Hope will never die : a Fire Emblem Awakening quest

[X] [Chrom] ... I'm afraid. Not about the war. Well, yes, about that to, but that's a new fear. ...I've been afraid for a long time. Something's coming, something worse than than this war by far. I'll be alright though, fear can't control you if you don't let it. And most importantly I have Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside me.
[X] [Owain] "... Sure? Can't say I'm against the idea really, and I would rather like some excuse to spar more often. Maybe we could make it a regular habit for who's interested, Owain?"
[X] [Chrom] I love the sword, but I also need it to protect everyone I love. Something's coming, more than the war. And if I can't help right now, then I should strive to be able to help in the future.
[X] [Owain] I would be honored to join the Justice Cabal! I'm not sure if I can do the posing and speeches like you do... but in these troubled times, heroism and justice are needed more then ever.
Chapter 2-3: Family matters (winter 2622)
[X] [Chrom] ... I'm afraid. Not about the war. Well, yes, about that to, but that's a new fear. ...I've been afraid for a long time. Something's coming, something worse than than this war by far. I'll be alright though, fear can't control you if you don't let it. And most importantly I have Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside me.
[X] [Owain] "... Sure? Can't say I'm against the idea really, and I would rather like some excuse to spar more often. Maybe we could make it a regular habit for who's interested, Owain?"

[X] [Chrom] ... I'm afraid. Not about the war. Well, yes, about that to, but that's a new fear. ...I've been afraid for a long time. Something's coming, something worse than than this war by far. I'll be alright though, fear can't control you if you don't let it. And most importantly I have Faith, and Hope, and Family and Friends beside me.

Your father listen in silence as you try to explain the feelings that you've been struggling with for quite some time now. Though you have to pause to find the right words several times, he doesn't interrupt, letting you go at your pace. Finally, as you conclude on a note of hope, echoing the mantra that keeps you going in dark days, he seems almost wistful.

"So that's why... You really have grown."

He stares at the sky, as if looking for answers here.

"I'd say there's no shame in being afraid, but you already know that. And I won't tell you not to worry, because I worry all the time. That's what we're supposed to do about those we love, after all. Or so your mother tells me."

This... actually comes as a surprise to you. Though maybe it shouldn't have? Of course he'd be worried! Yet in your eyes, your father always was this unflappable fighter, untouched by fear and doubt. Seeing him express his worries is strange... but a little comforting, too. Knowing that you're not the only one struggling... it's a selfish thought, but you're happy nonetheless.

"And yes, I've been told that things might become pretty bad for us in the future. It's all rather vague, though. I've kept quiet, no need to scare people off with ghost stories, am I right? I had hoped you wouldn't have to worry about that, but I should have known better."

His tone seems almost melancholic, but there's a smile on his face nonetheless. His arm finds his way around your shoulders, and you nuzzle against him, finding comfort in those moments of physical contact.

"You're going to be a great Exalt, Lucina. Far better than your bumbling oaf of a father, that's for sure." The words of protest that immediately come to you are cut short by a raised hand. "It's true. You know I never was supposed to become Exalt, right? I was happy simply leading the Shepherds, waving Falchion around and let Em' take care of the actual difficult bits. And then she died and I had to continue her work even though I never prepared for it, not really."

You can hear the sadness in his voice, always present when he speaks of your late aunt. You never knew her, but you think she must have been an amazing woman, given how everyone around you talk about her. You know her death still haunts him even to this day, though it never prevented him from speaking about her, as if he could preserve her memory with words.

"You're already readying yourself. And doing an admirable job at it. Just... don't burn yourself out, okay? At the very least, you can leave that war to your old man."

You can't help but giggle at that.

"You're not old!"
"I'm not? Ah, I suppose there's a few good years left in me. Speaking of which... Ready for another round, young lady?"

[X] [Owain] "... Sure? Can't say I'm against the idea really, and I would rather like some excuse to spar more often. Maybe we could make it a regular habit for who's interested, Owain?"

You're a bit hesitant. Owain and Cynthia can be quite a handful individually, and together they tend to be rather overwhelming. Still... despite being quite out your element, you have to admit, it is tempting. As you consider your answer, your eyes catch your sister's hopeful smile and bright eyes.

Damn it.

"... Sure? I suppose it could be a good idea?"

Maybe you'll regret it later, but right now, seeing Cynthia and Owain's faces lit up mean you can't feel bad about your decision. Though you still wonder what it is that this justice cabal do. Wait, one has to be trained to fight for justice, right? Does that mean...

"Maybe it would be an occasion to spar from time to time, for those who're willing?"

The remark is directly aimed at Owain, who blinks before displaying his usual confidence.

"Ahah! I knew that behind your aloof appearance beat the heart of a champion of Justice! But we can't call it a spar. It would be 'Heroic Avenger Training'."
"... Okay?"
"Oh, and Cynthia can participate by throwing random things at us from the air! It is well known that heroes are often struck by the sky, this should prove adequate preparation for that! I think. Hmm, and maybe... no, that won't work. Although..."

Your gaze move from him to your sister, who seems delighted at the prospect of performing aerial bombardment. You can't help but wonder if you didn't make a terrible mistake, after all.

Option unlocked: To be a Justice cabalist

[X] Two hearts beating as one

After so much time spent flying, your bond with Cu is stronger than ever, to the point where it's becoming quite rare to see one of you without the other. The sight of the Exalted Princess walking around outside the palace with a wyvern in tow has become quite common among the guards and servants, and the cooks had to learn how to fend off an overgrown lizard smelling a meal - though you did your best to prevent such incidents, and made sure to apologize profusely when they did happen. All in all, you barely stop short of taking her to your room - and it's only the lack of space that prevents you from doing just that, really.

You also make a point of formally introducing her to most of your entourage. Mother welcomes her as a member of the family - and it seems her gift with animals extend to wyverns, seeing how Cu quickly warm up to her, and Father, while a bit more cautious, still manage physical contact, his experience with Cherche and Minerva probably helping. Cynthia being already well-acquainted with your comapnion, that leaves most of your friends.

Owain is, as expected, enthusiastic, promptly declaring Cu an honorary member of the Justice Cabal. Among the others, Kjelle seems appreciative, while Laurent has his scientific interest picked by the sight of your wyvern, asking for the authorization to study her. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Yarne pretty much runs for the hills, and Noire barely fares better, clearly intimidated by the creature. Well, you suppose most children would be at least a bit scared by a small dragon. You wonder what Nah would say. Gods, you miss her. You miss all of them, really.

Skill: aerial combat raised to D-
Skill: ride (wyverns) raised to D+
Skill: animal care (wyverns) raised to C+
Option unlocked: Draconic Warfare

[X] Magical princess Lucina!

If there is one person who seems entirely undisturbed by the coming war, it's Henry. You'd have expected him to be a bit wary of the prospect of fighting his own countrymen, but he is as cheerful as ever, and, the few times you breach the subject with him, seems almost eager to be on the battlefield, something you can't help but find a bit disturbing. In fact, you can't help but think his usual laid back smile is replaced by a far more sinister one each time battle is mentioned, and his gaze seems to contain a dangerous glint that makes you shudder. Well, at least he's on your side?

Nonetheless, he keeps guiding you through your magical lessons, appraising your progress with his usual enthusiasm, though he is also brutally honest when it comes to point out a mistake - despite never losing his smile. You continue to learn about lightning magic at a fast pace, with you now being able to conjure decent electricity bolts with your tome, enough to severely stun an eventual opponent, should the need arise - and given the fact that your life was threatened, the need will probably arise sooner or later. Your progress with dark magic are a little slower; to be honest, you're not entirely comfortable with it, but you know this is something you cannot afford to ignore, given the nature of the enemy.

You're afraid your progress might be hampered by Henry's departure, though. The dark mage leaves you with a few notes for you to keep practising while he's away, but his writings are like the man himself: rather disorganized and hard to read. Nonetheless, this will have to do for the time being.

Skill: tomes raised to D+
Skill: lightning magic raised to D+
Skill: dark magic raised to D-
Skill: magical theory raised to C-
Option unlocked: Study Henry's notes

[X] Magic of the card

With your previous success and your new magical education, you feel ready to take a look at the card again. It is truly complicated magic, far above anything you're familiar with, and you can't help but wonder who created this, or if any mage alive could replicate the process. Fortunately, that is not what you need to do, all you need is a better understanding of it. The process takes hours of studies, but by the end of it, you feel more in-tune with the Einherjar. You managed to drastically improve...

[] The time needed to summon Marth. When it took you fifteen minutes of intense concentration before, you can now manage to do the same in less than one. If you work on it a bit more, you're sure you'll eventually be able to do it instantly.
[] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.
[] The spirit's materialization. Marth's presence is rather faint, only loosely tied to the material realm. While you don't think it'd impede on his reflexes and skills, you suspect that makes him considerably less durable than he ought to be. With those studies, this problem should be lessened. He might not regain the toughness of the Hero King straight away, but he won't be in danger of vanishing at the slightest injury.

[X] To be king

As your father prepares for his tour, you take the decision to accompany him. This is important, you feel, enough to spend the whole month it would take doing that. And it's also a good occasion to see Ylisse, instead of the now familiar capital city. The only thing you're unsure off is how you'll travel.

[] Ride alongside your father
[] Fly with Cu
[] Walk with the men
[X] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.
[X] Ride alongside your father

We need duration to train under him.
Tempted to go flying, but that's an easy target for any assassin with a bow.
[x] The time needed to summon Marth.
I like this option because if we are in a pinch it could be useful to have another fighter on hand, instead of having to spend 15 minutes summoning him.

[X] Ride alongside your father
I think this is important because it shows us standing tall fully recovered from the attempted assassination.
[X] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.

I'm mostly interestes in having Marth as a teacher rather than a fellow fighter. This is our story, not his.

Tempted to go flying, but that's an easy target for any assassin with a bow.
If we go flying, that still means we'll be under strict surveillance. Strict enough that an archer wouldn't pose more than a minor danger to us, and I personally don't mind the tiny bit of risk involved.

I'm not against starting to grow out of the shadow of our father either. Till now we've been an almost perfect replica of him (or at least of who he represents in our eyes) and, while that is not a bad thing, it will just hurt Lucina in the long run. She needs to discover herself as something other than a reflection of a parent she idolizes. That's why I'm liking the idea of riding with Cu, because she represents a point of diversity between Lucina and her father, something she doesn't share with him but loves nonethelesss.

[X] Fly with Cu
[X] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.
[X] Ride alongside your father

Let's NOT go airborne and be vulnerable to archers and wind tomes, mkay?
[X] The time needed to summon Marth.
[X] Ride alongside your father

I really wanted to vote for Flying, but all it takes is one unit with a bow. Until we get some more aerial combat/dodging experience I don't want to risk Lucina or Cu.

Walking amongst the men is actually a tempting choice too, as a way to interact with the soldiers and inspire them with Lucina's cuteness.

But the Riding option is probably the best, for safety and image.
[X] The summon's duration. Instead of one hour, Marth can now stay materialized for three. Moreover, you can now split that time in several usages, instead of spending it all in one go.
[X] Fly with Chu

Taking a minute to summon is still too lang in a fight and without the durability upgrade is useless anyways, we want him as a teacher for when people start kicking the bucket, not another sword.
And we have... a tie! This quest really seems to spontaneously generate them.

By my count, we have a 5-5 tie between [] The summon's duration and [] The time needed to summon Marth, with a lone vote for [] The spirit's materialization.

Riding with dad is leading Cu 7-4.

Votes still open, of course.
Taking a minute to summon is still too lang in a fight and without the durability upgrade is useless anyways, we want him as a teacher for when people start kicking the bucket, not another sword.
Fully agreeing with this. We'll have no shortage of fighters in the times ahead and as time passes we'll get better at summoning anyway, can't see how decreasing the time needed to a full minute will help us right now. If we get ambushed, before we manage to get a single minute of concentration we'll already be a cold and very dead corpse on the ground. I'd rather get the training to fend of an assassin than an impractical skill too soon down the line to really be useful.

Riding with dad is leading Cu 7-4.

Votes still open, of course.
Come on guys, don't you wanna take a ride on our favourite wyvern? If Macros gave us such a peculiar option surely there must be a reason... And really, if it was so dangerous then our father wouldn't have let us in the first place.
Well, still a tie. Does someone want to roll a dice to break it?

Also, fair warning, but my updating schedule might be a bit disturbed, due to stolen laptop. So, yeah.
1 = duration
2 = time to summon


Edit: Fuck.
CyberNinja threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Tie break Total: 2
2 2
Chapter 2-4: A royal tour
[X] The time needed to summon Marth.
[X] Ride alongside your father

[X] The time needed to summon Marth.

For the next weeks, you focus on trying to summon the einherjar faster, thinking it to be handy should you find yourself in a pinch. Each summoning help you become more proficient at it, and by the end of winter, you are able to perform it under a minute, provided no outside distraction to interfere with your focus. This still is not quite fast enough for your taste, but you are sure practice will eventually make perfect. It was also a good way for you to learn more about magic, those constant exercises being good training alongside your learning of tomes.

During those moments, you also realize a peculiarity of the einherjar: he seems to have the utmost trouble to create long term memories. While he does recognize you upon summon, he seems mostly ignorant of the things you may have done or talked about together during the previous summons. It isn't really a problem, per see... But you can't help but find this disheartening, a reminder that this being, which while distinct from the real Hero King, seems nonetheless to possess consciousness and reasoning abilities, is simply left with memories of a past life that was never really his, while unable to create his own. You don't know if every einherjar would be like this, if this was done on purpose or is simply an unavoidable limitation of this kind of magic, or if you could ever do something about it. Still, this is definitely something that's bothering you.

Skill: magical theory raised to C
You now only need one minute to summon Marth

Option unlocked: Hero King Marth, I choose thee!
Option unlocked: Misty Memories

[X] Ride alongside your father

You end up choosing to ride to the side of your father for this tour of Ylisse. For the time being, being seen near him was probably the best image you could give, you figure. Though it's been a while since you mounted a horse -as opposed to more exotic mounts- you remember doing so when you were younger, not to mention you were used to pegasi. Those were essentially horses with wings, so there should be no trouble, right?

As it turns out, you are both right and wrong on that account. While you have no problem staying on your saddle and leading your horse - for the most part - it turns out there is a difference between a one hour ride through the sky and half a day of walking the road. It isn't long before you start to get uncomfortable, and by the end of the first day, you're left sore in a way that reminiscent of Frederick's training, minus the sensation of having worked for it. Despite that, you do your best to bear it with all the grace you can muster - though your father notice your discomfort, giving you a few tips along the way. It helps... but just a bit.

Nonetheless, you do not regret the time spent touring the various fiefs of Ylisse. The occasions to leave Ylisstol have been few and far between, and with the strategy meetings you attended to, you've become acutely aware that it is not all that there is to Ylisse. From the occidental marches under the rule of house Themis to the northern domains of house Maechen, your father rides to meet the nobles and gather the men, with most of the troops walking straight to Ylisstol while your father continues his tour, usually in the company of a few vassals and their personal escorts. And all this time, you stay at his side, silent but observant, watching him interact with nobles and soldiers alike. From what you can see, if many are often surprised by his natural friendliness and direct nature, it usually isn't long before they warm up to him, Chrom doing his utmost to remove the barrier that his title of Exalt could create.

You find yourself wondering if you would be able to do the same, earn loyalty through personal interactions and sheer charisma like he does. Should you even try to mimic it? You admire your father greatly, but do you have to follow his example in all things? That is something you will have to decide for yourself. And watching him exchange an accolade with an officer he fought side-by-side years ago, sharing drinks with men at arms, or relating anecdotes to a nobleman's heir about his father - to the great embarrassment of the later - it is easy to see how Chrom's personal style of leadership earned him the loyalty of his subjects.

As for you, you find yourself the subject of many glances and hushed conversations. Your presence clearly has been noticed, though most seem hesitant to approach you; you wonder if it because of your martial attire or the rather severe face you've shown during most of the ride, but you really can't help it on both accounts. You're not about to be caught defenseless again, even in the middle of an army, and as for your expression, well... Horse-riding is simply that uncomfortable. Nonetheless, though surprise is a recurrent emotion you feel directed your way, you can't help but think there's also approval and respect there.

Skill: riding (horses) raised to D-
Skill: politics raised to C
Skill: authority raised to C+
Skill: geography raised to C-

Random travel event

As the road takes you closer to the western borders, the column is treated to a worrying sight: columns of smoke rising from the horizon. It isn't long before scouts report that a party of bandits are currently raiding the village of Eresme up ahead and the farms around it. More worryingly, they seem to be several hundred strong, and well-equiped at that, from what the first reports say. Nonetheless, your father does not hesitate to form up the ranks and order the men to move forward. With four hundred knights, all from the various honour guard of the various noblemen around him, he is well-decided to stop this incursion at once. The three hundred men at arms currently accompanying the cortege are to stay put in their current location, as infantry would only slow their ride. He is also leaving a small contingent of his own personal guard, for your benefit you suspect.

[] Ask to accompany him
-[] You suspect your father might have objections. What do you tell him?
[] Stay behind and wait
-[] What will you do during that halt?

Sorry for the wait. The good news is, most of my notes have been written back!
Bandits. Several hundred strong. Well equipped. ... Hah! Right, fuck Plegia.

So should we go shank some bitches or wait back here for the sneak attack on the supplies by the elites?
[X] Stay behind and wait
-[X] Bandits are undisciplined and notoriously greedy. Tell the remaining soldiers (the men at arms) to be on the lookout for small group of the bandits sneaking around and trying to attack/steal supplies.
--[X] File in with the ranks of the men at arms, in such a way that you are not exposed to potential arrowfire.

I'm a little worried about more forces flanking us and separating our two groups of soldiers, but I don't know if there would be enough bandits for that. Either way, it's best to stay back from the 'main' fighting. I think it might be best to just form a circle and adjust it according to the flow of enemies. Tanks in the outer part and archers and mages in the middle, if we have any.