FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Things were very positive this turn

[x] Fight Against the Gem Empire
DC 80 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 21 + 37 + 27 = 85

Pity about the lack of crit but it worked out great

[x] Set Up Government Cooperation
DC 60 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 86 + 26 + 14 + 4 = 130

This was a nice success to see

Your meeting with the government goes exceedingly well. While the US is reluctant to work with super villains initially, a quick purview shows that you aren't Guild aligned and therefore were never technically a supervillain on their books. Gotta love bureaucratic loopholes. There's also the fact that you've brought Toiletnator with you, which makes you look significantly more threatening in comparison.

the legal loophole things is neat and I like the in-world explanation for Toiletnator being there

While it does grate your ears to hear him talk the whole time about how they're "legitimate" now, you're expedited to receive government assistance in your actions to protect and bolster the country. You also get some government liaisons who really have the "Men in Black" look down to the part. Thank god Tolienator was mostly busy with Numbuh 13.

Reward: Government Contracts available in the future!

these two could be pretty useful to have

[x] Restructure Adult Co.
DC 65 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 37 + 19 + 22 + 4 = 80

You switched out all of your old signs and business cards. "Evil Adult Industries" was getting long in the tooth. ADULT CO is where it's at!

Reward: Further options for business ventures will open!

Good to have this up and running smoothly

Mr. Boss was the one you were most curious about. He seems to be shopping around his resume these days. Evidently, he saw Adult Co. as a sinking ship without you at the helm and is now currently being courted by Scam Co.

Reward: Ability to pursue and investigate your soopervillains.

I can't really blame Mr Boss for this; it also means there's no point reaching out to him before we're fully operational again

It took your ice cream technicians some time, but they've made a flavor that they claim will cater to the highly refined adult palate. Frankly, you just care if it tastes good. Still, a never before seen scoop on the market should get Tasty Taste Ice Cream back on people's minds. In fact, the announcement of 'Salt Water Taffy' flavor in your catalog menu has seen exports out of the country skyrocket!

Well, nice to have this too, though, I would have expected this kind of action to provide... I guess with the change in currencies, we probably need to do the Candy Stewardship action to understand how that works

"That's right!" The man blasted the turret to scrap with his lighting cannon without skipping a beat. "We can help each other to make the perfect snow cone!"
Rewards: ??? and ??? has taken notice!

He could be pretty useful to have for ice and Learning in general

Having a readthrough of the family logs has reminded you of your prestigious lineage of villainy. Most of your ancestors were shadow-clad evildoers, and were proud of it! It seems like most of your family doesn't really know, or care to know, about where your prodigious powerset comes from, being more concerned with what they could do with it.

Nice to see with have a proper legacy to inherit, though it does make Monty and Nigel the odds ones out

Oh well. At least you remembered the important stuff, like the existence of all those ancient candy hordes around the world thanks to some old family recipes. Just like Grammy used to take!

Rewards: Father loses RAGE!
Unlocked action towards discovering Candy Wonder Quests!
Unlocked more actions to look into the source of your powers!

Lose RAGE from liking the family history
a possible questline that probably provides funds since candy is now a bartering tool
and investigating powers

[X] Moonbase Call (3)
What a waste of your time! It was going relatively fast at first as the off-putting children kept going up their chain of command. Unfortunately for you, one of the kids then handed the call to what appeared to be a large cat man with a mask and a serious underbite problem. He just keeps screaming his name! Hopefully, his screaming will get someone actually useful on the line. Either that or drive everyone to other parts of the base, but you still have some hope.

(Progress 91/100)

Well, that's pretty annoying; a reminder that even an 88% chance of success can't be relied upon but we can succeed at 91% next time

Does anyone recognis the cat man?

After checking through your rolodex, you begin to realize that this wasn't even your rolodex! This was your brother's! The one you bought for him but never gave him because you hated him! And it was filled with a bunch of weird card game stuff! You never agreed to have a card made in your likeness! After fishing around, you're able to find YOUR rolodex.

Huh, I wonder if we fix this up, this might be a good peace offering with Monty?

Reward: Personal actions to contact other villains unlocked.
Pow Cards for potential hero units may be shown in future updates!

Nice to be able to judge

[X] Get Rid of Numbuh 13 (13)

Triskaidekaphobia: Ever since he has sworn Numbuh 13 as his enemy, Tolienator has made it his mission to defeat this great agent of the KND! If Tolienator rolls a 13 or a number divisible by 13 on a personal action, he must immediately switch that action to waging a personal attack on whoever his sworn enemy is.

Well, that's unfortunate

And with that, she ducks in, and the limo takes off. The absolute second Izzy was out of sight of the public, you could practically see the change on her face. The mania slips away, the madness pulls away like a mask, and already she's looking you over, puzzling about what to say, what to do, what to be. Instead, you just lean back, clapping slowly.

I really like this paragraph



Martial: 25
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 29
Learning: 10
Occult: 0

Those are some good numbers for Izzy; she flexes well into Martial and Diplo too, so if we get Mr Black and White then she could also work there

Spinning on your heel, you instinctively lashed out with a simmering whip, raking an entire flank of these gems of their feet. At first, it was a strange weight in your chest when you saw them explode, thinking that you had overdone it a little. But as you found out that they were, as Stickybeard put it, 'not dead, just sleeping in thar little shinies', you got a lot more enthusiastic.

Huh, well, we can see that Father actually doesn't want to kill people here

As you cleared out the stragglers you looked around the command room, its alien surfaces reflective and advanced. But even you could tell it wasn't exactly up-to-snuff. Weird, broken geometry (geology?) seemed scattered about the room, and even part of the command room seemed to be using cannibalized parts of human technology. Just looking it over, you could tell they were co-opting some parts of military broadcasting hardware to help boost their signal, not to mention the use of stolen Canadian vehicles in the fight to get here. It had been a long couple of months, and you had to admit it, but these gems were far more dangerous than you had initially thought. Sure, you had thought, they had beaten the Canadian military. But that was Canada. Anybody could do that, you think. But as you fought them, you had begun to admit that they were more than a match for any lesser force. They were blisteringly fast, closing gaps in moments, and quickly overwhelming any regular or unskilled human within seconds. While they didn't seem to prefer too many ranged weapons, the few they did nearly blew the Sweet Revenge out of the ground. You had seen even a few of their bigger troops cleave entire tanks in half. Overall, they were pretty scary for most people.

Nice to see some introspection on the capabilities of normal people vs Gems

"HUH. Well, That was most invigorating."

"Aye. Nae a bad spar, indeed. We gave them shiny-dullards a licking that they shan't soo ferget!"


Father apparently likes getting into a good scrap

"Well, I reckon ye have changed a bit, Father. Typically, I'd figer' that ye would be chasin' round the KND or somethin' or othar. Not fightin' aliens, letta lone askin' me to help."

You thought about that for a second. Why exactly were you out here, fighting aliens again? Logically, you knew you were here to get on the good side of the government. But then again, Stickybeard had a point. You were…. Well, you weren't sure exactly where you fit in. You were the good guy here, right? You were fighting aliens on behalf of all red-blooded adult Americans. You were just doing what you've always done. And this was just the latest result of the path you had chosen. Obviously.

"Eh, you've gone through ONE too many suckers."

Some growth might be considered here

REWARDS: Escalation of Gem-US War Actions
Research Gem-Technology actions

the war actions make sense
the gem-tech could be useful to get a lead on other businesses

??? not sure what the last bit might mean though

Honestly...they might be either the equivalent of toddlers or centuries older than you. It's hard to tell with gem

I had the sam thought, though given the low 234 number of that one quartz and the fact the Homeworld can't send backup, I tihnk they might be from a new Kindergarden
So we'll need to do the candy stock sooner now that we have some sweets to sell, hopefully ice cream is in high in the stocks right now.
Gonna throw out some thoughts and notes before I turn in for the night.

This is Hank's martial. I'm gonna assume it's maybe a point or two higher than normal for a totally untrained fella cause Hank seems pretty strong but I'm mostly using it as a reference. (As a side note Hank does not have his +5 bonus to loyalty yet)
Martial: 14
This is Toiletnator's martial. And I swear it was 12 not long ago. He's loyal but he's not got too much else going on as of yet.

Martial: 25
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 29
Learning: 10
Occult: 0


Ha ha, I'm Psychotic!: +3 Intrigue against those who believe Izzy is crazy or utterly deranged. In order to trigger this effect, the target must know she is crazy.

She's Totally Famous: Izzy gains +5 Diplomacy against those that are fans of Total Drama.
Izzy, as compared to the average man and a failed and lame divine champion, is a badass. He martial is shockingly solid and very welcome. Her Intrigue is a real treat aswell. Honestly the only problem stats are poor Stewardship and Learning and a total lack of Occult.

The last two are odd to me actually since her IQ is shockingly high (upper 180's iirc) and she lived through TD for a while. Though I suppose the first is the result of her being so scatter brained and the latter...well can't have her being great at everything I suppose.

Wonder if her pyromania will give her extra Loyalty once that shows on her sheet?
I had the sam thought, though given the low 234 number of that one quartz and the fact the Homeworld can't send backup, I tihnk they might be from a new Kindergarden
Could be, though if so they'll be easier to deal with since the earth and it's Kindergarten wasn't the best for gem development...in most cases atleast. Jasper herself notably came from here and I believe the Rose Quartz gems were also made here so it's got a history of occasional, if uncommon, great successes.
Hank's probably renting an apartment somewhere in Adultville (I wonder what he thinks of the town…), while Toiletnator is probably living in a tent or shack somewhere near the mansion. Izzy might just move in uninvited, which might boost Rage a bit…
That's one major drawback of making it nice and comfy.

I think next turn

1. Continue Gem fighting (we escalated the war, so let's get that funding) or attack Chris
2. Research gem stuff
3. Recruit a Mage then XXXL after
4. Maybe have Hank teach Toiletnator or something?
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Is that....introspection? Father must be slowly acclimating to that character growth
Best part of Villainous Victory quests is that some characters are forced to develop due to the change in circumatancess.

It feels really...Slow, ya know? Maybe (i'm sorry for pulling this comparison again) i'm just too used to early game Doofquest, where we gathered hero units like nobody's business, but it just feels weird
To be fair Doof is the type of guy who as shown in Xanatos interlude during the auction will literally walk towards someone and say wanna work for me with no prior knowledge or foreshadowing

Father is still in the build up phase and would be more busy than Doof.
Hank's probably renting an apartment somewhere in Adultville (I wonder what he thinks of the town…)
Sounds about right, and is probably confused about everything here right now.
while Toiletnator is probably living in a tent or shack somewhere near the mansion.
Or perhaps living in our yard after building another camp.
Izzy might just move in uninvited, which might boost Rage a bit…
Father will definitely want to upgrade his security if she does try to live in our mansion, but something Izzy would do and perhaps check out her boss's home as well.
That's one major drawback of making it nice and comfy.
Eh, Father does need company after the kids left him.
You know, Hank's propane system might actually be useful if Mandy ever tries to use her energy monopoly against us somehow.

Clearly us having Hank will allow us build up a propane-based alternative to Endsville Energy Solutions to combat Mandy.
If we ever do actually go to the Moonbase, I wonder if we'll find a dead Space Ghost in the AV closet or if he'll actually just still be chilling in there waiting for someone to let him out.
[x] Fight Against the Gem Empire
DC 80 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 21 + 37 + 27 = 85

After a short briefing with Stickybeard, and some slight collaboration with the United States, you chart an offensive against the Gem menace with a goal of liberating the area just beyond Niagara Falls. You set sail with The Sweet Revenge, and a few makeshift killing machines, making your way through your targets with maximum force.

To be Continued in: "Just Like Old Times".
I really like the little interlude blurbs, gives us an idea of what to expect

[x] Set Up Government Cooperation
DC 60 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 86 + 26 + 14 + 4 = 130

Your meeting with the government goes exceedingly well. While the US is reluctant to work with super villains initially, a quick purview shows that you aren't Guild aligned and therefore were never technically a supervillain on their books. Gotta love bureaucratic loopholes. There's also the fact that you've brought Toiletnator with you, which makes you look significantly more threatening in comparison.

While it does grate your ears to hear him talk the whole time about how they're "legitimate" now, you're expedited to receive government assistance in your actions to protect and bolster the country. You also get some government liaisons who really have the "Men in Black" look down to the part. Thank god Tolienator was mostly busy with Numbuh 13.

Reward: Government Contracts available in the future!
So benefits for not joining the Guild is increased government relations eh? Also If we didn't just get a very good intrigue unit I'd say we should plan for the spies, but we did.

[x] Restructure Adult Co.
DC 65 (CF 2%, CS 8%)
1d100 = 37 + 19 + 22 + 4 = 80

Getting past those initial stumbling blocks, Hank gets things up and running faster than ever. You're putting out twice the amount of paper, three times the staples, and sales for giant killer robots are up! Hank is a bit weirded out when he sees your tie-production plant (poor fella didn't know they came from eggs), but he's doing his best, and his best is quite good.

You switched out all of your old signs and business cards. "Evil Adult Industries" was getting long in the tooth. ADULT CO is where it's at!

Reward: Further options for business ventures will open!

[x] Look for Your Soopervillains
DC 60 (CF 3%, CS 7%)
1d100 = 60 + 27 = 87

After searching high and low, you are able to get a trace on where some of your high profile villains have gotten off to. It seems Mr. Fizz has gone off to the Midwest, running rootbeer for adults and directly sabotaging other soda manufacturers. Gramma Stuffum is on a one-woman crusade to force-feed those metal-heads in Florida her cooking. You weren't even trying to find that weirdo Robin Food, but apparently he was causing all sorts of trouble in a place called Marzipan.

Mr. Boss was the one you were most curious about. He seems to be shopping around his resume these days. Evidently, he saw Adult Co. as a sinking ship without you at the helm and is now currently being courted by Scam Co.

Reward: Ability to pursue and investigate your soopervillains.
SCAMCO? I really don't care bout the other 3 but ScamCo? Seriously?

If he is a limited time recruit we should nab him as soon as convienant (AKA after limited time Wizards)
[x] Invent New Ice Cream Flavor
DC 60 (CF 4%, CS 6%)
1d100 = 44 + 19 = 63

It took your ice cream technicians some time, but they've made a flavor that they claim will cater to the highly refined adult palate. Frankly, you just care if it tastes good. Still, a never before seen scoop on the market should get Tasty Taste Ice Cream back on people's minds. In fact, the announcement of 'Salt Water Taffy' flavor in your catalog menu has seen exports out of the country skyrocket!

While you went to visit the freezer labs for some samples, a bit chewy, a large jellyfish man with wild red hair on the sides of his head blasted a hole in the wall and walked into the lab area!

"This is a restricted area!" one of your ice cream men shouted at the mutated intruder.

The man ignored your staff and examined a fresh vat of experimental ice cream.

"Finally! I was waiting for Tasty Taste to resume their ice cream operations!"

He dipped one slimy tentacle into the vat. You made a note to have that container burned later.

"If you can make ice cream, then you can make the perfect snow cone!"

Snow CONES?" you asked as you pressed a button on the wall, revealing a cannon that would cover the stranger in a burst of adhesive-flavored riot cream.

"That's right!" The man blasted the turret to scrap with his lighting cannon without skipping a beat. "We can help each other to make the perfect snow cone!"

"Perfect, eh?"

It's been a while since you heard about anyone making a "perfect" flavor. The choice of phrasing is what makes you reconsider blasting him and having more work for the janitors.

"EXACTLY!" the man bellowed. "Professor TRIPLE EXTRA LARGE, at your service!"

He walks up to you and gives you a card. It's a sticky note with a large "XXL" written on it and nothing else.

"Mister Extra Large, you have me inTRIGUED."

Rewards: ??? and ??? has taken notice!
While I don't have any idea who ??? and ??? are (Way to many Ice Cream lovers to care) I think I'd prefer XXXL to Wink and Fibb, mostly because I find him more entertaining. Isn't Father also supposed to be losing Rage from this?
[x] Read the Family Journals
DC 60 (CF 5%, CS 5%)
1d100 = 86 + 15 = 101

Having a readthrough of the family logs has reminded you of your prestigious lineage of villainy. Most of your ancestors were shadow-clad evildoers, and were proud of it! It seems like most of your family doesn't really know, or care to know, about where your prodigious powerset comes from, being more concerned with what they could do with it.

Oh well. At least you remembered the important stuff, like the existence of all those ancient candy hordes around the world thanks to some old family recipes. Just like Grammy used to take!

Rewards: Father loses RAGE!
Unlocked action towards discovering Candy Wonder Quests!
Unlocked more actions to look into the source of your powers!

[X] Moonbase Call (3)
What a waste of your time! It was going relatively fast at first as the off-putting children kept going up their chain of command. Unfortunately for you, one of the kids then handed the call to what appeared to be a large cat man with a mask and a serious underbite problem. He just keeps screaming his name! Hopefully, his screaming will get someone actually useful on the line. Either that or drive everyone to other parts of the base, but you still have some hope.

(Progress 91/100)

[X] Checking your Rolodex (97)

After checking through your rolodex, you begin to realize that this wasn't even your rolodex! This was your brother's! The one you bought for him but never gave him because you hated him! And it was filled with a bunch of weird card game stuff! You never agreed to have a card made in your likeness! After fishing around, you're able to find YOUR rolodex.

Let's see… Oh! Some business cards! Not to mention numbers from your days in Junior-Villains youth camp!

Reward: Personal actions to contact other villains unlocked.
Pow Cards for potential hero units may be shown in future updates!
Moonbase failing was sad, but better it then anything else. Also we get to see Brak, so not all bad. Rolodex passing was good, and the fact the herocard equivs might actually be POW Cards in canon (From OK KO) is very interesting.
[X] Check on Peggy and Bobby (79)

It's a bit awkward for Hank to call them, but they're happy to hear from them. While it was hard for Hank to be so far from them, his recent promotion and success have shown that he has been able to make a new living after Mandy crushed most of the fossil fuel energy contractors with her cheap, reliable Underworld Reactors. He tries his best to dance around the whole 'working for an evil villain' for a bit as he talks to his wife and kid, but he's able to give them a decent picture of his work.

Reward: +5% loyalty to Hank
Hanks more loyal which is nice.


[X] Get Rid of Numbuh 13 (13)

So, it would seem that Tolienator has met his match at last. FINALLY! A WORTHY FOE! After repeated attempts to get rid of Numbuh 13, Tolienator has become determined that the incompetent agent he has been tasked with is actually an incredibly dangerous and talented super-agent! Tolienator has bought into his hype, so-much-so that he has sworn that he will be his personal foe!

A little bit after that, you saw that Numbuh 13 kid stumbling into your topiary garden and ruining the figures. The brat came staggering out with a bushel of branches in his hands in your general direction and Toiletnator flipped his lid.

"ASSASSIN! Don't you dare touch Father with that broccoli!"

Lunging over at the operative, he accidentally trips over his toilet paper cape and tumbles across the head of the agent and into your garden, ruining it even further.

Toiletnator has been increasingly insistent that you hire a bodyguard ever since.

Reward: Personal Actions for Tolienator to Thwart Numbuh 13

Father gains RAGE.

New Trait for Tolienator:

Triskaidekaphobia: Ever since he has sworn Numbuh 13 as his enemy, Tolienator has made it his mission to defeat this great agent of the KND! If Tolienator rolls a 13 or a number divisible by 13 on a personal action, he must immediately switch that action to waging a personal attack on whoever his sworn enemy is.
GOD DAMN IT TOILETNATOR. Ok so rolling 13 twice in a row is sad, but now he has a (13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91) a 7/100 chance to just try and fight 13 again.
Within the hour of her release, you are already at the prison, waiting in your stretch limo. You even brought the good soda. As Izzy made her way from the crowd, she walked freely of her straight jacket and muzzle. She seemed almost… normal at fist, waving and smiling at the crowd. But as soon as she saw your limo, it was almost like something flipped in the back of her mind. Something changes in her posture, and suddenly people are running, screaming, as Izzy pulls a knife and cackles madly, warding off the crowds of less determined fans, leaving only the true nutters and paparazzi. Once the horde has been thinned, Izzy pulls a standing front flip that sees her breaking free of the crowd, before breaking for the limo. As she goes, she chucks her knife outwards, opening the door with an utterly deranged laugh.

"I'll see you all in therapy! HAHA!"

And with that, she ducks in, and the limo takes off. The absolute second Izzy was out of sight of the public, you could practically see the change on her face. The mania slips away, the madness pulls away like a mask, and already she's looking you over, puzzling about what to say, what to do, what to be. Instead, you just lean back, clapping slowly.

"Okay, not expecting the spooky shadow-covered father figure to be the first in line to pick me up. Got a name, pappy?"

Your eyes narrow slightly, but you brush the name off.

"You can address me as FATHER. But from what I understand you, missy, ARE in a heap of trouble with one MR. McLean. Am I correct?"

"Father, huh? You think you can handle more than a few hitmen and assassination attempts?"

"If I COULDN'T, I wouldn't be here."

"Fair enough. Guess the question is what do you want from me, tough guy?"

"Straight to the point, HUH? I like that. I'm looking for people with particular sets of skills. And from what I can tell, NOT ONLY do you have these skills, but in addition YOU are famous. From what I understand, that also makes you a BIG thorn in the side of that pompous, no-good, EGO-INFLATED Chris McLean."

"Ah, bingo. Looking for a dangerous woman with an edge to her, eager to get her foot in the door, climb up that ladder and take the world by storm."

"Well, you kinda went off the rails there a bit, BUT I think we can work something out. I want somebody who knows their way around people, and knows how to play 'em like suckers. Think you can do that?"

"Sounds easy enough."

"Then we have OURSELVES a deal."



Martial: 25
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 29
Learning: 10
Occult: 0


Ha ha, I'm Psychotic!: +3 Intrigue against those who believe Izzy is crazy or utterly deranged. In order to trigger this effect, the target must know she is crazy.

She's Totally Famous: Izzy gains +5 Diplomacy against those that are fans of Total Drama.
Good Martial and Great Intrigue. So glad we got Izzy. Both fopr the stats and because she was one of my favorite TD characters.
Is the tiger with an undervbite who says his name repeatedly Ben 10 Rath?

Also recruit Mr. Black and Mr. White a few turns from now so we can have them "recruit" Spankulot from prison and make him a literal government spook plz.
Alright so we fought KND remnants and now the Gems, any ideas on who we'll go after next? Cause I would like to show the giant monsters they can't simply attack in our territory.
I'd prefer to target the KND remnants again now that we've brought some breathing room from the Gems. Fighting all our enemies sporadically is a losing strategy compared to focusing on just one enemy and knocking them out of the running entirely, and the KND is the most vulnerable target.
Gramma Stuffem would be a very good acquisition since she'll always be able to create minions anywhere she can cook. And if Mandark escalates we can send in Slamwich as a kaiju.

The downside to her would be... people thinks Father has an inflation fetish.

...KND villains are approaching Totally Spies level of 'what is wrong with you' ideals, man.
Gramma Stuffem would be a very good acquisition since she'll always be able to create minions anywhere she can cook. And if Mandark escalates we can send in Slamwich as a kaiju.

The downside to her would be... people thinks Father has an inflation fetish.

...KND villains are approaching Totally Spies level of 'what is wrong with you' ideals, man.
Hey, none of the ones discussed so far are as bad as the common cold. His weapon in retrospect is gross enough that it would probably be reclassified as a war crime to use in the real world. Biological warfare is banned for a reason
[x] Read the Family Journals
DC 60 (CF 5%, CS 5%)
1d100 = 86 + 15 = 101

Having a readthrough of the family logs has reminded you of your prestigious lineage of villainy. Most of your ancestors were shadow-clad evildoers, and were proud of it! It seems like most of your family doesn't really know, or care to know, about where your prodigious powerset comes from, being more concerned with what they could do with it.

Oh well. At least you remembered the important stuff, like the existence of all those ancient candy hordes around the world thanks to some old family recipes. Just like Grammy used to take!

Rewards: Father loses RAGE!
Unlocked action towards discovering Candy Wonder Quests!
Unlocked more actions to look into the source of your powers!

This makes me wonder, do the various settings metaphysics merge? We know Magic did but what about other stuff? We've already had someone mention the Fire Elemental but here I'm more curious about Adventure Time's Candy Elemental. How do various things merge together? Would things retroactively change? Would there be mentions of the Candy Elemental in these Candy Wonders? How does it work?
Gramma Stuffem would be a very good acquisition since she'll always be able to create minions anywhere she can cook. And if Mandark escalates we can send in Slamwich as a kaiju.

The downside to her would be... people thinks Father has an inflation fetish.

...KND villains are approaching Totally Spies level of 'what is wrong with you' ideals, man.

That's a good question. What is wrong with the KND villains?