Hope will never die : a Fire Emblem Awakening quest

Chapter 1-22: Naga's prediction (winter 2621)
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you

[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.

After one last moment of hesitation, you decide to broach the subject.

"Um. Uncle Robin?"
"What is it?"
"I was wondering... How are Nah and Morgan doing?"

The seemingly innocent question is enough to make the tactician grow silent. By your side, you can feel Laurent straightening up; it's hard to tell with the light being reflected by his glasses, but you get the feeling he's curious about the answer as well. Still, Robin seems unsure on how to respond, and that simple fact is enough to scare you. Finally, you see his mask fall back into place, as he answer with a non-committal "They're fine".

Well, you're going to need a little more than that.

"It's just... I know there were reasons to send them away, but... We haven't seen them in two years. I'm just worried, I suppose... Is there any way I could help?"

You receive unexpected support from Laurent. "It is true that the lack of status update is somewhat concerning. Even if their location must be kept secret, wouldn't there be any way to meet them once in a while?"

His tone is calm, but you notice him adjusting his glasses, a sign that you know means he's nervous. Clearly he's aware this can be a sensitive topic. You're nonetheless grateful for the help. On his end, Robin glances at each of you, before letting out a defeated sigh.

"I suppose I should have seen this coming. I miscalculated a bit, it seems."

That last part seems more addressed to himself than to any of you. Nonetheless, he is quick to refocus, though his face has softened considerably. At the very least, he no longer seems on edge, which is something.

"I suppose I could try to organize something. Nah asked about you too, you know."

That is news to you, but a pleasant one, certainly. You can only hope you'll get to see the two young manakete soon...

Grima is beginning to take you seriously

[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you

Well. In this situation, you believe the direct approach is usually the best. The next time you see Yarne in a hallway, you change direction, walking straight toward him. This is enough to make him nervous, which tends to confirm your suspicions. Right now, he's looking like a cornered... well, a cornered rabbit, you suppose. Though you're pretty sure Lady Panne would have your skin if she heard you say that out loud.

"Lu... Lucina?"
"You've been following me."

There's no question in your sentence. Still, the young taguel tries to deny it at first... though he's not doing a very good job at that, you think.

"Who, me? No, of course not! I mean, no... well, not quite... maybe just a little... well, yeah, okay."

His defeated expression makes you a little self-conscious. He was the one following you around for no reason! Why do you feel like a bully now? You manage nonetheless to keep a stern expression, which seems enough for Yarne to spill everything.

"It's... it's not like I really wanted to, okay? I mean... Mom keeps telling me I have to tough it out, and Dad is constantly talking about our duty to the Exalt's family, and... I don't know. I heard Severa and Cynthia talk about the way you're always training, so I thought that maybe if I followed you a bit, I'd understand better... or something. I guess this was pretty dumb."

You blink, not quite sure you understand his explanation.

"Why didn't you just talk to me?"
"I don't know! I guess I was nervous... Eh, big surprise, right?"

He sighs, and his expression grows almost... dejected.

"I don't think that helped though. I swear, it seems like a bad joke. Dad keeps saying one day, it might be my duty to protect you, but you don't need protection, right? Not from someone like me, I think."

[] What do you answer?

[X] Attend some royal audience

You are now old enough to get a first taste of what ruling can mean. Right now, council meetings would probably be too much, but watching at the public audiences your parents often give should help, you think. Your father readily agrees to your request, and Robin offers no objection, which you take as an implicit sign of trust. He even suggests that having the heir to the throne attending might prove useful politically in the long run. Father seems annoyed by the calculus, but does not comment on it.

The audience room is a rather simple affair, all things considered. There's only a few guards to make sure everything remains peaceful - you hear Robin grumble about 'lax security' and 'potential assassins', but your father only laughs it off. Personally, you tend to think that with Frederick on one side of the room, Cordelia on the other, and Falchion at your father's waist, no assassin would ever stand a chance. Though you're reminded that from what you were told, one almost succeeded once, before you were born... As you take your seat a little behind your mother's, you do your best to dispel such thoughts.

Fortunately, nothing so dramatic happens. Instead, you watch as your father does his best to arbitrate between quarrels, or listen to his people's grievances. You've heard Maribelle complain about the inefficiency of such system, and she's not entirely wrong. But it is nonetheless an important symbol, put in place by Emmeryn, and that your father has faithfully kept in place. As he explained to you, it is important for a ruler to remain in touch with his people, and not simply delegate those duties to others. It's an often tedious task, he admits, but a necessary one. One cannot help his subjects without listening to them.

Skill : law raised to D
Skill : diplomacy raised to D
Option unlocked : Duties of the Crown

[X] Speaking to the Divine Dragon

When you return to Naga's shrine in Ylisstol, you can't help but think the place feels different somehow. Meeting Tiki had been a rather intense - if sometimes baffling - experience, and maybe it changed your perception of some things. Libra is eager to hear about your experience - though he already heard most of it from Noire - and is curious about your own impressions of it. It's been a long time since he spoke to the Voice himself, but it was a rather memorable event for him to meet the daughter of Naga in person. After a long exchange about your personal experience, both of you happily start to take care of maybe more mundane, but just as essential matters. The hosts of the shrine are in need of caring, after all.

Nonetheless, your time spent meditating is now quite different. Your conversation with Tiki confirmed that Naga was listening, and in fact did try to communicate with you. And though she told you not to worry too much about it, this is something you don't think you'll be able to simply put aside. While you don't expect dialoguing with Naga to be as easy as with the elder manakete, the mere possibility is enough to drive you to action. As you focus, it isn't long before you feel the now rather familiar presence at the edge of your consciousness. This time, you grasp upon that feeling, attempting to communicate. And after a while, your efforts are rewarded.

Such dedication... Remember that you are not alone, though.

As soon as a fleeting contact is established, your mind is going through a myriad of questions. Why you? What should you be watching out for? How can she help? How can you help? Are your friends involved somehow? Does it have anything to do with what Tharja said? Or with Robin's anxiety? For a moment, there is only silence, before you get the impression of a laugh going through your mind, not mocking, but pleased.

You are quite curious, are you not? Bold, too. Most of those who manage to hear me tend to prostrate themselves in respect.

The tone grows more serious, and you drink every word, even though they already seem to come from farther away.

This attitude will serve you well. For I fear the future will be a dark one. I can feel the Fell Dragon stirring.

You can feel your heart skipping a beat. Is she talking about Grima, the Plegian god? The one whose defeat resulted in the birth of Ylisse and the rise of the first Exalt? If that is true...

Do not despair, child. Grima has not awakened yet, and might never do so. But his servants are on the move,and I fear the devastation they might bring.

The voice is being fainter by the moment ; soon the conversation will end, you know it. Still Naga has enough time for a few last words.

Your father has done admirably so far. And should his task pass on to you, know that you have my trust. Farewell, child. We will speak again.

And with that, the conversation ends. In the coming days, you attempt to speak to Naga again, with no avail. Strangely enough, the revelation came with a small dose of comfort. While the task ahead seems daunting, having a name to put behind that growing threat is somewhat reassuring. Fighting a god seems impossible... but with the help of Naga, the first Exalt managed it, right? Surely your father will be able to do just as much. And if it comes to that, you're determined to do everything you can to help him.

Characteristic : willpower raised to B-
Skill : staffs raised to D+
Skill : theology raised to C+
Skill : cult of Naga raised to C+
Skill : first aid raised to C-
Skill : cult of Grima learned
Naga might talk to you in times of need

Note : the Naga's Shrine chain of action is completed for now. Lucina will still spend some free time there without requiring an action, and her first aid and staffs skills will slowly improve on their own.

[X] How to train your dragon

Your few weeks away in Chon'sin had the unfortunate side-effect to pause your training with Cu, and that disruption in her new daily schedule has left the wyvern nervous. Still, you pick it up where you left it, and very quickly, your companion grows more comfortable once again in your presence. In fact, her apparent pleasure at seeing you back is a rather positive sign, you think - and in truth, you missed her too. Though you quickly discover that she wasn't entirely alone during your absence : apparently, your sister took the habit of sneaking her food during your trip, and as such, seems to have entered Cu's good graces. While you're definitely grateful that she took care of Cu when you couldn't, if you didn't know better, you'd suspect Cynthia to want to steal your wyvern, but she's not like that... probably.

... Perhaps you should talk to mother about finding her a pegasus soon.

After a few more weeks of spending time together, you're feeling ready to take your first flight with her. Your mother comes along, to make sure that everything will go smoothly, and with her comes Cynthia, who wouldn't miss it for anything. As you walk to the courtyard, you can feel Cu's eagerness; it's been a long time since she didn't take flight. Putting a saddle on her requires a rather large amount of coaxing and bribery with food, but she eventually relents. After a last moment of hesitation when she feels your weight on her back, she stretches her wings, and the next instant, you're flying.

It is not your first experience in the air, of course. But taking your first ride with the one that will be your partner in the coming years is an exhilarating experience. Behind you, your mother and sister follow on Titania, but you barely pay attention, your heart beating with the rhythm of Cu's wings. For a fleeting moment, soaring through the skies of Ylisse, you no longer feel any fear toward the future; right here, right now, you feel like you're ready to take on the world. The wyvern's roar tells you the feeling is mutual.

Skill : riding (wyverns) raised to D-
Skill : animal care (wyverns) raised to C-
Option unlocked : Wings of freedom

Random event?

You are awakened in the middle of the night by a soft knock on your door. Half asleep, you manage to stumble to it and open only to find a rather sheepish Cynthia standing behind. She looks as tired as you are, rubbing her right eye while stifling a yawn.

"Sorry sis. I... I had a nightmare, I think. And my head hurts. Can I... can I sleep in your bed tonight? Just this once, I promise!"

Well, it's been a while since you've done that. Well, except that night before Chon'sin... Just watching your sister so uncertain is enough to make your heart melt, but perhaps giving in would be a disservice? Your mark in your left eye is burning.

[] Accept
[] Refuse
[] Write-in...
Last edited:
Chapter 1-23: A knife in the dark
[X] Write-in: Your father protects my father... But I always hear my dad telling him to act more like his friend. I don't want us to be bodyguard and Exalt. I want us to be what we are now: friends. Friends help each other get stronger and have fun together, and they can always talk to each other. I know you don't think you're as strong as me. But you told me the truth even though you were scared right? Bravery is doing things even though you're scared. You're way stronger than you think, Yarne. Let's get stronger as friends.
[X] Paranoia Intensifies
- [X] Take a walk of the premises to show Cynthia everything is okay.
- [X] Show her all the guards that protect her in her in her sleep.
--[X] If there are no guards (panic), get offended and see what is amiss.
- [X] Carry Cynthia while you do this. Maybe she'll nod off in your arms?
--[X] If she conks out, go to bed.

[X] Write-in: Your father protects my father... But I always hear my dad telling him to act more like his friend. I don't want us to be bodyguard and Exalt. I want us to be what we are now: friends. Friends help each other get stronger and have fun together, and they can always talk to each other. I know you don't think you're as strong as me. But you told me the truth even though you were scared right? Bravery is doing things even though you're scared. You're way stronger than you think, Yarne. Let's get stronger as friends.

Your answer comes almost immediately.

"You're wrong."
"What I need isn't a bodyguard, I think. What I need is a friend, like your father is to mine."

You've seen the both of them interact far too often to believe their relation to be a simple lord and bodyguard thing - despite Frederick's best protests to the contrary. From what you know, the two of them know each other from your father's youth, and have been companions for many years now. You don't know if you'll have a similar relation with Yarne, but it is something worth trying.

"You don't have to follow me from afar, you know. I'll help you. And I know you have trouble believing it, but I think you can help me too. That's what friends do, right?"

The young Taguel's expression reflects a large amount of incredulity... and a smidgen of hope. Nonetheless, he still seems pretty insecure. Fortunately, you have spent a lot of time with Severa, you're getting used to insecure companions... though Cordelia's daughter expresses it a whole different way.

"I get that you're scared." You're not quite sure of what, but it isn't something you should question, you think. You were – still are? - scared for a long time without even knowing why. "But you're still here, right? I think you have more courage than you may think."

Yarne seems taken aback by your supporting words, before scratching his neck, utterly embarrassed.

"Huh... Heh. That's... Umm, I guess Brady really was right about you."

What was that? How did Brady enter this conversation? Questions for later, maybe.

"Ah, nothing. But... you really believe that? I mean, it's nice that you seem to think so nicely of me, but..."
"No but. You really should give yourself more credit, Yarne."
"I... guess."

He still looks unsure, but you think he stands just a little straighter now... or maybe that's just a product of your imagination. At the very least, he no longer seems to be on the verge of bolting away, which is progress of some sort.

"Hm hm. Say, why don't you come with me on my next training session tomorrow? It might be fun!"
"Errr. Most people don't say training is 'fun'."
"Hmm, I suppose." Damn, he's right. Should you be worried about that? "Still, I think it'd be more enjoyable with a friend. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

There's an expectant pause between you two, before he finally answers.


Relation improved with Yarne.
Meeting him will be a more regular occurrence.

[X] Paranoia Intensifies
- [X] Take a walk of the premises to show Cynthia everything is okay.
- [X] Show her all the guards that protect her in her sleep.
--[X] If there are no guards (panic), get offended and see what is amiss.
- [X] Carry Cynthia while you do this. Maybe she'll nod off in your arms?
--[X] If she conks out, go to bed.

Stifling a yawn, you do your best to clear your head and focus a bit.

"You're a big girl now, Cynthia. Don't you think you should no be afraid of the dark by now?"
"I know! But... but..."

Your sister's face is the picture of distress, and in that instant, you know you won't be able to resist. After all, you never could. Still, you should really set a better example, you think.

"You know what? Let's go see Micah and Gerion" you suggest, talking about the two guards in charge of this palace wing's security. "I'm sure they'll have a story for us if we ask."

You hope that their familiar sight will be enough to reassure Cynthia a bit. Your sister nods timidly, and you can't help but smile at her meek attitude. It's time to play your role of Big Sister properly, you think. Kneeling in front of her, you invite her to hop on your back, which she does with obvious delight. As you take your first steps forward, you realize this might more difficult than anticipated.

"Hey, you're heavy!"

Well, okay, she is mostly right. Frederick made you carry heavier burdens during training. But she is also not that much smaller than you, which makes the whole experience cumbersome. Still, you soldier on, stumbling through the hallway while Cynthia holds you tight, laughing the whole way. You briefly fear the noise might wake up your parents, before realizing that this early in the night, they're more likely still awake, either in your father's study or in the library. Thus you are free to keep your slow, loud progression, enjoying this small moment of levity with your sister. You can only imagine that the two of you would be quite a curious sight, two girls in their nightgown, still half-asleep, one carrying the other on her back through Ylisstol palace.

You finally arrive to the door where the two palace guards are in faction, and you can't help but frown at the sight. Both of them are sitting on the ground, which you're pretty sure would earn them a scolding from Sir Frederick. You're about to call out to them when you freeze. You didn't notice it at first, but now that you're closer, it's unmistakable : both of them are laying in a pool of their own blood.

"Lucy, what is it?"
"Don't look!"

Your warning comes far too late. Cynthia makes a choked noise at the sight, her breathing starting to accelerate. You swear you can hear her heart beating faster, matching the rhythm of your own. Your first instinct is to hold her, drag her away from this horrible spectacle, when you realize the most important thing. Those two guards are dead. No alarm was given yet. And since most people would know that your parents would not be here at this hour, this means...

You react on pure instinct. In fact, you're almost certain you started to jump aside even before hearing the sharp whistle of the dagger sailing through the air. The projectile ends up grazing your cheek, while you and Cynthia tumble to the ground in a rather undignified manner. Eyes wide, breath short, you immediately get up, just in time to see a masked silhouette, only wearing black leather, dropping from the ceiling, short sword in hand. Without a word, the assassin breaks into a run, diving straight at you two...


[] Run through the stairs.
Getting to the lower level would make you closer from your parents, and probably from other guards... provided they weren't also killed. You'd be exposed to another thrown dagger in the back, though, and can you outrun your aggressor with Cynthia here?
[] Grab a sword. Your dagger and training sword are still in your room, leaving you nothing to defend yourself with. You might manage to retrieve a guard's arming sword, but you'll have little time to even draw it before the assassin is on you. And even then... do you have a chance against a trained killer?
[] Jump into the closest room. The door of your parents bedroom is just to your left. You might try to barricade yourself there with Cynthia, to gain a bit of time... That would leave you trapped, though, and you have no idea how long it will be possible to hold out.
[] Write-in...
Chapter 1-24: Dancing with death
[X] Grab a sword. Your dagger and training sword are still in your room, leaving you nothing to defend yourself with. You might manage to retrieve a guard's arming sword, but you'll have little time to even draw it before the assassin is on you. And even then... do you have a chance against a trained killer?
-[X] Doesn't matter if you can't get the scabbard off or not, your blows will just crush instead of cleave. Hell you could make it slip off mid-swing into him to make an opening for a nasty follow-up.

With only an instant to take a decision, you decide to trust your instincts, and dive for the nearest sword, hanging at Micah's belt. Every second is now an eternity to you ; you can feel the cold sweat running down your neck; you can see Cynthia's mouth opening, about to let out a scream; you can the assassin narrowing his – wait, her, now that you watch more closely – eyes at your move, her gaze going back and forth between you and Cynthia, and at that moment, you realize that your attempt at seizing the sword is leaving your sister defenceless. If she goes after her now...

She doesn't. With one twist of the ankle, she redirects her run right toward you, apparently having decided you to be the greater threat. As your hand closes on the sword's handle, you realize that taking the time to draw it is likely to get you killed; so with a strength born of desperation, you simply rip the scabbard from its belt, swinging the still sheathed sword at the assassin almost blindly, just as your sister let out a shrilling scream. The masked woman manages to stop her course just in time, avoiding the hasty strike, but she seems nonetheless surprised by the unexpected show of defiance.

"Cynthia, run!"

You don't have the time to make sure she follows your plea. With a desperate cry, you immediately charge forward, trying to strike as hard as you can, and overwhelm her defenses.

Swords B- vs Swords C (base B, surprised)
Ylissean royal style C+ vs Shadowblade style C- (base B-, surprised). Keeping the shadow at bay.

Your first strike is dodged. The second is blocked, and you can see the assassin's eyes widen under the strength of your strike, almost dropping her sword in surprise. She still manage to step out of the way at the last instant, but your follow-up thrust actually connects, as you drive the scabbard's end in the woman's stomach. The blow is more surprising than painful, especially after being softened by her leather armor, but it forces her to take a step back, giving you just enough breathing room to properly draw the blade. You can hear your heart racing, as you prepare for the next exchange. If you can manage such a hit one more time...

Dexterity B- vs Dexterity B. Blades dance in the dark.

The two swords clash again and again, your shouts only answered by complete silence from your opponent. She is fast... faster than you, in fact, if just so. Your only advantage is your small size, her short reach making it more difficult for her to react to your strikes. But she manage to dodge or parry every swing, each of you trying to create an opening to end this fight. Despite the critical situation, you are strangely calm; in fact, your opponent seems flustered by the trouble she's having fighting a kid, and that knowledge is enough to give you courage. Despite the fear that threatens to overwhelm you, despite your rage at seeing two people you knew dead, and your sister threatened, part of you have never felt more alive. Those two years of training are clearly paying off.

Unfortunately, there are some things that can only be taught by experience. And as the assassin reaches for something in her belt with her free hand, you learn one of those lessons : people don't always fight fair. Before you can react, a grey powder is thrown in your eyes. Pepper! For a moment, you're blind, trying desperately to see through the tears welling up. The sound of a blade swinging reaches your ears, and in desperation you stumble back, almost falling on your rear to avoid a strike you can't see. The sword only manages to nick your arm, inflicting a superficial cut, yet you can feel the wound burning. Before you can react, the attack is followed by a kick to your stomach, sending you flat on your back. To your horror, your sword escape your grasp, and already the assassin is lunging...

Strength C+ vs Strength C+. Death closes in.

You manage to grasp the arm holding the sword, keeping the blade within a few inches of your throat. Gritting your teeth, you do your best to push back, while with a soft grunt, your would-be killer is doing the opposite, once again giving signs of frustration at your continued resistance. Yet you quickly realize you're in a really bad spot. You are almost as strong as her, but she's taller and heavier, and in this situation, it's a pretty big advantage. She is also in a better position, putting down all her weight on a downward push, while you are struggling to hold the sword back. And despite your best efforts to block the pain, your right arm is still hurting. You can see your death looming closer and closer, when a small shape pushes the assassin out of the way.

Your eyes widen in horror. Apparently, your sister did not heed your advice and run. In an eerily familiar scene, you see a crying Cynthia throwing herself at your aggressor. Except this time, she is not charging your playful cousin, but a trained killer. You can almost feel your heart stopping. Your unarmed, untrained, little sister just charged an armed adult assassin. Though taken by surprise, it isn't long before the masked woman recover, easily slamming Cynthia against a wall before aiming her sword at her stomach, intending to remove the nuisance.


This time, it is your turn to charge blindly, without weapon or plan. You seize the arm before it can strike, and using the only tool at your disposition, you bite. You're rewarded with a muffled scream and the sound of a short sword dropping to the ground, before the assassin shakes you off, sending you sprawling to the floor with another kick. Still, in a last ditch effort you manage to take Cynthia with you in the fall, putting yourself between her and the killer. If you can hold only for a few more seconds, that might be enough for her to escape... Above you, the dark silhouette pulls out another dagger from her armor. You hurt all over; that last kick may have broken a rib, and you're having trouble feeling your right arm. Still, you send her a defiant glare, frantically trying to find a way to at least save your sister.

The sound of a metallic boot make everyone pause.

In the doorway stands Frederick, who only needs one instant to apprehend the situation. The next, he's already on the move, with a speed one wouldn't expect from someone so heavily armored. Without even bothering to draw a weapon, he sends your opponent flying with his shoulder, before stepping protectively in front of you. Only when your safety is assured does he take the time to take his weapon. To the assassin's credit, she immediately stands back up, and charge the knight without hesitation, her dagger aiming from the neck. Frederick simply bats the hand away with his armored forearm, before bringing down his axe, almost slicing the woman in two. Your hear the noise of the body hitting the ground, before silence falls on the scene once more.


Your sister is the first to break it, throwing yourself at you, pale as death, shaking, crying. You do your best to reassure her, but you are just as shaken as her by your recent brush with death. All you can do is hold her, trying to ignore your throbbing arm.

"I'm-I'm fine, Cynthia. I'm..."

You barely manage to choke back a sob, before Sir Frederick is in front of you, kneeling, his face showing more concern than you've ever seen him express.

"Miladies, are you alright?"

You can only nod weakly, as you see several other guards rushing in the hallway; they are visibly taken aback by the scene, before Frederick takes control of the situation.

"Don't just stand there! You, go fetch the Exalt immediately! The others, with me. I want this wing secured right now!"

You try to say something, but the words don't manage to come out. Your head... is spinning. So tired...

"My lady?!"

Frederick sounds concerned. You're not sure why.

"By the gods. Poison! Someone get Lady Lissa! Now!"

… Aunt Lissa? That would be nice... She has the best stories...As the world begins to grow dark, the only voice you manage to focus on is the one of your sister.

"Lucy? Sis! Stay with me! Please!"

You try to reassure her, to tell her it is okay, but you don't seem to be in control of your body anymore.

Darkness seizes you.


When you open your eyes again, you can see you're not in your bed. This is your parents room, you're slowly realizing. As you try to focus on your surrounding, you see your mother, sitting in a chair next to the bed while holding a sleeping Cynthia. On the couch is aunt Lissa, fast asleep too. And in the adjacent room, with its door still open, you can see your father talking with Robin, Frederick and Cordelia, a furious look on his face.

[] Call out to someone
[] Pretend to still be sleeping
[] Go back to sleep
Chapter 1-25: The morning after
[X] Pretend to still be sleeping

Only half opening your eyes, you do your best to pretend you're still asleep ; which isn't very difficult to do, given how tired you still are. Your mother doesn't notice the change, her attention on the conversation taking place in the other room.

"Chrom, you have to calm down."
"Darn it, Robin! They tried to kill my daughters! And you want me to calm down?!"

Your father sounds angry, more angry than you've ever seen him. You can see him walking back and forth, fists clenched. Somehow, you're pretty sure he will go to the training grounds at some point in the day... and that the palace will be short a few mannequins by the end of it. Perhaps there'll be another hole in the walls, too. Next to him, Robin is looking pale and tired, as he tries to make his case.

"I know the few items we retrieved on that assassin points to Plegia, but we can't be sure! For all we know, it's a ploy trying to drive a wedge between the two nations! Chrom, you have to think this through."

Frederick chooses the moment to take a step forward, face blank.

"My apologies. I should have tried to take her alive."

Father shakes his head, but Mother is the first to answer from across the room.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Frederick. You saved my daughters' lives."

You're surprised by the steel you can hear in her tone. While she expresses it less than Father, you can feel that she might be just as furious as him, which isn't something you're used to. Then again, today seems to be a first for many things. And thinking back about what happened... how the blade flashed toward Cynthia... Yes, it is easy to feel angry right now. Better than being scared.

"Be as it may, they never should have been in danger in the first place. And from what little I've heard and seen, if your eldest daughter had been a little less proficient with a sword, I would have been too late. No matter how you look at it, it is my failure."

Your father simply dismisses the argument with one hand gesture.

"Nonsense. You made it in time, in the end. And I seem to remember you training Lucina for quite some time now; clearly this seems to have paid out. Don't beat yourself over this, Frederick, please."

The knight doesn't quite seem convinced, but nonetheless let the matter drop, while Robin is turning to Cordelia.

"By the way, do we know if we lost more people?"
"Besides the two sentinels in the royal wing, we found a guard dead on the outer wall. The assassin seems to have climbed her way in."

Three deaths. You and Cynthia almost murdered. You have a hard time making sense of it, truly. Who could hate you enough to send an assassin after you? From your history studies, you know royal families are occasionally targetted by such attempts, but to experience it yourself... Nonetheless, you take pride in the fact you were able to protect yourself and Cynthia, if barely. Speaking of Cynthia, she chooses this moment to stir up, slowly opening her eyes.

"Hnnn. Where's..." She only takes a few seconds to wake, before her eyes begin to search for you. "Lucy! You're awake!"

Huh. Maybe you should have seen this coming; she always had been rather perceptive when it came to you in the past. Opening your eyes in full, you do your best to offer her a smile, as she leaves Mother's arms to hug you.


You suddenly find yourself at the center of the attention. Your mother is instantly at your bedside, quickly joined by your father, the others remaining at a respectful distance, with Frederick gently waking up aunt Lissa to check on you. You try to straighten up, but you find your body extremely sluggish, barely responding to your attempts at moving.

"Lucina, honey, how are you feeling?"
" 'm good."

Even your voice seems to slur a little, as you try to reassure your mother, before relaxing in her embrace, as her warmth pushes back the last remnants of fear from your mind. You feel your father's hand seizing yours, and you squeeze with what little strength you can muster.

"Frederick told me you did a great job at protecting your sister."

You can feel yourself slightly blushing at the compliment.

"She protected me too."

The image of her pushing the assassin aside flashes through your mind. And you can't help but wonder... if she hadn't woken yourself up, what would have happened then? Your mother is quick to cut your thoughts short, though.

"Then I'm blessed with the two bravest girls in the world. I'm very proud of you two."

Cynthia makes a content hum a that, while still clinging to you. A concerned expression on his face, Robin chooses this moment to intervene.

"Lucina, can you tell us anything more about what happened? Did that person say something? Did..."
"Oh no you don't!"

The strategist finds himself cut off by a disapproving Lissa, and has the good grace of looking embarrassed at her reprimand.

"All right, I know you're all worried, but you need to give her space. She's not in danger anymore, but her body is still fighting the toxin. She needs rest, not an interrogation!"

Your father is the first to react.

"Right. Clear the room, everyone, there will be time for questions later. Lucina, rest well. If you need anything, let us know."

[] Ask to talk to someone before you go back to sleep
-[] About what?
[] Begin your convalescence

Skill : unarmed combat raised to D-
Temporary status inflicted : convalescent. -1 action, and results from physical training decreased for the next six months.
Chapter 1-26: Back into the fray (spring 2621)
Sorry for the long delay, I went through the classic "lost the first half of the update, then procrastinated for a while" phase. Anyway, let's get this show back on the road, shall we?

[X] Ask to talk to someone before you go back to sleep
-[X] About who the assassin was after. You only ran across her by chance(?)

As everyone begin to clear the room, you can't help but ask the question that has been nagging you since you woke up. You suspect you know the answer, but you have to be sure...

"That assassin... who was she after?"

Your words are barely above a whisper, yet it is enough to make the whole assembly stop. Even in your weak state, you notice the worried glances the adults exchange with one another, trying to think of what to say. After a few instants, Cordelia is the one to step forward, a closed expression on her face.

"From what we've seen, the assassin was aware of our patrol schedule, and of the palace's layout. We can safely assume she was also aware your parents wouldn't be in the royal wing so early in the night. Her most probable target was you or Cynthia, possibly both."

A heavy silence falls upon the room; Lissa seems she want to protest, but choose to remain quiet. As for you, you have trouble to comprehend the information, despite having guessed the answer already. Someone had wanted to kill you. Someone had deliberately targetted your sister, who was in your totally unbiased opinion the sweetest girl in the world - if a bit of a pest sometimes. it was hard for you to make sense of it all, though you suspected being still weak from the poison and subsequent healing was also to blame for your difficulties to think straight. Cordelia notices your trouble, and her face soften, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

"Don't worry too much about it for now, okay? It is our job to protect you and find out what happened. You just focus on getting better."

You weakly nod, before falling back to sleep.


Your convalescence takes only a few weeks, but for you, that is a frustratingly long time. The only positive thing from these long days spent doing nothing is that this is the occasion for your friends to show up to visit you. Owain is uncharacteristically subdued during his visits - though from what you hear, he's already telling to everyone who would listen how you and Cynthia repelled an army of assassins for one hour before help got your way, so you think he's fine - and simply spends time with you. You also knows he kept company with Cynthia a lot these days, something you're definitely grateful for. Noire is one of the first to come, with Severa in tow; the former seems pretty shaken up by what happened, and you end up being the one comforting her for the most part, while the later does her best to play it cool, but the lack of real bite in her voice and the worried glances she sneaks your way tell a different story. Laurent simply comes to offer his get-well wishes, in his usual collected manner -which is a bit refreshing, you admit; having everyone to worry about you constantly is quickly getting old- and so does Brady, only rougher. Miriel's son also had the good idea of bringing you your board game, giving you a welcome distraction for the few hours of their visits. Yarne seems even more skittish than usual when he comes to see you, and you have to forcibly convince him that none of it was his fault, and that it was all right, really. Kjelle is the last to come, both to congratulate you - how very Kjelle - and to warn you that she fully intends of taking advantage of the lull in your training. It's fine, you can't help but retort. You needed to give her a handicap anyway. That impulsive display of bravado earns you a grin, which is quite rare coming from her.

Finally, Lissa decides you're well enough to get out of bed, but advise against overdoing it in the coming months. Your body is still weakened, and needs time to recuperate, not endure another of your self-imposed gruelling sessions. Oh, and apparently Frederick is prohibited to suggest any "recuperation regimen". On account of not knowing what "recuperation" actually entails, if your aunt is to be believed. Anyway, you are now able to return to your regular schedule, more or less.

[X] Sword training (Ylissean royal style) (LOCKED)
[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Diplomacy lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

-1 action this turn only, results of physical training reduced
Select 5 actions

[] Final lesson Back to training:
taking it easy is one thing, but surely a bit of sword training can't hurt, right? Plus, you made some good progress with Lon'qu these last months, you'd hate to see them go to waste!

[] Find a training partner: you're reaching a point where your progress could benefit from regularly sparring against someone close to your level. The only question is who to pick.
-[] Suggest a name

[] Checkmate:
if you can't train your body, you might as well train your mind. With rumours of war on the horizon, Robin's free time has been drastically cut out, but he's still willing to teach you, something you're grateful for.

[] Tomes of magic: magic certainly seems to play a larger role in your life as of late. You already know a bit about healing, but what about the other forms? Maybe you should look into it.

[] Spend time in the library : your first foray in Ylisstol's library had been a fascinating experience, and you suspect there is still a lot more you can learn from its tomes. Who knows how much knowledge you can still dig up from it?
  • [] Any specific topic in mind? (no extra action)

[] Duties of the crown: your father seems to have noticed your restlessness these days. Given the recent interest you took in public matters, he offers you to start attending some of his private councils. You are his heir, after all, and the sooner you learn what it means to rule, the better.

[] Spend time in the stables: between your mother and Cherche's lessons, you have become more eager to learn about the best ways to care about animals these last weeks. And what better way to learn than to spend time with them? Well, it would be pretty strenuous, probably.

[] Train with the pegasus knights novices: the pegasus knights are without a doubt the finest flying unit in the world. And you finally reached a level where both your mother and Cordelia think you might hang out sometimes with their greenest recruits. You'd still be at least four years younger than any trainee, but it might be a precious experience.

[] Spear lessons with Cordelia: your flying lessons went pretty well, but you admit, you'd be interested to learn more about the martial aspect of aerial combat, something Cynthia showed little taste for until now. But you get the feeling aunt Cordelia would be more than happy to help in this matter.

[] Wings of freedom: one of the major benefit of finally being out of bed is that you can visit Cu again. You may feel a bit weak still, but flying is more strenuous for your mount than for yourself to begin with. And after weeks spent lying around, soaring through the air is an appealing feeling to you.

[] Spirit of the Hero King: with Tiki's help, you're close to a breakthrough, you just know it. All you need is a little more time to unlock the einherjar secrets...

[] Double down on your lessons: studying is one thing, but things worth doing are worth doing well.
  • [] Sword training (Ylissean royal style)
  • [] History and customs of Ylisse
  • [] Etiquette lessons
  • [] State of the Realm studies
[] Spend time with the other children : you try to keep in touch with everyone still in Ylisstol, but your busy schedule often leaves you with less time than you'd like. Still, your friends are worth the effort, you think.
  • [] Owain
  • [] Severa
  • [] Kjelle
  • [] Brady
  • [] Yarne
  • [] Noire
  • [] Laurent
  • [] Cynthia

[] Write-in: thinking hard about it, maybe there's something else you could do?

[] Special - slack off: some of these lessons are... hard to bear. Surely no-one would mind if you were to take it easy on some of them? Or even miss them? (doesn't take a choice, but instead gives one extra choice or each lesson you pick with this option.)
Last edited:
Chapter 1-27: Calm before the storm (spring-summer 2621)
[X] Checkmate
[X] Tomes of magic
[X] Duties of the crown
[X] Wings of freedom
[X] Spirit of the Hero King

The atmosphere at the palace is noticeably heavier. More than once, you can hear guards and servants whispering about rumours of war; apparently, words of the assassination attempt got out, and most of Ylisstol is worried that the peace earned in Valm might turn out to be short-lived. You also cannot help but notice that the security around you and Cynthia had been noticeably reinforced; while you were given a good deal of autonomy before, nowadays it is rare for you to find yourself without a guard tailing you.

[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Diplomacy lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

This new mood is extended even in your lessons. Maribelle is... considerably mellower these days, and seems to be constantly watching you, as if fearing you might collapse at any moment's notice. It can be a little frustrating sometimes, but you think it would be ungrateful of you to complain about having so many people worried about you. Progressively, things begin to return to normal, as the fear brought by your close brush with death begins to fade. Still, you can clearly see that your teacher, like most of Ylisse, is still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nonetheless, your lessons continue at a satisfying rate, despite your relative weakness - Maribelle going as far as suggesting that you're much more manageable now that you're not about to run off to swing swords in the courtyard; this earns her a dark glare.

Skill : diplomacy raised to D+
Skill : politics raised to D
Skill : authority raised to D+
Skill : law raised to D+
Skill : etiquette raised to D+

[X] Sword training (Ylissean royal style) (LOCKED)

Your sword lessons are a lot more frustrating. Getting your father to agree to start them again was hard enough, but the first sessions are mortifying, plain and simple. Who would have thought that being bedridden a few weeks could have such an effect? You still feel rather weak, and you don't seem to be able to make your body move as it should. Your form is consistently atrocious, your strikes are far weaker than they ought to be, your reflexes are sluggish, and you're out of breath far too quickly. Your father does his best to comfort you, telling you that there's no rush and that you will get back to your previous level in no time, but for several weeks, this training is a constant exercise in frustration. Still, bit by bit, you can feel your previous strength returning.

No progress

[X] Checkmate

Well, if your body is still recuperating, you can settle with exercising your mind, you suppose. As soon as you are able, you are back to studying under Ylisse's grandmaster. Once again, you find yourself drilled with battle plans, logistical organisations and theoretical problems. But you're getting the hang of it, you think. Right now, you think you understand what leading an army entails, and what it means to be a commander rather than a warrior. It seems like a heavy duty, you think; by now, you have fully realized that while the core Shepherds had been blessed with almost no losses, Ylisse's victories still have been paid in blood. Willingly sending people to die, even in victory... That thought is discomforting. Good, says Robin. There isn't anything pleasant about leadership, he stresses; it simply is a duty. That, you think, is something you can understand.

Still, while you are relatively satisfied about your own progress, you can't help but feel worried about your teacher. He seems paler than usual, and bags have begun to appears under his eyes. You think he also lost a bit of weight. You can imagine that his work is taking a great deal out of him, especially given all the rumours floating around, but you can't help but wonder if there's something else. Nonetheless, seeing him like this is rather discomforting, especially since you feel like there's nothing you could possibly do to help. That feeling of being powerless is as always deeply unpleasant, and this time, no amount of sword training would be able to solve this, you fear.

Characteristic : intelligence raised to C-
Skill : tactics raised to D+
Skill : logistic raised to D+
Option unlocked: ???

[X] Duties of the crown

A royal council is quite different from the audiences you witnessed, and a lot less formal than what you imagined. Only a dozen persons are gathered; some you know, like Robin or Maribelle, others are harder to recognize, though the faces are often somewhat familiar. Mother makes a point to formally introduce you to the noblemen assisting your father in his rule, and if any of them is surprised to be in the company of one so young, they hide it remarkably well. All are unfailingly polite, and wish you a swift recovery. In turn, you put your social training to good use, playing your role of princess as well as you can. From Maribelle's slight glare, you can tell you didn't quite manage to meet her standards, but none of her interlocutors seemed to point out a social faux pas, so it was probably all good... you hoped.

The discussions on the daily matters of the realm are, you are ashamed to admit, not easy to follow for you. You suppose your lack of experience in those matters is showing. While you are not ignorant of those domains, technical discussions on legislation, taxation or administration remain hard to grasp. Still, you quickly realize many council meetings are centered upon the possibilities of a war, something which you suspect is a rather new development. The hope that these precautions will prove superfluous is still there, but everyone seems to tacitly acknowledge the possibility of a new conflict. Thinking of your parents departing again for the battlefield leaves you with a cold pit in your stomach, but you do your best to keep your composure. Still, that sense of foreboding is now stronger than ever.

Characteristic : charisma raised to C
Skill : law raised to C-
Skill : authority raised to C-
Skill : politics raised to D+
Option unlocked : To be king
Option unlocked : Wartime plans

A decade worth of experience!

Your tenth birthday quickly turned out to be a national affair. With troubles looming on the horizon, the Exalted Princess turning ten is a welcome distraction, and an occasion to celebrate for the Ylissean people, not to mention that a public appearance after the assassination attempt will be good for morale. You'd have preferred less fanfare, but you understand that those sort of duties come with your station. As such, you attend the official ceremony with all the good grace you can muster.

There is also a more private gathering, of course, which is far easier to enjoy. You also notice that some of the presents given by your family are more... practical than usual. Of particular note is a heal staff, offered by Libra, and, to your delight, an ornate steel sword ordered for you by your father. The contact with live steel reminds you of that night, but to your surprise, it's not an altogether unpleasant memory. You can recall the fear and the tension of the fight, but, now that you think about it...wasn't there something else?

Hm. Questions for later. For now, there is cake to be eaten.

Growing stronger, growing wiser: strength raised to B-, endurance raised to C, intelligence raised to C, charisma raised to C+
Notable possessions added: heal staff, steel sword

[X] Tomes of magic

The idea has been in your mind for quite some time now: would it be possible for you to learn magic? There was no reason you shouldn't, right? After all, Libra had taught you how to use healing staffs well enough. The more you think about it, the more willing to give it a try you are. However, you reckon that trying to learn on your own wouldn't be very efficient - and worse, it could be quite dangerous; stories about apprentices grasping more than they could chow and hurting themselves in the process are aplenty. Still, that leaves the question of who to pick. Uncle Robin would have been a suitable candidate, but given his busy schedule, you don't think he would have more time to give you. Still, that leaves a few options...

[] Miriel is renowned as a peerless researcher, having mastered the elements of fire, wind and lightning. Her theoretical knowledge is, as far as you know, unmatched in Ylisse. The main difficulty, you think, would probably to understand her lessons in the first place.
[] Lissa offers the advantage of being easy to reach. In the magic sphere, she might not command the same aura as the most renowned archmages, but she still has a good reputation with wind magic, and you probably could train your healing magic while you're at it.
[] Tharja is rather infamous, both in Ylisse and Plegia. A dark mage of tremendous power, mixing her art with powerful flame magic. There is no doubt a lot to learn from her... but the way you clashed last year would no doubt make for a strained relationship.
[] Henry is... odd. Still, he is an extremely competent wizard in his own right, having mastered dark and lightning magic. He also has the reputation of being extremely inventive, if unorthodox, with his craft.
[] Ricken is probably less naturally talented than the others. Still, his hard work saw him hailed as a master of wind and lightning magic. He is also known for putting more emphasis on martial abilities than the other mages.
Chapter 1-28: Teach me, professor Henry!
[X] Henry

[X] Tomes of magic

You think about your options long and hard, before deciding to ask Henry. You have prior experience in working with the eccentric Plegian, and while he's certainly unusual, you've come to respect his expertise on his craft. And you have to admit, the fact that he is a dark mage plays a large role in your decision. This kind of magic is usually barely studied in Ylisse, not quite outlawed, but certainly not well considered. Yet it is also a common tool for the worshippers of Grima, from what you've heard. With Naga's warning, and the assassin suspected from being Plegian, you feel like you need to learn more about it, if only to be able to defend yourself should the need arise.

When you finally manage to find Henry and make your request, he shows an unexpected degree of enthusiasm. The prospect of teaching his craft seems to delight him, and he almost drags you to your first lesson. You expected it to take place in the library, or maybe some kind of laboratory he would have established to himself, but you find yourself in the palace gardens instead. He would have brought you into the forests bordering Ylisstol, he says, but he doesn't think the guards would let you leave the place after what happened, not without a heavy escort, and that sounds like a drag to him.

Your first lesson is about the fundamental distinction between dark magic and the more classical schools. Most spells, he explains, are simply a way to shape the elements around you by applying your willpower to it. The mage serves as a medium to canalize the energy in the air, and giving it a new form, often with the help of tomes. However, dark magic directly relies on life force. It can be drawn from many sources, including the spellcaster itself, and is a lot more flexible in its effects. It is also a lot more dangerous - while a mishap with a normal spell would simply exhaust you mentally, dark magic accidents often involve dead bodies. The way he cheerfully states this is rather disturbing, really.

Nonetheless, after this "boring" introduction - his words - he decides to quickly get you to practical training, tossing you two tomes to practice with. In this, you realize, your lessons with Libra help immensely. Focusing on the world around is something you're somewhat used to by now, and with the lightning tome in your hands, you can visualise the air crackling with electricity. Following the instructions of your tutor, you gather those energies inside, before letting them out, using the spellbook as a conduct. The results are exhausting, more than you'd think, and for a rather lacklustre result. You're drenched in cold sweat, your head spinning, and you only managed to produce a few sparks. Gritting your teeth, you turn toward Henry, who apparently doesn't share your grim evaluation.

"Heeeey, that's not bad, not bad at all! Hi hi, this is going to be soooo fun..."

... well, as long as he approves... After a few more lessons spared toward the manipulation of lightning, he decides it's time to show you the ropes of dark magic. A simple repairing hex, to begin with, one that he apparently used to help your mother a while ago. It sounds simple enough, but when he states that it works by actually rewinding time, you can't help but wonder if maybe this isn't far too advanced for you. He shrug off your concerns, though, stating that working on small, inanimate objects is simple enough. For now, trying to fix a broken bowl should be a proper challenge. As for the energy source, you have several options.

[] Use your life energy: it's usually the easiest way. As long as you pace yourself, there'll be no lasting damage, it just can be a bit tiring. However, it is important to know your limits, lest you end up really harming yourself. Miriel once told him that apparently, many dark mages seemed to age prematurely, presumably after taxing themselves too many times.
[] Use a tree's life force: drawing power from nature is another possibility. While it doesn't pose much risks to the spellcaster, it's also a rather finite source of energy, in Henry's opinion. More often than not, the plants used end up dying, and performing great feats of dark magic using this method can have a considerable impact on the landscape. Why did you think many dark mages seem to live in desolate places, eh?
[] Use Henry's life force: oh well, you can use him too, he supposes. He's sure he will be fine. Many dark mages love this method, actually, though most of the time, the ones used aren't willing. One can draw a lot of power this way, though personally, he doesn't like it much. He only had animals around him for a long time, and why would he had hurt them?

Note: this vote will determine what will be Lucina's main method to cast dark magic. It doesn't mean the other ways will be closed to her, but it will determine which one will be the most potent.

Bracing yourself, you cast the spell. The feeling is very different than with lightning, more tumultuous, more malleable. With the proper knowledge, mindset and power, the numbers of effects one could obtain would be almost limitless! Right now, though, you're clearly not quite there yet. Only a few pieces of the bowl put themselves back together, and even that doesn't last long before they shatter again. Still, Henry seems pretty happy with your progress. For a first time, it was rather good, he thinks. He's sure you'll be an amazing dark mage in no time, if you apply yourself! You're not quite sure how you like the sound of that, but still, a tool is a tool, and magic could be an effective one. The Plegian mage suggests you spend some of your free time exercising, though it is your choice which kind of magic you want to focus on to begin with.

[] Put more efforts in Lightning magic
[] Put more efforts in Dark magic

Skill: magical theory raised to D+
Skill: tomes learned
Skill: lightning magic learned
Skill: dark magic learned
Chapter 1-29: The first summon (summer 2621)
[X] Use a tree's life force
[X] Put more efforts in Lightning magic

Your first foray into dark magic is made by drawing energy from the nearest tree. It is a fragile life force, you realize, easily extinguished, should you draw too much from it. Fortunately, your first exercise isn't that draining, and you're being pretty careful to begin with - Henry's warning that drawing too much power at once can have some 'funny' effects isn't exactly reassuring - but still, it's a strange experience, both frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

Still, for the time being, you decide to focus on a more classical approach. Henry gives you the old lightning tome for you to practice with, and this type of magic has the advantage of not getting the gardeners after you... except for that time where you accidentally fry a bush, but that was hardly your fault! Cynthia should have known better than to surprise you anyway. All in all, you're making quick progress, helped by your already solid knowledge of magical theory and your prior usages of healing magic.

Skill: tomes raised to D-
Skill: lightning magic raised to D-
Used lightning tome acquired
Option unlocked: magical princess Lucina!

[X] Wings of Freedom

As soon as Lissa gives her approval, you decides to take Cu for a flight. After those long weeks of convalescence, this is something both you and her definitely missed - and once again, you find yourself grateful to Cynthia for taking care of her when you couldn't. Still, you hope Mother gives your sister her own pegasus soon. Just to be sure. Shaking those rather petty thoughts, you prompt your wyvern to take off. As always, this has a rather therapeutic effect on you; for a few minutes, your worries are temporarily forgotten - even if the sight of two pegasus knights following from afar are a constant reminder that things have somewhat changed. Those flight sessions continue through the summer, and you find yourself more and more in sync with Cu. At this point, guiding her through the sky has almost become instinctive, while she in turn seems to anticipate your commands. You're still a rather clumsy flyer, compared to your sister, but you're getting more at ease in the sky, and know that Cu has your back.

Skill: riding (wyverns) raised to D
Skill: animal care (wyverns) raised to C
Option unlocked: Two hearts beating as one
Option modified: Train with the pegasus knight novices will now involve you using Cu

[X] Spirit of the Hero King

You decide it is time to pick back up your study of the einherjar card where you left it. Since last time, you learned a lot, both about magic and the nature of the card you had in your possessions, so you have reasons to feel confident. Remembering Tiki's counsels, and recalling the state of mind she helped you reach, you begin to focus. This time, everything seems to come to you so much easier! In a way, the card acts like a tome, helping you to canalize the magic in the air, only at a larger scale, but for a more specific task. After an hour of carefully gathering your willpower, you finally make your attempt. As you begin the summoning, the card in your hand begins to shine, and somehow, the words come to you almost instinctively.

"Ruler of ancient Altea, true lord of the Seven Realms, heed my prayer."

The light intensifies, and a strange wind seems to blow all around you, despite being in a closed room. The amount of energy gathered is like nothing you ever experienced, and simply keeping it focused proves to be a considerable challenge. At this point, the whole room is bathed in an eldritch blue light, giving it an almost supernatural aspect.

"Through the boundaries of time, I, Lucina of Ylisse, summon thee, Marth the Hero King! Come forth and grant us your guidance!"

A bright flash blinds you,and you can't help but fall backward, exhausted. When you open your eyes, you see a tall figure standing above you in the dimming blue light.

"I, Marth of Altea, has answered the call. How may I be of service, milady?"

Eyes wide, you take in the sight before you. An unfamiliar face with familiar blue hair, an armoured blue tunic, a red and blue cape, and a sword that, despite the different guard, you know to be Falchion... There is no doubt about it. Before you stands the king of legend, the man you read so much about. Or, more accurately, his reflection, as the almost ethereal quality of his body reveals his true nature. This is... a bit overwhelming, you admit. You were so focused on getting the card to work that you didn't really think about what you should do next! No. This isn't the time to panic. You have resolved to see this through, after all.

"I... will need your help. I fear something terrible will happen soon, and I don't know if I can stop it. But with... for you it should possible, right?"

The king of old kneels to get to your height, with a serious, yet kind expression on his face.

"I cannot carry this burden for you, I'm afraid. However, if you seek my help, you will have it. The day I'll turn my back on one in need has not yet come."

Those words, coming from him, are enough to fill you with hope. Marth might not really be here, but knowing a piece of his spirit is ready to stand by your side is enough to steady your resolve. No matter what challenges awaits you, you'll be ready to meet them.

You now may use Marth's einherjar card. Right now, summoning Marth will take fifteen minutes of concentration, and the einherjar will remain for one hour, or until slain or dismissed. The duration can be increased with further practice, and the time needed to call him shortened. Once used, the card will take one week before having enough power to be utilized again.

Option unlocked: Magic of the card
Option unlocked: Tales of Altea
Option unlocked: Swordsman of legend

Fixed event: Shattered peace

Everything changes in the last days of summer.

As you were simply walking around in the palace's hallways, pondering on what to do next, your path crosses the one of a man wearing the uniform of Ylisse's couriers, almost rushing toward the council chambers, where you know your father currently is. His dusty clothes tell you he barely got here, and whatever his message is, it is deemed urgent enough to not allow himself the luxury of cleaning up. In his fist, you barely have time t notice a scroll, bearing a symbol that you eventually recognize as the one used by the Grimleal. That realization is enough for you to shudder; what little you know about that cult is scary enough, and with Naga's warning fresh in your mind... Already, the messenger is almost out of sight, leaving you with few options.

[] Follow him, in the hopes of listening to the news he bears
[] Let him go. If it's important, you'll probably be told soon enough
Chapter 1-30: Shattered peace
[X] Follow him, in the hopes of listening to the news he bears

Not for the first time, your curiosity ends up overriding other considerations. Sprinting behind the man, who's far too focused on his task to notice the ten year old girl tailing him - you follow him to your father's council, where he barely takes time to speak to the two sentinels outside before barging in, something that almost triggers a violent reaction from a startled Frederick. All eyes are fixed on the newcomer, giving you ample opportunity to take a position outside the door, only noticed by one of the two guards who seem unsure of what to do - it's not like you can't be there, technically, and right now he has other things in mind than to announce you.

"Your grace! I bring words from Plegia. King Validar tasked me to give this message directly to you."

Sir Frederick instantly tenses, as if suspecting some kind of foul play, and you see Robin narrow his eyes toward the parchment, as if looking for something. However, before any of them could object, Father already grabs the missive, breaks the seal and starts reading in silence, everyone around the table waiting for him to speak up. From where you are, you only have a partial view of his face, but you can see his eyes alight in anger with every word, his jaw tightening a bit more with every line.

You can count the number of times you saw him angry, truly angry, on one hand. The rare occasions where he spoke of the Mad King. The day - you barely remember that one - where he learned that a Valmese party had ravaged a coastal village, kicking off several more years of war. And of course, him after the assassination attempt against you and Cynthia. Somehow, you just know he is as furious right now than he was back then. And you're pretty sure everyone around the table came to that same realisation, yet no-one dares break the heavy silence of the room. Finally, Chrom reads aloud, his flat tone barely restraining his fury.

" 'To the glorious Exalt of Ylisse,

I hope this message finds you in good health. When your first messenger came to my court, I realized I had to give you an answer as fast as possible, for your peace of mind is of great importance to me. Some might have found your missive insulting, resenting the insinuation that they might have anything to do with an attempted assassination on the royal princesses of Ylisse. However, I value frankness, as you do, and see no reason to take offense from such a minor breach of etiquette.

Let me ease your mind then, and know that I did indeed send one of my loyal servants to kill princesses Lucina and Cynthia of house Ylisse. Rest assured, though, that the order was given with only the best intentions in mind. It was my intent to spare these two young girls the horrors the world has to offer. What kind of monster would I be if I were to let them watch as their precious country burns to ashes when Plegia will march on Ylisse to claim their just revenge? How could I justify letting them see the corpses of their gutted cousin and dismembered aunt when our soldiers will invade your palace to eradicate the hated line of Naga once and for all? And to know that those two innocent souls might witness my men having their way with the consort-queen before she be dragged to her lawful execution feels me with sadness.

Do not worry, though. I will make sure my next attempt will go a little smoother; it won't be said that I am the kind of man to leave a task unfinished, after all. I hope this message quelled your fears, and bid you good health and fortune... for now.

King Validar of House Plegia, high priest of Holy Grima.'

The faces around the room went pale. You're just as shocked as they are, torn between incredulity and anger. This Validar tried to get you and Cynthia killed. And he's planning to... Your thoughts are momentarily cut short by your father's gaze falling on you, finally noticing your presence. A flash of regret goes through his eyes - you guess he probably wouldn't have read that out loud if he knew you were listening, but in a way you're glad he did. Remaining in the dark would have been worse, you think. Finally, Father glances back at his council, doing his best to keep a calm expression.

"Very well. War it is."
An ominous laugh seems to echo through the room...

End of chapter 1 - A land at peace

No vote this time, but the text chapter (and turn) is soon to come.

Anyway, now that this quest has been going on for a while, I wanted to ask for general feedback on what you think could been improved, or even what you believe didn't work very well. Is there something in particular you'd wish for in the updates to come? I can't guarantee I'll try to incorporate every suggestions (I can be a stubborn old mule, after all), but I'm nonetheless curious.

Nonetheless, new update tomorrow, I think.
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Chapter 2-1: March to war (autumn 2621)
Chapter 2 - Shadow of a Dark God

A dark mood floats over Ylisstol these days. It's been a week now since a state of war was declared between the kingdoms of Ylisse and Plegia. Right now, the fighting has yet to begin. The Ylissean forces are slowly gathering, but from what you heard, the army will only depart once winter have come and gone. All around you, you see somber faces, no doubt grappling with dark thoughts. Cynthia is especially skittish these days, for reasons you understand all too well. The prospect of seeing your parents leaving for war again terrifies you, if you were honest with yourself. It also doesn't help that you're constantly on the look-out for assassins, the threats against you and your sister still fresh in your mind. Rare are the days that see you walk around without your sword at your side, and your magic tome is never out of reach if you can help it. "A perfect wartime princess", joked a soldier in the hallways. The gaze you sent his way held no humour, though. If that was what you needed to be, then so be it.

You barely see most Shepherds these days. Unsurprisingly, the preparations for the upcoming campaign tended to keep them rather busy. You're actually pleasantly surprised that your usual teachers still have time for you; perhaps a side-effect of the fact that your life was directly threatened. While a few of them will remain behind - you know Lissa is to stay in Ylisstol to rule in Chrom's place, and Stahl at least will also remain to command the city's defenses - most of them will leave soon enough, without knowing when they'll come back. The last war against Valm lasted two long years, and the one against Plegia before that was almost as long. There are reasons to hope for a shorter conflict this time, from what you've heard, but the future is nonetheless uncertain. It is in that tense context that you try to find out a semblance of normalcy, even though you know circumstances are far from normal.

[X] Sword training (Ylissean royal style) (LOCKED)
[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Diplomacy lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)

This heavy atmosphere has an unintended effect. You notice that most of your friends are now more eager to seek each other's company, as a way to mutually reassure themselves.

Pick six (6) actions. For each choice, you may also ask one of the present children to accompany you. They might refuse, or external circumstances might prevent them to attend, but there's a chance the one picked will be present, and might help and/or benefit from the chosen action.

[] Final lesson: with Lon'qu imminent departure, this is probably your last chance to practice Chon'sin style before long. The Feroxi swordmaster warned you, though: he intends to work you to the bone before he leaves. You'd expect nothing less.

[] Find a training partner: you're reaching a point where your progress could benefit from regularly sparring against someone close to your level. The only question is who to pick.
-[] Suggest a name

[] Wartime plans:
Robin is busier than most, these days, and had to inform you that he wouldn't be able to start back your lessons. However, if you're interested, you can attend the strategy sessions he has planned with the Ylissean commanders. You now know enough about warfare to get the gist of it, and seeing real planning could be a good experience for you.

[] To be king: your father is about to tour Ylisse in order to gather and review his forces, and he suggested you come with him. While it is probably not what he had in mind, his council agreed that it could be a good propaganda opportunity. However, your father insists that you should not let them pressure you and do what you think is best. (special: counts as two actions)

[] Magical princess Lucina!: you're getting the hang of using a tome, but you still have much to learn. Fortunately, Henry makes for an enthusiastic, if peculiar teacher. Time to continue your discovery of the world of magic!

[] Spend time in the library: you have learned the value of knowledge, but you know that there are still many things you don't know about the world. Hopefully the old volumes of the library would hold the answers you seek.
  • [] Any specific topic in mind? (no extra action)
[] Spend time in the stables: the palace's stables are currently full, with every war mounts being gathered. However, it seems that they are lacking hands to help taking care of them. While horses are not your specialty, you know a bit, and you're sure you'd be able to pick up the slack in no time.

[] Train with the pegasus knights novices: your training with Cu is going well. However, flying alone is poor preparation for the demands of aerial combat. Training alongside the pegasus knights recruits would certainly help with that, but your young age and unusual mount might disrupt unit cohesion.

[] Spear lessons with Cordelia: your flying lessons went pretty well, but you admit, you'd be interested to learn more about the martial aspect of aerial combat, something Cynthia showed little taste for until now. But you get the feeling aunt Cordelia would be more than happy to help in this matter.

[] Two hearts beating as one: the bound between a mount and her rider is something precious, the tales from Mother and aunt Cordelia stressed that point well enough. Cu is not simply a riding beast, it is a lifelong companion, should you treat her as such. Spending more time with her can only benefit the both of you in the long term.

[] Magic of the card: an einherjar isn't exactly easy to summon, as you found out. Still, practice makes perfect, and you're sure that by training your skill, you'll be able to call upon Marth more easily and for longer periods of time.

[] Tales of Altea: you now have a spirit holding most of the Hero King memories as a potential conversation partner. Who knows what he might be able to teach you through his experiences?

[] Swordsman of legend: the idea comes to your mind like an evidence. Marth was renowned as perhaps the best swordsman of his time, able to slay the Shadow Dragon Medeus. The prospect of being able to train with a legend fills you with glee - though the current limitations of the card would make for rather short sessions.

[] Double down on your lessons: as the heir of the Exalted Throne, you have a duty to always do your best.
  • [] Sword training (Ylissean royal style)
  • [] History and customs of Ylisse
  • [] Etiquette lessons
  • [] State of the Realm studies
[] Spend time with the other children : while you are now more susceptible to invite your friends during your own activities, maybe you might benefit from seeing what they are usually up to themselves? At the very least, you can think of worse ways to spend time than hanging out with them.
  • [] Owain
  • [] Severa
  • [] Kjelle
  • [] Brady
  • [] Yarne
  • [] Noire
  • [] Laurent
  • [] Cynthia
[] Write-in: thinking hard about it, maybe there's something else you could do?

[] Special - slack off: with the many worries hanging above your head, suddenly your usual lessons don't seem that important anymore. Surely no-one would blame you for neglecting them for a while? (doesn't take a choice, but instead gives one extra choice for each lesson you pick with this option.)