1. Almost all Cores (95-99%) in use today have been produced after the Collapse. The RI had a 60-75% spread with post-collapse Cores.
2. The Military has radios on a strategic level, and much more advanced methods for inter-empire communication. You would know how to produce radios with a 100 meter range. Prototypes, essentialy.
3. All you see is a grey mass eating materials, then hanging around somewhere and leaving intact machinery/Jewel Muscles behind. And you could use PD to harvest refined Jewel.
But it would be akin to harvesting the organs of a Mutated because they regenerate. And PD would be against that idea. And Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer would drop-kick the door in, due to your misstreatment of PD.
4. Its in services included.
Thats what the Electronic Workshop does/is. And the scientist is Non-negiotable, as you need someone to supervise, teach, control quality, manage the while thing, and streamline production.
If made within Norqod, you would have a wall against attackers, and guard (from the guardstation) against thieves. And since the village will be made mostly in an artificial canyon (you are diggin down to make space, and for security) they will be very effective at spotting people that wander where they shouldn't.
@Godwinson Was the Purge that Aria survived done by the Nobles (very violent police action with no regard for innocents, resulting in mass executions, but done in a day or two) or by the Common People (Akin to the massacre of black wall street, but much,
much more bloodier and over 1-2 weeks)?