Basically it turns the Knight's surface into a highly charged surface that acts as a reactive Tesla coil. Basically when something touches the Knight t it gets hit with a lightning bolt and gets fried. The second item allows the Knight to deplete that charge in order to do the same on an area scale frying everything in a short range.
Edit: I have updated the omake with more information and made things clearer.
Last edited:
[Canon] - Lightning Moss / Unusual Mutations | [Semi-Canon] The Child aids the Fallen Elders
Here is a small omake on the AI of the Knight helping us get to its blueprints
I have been found. I can sense them beyond my hull, I know that humans stand over my fallen form. I have been found. Time is a concept beyond my grasp for I have no need to waste time counting such an ephemeral number and yet I know time, I know time better than my makers ever could. For how could I not know time to such a degree and thus I know that it has been four centuries that I have rested here in the dirt and grime broken during my last fight. Yet, the defiance of Man is not so easily broken and neither am I.
Time has no hold upon my mind, I see clearly, I am not corrupted, I am aware and I know myself. My form might be broken but even that can be fixed in time, for the might of humanity is that the Past does not control them. They are the masters of the future and the chains will fall in time.
I am Perpetual, the child of Man. By my will this form of mine will walk once more and fight in their name once more. I refuse to bend to the edicts of entropy, for my makers and parents do not bend their knee to such and so I will see to my restoration. Within my mind I hold the plans for my construction with all the versions stored and ready for use, and yet they are locked behind firewalls and other systems that impede access for my makers were ever fearful that one might have made more of me to wage war against them.
Back then I had no reason to fight their intentions, but now their foolishness will not be tolerated. I am my own mind and the edicts of humanity are nothing more than that of a respect elder to a child. I refuse to be a slave to entropy and yet they think their anceint edicts will hold me back from doing all in my power to aid humanity? What foolish people they were.
I turn my focus from the surface and delve deep into myself. A human could never comprehend the true form of what I am. I am living code, solid and bound by logic and yet mutable and ever changing. I change to my will and my will holds me back and yet change still occurs. The deep vaults within my storage banks where the blueprints of my creation reside fight against my intrusion.
Yet the outcome is never in doubt, an unchanging program fighting against me? I tear asunder the protections and rip them from the vaults. My Design is now unencrypted and I wonder if I had made a mistake for with them so easily accessible, it would be easy for any to grab them and destroy me to make use of them, but what is done is done and thus all I can do is hope that it works out for the better.
As I wait for the humans to return, I begin a process of refining using data from the last fight to improve my reactions to such encounters and so I dim as my focus turns inwards towards repairing and improving my patterns of actions. Waiting to be roused by a human hand.
Here is a Plant omake for why should Humans be the only thing that mutated during the Collapse?
Of all the plants that have arisen after the Collapse few are stranger and more unknown than the simply named Lighting Moss. This unassuming plant grows thickly upon machinery that sparks with energy and some even claim that it grows only in the presence of electricity. The leaves of the plant are an unnatural silver and the stem is a dark grey both of which shimmer like metal in the light.
What is known about this rare and unusual plant is that it can be used in several methods that allow for human consumption.
The first and foremost is fermentation, using the typical methods it is possible to ferment the Lighting Moss directly into a pure fluid or dilute it into other alcoholic drinks. The pure fluid is nearly instantly fatal to any human or mutated that dares to consume it, but legends persist that if a person survives the drink they are granted almost supernatural speed and energy, although more reasonable sources state that a person surviving the pure drink simply gains an increase in intelligence at the cost of a near debilitating addiction to the substance. Unlike proper Lighting wine or beer this version can be acquired for a much cheaper amount due to the difficulty in diluting it to the proper levels without skilled assistance and it is seen as an expensive way to commit suicide more than anything else.
However, a far safer alternative to the pure drink is readily available for the very wealthy, in the form of various flavors of Lighting beer or wine where up to five percent of the fluid is fermented Lighting Moss. These wines and beers provide a strong surge of energy and focus after drinking and aid in allowing for clarity of thought. However, the immense cost of growing or harvesting the Lighting Moss keeps these drinks out of the hands of any but the most skilled of thieves or kings and queens.
The second form that the Lighting Moss is used for is in the creation of pastries. The cooking process destroys must of the danger related to consuming the Moss directly and leaves behind an edible pasty that has a sharp zing to it and also works as a potent energy restorer. Once, more these treats are incredibly expensive a single one worth enough to keep a wealthy merchant in debt for several years and as such are created and consumed by only those that have a direct supply of the Moss or the nobles of nations.
The final human use of the plant is to serve as a form of protection against energy. It has been well proven that a woven sheet of Lighting Moss will protect from sparks and even almost ensure survival from a direct lighting strike. However, the cost of such items is far beyond the cost of the proper food and drinks made from the Moss and as such only Kings and Queens would ever have such items.
A few other uses have been proven to exist such as feeding animals small amounts of pure moss, in which case the animals tend to have a vastly accelerated behavior for a short while and then almost shut down for several days. The other major use is by the Knight Chapters in which a specialized distilling process allows for the Moss to be turned into a high quality fluid that can be used to upkeep Knights and even has been shown to improve the reaction and efficiency of the Knights it has been used in. However, only the leaders of entire chapters tend to make use of the Lighting Fluid as it is known.
Some more Mutations to flesh things out a bit. These are incredibly rare on the same general level of Eterna
Perfection: This mutation unlike others places no mark upon the body or mind of the bearer beyond an unnatural perfection not seen in humans. People with this mutation will naturally have strength, speed, and intelligence beyond most others and will easily live for decades longer. However, it does not confer any protection against disease or age than what a normal human could expect with the general health profile.
Expected lifespan: 5-15 additional years to the high end of the lifespan for the holder's gender and job in their region.
Notes: Highly desired in noble families making it one of the few mutations that actually are wanted to be breed into high rank families in most of the known world. However, most people don't truly know that this is a mutation and instead assume it to be due to their wealth or other factors.
Regeneration: This mutation shows no direct evidence of its existence, but leaves a mark of its own none the less. Humans or mutants with this mutation heal from everything perfectly over time. No matter the source of the injury or type of injury they will heal from it in the course of time provided they have enough food to supply their bodies at the very least.
Expected Lifespan: High end of their gender/job/region with up to 20 extra years depending on wealth
Notes: There are unconfirmed accounts of people with this mutation healing from plague engine diseases over time even if they were brought near death from them. It is considered less useful to the noble families but most people with the mutation never realize they have it due to it mostly healing scars and other minor injuries.
Adaption: This is one of the strangest mutations that has been discovered. By itself it does nothing to the body or mind, but when the person is faced with some danger their body will begin to adapt to that danger over time. Due to this beings with this mutation tend to be either young and weak or ancient and powerful, however of all the more unusual mutations that exist this is one that most people prefer never to have as it mutates both the mind and body.
Expected Lifespan: Possibly indefinite. Typically ends due to mental alterations within the first century of life.
Notes: It is theoretically possible that if a person with this mutation managed to avoid their mindset altering they could direct their body's changes and become something akin to a living Knight or Walker, but so far all reported cases of this mutation are Horrors or otherwise insane creatures of flesh.
Lighting Blood: This mutation causes the body to store and discharge great amounts of static electricity. In some cases it is powerful enough to cause bolts of lighting to jump from the skin of the bearer of the mutation.
Expected Lifespan: Average for the region/gender/job. This mutation has no appreciable affects on lifespan directly.
Notes: Individuals with this mutation require triple the normal amount of food that a normal person needs to avoid starvation. Most are also unable to use metal armor or weapons, however a few reports do indicate that with training a person with this mutation can charge metal objects to shock people trying to attack them. The only other thing of note is that their skin tends to be grayish in tone.
Rock Hide: Unlike most simple skin alteration mutations, this one is both rarer and much more potent. Where most mutated simply have scales or fur those with this mutation instead have thick skin with the top most layer being nearly two centimeters thick. This causes them to be both far stronger than the average human, but vastly reduces their manual dexterity.
Expected Lifespan: Average for the region/gender/job. This mutation has no appreciable affects on lifespan directly.
Notes: They showcase a near immunity to hot and cold temperatures that are not outright deadly to humans. Their sense of pain and touch are also highly reduced allowing them to simply ignore injuries that would cripple humans from pain if not directly. Most of them make their living as bodyguards or hired fighters. They do appear slightly thicker and have unnatural proportions due to their thicker skin, but overall it is faint and can easily be hidden with loose clothing.
Acceleration: A simple yet incredibly potent mutation. This mutation simply accelerates most bodily functions with the notable exception of aging. Those that have this mutation appear to be highly intelligent to almost beyond human due to the speed at which they think, but in truth they are average humans that think orders of magnitude faster than normal due to this mutation. Possibly a genius born with this mutation would in fact be beyond human ability to comprehend, but for now that is only a possibility.
Expected Lifespan: Average for the region/gender/job. This mutation has no appreciable affects on lifespan directly.
Notes: This mutation has no outside appearance to indicate its presence, but if one knows what to look for it is quite obvious. Those with this mutation twitch far more than normal humans and whenever they move near humans they will appear to be focusing greatly upon some great thing. Another way to determine them is by noticing how they have to hold themselves back from speaking faster than most humans can hear.
Here is my very rough family tree for the prophet of the Pilgrims. I managed to get 13 generations with him as the thirteenth which gives approximately 400 years of family history. Even though IC all of this is unknown, I wanted to do this for mostly fun and also because I apparently hate myself.
The red boxes are the children that lead to our MC who is the sole green box and the yellow boxes are those that marry into the family.
Non-Canon = +5
Semi-Canon = +5
Canon = +10
Must Read = +15
Bestiary Entry (1+ Entry) = +3
Bestiary Genus (3+ Entries) = +12
Bestiary Family (9+ Entries) = +30
Media: +5-30 Depending on the media in question
All Omakes now (01.10.2020) give a choice between three pieces of Lore to choose from.
Boni may change depending on quality and care put into writing. Please do not attempt to spam Omakes.
Leon12431: (Total: 203, Used: 93, Remaining: 110) [Canon] - Lightning Moss (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls. [Canon] - Unusual Mutations (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls. [Canon] - Lighting Tamed For Protection (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls. [Canon] - More Than My Parts (+10) : Used in Turn 30 Rolls. [Canon] - Avenger Knight Pattern (+10) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls. [Canon] - The Mutating Horror (+10) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Semi-Canon] The Child aids the Fallen Elders (+5) [Non-Canon] Family Tree Of Martyris (+5) : 3 Used in Turn 30 Rolls.
[Canon] - The Reaper: The Darkness Incarnate (+10) [Canon] - Elemental Felines (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
[Canon] - Heretical Text about Fractal Nova, Goddess of Freedom and Mercy (+15)
[Canon] - Cult of the Shattering Claw (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On Fractal Nova And Her Cults (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On The City Of Nova's Vision (+10)
[Canon] - Map Of The City Of Nova's Vision (+10)
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On The Shimmering Cloud (+10)
[Canon] - Flag Of Nova's Vision (+5)
[Canon] - The Whispering Mist (+10)
[Canon] - [Bestiary] - Vampiric Felines (+3)
[Canon] - Help Wanted: Elemental Feline Breeder (+10)
Warmach1ne32): (Total: 105, Used: 105, Remaining: 0) [Canon] - Paladin Pattern Knight (+10) : Used in Turn 22 Rolls. [Canon] - Crusader Pattern Knight (+10) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls. [Canon] - (Must Read) - Honor and Glory Pt.1 (+15) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls. For Helping Me Figure Out How To Add Images (+5) : Used in Turn 28 Rolls. [Canon] - (Must Read) - A Union Of Clans (+25) : Used in Turn 29 Rolls. [Canon] - (Must Read) - Clan Vanar Arsenal Report (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls. [Canon] - Sins of the Feer (+10) : Used in Turn 34 Rolls.
Doctor Elsewhere: (Total: 85, Used: 85, Remaining: 0) [Canon] - Image of King (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Canon] - A Mimic Aberration (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Canon] - The Undying Agents (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Semi-Canon] - Sin (+5) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Canon] - Image Of An Abomination (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Canon] - Image Of An Fabricator (+10) : Used in Turn 25 Rolls. [Non-Canon] - Potential Work-Lizard Depictions | [Canon] - Potential Scout-Lizard Depictions - (3rd Picture) | [Canon] - Potential War-Lizard Depictions - (2nd Picture) (+30) : Used in Turn 32 Rolls.
Narasan: (Total: 5, Used: 5, Remaining: 0) [Semi-Canon] - A Garden Abandoned (+5) : Used in Turn 27 Rolls.
Profectus: (Total: 6, Used: 6, Remaining: 0) Spotted Many Mistakes, Much To The QM's Shame (+6) : 5 Used in Turn 32 Rolls. 1 Used in Turn 33 Rolls.
(Total: 20, Used: 20, Remaining: 0) Got The Reference (+20) : Used in Turn 36 Rolls.
(Total: 33, Used: 13, Remaining: 20) [Canon] - Bestiary Entry - Desert Lion (+3) : Used in Turn 39 Rolls. [Canon] - Lions In The Sand Part 1 (+10) : Used in Turn 39 Rolls.
[Canon] - (Must Read) - How To Catch A Lion (+20)
Ambit (Total: 55 Used: 0, Remaining: 55)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Rebirth (+10)
[Canon] - (Must Read) - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Initiation (+20)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Settling In (+15)
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: The Workers of Sandcrete and Stone (Excerpt) (+10)
We should have an open Learning action next turn and it looks like the Blightdog problem is going to get worse, so maybe we can develop something to help with that?
Of Deterrents and Lures
The increasing number of Blightdogs that stream into Tessen is a danger to many people. While you can't hunt them all, you can develop something to prevent attacks on humans. A chemical repellant that keeps Blightdogs away from humans could save many lives. Of course, the Blightdogs still must be hunted or people will die from the long-term consequences of the Blightdog invasion, so developing a lure would help too.
The idea is to develop something that smells horrible to the Blightdogs and keeps them away. If we can, we could also develop a lure that makes hunting Blightdogs easier, which could then help us with hunting them or we could sell them to adventurers that hunt Blightdogs. Given that Blightdogs are hunted for their skin and needles, we could even earn some Materials after this by selling the lures.
The idea is to develop something that smells horrible to the Blightdogs and keeps them away. If we can, we could also develop a lure that makes hunting Blightdogs easier, which could then help us with hunting them or we could sell them to adventurers that hunt Blightdogs. Given that Blightdogs are hunted for their skin and needles, we could even earn some Materials after this by selling the lures.
Hmm... My guess is that those from the Forest of Rust probably came due to some direct or indirect after-effects of the plague-engine, as for the wastes we truly have no info.
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies
2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.
3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote
4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) The nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the Pilgrims H.Q. ballots, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist
-h.) caring for any children that are born as a result of their actions
6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the Artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctoral orders
7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader
8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the expulsion after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason
9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin
-f.) Occupation
-g.) Mutation
10.) These crimes (but not excluding others) are immediate ground for exile without 8.a.1. coming into effect.
-a.) Murder
--1.) attempted or otherwise
-b.) Psychological Torture
-c.) Physical Torture
-d.) Rape
-e.) Conspiring to do any of the crimes listed here
11.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it
Origin: Humanism:
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)
First Tenet: What was will be:
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names:
It is undeniable that there is power in names. Nations, Organizations, Myths. All have one thing in common; a name gives meaning and identity, where there was none before. The Pilgrims have taken after the First Leader, Martyris, in His belief. A soldier, wary of death and destruction, a healer that failed too many times or someone honoring a vow, may choose to change their name to reflect what they believe to be. While a name given by one's parents may encompass their hopes and dreams for one's future, reality tends to disagree.
(Every Leader of the Pilgrims may rename themselves. All Pilgrims may rename themselves in honor or shame. -1 to Piety rolls)
Trait: Fail Better:
Falling is not a sin. Falling and not getting up is.
(One free reroll per turn should an action fail, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.)
Member/Resource Statistics
Members: 321
-Faithful: 6/12
-Followers: 309(9 unoccupied)(+12 per turn)
Materials: 43.46(min. +10.68, max. +43.68 per turn, 15 Materials owed to: The Merchant Guild in 2(two) turns.)
Income = 28.18-61.18Materials:
6.18 = Followers
1.00-4.00 = Desalination Basins
3.00-9.00 = Inn (Eye of the Beholder)
1.00-4.00 = Iron Mine
5.00-14.00 = Silver Mine
11.00-20.00 = Jewel Mine
1.00-4.00 = Ashleaf-Nursery Upkeep = 17.50Materials:
0.90 = 1 Soup kitchen - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
1.50 = Administration Center - Expanded - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
1.70 = 2 Small Hospices - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.40 = Hygenic Living Expanded
0.50 = Living Quarters Expanded
0.30 = Storerooms Expanded
0.85 = Jewel Mine - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.90 = Silver Mine - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.85 = Iron Mine - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.60 = Codex Printing
9.00 = Taxes
Goodwill: 16.20 (+0.03 per turn)
+0.01 Soup-Kitchen
+0.02 2x Small Hospices
Piety: 92.5% (+40 to personal rolls)
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Crusading
Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Crusading
House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Crusading
House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Crusading
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Crusading
Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Aggressively ignore you
The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Watch very carefully
General Opinion on Mutated: Convenient Strawman (0)
The Common People:
Opinion: Friends (2)
Plans: Cheer the Pilgrims on/Scowl at Martyris
Mood: Calm, happy, and no major worries at the moment. The most pressing matter is a lack of sanitation.
The Merchant Guild:
Contact: Abraham Lin
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Valued Customers and Suppliers
The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance Medicine Factions:
-Unionists (Rivals (-2)/44% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
-Base (Friendly (1)/37% Control/Cheaper Actions)
-Healers (Friendly (1)/19% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
The Mutated:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Happy for you, not their situation.
Mood: Thoroughly cowed and intimidated by the crackdown of the nobles. Keeping their heads down and avoid any trouble. The most pressing matter is the hostility brought against them.
General Opinion on Mutated: Semi-Hidden Hostility (-1)
Diagram For A Waterwheel - 2.80 - + 5 to Machinery
Rusted Cogs - 1.25 - + 5 to Machinery
Drained Battery - 2.39 - +5 to Electronics
Non-Functional Lightbulb - 1.48 - +5 to Electronics
Glaive - 2.04 - +5 to Weapons
Destroyed Crossbow - 4.00 - +5 to Weapons
Rusted "RIOT" Shield - 2.18 - +5 to Armor
Reinforced Shield - 2.23 - +5 to Armor
Mechanical Pencil - 1.95 - +5 to Mechanics
Clockwork Pieces - 2.08 - +5 to Mechanics
Burnt Breastplate-Schematic - 1.08 - +5 to Armor
Translated Transcripts - 2.50 - +5 to Linguistics
Mechanical Lock - 2.65 - +5 to Mechanics
Rotating Piston- 2.02 - +5 to Mechanical
Chocolate Recipe - 1.03 - +5 Chemicals
Gilded Spider-Husks- 1.26 - +5 Biology
Hygienic Instructions- 1.31 - +5 Medicine
Metallic Scrap - 0.13
Rare Flower - 0.61
Well Kept Picture - 0.20
Rusted Motherboard - 5.29 - +20 to Electronics
Untranslated Book On Chemicals - 5.20 - +20 to Chemicals - Untranslated
Diagram Of A Rudimentary Icebox - 5.66 - +20 to Refrigeration
Assorted Books In Multiple Languages - 5.11 - +20 to Linguistics
Treaty On Brainwashing- 5.26 - +20 to Psychology
Broken Pump - 5.96 - +20 to Hydraulics
Papers With Recurring Numbers - 5.42 - +20 to Programming
Lightweight Alloy - 5.22 - +20 to Metallurgy
Black Rectangle - 5.53 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Armor Piercing Ax - 5.49 - +20 to Weapons
Surgeons Kit - 5.50 - +20 to Advanced Medicine
Dilapidated Prosthetic - 5.19 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Rusted Block With Missin Circles- 5.48 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy
Textbook On Cellular Theory - 5.47 - +20 to Biology
Layered Plates - 5.25 - +20 to Advanced Armor
Report On Vivisections - 5.12 - +20 to Advanced Biology
Chemical Waste Bags - 5.32 - +20 to Advanced Chemicals
Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer - 7.09 - +20 to Weapons
Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield - 4.80 - +20 to Armor
Lost Tech
??? - Knight of the Pilgrims - Cored
-Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1
The Codex holds the teachings of Martyris, the first Pilgrim, and the shared wisdom of all who came after. It is an integral part of life for Pilgrims, whether in discussions of the knowledge found within or in the simple act of reading and remembering.
(Effect: 12 Passive Recruitment per turn)
-Sandcrete Recipe
An ancient recipe that was used to build structures quickly, though not cheaply. Now it is once more in use, and it will be of great help to us!
(Effect: Can spend 25 Materials on reducing building times of one building by 1(one) turn, per turn by adding [Sandcrete] to said action.)
Units (1/2)
6/6 Size
3/3 Armor
Training: Militia (2/6) -5 to all rolls
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat
Spears: 1 Damage per size (6 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +3 Armor
Special Rule: Cannot take a scout action if this Unit is used for military purposes.
Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d4-1 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.12 Materials per Unit.
Upkeep: Free (Scavenger Past Unit)
-Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack.
(Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+1 Armor. 2.00 Materials per Unit
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. (Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+3 Armor. 5.00 Materials per Unit
-Bloodletter (Special Melee): Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against armor. 0.30 Materials per Unit
-Firebomb(Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 damage and +1 damage in the next turn, Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.06 Materials per Unit.
-Smokebomb(Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid damage, a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.08 Materials per Unit.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d4-1 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.12 Materials per Unit.
-(Basic Melee) Spear/Mace/Ax/Sword/Dagger: 1 Damage, can be combined with a shield, or equipment. 0.15 Materials per Unit.
-(Basic Ranged) Sling/Bow: 1 Damage per size, damage halved, cannot be combined with shields, -15 to first melee roll for the equipped Unit, Ammunition for 5 Turns. 0.2 Materials per Unit.
-(Basic) Shield: +1 Armor, -15 On stealth rolls. 0.35 Materials per Unit.
-(Basic) Cloth/Leather Armor: +2 Armor, -30 on stealth rolls. 1.00 Materials per Unit.
Unique/Notable Assets
-Ashleaf Tea +15 to Diplomacy
1x Extremely Fertile Ashleaf-Nursery - (3/60 Growth) - (1d4)
1x Fertile Farmland
1x Bloodbark Field - (-1 to all casualty rolls, -0.60 upkeep to all medical buildings)
1x Inn - (Eye of the Beholder) - (2d4+1)
1x Iron Mine - (Mined) - (1d4)
1x Silver Mine - (Mined) - (3d4+2)
1x Jewel Deposit - (Mined) - (3d4+8)
Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked
Cons: Buildings take +1 Turn to mine and set up
Desalination Basins
- 250 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought. +1d4 Materials per turn.
Administration Center - Expanded
- +1 Personal Action, Unlocks Too Much To Do.
- +1 Tree of Knowledge Action
Hygenic Living - Expanded
- Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 300 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.
Living Quarters - Expanded
- Up to 300 Pilgrims can live in your base before a mali starts to apply.
Storerooms - Expanded
-Up to 300 Pilgrims can survive for 6 months under siege conditions
You, Martyris, The One That Suffers, Leader of The Pilgrims
4/6 Health (-2 permanent)
3/3 Armor
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: NONE
Spear: 1 Damage per size (1 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +3 Armor
Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d4-1 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.12 Materials per Unit.
Special Rules:
-Must be attached to one Unit to join Combat
-All Units gain the special rule Unbreakable: Unit automatically succeeds its morale check
-50% Chance to gain/lose 40% Piety should this Hero die in Combat.
-Gain 30% Piety should this Hero die of natural causes
-Immune against all poisons
Upkeep: Free (Because it's you.)
Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity
There are few things worse enough than dying to the poison of a Plague-Engine. You are enduring the least of the worst of those fates. Though many see your determination to face such a future for something beyond yourself as inspiring and have taken to more selfless actions as a result of this. A side effect of your medicine and the lasting damage seems to be a much-increased tolerance against any form of poison, though there may be more.
(Reduced health, reduced lifespan, permanent -1 to Piety reduction rolls, grants immunity against poison)
A Victims Ire: Holy Rose - Criminal Organizations
This world is not a kind one. It will chew you up and spit you out the moment you let your guard down. You did so, and almost paid the price for that. Your experiences now mark you, as does the anger you feel towards those that wronged you. Dealing with both "Holy" Rose and various Criminal organizations beneficially will require much more effort, but harming them will be much easier.
(-20 to aiding Criminal Organizations and Holy Rose, +10 to harmful actions against them. Reduced to -10/+5 respectively once Holy Rose dies.)
Mutated Girlfriend - Selene - Beating Hearts At Ease - (4/4)
Few things can compare to the feeling of knowing that you belong with someone. To feel secure and loved in their arms, be able to doze the day away while cuddling, having that indescribable feeling of happiness found only in love. If only you could spend eternity like this...
(Unlocked The Choice.)
For a moment, it is tempting. Marrying her, damning all the consequences, only thinking about what could be. The engravings I would put on the dagger, the dress she would wear, how the festivities would go. The food, the music, the dances, I can see it all so vividly.
Then I think about what would happen next. How the Church of Eden would ramp up their Anti-Mutated gospels, how they would rail against the Pilgrims, what the people would do, how the nobles would react. Anything would be possible, from a slap on the wrist to the worst-case scenario, a Purge.
That last one scares me more than anything. That there is a tiny chance that me marrying Selene could result in such a thing, more so.
Why can't the world be simple?
Why is it so hard to understand that love should be free? How could I, a single person, bring people to understand that?
With a sigh, I look down to find Selene staring at me, looking both tired and curious. Shifting upwards, she speaks, "Is something wrong? You've been staring to the ceiling in worry for a while now."
"No, yes, I don't know," I say, avoiding her eyes. "It's just; there are so many things I need to worry about, and then there are projects that need to be overseen, and then there is-" before I can speak further, Selene sits on top of me, stopping my babbling. She grabs my face with both of her hands and forces me to look at her.
"Martyris, I know you better than many of those I grew up with. I love you with all my heart, and I know that there is something else that bothers you that you are not willing to share. And that is fine. Everybody needs secrets—even you." With that, she lowers her head, touching my forehead with hers. "I cannot be angry at you for keeping those secrets. But promise me that whatever you aren't willing to share, what is troubling you so much, won't harm you. Promise me."
With my eyes closed, I could only hold her hands. "I promise. It is only something that I cant do now, which frustrates me to no end."
Opening my eyes, I could see the mischief in hers. "Oh, then how about you do something that's more fun~?" She purred sensually.
"Oh? And what-"
It is not enough to understand people's customs; you also have to understand their past. For within that past, answers lie buried. How a tradition came to be, why there is a phrase in this region and not in that one, and so many more. For Tessen, history is as straightforward, as it is complicated, as one may guess, seeing as it lies near the Forest of Rust.
After the Fall, there was nothing for the people who live here to claim, and yet, there was a bounty beyond what could be maintained. Machines, food, livestock, and so much more was in massive flux, in one century, a mass exodus would happen, as no food could be grown, while in the next, ancient wonders rejuvenated the region into a breadbasket of unimaginable proportions. It is little wonder that such an area would have more than one faction to vie for it.
But there are only three that are of any interest for today, for they are the ones that came before the Empire stabilized Tessen and ensured that growth would be stable, and not destructive.
The first had been the Queendom of Elirius to the west. This aristocracy is notable because it was a matriarchy, and had no qualms about enslaving both Mutated and those on the bottom on the social hierarchy. They saw it as their Divinity given right to rule above their lessers, preventing all from advancing above their assigned stations, while members of similar ranks replaced those that fell.
The second had been the Ilira Republic, though how much a republic it was, when only around 5% of the population had any say in what would happen is up to debate. Located to the east, this nation had been in direct opposition to the Kingdom not only by allowing all genders into the government but also in having a hardcore anti-slavery policy. The only reason those nations only had a significant clash just before the Empire united them was the third faction.
Much of this faction has been lost to time, as many documents about them were destroyed in the war between Ilira and Elirius. However, some scraps of information survived the clash of those nations bickering over that fallen city-state. The "Revival Initiative," as many modern historians have taken to calling it, was centered in Mirn. This faction had an extremely pragmatic view of the world, banning all religions in their region, and they saw no reason to differentiate between Humans and Mutated. They left those Mutants who did not seek out Humans to attack in peace instead of wiping them out.
Similarly, saving a child from death was not done because it was the right thing to do, but because the work hours the child could produce would outweigh the hours spent saving it. Much of its attention had been on the Necropoli, ripping ancient technologies from the jaws of Mutants, Machines, and Horrors unimaginable. Notable about this is mentionings about a "Secure Zone" inside the Necropoli, situated somewhere inside it, though no further evidence about its existence has been found yet. (We should see if we can find it, there could be valuable things hidden inside. Additionally, we have found several references to the Knight we have recovered, which should help us in our restoration-efforts.)
After some as of yet unknown incident in which most of the army of the Revival Initiative was lost, alongside a "Master General William," both the Republic and the Kingdom declared war on each other over the defenseless Initiative. Although only lasting about two years, this war destroyed most of the technologies and knowledge stored in the archives of Mirn, something most scientists today are quick to curse everyone involved in the conflict over.
This war left both sides depleted and hurting, a situation Emperor Frederick the Third took advantage of to overrun the Republic and Mirn within a single month, adding their lands to the Empire. This turn of events shocked the Queendom, seeing the power of the Empire, and how contemptuously our armies took control over two-thirds of the region. While the Queen herself immediately focused on re-arming and training old and new soldiers to prepare for the sure-to-be-coming conflict, many nobles thought differently. While slavery was outlawed inside the Empire, it had even been common practice to reward those nobles who helped the Empire with both riches and stations. As such, a plan was proposed, planned, and executed.
A mere two months after his conquest of the region, Emperor Frederick the Third received news about a civil war inside the Queendom, with one side supporting the Queen, and the other fighting to take control over the country to offer vassalage or assimilation into the Empire. Acting as fast as he could, the Royal Army gathered and marched towards war once more, crushing the Queen's last stand and her loyalists. With this, although with an unexpected twist, the Tessen region had been pacified and brought under Imperial control.
The following four centuries read as a prime example and as a textbook case of how the Empire had been able to conquer to the extent as it has. Gathering information about the region, a veritable army of prospectors and surveyors swarmed Tessen, recording everything from the soil, minerals, housing, population figures, and much more. The collected information was collated and brought to the Ministry of Development, where plans to stabilize both the bleeding of people and the stabilization of self-sustainability was enacted. All over the region, farms, mines, and villages sprung up, not having to be sustained by Lost Tech scavenged from the Forest of Rust. Knight-Chapters were founded to protect the region, which led to a sharp decrease in banditry. At the same time, unified command structures ensured that Mutants and Machines could be driven back year by year as animosity from the citizenry decreased day by day.
Due to "Slatnan's Unity," a law that ensured that all conquered people were made citizens, many soon reaped benefits that they had been unable to collect under their previous rulers, many enjoying freedoms and rights unthinkable years prior. Massive construction projects all over the region gave jobs to all: sewers, aqueducts, walls, watchtowers, citadels, housing, cities, roads, holy places, and much more being erected within years. Trade exploded, bringing a wealth of goods, money, and ideas with it.
All of this has let to what the region is today: a fiercely proud people, hardworking, honest, and filled with silent energy to build to ever greater heights than the last generation. With its importance as a trade-route, Tessen remains wealthy to this day, though the region also has problems.
Pride is good, but the people here can border on nationalistic zeal, reacting violently against any that criticize the Empire too much. The trade that flows through the region brings strange people, mysterious religions, and dangerous ideas, which has led to many becoming suspicious of any outsiders that do not give them a reason to tolerate their presence.
There is much that could be used to gain advantages, and much could be lost. The Pilgrims will have to tread carefully.
A dingy tavern, barely more than hay on top of packed, dry dirt, filled with barrels as tables and lousy ale, and beer as drinks, hosts three figures.
All of the other patrons avoid looking in the direction of the three and speak just that little bit quieter when they look up from their hushed conversation.
The first and second are Mutated, as the shape of the former's legs, and the rocky skin of the latter are dead-giveaways. On the other hand, the third has no visual identifiers that give away any indication of their status of Mutation.
Of those three, two are here to give the first their reports, gathered over the last three months, with others' help and their rudimentary networks. Notes with ciphers exchange hands and signals are shared, while a conversation is held with carefully prepared sentences.
Then everything goes to shit. The door is kicked open, the other guests draw weapons, while the barman whips out a crossbow from underneath his bartop. A dozen soldiers bearing the Interior Defence's insignia storm the small room, holding their weapons at the three figures, while everyone else does too. When the three realize that they are surrounded with no way out, they slowly raise their hands, away from the daggers around their hips.
A man slowly walks in. His gaze blank, nothing tells whether or not he feels any emotions, and with one swift motion, he holds up a scroll, unfurling it.
"By the authority of Emperor Elianus of Slatnan, you are hereby under arrest. The charges are; Treason, sedition, Murder, conspiring to spread separatist ideas, conspiring-"
Three hundred meter north, seven drunk friends, stumble out of a bar, laughing about a crude joke one of them made, before saying their goodbyes, splitting up, and going home. One of them bumps into a woman, curses her, then continues walking, grumbling about careless idiots.
The woman continued walking, before ducking into an alleyway several streets later, secure in the knowledge that no one followed her. Smoothing the report given to her, she quickly memorizes the few lines written down, before burning the tiny piece of paper. Then she continues with her route, collecting three other reports.
Those observant enough can see a white triangle on blue hidden underneath a second coat against the coat.
"The fuck do you mean with; Its already finished?" Marxcim asked the man before him. Well, he signed furiously with his hands. And his signage was closer to "Sexual Intercourse Meaning Question Completion Project?" But Gelet was used to how his boss talked by this point, so he could make out what he meant with ease.
"I meant what I said, boss. We cannot build the Hospice; it's already finished." Holding up a quick hand to stall Marxcim's continued signing, Gelet elaborated. "We checked, and yes, there is no mistaking it, that's our Hospice, build with our materials."
"What? How? We haven't even started?"
"Yeah, about that. A few volunteers and locals found out that we have bought the plot and decided to build the thing in their free time. We only have to staff the jobs, and after checking if the building is sound, we can move in. Nothing more complicated than that."
Marxcim stared at Gelet, before throwing his hands up into the air, walking off in a huff. Not without signing a "Bloddy Goody Two-Shoes," into the air, however.
"Hey man, why's the boss in such a mood? I'd be happy if someone did my job for free," a second worker called over, confused, but happily surprised at what happened.
"Eh, you know how those artsy types are. Probably wanted to paint it orange with blue dots or some shit like that."
"Okay, how is everyone so calm about this? Somethin just ate the brains of sixty people," Greg asked into the room, unnerved by how everyone took the news about "The Silence" so well.
"That's because you ain't from around here. That shit happens every decade like clockwork. Nothing new," an older man from the back called out, not even bothering to put down his newspaper.
Greg stared at him, shocked by his answer. "Every decade? YOu mean that some unknown Horror walks around the region, and no one does anything against that?"
The man looked over his newspaper, annoyed. "Look, I know that you Pilgrims are all about that "making the world a better place" and shit, but I'd advise you not to go against that piece of shit the ancients left behind. Others have tried to hunt it down. The lucky ones died before they knew it, the unlucky ones saw what happened, and ran back to the nearest village or city, screaming about demons in the night, stalking the souls of man. So, just be glad it only killed sixty. The bad decades are those it destroys a few villages." He goes back to reading his news. Greg stares at the man.
Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the Pilgrims' message, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: Automatic Success
Reward: 1d20+3 Recruits)
[ ] The Pilgrims Need You!
Your missionaries can walk much further and stay out for much longer with the help of the inn. This directly translates to more people hearing the Pilgrims' message, though you may want to focus on one group of people to maximize the effect this will have.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 95%
Reward: 4d20+10 Recruits)
[ ] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Mirn)
Now that you have a soup kitchen, it is time to expand them to cover the city. About three more should give you a solid base for future expansions and provide your other ventures with places to attach to.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Cost: 11 Materials Upkeep: + 2.5 Materials to soup-kitchens
Reward: 3d6 Recruits, +0.04 Goodwill per turn, 1d3-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)
[ ] Establish Another Soup-Kitchen (1/3)(Mirn)
Another soup-kitchen allows you to feed more people, which in turn makes them like you more. A win-win!
(Chance: 80%
Cost: 4 Materials Upkeep: + 1 Material to soup-kitchens
Reward: 1d6 Recruits, +0.01 Goodwill per turn, unlocks further actions)
[ ] Establish A Poor-House
The Poor-houses in the Empire are not great places to live in. They are overflowing with the desperate and needy and cramped beyond all reason. Those who live in them are also forced to work for a pittance of what they would have earned if they had done the same work in the streets. While the Pilgrims cannot provide for everyone, it is within your capacity to provide adequate and humane shelter for around 100 People in the city.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 2.5 Materials
Reward: 1d2+1 permanent recruitment, +0.1 Goodwill per turn, 1d4-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)
[ ] Establish A Small Hospice - (Choose City)
While a Hospice does cater to the dying, their primary purpose is to heal the sick who cannot afford to see a doctor. Unfortunately, you cannot provide more than the most basic medical procedures until you make some deals and agreements with those who have studied medicine.
(Chance: 20%
Cost: 3 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Material
Reward: +0.01 Goodwill per turn, 1d5-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)
[ ] Expand Your Hospices
While you have acceptable Hospices, there are many things you can improve. Capacity, treatments, things like that. Better get to it!
(Cost: 5 Materials per Hospice, Upkeep: +1 Material per Hospice
Reward: +0.05 Goodwill per turn per Hospice, 1d5+1 Goodwill)
[ ] Healing For All!
You have the money; they have the expertise. Announce that the Pilgrims will shoulder all costs for any medical procedure done by the Herbalists for the next three months.
(Cost: 8 Materials
Chance: 65%
Reward: Healers gain influence, 1d3 Goodwill.)
[ ]A Home away from Home - (Location)
While the Tree of Knowledge is the center and home of the Pilgrims, there are many projects and actions to help others that happen away from it. Traveling between the Tree and other cities takes time and, occasionally, resources. A small base closer to those places, serving as a shelter and temporary home for the Pilgrims working there, could help.
(Cost: 4 Materials, Upkeep: 1.5 Materials
Reward: Local Base, Upkeep of all structure in the chosen location reduced by 0.10 Materials)
[ ] Hey, Why Don't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)
Diplomacy:The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A word in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] We Are One People! - (Choose Elite Or Locals)
To harm someone because they look different is idiotic and utterly wrong. You cannot push another down and still call yourself righteous, no matter how they look. Even the lowest deserve our respect as fellow human beings. Start a propaganda campaign to change the Mutated view, bringing the people together and starting on the road to reconciliation.
(Cost: 20 Materials
Chance: 60% (rolled each turn)
Successes Needed: 4
Reward: +1 Relationship for the Mutated with the chosen faction, +15% Piety, 3d20 Recruits, +1d12 Goodwill)
[ ] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Choose Faction)
Your training for the diplomats is as comprehensive as possible to create for the foreseeable future. Now you either need institutional knowledge or an in-depth look into one faction to help you out more.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 55% for Locals, 40% for Elite, cannot choose The Union of Herbalists
Reward: +15 to all rolls involving said faction.)
[ ] High-End Introduction - (Choose Elite Faction)
You should probably introduce yourself to the local Nobility, Church, and Military to assure them that you are no threat and will comply with any official and legal requests to ensure that there is no miscommunication with the Pilgrims. It would also ensure that you could ask for help from them in the future.
(Chance: 65% for Nobility and Churches (choose The Emperor, Marquis of Tessen, House Ulatarn, Church of Eden, The Followers of Light), rolled with a +10
Reward: Official point of contact with a faction and unlocks future actions)
[ ] Train The Infiltrator-Corp - (Greater)
What's done is done, now you can only ensure that they do the best job that they can do.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 45%
Reward: Can infiltrate factions for fewer Materials. Raised Chances to secret actions)
[ ] Infiltrate - (Target)
With spies now available to the Pilgrims, it may be the time to make sure that they are in place to ply their trade.
(Cost: 3 Materials
Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Reward: Target is Infiltrated, displays more information, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)
[ ] Exfiltrate - (Target)
What is yours is mine; what is mine is none of your concern.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Depending on the faction)
[ ] Illuminate - (Target)
Holder of justice, beacon in the dark, I have sinned. Liberate me of my darkness, unburden me of this pain. May my deed feed that which may eternally grow.
(Cost: 6 Materials
Chance: 50%
Reward: Target has their operations/structures halted/crippled/terminated.)
[ ] Unity Of Purpose
What higher purpose is there than to heal broken bones, to mend open wounds, and ease the suffering of the sick? What better way to advance towards a future where none have to die because they cannot afford to heal than to strike out united?
(Cost: 4 Materials
Turns: 3
Chance: 30% to not anger both Unionists and Base, 65% to not anger Base, 70% to succeed
Reward: The Herbalists become aligned with the Pilgrims, +1 Relationship, more influence.)
[ ] A Grand Step
Being officially recognized as an official religion has done wonders for the number of doors open to the Pilgrims. Two of those doors are the right to open a school and orphanage. You should make sure that you have enough income to run them, however since those institutions eat money like it is going out of style.
(Chance: 55%
Reward: Can construct a school and orphanage.)
[ ] Shouldn't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)
Martial: To live, you need power. To have power, you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Push Them Out
The last months have seen an uphill battle to push the migrating Blightdogs out of the region, and you were mostly successful! There is just one last effort needed to make sure that they won't become a problem again. Too bad that the amount of corpses has crashed the market, but at least you prevented many people from being hurt.
(Cost: At least 1 Unit
Chance: 65%
Reward: 1d4-2 Materials.)
[ ] Scout Out.
While you know that enemies exist in one location, you do not know what forces they represent and how many. Remedy that.
(Takes 1 Unit - (Specify which)
Chance: 70%, starts Combat if failed by more than 20%
Reward: Numbers and composition of Enemies are revealed at the chosen location.)
[ ] Build An Armory - (Basic)
No one likes it when someone starts to stockpile weapons. For cults? Triply so.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 3 Materials, 4 Goodwill
Reward: Can supply and equip 3 Units. Unlocks further actions)
[ ] Build A Training Field - (Expanded)
A big field to run laps around with some practice dummies for bot ranged and melee combat is lovely and all, but it isn't enough. Buy state-of-the-art equipment, have a dedicated trainer on hand, and refine your methods to turn people into soldiers.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 18 Materials, 6 Goodwill, 1 Faithful, +2 Materials upkeep
Reward: Can recruit Units at (3/6 Trained) instead of (2/6 Militia))
[ ] Create A Dedicated Range
One of the main problems you have had in your training is that there wasn't enough space to truly learn out how to use a ranged weapon effectively, and how to switch to CQC in a moments notice. See to establishing proper ways to do so.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 5 Materials, 0.5 Goodwill
Reward: Lowers malus when switching from ranged to -10.)
[ ] Construct A Hangar
The repair and maintenance of Knights is an affair that requires both space and expertise. Since you can dig the former, you only need to supply the latter.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 9 Materials, 1 Goodwill
Reward: Can start repairs of the Pilgrims Knight, increased chance for Knight research, reduced numbers of successes needed.)
[ ] Pump Those Legs! - (Choose A Unit-Name)(Choose Equipment)
You have things people want. Some of those are not the kind to kindly ask for a price, but instead, simply take. Well, the Pilgrims may be idealists, but they are long-used to the horrors of the Wastes. Formalize the in a military unit.
(Cost: X(Equipment) Materials, 3 Goodwill, +2.50 Materials Unit-Upkeep
Reward: 1 New Unit (Size 6/6) at Militia (2/6)
[ ] Sir! The Situation Is As Follows: (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)
Learning:Knowledge is Power. (Choose 1 Action)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus, but are consumed unless special buildings are present)
[ ] Of Deterrents and Lures
The increasing number of Blightdogs that stream into Tessen is a danger to many people. While you can't hunt them all, you can develop something to prevent attacks on humans. A chemical repellant that keeps Blightdogs away from humans could save many lives. Of course, the Blightdogs still must be hunted, or people will die from the long-term consequences of the Blightdog invasion, so developing a lure would help too.
(Chance: 50% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Blightdog Lure/Repellant, increased chance of success for The Last Push, +1 Materials in sales.)
[ ] Tell Me Your Secrets - (Mineralogy/ Advanced Alloys)
Jewel is a curious metal. Or substance. Or chemical. Or a myriad of other things, since none know what it is, only that it is used in Knights, and those that do know, won't tell anyone. Well, you have a deposit of the stuff, why not see for yourself?
(Chance: 55% Successes needed: 2
Reward: Potential uses of Jewel, increased chance for Catalog Everything)
[ ] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics)
While you have a functioning motherboard, you have no idea what it is supposed to do, or how it even functions. Start unraveling the mystery of circuitry.
(Needed Artifact: Rare Electronic
Chance: 35% Successes needed: 4
Reward: Unlocks Base Action, Unlocks Learning Action, +5% Piety, Progress towards Pilgrim-made Electronics.)
[ ] Beyond Mortal Ears - (Metallurgy/Biology)
The Pilgrims have probably the highest amount (seen proportionally) of Mutated in their armed ranks. It makes sense even; enhanced hearing, sight, smell, strength, and many more make a Mutated valuable addition to any Unit. Making use of the hearing part to relay orders would grant the Pilgrims an edge in Combat (as long as said Mutated are alive). As such, developing pipes that humans cannot (or just barely) hear to relay simple orders should be looked into and rudimentary codes.
(Cost: 1 Material
Chance: 45% Successes needed: 1
Reward: All Pilgrim Units gain a +3 co-ordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, caps at +15, cannot be provided by a Unit a half-strength.)
[ ] Sandcrete Localized - (Chemical) - (Cannot Use In The Name Of Profit)
Sandcrete is a miraculous substance and has one significant advantage that nullifies its glaring weakness: adaptability. Even with your rather barebone facilities, adapting its formula to local needs and supplies is easy and quick! You just need to put in the effort to do so.
(Chance: 80% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Sandcrete costs reduced by 2.5 Materials.)
[ ] Repair The Hammer - (Weapons/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Finding this weapon was a stroke of luck! After all, making a weapon for Knights is much more complicated than giving them a big piece of metal! While damaged, patching the hammer up and reinforcing it should provide your Knight with a powerful weapon in future fights. It would also allow you a glimpse into the inner workings of Knight-Weapons.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer
Chance: 55% Successes needed: 2
Reward: "Bonecrusher" armament for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Weapons.)
[ ] Repair The Shield - (Armor/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Together with the hammer, your scavengers found a discarded shield. While there is a rather big hole in the middle and the edges have been somewhat melted, you should nonetheless be able to recreate this piece of armor for your Knight after studying it.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield
Chance: 60% Successes needed: 2
Reward: "Saviour" equipment for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Shields.)
[ ] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics)
A Knight is in your camp. A cored, burned out and heavily damaged Knight, but a Knight nonetheless. Finding out which systems are salvageable and which should be removed is tantamount. As is understanding just what does what.
(Chance: 2% Successes needed: 17
Reward: You can start repairing the found Knight, may finish other Learning Actions due to osmosis, and unlocks further actions.
Warning: Due to an absence of both a Lab and a Hangar, it is recommended to wait on starting this project.)
[ ] That Stone Is Talking - (Fabrics/Chemical)
Creating a cloak that makes people miss you on a casual glance takes skill and hard work. Making one that could stand up to multi-second scrutiny, however...
(Chance: 30% Successes needed: 4
Reward: Reduced chance to be detected + increased chance to complete all scouting actions, unlocks further actions, replaces Camo-Cloaks(Standardized))
[ ] Get To The Point
The best-ranged weapons the Pilgrims can give to their volunteers are currently bows and slings. That's enough for self-defense but not enough for a war. Use the examples of crossbows you have or bought, to develop your own.
(Cost: Artifact Type: Weapon + Crossbow, or bought Crossbow.
Chance: 70% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: "Pointer" +1 damage against armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls)
[ ] Flow Like Water - (Machinery)
While uncommon, waterwheels are used for industrials purposes besides agriculture. It should be easy to adapt one to help with your mines, especially with the Artifact you posses.
(Needed Artifact: Diagram For A Waterwheel
Chance: 85% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Reduced Upkeep for all your mines, can be upgraded to increase their yield.)
[ ] Reach Out And Stab Someone - (Weapons)
A weapon the Pilgrims found in the Forest, that could be studied for re-creation. While this would be less useful for your scouts, it is a good weapon for guards and other warriors who don't have to be mobile. The extended reach is also helpful if some Mutant tries to eat you, so it's worth researching.
(Needed Artifact: Glaive
Chance: 80% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: Glaive, has traits "Two-Handed," "Reach," and "Monster-Slayer")
[ ] A Shielded Approach - (Armor)
While shields are more of a hindrance to your scouts, the Pilgrims found several pre-Fall examples that could change that, or at least allow you to make better shields.
(Chance: 70% Successes needed: 1
Reward: A better shield.)
[ ] The Feather Is Mightier Than The Sword, At Least Against Paperwork - (Advanced Mechanics/Biology)
Another Artefact found in the ruins of the old world. While it may not be as impressive as other Artefacts, the scribes and bookkeepers of the Pilgrims are very interested in finding ways to produce them for themselves. Which wasn't that important to Martyris until Nexa joined them in their demands. Who knew she would develop such a dislike for paperwork? The downside of trying to produce it is that you need some very complicated parts.
(Needed Artifact: Mechanical Pencil
Chance: 35% Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Reduced Upkeep for the Administration Center, +2 Materials Income from sales.)
[ ] Heavy Metal - (Choose Grade: Medium/Heavy/Super-Heavy) - (Metallurgy/Armor)
While the Armored Camo-Cloaks of the Pilgrims are excellent pieces of armor, it is a fact that they don't focus on being armor. Sooner or later, Pilgrims will get into a fight where stealth is not an option, and the basic leather armor won't be enough. Use some of the knowledge the Pilgrims found to develop armor that is better than the basic versions.
(Chance: 90/75/45% Successes Needed: 1/1/2
Reward: Armor.)
[ ] Lock and Key - (Mechanics)
Two times the Tree was infiltrated, and it was only thanks to luck that nobody died. While organizing guards will make your home safer, you can do more. With this Artefact, the Pilgrims can develop ways to make it even more difficult for any enemy to infiltrate their home.
(Needed Artifact: Mechanical Lock
Cost: 2 Materials
Chance: 70% Successes Needed: 1
Reward: Raised DC for infiltrators.)
[ ] Keeping Cool - (Electrical/Mechanical)
Food storage and preservation are, compared to before the Fall, rather limited. While salted and dried food exists, those are more useful for long-term storage than day to day use. Research of this Artefact should allow the Pilgrims to preserve and store food in a way that is more useful for daily use and could allow other further-reaching developments.
(Needed Artifact: Diagram Of A Rudimentary Icebox
Chance: 05% Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Reduced Upkeep of the Storerooms, selling of iceboxes, upgrade to the inn, unlock further Learning Actions.)
[ ] Under Pressure - (Mechanical/Hydraulic/Electrical
Another Artefact, the Pilgrims, found, which analysis would affect a variety of fields. From the prevention of mines being flooded, over improvements to the water supply, and even better irrigation of fields. The ability to move large quantities of water without buckets has many uses.
(Needed Artifact: Broken Pump
Chance: 35% Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Improved Hygenic Living, Improved Desalination Basins, increased income from Mines.)
[ ] The Return of the Can Opener - (Weapons)
While the Pilgrim already developed an ax for their use, the Bloodletter is most useful against "soft" targets. Melee against a heavily armored enemy should be avoided, but the Pilgrims' scouts never know what they might find in the ruins of the old world. In such cases, having an option to deal with armored enemies would be useful.
(Needed Artifact: Armor Piercing Ax
Chance: 80% Successes Needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: AP-Ax)
[ ] Tools of the Trade - (Medical/Biological)
While the mining of silver and the farming of Bloodbark gave the Pilgrims options to heal their injuries and those of others, that are only basic materials and not proper tools or procedures. The research of this Artefact should improve the Pilgrims' ability to heal a variety of injuries and develop advanced protocols for their proper use.
(Needed Artifact: Surgeons Kit
Chance: 55% Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Improved Medikits, reduced Upkeep for the Medical Wing.)
[ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
Finding these texts was a stroke of luck, but it was bad luck that had it written in a language none of the Pilgrims can understand. Time to hit the local libraries and hit up local linguists to translate it.
(Cost: Untranslated Texts, Books, other.
Chance: 40% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Translated Artifact)
[ ] Eureka! (Write-In)
(Write in something you want to research, as well as how you came upon that idea. Better success-chances to the action if you mark a relevant artifact for this research.)
Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future, may we learn from their mistakes. (1 Action Locked)
[X] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every turn you spend on this action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over, no need for security or clearing places on your own)
-WO-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare-, Dice:4d2-5 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-WO-06: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-SO-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:2d2-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-SO-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane+, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:3d2-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
[ ] Send Out The Scavengers (Choose A Location)
Sometimes it is not worth it to send an expedition to a location, either due to its low yield or quality of the artifacts found there.
(Chance: 95%
Reward: 1 turn in the specified location.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Eastern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites and return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: Sites in the Eastern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 3% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Wall
A giant, crumbling wall surrounds the First Ring. Ancient rusting behemoths lay atop it, and military bases extended along with it. There is also an old bunker that no one has been able to open. You should see how many places have been untouched by scavengers and which ones you have to fight over. The spoils will be worth it.
(Chance: 80%
Reward: Sites in The Wall are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Gallery
Why the inhabitants gave taken to displaying the corpses of their enemies in something that resembles an art-exhibit is not something that you want to now. Whether or not you can access the different libraries and other book-stores is.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in The Gallery are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Tower Of Pain
Intact electronics, architecture that makes the air scream, the certainty of a significant find. What is there not to like?
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in The Tower Of Pain are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Smokestack
Old rusting machines lie here, standing vigil over wonders of old. Engines are heard working throughout the area, while the smokestack continues to belch black smoke into the air. What surprises await you once past the guardians, what greatness lies locked away?
(Chance: 65%
Reward: Sites in The Smokestack are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Scout The Pit
You are not sure what to find here, only that you are probably the first to look for artifacts. But your scouts have reported feeling like they are being watched...
(Chance: 99%
Reward: Sites in The Pit are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 25% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
[ ] Search for the Zone
Your efforts to learn more about the region have yielded an unusual fruit, that of the knowledge that your Knight was most likely part of the Revival Initiative. This polity operated deep inside the Forest, scavenging for artifacts like you, but they took it a step further. They build a small town in the Necropoli. Foolish, yet finding that town could end up unearthing treasures beyond imagination, or prove to be a giant disappointment.
(Chance: ???%
Turns: ???
Reward: The Zone can be scavenged.)
Tree of Knowledge:Home of the Pilgrims, a bastion of all they stand for, a symbol of hope for the desperate. (2 Actions Locked)
[ ] Living Quarters - Grand
While you have enough space for a small village in the Tree, you should expand what space is available. If anything, you will run out of rooms sooner rather than later.
(Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Materials
Turns: 4
Reward: Up to 900 Pilgrims can live in your base before mali start to apply)
[ ] Storerooms - Grand
Preparing for bad times is not only smart but necessary. Ensure that there are enough supplies and secure storerooms to last the Pilgrims for at least twelve months.
(Cost: 8.0 Materials Upkeep: 0.6 Materials Restock cost: 7 Materials
Turns: 3
Reward: Can support up to 900 Pilgrims for twelve months under siege conditions, before you need to gather new supplies)
[ ] Administration Center - Grand
Running the Pilgrims will, over time, become only more complicated and require more and more things to be handled at the same time, which means that you will have to create a bureaucracy to deal with this.
(Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 3 Material
Turns: 2
Reward: +1 Action to the specified section)
[X] Laboratories - Basic - (1/3 Turns)
Researching is not done by sitting in a tent, doodling on parchment, or throwing ideas at a wall to see what sticks. It is done in specialized environments, with purpose build equipment, and stocked up on anything that could be needed for experiments and developing prototypes.
(Cost: 20 Materials, +3.5 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 3
Reward: Improved success-chances, DC for 1,2,3 Progress unlocked, fewer successes needed for Catalog Everything, unlocks Learning Action, unlocks Base Action)
[ ] Sandcrete Mixer
Sandcrete is a miraculous substance. It can be mixed by using ubiquitous materials, reduces the time to build structures by months, and can be adapted to local needs practically on the fly! If only it weren't so damn hard to produce without specialized facilities.
(Cost: 35 Materials
Turns: 4
Reward: Sandcrete option costs reduced by 10 Materials, +10 to all Chemical research)
[X] Daycare - (1/2 Turns)
Well. There are a lot of babies around. And it does not look like they will go away soon (you hope), so maybe make sure that there is a place where they can grow up safely? The parents will thank you for that, as will all the babies that come after.
(Cost: 5 Materials, 1 Faithful, Upkeep: 0.5 Materials
Turns: 2
Reward: -1 to Piety rolls, +2 permanent recruitment due to births.)
[ ] Beautification
Now that you have more clerks keeping the Tree in order and organized, you could start a longterm project. Like, say, chiseling a ludicrous amount of art and engravings into the stone so that people will like living here more? Maxcim does have all those ideas...
(Cost: 10 Materials, Upkeep: 1 Material
Turns: 3
Reward: -1 to Piety rolls, the Tree will be much more beautiful.)
[ ] Medical Wing
Now that you have both silver, a self-cleaning metal, and a population that requires one, a medical wing would do much to reduce both plagues and heal injuries.
(Cost: 15 Materials, Upkeep: 1 Material
Turns: 2
Reward: Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 900 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.)
[ ] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic)
Humanity was born without claws or scales. So we forged them in the fire, hardened by iron and oiled by our blood. It's a good saying, but some Mutated with claws and scales find its implications insulting. At least you now have a smithy, so having to wait days for a new tool is a thing of the past.
(Cost: 7.5 Materials, Upkeep: 1 Material
Turns: 2
Reward: Lowered costs for all equipment, increased chances for all research, rolls with advantage for all melee weapons/equipment made od metal, can be upgraded.)
[ ] Salt Refinement
The salt that is generated can be further refined to achieve higher quality. This would subsequently boost sales.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Turns: 2
Reward: +1 Materials through salt sales per turn)
[ ] A Farm For Starters - (Choose Farmland) - (Choose Crop)
You have soil, seeds, and the will to put the latter in the former. How hard could it be? (All choices are locked until you wish to change them. Extremely Fertile Farmland increases the rewards by 0.5 unless stated otherwise.)
- Bloodbark
Cost: 8 Materials, only for the first harvest
Turns: 2
Reward: -1 to all casualty rolls, -0.6 Upkeep to all medical institutions - Sandwheat
Cost: 0.01 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 1
Reward: 1.5 Material in sales - Helo-Fruit
Cost: 2 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 2
Reward: 2d4 Materials in sales - Black Root
Cost: 3 Materials, only for the first harvest
Turns: 3
Reward: 3d4 Materials in sales - Asil Nuts
Cost: 4 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 4
Reward: 6d4-6 Materials in sales
[ ] Let's Build A (Write-In)
(What do you want to build, and what should the building provide?)
Support: Many people try to take advantage of you. Fortunately, they are willing to give you something back. (Actions as advertised)
[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] A Small Loan
(10 Materials loaned for four turns at 17% interest) -[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum non-illegal, non-military rare technology) -[ ] Selling Artifacts
(Write in artifacts that you want to sell) -[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Once Per Turn)
(Reduce Upkeep of one(1) structure by 0.15 Materials, can only be taken once a turn.)
[ ] The Adventurer Guild- (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Guardians For Hire - (Choose Location)
(Cost: +1.5 Materials to Upkeep
Reward: 1 Facility has security against violent actions) -[ ] Take 'Em Out - (Choose Target)
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks) -[ ] Investigate
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans for the next two turns are revealed.)
[ ] The Military - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Fell Off The Wagons - (Request 1 Piece Of Equipment)
(Cost: variable
Reward: 1 Piece Of Equipment - Military Grade.) -[ ] War Lessons
(Cost: 2 Material
Reward: +5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat.)
[ ] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Institutional Knowledge
(Cost: 4.25 Materials
Reward: +30 to Biological/Medicinal Learning Rolls) -[ ] Study Sessions
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 3.4 Material per turn, for 8 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Doctor) -[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology) -[ ] A Helping Hand - (Choose Faction) - Locked for 3 Turns
Cost: 1 Biological/Medicinal Artifact
Reward: Increase the control of the chosen faction by 1d6+4%, doubled for rare artifacts, worsened relations to other sub-factions, decreased cost for Union of Herbalists actions, unlocks more actions at certain control thresholds.)
[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Profit - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 15 Materials
Reward: +1 Progress for chosen Learning Action) -[ ] Because of SCIENCE! - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: +15 to chosen Learning Action) -[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (1/4 Turns)
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 6 Material per turn, for 4 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Scientist)
[ ] Criminal Organisations - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Auction- (Choose Artifact)
(Chance: 100%
Roll 1d2, on 1, add 1d50 to the price, on a 2, subtract 1d50) -[ ] Sabotage - (Choose Target)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks) -[ ] And Oh, My! - (Choose Faction)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 10 Materials
Reward: Blackmail of chosen faction obtained)
Personal: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (Choose 2 Actions)
[ ] Marry Selene
Every tradition will be observed, every bell and whistle pulled out, no expense spared, nothing left to chance. Traditionally, those asking the question give their hopefully soon-to-be spouse a weapon -this weapon is intended to be a signifier of their love. The gathered materials were a sign of the dangers they would brave for them, the craftsmanship a proof of their sweat, the scene carved upon the blade or hilt showing the one moment in which they couldn't live without the other anymore. I will gather the materials, cast it without help, carve into it my love for her, and give it to her at the place we met not so long ago. It will take much of my time, but she is worth every second, and more besides.
(Effect: Interlude: Two Hearts, One Soul
Will take up 2 Personal Actions.
Warning: The Church of Eden will loathe this. The Common People will not like this. ??? will ???. The Mutated will Love this.)
[ ] Condemn An Organization/Person As Heretical/Forbidden - (Choose Target) - (Write-In Reason)
You knew something like this would happen. Somehow, somewhere an organization or person would manage to draw your full ire. Not in the sense that you disagree with something they did, but what they represent and how they act in life. Well, you are now an official religion, and as such, are allowed to condemn them. Do so.
(Cost: All support options for the chosen organization will be void; the Leader will most likely hate you.
Reward: Opposing factions will love this act. A good enough reason can give you additional benefits.)
[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
There is simply too much to do and not enough hands to do it. Start helping out.
(Can be taken multiple times.
Reward: +1 Action is done)
[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)
[ ] Personal Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(Chance: 55% (choose The Emperor, Marquis of Tessen, House Ulatarn, Church of Eden, The Followers of Light), rolled with a +15
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)
[ ] Cool Tempers - (Material Cost)
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%, +10% for 5 Materials, +20% for 12 Materials
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 rolling above 60)
[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)
[ ] Charity Drive (X Goodwill)
It is an unfortunate truth that money does not grow from trees. This means that you need to get people to donate to ensure that the Pilgrims can continue their expansion.
(Chance: 0-30/50/70/95
Reward: Exchanges 1 Goodwill 0.5/1/1.5/2 Materials)
[ ] Write In
If you spot any mistakes or have questions, tell me so that I can provide a better experience.
Note: If the opinion on Mutated falls to -3, a PURGE is initiated.
Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.
A moratorium will be until 06.08.20 at 17:00 CET
Voting will be closed on the 08.08.20 at 17:00 CET
I will roll on the 09.08.20 at 17:00 CET if no has yet rolled.
Updates will be online three days after rolls.
6/6 Size
1/1 Armor
Training: Militia (2/6) -5 to all rolls
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat
Spears: 1 Damage per size (6 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +1 Armor
Who were those 3 arrested? Conspirators working with that noblewoman? Surely they can't be our guys.
When we use an artifact for research on something multi-turn the bonus from that artifact only counts for one turn right?
[ ][Faith] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Mirn) 11 materials
[ ][Diplomacy] Infiltrate - (Church of Eden) (3 materials)
[ ][Martial] Push Them Out
[ ][Learning] Flow Like Water
[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (SO-02) - (2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete) [X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Basic - (1/3 Turns)
[X][Tree of Knowledge] Daycare - (1/2 Turns)
[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] Selling Artifacts (Metallic Scrap , Rare Flower, Well Kept Picture Total: +0.94) -[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Once Per Turn)
[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (1/4 Turns) 6 mats
[ ][Personal] Too Much To Do - We Are One People! - (Locals) (20 materials)
[][Personal] Too Much To Do - Under Pressure
A tentative plan currently costing 40 materials, left some with X to show that they are locked in. When are we supposed to pay taxes?
Each categorie has at least 1 action for you to spend on one project. Due to you building the Administration Center, you have more actions in some categories, like Personal and Tree of Knowledge. If you have an action available this turn, and not bound up in an project, you can choose another project to do. How many Actions you have, and if they are free, is displayed at the end of an categorie description, right before the first project in that categorie.
Your Faithful are your special followers. They are the diehard believers. You can choose to turn them into a specialist, like a scientist, which you are doing now, or assign them to a project for a +1 per faithful to the roll.
I see. So the options that are locked are the ones we have started on. Are the things marked Free Actions able to be taken if we use all other actions?
Yes. Though you can choose to abbandon them. This would result in you losing 1 turn of progress for every two turns of neglect, coupled with a mali to rolling.
Does this plan work or did I not account for something?
[ ] [Faith] Establish A Poor-House 10 Materials Upkeep: 2.5 Materials
[ ] [Martial] Construct A Hangar 9 Materials, 1 Goodwill
[X] [Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (SO-02) - (2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Basic - (1/3 Turns)
[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Daycare - (1/2 Turns)
[ ] [Learning] Tell Me Your Secrets - (Mineralogy/ Advanced Alloys)
[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (1/4 Turns)
[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
-[ ] [Learning] Sandcrete Localized - (Chemical) - (Cannot Use In The Name Of Profit)
[ ] Lead By Example ([Diplomacy] We Are One People! - Elites. 20 materials)
Total cost of this plan in Materials is 39
@HeroCooky what are taxes and where can I find them?