Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

[X] The cycle of creation and destruction.

hopefully we learn how to fix the pillar quickly, and adding it to the core concept is not too complex.

ok, let's gather all the not-divine insights we have, so we can start looking at combinations for core powers.

Taking them from the character sheet, removing wind and adding the new ones from this turn (1 sky, 2 fire).

@uri side note, do our Keku insights stop working? I just realized we might lose out on a decent amount of divine charges if so from the "generate more intent" insight.

If so, that makes healing it a priority. As things stand we might not be able to afford both tech and lessons now... though we're expanding the faith, so maybe we still can...

1. fire.

"Fire is rebirth, it spreads and destroys sparing nothing its wrath but, in its wake, new growth is found" grants a minor regeneration factor.

"You have known of the cycle of creation and destruction, felt it in your flesh and in your Dao, this knowledge can be used to help your body heal for as the flame consumes so dos it single new life" gain a medium regeneration factor (which replaces the one from your previous insight).

"The flame, it is ancient wisdom that fire cannot be controlled, yet it is wrong for dos not the smith control the flame when he fashions a blade, civilization has long learned how to do what wisdom dictated cannot be, learn from them and assume control of your flames" increased control of all fire mundane or supernatural.

2. water.

"Water is ever flowing, it may be diverted or even stopped for a time but it always flows forward in the end '' mental resilience is increased, effect decreasing mental resilience are easier to defeat and last less time (both those cast on you and cast by you).

"Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find" you may now choose 2 insight out of 4 instead of 1 out of 3 but every insight action carries with it a small chance of creating a minor heart demon.

3. flight.

"We don't think about it much but flight isn't just something we do it is a way of life" your flight skill is always considered one step higher.

4. life.

"Life is a preciouses thing indeed but it is also a fragile thing and must be guarded carefully" healing techniques are considered a step higher.

"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

"life is energy, this you have known, the demonic use the life of others to harvest unparallel power yet a life freely given is so much more powerful than one taken by force and who can decide your life but you?" gain the ability to burn your lifespan for energy both for the use of advancement (10 years for one AP worth) and as a major combat boost.

5. Teaching.

"teaching is nothing but the conveying of concept to another person the pinnacle of teaching is to convey the most with the least amount of word's" your students are better able to comprehending your teachings, gaining a small bonus to their learning and allowing the teaching of advanced concept's without certain requirements.

"teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations, for what is a teacher student's if not students to that teacher, teacher? "Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.

6. Earth.

"The earth sees all and hears it all, and if you listen attentivity it may share its wisdom with you" you may attempt to listen to the earth and have it revel to you pieces of information it knows that are relevant to you (a few example's would be pinpointing where an army is, accertain type of tree, finding something buried and eventualy conversition's)

"The earth nourishes all life, and if you'll let it will nourish you too" so long as you touch the earth you will need no food and would effectively count as having a pure grade 2 spiritual diet (which makes you slightly stronger, healthier and even speeds up cultivation and Qi regeneration although at your stage the benefits are negligible on the cultivation front) if the land you touch is particularly healthy or full of spiritual energy (like a place of power) this effect will be increased (seeing as you live in a place of power -or right next to one but same thing- you will actually have grade 3 spiritual diet).

"Though a creature of the sky, the earth loves all of her children, seek shelter in her depths and in time your wounds shall heal" you may ask the earth to burry you deep in ground doing so grants you a major regeneration factor additionally you may spend 1 AP to halve your aging for the turn.

7. Keku.
"This path that you have forged, this power you have taken, is no longer just your own your species follows you into ascension and in time they will overcome you but this is your path align it more with your specie rather than yourself and see them take flight" the average Keku talent is increased by half a grade.

8. Death.

"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.

9. Sky

"The blue skies represent hope above all, they give us a sense of wonder and beauty unmatched, they give us our dreams and motivations, look to the sky and forget your earthly concerns" become resistant to supernatural emotion tempering.

so, we need to combine insights that think. I'll try to propose a few.

Just to be clear @uri can we combine insights from the same pillar?


1) Flight: We don't think about it much but flight isn't just something we do it is a way of life.

2a) Life: Life is a preciouses thing indeed but it is also a fragile thing and must be guarded carefully


2b)Life: To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe

3)Earth: The earth nourishes all life, and if you'll let it will nourish you too

4)Fire: "You have known of the cycle of creation and destruction, felt it in your flesh and in your Dao, this knowledge can be used to help your body heal for as the flame consumes so dos it single new life"

Those 4 (or maybe 5, if we can use more insights from the same pillar) seems to work well together from the blurbs, as they all relate to life, its value, and its connection to various aspects of our Core Concept / Dao.

I think we could combine them all at once pretty safely.

IF we want to try and add more... Well, I already took one (at least) insight from flight, life, earth and fire. Keku is out for now, and it's a bit of a shame as I think it could have fit.

That leaves Water, Teaching, Death and Sky, but I think that except for maybe the teaching one below they don't fit well enough to add them as they are all at once.

"teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations, for what is a teacher student's if not students to that teacher, teacher?

If I had to guess what power could come out of this, it would be either a healing or defensive power related to the protection and preservation of life.


1) Death:"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it"

2a)Fire: "Fire is rebirth, it spreads and destroys sparing nothing its wrath but, in its wake, new growth is found"


2b)Fire "You have known of the cycle of creation and destruction, felt it in your flesh and in your Dao, this knowledge can be used to help your body heal for as the flame consumes so dos it single new life"

3) Life "life is energy, this you have known, the demonic use the life of others to harvest unparallel power yet a life freely given is so much more powerful than one taken by force and who can decide your life but you?"

If before I went with life as the shared concept, here I'm taking the opposite concept of death instead. Ironically, a life insight made it in as it relates to sacrifice, the end of life.

If I had to guess what power could come out of this, it would be some kind of power that gains benefits from the event of deaths happening.


1) Fire: "The flame, it is ancient wisdom that fire cannot be controlled, yet it is wrong for dos not the smith control the flame when he fashions a blade, civilization has long learned how to do what wisdom dictated cannot be, learn from them and assume control of your flames"

2) "Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find"

3) "To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe"

4) "teaching is nothing but the conveying of concept to another person the pinnacle of teaching is to convey the most with the least amount of word's"

5) "The earth sees all and hears it all, and if you listen attentivity it may share its wisdom with you"

6) "Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it"

the unifying concept here is power through knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

From fire civilization, from water self-reflection, from life a truth of the universe, from earth informations and wisdom, from understanding death power, and what you understand you can teach with the fewest words.

I'm not 100% convinced they ALL fit. I suppose there's an argument for removing fire or teaching, but I think they can work well together.

If I had to guess what power could come out of this, it would relate to gaining understanding and information. Possibly some kind of power related to training our skills faster, or a boost to our divination methods?


1) Fire: "Fire is rebirth, it spreads and destroys sparing nothing its wrath but, in its wake, new growth is found"

2) Water: "Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find"

3) Life: "life is energy, this you have known, the demonic use the life of others to harvest unparallel power yet a life freely given is so much more powerful than one taken by force and who can decide your life but you?"

4) Death: "Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it"

The idea here is "power that comes from sacrifice". The sacrifice of life, the harrowing experience of death, new growth coming from burned life, the sacrifice of ignorance in pursuit of self-understanding

If I had to guess what power could come out of this, it would be the ability to give up something in exchange for something else. life for death, death for life, ignorance for knowledge.


1a) Fire:"Fire is rebirth, it spreads and destroys sparing nothing its wrath but, in its wake, new growth is found" grants a minor regeneration factor.


1b) Fire: "You have known of the cycle of creation and destruction, felt it in your flesh and in your Dao, this knowledge can be used to help your body heal for as the flame consumes so dos it single new life" gain a medium regeneration factor (which replaces the one from your previous insight).

2) Water: "Water is ever flowing, it may be diverted or even stopped for a time but it always flows forward in the end '' mental resilience is increased, effect decreasing mental resilience are easier to defeat and last less time (both those cast on you and cast by you).

3) Teaching: "teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations, for what is a teacher student's if not students to that teacher, teacher? "Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.

The idea here is that the world is everchanging. from the death of old life springs new life. The water flows and can't be stopped, it doesn't stay still. Through the generations the knowledge shared by teacher to student evolves.

There is a connection between old and new, but the new will eventually replace and expand on the old.

If I had to guess what power could come out of this, something promoting innovation and change, and preventing stagnation.

@uri, is this what you were thinking about for how we'd go about combining insights?
@uri side note, do our Keku insights stop working? I just realized we might lose out on a decent amount of divine charges if so from the "generate more intent" insight
I think than even if they stopped working, the insight works on modifications, we already modified the Keku, the next generation will generate less divine qi, but just like of if we died, the current one is already modified.

The insights I am most inclined to combine first are

Resisting the warp while watching it

"Water is ever flowing, it may be diverted or even stopped for a time but it always flows forward in the end '' mental resilience is increased, effect decreasing mental resilience are easier to defeat and last less time (both those cast on you and cast by you).

"Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find" you may now choose 2 insight out of 4 instead of 1 out of 3 but every insight action carries with it a small chance of creating a minor heart demon.

The blue skies represent hope above all, they give us a sense of wonder and beauty unmatched, they give us our dreams and motivations, look to the sky and forget your earthly concerns" become resistant to supernatural emotion tempering.

The mental resistance synergize with the sky pillar, I think this insight will be critical first insight, as I suspect it would make any following insight better in some way, like get more insights.

Than the second I am thinking of

"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.

"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

"life is energy, this you have known, the demonic use the life of others to harvest unparallel power yet a life freely given is so much more powerful than one taken by force and who can decide your life but you?" gain the ability to burn your lifespan for energy both for the use of advancement (10 years for one AP worth) and as a major combat boost.

This will be exploring the dao of life and death, the gain death shard being the opposition to gain life fragment, the ability to spend your life for power opposing the ability to inflict death and resist death.

I think we can get both fusions by the time of the apocalypse, assuming our divine qi gain rise by one point and feeding need rise by one as well, we gain five divine charges a turn, this means we get two core insights per three turns, and this leave us with the final turn for gathering divine qi as a life saving treasure, if the things we can crib off our growing religion wouldn't be enough.
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I think we can get both fusions by the time of the apocalypse, assuming our divine qi gain rise by one point and feeding need rise by one as well, we gain five divine charges a turn, this means we get two core insights per tree turns, and this leave us with the final turn for gathering divine qi as a life saving treasure, if the things we can crib off our growing religion wouldn't be enough.

i think I'd prioritize tech rank up if we have to choose between getting the rank up and getting a core power, but yeah, we should be able to get 2 core powers in three turns. Certainly we can get at least 1 in even the worst case scenario.

I think you went with basically the opposite approach to me. You mostly looked at the powers offered by the insights, I basically only looked at the blurbs.

I like the second one. I could see it doing something like offering Dao Shards of Life and Death, or even the tier above that one.
@uri side note, do our Keku insights stop working? I just realized we might lose out on a decent amount of divine charges if so from the "generate more intent" insight.
Yes, those that didn't have a permanent effect that is.

Just to be clear @uri can we combine insights from the same pillar?
Yes, although that moves you no closer to nascent soul.

@uri, is this what you were thinking about for how we'd go about combining insights?
Pretty much.
I like the second one. I could see it doing something like offering Dao Shards of Life and Death, or even the tier above that one.
The core is also said to be empowered by death and life dao, so we might see a boost similar to death insights.
I think you went with basically the opposite approach to me. You mostly looked at the powers offered by the insights, I basically only looked at the blurbs.
Looking at blurbs, the sky pillar also speaks of looking at the sky, just like the double insight looks at a reflection, it may be possible to add the earth hearing, as hearing the earth thing, but I am wary of will distract from my main purpose combining them, getting an insight amp.
Yes, those that didn't have a permanent effect that is.
Does it works like how the pillar will work if we were killed (aka no new Keku get the powers, but Keku that already got their talent grade upgraded or generate more divine qi are still keeping them).
Does it works like how the pillar will work if we were killed (aka no new Keku get the powers, but Keku that already got their talent grade upgraded or generate more divine qi are still keeping them).

Also while im here, for your omake:

[] Boost Haku cultivation (she will gain a new piler next turn rather then in two).

[] Refine on of your Rune techs.
-[] which one?

[] gain an ice related rune tech.
[X] Boost Haku cultivation (she will gain a new piler next turn rather then in two).

And aren't all our bonuses meaning that our guys get a pillar a turn for the first three?

I remember it is normally four, we got a book that double the speed for the first three, and than the qi condension rune double it again, to a pillar for turn at least early on.
Gain concepts almanac I, which lowers the number of turns it takes to cultivate a pillar (up to the third pillar) to 2 instead of 4.
Found the exact quote for the book here if it helps.

@uri , would the divine death insight allow us to avoid death in tempering tribulation should we fail? Do our injuries lower our chances in a tempering tribulation?

Harmony affects core insights, does it matter if we get the core insights before the harmony rose, or does it rising or lowering empower them either way?

Can tempering tribulation empower harmony or our core directly?

Do the amount of insights combined influence the core insights power? Do their nature influence it (aka, would combining regen insights lead to regen core insight, as an example).

How would adding Keku to creation and destruction influence our harmony? do the powers that compromise the insights influence the power of the core insight? And how does compatibility is determined? Are two insights from the same pillar more compatible, is it the powers being similar in nature, the words to describe the insight or all.
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Found the exact quote for the book here if it helps.
Looking at my notes I see my mistake, I accidently took Kekita rate for a new pillar.

So Haku will gain the pillar this turn rather then the next one.

@uri , would the divine death insight allow us to avoid death in tempering tribulation should we fail? Do our injuries lower our chances in a tempering tribulation?
Yes to both, although keep in mind that dying and resurrecting dos mean you won't actually temper whatever you were tempering.

Harmony affects core insights, does it matter if we get the core insights before the harmony rose, or does it rising or lowering empower them either way?
It dos not.

Can tempering tribulation empower harmony or our core directly?
Harmony yes, you could also improve stability this way and the chaos attribute (not that you'll want to)

Do the amount of insights combined influence the core insights power? Do their nature influence it (aka, would combining regen insights lead to regen core insight, as an example).
The more insights you try to combine at once the harder it is and the stronger the resulting core insight.

Anything and everything from the combined insights influences the result.

How would adding Keku to creation and destruction influence our harmony? do the powers that compromise the insights influence the power of the core insight? And how does compatibility is determined? Are two insights from the same pillar more compatible, is it the powers being similar in nature, the words to describe the insight or all.
Adding keku to the core will likely not harm or improve your harmony (it will reset your harmony time bonus) unless you leave it for a century or two and the conapts become a greater part of yourself that changing even slightly will have greater impact.
Yes to both, although keep in mind that dying and resurrecting dos mean you won't actually temper whatever you were tempering.
ok, so Shikatu (and people with self-rez powers) can actually take bigger risks with tempering tribulations somewhat.

Harmony yes, you could also improve stability this way and the chaos attribute (not that you'll want to)
Improving chaos seems like something that... well, a chaos follower might want, I suppose.

improving harmony is a maybe, later on. We should first see what the new harmony score will be after we add Keku, and how much we're short of the full 100 after the century of passive growth of the score.

The more insights you try to combine at once the harder it is and the stronger the resulting core insight.

Anything and everything from the combined insights influences the result.
but I imagine a good reasoning for why the specific insights are compatible will help, right? see the examples me and Roth came up with.

Adding keku to the core will likely not harm or improve your harmony (it will reset your harmony time bonus) unless you leave it for a century or two and the conapts become a greater part of yourself that changing even slightly will have greater impact.
we'll try to do it quickly I imagine.

in any case that means we should have... Harmony 76, +10. that's an 86 to start with. if we want perfect harmony (and we probably do, but to be fair I also want perfect body and dantian eventually. we pay enough charges to raise core that I think at some point we'll be able to afford to pay the cost to go back and improve those things) we need another 14 points.

I imagine some core powers could help. We already know of the tribulations.
Yes to both, although keep in mind that dying and resurrecting dos mean you won't actually temper whatever you were tempering.
I guessed so, but it is backup that make multiple tribulations more viable, even if our odds are 90%, throw the dice enough times and we will eventually die, having a way to avoid it, even if it will become a setback that wasted a lot of resources is useful.
ok, so Shikatu (and people with self-rez powers) can actually take bigger risks with tempering tribulations somewhat.
There is the question of if we want to temper early or not, if we temper early and pass, we get stronger insights, but if we fail (more likely considering our injuries), we wasted 14 divine qi, four of them personal.

If we go with tempering, I would say to keep our divine charges in our pocket, spend turn 12 or 13 tempering, and than speed run the insights with our divine qi, it also gives us time to look for a way to heal the Keku pillar, which we want to do as early as possible, because that while it doesn't truely matter now, 40 years until earliest estimate apocalypse is more than enough time to double our population, which mean the next generation will generate significantly less divine qi, we will still see massive rise now, as we convert more modified Keku, but our growth rate will tapper off as we run out of modified converts.
A collected list of all our insights is going to be needed. I didn't believe the character sheet is currently accurate.
ut I imagine a good reasoning for why the specific insights are compatible will help, right? see the examples me and Roth came up with.

A collected list of all our insights is going to be needed. I didn't believe the character sheet is currently accurate.
Its accurate for all but 9 insights and 6 of those are divine, after this vote we'll be finishing the turn and then I'll update all of the informationals.
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Would we get information on what Kuvara is capable of, need to eat (divine qi wise) and might be capable of in the future?

Asking because I am wondering if we can drop on her healing the half steps and/or advancing our religion as a project, or if we will need to handle the healing part ourselves, or getting other ideas to what she may do or need to improve upon (getting her to a point where she can manifest her domain for example).

Its accurate for all but 9 insights and 6 of those are divine, after this vote we'll be finishing the turn and then I'll update all of the informationals.
We did dive pretty deep on the divine insights. A bit unfortunate, since we can't utilize them for this next step. I wonder if further research might allow for using them to build core insights eventually.
I'll start thinking on what insights I think are easiest to bridge together. Do you want us to write up our own blurbs for the combined insights?
My personal current plan is something like this

First insight is meant to empower the other insights, going on a path similar to that we took with the foundation, get cultivation aids, and than speedrun cultivation.

Water is ever flowing, it may be diverted or even stopped for a time but it always flows forward in the end '' mental resilience is increased, effect decreasing mental resilience are easier to defeat and last less time (both those cast on you and cast by you).

"Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find" you may now choose 2 insight out of 4 instead of 1 out of 3 but every insight action carries with it a small chance of creating a minor heart demon.

The blue skies represent hope above all, they give us a sense of wonder and beauty unmatched, they give us our dreams and motivations, look to the sky and forget your earthly concerns" become resistant to supernatural emotion tempering.

The earth sees all and hears it all, and if you listen attentivity it may share its wisdom with you" you may attempt to listen to the earth and have it revel to you pieces of information it knows that are relevant to you (a few example's would be pinpointing where an army is, accertain type of tree, finding something buried and eventualy conversition's)

The connection is relatively simple, the mental water insight connect to the other water insight as part of the same pillar, it and the sky pillar also serve as a counter to the heart demons, taking risk and resisting it in equal measure, and the flow of the mental water insight symbolise progress, it shortens time to get rid of mental affects, and it's blurb speak of the water flowing forward in the end, symbolising the progress.

The blurbs of the other water insight, sky pillar and earth pillar all speak of gleaning insights from nature, with the water in primacy thanks to it's two insight to symbolise the type of insight and knowledge we prize above the others.

I think adding earth is a risk of diverting it from it's purpose, but the boost to power make it worthwhile.

The next insight would be of life and death.

To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

"life is energy, this you have known, the demonic use the life of others to harvest unparallel power yet a life freely given is so much more powerful than one taken by force and who can decide your life but you?" gain the ability to burn your lifespan for energy both for the use of advancement (10 years for one AP worth) and as a major combat boost.

Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.

Fire is rebirth, it spreads and destroys sparing nothing its wrath but, in its wake, new growth is found" grants a minor regeneration factor.

"You have known of the cycle of creation and destruction, felt it in your flesh and in your Dao, this knowledge can be used to help your body heal for as the flame consumes so dos it single new life" gain a medium regeneration factor (which replaces the one from your previous insight).

This combines the opposition of life and death, the expanding of one for power and they interplay between them and their daos, fire serve as a bridge for the cyclic nature.

A potential addition is

The earth nourishes all life, and if you'll let it will nourish you too" so long as you touch the earth you will need no food and would effectively count as having a pure grade 2 spiritual diet (which makes you slightly stronger, healthier and even speeds up cultivation and Qi regeneration although at your stage the benefits are negligible on the cultivation front) if the land you touch is particularly healthy or full of spiritual energy (like a place of power) this effect will be increased (seeing as you live in a place of power -or right next to one but same thing- you will actually have grade 3 spiritual diet).

Which serves as a pretty solid life amp, but increase the amount of insights even more, wife it already being a lot.

The final basic insight would be under the assumption we already fixed the Keku pillar and integrated it.

This path that you have forged, this power you have taken, is no longer just your own your species follows you into ascension and in time they will overcome you but this is your path align it more with your specie rather than yourself and see them take flight" the average Keku talent is increased by half a grade.

teaching is nothing but the conveying of concept to another person the pinnacle of teaching is to convey the most with the least amount of word's" your students are better able to comprehending your teachings, gaining a small bonus to their learning and allowing the teaching of advanced concept's without certain requirements.

"teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations, for what is a teacher student's if not students to that teacher, teacher? "Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.

We don't think about it much but flight isn't just something we do it is a way of life" your flight skill is always considered one step higher.

This builds on the connection of the keku, flight symbolise skill and the nature of Keku, Keku speak of improving the potential and talent of Keku, aligning them to your path, teaching both speaks of your connections and the greater ability to reach skills.

All around a supportive insight, we are unlikely to get it in time for the apocalypse considering the rising costs.

After it we combine all the pillars in various insights, stuff can change depends on what we get, but I would say to combine the first and third, the first being the ability to listen and learn better, the third being imprinting that lesson, and than we attempt to fuse it with the life and death insight to ascend, combining our path as a teacher and cultivator, learning and teaching, the cyclic nature of life and death, understanding and teaching, creation and destruction.

Or maybe I can combine them all at once, without first combining the first and third, that would be a cycle of teaching and learning being combined with our cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, in a way directly approximate to our pillars' cycles.

This is of course just an initial plan, and act under the assumption stuff go my way, the first insight could be a failure, and not give some kind of an amp, the second insight is likely to be incredibly powerful, but it's complexity means failure is not unlikely, which may point to it being more beneficial to try early rather than waste ten personal divine qi in such a complex attempt.

But in doing so risk not getting our amp to power it.

The second is likewise likely to serve great rewards.
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Asking because I am wondering if we can drop on her healing the half steps and/or advancing our religion as a project, or if we will need to handle the healing part ourselves, or getting other ideas to what she may do or need to improve upon (getting her to a point where she can manifest her domain for example).
Maybe in the future, she's going to be busy fortifying the local warp and creating her first deva/deamons for the next 2-3 turns.

I'll start thinking on what insights I think are easiest to bridge together. Do you want us to write up our own blurbs for the combined insights?
You don't have too, explaining your reasoning is enough.
Maybe in the future, she's going to be busy fortifying the local warp and creating her first deva/deamons for the next 2-3 turns.
That will probably be pretty nice for the apocalypse, safer warp is warp our enemies have more difficult time getting through.

Does she need believers for all her deva, only daemon princess for chaos seem to need to be based on a believer.
A collected list of all our insights is going to be needed. I didn't believe the character sheet is currently accurate.
cough cough

it's the quoted part. ALready removed the divine insights and added the new ones. Just keep in mind the Keku pillar is... unavailable right now.

We did dive pretty deep on the divine insights. A bit unfortunate, since we can't utilize them for this next step. I wonder if further research might allow for using them to build core insights eventually.
I'll start thinking on what insights I think are easiest to bridge together. Do you want us to write up our own blurbs for the combined insights?
eh, the divine insights are on average a fair bit stronger, so they were not a waste. They also costed divine charges instead of APs, and they kind of were the best use of charges we had until recently.

I'm sure we'll pick more both normal and divine 3rd step insights given a few turns. after all we can re-unlock them for fairly cheap, and considering how core insights are going to cost 5*stage number (with a malus from stability until we repair the keku pillar...)

After we unlock the first 2, max 3, core insights, we'll find it pretty convenient to go back and unlock more pillar insights instead.

I imagine going back to improve dantian and body stages won't be worth the cost in the short or medium term... though maybe in late core formation or in nascent soul...

Maybe in the future, she's going to be busy fortifying the local warp and creating her first deva/deamons for the next 2-3 turns.
she might actually help with warp travel in systems close-ish to ours!
Uri said this tribulation is going to be a massive filter, I am kind of curious why is that, the tribulation didn't really seem that complex, physical attack, mental attacks, and than mental attacks aimed at your pillars.

The final one doesn't seem particularly harder than the second stage of the tribulation, it is harder, but not to such an extent I would think it a massive filter.