[X] Plan War Leader
[X] To the limits
[X] Path of the swordmaster
[X] Time to tip the scales!
[X] Attend some royal audiences
[X] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
[X] How to train your dragon
I wish there was time to visit friends too, but hopefully we will run into some of them during our activities.
Come to think of it, why isn't Kjelle training with Frederick too? They would be an unholy training team.
Because Sully Training Time is pretty much the carbon copy of Frederick's. (well, once she reaches a certain level of constitution, she might start attending both...)
[X] Path of the swordmaster
[X] Time to tip the scales!
[X] Tomes of magic
-[X] Lightning Magic
-[X] Henry
[X] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
[X] How to train your dragon
[X] Spirit of the Hero King
[X] Special - slack off
-[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse
[X] Spend time with the other children
-[X] Severa
-[X] Noire
(Is that how you use slack off?)
Now that we have the permission to travel, could we visit Nah & Morgan?
[X] To the limits : so far, your training with Frederick has paid off. You can feel yourself growing stronger, bit by bit. At this point, that feeling of progression is enough to keep you going, despite the fatigue. Lisa warned you not to overdo it, though. [X] Path of the swordmaster : you're beginning to be rather familiar with Chon'sin swordmanship. Time to show Lon'qu the progress you made abroad! [X] Time to tip the scales! : your strategy lessons are going rather well, if Robin's appraisal is any clue. And while nothing can replaces experience, getting as much theory as possible should prove quite useful. [X] Tomes of magic : magic certainly seems to play a larger role in your life as of late. You already know a bit about healing, but what about the other forms? Maybe you should look into it.
-[X] Dark magic
-[X] Henry [X] How to train your dragon : after your absence, it's time to pick up Cu's training. Perhaps you'll be able to take her on a flight this time? [X] Spirit of the Hero King : with Tiki's help, you're close to a breakthrough, you just know it. All you need is a little more time to unlock the einherjar secrets...
[x] Path of the swordmaster
[x] Attend some royal audiences
[x] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
[x] Train with the pegasus knights novices
[x] Spear lessons with Cordelia
[x] How to train your dragon
[X] To the limits
[X] Path of the swordmaster
[X] Time to tip the scales!
[x] How to train your dragon
[x] Attend some royal audiences
[x] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
Sorry about the wait, everyone. I kept getting distracted... Anyway, onward!
[X] Path of the Swordmaster
[X] How to train your dragon
[X] Time to Tip the Scales
[X] To the Limit
[X] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
[X] Attend some royal audience
[X] History, Laws and Politics of Ylisse (LOCKED)
[X] Diplomacy lessons (LOCKED)
[X] Studies on the state of the Realm (LOCKED)
Your new, heavier study program is made more tolerable by Maribelle's sharp wit. In a way, the increased expectations lead you to apply yourself more. After all, if those lessons are meant to prepare you to rule, can you really afford not giving it your all?
Skill : diplomacy raised to D-
Skill : politics raised to D-
Skill : authority raised to D
Skill : law raised to D-
Skill : etiquette raised to D
[X] To the limits
As always, Frederick's tutoring is merciless. But this is what you've come to expect over those long months. What does surprise you, however, is that this time you're not alone ; his son, Yarne, was apparently brought along, though you don't think he's particularly happy to be there – and not particularly impressed by the claims that "hardship builds character". You'd like to talk to him a bit more about his presence, but Frederick's lessons leaves little breath to waste, and both of you are usually far too tired by the end of it. You can't but notice the fact that while his physical condition is very good, his will can be more fragile. There are several times where he simply gives up when you're pretty sure he could have kept going – and though he does a good job at keeping it hidden, you notice the small frown of disappointment of your father's guardian.
You try to push those concerns aside and focus on your own betterment. By now, you can feel yourself growing stronger, growing tougher. However, while your performances increase, you notice that recuperating from those lessons is beginning to take a bit longer. When you point out that fact to Lissa, she has a long talk with Frederick, before both of them come to see you. At this point, he explains, he believes it might be time to lighten up on your training. You've already in top physical condition for your age, trying to push yourself even more might end up being a problem for your growth. He is not giving up training you, he's quick to reassure you, but from now on, he believes a lighter schedule is preferable, until you grow up some more. You can't say you're happy about this, but you will have to trust the adults on this point.
Characteristic : strength increased to C
Characteristic : endurance increased to C-
A trait have been acquired!
Training from Hell : Frederick rigorous tutelage have made you used to infernal conditions. Fatigue is something you are now used to, and you are able to ignore it... to a point. Fatigue-induced penalties reduced.
Note : Frederick's Training action chain is completed for now. Your daily routine now includes some exercises with him, but those won't take an action.
[X] Sword training (ylissean royal style) (LOCKED)
Nonetheless, the benefits of your training are beginning to show. This is most noticeable during your sword lessons, where despite training with the same wooden blades as an adult, the weight is no longer a real problem to you – though the size still make it cumbersome. You manage to put a lot more power behind your strikes on the training dummies, going as far as outright breaking one of your swords during a particularly intense session. The expected reprimand from your father never comes, and you instead receive a smile and a "how nostalgic" comment. By now, you have no problem executing the strong strikes of the royal style, who almost have become instinctive.
Characteristic : strength improved to C+
Skill : swords improved to C+
Skill : Ylissean royal style improved to C
[X] Path of the swordmaster
Nonetheless, this is only one facet of your sword training now. You are truly becoming proficient with the Chon'sin sword arts by now, a fact that is met with Lon'qu's approving nod. In that respect, your training with Say'ri have been quite helpful, as you find her form easier to mimic than the one of your current teacher. He doesn't seem to take offense to that, though, far from it. Each swordmaster worth its salt is bound to develop its own quirks and preferences, he explains. The fact that you're beginning to show clear preferences is the sign of your new understanding of the Blade.
By this point, the initial distance between the two of you have been greatly reduced. He's still reluctant to physical contact, but no longer give the impression of being able to bolt when you approach him. You also notice something strange about his stance – he seems to favour his right arm, but by closely observing him, you came to realize he was left handed. When you ask him about that, he tells you that he had his left arm broken in a fight long ago, and while he mostly recovered from that, it can still be a hindrance even to his day. As you wonder aloud which kind of opponent would have been skilled enough to inflict him such an injury, an ironic smile grows on his ace as he announces you it was done by your father.
You immediately protest that he would never have done that to an ally, but as Lon'qu explains, they were not ally back then – in fact, this was their first meeting. A tournament in Regna Ferox, from what you understand. As you timidly ask if he resents your dad for what happened, Lon'qu reassures you that this had been perhaps the finest duel he ever fought, and that his injury had been a small price to pay to have a part in such a memorable fight. And even with the handicap, he managed to survive two wars, so clearly it was all good. Now back to training, girl.
Characteristic : dexterity raised to B-
Skill : swords raised to B-
Skill : Chon'sin style raised to D+
Option unlocked : Final lesson
Option unlocked : Find a training partner
Note : skills raised to B rank or higher will be slower to train from now on. The best way to improve them at this point will be through direct experience.
[X] Time to Tip the Scales
While physical training is one thing, as Robin is willing to remind you, the mind can be the sharpest weapon out there. Your lessons with him continue at an almost frantic pace, you and Laurent struggling to keep up with the rhythm. Nonetheless, your understanding of warfare is growing quite quickly. By now, the master tactician has taken the habit of submitting you seeingly random scenarios that an army might face, and have you designing a strategy to achieve the best possible outcome. While he's quick to point out the flaws in your suggestions, and holds no criticism back, his method is rather effective, you think.
Your prolonged interractions with the Grandmaster have you thinking about Nah and Morgan more and more. You find yourself almost asking about them several times, but still feel some reluctance openly breaching the subject. Robin seems rather touchy about his family, and these last months, he seems more and more on edge. You don't want to give him a reason to stop teaching you... but surely a simple question wouldn't hurt, now?
[] Ask about Nah and Morgan's location
[] Don't speak of it
[] Write-in
Characteristic : intelligence raised to D+
Skill : tactics raised to D
Skill : logistic raised to D
Skill : bluff raised to E+
Option unlocked : Checkmate
Random event : Yarne the stalker?
At first you thought it was just an impression born from your recent interractions during Frederick's training. But now, there's no doubt : you're meeting Yarne more often these days, seemingly at random. From him going in the same direction as you when you're walking through an halway, to him watching some of your courtyard training sessions("it might be educational!", he claims), rare are the days you're not seeing at least once these last weeks. … is he following you? You're not quite sure what to do about that. Should you even do something?
I want a write in for both options but the first one takes priority. The thing is though if we push too hard Robin's will might weaken further which could be catastrophic.
The second vote seems prity straightforward though.
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack contact.
-[X] Emphasis that your doing this for them.
I re-read chapter 1-8 and came up with this. Hopefully nothing bad happens.
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.
[X] Ask about Nah and Morgan's location
-[X] "I know you're afraid for them. Terrified even. Like vines choking and strangling you with a sword hanging over your neck and you know yours isn't the only one that could get hit by it. I get that Uncle Robin. And maybe I can't really help with what has you so scared, but I can help Nah and Morgan, so please... let me help them."
-[X] "Please. I know you probably have a plan in place to protect them or to hide them. I also know I'm probably one of your back-up plans to protect them... just... I don't know how to get in touch with them or find them or... I just want to help where I can."
Awesome! We've completed Frederick's training (for now...).
I'm glad we got to see Laurent and Yarne during training.
RE: Robin, it's possible that he sent his wife and children away to protect them from himself, so he might not know where they are or how they're doing. But it's normal to be worried about our friends, so:
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you
Well, in a manner of speaking. "The smartest person on the planet" is a rather arbitrary criteria. In pure IQ, for instance, he might be behind Miriel. What he is is perhaps the finest tactician in the world... but even then, he can be flawed, and it often comes down to luck (good thing his is so high... or is it?). And remember what they say : the smartest people can usually have the biggest screw-up.
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you
[X] Ask whether Morgan and Nah are alright.
-[X] Don't ask for a location but show concern for their condition and lack of contact.
After one last moment of hesitation, you decide to broach the subject.
"Um. Uncle Robin?"
"What is it?"
"I was wondering... How are Nah and Morgan doing?"
The seemingly innocent question is enough to make the tactician grow silent. By your side, you can feel Laurent straightening up; it's hard to tell with the light being reflected by his glasses, but you get the feeling he's curious about the answer as well. Still, Robin seems unsure on how to respond, and that simple fact is enough to scare you. Finally, you see his mask fall back into place, as he answer with a non-committal "They're fine".
Well, you're going to need a little more than that.
"It's just... I know there were reasons to send them away, but... We haven't seen them in two years. I'm just worried, I suppose... Is there any way I could help?"
You receive unexpected support from Laurent. "It is true that the lack of status update is somewhat concerning. Even if their location must be kept secret, wouldn't there be any way to meet them once in a while?"
His tone is calm, but you notice him adjusting his glasses, a sign that you know means he's nervous. Clearly he's aware this can be a sensitive topic. You're nonetheless grateful for the help. On his end, Robin glances at each of you, before letting out a defeated sigh.
"I suppose I should have seen this coming. I miscalculated a bit, it seems."
That last part seems more addressed to himself than to any of you. Nonetheless, he is quick to refocus, though his face has softened considerably. At the very least, he no longer seems on edge, which is something.
"I suppose I could try to organize something. Nah asked about you too, you know."
That is news to you, but a pleasant one, certainly. You can only hope you'll get to see the two young manakete soon...
Grima is beginning to take you seriously
[X] Confront him
-[X] Ask him why he's following you
Well. In this situation, you believe the direct approach is usually the best. The next time you see Yarne in a hallway, you change direction, walking straight toward him. This is enough to make him nervous, which tends to confirm your suspicions. Right now, he's looking like a cornered... well, a cornered rabbit, you suppose. Though you're pretty sure Lady Panne would have your skin if she heard you say that out loud.
"Lu... Lucina?"
"You've been following me."
There's no question in your sentence. Still, the young taguel tries to deny it at first... though he's not doing a very good job at that, you think.
"Who, me? No, of course not! I mean, no... well, not quite... maybe just a little... well, yeah, okay."
His defeated expression makes you a little self-conscious. He was the one following you around for no reason! Why do you feel like a bully now? You manage nonetheless to keep a stern expression, which seems enough for Yarne to spill everything.
"It's... it's not like I really wanted to, okay? I mean... Mom keeps telling me I have to tough it out, and Dad is constantly talking about our duty to the Exalt's family, and... I don't know. I heard Severa and Cynthia talk about the way you're always training, so I thought that maybe if I followed you a bit, I'd understand better... or something. I guess this was pretty dumb."
You blink, not quite sure you understand his explanation.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?"
"I don't know! I guess I was nervous... Eh, big surprise, right?"
He sighs, and his expression grows almost... dejected.
"I don't think that helped though. I swear, it seems like a bad joke. Dad keeps saying one day, it might be my duty to protect you, but you don't need protection, right? Not from someone like me, I think."
[] What do you answer?
[X] Attend some royal audience
You are now old enough to get a first taste of what ruling can mean. Right now, council meetings would probably be too much, but watching at the public audiences your parents often give should help, you think. Your father readily agrees to your request, and Robin offers no objection, which you take as an implicit sign of trust. He even suggests that having the heir to the throne attending might prove useful politically in the long run. Father seems annoyed by the calculus, but does not comment on it.
The audience room is a rather simple affair, all things considered. There's only a few guards to make sure everything remains peaceful - you hear Robin grumble about 'lax security' and 'potential assassins', but your father only laughs it off. Personally, you tend to think that with Frederick on one side of the room, Cordelia on the other, and Falchion at your father's waist, no assassin would ever stand a chance. Though you're reminded that from what you were told, one almost succeeded once, before you were born... As you take your seat a little behind your mother's, you do your best to dispel such thoughts.
Fortunately, nothing so dramatic happens. Instead, you watch as your father does his best to arbitrate between quarrels, or listen to his people's grievances. You've heard Maribelle complain about the inefficiency of such system, and she's not entirely wrong. But it is nonetheless an important symbol, put in place by Emmeryn, and that your father has faithfully kept in place. As he explained to you, it is important for a ruler to remain in touch with his people, and not simply delegate those duties to others. It's an often tedious task, he admits, but a necessary one. One cannot help his subjects without listening to them.
Skill : law raised to D
Skill : diplomacy raised to D
Option unlocked : Duties of the Crown
[X] Speaking to the Divine Dragon
When you return to Naga's shrine in Ylisstol, you can't help but think the place feels different somehow. Meeting Tiki had been a rather intense - if sometimes baffling - experience, and maybe it changed your perception of some things. Libra is eager to hear about your experience - though he already heard most of it from Noire - and is curious about your own impressions of it. It's been a long time since he spoke to the Voice himself, but it was a rather memorable event for him to meet the daughter of Naga in person. After a long exchange about your personal experience, both of you happily start to take care of maybe more mundane, but just as essential matters. The hosts of the shrine are in need of caring, after all.
Nonetheless, your time spent meditating is now quite different. Your conversation with Tiki confirmed that Naga was listening, and in fact did try to communicate with you. And though she told you not to worry too much about it, this is something you don't think you'll be able to simply put aside. While you don't expect dialoguing with Naga to be as easy as with the elder manakete, the mere possibility is enough to drive you to action. As you focus, it isn't long before you feel the now rather familiar presence at the edge of your consciousness. This time, you grasp upon that feeling, attempting to communicate. And after a while, your efforts are rewarded.
Such dedication... Remember that you are not alone, though.
As soon as a fleeting contact is established, your mind is going through a myriad of questions. Why you? What should you be watching out for? How can she help? How can you help? Are your friends involved somehow? Does it have anything to do with what Tharja said? Or with Robin's anxiety? For a moment, there is only silence, before you get the impression of a laugh going through your mind, not mocking, but pleased.
You are quite curious, are you not? Bold, too. Most of those who manage to hear me tend to prostrate themselves in respect.
The tone grows more serious, and you drink every word, even though they already seem to come from farther away.
This attitude will serve you well. For I fear the future will be a dark one. I can feel the Fell Dragon stirring.
You can feel your heart skipping a beat. Is she talking about Grima, the Plegian god? The one whose defeat resulted in the birth of Ylisse and the rise of the first Exalt? If that is true...
Do not despair, child. Grima has not awakened yet, and might never do so. But his servants are on the move,and I fear the devastation they might bring.
The voice is being fainter by the moment ; soon the conversation will end, you know it. Still Naga has enough time for a few last words.
Your father has done admirably so far. And should his task pass on to you, know that you have my trust. Farewell, child. We will speak again.
And with that, the conversation ends. In the coming days, you attempt to speak to Naga again, with no avail. Strangely enough, the revelation came with a small dose of comfort. While the task ahead seems daunting, having a name to put behind that growing threat is somewhat reassuring. Fighting a god seems impossible... but with the help of Naga, the first Exalt managed it, right? Surely your father will be able to do just as much. And if it comes to that, you're determined to do everything you can to help him.
Characteristic : willpower raised to B-
Skill : staffs raised to D+
Skill : theology raised to C+
Skill : cult of Naga raised to C+
Skill : first aid raised to C-
Skill : cult of Grima learned Naga might talk to you in times of need
Note : the Naga's Shrine chain of action is completed for now. Lucina will still spend some free time there without requiring an action, and her first aid and staffs skills will slowly improve on their own.
[X] How to train your dragon
Your few weeks away in Chon'sin had the unfortunate side-effect to pause your training with Cu, and that disruption in her new daily schedule has left the wyvern nervous. Still, you pick it up where you left it, and very quickly, your companion grows more comfortable once again in your presence. In fact, her apparent pleasure at seeing you back is a rather positive sign, you think - and in truth, you missed her too. Though you quickly discover that she wasn't entirely alone during your absence : apparently, your sister took the habit of sneaking her food during your trip, and as such, seems to have entered Cu's good graces. While you're definitely grateful that she took care of Cu when you couldn't, if you didn't know better, you'd suspect Cynthia to want to steal your wyvern, but she's not like that... probably.
... Perhaps you should talk to mother about finding her a pegasus soon.
After a few more weeks of spending time together, you're feeling ready to take your first flight with her. Your mother comes along, to make sure that everything will go smoothly, and with her comes Cynthia, who wouldn't miss it for anything. As you walk to the courtyard, you can feel Cu's eagerness; it's been a long time since she didn't take flight. Putting a saddle on her requires a rather large amount of coaxing and bribery with food, but she eventually relents. After a last moment of hesitation when she feels your weight on her back, she stretches her wings, and the next instant, you're flying.
It is not your first experience in the air, of course. But taking your first ride with the one that will be your partner in the coming years is an exhilarating experience. Behind you, your mother and sister follow on Titania, but you barely pay attention, your heart beating with the rhythm of Cu's wings. For a fleeting moment, soaring through the skies of Ylisse, you no longer feel any fear toward the future; right here, right now, you feel like you're ready to take on the world. The wyvern's roar tells you the feeling is mutual.
Skill : riding (wyverns) raised to D-
Skill : animal care (wyverns) raised to C-
Option unlocked : Wings of freedom
Random event?
You are awakened in the middle of the night by a soft knock on your door. Half asleep, you manage to stumble to it and open only to find a rather sheepish Cynthia standing behind. She looks as tired as you are, rubbing her right eye while stifling a yawn.
"Sorry sis. I... I had a nightmare, I think. And my head hurts. Can I... can I sleep in your bed tonight? Just this once, I promise!"
Well, it's been a while since you've done that. Well, except that night before Chon'sin... Just watching your sister so uncertain is enough to make your heart melt, but perhaps giving in would be a disservice? Your mark in your left eye is burning.
I can see it now, soon all the children will be taking part in self-imposed les infants terribles projects with the parents all utterly perplexed due to their mistaken belief of having peace in their time.
For Yarne's conversation I think we should say something along the lines of I want to be strong, but that doesn't mean I don't want trusted friends watching my back. I'm just not sure how to really phrase that though.
For Yarne's conversation I think we should say something along the lines of I want to be strong, but that doesn't mean I don't want trusted friends watching my back. I'm just not sure how to really phrase that though.
Well that depends on the psychology of the choice now doesn't it? What if in accepting this causes a chain of events that cause Cynthia to be overly dependent upon us and thus becomes a liability whenever we are not around to console her, after all our choices have affected the stats of others in the past and this could cause her own willpower to plummet. On the flip side simply dismissing her could cause a drop in the relationship between Lucina and her sister which could also be bad.
Yarne's greatest weakness is his own willpower going by the previous update and thus our response should be worded in such a way lead him to growing out of that. Whether that requires us to challenge him to match us if he is to be our bodyguard or otherwise, I'll leave that to the discussion for others for now.
Well, it's been a while since you've done that. Well, expect that night before Chon'sin... Just watching your sister so uncertain is enough to make your heart melt, but perhaps giving in would be a disservice? Your mark in your left eye is burning.
[x] Why give up now?
-[x] Tell Yarne that he should continue following you around and join in with your activities whenever possible. See if he really can learn something.
If it's will power he's lacking we shouldn't tell him to give up on the one thing he doing on his own volition. Actions speak louder then words and Lucina is second to none when it comes to willpower (for a nine year old anyway.) Maybe he really will learn something and even if he doesn't learn anything directly, he's still on the right path by just not giving up.
... Fuck. Because I can't tell if that's a vision she got or if Grima sent a shape-shifter assassin. ...Where's Cynthia's Brand? I don't think they can fake that, right?