@HeroCooky what is the Empire's plan if the Reaper/Nova or another Mythical beast decided to attack them?
Diplomacy if possible, Military approach when Diplomatic means fail/are unfeasable/impossible, and they are certain they can kill the threat. Or evacuating the region in which the Mystical threat is.

Mostly the latter, as it is often cheaper to go away until the Mystical being wanders off.

Fractal Nova would be diplomacy and they would leave the Reaper alone, and evacuate the path it takes.
You know what would be a great addition to the Tree, a library.

We could even donate book type artefacts to give a small permanent boost to relevant rolls.
You know what would be a great addition to the Tree, a library.

We could even donate book type artefacts to give a small permanent boost to relevant rolls.
First a printer and bookbinder, so that we don't put the potentially priceless originals in there to be damaged by routine use. Or in some other way ensure we have copies.
You know what would be a great addition to the Tree, a library.

We could even donate book type artefacts to give a small permanent boost to relevant rolls.
First a printer and bookbinder, so that we don't put the potentially priceless originals in there to be damaged by routine use. Or in some other way ensure we have copies.
I would assume such actions will be folded into the upkeep of the library itself. After all a library is more than a simple book storage.
Library - (Basic) added to the Tree of Knowledge.
Keeping Iced should provide a bonus to the Library's functionality, or at least an option for adding an improvement to the Library that does so. Climate controlled rooms are very important for archival work. Likewise, it should be improved by Light It Up!
They will decrease the libraries upkeep, since the main function of it will be by providing slots for literature artifacts to buff their effects.
Looking among our artefacts I remembered this little gem in the Lost Tech category

What does the diary contain that it give a +50 to psycology? The lost tech tab is kind of scary.
It is the diary of a broken man, detailing his descent into madness as the horror of his entire world dying weighs upon him. The first pages are about him detailing the group he survived with, the disgust at being with an 'Itan' in the same room. Then they shift to shock and terror as the writing details how half of their numbers were ripped apart or eaten alive by some unnamed horror. The writing become incoherent, as food and water become more scarce, paranoia rises, and one of the survivors ate a corpse, leading to a fight over the meat. After that, pictures of disturbing nature and repeating lines of text appear more frequently, with the latter part soaked in so much dried blood that it cannot be read anymore.

The last page simply reads: "I eat."
It is the diary of a broken man, detailing his descent into madness as the horror of his entire world dying weighs upon him. The first pages are about him detailing the group he survived with, the disgust at being with an 'Itan' in the same room. Then they shift to shock and terror as the writing details how half of their numbers were ripped apart or eaten alive by some unnamed horror. The writing become incoherent, as food and water become more scarce, paranoia rises, and one of the survivors ate a corpse, leading to a fight over the meat. After that, pictures of disturbing nature and repeating lines of text appear more frequently, with the latter part soaked in so much dried blood that it cannot be read anymore.

The last page simply reads: "I eat."
I assume that if it provides +50, then it was written by someone with an actual understanding of psychology who was documenting his own fraying sanity?
I assume that if it provides +50, then it was written by someone with an actual understanding of psychology who was documenting his own fraying sanity?
Yes, the whole thing has a dichotomy going on with one 'persona' commenting about the whole thing, and another just decaying further into madness. The whole thing is bizare to read, quite frightening, and has caused some nightmares already.
Yes, the whole thing has a dichotomy going on with one 'persona' commenting about the whole thing, and another just decaying further into madness. The whole thing is bizare to read, quite frightening, and has caused some nightmares already.
Yikes. The worst part is that I could see an author or a poet to make a best-seller out of it.
I like to imagine with all the death and fear in day to day life most literature is focused on lighthearted romantic comedy. Thus why our leader's romance was so much a hit - it was a romance plot come true.
Completely different topic, but what are the seasons like here in Slatnan, @HeroCooky?
Summer, Hot Summer, Summer, Cold Summer.
I like to imagine with all the death and fear in day to day life most literature is focused on lighthearted romantic comedy. Thus why our leader's romance was so much a hit - it was a romance plot come true.
Yup. People eat up those shitty two-penny romance booklets like no tomorrow. And Broken Sword. (A massive literature spanning over three hundred years of real-time, with a new issue every month detailing the adventures of a Mercenary-Knight Squad, fighting on a fictional oceanic world for various nobles for money and in politics for generations. It has quite the comedy in it, with a banana being used at least once a year to defeat an enemy Knight.)
Summer, Hot Summer, Summer, Cold Summer.
So primarily a matter of insolation in a given day.

How sensitive is Sandwheat changes in daily sunlight? It's described as being very rugged in terms of soil condition and weather, but there's nothing about insolation.
Yup. People eat up those shitty two-penny romance booklets like no tomorrow. And Broken Sword. (A massive literature spanning over three hundred years of real-time, with a new issue every month detailing the adventures of a Mercenary-Knight Squad, fighting on a fictional oceanic world for various nobles for money and in politics for generations. It has quite the comedy in it, with a banana being used at least once a year to defeat an enemy Knight.)
...is it the same Knight? :V
How sensitive is Sandwheat changes in daily sunlight? It's described as being very rugged in terms of soil condition and weather, but there's nothing about insolation.
Sandwheat gives no shit about anything. You can grow it with lightbulbs. (It's not worth it, but you can!)
...is it the same Knight? :V
Yes. And the Core remembers all instances where it slipped, shouting "Not again!" every time, swearing revenge on all bananas.
Sandwheat gives no shit about anything. You can grow it with lightbulbs. (It's not worth it, but you can!)
Huh. In that case, Sandwheat is a remarkably good crop in terms of labor and hardware efficiency. You just need to space out your plantings so that your available labor can readily harvest that field within the 10-day window, which means that rather than having massive labor fluctuations around planting and harvest, and massive gluts in milling requirements followed by long periods of inactivity, Sandwheat agriculture has a steady investment of labor and capital.
Yes. And the Core remembers all instances where it slipped, shouting "Not again!" every time, swearing revenge on all bananas.
Huh. In that case, Sandwheat is a remarkably good crop in terms of labor and hardware efficiency. You just need to space out your plantings so that your available labor can readily harvest that field within the 10-day window, which means that rather than having massive labor fluctuations around planting and harvest, and massive gluts in milling requirements followed by long periods of inactivity, Sandwheat agriculture has a steady investment of labor and capital.
I'm not sure if there were labor requirments for harvesting. I think we speculated earlier that Sandwheat was probably used as feedstock for cattle. Given the nature of pre-Collapse meat processing industry aka Butchers, there is a good chance they simply had a robot travling over the contintent, planting Sandwheat along the way, with herds of cattle following it and a Butcher following the herds.

That would fit, with most humans having lived in mega-cities like the Forest Of Rust.
I'm not sure if there were labor requirments for harvesting. I think we speculated earlier that Sandwheat was probably used as feedstock for cattle. Given the nature of pre-Collapse meat processing industry aka Butchers, there is a good chance they simply had a robot travling over the contintent, planting Sandwheat along the way, with herds of cattle following it and a Butcher following the herds.

That would fit, with most humans having lived in mega-cities like the Forest Of Rust.
I'm talking about now, not pre-fall.

The Sandwheat information post specifically says that coordinating the labor for harvesting sandwheat is a particular concern, which implies that sandwheat farmers are maintaining the same planting habits as other crops, which would absolutely drive a great deal of economic turmoil since you would have incredibly inefficient labor shortages and surpluses...

Oh. Well. That explains a lot of what we're seeing, in fact. Why there's so much poverty. Because Slatnan is in desperate need of fundamental labor and land reform.

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I'm talking about now, not pre-fall.

The Sandwheat information post specifically says that coordinating the labor for harvesting sandwheat is a particular concern, which implies that sandwheat farmers are maintaining the same planting habits as other crops, which would absolutely drive a great deal of economic turmoil since you would have incredibly inefficient labor shortages and surpluses...

Oh. Well. That explains a lot of what we're seeing, in fact. Why there's so much poverty. Because Slatnan is in desperate need of fundamental labor and land reform.

Well, sandwheat has only been around since the late Empress propagated it massively among the populace after a scavenger found the initial seed-vaults.

People are getting there, but telling a Slatnan farmer that he has been doing his job wrong is a sure way to end on the wrong end of a pike.

Edit: "A scavenger had discovered seeds in a vault years ago, seeds that grew in lousy soil, developing and growing in only three months. The only downside to this plant was that it tasted disgusting, but when faced with starvation and eating something you did not like? Most choose to live. Under her command, entire hills were turned green, dunes of sand produced food, the masses that had starved suddenly had enough food, not only to survive but to thrive."

The particular paragraph about sandwheats finding, in the sidestory The Life Of An Empress.

Edit2: That finding was one of the reasosn the Civil war happened as it did, with the Empress suddenly gaining the devotion of masses of people for feeding them and providing enough food for all.

The poverty is a result of people still recovering from that war, with some cities having only removed the last ruins left in the last decade.
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Well, sandwheat has only been around since the late Empress propagated it massively among the populace after a scavenger found the initial seed-vaults.

People are getting there, but telling a Slatnan farmer that he has been doing his job wrong is a sure way to end on the wrong end of a pike.
Are the farmers who make those decisions primarily landowners or are they tenant-farmers?