i would suggest keeping the massive bonuses then,outright fusing/allying with another faction with full acces to medical infrastructure would put us in the political situation where we become an vital cog of the communitie in both social and economical terms

wich gives us a bit of a buffer before another factions chooses to fuck us up
Oh. Hey, @Doctor Elsewhere your +40 would put the boni to +130, do you want to re-assign them?
I'll leave +10 there so the final bonus is +100, put +20 on retrace the steps so its also +100, and the other +10 on establishing soup kitchens if we're still rolling for it. We did roll for it last turn, and @Profectus said that means we don't roll for the rest of the turns, is that correct @HeroCooky? I'll put the +20 on Flow As We Demand if it's true.
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i love the bonuses

the fact we have an +100 on butcher means we are gonna crit succed no matter what


pilgrims scouts: *STELTH :3tm*
I'll leave +10 there so the final bonus is +100, put +20 on retrace the steps so its also +100, and the other +10 on establishing soup kitchens if we're still rolling for it. We did roll for it last turn, and @Profectus said that means we don't roll for the rest of the turns, is that correct @HeroCooky? I'll put the +20 on Flow As We Demand if it's true.
Boni fixed. And the Soup-Kitchens are an ongoing construction you have to roll for things like materials being delivered, permits accepted, enough hand diing the construction, etc.

Not like Unity Of Purpose, where you spend nine months in disscusion/debate about cooperation, hashing out a deal to be accepted at the end.
Not like Unity Of Purpose, where you spend nine months in disscusion/debate about cooperation, hashing out a deal to be accepted at the end.

with that +100 bonis is going to be more like

pilgrims: we frens

healers: what?

pilgrims: i said,we frens now

healers: are you retarded or......when did i put a pilgrim armband on?

pilgrims: W E F R E N S *menacing friendship noises*

healer: plz dont hurt me
I need 6 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
20, rolled with +20
35, rolled with +36
25/45/55 rolled with +28
30/45/60rolled with +12
???, rolled with +100
30/35/70 rolled with +100

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:


10d100 (Separately please.)



(1d100) DC of 23


The first rolls that are complete are taken as official.
I will roll on the 05.09.20 at 17:00 CET if there are no other rolls present.
We'll be getting another faith action this upcoming turn right? I'd like to use it on [ ] Establish A Poor-House. The Church of Eden is looking to demolish some slums to make another church, so we could easily gain a good number of followers for providing a place for them to stay after their homes were destroyed. Not to mention the affect on people's perception of us versus the Church of Eden, one destroy your homes, the other provides a new one when you need it.

A [ ] Medical Wing for the Tree is probably a good idea for our next project as well, to provide sanitation/healthcare for the 900 pilgrims now living there.

Rolling: Nice.
Doctor Elsewhere threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 94
94 94
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im rolling the main 6 actions with the 1DC100

i call gibs


20, rolled with +20 = dc8 +20 = 28
35, rolled with +36 = dc45+36 =81
25/45/55 rolled with +28 = dc31 + 28 = 59
30/45/60rolled with +12 = dc92 + 12 = 104
???, rolled with +100 = dc11+100 = 111
30/35/70 rolled with +100 = dc18 + 100 = 118

all actions completed,all pass with max tresshold of benefits,3 of them with critical succes,and if you take that 94 that @Doctor Elsewhere rolled instead of one of the lows i rolled (i dont know if that is legal) we would instead critic in 4 actions

the last dc9 was a finger slip btw,it has no action linked to it
armentho threw 7 100-faced dice. Total: 214
8 8 45 45 31 31 92 92 11 11 18 18 9 9
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rolling the secret dices:

first secret dice: 10DC100:
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 94
94 94
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 98
98 98
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 43
43 43
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 59
59 59
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 94
94 94
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 82
82 82
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 30
30 30
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 98
98 98
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 99
99 99
What a weird dice number, hope it doesn't mean anything bad for us. :V
1d 1246: ....

Huh, I can't roll a dice higher than a d100. I'll just do the 1d7 then:
Doctor Elsewhere threw 1 7-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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im rolling the main 6 actions with the 1DC100

i call gibs


20, rolled with +20 = dc8 +20 = 28
35, rolled with +36 = dc45+36 =81
25/45/55 rolled with +28 = dc31 + 28 = 59
30/45/60rolled with +12 = dc92 + 12 = 104
???, rolled with +100 = dc11+100 = 111
30/35/70 rolled with +100 = dc18 + 100 = 118

all actions completed,all pass with max tresshold of benefits,3 of them with critical succes,and if you take that 94 that @Doctor Elsewhere rolled instead of one of the lows i rolled (i dont know if that is legal) we would instead critic in 4 actions

the last dc9 was a finger slip btw,it has no action linked to it
I take the Dice rolled in a timeline, first comes, first result gets taken. But you finished the Kitchens this turn, so not bad!

Also: I need 1d3-1 Goodwill, and a 1d7.