are going through his mind: anxiety, frustration... and yet, pride. As you nestle yourself against his chest, you cannot help but smile. Today, you took your first step in protecting Ylisse.

Characteristic: endurance raised to C+
Characteristic: willpower raised to B
Skill: swords raised to B
Skill: staffs raised to C-
Skill: authority raised to B-
Skill: tactics raised to C

Trait upgraded: Princess of the People became Princess of the Halidom. The rumours of your actions are spreading through Ylisse, making you the subject of many conversations; despite your age, you have proven you were ready to do your duty for your country. The charisma bonus granted by the trait now also applies to Ylissean nobility.

By the time you return to Ylisstol, news of the battle have already reached the capital. It is no then no surprise when you find your mother and your sister waiting for you at the gates of the palace, and you quickly find yourself engulfed in two simultaneous embraces, that you return eagerly. You don't miss, however, the dark look that Mother sends in Father's direction. Seeing her angry is quite the rare sight, and you cannot help but commiserate with his nervous expression. Well, he's on his own for this one. You, however, have to deal with Owain, who loudly complains that stealing all the heroics fr yourself without sharing with your companions of the Cabal of Justice is against the rules, or something. You think the smug smile you give him doesn't help, and for a day, you're back to being the demonic princess fated to become his archenemy.

Noire and Severa are less dramatic. The former offers you a timid, but heartfelt "I'm glad you're safe" while the later gives an almost bored "oh, you're back. Been busy, from what I heard." You cannot help but smile at the display. It's only been a month, but it had been weird not having them around. Yarne also shows up to take some news. From what he tells you, Sir Frederick had been most displeased by the decision to not take him during this tour, and is now adamantly refusing t leave your father out of his sight, to the later's great despair. The last visit comes from Robin, who seems pretty curious to learn more about your skirmish. He listens to your narration, occasionally asking for details, before falling into silence. It is as if he played the battle through his head, visualizing the possible outcomes despite not having been here. Finally, he offers a single comment.

"Good job."

Well. The Grandmaster of Ylisse was never known to be generous with praises. You'll take that one with pleasure.


Unfortunately, the event you had been dreading is now coming. As the snow begins to melt with the coming of the spring, the osts of Ylisse are finally walking on Plegia's borders. And with them, of course, will stand the Shepherds. Aunt Lissa is the only one remaining behind, to rule in your father's stead, a prospect she doesn't seem too fond off. When he asked her playfully to not burn the Halidom down while he was away, she retorted that she would if he took too long to come back. You're almost sure it was a joke.

It is raining the day of their departure, which you can't help but find fitting. You stand with your friends, all gathered to say their goodbyes, and you cannot help but find this scene eerily familiar. Still, you have grown since last time, you know you can endure it, despite the knot in your throat and the irritation in your eyes. Even Cynthia, standing next to you, manages to hold back her tears, putting on a brave face when Mother hugs you both. And when your father puts a hand on your shoulder... okay, maybe you did sniff -once!- but that's because of the cold.

"Don't worry Lucina. We'll be back soon."

The absolute confidence of his words makes you feel a little better... you think. Still, watching him... watching them all leaving for battle while you have to stay behind... is hard. Soon, though. Soon you'll be old enough to follow. You and your comrades stay here standing in the rain for an hour, watching the column of soldiers leaving Ylisstol, before finally returning to the warmth of the palace's interior.

You all sleep together that night.


The palace is strangely empty these days, and it's hard to remain energetic in this eerie atmosphere. Still, you think getting back to training will take your mind out of your worries. And in fact, keeping yourself so busy that you don't see the time pass seems like a pretty decent plan right now.

[X] Sword training (basic) (LOCKED)
[X] History and customs of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Etiquette lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

The good news is, with many of your usual minders away, you have a bit more freedom than usual. The bad news is, with many of your tutors away, you're not quite how to use it.

Pick seven (7) actions. For each choice, you may also ask one of the present children to accompany you. They might refuse, or external circumstances might prevent them to attend, but there's a chance the one picked will be present, and might help and/or benefit from the chosen action.

[] Find a training partner: you're reaching a point where your progress could benefit from regularly sparring against someone close to your level. The only question is who to pick.
-[] Suggest a name

[] Study Henry's notes:
while your magical tutor is gone, he was kind enough to leave behind several notes he thought you could use. Only problem is... he's really not the best at organizing his thoughts on paper (and his penmanship is subpar too). You can tell this is going to be a challenge...

[] Help Lissa in her duties: you're not entirely sure, but you think your aunt is a bit nervous at the prospect of ruling the Halidom, even temporarily. Not that you would blame her, it does sound overwhelming. Still, maybe you can help?

[] Spend time in the library: you have learned the value of knowledge, but you know that there are still many things you don't know about the world. Hopefully the old volumes of the library would hold the answers you seek.
  • [] Any specific topic in mind? (no extra action)
[] Train with the pegasus knights novices: your training with Cu is going well. However, flying alone is poor preparation for the demands of aerial combat. Training alongside the pegasus knights recruits would certainly help with that, but your young age and unusual mount might disrupt unit cohesion.

[] Draconic warfare: you kind of forget, sometimes, but to the average person, Cu is rather scary. And given your recent combat experience, you can't help but wonder how things would have been different with her around. Still, flying is one thing, but fighting on her back is probably a rather tricky affair. Well, time to train, then.

[] To be a Justice cabalist: well, you're a member of the Justice Cabal now. You're... not quite sure what it means, though. Hopefully sparring with Owain, but that can't be it, right? Only one way to find out, you suppose.

[] Magic of the card: an einherjar isn't exactly easy to summon, as you found out. Still, practice makes perfect, and you're sure that by training your skill, you'll be able to call upon Marth more easily and for longer periods of time.
-[] Train the summon's duration
-[] Train the spirit's materialization

[] Hero King Marth, I choose thee!
: you have made tremendous progress on the time needed to summon the einherjar. Still, a minute might as well be an eternity in battle. If you want t call upon him no matter the situation, you have to do better.

[] Tales of Altea: you now have a spirit holding most of the Hero King memories as a potential conversation partner. Who knows what he might be able to teach you through his experiences?

[] Swordsman of legend: the idea comes to your mind like an evidence. Marth was renowned as perhaps the best swordsman of his time, able to slay the Shadow Dragon Medeus. The prospect of being able to train with a legend fills you with glee - though the current limitations of the card would make for rather short sessions.

[] Double down on your lessons: as the heir of the Exalted Throne, you have a duty to always do your best.
  • [] Sword training (Ylissean royal style)
  • [] History and customs of Ylisse
  • [] Etiquette lessons
  • [] State of the Realm studies
[] Write-in: thinking hard about it, maybe there's something else you could do?

[] Special - slack off:
with the many worries hanging above your head, suddenly your usual lessons don't seem that important anymore. Surely no-one would blame you for neglecting them for a while? (doesn't take a choice, but instead gives one extra choice for each lesson you pick with this option.)

Christmas update, yay! Just in time too, because I might not be there too often those next two days. Happy holidays!
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Chapter 2-10: Slow spring days (spring-summer 2622)
[X] Find a training partner
-[X] Severa and Kjelle
[X] Help Lissa in her duties
[X] Train with the pegasus knights novices
[X] Draconic warfare
[X] To be a Justice cabalist
[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Train the summon's duration
[X] Hero King Marth, I choose thee!
[X] Special - slack off:
-[X] Drop Etiquette lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Study Henry's notes

A tense birthday

Your eleventh birthday comes at a rather awkward time. You're once again in the company of your friends, but the departure of your parents is still fresh in every mind, and no-one is in a too festive mood, least of all you. Still, it is a good occasion for you all to share a moment together, finding comfort in each other's presence. For now... it will have to do. One of the positives, you think, is that you're beginning to not be so little anymore. With 5,1ft, you're even taller than average for your age... or so you're told.

Characteristic: strength raised to B
Characteristic: endurance raised to B-
Characteristic: intelligence raised to C+
Characteristic: charisma raised to B-

[X] History and customs of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Etiquette lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

Focusing on your usual lessons... is hard. Once again, you decide to skip your etiquette classes, and this time you do not have to fear Maribelle's disapproval. The lessons you DO attend to... are quite a step back from the usual teachings of the noblewoman. You do manage to learn a few things, but all in all, you cannot wait until those lessons are over. By that point, it was usually the moment you couldn't wait until your sword lessons started, but...

Skill: history raised to C-

[X] Sword training (basic) (LOCKED)

It feels weird to no longer have Father being the one teaching you swordplay, after those last years training with him. You can only hope that your lessons with Sir Johannes, the palace sword instructor, do go well. His first suggestion, to spar for a few minutes in order for him to evaluate your level, is reasonable enough, at least. By the end of it, you don't know who's the most embarrassed between you and him. As it turned out, the match turned out to be decidedly one-sided in your favour, and things got even more awkward when you politely suggested he didn't need to hold back against you. After this episode, your instructor is happy enough to simply direct you from a distance through physical exercises, and the two of you don't broach the subject of that spar anymore. The lessons keep you fit... But little else.


[X] Study Henry's notes

Feeling rather frustrated, you try to compensate with more intellectual pursuits, tackling on Henry's notes by yourself. As it turns out, this only adds to your annoyance. The dark mage might be one of the brightest of the continent, but as an author, he leaves a lot to be desired for. His scribbles are almost impossible to read, and what you manage to decipher is more often than not utterly unclear, leaving you pondering at the possible meanings of his sentences, or even if they have any meanings to begin with. Sometimes, you think you can grasp a general idea, but you can't ask your teacher for help, because he's gone in this stupid war with your parents and your teachers and magic is stupid and this is a complete waste of your time, Naga damn it all!

Luckily no-one is here to see your little temper tantrum directed at some piece of paper. Once you feel more calm, you try again in the coming weeks, but once again with little success.


Hint: this was an action who really could have benefited from the "bring a friend along" option.

[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Train the summon's duration
[X] Hero King Marth, I choose thee!

You decide that you might as well tackle something you know you'll make some progress on: the einherjar card. It's not like you had any teacher to help you with to begin with, anyway. You had made good progress on the time needed to summon Marth, but that alone wasn't enough, in your opinion. You spend hours daily experimenting, trying to find new ways to focus your magic into the card, in order to become able to perform an almost instantaneous summon, while keeping the Hero King grounded in the material world for a longer time. It is hard, almost obsessive work. You have nothing to guide you on besides your own self-taught experiences with the einherjar, and no-one to turn to for help. But at the very least you can feel you're making progress, which is more than what you could have said for a lot of things lately.

After several weeks, the Marth reflection is able to remain three hours a week, which is thrice what you could manage before. More importantly, you're now able to split up that time, no longer having to use it all in one go. As for the speed of your summoning, you are now able to do it with a few seconds of intense focus. All in all, you have reasons to be pleased by your progress. At this point, you suspect you must be one of the person to know the most about an einherjar's inner working, despite your relative inexperience with magic. You can't help but wonder on the eventual fate of that strange old man who gave that card to you... and of what could ever have happened t the ones that were stolen.

One day, your training session suffers from an unexpected interruption, however. As you just completed yet another summoning, you hear the door to your room open, giving way to a worried Cynthia. Drats. You could have sworn she was supposed to go flying at this hour.

"Lucy, I heard some noises, is every... Errr. Hello? Who's... this guy?"

Well, you suppose you may have shown the same lack of grace were you to find your sister in the company of a strange man in blue. Still, this is awkward.

[] What do you answer?

Skill: magical theory raised to C
Summon time of Marth is now of five seconds.
Summon duration is now of three hours/week
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