I ignored the brothel option because it simply is bad optics for a cult to open one.
If thats what you are worried about, I can assuage some of your worries. Temple-Prostitutes are not unkown, especially within polytheistic religions. The Rassemblement Vivant's Shamans are known to be very 'friendly' in that regard, seeing sex as an (minor) act of worship.

And you wouldn't do traditional prostitution, you would charge people for entering the brothel, and then have them make a deal with the prostitute themselves. You'd only provide a safe space with the needed medication and security, while not bothering to charge the prostitutes themselves.

I get that. On the other hand, I feel that part of our philosophy is rejecting moral structures that have no rational basis, and puritanical anti-sex tenets seem to very much fit that bill.

Basically, if some of our members genuinely want to take up sex work, I think it's very much in line with our ideals to support them.
You would be in essence be doing just that: support those who chose to have sex for money.

Yeah, but it could also look bad to establish a brothel so early in our history. First impression's matter.
Thats a bit late. People already see you as the weirdos who go around and help everyone they can. Only the conservatives would get a rise out of you doing so, all others (and especially those who intract with you) would go: "Yep, thats the Pilgrims doing weird shit again," before thinking you are "protecting" prostitutes.

You have a reputation as going out of your way to help all you can, so your actions will be viewed through that lense.
Imagine if we are raise to to the exact equal to the number one cult rank like it's a debate on who is number one I bet the tension on who gets the spot would be big right @HeroCooky
The Forge-Clans would operate as normal, as you would need to start a civil war to break their stranglehold over 1/3rd of the things which allow civilization within Slatnan to exist. You are much more likely to research how to replicate that, though.

The Followers Of Light would flip the table, smash a bottle and yell: "I'm gonna cut ya', BITCH!" before stabbing you.
You have a reputation as going out of your way to help all you can, so your actions will be viewed through that lense.
Yeah, but that's now several years in when we have also introduced ourselves to several political factions. If memory serves me right, the brothel option was up around our first year when our position was much less stable. Now would actually be a good time to build a brothel, with the COE too preoccupied to stir shit about it.
I guess the reason that I never suggested a project is mostly that we have enough stuff to do, that it feels kinda silly to add more to that list. Also we are still deep in the Build Up phase of everything making a large amount of research areas kinda not useful.

Martial stuff is just never done for the simple fact that it all costs Goodwill that is hard even for us to come by in large amounts, training a militia is more goodwill than the largest school for example. Its 9 for the militia and the largest school provides a single supply of 0.5 goodwill, meaning that if we want to breakeven we would have to build 18 such schools to equal getting the absolute basic Militia setup.

Due to this and the fact that we can spend Goodwill to turn failures into Successes, it frankly doesn't make sense to waste such a precious resource on something that we frankly don't need or at least seem to not need.

If you want martial actions to be taken more liberally then simply cut the Goodwill cost by some factor, so that it doesn't take five turns to recoup the loss after doing pretty much anything in that action set. You directly state that the world is highly dangerous and no one sane would go around without defenses, it does not make sense in that light to me that people would be so concerned about a large gathering of people setting up defenses for themselves.

In fact I would suggest making Martial tied into the reputation system instead of goodwill, after all if you have a good relationship with the nobles they won't be so concerned about you building up a small force, and the same holds true for pretty much everyone.

The above is just my take on the system and frankly, I personally don't really care about the martial actions whatsoever because currently they seem either too costly or simply there to move forward in technology/learning than actually being useful in and of themselves.
Honestly, most of the "problems" in our actions comes back around to the same thing: we prioritized survival over doing things likely to cause the powers of the area to obliterate us. It's why we avoided getting into the intrigue game for so long, because failed intrigue is generally assumed to be associated with providing a casus belli, and why we avoided taking actions that most of the questers would natively assume would cause the most issue with a conservative church (anything to do with sex).
You build an Inn, then spent over a year healing the sick, the injured, and those affected by the Plague-Engine. Then you got some books and recruited some people. You ignored an option so much that I deleted it. Too bad, since I had a storyline waiting for its completion, and the direction of "Pleasure Is Human" would have been interesting to explore. :(
It would have been interesting but I think there was just too much going on to spend our single action on that. Getting people food, healing, and then dealing with the Plague Engine seemed more important to me.

Here you got to build things! Soup-Kitchen, Poor-House, School, and not being an asshole to people who got displaced by a disaster for everyone!

You trained your first spies, then did nothing with them. Seriously, you are in Slatnan, the nation whose spy-games are so strong; they got a trait out of it! You are fortunate that no-one had anything against you and all rolled on the 'make us of them' side of the chart, or you would have been in for a rude awakening—also, no rumor-mill extras via infiltration, which could have led to better-informed decisions. You also trained your diplomats, and later on, your spies again.

It would help if you were more aggressive in getting information. Allies will only help you if your relationship is high enough to ask, 'What do I get out of it?' as an afterthought.
Yeah, we should have taken the "Seed Informants" action while it was there, with its one-year duration. After we trained our spies it changed to "Infiltrate", which takes three turns. And well, locking our one Diplomacy action for three turns, while we also have to introduce ourselves to people is problematic...

Here you got your first information-networks by accident! Yay! Then you got to work on raising the opinion of the Common People about the Mutated while infiltrating the Church of Eden. You also cemented your commitment with the Healers, learned the single greatest secret within the COE leadership, and kicked Eden in the nuts for the rest of the Arc.
I still want to look into how the Healers are doing now. I think we never talked with the Base faction after they formed because of the collapse of the Unionists.

Got created, searched, and found the Plague-Engine, prepared your volunteers, built a training-field, and then the fundamental security was made reluctantly. After prompting.

Seriously, just because no threat attacked you directly does not mean that they do not exist!
I think we mostly focused on the actions that were already in the update, instead of writing new actions ourselves. Getting more security never really came up before someone tried to burn down the tree.:oops:

What was slightly disappointing was that only one or two people had suggestions for this category, even though it offered the most versatility and chance to contribute to the Quest. On the other side, the ones who did make contributions made good ones, unlocking paths I would not have opened otherwise.
Most of those actions were based on the Artefacts we found, mainly because I was unsure about what exactly already exists. We do have a Sidestory about tech-levels but what I got from that is that "Mundane" stuff can be pretty much anything that doesn't require electricity.

Things got interesting here as you finished some research and then got the big stuff started or done. Like electricity, which unlocked a whole swath of things to do, except you, missed realizing that infrastructure is needed to capitalize on those gains. But you are soon going to be able to work on your Knight! So there's that!
Getting the Electronics Workshop would be great! But the costs and the upkeep...:cry:

You pretty much coasted on the success of the last ten turns and only scavenged, then made expeditions. Nothing much was done or suggested.
Well, we had locations to loot and the starting areas didn't have many features to focus write-ins on. The dangers of the Forest are also pretty vague so thinking of write-in actions for that is also difficult. The best I can think of is an action to reach out to the villages close to the border of the Forest, so we can organize expeditions easier.

Well, once your expeditions ran out, you made new ones, then refused to take risks with your scouts, intent on not losing anyone if you can avoid doing so.

My advice: You will lose people; there is no way around that. You will have a death count in the hundreds by the time Arc 4 is done (though that will probably take another RL year to reach), even if you take no risks. Especially if you take no risks. Go out, be bold, reap the explorer's rewards, the discoverer's bounty, make me crack out the lore!
Well, we first had the Plague Engine run around the Forest and then the Butcher. Sorry for being a bit leery about the place now.:V

Living-Quarters, Administration, Store-Rooms, two mines, and some Blood-Bark were built/prepared.

No write-ins as far as I can remember, which... was unexpected. But then again, most things I offered were things you needed, and creativity isn't needed as much as in other categories.
Sooooo much to do. And all of it expensive.

You also massively expanded the number of contacts you had, going from one to six.

No suggestion or creative ways in which you could have used them, though.
Again, write-in actions. I think part of it is that we were not really sure what those other organizations did? At least until after we did the introduction action, and even that was pretty vague in some cases.

Too Much To Do is still the high-light, leaving all other actions in the dust. Be glad that Martyris doesn't need breaks, or he would have gone off to do something else for a few turns. Or he would have done his wife, as you finally got married! (Not that they need prompting. *Looks at dice* Dice: THEY HORNY! *Sighs while throwing away the Wholesome storyline.*)
Ugh, there is always more to do.

Are the characters believable, how they act and react? What about the world itself? Does the way in which I crafted the nations, guilds, organizations, and religions make sense? Have I put enough thought into the ecosystem and the foes the people on Calynth encounter? Are there elements about the story I underrepresented or handled without the care they deserve? Are there subjects where I went into too much detail while not enough for others? Are there things I neglect to write about because I think you do not care about, while you do?
I think the characters are believable and they feel alive. As for story elements; the only thing I can think of is how some things get mentioned but not explained until we get a Sidestory about it. Like, sand-lizards are mentioned off-hand in turn 1 on page 2 of this thread but it takes a Sidestory on page 28 to explain how ridiculous those lizards are compared to horses.

That's a lot of time to forget small details that got mentioned much earlier.
Here's a Martial write-in: We could have our units do adventurer work. That would we a good way to keep them busy and who knows, they might even find loot.
Thats... good advice. And it makes me wonder how dumb I am at not realizing it when making those actions. I will look over and re-balance them when I wake up.

Thanks for that!
The main point I am taking away from here, and correct me if I am wrong, is that I am too vague in my descriptions, or mention something within the story to which the reader has no refference.

Which is fixable.

I have been thinking about re-organizing most of the apocrypha-tab into a Glossary, which could be used to provide detailed descriptions and concrete information about the factions (functions and services). It'll probably take a week or two, but I am sure that I can get something going.

And thanks for all the feedback, to all who replied!
Yeah, looking at your 'complaints' all I can really say is that uh... You seem to be a touch annoyed that we specifically went out of our way to be an open, friendly newly founded religion that didn't want to make waves with the current social, political, economic and religious set up of our home region, until it acted against us. Basically: We very much didn't want to look like a shady cult or problematic religion, which uh... We've done very well.

Now that we've set up our niche in the region's situation, we can start doing more 'risky' things because we've built up the relationships such that if we have a bad backfire we can probably work to mitigate it whilst doing other things. Rather than needing to fix it with everything right now, or dealing with the fact we've got the authorities against us.

We have an extremely firm foundation for building up our research, development and archeology capabilities, which we'll be using to fulfil one of our core fundaments of 'Regaining the Ancient's knowledge and technology lost in the fall'. We've got a reasonable foundation to afford the widespread 'help those in unfortunate situations' fundament we have, though it could be better. Which is both going to rapidly pull us into being one of the backbones of the region's stability as well as start improving the region in a great many ways as the grassroots nature of lifting up those at the bottom kicks in.

We're weak in martial, that's true and similar in intrigue. But on the other hand, we've got very good relationships with basically everyone as well as a lot of trust in our good nature for a new religion. We could be better at diplomacy, but that would have cost other opportunities. All this means that as we start becoming more martially active, we shouldn't be looked on with concern. Have an eye kept on us, sure. But it's a dangerous world and we're specifically going out to explore, poke and dig up some of the most dangerous parts of it now that the 'safer' areas are mostly depleted. Not militarizing would have us looked on with concern because someone being that foolhardy is... concerning because no one knows if they'll follow any type of common sense or do something utterly insane that breaks things because 'doing so was the proper way of life'.

In short, we didn't take the optimal path for the course we wanted though it's mostly due to not knowing how the set up worked/s or missing some lore and background that would have helped us make a more effective choice. But we've locked ourselves in as a safe religion that offers a lot of future potential, a fair amount of current potential, and isn't going to shake the tree without a predictable reason.

Now we need to use that firm and secure foundation to start making the world-shaking changes that our religion is built to cause in the pursuit of reclaiming a brighter future for everyone. Let's not misstep too often...

Also: Really want to get that Black Box operational as soon as we can. I want that +5 bonus to basically all research...
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You could save that for when Silvia grows up and be a cute little cinnamon bun. With Martyris being the nice parent while Selene becomes the overprotective mother who smile while holding a knife.
I haven't deleted that storyline, but i'd have to wait on locking one in for Silvia, as she still needs to develop characteristics and quirks while growing up.

And I think that Martyris would be the parent which sees no reason why his daughter shouldn't know how to kill a person in 17 different ways (most Scavenger parents insist on 20, so he is going soft on her), while being highly supportive of her finding her own way in life.

Selene would teach her all about being posh and proper, and what is needed to navigate the upper social circles, while doting on her every achievement. And mortally embarrass her while giving very detailed sex tipps when Silvia gets her first boyfriend.

Actually, both would mortally embarrass and dote on her anyway, they are the type of parents who give all they can to raise their child.

And probably mentally scar her when she walks into one of their frequent 'breaks' or while they are 'hugging.'
Here's a Martial write-in: We could have our units do adventurer work. That would we a good way to keep them busy and who knows, they might even find loot.
We use our Tech Scouts for exploring the Forest too, so they are kind of busy. We probably could do something with the Unbroken though, maybe something with the Herbalists or the Merchants?
The Herbalists if they have to gather herbs and other supplies outside of the city and the Merchants if they are interested in guards for their caravans.

Or we could try a write-in action to actively hunt stuff in the Forest. If the Unbroken spend a turn hunting robots, we should get quite a few robot parts from that.
Either for selling or as raw materials to turn into electronics/tools.

The main point I am taking away from here, and correct me if I am wrong, is that I am too vague in my descriptions, or mention something within the story to which the reader has no refference.
Yeah, it's kind of like we miss a part of the picture. To get back to the lizard example; the Forest of Rust was described as so big that it takes weeks to travel around it by lizard, but there is a huge difference between assuming those lizards are similar to horses(average speed of 40-50kph) and what the lizards can actually do(scout lizards with their 104kph for three hours, might average around 70-80kph?). Not to mention the reduced need for water or food the lizards have.
We probably could do something with the Unbroken though, maybe something with the Herbalists or the Merchants?
The Herbalists if they have to gather herbs and other supplies outside of the city and the Merchants if they are interested in guards for their caravans.

Or we could try a write-in action to actively hunt stuff in the Forest. If the Unbroken spend a turn hunting robots, we should get quite a few robot parts from that.
Either for selling or as raw materials to turn into electronics/tools.
I was just thinking of having the Unbroken join the adventurer's guild and roll for contracts. I imagine there's not a lot of commitment required to join or keep being a member and it could be a good way to earn some income on peace-time.
When we found the school we should turn around and also found a public library. The library should have literacy classes for adults. We would need to get printing presses and a large number of books to copy, but it should be doable to create at least a small library.

And we should focus on practical books. I bet we could increase the number of people who go into crafts with how to books.
We would need to get printing presses and a large number of books to copy, but it should be doable to create at least a small library.
I believe we once did something with a printing press, for panflets I think. But also that costs money, which is going to get tighter once the school upkeep kicks in.

Also, we meet again. You seem to pop-up in a lot of quests I'm following recently. :)
Q: Who do we play as, mechanically and narratively?
A: You (those participating in the Quest with comments) play as normal Pilgrims, those who vote are playing as the Pilgrim Council, and I (the QM) play as the Pilgrims' Adjudicator.

Q: Can we die?
A: No, as long as 1(one) Pilgrims remains, the Quest goes on.

Q: So when does the Quest end?
A: When I (RL) die, I lose interest in writing this narrative, or the Quest no longer gets replies.

Q: Why do we roll for Piety each round?
A: It represents the friction caused within a religion, arguments for and against actions/doctrines.

Q: Can we gain Piety by those rolls?
A: It represents the loss of Piety in three months, and as such, no.

Q: What do Artifacts do?
A: They give you a one-time bonus on rolls for Learning Actions and improve the outcome of the Action.

Q: Can I contact you when I have an idea for an Omake but am worried about its Canonicity?
A: Yes, I'll try my best to answer any questions and help if asked.

Q: Why do you make this Quest?
A: To improve my writing, because I wanted to do such a quest, and because I was bored.

Q: What are Artificial Critical Successes?
A:As the name implies, they are Crits that are artificial, i.e. not a natural 100 roll. They are attained by taking the last DC of an Action and bumping the DC into the next 100 bracket. For a DC of 50, an ArtCrit would be 150. For a Research Action with a DC of 25/50/75, it would be 125/150/175.
Omake Guidelines
Non-Canon = +5
Semi-Canon = +5
Canon = +10
Must Read = +15
Bestiary Entry (1+ Entry) = +3
Bestiary Genus (3+ Entries) = +12
Bestiary Family (9+ Entries) = +30
Media: +5-30 Depending on the media in question

All Omakes now (01.10.2020) give a choice between three pieces of Lore to choose from.

Boni may change depending on quality and care put into writing. Please do not attempt to spam Omakes.
(Total: 203, Used: 93, Remaining: 110)

[Canon] - Lightning Moss (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - Unusual Mutations (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - Lighting Tamed For Protection (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - More Than My Parts (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - Avenger Knight Pattern (+10) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Canon] - The Mutating Horror (+10) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Semi-Canon] The Child aids the Fallen Elders (+5)
[Non-Canon] Family Tree Of Martyris (+5) : 3 Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - The Reaper: The Darkness Incarnate (+10)
[Canon] - Elemental Felines (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Canon] - Heretical Text about Fractal Nova, Goddess of Freedom and Mercy (+15)
[Canon] - Cult of the Shattering Claw (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On Fractal Nova And Her Cults (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On The City Of Nova's Vision (+10)
[Canon] - Map Of The City Of Nova's Vision (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On The Shimmering Cloud (+10)
[Canon] - Flag Of Nova's Vision (+5)
[Canon] - The Whispering Mist (+10)
[Canon] - [Bestiary] - Vampiric Felines (+3)
[Canon] - Help Wanted: Elemental Feline Breeder (+10)

(Total: 105, Used: 105, Remaining: 0)

[Canon] - Paladin Pattern Knight (+10) : Used in Turn 22 Rolls.
[Canon] - Crusader Pattern Knight (+10) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls.
[Canon] - (Must Read) - Honor and Glory Pt.1 (+15) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls.
For Helping Me Figure Out How To Add Images (+5) : Used in Turn 28 Rolls.
[Canon] - (Must Read) - A Union Of Clans (+25) : Used in Turn 29 Rolls.
[Canon] - (Must Read) - Clan Vanar Arsenal Report (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Canon] - Sins of the Feer (+10) : Used in Turn 34 Rolls.

Doctor Elsewhere:
(Total: 85, Used: 85, Remaining: 0)

[Canon] - Image of King (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Canon] - A Mimic Aberration (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Canon] - The Undying Agents (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Semi-Canon] - Sin (+5) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Canon] - Image Of An Abomination (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Canon] - Image Of An Fabricator (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls.
[Non-Canon] - Potential Work-Lizard Depictions | [Canon] - Potential Scout-Lizard Depictions - (3rd Picture) | [Canon] - Potential War-Lizard Depictions - (2nd Picture) (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.

(Total: 5, Used: 5, Remaining: 0)

[Semi-Canon] - A Garden Abandoned (+5) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls.

(Total: 6, Used: 6, Remaining: 0)

Spotted Many Mistakes, Much To The QM's Shame (+6) : 5 Used in Turn 32 Rolls. 1 Used in Turn 33 Rolls.

(Total: 20, Used: 20, Remaining: 0)

Got The Reference (+20) : Used in Turn 36 Rolls.

(Total: 33, Used: 13, Remaining: 20)

[Canon] - Bestiary Entry - Desert Lion (+3) : Used in Turn 39 Rolls.
[Canon] - Lions In The Sand Part 1 (+10) : Used in Turn 39 Rolls.
[Canon] - (Must Read) - How To Catch A Lion (+20)

(Total: 55 Used: 0, Remaining: 55)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Rebirth (+10)
[Canon] - (Must Read) - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Initiation (+20)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Settling In (+15)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: The Workers of Sandcrete and Stone (Excerpt) (+10)
General OOC Information
How To Roll Dice For Cult Creator.
Step 1. Create a post.
Step 2. Click the option: "More Options."
Step 3. Click the option, "Throw Dice."
Step 4. Change the number of dice to the amount specified by me.
Step 5: Roll them, and re-roll the first dice to fail by clicking: "Throw another dice."
Step 6: Should four actions fail, re-roll an additional dice.
Step 7: Roll additional dice according to failed actions for the Goodwill vote.
Step 8: Roll additional dice according to my specifications.
Combat In Cult Creator
Small scale combat involving Mutants and Machines is fast and bloody. There is no time for creative tactics involving kilometers of land; no trickery beyond the initial clash and superiority is decided in a matter of minutes, mostly by the side with superior numbers. As such, superiority must be maintained at all cost, all punches are to be pulled and nothing left unchecked. A surprised unit in the Forest is a dead unit.

First, you must choose what a unit is equipped with. Some equipment has special rules or has limited ammunition due to the firepower needed for most threats. Other pieces can bestow armor or special attacks unto a unit used in combat and need to be repaired and replaced after the fight.

There is also a matter of training your units and the Breakpoint. The Breakpoint is the moment when a unit has lost too many to see a way to win. They roll a 1d100 to know if they run or stay. A unit with a breakpoint of 2/6 size would have to roll at 80 or above to remain standing. A DC of 20 for every size lost, which can be mitigated by more training, overall number superiority, or the fact that a unit has a special rule applying to themselves or the enemy they are fighting, like hatred or a need to win due to various circumstances.

Fights are similarly structured in Phases.

These are;
1. Behavior
2. Approach
3. Stealth, Ranged
4. Stealth, Melee
5. Combat Round 1
6. Combat Round 2,3, usw.
7. Morale/Retreat
8. Casualties

Behavior dictates how your units are fighting. This is set upon the start of the Combat-Action.

The approach is a contested roll to get into a position to attack while stealthed. Failure results in an immediate Combat Round.

Stealth, Ranged, is a contested roll against ranged enemies. If there are none, the side with the ranged unit gains one free attack. After that, the attacked side will know where they have been attacked and start charging.

Stealth, Melee is a contested roll against all enemies. This is a stealth roll, and upon succeeding, you gain one free attack. The attacked side will immediately start retaliating.

Combat Round X is a contested initiative roll. The one with the higher number wins. After that, your unit size and equipment will be taken into consideration to calculate damage. This would look like this;

Scouts (6/6) Vs. Mutant Dogs (6/6)
S:45 Vs. MD: 13, S strikes first
S has size 6 and basic weapons. 1d6 is rolled for damage.
S rolls 3, 3 MD's are out of action.
MD's retaliate, also size 6, basic fangs. Rolls 1d6 minus 3 for the wounded.
Rolls 6-3 = 3. 3 S are out of action.
MD's Breakpoint is reached, rolls morale: Needs: 60 Rolls: 1. Failed. Routs.

This ties into the Phase: Morale/Retreat.

When a unit succeeds in its morale roll, they attack the next round without any negatives, unless they are killed, realizing that they will die and choosing to take as many with them as possible.
When they fail, they scatter and run, giving the unit they were fighting a free attack against them. This is the end of combat.

Casualties are not automatically dead. They are too wounded to fight onwards. In this phase, all wounded are treated to save their lives. This is represented by rolling a dice, in this case, a 1d3.
1d3 = 2 Dead.
As above, only one scout was able to survive his wounds and return to the unit.

Units are replenished by one size per turn.
Armor blocks incoming attacks but is shredded by the same, being unavailable for the rest of the fight. It is replenished after one turn.
Combat-Actions will be rolled by using d50's because training and equipment are critical.
Matters Of Faith
During the journey of the Pilgrims, they will encounter situations that cannot be solved with a simple answer. Situations where they are damned if they do something, damned if they do not.

These situations are encountered either because enough time has passed, the number of Pilgrims has risen to an important milestone, a disaster happened, a building has been completed, or chance.

They cannot be solved in a way that keeps everyone happy. Someone will hate your answers to these problems. Some will love them. Many will not care and reach their conclusions.

The critical fact that should be kept in mind is this: YOUR ANSWER WILL CHANGE THE PILGRIMS.

Whether this will be in a purely cosmetic way, creating actions that can be taken, unlock buildings, or create a trait for the Pilgrims is entirely up to you.

But remember: No answer is right or wrong.
General IC Information
Of Experts And Their Uses
Many would question the use of knowing how the world rotates, how hot iron needs to be to bring out even the last amount of impurity, and that a banana is a berry. Those are not the people that have access to the knowledge that tells them the why and what of the world. They are the ones that never have to contend with the fact that humanity is nothing more than a shadow of its former glory, more forgotten than has ever been learned. But those that do make sure that such knowledge is preserved so that the worthy may inherit a bounty generations in the making and add unto it.

For the Pilgrims, Experts are those that have studied their respective fields to the extent that is available to be bought by coin and connections. They represent an enormous bounty of knowledge that you can access without recruiting one straight from the source. Given that those same experts are also highly sought after by those that have more means to them, you are unlikely to gain one unless they are interested in the first place.

One thing must remain in your mind; however, many will not teach all that they know unless they view you as allies.

Types of Experts you know of;

General Doctor: +6 against diseases and to Medical/Biological research
Surgeon: +12 to Medical/Biological research
General Engineer: +14 to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Electronic research
Trained Engineer: +24 to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Metallurgy/Electronic research
Forge-Coder: +60 to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Programming/Electronics research
Forge-Smith: +60 to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Metallurgy/Weapons/Armor research
General Scientist: +12 to all research
Trained Scientist: +18 to all research
Commander: +5 to the initiative, +1 damage, +5 to morale
Captain: +10 to the initiative, +3 damage, +10 to morale

Many more advanced Experts are not in your means to acquire, much less provide with proper equipment or salaries. General Experts are needed for training into more detailed studies because it is cheaper to pay only for those specific lessons and because it will take much less time to train someone who already has an idea of what they are doing.
Known Religions In Slatnan
Name: (The name of the religion/cult.)
Origin: (Where it originated.)
Stronghold: (The center of its belief. City and then Region.)
Might: (The amount of damage/help they could cause/provide, should you prove antagonistic/beneficial. 1 = a few people would act, while 100 = means national responses.)
Description: (An overview of dogma, belief, primary goals, and connected faiths.)

Major Religions In Slatnan:

Church Of Eden
Origin: Christianity
Stronghold: Jagisla, The Green Dunes.
Might: 26
Description: The Church of Eden believes that god punished humanity for its sins, cast out of "Eden," a place without hunger, pain, death, or illness. For them, mutations are a sign of spiritual corruption that can only be purged in flames. They also focus on shunning technology, thinking that it resulted in humanity's fall and believe that help should be earned, not given without payment.

Name: The Followers of Light
Origin: Deification
Stronghold: The Capital, The Capital
Might: 68
Description: The Followers of Light think that the imperial family is not human, but a deity made flesh that guides man back to its rightful glory. For them, subservience to the state is paramount, and that helping people is equal to helping their god. They have some interest in technology but favor mindless faith more. The Followers of Light do not like other religions, seeing them as competitors that have to be eliminated or subsumed.

Name: Children Of Tewaqir
Origin: Islam
Stronghold: Stonecrest, Slatnans Womb
Might: 34
Description: The Children Of Tewaqir are a pacifist religion, focusing on individuals' inner perfection by "cleansing" the body and mind from unwanted desires via humble means. Poverty is a virtue, while indulging in luxury is a sin. While there are debates about the viability of their pacifist views, they see no significant reasons to hurry up in getting to a conclusion in that discussion.

Name: Myra's Chosen/The Great Gearmother
Origin: Deification
Stronghold: Ash, Sunken Hollow
Might: 88
Description: Myra's Chosen, or followers of the Gearmother, are all without fail members of Forge-Clans. Outsiders are not permitted to know any real secrets of her worship unless they are inducted into the Clan. All that the average person knows is that "Myra" is seen as the saint patron of all Forge-Clans. Legends tell that she was the first to walk the lands unafraid of attacking machines, clad in technological marvels, seeding Forge-Clans wherever she went, spreading the understanding and rituals necessary to manipulate technology to one's desire. Most Forge-Clans make it a point of pride to display the artifacts she "supposedly" gave them as the first things visitors and customers see. For them, there is more in a machine than the sum of its parts. Their highest goal is the creation of a "Deuexmak," whatever that is.

Name: Order of the Flaming Sword
Origin: Judaism
Stronghold: Perfidious, Sunken Hollows
Might: 43
Description: The Order Of The Flaming Sword is a militant group of a rabbi and his congregation, intent on reclaiming lost holy places from the Wastes, Mutants, and Machines, by any means possible. They gather forces to strike out into the surrounding lands, cleansing sites of the taint of Machine and Mutant, before fortifying them. To fall in battle while reclaiming or defending such a place is one of the highest honors they could think of receiving.

Name: Rassemblement Vivant (lit. Life Gathering.)
Origin: Shamanistic
Stronghold: Hal, Bone Valley
Might: 7
Description: The Gathering of Life is a loose collection of shamanistic traditions focused on humanity's connection to nature and the spirits that permeate everything, from the lowliest blade of grass to the mightiest predator. For the Gatherers, Bone Relics are an integral part of any ritual. However, they state that only bones given freely (collected from the deceased, who say that they allow such when alive) hold any mystical properties. They had a schism a century back, resulting in the Knochentänzer, which they hate with a passion, and wish to destroy.

Minor Religions In Slatnan:

The Dutybound
Origin: An old militia-turned-holy-order covenant of soldiers.
Stronghold: ???, Bone Valley
Might: ~0,14
Description: Dissatisfied with the defense against internal threats and the power of corporations and merchants, the ancient city-militia turned against the then ruling House, only to be shattered and hunted down over the following years. Centuries later, the survivors and their children slowly turned to armed insurgency and resistance against the Nobles and Forge-Clans, striking with lightning-quick raids against armories and storage vaults, distributing their gains amongst the people before vanishing again. Notably, they make use of both Power-Armor and bikes.

Name: The Verdant Children
Origin: ???
Stronghold: ???, Bone Valley
Might: ???
Description: The Verdant Children are made up of those living in the zone between City and Necropoli, seeking salvation from past sins and mortal coil. Those sins are nebulous to outsiders, as most Children are born within the faith, though they are seldom seen without full-body covering. When without, most report either seeing plants, or colorful lights, alongside unnervingly precise motions.

Name: The Church of her Nightly Lady
Origin: Old Faiths
Stronghold: ???, Bone Valley
Might: ~0.06
Description: The Church of her Nightly Lady is a cast-out once-dominant faith now subsiding on the edges of society, preaching a doctrine of pacifism and sanctification of Old Night (The Collapse) as purification of evil from the physical world.

Name: The Covenant of the Lightning Stone
Origin: Christianity
Stronghold: ???, Bone Valley
Might: ~0.16
Description: They declare their holy mission was given into their custody by a physical object given to them from the Divine. They preach the sanctity of healing the injured, ill, and sick, taking most of their remaining doctrine from primarily Christian sources in most other aspects.

Known Proscribed Cults In Slatnan:

Rose Of Flesh
Origin: ???
Stronghold: ???
Might: ???
Description: A cult wholly devoted to the pleasures of flesh and body. Beyond their vulgar indulgence of every drug, every sexual practice, and all forms of desire imaginable to the human mind, not much is known about them. Only occasionally can tracks of this cult be found, mostly in the way of mutilated victims that, should they be lucky, have died before being discovered. The ones that have not give horrifying accounts of the practices and worship of the Rose Of Flesh.

Name: Knochentänzer (lit. Bonedancer)
Origin: Shamanistic
Stronghold: ???
Might: ???
Description: The Knochentänzer is a sect that split from the Rassemblement Vivant. They sport several distinctions from their parent religion, but the one that has sparked the most strive is their handling of Bone Relicts. Instead of volunteers and faithful giving their body for their belief, they take the bones needed for their rituals directly from the living. Should the victim survive the procedure, their bones are regarded as incredibly potent, resulting in the complete removal of the victim's entire skeleton. According to interrogated members, Mutated are a prime target of this cult, as the unique bones hold more magic.

Name: Emberguard (Destroyed)
Origin: Disciples of the Evertorch
Stronghold: Mirn, Tessen
Might: 0
Description: A splinter of the Evertorch. This cult's goal is known only to a select few, though recruitment had been an integral part of it, including the provocations of Purges.
The Empire Of Slatnan
The Nation And Govermental Structure
Blue background, with a single green wing spreading from left to right. On the left of the wing, a red sword is present. (The blue represents the heavens that are the right of every person to see, or Slatnans near hatred of slavery. The green wing represents freedom, while the red sword represents the blood that had to flow to gain and preserve that very freedom.)

National Anthem: I'll die free, even if you take the sky from me. (A Pre-Collapse song sung by the slaves during the revolt which would found the Empire of Slatnan.)

Slavery: A very strictly regulated debt-bondage, which is regulated to such a degree as to allow the debtor to work themselves free within less than five years, at most. Chattel-Slavery will result in the slaver's death by public hanging.

Religious Freedom: Universal, as long as no Anti-Empire rhetoric is within the religion, and no permanent or excessive harm is done within their rituals.

Military: A standing army under the Imperial family, bolstered by Forge-Clan troops and levies from free cities and nobles.

Mutated Rights: Cast-system, though varying from region to region. Freedom of movement is guaranteed. No kill-on-sight orders. Targeted Purges are allowed. Forbidden from entering the Royal Army, except the levies.

Geography: Mountains, Deserts, Savanna, Valleys, Canyons, Necropoli, and Caves.

Succession Law: Absolute cognatic primogeniture. The first child inherits everything.

Emperor & Empress
The undisputed rulers of the Empire Of Slatnan, descendants of the same. They rule with the aid of the Inner Security, the Royal Army, and the Imperial Family's help. Their words are law, their desires that of the nation, their orders obeyed without question, and they reach long. Their allies will rise, their enemies will die.

Marquis & Marchioness
The Marqui and Marchioness Of Tessen are of this rank. This title is only held by those governing the most extreme and vital regions within the Empire, with the provinces 'Bleak Seaway' and the 'Mycanic Sea' being the other two. They play an essential role in the continued functioning of the Empire, upholding civilization along important routes and securing access to strategic resources. If given sufficient cause, their words can sway the mind of the Emperor/Empress.

Duke & Duchess
The usual nobility which governs a region of the Empire. They hold some sway, but it is heavily dependant on their territory. A Duke with an area primarily focused on agriculture would be lower than a Duchess with manufacturies as her powerbase. Their primary duty is to elevate and create prosperity within their region, but they often compete with each other for influence, often to the detriment of their subjects.

Count & Countess
House Ulatarn and House Mirn are present here. Counts and Countesses are holders of at least one City, along with the territory that those hold. They ensure the safety and stability of their holdings while funding and maintaining public projects according to their Dukes/Duchess's/Marquis's/Marchioness's designs. Theirs is to defend and prevent any low-scale threats from growing too large for a region's defenders and Knight-Chapters to destroy. Jockeying for position and glory is present but takes the form of having better lands than the others.

Baron & Baroness
Lady Maranica and Baron Esker are here. Barons and Baronesses govern towns and a handful of villages. Theirs is not to change the nation, nor to produce great works, but to ensure that their betters may have the foundation to do so. Plotting and shady deals are frequent, and everywhere, those who are incapable of defending their secrets find them used. They are incredibly interested in what goes on in their lands, to the point of paranoia. But is it paranoia when they are indeed out to get you?

Lord & Lady
Selene is here, under Maranica. Lords and Ladies of the Empire are put in charge of a village or castle. They are so low on the pole of nobility that they are barely seen as above commoners. Their tendency to marry them does not help in that regard. Their role is in essential governance and paying taxes.

Special Title: Prevter
The title of Prevter is rarely given, and for a good reason. While other noble titles hold a clear hierarchy, a Prevter is very much decoupled from the nobility's powerplays due to the nature of their Emperor-Given charge. They are not concerned about gaining wealth, secrets, land, or glory but are focused solely on their task. A task that can be summed up as the securing, gathering, producing, transporting, and growing vital and crucial resources needed by the Empire Of Slatnan to continue functioning and expanding. Such include wood, coal, iron, aluminum, and oil, but are not limited to such. While a Prevter operates under the same succession laws as ordinary nobility, meaning that Mutated may only hold the title 'in reserve' until a viable human candidate has been found or born, they have been granted vast concessions in regards to military and levy-size to be able to defend better the resources they guard. Including Knight-Retinues.
Of all the religions on Calynth, none are as vital as the Forge-Clans. They maintain the ancient machines that allow people to live in safety and produce the myriad of technological wonders that ensure humanity thrives even in the harsh lands of Calynth. They follow the teachings of Myra, the founder, and progenitor of all Forge-Clans, keeping the balance between production and humanity, efficiency and mercy. All Forge-Clans have by necessity specialized in some field of technology, whether it is in the production of advanced machinery, the smelting and working of ores, or the works of the Data-Smiths. Ancient wonders are their domain, as is the desperate search for parts to maintain the machines which produce them. Nothing is a graver sin than letting a machine go unmaintained, destroy knowledge with intent, or erase a person's sovereignty.

Yet, in most lands, they are viewed with suspicion, the power their technology grants them being observed with avarice. But not in the Empire. Here, they have been given a level of jurisdiction unparalleled for any religion within the Empire, gifted not only the right to have a standing army beyond the need to defend itself against attacks but also vast swathes of lands to rule over, much to the joy of the peasants in those lands. They have maintained a cordial and welcoming relationship with the nobility and people of the Empire ever since the first Clans have been given a choice to be vassalized or die. The ruins of their homes now serve as secular sites of learning, where day and night, men and women of all disciplines work tirelessly to bring new inventions to the people of Slatnan.

Within the Empire, they occupy a role between those who maintain and stifle the technological decline while also bringing new inventions, like new Knight-Patterns, to the Bureau of Imperial Logistics notice.
The Military of the Empire Of Slatnan can roughly be broken up into three different branches for ease of classification. The Royal Army, The Levies, and The Bureau For Imperial Military Logistics.

The Royal Army is, as the name suggests, the Army of the Imperial Family. Though the name is no longer accurate and a left-over from when Slatnan was a kingdom, subsequent Emperors and Empresses have decided against renaming the Army to remind themselves and their successors what Slatnan once was and where it will fall to should they shirk their duty. The Army is surprisingly meritocratic, where commoners who exhibit greater abilities than their noble counterparts are chosen over the nobles for promotion. Should such a thing happen, the noble/s in question are shamed and branded with incompetence and irresponsibility by their social equals/betters and see it as a powerful motivator to do everything in their power to see it never repeated. However, when a commoner and a noble have the same potential, the noble is always chosen.

Under the purview of The Royal Army are the Knight-Chapters of the Empire, who operate under the Emperor's/Empress's direct control. To be a Knight-Pilot and to use a Knight is to lay down not only your life for the Empire but your name and heritage as well. While only pure human nobles are accepted into the Chapters, they are forced to break any connection with their families, swear off their ancestry and any inheritance they would receive, and be subject to oversight when talking and messaging their families. Should a Knight-Pilot be found to use their position to further their family's goal directly, rather than by association alone, they will be executed. Knight-Chapters are categorized into three different duties; Assault, Defense, Support. Assault Knight-Chapters are those Chapters whose responsibility is war, extermination, and the tip of the Empires Spear. They venture forth on punishment expeditions into Necropoli, against Tribes, or other threats to the Empire's stability. They are the first to be called to war and the last to leave. Theirs is to expand the Empire's Light and bring salvation to those too ignorant of realizing that the Empire only wants their best. Defense Knight-Chapters are stationed inside a region, from only one to dozens, depending on the Regions importance. They are the last line of defense against the horrors and the darkness of Calynth; they give their lives to keep the Mutant and the Machine from the civilians of the Empire. Theirs is to uphold civilization and die for it. Support Knight-Chapters are a middle-point of Assault and Defense; they are called to both duty, yet neither specialize in either. Theirs are to shore up support to help their brethren; their efforts are seen as lesser, yet always direly needed.

The Levies of the Empire are those troops given by the commoners and the nobility alike in war and invasion. They are the people of Slatnan who do the most honorable of all duties: taking up arms in the Empire's defense, giving their own lives for all. Their deeds are rarely recorded; their sacrifice seldom fully appreciated. Yet, every town and city inside Slatnan has a Tomb Of The Nameless Fallen, where all who died in the Empire's service are honored beyond their death and for all generations to see.

The Bureau For Imperial Military Logistics is its counterpart from The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics, or as they are commonly called, The Imperial Military Bureau and The Imperial Logistics Bureau. Under its purview is everything from the Imperial Forces' supply-lines to the procurement and are the only Bureau that can give the Title of Prevter. They commission new technologies and Knight-Patterns, collect the needed information to improve armaments and armors, decommission or create Knight-Chapters as necessary, and more.
Guilds within Slatnan are given both wide-ranging privileges, as well as duties. Listed below are the Guilds so far encountered and their larger parent organizations.

The Merchant Guild:
Incidentally, this Guild operates without local variations or chapters. All merchants within Slatnan who wish to perform trade with ease and safely are within this Guild. Not only does it provide traders safety in numbers by organizing caravans, sharing the costs of hiring guards, and offer insurance, but it also regulates prices to prevent anyone from capitalizing on market-fluctuations. While monopolies, syndicates, or cartels are unfortunate, not much can be done by the Common People to counteract them should they remain within reason.

United Healers:
This Guild's purview is the healers, herbalists, surgeons, doctors, chemists, nurses, and other medical workers. It ensures that there is enough surplus of goods to supply the populace and mandates the number of apprentices who need to be trained inside a region, and funding medical research. The Union of Herbalists is a subsidiary branch of this Guild, notable for their effective remedies refined from local plants.

The single most famous University on Calynth, notable because it allowed the Empire Of Slatnan to reduce the technological decay while starting to catch up at the same time. They hold contests with large prizes to entice more participation in their efforts. The Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science are a University subsidiary, focused mostly on robotics and material science. They are noted to be remarkably elitist unless someone shows that they are their intellectual equal.

The Adventurer Guild:
While the Adventurer Guild may have dominion over all matter mercenary, they have to ensure both the lawful behavior within their ranks, as well as their availability when called for war. In day to day operations, this Guild mostly concerns itself with the extermination of hostile or dangerous wildlife and Mutants.
Mirn, The Towering

Ruling House: Mirn
Est. Population: 180.000
Mutated: 11%

Mirn is surprising from an architectural point of view due to the citizenries decision to build up rather than down. True, many underground structures exist, but not as many as there should be, as the architects had put more focus into raising the city into the sky. Jutting into the sky like raised fingers and arms, houses and structures three to seven stories tall stand proudly, bridges connecting them high above the streets, with aqueducts masterfully flooding bath-houses, wells, and temples with massive amounts of water put to use within health, sanitation, and the supply of the populace. The Blue Lance Knight-Chapter has its Chapter-House within the city, making it one of the most secure in the region.

Ularn, The Growing

Ruling House: Ulatarn
Est. Population: 150.000
Mutated: 7%

The seat of power and ancestral home of House Ulatarn. One of six cities dominating the Tessen-Trade route, connecting the eastern parts of the Empire to the west, a beacon of wealth and prosperity, along with all that goes with it.

When desperate survivors had settled the region, they had done so in the extensive hollow cavern under a rising mountain, gathering water from the winding river and cultivating the cave-flora and fauna for sustenance, protection, and products over No-Gate. But even in its golden age before the Empire, the city could not hold a candle to what it was now, even gutted from a fire seventy years ago and the civil war. And while Undertown, the local Mutated Slum, and Ghostfair had been positively eradicated and were built from scratch by a recovering population, Nunsmile and Grey Barrow had taken up the slack with the production of goods and materials like Soulsilk and Mion that Ghostfair had had a monopoly over before.

The massive bridges spanning the river had been named Stoneford, as had the houses, shops, and docks all along its length inside the city. Those docks provided both foods from further north and south and raw materials for the factories churning out goods.

But the beating heart of the city was not Scribe's Grove or Castle Ward, but The Green. Every town had a "The Green, "but that of Ularn was a wonder of engineering brought by no expense being spared. Already an area set aside for the relaxation of citizens and a source of food in case of a prolonged siege, the fire which had raged almost a century ago had turned the groves, parks, and plantations to ash, allowing an enterprising architect to prove his talent and prowess. The result was a massive greenhouse, carefully curated and regulated by being added to the city's ventilation systems. It provides food in significant quantities while allowing weary and tired minds to wander the halls overgrowing with bioluminescent plants and lush vegetations in relaxation and peace. In this place, people could forget the hardships of their day and relax.

Tessen, The Artery

Ruling House: Tessen
Est. Population: 370.000
Mutated: 8%

The crowning jewel of the Region, Tessen, the Artery of Trade, is the local seat of governance and House Tessen. The city has a long and varied history, though most prominently by its role as the center point of trade between any who wish to quickly and expediently travel from the east to the west, resulting in such wonders as the Grand Bazar, south of the Fortress.

The massive plaza had initially been left free to allow for commerce to grow into it. Since its creation five-hundred years ago, the number of wares being sold and hawked had rapidly exceeded the space, along with the number of merchants trying to make sales within the plaza. Rather than move into the crowded streets or relocate outside the walls, a massive consortium of merchants and peddlers instead decided to invest in the plaza by commissioning a Forge-Clan to design a system of building materials that would allow them to add a story to the Bazar, as the then reigning Lord Tessen adamantly refused to dig out or build up another level, even when offered frankly ludicrous sums of money, citing laws against fire-risks and other legal jargon. Most suspect he wanted to preserve the view of his study. No Tessen ever saw fit to repeal those laws in the coming centuries.

But the Forge-Clan delivered, allowing the merchants to build a level and disassemble it within a single hour. While this approach limited the type of goods that could be sold on the higher levels, it added to the wonder of the Grand Bazar, which meant that there were a total of seven levels present. Nonetheless, these levels are the wonder and focus of Empire-Wide trade routes, as the sheer prestige of selling on the top has seen more than one fortune rise.

The city itself is a hotspot for new trends and luxuries. New fashion, food, drinks, entertainment, and technology are hawked, advertised, sold, and bought every day.

Zulmni, The Older

Ruling House: Mirn
Est. Population: 140.000
Mutated: 3%

The older of the two, Zulmni has always stood out for the jewelry produced within its walls and the glass industry outside of them. In particular, Sapphires are a specialty of its artisans, shaping the gemstones harvested underneath into unbelievable patterns with the aid of "Sunglass" produced by the glassmakers. Though the wealth has and will make the city a target for raiders, bandits, and the odd Machine and Mutant, its citizens have nonetheless maintained an optimistic and positive outlook upon the world. Some even joke that this uncharacteristic display of openness is due to the fumes they inhale from the kilns producing components for Sunglass. Those joking are not among the Mutated, who see the city as a dark place that should be avoided if one has the money to do so. In the past, the city had been home to a religion that claimed that artisanal craftsmanship could be enhanced by sacrifice, particularly that of "impure" parts. Taking this to its logical conclusion, many Mutated had been mutilated in exchange for money or involuntary to burn their mutations upon altars for the artisanal god's favor. The tradition has been formally outlawed, though the rumor persists that it is very much alive.

Jokvi, The Younger

Ruling House: Mirn
Est. Population: 120.000
Mutated: 2%

As the younger of the two, Jokvi always lived in the shadows of her sister-city, which had been settled on the other side of the canyon splitting apart the ground between them. No tremendous or heroic feat enabled her building, other than being less attractive of a target than Zulmni. Besides a lack of Mutated within the city, owing to a Purge fifteen years ago, not much stands out as unique for this beacon of civilization. But sometimes, being "only" a "normal" city has its benefits, as few see a reason to disturb what has worked for centuries. Parks and plazas allow many workers and visitors to relax and take in the small but growing culture of artists and public murals over many buildings and inside the tunnels connecting much of the critical infrastructure.

Strul, The Forgotten

Ruling House: Ulatarn
Est. Population: 110.000
Mutated: 17%

The city of Stul has always had a problem with being recognized as a player within the world. Much of that is owed to its relative seclusion, though the rest is due to a lack of import to the city itself. Many within Tessen often forget that Strul is the sixth city, not merely a large town, much to her citizenry's displeasure. Despite her administrators and Nobles' best efforts, only two things strike as particular for Strul; its frankly delicious cabbage and the relative acceptance of Mutated. The first is owed to an unusual soil-composition and native insects, allowing the cabbages to grow large, tasty, and unplagued by pests and diseases. The latter has evolved due to necessity as nearly one-fifth of the population is Mutated in one way or another, leading to the relaxation of a few laws within and only within the cities boundaries. Most assume the prevalence of Mutated is due to the ancient and abandoned chemical refinery underneath Strul. However, specialists could never find a trace of chemicals or other agents which have tentatively been linked to facilitating Mutations in newborn. That no-one is sure that those chemicals are a potential source of Mutations has not dampened the rumors in the slightest.
The Sacred Lands of the Everliving Sun
A Black Flower on a Yellow background. (It represents the glory of the Eversun giving life.)

National Anthem: Mataʻi tohi taʻengata (A hymn sung by choirs within churches and soldiers on the march, glorifying service to the Eversun.)

Governmental Body: Theocratic Oligarchy

Capital: Istilfarn

Rival/s: Everybody. Especially The Empire of Slatnan.

Slavery: All forms are allowed.

Religious Freedom: You worship the Eversun, or you die.

Military: Mostly human-wave tactics, with low-grade Knight and diesel vehicle rushes.

Mutated Rights: Eternal Debtor-Slave. No rights.

Geography: Jungles, beaches, swamps, battlefields.
The United Mercantile Cities of Dul
A Golden Scale, weighing a money-bag against black ingots, on blue background. (The scale represents trade, the bag and the ingot the goods, and the blue the rivers that keep it all flowing.)

National Anthem: N/A (Every City-state has its own.)

Governmental Body: Capitalist Oligarchy

Capital: N/A (Changes depending on the wealth of the ruling families.)

Rival/s: Eversun.

Slavery: Chattle Slavery allowed.

Religious Freedom: Yes.

Military: Mercenary armies.

Mutated Rights: No rights and protections, crimes against them are not recognized.

Geography: Canals and vast desserts, interspersed with oasis.
The Shield-Belt-Alliance
Three Black Shields bound by a White Laurel Wreath, on a Red background. (The black shields represent the need for protection against the darkness, the laurel wreath is the hope for peace forcing them together, while the red is for the blood spilled to achieve that peace.)

National Anthem: United, We Stand. (Created 845 A.C. by a Nurui-Composer for their founding.)

Governmental Body: Council of 27 Nations, though resembling a federal republic more each year.

Capital: Paluie.

Rival/s: Eversun and the Empire, due to their geographical location and rivalry with each other. Any conflict between the two will go through their lands.

Slavery: Sex-Slavery allowed in all members; other types are present with varying degrees.

Religious Freedom: Varying by member-states.

Military: Each nation has its make-up, though an overarching army exists, funded by each member according to their economy.

Mutated Rights: Varying be members, though not above third-class citizens.

Geography: Mountains, Deserts, Savanna, and Myconid Forests.
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[X] Plan Research and Political Plots
-[X] You Growl.
-[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (2/6 Turns Complete) - (3FF)
-[X][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (3 Turns Remaining) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Make A Man Out Of You! - (The Unbroken) - (Tech-Scouts) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes)
--[X] +1SC, +(Fuel Distributor +20 to Hydraulics,Actuator +20 to Hydraulics)
-[X][Learning] Building up Steam - (Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Alloys/Advanced Mechanics/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulics/Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery/Machinery) - (3/8 Successes)
--[X]+(Rusted Block With Missin Circles +20 to Advanced Metallurgy)
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (SO-01) - (2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: Y)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Light It Up! - (1/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Salt Refinement - Deep Pumps - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Prepare Quarters - (-6.40 Materials)
-[X][Personal action] Be With Selene
-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Dig For Information) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-2.4 Materials)
--[X] +6FF
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Poor-House - (Mirn))
--[X] Payback loan: -11.70 Materials
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Guardians For Hire - (Prisoner) - (-1.5 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (1FF) - (2/4 Turns Complete)

When we found the school we should turn around and also found a public library. The library should have literacy classes for adults. We would need to get printing presses and a large number of books to copy, but it should be doable to create at least a small library.
I think Selene mentioned that kids get some basic-education in the orphanages. I'm going to look for some quotes and edit them into this post if I find some.

Edit: I couldn't find anything. The only mention of the orphanages run by the Followers of Light was during turn 17, specifically that the orphans have to repay the orphanage and that that is the reason why they actually search if any child gets lost/kidnapped.

On the other hand, Selene got a job with a noble so there should be some education. But on the third hand, the A Hoofed Heart Interlude mentions that her reputation was "Sapient Decoration".:confused:
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