Hope will never die : a Fire Emblem Awakening quest

[X] Plan Responsibilities of The Era
-[X] Final lesson
--[X] Ask Severa to join you
-[X] To be king
--[X] Ask Yarne to join you
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
--[X] Ask Noire to join you
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
--[X] Ask Cynthia to join you
-[X] Magic of the card
--[X] Ask Laurent to join you

I like the plan, but don't forget about asking our friends to join in! Severa could also benefit from more sword lessons and she knows the style.

Yarne coming with us means he'll learn more of the world and war, while also gaining Frederick's approval for "guarding us" and spending more time with his dad.

Noire could benefit from lightning and/or dark magic training with someone other than Tharja, and we haven't seen her in a while.

Cynthia should absolutely go flying with us.

Laurent might have some insights into better managing our magic output for the spell, and would probably love to study Einherjar.
That's... Really kind of stupid guys. Most of those are capstone options when they (our friends that is) haven't even done the starting option.

The only one that makes even one damn lick of sense might be magic + noire... And she's doing Dark magic where we're doing lightning so that's borked anyway. *still salty over people not learning Dark magic*

Edit: Fuck autocorrect
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Leaving the friends off for now, tag me if you want them added(I'll handle it in the morning, it's near midnight here), once there's some consensus on whether it's a good idea at all.
I don't get why inviting our friends along is a bad idea. Have they ever slowed us down before? Ever interfered in our gaining a skill? No. What has happened is they gain skills of their own and bonds with us. This isn't even a guarantee they'll come along with us, just an invitation.

And Noire could easily learn Dark magic from Henry while we're focusing on Lightning magic. Unlike sparring to improve swords, there's no need to have a teacher constantly participating in magic study. Henry could switch off, and teach some lessons together. Also, the more she learns, the more we could learn from her later if we really need Dark magic.
Asking people to join us feels too much like metagaming to me. I've seen before people try to get the best of both worlds with this kind of Write-ins before and it never really works out unless they've got a really good excuse. I'd rather not end up splitting our gains, especially with capstones. Got it wrong, thought it was a Write-in while it really just was a new option we had. That happens when you are reading kinda fast and not at home, my fault.

[X] Plan Responsibilities of The Era
-[X] Final lesson
--[X] Ask Severa to join you
-[X] To be king
--[X] Ask Cynthia to join you
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
--[X] Ask Noire to join you
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
--[X] Ask Yarne to join you
-[X] Magic of the card
--[X] Ask Laurent to join you
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[X] Plan Responsibilities of The Era
-[X] Final lesson
-[X] To be king
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
-[X] Magic of the card
[X] Wartime plans
[X] Final lesson
[X] To be king
[X] Magical princess Lucina!
[X] Two hearts beating as one
[X] Magic of the card
[X] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons
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I can get it in some cases (magic + noire), but in others it feels like... It shouldn't work. That it would in fact be detrimental to both of us. And we've had the option to spend time with them from the beginning as a separate action.

Taking it feels like... Cheating maybe? Like I said, some could make sense though, like Owain and doing Cho'sin.

Just... *shrug* I don't know.
Hm, interesting reactions. I admit, I did not expect this to be so controversial.

Allow me to elaborate on how I saw things; calling a friend does not mean he or she'll train alongside you. Sometimes it only means the person will show up to watch a bit, and might well decide to leave after a few times if the activity is deemed boring. Sometimes it might help, sometimes it'll do nothing. All in all, my goal wast to go for more interactions between the cast rather than a perpetual training montage.

That being said, I can understand @ShadowAngelBeta 's concerns. For the records, what are the points you find the most problematic? The Chon'sin lessons I can see, but I'm not sure about the rest.
[X] Plan Responsibilities of The Era
-[X] Final lesson
--[X] Ask Severa to join you
-[X] To be king
--[X] Ask Cynthia to join you
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
--[X] Ask Noire to join you
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
--[X] Ask Yarne to join you
-[X] Magic of the card
--[X] Ask Laurent to join you
With the clarification, I added my friend assignments. Decided to try to take Cynthia along on the journey, on the basis that if we leave her behind assassins can target her instead of the more heavily guarded us. But if both of us are with our father on the trip, then only one location needs to be guarded with everything we got.
Leaving the friends off for now, tag me if you want them added(I'll handle it in the morning, it's near midnight here), once there's some consensus on whether it's a good idea at all.
Could you slack off on etiquette and get our last chance at tactics training with Robin? I'd rather we covered all the options that might not be available much longer and since we're gonna be designated leader once the parents kick the bucket this is all too important.
Could you slack off on etiquette and get our last chance at tactics training with Robin? I'd rather we covered all the options that might not be available much longer and since we're gonna be designated leader once the parents kick the bucket this is all too important.
I second that.

With the clarification, I added my friend assignments. Decided to try to take Cynthia along on the journey, on the basis that if we leave her behind assassins can target her instead of the more heavily guarded us. But if both of us are with our father on the trip, then only one location needs to be guarded with everything we got.
Why bring Yarne with us on our wyvern-bonding time, if I may ask?
That being said, I can understand @ShadowAngelBeta 's concerns. For the records, what are the points you find the most problematic? The Chon'sin lessons I can see, but I'm not sure about the rest.
Again, it's really just that I don't see how they fit together most of the time. Cynthia with To Be A King? Unless she was taking lessons when we weren't looking, which I doubt between Pretty Pega-Princess and her not being the Heir, she's going to just be lost in those meetings.

Severa in the Final Lesson? Eh. I mean, if she was a sparring partner for our lessons I could see it, but that's a capstone option on a tree she never even began to learn.

On the magic I could very well see us being the one that doesn't fit well into Noire's lessons.

And the entire point of Two Hearts Beating As One is to bond with Cu. Bringing anyone to that should be actively detrimental.

I don't remember who Laurent is. I mean, why would we share the Card with him of all people? I could see Cynthia, because knowing he's showing up to protect her could only help if we send him for that, but... *Shrug*
-[X] Final lesson
-[X] Wartime plans
-[X] To be king
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
-[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons

I'm reasoning that one last meeting with Robin can't hurt especially if what we are losing are just Etiquette Lessons, and since @veekie isn't responding I'll rather make another vote altogether. Too sleepy to think of a good partner for these activities, or if we even should bring them at all.
-[X] Final lesson
-[X] Wartime plans
-[X] To be king
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
-[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons
Mostly for someone to talk to.

I mean our GM outright said that most of these would be at WORST a bit of unrelated chitchat.
If you have a better configuration I'd gladly switch.
Someone as nervous as Yarne would probably agitate our wyvern more than anything else and I'm afraid we will be mostly ignoring him while bonding with Cu. Honestly of all the children I think that the only one we should bring is Inigo but unfortunately he isn't available at the moment.

Edit: Cynthia is another option admittedly. Still, I remember she showed at least some jealously of Cu and, while she could be past that moment of trying to snatch away our wyvern, I really don't see what benefit there could be in bringing her.
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OK, as far as I can tell, this is the leading vote:

-[] Final lesson
-[] Wartime plans
-[] To be king
-[] Magical princess Lucina!
-[] Two hearts beating as one
-[] Magic of the card
-[] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons

I mean, technically, [] Responsability of an era have more votes, but there's also three versions of it running around, so...

Closing the votes in a few hours.
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-[X] Final lesson
-[X] Wartime plans
-[X] To be king
-[X] Magical princess Lucina!
-[X] Two hearts beating as one
-[X] Magic of the card
-[X] Special - slack off: Etiquette lessons
Welp, stand by for time travel.
Oh no we won't, it is far too soon to surrender this timeline. I have Faith in our abilities and think we can make it, as long as we prepare for the worst. It is only in Grima's interests that we give up already, before the game even started, and we do ourselves a dishonor by complying to his wishes! Do not falter, for the day is still young and I'm sure that at the end of it we'll be watching the sun set with a smile! :grin:

*completely misses that it was just an harmless joke* :p
Omake - With Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends
*Fearful Lucina Intensifies*

And people thought that was a joke :V

Also, invisitext in this one. Just a bit.

She'd been sucker punched before.

She was training to fight, of course she had been sucker punched before. Caught off guard in a way that leaves you in a breathless shock knowing that their very well might be a knife or sword coming for you and you couldn't do anything.

They had only knocked her out, but the lesson had stuck.

This felt like that, but many times worse.


War with an insane King leading a nation howling for their blood. A King who had threatened her family personally. Had threatened her mother with something she only vaguely understood, but knew was horrible. Had threatened her sister. She wasn't too worried about Dad, beyond him being angrier than she was and his injury anyway. He could take care of himself very easily.

She wasn't really worried about herself either. She'd be ready for the next assassin with sword and spell in hand. And if she wasn't she would have Marth nearby. Hopefully.

But that wasn't the worst of it.

She was tired.

Sleeping brought nightmares. It wasn't a sword hanging over her neck, it was a claw. No, A Claw. A Claw that wrapped around her neck so gently and still bit into her skin.
Cloying, black fog in her lungs carrying HATE, and RAGE, and DEATH for everything. But especially her.
Warm air on the back of her neck, a breath of HATERAGEDEATH in her lungs.
It was laughing at her. Whatever it was, it hated. Old, Deep, Black Hatred that burned at her. But it was laughing at her. At her struggles. At her fear.
"Run," HATERAGEDEATH, "Run and let me take all of that which you love from you. One. By. One."
It was too big.
It looked at her.
How do you fight something like that?
She was smaller than it's blazing, red eye
And a pulse of Light always answered.

Sometimes from her pocket where Marth resided.
With Faith
Other times it was a a calming Light from the back of her mind.
With Hope
Most often though, it was from her sister sleeping with her.

And Lucina would chant her mantra to herself, "With Faith, and Hope, and Friends and Family beside you."

It took some time, but she made progress.

Fear, real fear, was an old friend of her's. Shock and anger had let it turn into something that wasn't her friend, another knife in the back to be aimed at her.

But she made progress. Shock faded in time, although most of it just became more anger and fear.

That was okay though. She knew how to handle the latter. How to focus it and in turn let it focus her, not let it rule her.

The anger was new though, and that was more difficult.

They played off of each other as well, one feeding into the other in the worst way.

But she made progress.

Anger was a lot like fear. It blinded her in different ways than her old friend, but it focused her in different ways as well.

It was hard though. Holding both in check like she was, and keeping her fear from feeding her anger or the opposite.

And it was far too easy to fall into tunnel vision as well. So easy to focus too hard on one thing an miss the world around her.

Sometimes she just stopped, breathed in, and let the world fade out of focus for a moment. It was all still there, and it would rush back after a that single heart-beat of a moment, but it centered her, brought everything into focus for one moment after.

And she was needing it less and less.

She was making progress. Fear, an old friend, and now anger, a new one maybe.

And as she swung her sword with the a sharp finality to it, anger and fear guiding her strike more true than before on the dummy before her, as she felt the encroaching tunnel vision, she knew they would.

And then she pushed it back, keeping all her senses open to the world around her, it just needed some effort.

And, as she laid in bed, wrapped around her sleeping sister, and smiling at her, she knew she would succeed in controlling them. And keeping them controlled.

Afterall, she had Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside her. And she would not lose to herself for them.

And as anger and fear tried to crawl into her mind then, she shushed them and shooed them away. There was a time for fear and anger, but it was not here. Not with her sister sleeping so soundly beside her. Not with the love she held for her sister laying warm in her heart.

Lucina slept well that night and many after it.
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Well. You certainly know how to deliver. Now I need time to think about this carefully. Nonetheless, impressive, once again.