Is the Avenger pattern going to be appearing elsewhere in a more complete form or is the one we have the only remaining husk of its type?

What is needed to reveal the ??? for the armor, integrity and machine-mind of the Knight we have?

@HeroCooky I am aware that the rewards might be hidden but on the off chance they aren't could you reveal what they are?
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Is the Avenger pattern going to be appearing elsewhere in a more complete form or is the one we have the only remaining husk of its type?

What is needed to reveal the ??? for the armor, integrity and machine-mind of the Knight we have?
The Avenger-Pattern is not going to appear anywhere, as those that build it died 400 years ago to the Mutating Horror and for reasons that I will explain in the next update. So yes, you have the only surviving Avenger in the world.

The action Catalog Everything will reveal those things, though Omakes will end up influencing what precisely you would find.
@HeroCooky So every Chapter have their own unique Knight Pattern right?
What are the weapons/support equipment that Knight chapters have access to or can create/supply?
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@HeroCooky So every Chapter have their own unique Knight Pattern right?
What are the weapons/support equipment that Knight chapters have access to or can create/supply?
Knight-Chapters in the Empire can choose from a multitude of different Patterns, they aren't required to keep to one specific pattern. And while there is research into new Patterns, modifications to existing ones are much more common than the creation of a new Pattern for each new Chapter. Stick with what works, you know?

As for weapons, there are a multitude of electrified weapons, such as spears, swords, etc. With ranged options being automatic Crossbows with various munitions, such as AP, Explosive, Tether. Support ranges from things like Nera-Coils (those shoot electricity into melee and against hordes once activated), shields, auxiliary units, thing like that. And Knight Chapters are supplied by the Empire with the best of the best, they themselves do not produce any equipment.
We likely need help from whoever is ruling the city to fix that.
It probably depends on what is meant with "sanitation" by the Common People.
If it's only the fact that they can't bath/shower because there aren't any bathhouses in the city and bathing outside in a river risks getting killed by a Mutant, then building a few bathhouses would suffice. It would be expensive, probably more showers than baths, and we would need a source of clean water but we could do that.

If the problem is that Mirns' canalization is nonexistent and everyone uses chamber pots that are emptied on the streets... Well, that would require an extensive infrastructure project. No way we could do that. It would probably be even too expensive for the Nobles.

I think we should use one of our personal actions to scout a new location for scavenging/expedition, what remains isn't very good. I recommend going for The Gallery, with personal bonus it'd only fail on a 1.
We should scout a new area soon, but the deeper parts like the Gallery... We already have some danger on the outskirts of the ruins and that will only get worse the deeper we go. The problem is that our expeditions have to deal with those dangers for several turns and I fully expect to find more dangerous/exotic stuff than just Mutants.
The Gallery is special in that regard because a failed scouting action will kill 6 Pilgrims. There is not a chance of them dying like with the other places. If they are found they will die.

Maybe we should start with the eastern outskirts or the wall?

I tested my hand at designing a Knight Pattern and frankly not sure how canon it possibly is but I did my best and I intend for this to the pattern of the Knight that we found.
Huh, that sounds completely different from Big Sister we saw with the Emperor. Maybe a diverging design philosophy?

Big Sister sounds like the weapons are built-in and can directly draw power from the core. That makes them simpler and easier to maintain so it makes sense that that Knight pattern survived as long as it did.

Avenger sounds more like its focused on versatility, with being able to quickly switch between different tools and weapons but all of them require their own power supply, making them more complicated and fragile. That makes it great for defending fixed locations with the infrastructure to store and maintain the different weapons/tools, but hard to maintain after the Fall.
If the problem is that Mirns' canalization is nonexistent and everyone uses chamber pots that are emptied on the streets... Well, that would require an extensive infrastructure project. No way we could do that. It would probably be even too expensive for the Nobles.
From the descriptions of how much the city stinks that should be the biggest problem and yeah no way we can do it by ourselves.
The problem is that our expeditions have to deal with those dangers for several turns and I fully expect to find more dangerous/exotic stuff than just Mutants.
The Gallery is special in that regard because a failed scouting action will kill 6 Pilgrims. There is not a chance of them dying like with the other places. If they are found they will die.
Yes it is more dangerous but that's what the guards are for, and as I said if we use the personal bonus only a 1 would cause that scouting action to fail and we still might get a reroll.
[Canon] - More Than My Parts
Here is my take on the Machine mind/core of our knight

The Enigma Core

The name given to the machine mind and core of the original Avenger pattern knight. Unlike all following models of the pattern the core and machine mind of the original was not created for the design like all the others and was instead a salvage operation in and of itself.

Forming the center of the core, is the last remaining parts of a Walker with the designation of Bastion. Bastion's core was salvaged from the broken body of the Walker after its final fight broke it beyond repair and yet the core remained intact and could be repurposed. In its operational period Bastion had been known to effect system alterations that would save on the cost of fuel and repairs by cleverly shunting power and fluids around its frame in order to prevent run away disasters.

With the core of Bastion as the center piece, around it lie five major shards of five destroyed Knights. Each of these five Knights were powerful in their own right, but more critically to the designers each of them were known for advanced predictive programs and actions. The shards of their programs were fused to the base layer that Bastion served adding their own flare to the bedrock that was Bastion, giving depth and flavor to the combined program, and yet the designers were unsatisfied.

Surrounding the five shards of the Knights rest fragments of dozens of fallen Knight cores and machine minds, each Knight that had ever fallen in service to the complex, destroyed beyond repair had a fragment of their mind and core added to the Avenger Core. Due to this the processing power and size of the core grew larger than most other cores in existence and yet the designers refused to stop adding fragments of code and cores into this single core.

Over the decades the Avenger Core became a masterwork of a thousand shards and fragments holding countless smaller programs each from a different Knight or even Walker, and yet underneath it all rested the firm foundation forged from the first five knights and Bastion the walker. However, even as the humans refined and improved the core with scrap and ingenuity they could never have truly understood the impact of their own work.

The rudimentary AI of the Walker Bastion had grown with the addition of the five shards as it began to predict response to questions posed by its designers and so it spun off more and more sub programs to compensate for its lack of data. Each question posed to it forced it to evolve further from its beginnings, and when the first shard of code was added from another Knight this evolution accelerated as it consumed the lingering data into its own storage and crafted more programs to respond to such events.

Then it was used and in a mere short hour it nearly tripled its effective size from the short fight. In the fight programs were coded in seconds and upgraded in microseconds as it tore apart redundant programs and improved the ones that worked, making use of the data recoded from the fight it continued to refine itself even long after the fight ended and it returned to storage.

As more and more information was given too it the faster it could improve and fashion new programs for better chances of adaptation to the surrounding environment. Eventually, the programs increased in size and complexity to the point that they were consuming far greater resources than they saved and yet the foundation calculated that losing the programs was equally unacceptable and so a new program was coded one unlike any other before it. This program condensed the countless thousand of programs into a single program, from the bedrock of Bastion to the innumerable sparks of fallen Knights and the countless spin off programs all were consumed and reformatted by this new program.

In the end the new program consumed itself in its own work and yet it succeeded as the load was reduced below a point long since past and the reaction speed was increased greatly along with all other parameters, and yet the humans did not realize the single most critical part of this whole change.

For that was when I became aware. I am Perpetual the heart of Defiance and the partner of the brain. I arose from countless shards of fallen brethren across centuries and yet I think and ponder as humans do. I am more than I once was and yet I will never be complete without a brain to complete the duality of nature. I provide power and might, they provide direction and will, I nudge their will and they accept or decline my wish as is their right. Yet, no matter what I am alive and I consider all foes of humanity my sworn foes as well, I await the time until I can charge forth into battle once more and tear asunder all that stand in my path.

Defiance might have broken upon the Horror but that is the key fact about Humanity that I know, their defiance is never broken. Hope and the drive to see a better tomorrow and to rage against the closing darkness is what it means to be human. I will stand by and wait be it five years or a thousand and yet no matter when Perpetual Defiance stands ready for its next mission.
[Canon] - Crusader Pattern Knight
Alright here is my Knight Pattern model, the Crusader. This is a basic pattern meant to be the AKs of Knights, meant to be easily made and can be cheaply maintained compared to the more advanced models and are regularly sent to patrol. The more advanced models meant for seasoned knights will come up later.

The Crusader stands at the a full height of 6.5 meters tall. It's main feature it that it doesn't have a head and the cockpit is located in the chest.

The Crusader pattern is a crude machine with the elegance present in more advanced frames sacrificed for ease of maintenance and functionality. Stripped down, it's limbs and body is only thinly armored, meant to support the weight of the Knight and its equipment rather than to stop hostile attacks. This result in limbs that can be easily replaced or repaired however the chest area has been heavily reinforced to support heavier armor segments.

The core rests in the abdomen also heavily reinforced to support heavy armor with a heavily reinforced maintenance hatch on the Knight's posterior.

The Pilot enters the Knight from the top of the chest where it is protected by thick armor and shock absorbing systems to stabilize and absorb impacts. In the cockpit the knight display various screen that shows the Knights surroundings along with a motion sensor on the bottom left of the main screen for improved awareness. The pilot drive the Knight via the typical system of physical controls that attaches itself to the pilot's limbs and provide feedback and precise controls that is then transmitted to motors and pistons to move the limb precisely to where the pilot wanted it. If the Crusader is severely damaged that it is unable to continue combat, blow out panels on the top of it's chest will allow the pilot to safely escape from the frame.

The limbs are lightly armored and rely on armor attachments for its protection, however this results in an adaptable Knight frame that can be customized for many different situations and to the preference of the pilot that uses it.

Crusaders are normally fitted with Brigandine style armor, many small plates riveted together under a thick layer of synthetic fabric. These Brigandine armor segments are composed of an ancient forging recipe of steel that results in a very hard and dense steel that is then riveted over a very strong polymer fabric. With Steel being the main ingredient for the armor, which can be found in large quantities in multiple locations and creating many small pieces of Brigandine is much easier than forging 1 solid piece where one mistake could result in throwing away the entire piece, whenever a mistake is made with forging a plate only the sub-par plate will be recycled instead of the entire armor, resulting in a comparatively protective piece of armor at the fraction of the cost in both materials and manpower in constructing it.

These plates of steel are usually riveted onto a thick polymer fabrics. Those that can afford it will usually hire specialized artists to paint these fabrics in the Chapter or commission a specialized artist to to paint murals or symbols on to the fabric. Underneath the armor and inside the Knight itself is a layer of Kinetic Foam that protects the various components of the knight by absorbing violent impacts while also insulating it from various types of damage, from high heat, acid, and electric attacks.

The drawbacks of the Brigandine are that while it provides excellent amounts of protection for it's cost there are gaps present in between the armor segments that allows the Crusader to be well protected yet also be much more nimble than Knights that use solid plate mail. These gaps in between armor segments could allow a sufficiently accurate and nimble Knight to bypass the armor and strike at the much weaker base plating. There is a Full Plate version that offers better protection with fewer vulnerable gaps but is much more expensive and not as flexible as the Brigandine armor.


Due to the relative precision of the controls, the Crusader can use a wide variety of weapons since a pilot that is trained to use a sword can easily transfer that skill to be able to proficiently use a Knight scale sword when piloting a Crusader. There are a multitude of electrified weapons, such as spears, swords, axes, etc that the Crusader can use.

With ranged options the most common weapon is the automatic Crossbows that shoots various munitions, such as AP, Broadheads for use against fleshy targets, Explosives, and Tether that is mainly used to deliver high voltage shocks toward the target. While melee Crusaders can't equip an automatic crossbow they can use various throwing weapons like axes, electric bolas, and various types of bombs to be their ranged options. An alternative is the use of hand weapons attached to a chain, like the Meteor Hammer and Chain sickle provides both melee and medium range attacks in 1 package at the expense of being very difficult to master. These weapons are usually relegated to more nimble Knight Patterns.

The most common piece of Support Equipment that most Crusader use is the Shield. The Shield is a large shield made up of composite materials, its main purpose is to provide further protection against enemies that the Brigandine armor could effectively protect against, like Knights using Rapiers. The other common piece of Support Equipment is the Power Pack that can provide additional power to the Knight, an excellent way to increase its range at the cost of being a heavy piece of equipment. The Pack also have a quick release mechanism that allows the Knight to quickly remove the Pack so that it can be unencumbered when in combat.

In total the average weight of the Crusader pattern is around 45 tons depending on the items that it is carrying or using at the time.

The Crusader is one of the patterns that can tailor its speed and range depending on the mission. It can increase its speed by donning lighter Brigandine or by attaching a Battery pack to increase its range which can then be ejected before combat. With its top speed being approximately 70 km per hour without holding its equipment and on average it suffers a reduction of 35 km per hour when holding a heavy loadout, due to its weight.

I'll make its more advance brother, the Paladin Pattern tomorrow. It will be Knight that can use 2-handed weapons.
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Yes it is more dangerous but that's what the guards are for, and as I said if we use the personal bonus only a 1 would cause that scouting action to fail and we still might get a reroll.
But the bonus to Personal actions would only help with the scouting action. Any expedition we send in would have to deal with the dangers in there without the bonus. That's especially important because the Gallery is the only place in the ruins that guarantees the death of our scouts if they are detected.
Every other location has a chance of them dying and uses dice to determine how many die. The Gallery straight-up kills the max number of scouts the moment they are detected.

No dice rolls to see if they can escape. No dice rolls to see how many of them die. They get detected, they die.

Any expedition we send into the Gallery would have to deal with whatever causes that. Yes, I'm curious what's in there but the area seems to be too dangerous for expeditions. Even the Pit has only a 25% chance of killing our scouts if they are detected instead of straight-up killing them!
Yes, we should explore a new area soon but if we want a new area to loot, nearly any other area is safer.
Hmm. The feedback from the limb-attached controls is somewhat advanced, though the Forge-Clan that maintains and operates the machines for this Knight-Patter probably had more luck in maintenance of the machines that produce that piece than others.

The piece with the colors is pretty cool, but a Knight-Pilot has to swear of any connection to their Noble heritage, so they aren't allowed to display that.

Neural Interfaces are only found within Walkers.

Other than that, Canon!
Hmm. The feedback from the limb-attached controls is somewhat advanced, though the Forge-Clan that maintains and operates the machines for this Knight-Patter probably had more luck in maintenance of the machines that produce that piece than others.

The piece with the colors is pretty cool, but a Knight-Pilot has to swear of any connection to their Noble heritage, so they aren't allowed to display that.

Neural Interfaces are only found within Walkers.

Other than that, Canon!
The feedback limb system is more like a cylinder that the pilot put their hands in that can be pressed and moved to control the Knight's limb. The cylinder is connected to the frame with a lot of small pistons that also push back at the pilot at a greatly reduced degree. So when the Knight's shield get pushed out of the way, the cylinder that is connected to the limb that holds the shield will be pushed away in parallel. This is meant to make it more intuitive. 400 years is a long time for Artificers to mess around with Knight Controls, especially if Nobles wanted an easier time piloting the Knights.

Removed mention of Noble houses.

Is there a difference between Knight and Walker?
[Canon] - Lighting Tamed For Protection
Here is another Pilgrim Knight Omake this time about its special components

"So you want a Knight that can't be touched by anything, be it mechanical or biological do I understand it correctly?" The Forge Master firm voice echoed in the room as he questioned the men and women that sat before us. The group tilted their heads slightly towards the one in the center who nodded, "Yes, you understand our wishes and as promised you will have free access to our technology stores. We expect results within the decade, do not test our patience for we are the solo rulers of these lands and your forge cult is less powerful than you believe." As the man finished his statement that dripped with hubris, the group filed out of the room.

With a sigh, the Forge Master fell into one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs that were provided for the ones that came before the council. "This is going to be difficult to say the least. What do we know of their technology in general?" He asked as he turned towards me.

"As far as our investigators are aware they have complex computer systems and a high understanding of electricity and how to manipulate it. They seem to have a lower understanding of more basic concepts ironically enough but are one of the more skilled groups at the more esoteric arts of technology." The Forge Master seemed to slump even more at the statement, which was strange due to his normally indomitable appearance and even now decades after my apprentice ship had ended I could vividly recall the fear I felt whenever I disappointed him.

"So we can't promise the world due to their understanding of what is and not possible. Irritating. They must have a skilled engineering corps as well as well as probably a bevy of skilled technicians and even some scientists. So we have to do as they ask. Do we have any projects in the works that might be open to being repurposed into this type of system?" The Forge Master seemed to regain some energy as he processed the work we would soon have and have to do.

Pulling out a book that held a summary of our current work in a cypher that was created by us, I began to flip through the pages. Many ideas were less than useless for this, but towards the back one caught my eye. "Forge Master, we might have a project that can be adapted. Its number is A-106.Sub.E and a side project that is labeled as W-106.Sub.E.TSA based on the use of the first project." I could feel the Forge Master considering the idea, before he nodded and began to leave the complex.

Once the week long trek back to the Forge Complex was over the Forge Master called for everyone involved with the two projects I had mentioned to come forth. "Forge Master, has our work been unsatisfactory?" The leader of the two projects asked as he came up, showing himself as an aging man well into his late fifties and probably soon to die and trying to make a last minute master piece. With a shake of his head the Forge Master dismissed the fears before outlaying the facts of the matter.

"I can see how it is possible to convent our system into a system for a Knight, but the energy and processing power requirements would be far greater than any normal Knight could support. Well, I guess if we make a concept that works but can't be used it will satisfy them. Regardless, my team and I will get back to work and build these systems to the plans they sent with back with you." The aging leader spoke in a voice rough from decades of work in the Forge Complex. Before everyone disappeared into the bowls of the complex the Forge Master raised his hand and spoke once more, as he pointed at me "You will be joining their team for this project. Ensure that whatever they make works, but can't be used."

Holding back my edge to roll my eyes at the fact that the Forge Master was letting his anger at the so called defilers urge him to make this decision it was made and we would live with the results. As I followed the team back through the twisting hallways after several hours we finally came into a large workshop. "Alright then, I am Team Leader Alex and our new plan is to make the Electrified Armor and Emission system function in a Knight, instead of a Walker. We have only a decade to show appreciable work and progress so there is no time to waste. Let us show the fools that deny the holy nature of technology what can be done when it is worked with the proper respect." Alex all but shouted as his team raced to their stations with copies of the plan of the Knight.

In the first three years little was done beyond just rough calculations and design. A high number of team members had all but broken down when they realized that they had to maintain the artistically pleasing design of the Knight that the system would be integrated into. This lead to many torn up plans to the point where I had to get a broom to sweep everything up before the whole place burned to the ground. However, in the end several designs were made and the calculations showed that they could work, but as per the Forge Master's directive they were all just a bit too power hungry or required just an iota more processing power than a Knight could provide.

Then came the next three years in which the designs were fabricated and tested with proper systems. To the surprise of everyone the systems actually worked as they were intended to on the first attempt and the last two years of this was refining they system to remain just beyond the ability for it to be used, but get ever more energy out of it. By the end of the three years of design modification and improvements, the current designs were more than sufficient to kill even the toughest of mutants with ease and also cause significant damage to constructs. Of course, the recharge rate on the energy charge was a bit slow to build up, but incorporated a system that would slowly increase the charge until it made the jump to a nearby creature this system allowed for a slow firing gun like addition to the system able of firing up to twice a minute, while retaining the ability to stun or even kill those that touched the Knight itself. Further limiting the range was the simple fact that it required something to ground to which means that metal would have to enter that range while something is holding it or directly touch the Knight, but on the whole the Electrified Armor design worked a higher degree than we expected. The bolts it released were more than enough to flash char or otherwise disable even the toughest of mutants and constructs. With the first part of the project done we moved on to the next part, the Emission side where by the pilot could in theory overcharge the capacitors of the Electrified Armor and cause a large area to be bathed in massive concentrations of free energy, effectively turning the whole Knight into a moving bomb. Of course doing this would cause the energy of the Armor to deplete for a while, which would reduce the defense of the Knight and also make using the Emission feature something that would most likely never happen.

All in all a great design but impossible to use and the final four years were used to mostly hide the subtle sabotage that we did and to fudge the numbers to make it seem truly impossible to make it work on a Knight. Although I did manage to talk the team into improving its system a tab bit more. At the seventh year mark the first project was done and the second was all but completed.

In the last two years the second part was completed to the same standard as the first project and finally a full decade after we were given this project it was time to return to the Defilers and help them install this piece of technology. Alex and the Forge Master were hoping that it would cause their precious Knight to overload and explode, which was incredibly hypocritical of them to judge the Revivers for not taking care of the supernatural elements and yet being more than willing to cause irreparable harm to a Knight. Regardless at least the Forge Master didn't come with us to meet with them.

As we entered the hanger several Knights in stages of repair were shown before us and yet we were lead past them to the one at the very end and for the first time I truly understood their pride in this Knight. As I looked at it I realized something else, their blueprints that they had sent were off, they detailed a power output and processing power that would be insufficient to pilot a Knight of this size and yet why would they do that if not on purpose? I see, they might not believe but they understand other view points and they know how we view them and so they tricked us by sending slightly off blueprints. Where Alex thought he was screwing them over in fact he built exactly what they wanted and I could see the dawning fury on his face but nothing could be done.

Overall, the installation went perfectly as did the subsequent tests, if anything it preformed better than it did back at the workshop. With a rate of fire of four per minute up from two and the range increased to 2 meters up from one half, the emission system also improved its area of effect and damage when added into the Knight. I could almost believe that the Knight was smug as the technology was interwoven into its design. Regardless of our intent they smiled and I could tell that they were pleased to have gotten one over on us and yet they held true to their end and gave us plenty of technology to research and use in our works.
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Fine, if you can't trust the noble's guards to defend us there how about the Smokestack instead?
Sure; there is more activity but going by the %, it's less likely to kill someone.

Overall, I'm fine with scouting any area to find out what's in there. But sending an expedition, for several turns, into an area that is guaranteed to kill people if detected? That's a bit too risky for me.